
How do I install WinRAR? Installing the WinRAR archiver! How to install the winrar program

The most paradoxical example of a purchase is the acquisition of WinRar. " Trial version»Differs from the complete one in only one factor: the presence of an offer to purchase during installation. Therefore, this archiver has become the subject of many comic disputes. However, the effectiveness of WinRAR is undeniable, as proven by over 500 million installations worldwide.

WinRAR is a package for creating archives that is so popular that the ".rar" format became the first synonym for the word "archive". Many do not even perceive other meanings of the word (for example, the place where documents are stored in the enterprise). The very essence boils down to the fact that with the help of special algorithms a document or a directory with documents is written in a different way, which can significantly reduce the space for their storage. The ".rar" format is used for the following purposes:

  • storage of documents that may be required later, but are not subject to change in the near future;
  • sending groups of documents using different systems (for example, a large number of photos via e-mail);
  • reduction of the space occupied by documents on the disk.

Find an Installer

The program is conditionally paid. Before, ToHow to install Winrar on Windows 10 buying it is optional. It is enough to go to the official website and select the "Download" button.

This will download the "x32" version for systems with a 32-bit architecture. It is not much different from "x64", and in fact there is no difference between them. But to be on the safe side, you can find a 64-bit version. To do this, you need to click the "Download" button.

Then click "Download" and wait until the download is complete.

Necessity of purchase

Absent as such. Full WinRAR functionality is available in free version and no pitfalls (as is often the case with Android applications) simply no. There is not even a difference between how to install Winrar on Windows 7 and on Windows 10. The algorithm is the same everywhere and does not require a purchase. However, you can use the app store for the "ten", but this method is even more complicated than choosing the version manually.


When talking about WinRAR, only simplicity comes to mind. During installation, the program creates only 2 windows: setting up the installer and setting up the program.

There are a couple of useful options in the customization window that are worth considering separately:

  • Integration with the shell. Allows to embed in the context menu of the right mouse button actions available through the archiver. This helps to avoid running the program when it is needed, but to do everything using the system.
  • Interface. Responsible for creating shortcuts.
  • List of associations. Useful not to resort to various additional programs. By associating ISO files with WinRAR it will be possible to view images through it.

WinRAR is a file archiver. To understand what it is, consider the following situation. Suppose you have a file that is close to your heart, for example, a music file, on your computer. The volume of this kind of information is always large (experts in such cases say that the file "weighs a lot"), and the file, accordingly, takes up a lot of space on your computer.

It, this place, could be used much more productively, but you don't want to part with your favorite music either. This is where the archiver comes to your aid (in our case, WinRAR). If you do not delve into technical terminology and speak in simple human (one might say, humane) language, the archiver allows you to compress files many times, making them compact and easy to store, and, if necessary, expand them to their original size.

How to install WinRAR archiver?

Step 1

First of all, of course, you will need to download a temporary version.

You can do it here: http://www.rarlab.com/

When you go to the site, find a section called Localized WinRAR versions, inside you will see a Russian link. You need it to download and install the Russian version of the program.

Click on the highlighted line. Now you need to know where you want to place the downloaded file. By silence, this is disk C. The inscription informing about this is in the line at the top and looks like this: C: \ Program Files \ WinRAR... We advise you not to reinvent the wheel and leave this location as the default. If for some reason you decided to reinvent the bicycle and want to place the program in another place - click on the arrow on the side and select the desired folder or section from the drop-down menu.

You are asked to indicate which archives your WinRAR archiver can work with. Better to check Select all. In the upper right, in the Interface section, specify where to place the program shortcuts. For example, check the box next to Add WinRAR Icon to Desktop. After all, as you already know, getting from Rabochy into any program is a trifling matter. Why do we need extra difficulties?

On the right below - the section Integration with the Windows shell. It enables you to embed a Windows program. That is, you will work with it using the same techniques and buttons as with others. Windows programs, which is very convenient because you have already learned the buttons.

In general, take a good look around, make a selection, select the one you need and click OK. If a point is not clear to you, go to Help and read the description of the mysterious option.

Click Launch WinRAR to launch the installed archiver (optional). Click Finish to close the window.

How Winrar works

To compress a file, proceed as follows: select the file, right-click and in the menu that appears, select Add to archive as (file name). You will see the created archive next to your file, You can add to the archive and folders, and several files at once. Why waste time on trifles?

The folder is archived in the same way as the file. In order to archive several files at once, you first need to select them. To do this, you need to click on required files while holding down the left mouse button and the Ctrl button.

And if the files are located in a group, then you can select them with one click of the mouse. To do this, place the cursor, for example, in the upper right corner of a group of files, press the left key and, while holding it, move the cursor to the lower left corner (diagonally). You will see that the files are framed. All files inside the frame will be highlighted in blue. This means they are marked.

Having moved the cursor to one of the selected files, also right-click and select the Add to archive as menu (the name of the folder in which the files are located will be indicated here).

Now let's fetch the files back. Right click on the archive, select Extract to (filename). You can extract it to the current folder, or you can extract it to a separate one: to do this, select the line Extract to folder (the name of the zipped file will be indicated here). You choose - and in front of you new folder... Go into it and make sure that all your files are in place, safe and sound.

Many programs that we download from the Internet are zipped (packaged) to reduce size. Those. programs are in the archive. Before installing the program from the archive, it must be unpacked (there are exceptions to this rule). Here is an example of installing a program for checking texts for plagiarism, which after downloading is in the archive.

Option 1. Only the ZIP archiver is installed on the computer

So, after downloading, a ZIP archive appears in the downloads folder.

Please note that the zipped file is displayed differently than the regular folder. The zipped folder has a zip lock. We can easily look into the archive folder and see the files needed to install the program in it.

Alas, if we try to start the installation by clicking on the setup icon, then the installation of the program will not start, but a message will appear “This application may use other compressed files stored in this folder. To run the application correctly, you must first extract all files. "

In a specific case, to install the program, you can run not the setup file (setup.exe), but the EtxtAntiplagiat file ( EtxtAntiplagiat.msi). However, in some cases it is necessary to extract all files from the archive, and only then proceed with the installation of the program. To extract files, use the button Extract all(see previous figure).

By pressing the button Overview, you can select the location where the archive will be unpacked. As an example, we will unpack the archive into the Program folder, which we will create on the desktop.

Now you can safely start installing the program. After double clicking on the icon setup the installation process will begin.

After double-clicking on the setup icon, the installation process of the program will begin

If the WinRAR archiver is installed on the computer, the actions will be slightly different.

Option 2. WinRAR archiver is installed on the computer

As a rule, after installing the WinRAR archiver on a computer, it becomes the default archiver, i.e. all archive files will be opened with WinRAR. If the WinRAR archiver is installed on the computer, the archive files look like a stack of books pulled by a belt.

WinRAR archiver is much more advanced than ZIP archiver bundled with Windows. In a specific case, WinRAR allows you to install the program by running the setup.exe file even without unpacking the archive into a separate folder. If you still need to unpack the archive, then in the context menu (called by the right mouse button) you can select the location for unpacking the archive.

For example, if you select the Extract to etxt_antiplagiat \ option, a folder will be created in the downloads folder that matches the archive name, into which the files extracted from the archive will be placed.

If you still have questions about installing programs from the archive, ask them in the comments.

Evgeny Mukhutdinov

WinRar is a popular archiving program, one of the main programs on every computer. Archivers can compress any files into archives to reduce their size, as well as extract files from archives. Until the 21st century, when there were no large media and every megabyte counted, archivers were especially needed. But even now their usefulness cannot be denied. A large number of programs and text files are distributed on the Internet just in the archives. This is very convenient because it is easier to download one archive, and not many small files separately, in addition, downloading archives is faster due to the smaller size.

Where to download WinRar

The most recent WinRar version can be downloaded from the official website at this link: http://www.win-rar.ru/download/. English releases of the program are posted at the very top of the site. You can choose Russian or any other release from the list below for windows 32bit or 64bit. Check the bitness of your Windows before downloading.

Click on "Russian" to download Russian WinRar and save the program installer to your desktop (or to another convenient place on your computer).

How to install WinRar

Run the winrar.exe you just downloaded. The WinRar installer will familiarize you with license agreement, click Install.

In the "WinRar Settings" window, you can not change anything, click "OK".

WinRar has been installed on your computer, click "Finish".

Now you can easily extract files from archives downloaded from the Internet. To do this, right-click on the archive and select "Extract to current folder". The folders or files that were in it will appear next to the archive.

Hello dear readers! Today we can say that the most popular program for archiving and unpacking data is the WinRar file archiver. The popularity of use in the computer environment, this archiver has received, primarily due to its integrated functions. In today's short article, I would like to tell you how to installWinRar.

But first, a few words about the archiver. WinRar archiver is special program, the main function of which is to reduce the volume of recorded files by creating special archives that can be successfully unpacked on another computer. Moreover, file compression directly depends on the file types themselves.

In addition, to ensure the confidentiality of data, users can set the restriction of access to a specific folder by setting a password. In one of the previous articles, I already said how to put a password on a folder using the WinRar archiver, see details in. You can also add that archivers are classified according to the degree of compression, as well as the speed of the operation. As a rule, if the operation speed is low, then the data compression ratio is very high, and when high speed on the contrary, it is low.

In general, we can say that this archiver is the most powerful tool for compressing data with its subsequent transfer and further storage. I will also add that thanks to the simple and intuitive interface of the program, it is very easy to work with such an archiver.

Now let's look at how you can install Winrar on your computer. It is not difficult to install WinRar on your computer.

In the opened new page You should choose the Russian version of the program.

At the beginning of the installation, you should specify the path to save the program, usually the Program Files folder is selected by default.

After the program is almost installed in the final stage, we will need to pay attention to the section "Associate WinRar c". In this section, I recommend that you check the boxes as shown in the image below.

As you can see, it is not difficult to install WinRar on your computer. That's all for today. See you all in the next article =>

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