
How to find a lost phone on android. How to find a stolen (lost) phone. Avast! Anti-Theft for android: protect your gadget

The loss of a phone is tantamount to a tragedy for almost everyone modern man... The sea of ​​information, including personal or confidential, which can become the property of an unfriendly thief, as well as the considerable cost of a decent new device, make users of mobile devices provide them with reliable protection. In this they are actively helped by all kinds of "spy" applications and Internet services. It's good if nothing like this happens to you, but everything happens in life. Therefore, we will devote this article to a topic that is absolutely relevant today: how to find a lost Android phone. There is far more than one quite affordable way for this.


This program is designed specifically for such cases and allows you to track almost all the manipulations that are performed on your device, even if it was now even in the opposite point of the Earth. Oddly enough, such capabilities are quite simple to manage. The main thing is that this service is already installed on it at the time of the loss of the phone (it is advisable to do this immediately after purchasing the device). Correctly installed application easily locate the device by GPS coordinates with an accuracy of one meter, and you can watch its movement directly from the screen of your home computer, smartphone or any other device that supports Internet access.

Talklog benefits

Such a pleasure, of course, is not free, but the money spent in which case will justify itself in full, and you will not have to guess how to find the location of the Android phone without resorting to the help of strangers or the police. Working in hidden mode the service does not in any way affect the functionality of other programs on your phone, so the thief will not even suspect that his movement is being closely monitored. Such a "spy" is capable of:

If you believe the reviews of Internet users, Talklog not only knows how to find a lost Android phone, but also allows you to completely control its work. Additional advantage this service consists in the possibility of free acquaintance with its work before direct purchase.

Plan B

An alternative version of the previous program is the development of Lookout Mobile Security - a program called "Plan B". Its main advantage is that there is no need to buy the service in advance - the utility can be installed after the phone is lost or stolen. Another advantage of the "contingency plan" is free installation... To do this, you just need to create your account on the website Android Market, download the installation file and remotely install it on the lost device. After that, your device will determine its coordinates via satellite communication and transmit them to the owner via e-mail. You can also use another phone: to the lost device you need to send a message with the text "LOCATE", to which the latter must send a message with its coordinates in response. As for reviews about free app Plan B, they are quite controversial. Some users are happy with everything and no longer worry about how to find a lost Android phone. But the rest complain about incompatibility with their operating systems, or about some other "glitches" in the program. Well, these are all the "delights" of free apps.


Are you still wondering how to find your lost Android phone? Then read on. The program, or, to be more precise, the whole service located at AndroidLost.com, also provides many possibilities. To use it, you need to either download the application from this site and install it on your device in advance, or use remote communication through the functions Google play(if the phone has already disappeared). Of course, Google will ask you to register in the system, but using your account it will be possible to fully track everything that is happening with your gadget at the moment, and even manage it. The most valuable functions of this service allow you to: determine the location of the device (using GPS navigation), block its operation, track all telephone conversations, control the operation of the smartphone using SMS messages.

Google services for Android

All of the options described above involve installing special software on a stolen smartphone. However, if you need to find an Android phone, Google is always happy to help! At the same time, you do not need to install any applications on the lost device, and it is not scary if you did not take care of the safety of your gadget in advance. In 2013, the developers of "Google" released a new product - a tool designed for smartphones running on the Android OS. Such a service can determine the coordinates of the location of your device and show them on the map. In addition, there is a function of implementing a remote call to a lost smartphone (even if the silent mode is activated on it or a new SIM card is installed).

Google's Android Device Manager works!

And finally, let's talk about the simplest and cheapest way to find a lost Android phone. To take advantage of Google service for Android, you don't need to make any changes to your phone or change its settings. This is only needed if you want to delete all data from the gadget stolen from you. The developer company provides such functions completely free of charge. To do this, you just need to create your account in google system and activate this service with it. Having another smartphone or tablet at hand, you can easily link it to the created account and start working with the program. It will take nothing at all, literally two minutes, but on the other hand, you won't have to worry about how to find your lost Android phone. Well, if you believe the words of people who at one time tried this opportunity, then the service really works. The only thing that prevents one hundred percent success is that the stolen device must be connected to the Internet at the time the platform is running. Otherwise, Google is powerless.


This is not the whole list of services available to smartphone users that will tell you how to find a stolen Android phone. But, perhaps, this article will lead you to the idea that you need to take care of the safety of your favorite gadget and the safety of its data in advance.

People regularly lose their mobile phones, sometimes even inside the apartment and cannot find it. You can find Android through Google if you make the necessary settings in advance and the device is turned on (even in silent mode). For this, standard tools from Google go additional applications.

Remote Control Google Find My Device

Adnroid developers have created a special function that helps to find an Android phone by Google account. For this search method, you first need to bind your device to the account. To carry out the search itself, you only need to have access to the Internet and a computer to log in. There is a special section inside the account that shows data about your mobile.

If you don't have a laptop or PC at hand, you can download the Find my device program to another Android device (tablet or phone), which has the same functionality. You will be able to use the Find My Device service if you activate the settings on your mobile beforehand; you will not be able to do this after being lost or stolen. The function is activated from the Android control menu.

Enabling the Device Management function

To obtain the necessary capabilities for managing and activating the method to track the device, it is necessary to perform a number of preliminary settings. The main task is to link your Google account and your phone. In the device manager, you need to enable remote control according to the following instructions:

  1. Sign in to your Google account. To do this, you can use the program or log in through the phone settings in the "My Accounts" menu.
  2. Open the section titled "Security".
  3. Inside, click on the section " Remote control Andriod ".
  4. Activate the "Remote settings lock" and "Remote search for devices" function.

Built-in service capabilities

With the help of Google accounting, you can not only track the location of the device on Android, but also perform a number of other actions. An important prerequisite for finding a phone when stolen is Wi-Fi enabled and geolocation function. Through the built-in service, you have access to:

  • Lock your phone through your Google account. To do this, the user enters a special password and the attacker will no longer be able to use the device.
  • The ability to track a stolen or lost smartphone if it has GPS and Wi-Fi enabled for data transfer. This is possible even if the SIM card is replaced or discarded.
  • Activation of a loud and continuous sound signal for 5 minutes even when the sound is turned off.
  • Factory reset function to prevent identity and information theft.
  • The ability to create a message that will be displayed on the smartphone screen.

Find Android phone via Find My Device and browser

The feature is disabled by default, but it is present on all devices that run Android. You do not need to install additional programs for this tracking method; the option is activated through the device manager. You can find a phone through Google account from a computer using a standard browser. To activate Find My Device you need on your phone:

  1. Open the "Google settings" item.
  2. Go to the "Security" tab.
  3. Opposite the item "Device administrators" check the box.
  4. Confirm function activation.

Log into your account from a computer through a browser and follow these steps:

  1. Open the search box at www.google.com/android/find?hl=en.
  2. If several gadgets are linked to your account, select the one you need.
  3. Wait until the system receives data (it will work only when GPS and Internet are on).

How to track an Android phone via google maps

Google Maps has received a new addition called "Show where I am". It became part of the official application and helps to determine the location of the Android phone. The function builds graphs of the user's movement along the route, marking points. To connect this method of tracking movements, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Install Google maps on your smartphone.
  2. Open the main menu and go to the application.
  3. Activate the function "Show where I am", set the tracking interval.
  4. Enter your phone number or mail.
  5. To track or spy, you need to open Google maps, start the "Show where I am" section. Select the device of interest from the list and see the result of the route recording.

One more interesting function from Google to track the phone is called "Timeline". It will not help you track the user in real time. It is used to see where a person has been in a certain period of time, works by analogy with a tracker on machines. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • open up Google maps under the account to which the phone is linked;
  • click on the "Chronology" item;
  • specify the required period for viewing: year, month, day;
  • wait for the results to be formed.

Geolocation Android using Google applications

You can track a person's movements both from a computer and from another phone. For this, the same tracking methods are used, the only difference is that additional applications are needed for the smartphone. They will receive information transmitted by the victim's phone. Most of the programs are free, the following options are popular among users:

  • Lost Android;
  • Where "s My Droid;
  • Lookout Security & Antivirus.

Where "s My Droid

A useful application that will help you find out where the user is with installed program... It has a wide functionality, which includes not only location determination. Using the utility, you can:

  • ring the phone so that it beeps even in silent mode;
  • get the coordinates of the device using SMS;
  • take a picture of a thief with front camera(pro version);
  • remove applications and modules (pro version) ;;
  • block all functions on the device (pro version);

Lost Android

Another way to track Android is Android app Lost Free. Fully free program, which has a wide range of functions. It must be installed on the phone in advance so that you can use the following functions in case of loss or theft:

  • activation or deactivation of GPS, Wi-Fi;
  • control of incoming and outgoing calls;
  • starting an alarm and flickering the screen;
  • deleting all data from Android;
  • creating a photo from any camera on the gadget.

This tracking method will help you track the moment you change your SIM card. The notification will come to the pre-specified email address. Removing Android Lost is tricky because it doesn't show up in the menu. The main rule is that the program must be installed on the phone immediately. If the gadget is lost or stolen, you will no longer be able to use this tracking method. You can download the utility from the official Google store.

Lookout Security & Antivirus

This is another way to track your or someone else's device. The utility must be installed on the phone in advance. The program is used from a computer by logging into an account. The application is not hidden on the device itself, so attackers can delete it. In this case, the last point where the gadget was tracked will be shown. This protection method will help you:

  • activate a loud sound message for search;
  • perform remote blocking;
  • data recovery.


You will need

  • Application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about loss or theft mobile phone, IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).


If you've lost your phone, don't panic right away. Try to call him or send an SMS. Maybe the phone will be somewhere nearby, and you, having heard the call, will find it. You may be able to contact the person who found the phone and ask for a return for a fee or even just like that.

If the phone does not answer, you need to write a statement to the police about the loss or theft of the phone and attach the IMEI to it. IMEI is an International Mobile Equipment Identity, most modern phones it is a 15-digit unique an identification number, which is entered into the database of registration of mobile devices and programmed in the "firmware" of the phone. The IMEI can be found on the phone box above the barcode and below rechargeable battery... It is also advisable to attach a phone box, a receipt and a warranty card to the application. All this is necessary to confirm the fact that this mobile device belongs to you.

From the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the operators mobile communications there should be a request to find the location of the phone by IMEI. When a mobile device is connected to any GSM network, IMEI is automatically sent to mobile operators, and they have technical capability determine within what base station there is a phone with this IMEI, and calculate its coordinates with a high degree of accuracy, even if the SIM card has been replaced in it. Upon request from the police, any mobile operator is required to provide information on the whereabouts of your phone with an indication on a map, as well as a list of calls made from the phone, if required.

There is another way to track a lost phone - use a special software which is widely distributed on the web. According to the developers, some applications are able, if necessary, to block the device, erase all important information on it, give alarm and warning signals to the kidnappers, send to email phone number if the SIM card is replaced. There are also many Internet services, created, among other things, by manufacturers of mobile equipment, capable of using the phone's GPS-module to determine its location and indicate it on a map. However, to ensure the accuracy of determining the coordinates of your lost mobile device using data electronic resources it is impossible, as well as to hope for high performance of specially installed applications.

Many users modern smartphones from time to time they are faced with the need to solve such a question as how to find an Android phone. As you know, telephones Apple can be easily found via standard remote access. The Android operating system is also characterized by its chips working in the direction. To quickly and easily find the loss, you can use internal tools and special programs.

The answer to this question can undoubtedly be given exclusively positively. The most important thing is to have a standard Google account at your disposal. Registering it is pretty simple. It is worth knowing that finding the location of the phone is easy and simple, but in some cases this cannot guarantee its full return.

If the device has been stolen, you will have to lock it through the standard remote control mode or, more importantly, limit the ability to view personal information to the maximum. These are important operations and should not be neglected.

You can solve the question of how to find a lost Android via GPS using SeekDroid: Find My Phone. You can find the application on the official portal Play Market... For optimal and comfortable use, you will need to take care of the availability of administrator rights, it is worth registering account from similar service... The software user determines the configuration level, that is, how the information will be deleted, activated, formatted and other operations of a different plan.

How to find Android: all the ways

The user usually does not face problems with how to quickly find a lost device. Here are some of the most effective and simple ways How to find your lost Android phone:

  • If the smartphone is not located, it is possible to carry out a special Call function. For five minutes, the usual ringtone will play, and it doesn't matter if the phone is turned off or on. If you do not hear the signal, you can judge that the device is outside the house;
  • Google has the ability to easily and easily locate a lost phone using GPS, Wi-Fi and cellular communications. Even if a new SIM card is already installed in the device. In a situation where the device is completely disconnected from communication, these methods will not work;
  • The main tool for detecting a phone is the Internet. After performing certain actions, the user will be shown the extreme location of the device. Typically, this is the area where smartphone activity has been recorded.

You can also remove it, after which it will not be possible to completely restore the readings. The most that can be done is to unlock. Personal information will not be passed on to criminals. For people who contain numerous contacts and personal information in its database, this is the best option.

Via computer

To solve the question of how to find a lost Android phone through a computer, you will need to prepare a PC with traffic, also on lost smartphone you must be logged into the portal Google browser... This method will allow you to find the place where the smartphone is located if it is within a radius of about 1.5 km. If the phone is running the GPRS or Wi-Fi options, the accuracy of the location address will be significantly increased.

After carrying out or checking the preparatory processes, you can proceed directly to the search. Actions of the following order are performed here:

  1. Go to https://www.google.com/android/devicemanager?hl=ru&u=0 and enter mailbox and the access code that was previously entered on the gadget.
  2. After the transition, the person enters the section with remote control of the OS.
  3. After a few minutes, the utility will display the location using a circle.

This circle is the radius of the smartphone. At the same time, information on the time of receipt of information, as well as the possible error, will be displayed at the top. This form remote order will provide an opportunity to find out in what period the last time was connected to the network.

Through the Internet

A large number of opportunities are open to users, how to find a gadget via the Internet by phone number, if they have lost their Android phone. You just need to download and launch a special application and find a device with a minimum amount of time.

Among the many offers it is worth noting "Lost Android". After installing and activating it, it changes the shortcut. This is a kind of trick of the developer. After downloading, the user opens up a huge number of various possibilities aimed at searching:

  • Calling by means of a vibration signal;
  • Determination of the location using the built-in GPS and the possibility of connecting the Internet;
  • Identifying the status of the device;
  • Blocking of information and the possibility of their irrevocable deletion;
  • Running wireless network Internet, location search, flash, redirect and receive a list of calls with different installed software;
  • Studying the browsing history in the browser;
  • You can take a picture of a fraudster using a special cunning system. A message is sent and as soon as the robber receives and opens it, the camera immediately takes a picture of it;
  • Recording sounds to the built-in dictaphone.

The software allows you to find a gadget as quickly as possible through a well-thought-out remote access in management. Another major benefit is that you don't have to pay to download and use the app.


It will be possible to find a lost device without problems and very quickly only if you have a connected GPS. Without using it, you will not be able to find anything, and this is a drawback of such software. If everything is connected, the user will be able to launch a special sound signal, and then display the message in the device menu.

Having received access to the phone through remote control, you can find out:

  1. Charging level;
  2. SIM card number;
  3. IMEI;
  4. A few of the most extreme perfect calls.

SeekDroid: Find My Phone can be made completely invisible if desired. It is allowed to set a code on the lock screen and, if data is lost, erase all personal information.

Optimal search results can be obtained by using satellite capabilities. This optimal solution the question of what to do in this situation. In this case, a special Android Device Manager service is used. It should be noted right away that the capabilities of such a service are somewhat limited.

By phone number

To solve the question of how to find the missing Android phone, you can act through a standard phone number. The search is carried out on ordinary cell towers and works in all modern operators without exception:

  • Beeline.
  • Megaphone.
  • Velcom.
  • TELE2.

The most important functions of this service require payment. Without paying anything, you can only find out the locality where the desired device is currently located. To get the exact coordinates, you will need to pay 500 rubles and carry out the registration process.

In any case, as soon as the phone is gone, you need to take care of the complete safety of all confidential information entered into its database. The best option will use blocking or complete removal all the required data.

How to find a stolen Android smartphone via satellite?

If the smartphone is turned off, if it was reset standard settings, the device cannot be found. The search is carried out through the following sequence of actions:

  1. You are taken to the Remote Control page.
  2. In the list presented to your attention, you can choose your device, which is important if there are several of them.
  3. Next to the selected option, you need to activate the icon with the inscription Determine the location.
  4. After a few minutes, you can see a marker on the map and information regarding the time of the last connection to the network.

If the GPS option is connected to the phone, you can get the most accurate location of the phone via satellite. If the function is disabled, you can find out the approximate address - street and house.

If there is no signal to find the smartphone, you will need to use other options for finding - dialing, sending a special message to your phone, which will be displayed on the lock screen. The second option is more effective. This is the best opportunity for the new owner to call the owner. If the finder has a desire to return the phone, he will definitely take advantage of this opportunity.

Where to go if you can't find it?

If all attempts to find a Samsung smartphone have led nowhere, if there is a chance to find a thief in hot pursuit, revealing the fact of a crime, you need to contact the police for help. There is no need to be afraid of informing the police about the suspicions about the missing device. If this is not a fake call, there will be no problem. The duty officer is obliged to record the appeal on the committed crime, regardless of the factor, whether it is subject to investigation or not.

When contacting the police station and wanting to voice suspicions, you need to be careful. If an error appears and, as a result of the investigation, it turns out that the person is completely innocent, the applicant may be prescribed certain penalties. Before submitting an application, you should try to return it to your phone number.

The time period for filing a claim for a lost android is usually set by generally accepted standard rules. The statute of limitations for the crime is three years. Calculation is carried out from the date of the theft.

How long can it take since the phone was stolen?

If a person has lost his belongings and his personal phone and computer, the time limit established by law is automatically launched. The best option would be to carry out the filing of a theft report at the police station. If there is complete confidence that the communication medium has been stolen, timing will make a huge difference. Any intruder can be quickly found on the tablet in hot pursuit and completely free of charge.

If there is no hope of returning the device, it is worth reducing the possible losses associated with the leakage of personal data. To remove such information, you will need to activate the Clear button located in the section on remote control. After clicking on it, the device will be reset via the Internet, it will acquire the standard factory settings and at the same time destroy all information about the owner.

Summing up

Tracking a lost device via gps is easy. It is worth taking care of the complete safety of personal information and the iPhone itself in advance. After an accidental loss, theft, the user will be able to install additional applications of a different plan, use the built-in tools. You can find a program that with its functionality will allow you to quickly find a loss that works on android and without spending Money... It doesn't matter if it's on or off.

Mobile phone - irreplaceable attribute of modern life, which helps out sometimes in any situation. Unfortunately, sometimes trouble happens with this lifesaver. For example, some users need to know how to find a phone, if they have lost it and it is turned off, via satellite for free. And in this seemingly hopeless situation, there are several options for solutions.

A lost phone situation can happen to anyone, so in the first place you need to stay calm and immediately start looking, and not panic and blame yourself for distraction and inattention. You can lose your phone under different circumstances, therefore, the solutions in each situation will be different. For example, a phone fell out of a pocket while walking, it was forgotten at home or in a public place, or it was completely stolen by malefactors. In order to correctly answer the question of how to find a lost phone, you should in detail analyze each of the listed situations.

  1. If you suddenly did not find your favorite gadget, try to remember when was the last time you selected it... In most cases, the phone is forgotten somewhere at home, behind the bedside table or in the bathroom.
  2. If you are sure that your phone is definitely at home, but it is disconnected and you cannot call it, use the alarm clock. If this function is active, the gadget will ring at the appointed time.
  3. If you lost your phone on the street and cannot call it because the gadget is turned off, you should not immediately panic. Maybe, the phone turned off when dropped and lies somewhere, waiting for salvation. Come back and calmly walk along the last route, take a good look around and ask passers-by. It happens that the phone itself returns to the hands of its owner through decent and conscientious people.
  4. If none of the above situations suits you, and you have already lost your way in search of a phone, talk to modern technologies and services, everything has already been thought out for you.

How to find a switched off phone: by number, by IMEI, by SIM-card, by GPS

Modern methods of searching for lost and stolen mobile phones greatly help out their owners, and return faith in God, in people and in our valiant police. In a situation where the phone is stolen or lost, you can act in different ways.

  • You can try find a phone by number.
  • You can track the movement of your gadget through the Internet.
  • Find phone onIMEI.
  • Contact your mobile operator and try to find a lost or stolen gadget onSIM-card.

How to find a phone number?

For this type of search, the phone must be connected to special tracking service mobile devices ... This method will be effective if your phone fell into safe hands and scammers did not use it.

How to find a lost phone by IMEI?

To find the phone in this way, you need to know this very IMEI... These cherished 15 numbers, firstly, are unique to each gadget. And secondly, they are written on the packaging from the phone. If you threw out the box a long time ago (which you shouldn't have done), make sure that IMEI is recorded somewhere under the heading “ Important information". Do not write it down on your phone, as you may lose it.

How to find out the IMEI of your phone?

  • Dial in your device combination * # 06 # and you get necessary information about IMEI. Namely, 15 unique numbers for each of the SIM cards.
  • IMEI also located under the phone battery next to the serial number.
  • As we have already said, you should not throw away the box, there is also an IMEI.
  • Advise keep and warranty card to your phone.
  • Further, when you found your IMEI, the procedure is:

It should be borne in mind that the search for a mobile in this way should be carried out if you are sure that the phone has disappeared outside your house or apartment. If the police find a device in your home, then they can write out a fine for false treatment.

Also do not try to search for your phone using all kinds of services and sites, which supposedly will find your phone by IMEI for a certain fee. Firstly, it is not efficient, and secondly, it is expensive.

Remember, you can find your lost favorite gadget via google account for example or using special applications that should be installed on the phone in advance. There are also special service sites that only collect information about IMEI, however, do not search in any way. You can enter your phone code into the database and then, perhaps, someone will respond and return your cell friend for a reward.

How to find a mobile by GPS?

This function is available for phones of the brand iPhone... For example, if you have lost your old but beloved iPhone 5, you can reunite with your friend, if it has special program search and GPS successor... So you can track the location of your mobile on the street.

If you have a phone of another brand, for example, a Samsung, you can contact the mobile company and the operator will search for your phone using the GPS system. This will be done using a signal on the SIM card when the phone is turned on, as well as if it is turned off. Contact the office of the operator company, providing the number of the lost phone, its IMEI and the contract for obtaining a SIM card.

How to find a lost android phone via computer?

We told you about the most popular and most effective ways search for a mobile phone. It remains to figure out how to find a lost android phone through a computer, because this operating system also equipped with a convenient search service.

You will need very few conditions:

  • Google account;
  • naturally, access to a computer and the Internet;
  • special free program Android Device Manager.

Undoubtedly you need to take care of installing the service in advance so that you can remotely access your phone if you lose it. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install this program if a child uses the phone, then our answer is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, kids often lose gadgets. Moreover, a minimum of actions must be taken.

  1. Go to Phone settings.
  2. We find Security section.
  3. We see the item Device Administrators.
  4. Check the box next to the option "Android Remote Control".

If you have lost your phone with the search program installed, the phone itself must be turned on. Also on it must have internet access or working Wi-Fi. Geolocation must be active on your phone, and your Google account must be activated.
If all these conditions are met, you can track the location of your phone through your google account on the map. You can also call your phone from your computer, block it or erase all data so that they do not fall into the hands of intruders.

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