
What is disk archiving for? Archiving files - how it works. Files are not archived what does this mean

Sooner or later, all beginners ask themselves the question: what is file archiving, why does the average user need it. We will try to give answers to these and some other questions related to the archiving process. After reading, you will begin to understand much better the nuances of working on a personal computer.

Archives: what is it

An archive is a container that holds a wide variety of types of data. Once in it, they are not only safely stored, but also slightly reduced in size due to the compression procedure.

The active use of archives on almost all computers in the world is explained by the convenient organization of the folder / file structure, reducing the size for sending by e-mail and making copies. Working with archives is simple and comfortable.

What subspecies are

  1. Self-extracting. In fact, we have before us an executable type, executed in exe format. Just run it - it will unpack itself to the location of your choice.
  2. Multivolume. This is the name of the archive, which is initially divided into several components. Has shown high efficiency when using large files. Divided them into compact parts, placed them on the media - and the trick is in the bag!
  3. Password-protected. Already from the name it is clear that you will not be able to open such an archive with a regular mouse click. You will need to enter a password. Cool thing when you need to protect personal data.
  4. Continuous. Each element is one whole. The pros are obvious, but there are also some drawbacks. To extract one of the elements, you will have to wait until the rest are unpacked.
Create a password for the archive

File archiving - what is it

Indeed, why archive documents and folders? Archiving is the process of creating an archive by packaging files. Can occur with or without compression.

For archiving, special programs are used, called archivers. This is ideal for those who would like to increase the free space on the hard drive, put files in order or organize a workspace on the computer.

An archiver is a special software designed to neatly pack files into an archive or, conversely, extract them from there. When creating archives, metadata is saved: name, creation time, access rights, etc. High-quality archivers can use lossless compression in order to reduce the weight of the archive. In the future, this will allow unpacking to be performed with an accuracy of one bit. The quality is not lost.

All files are compressed in completely different ways. Some are packed as text, that is, the size is reduced significantly. Others are purely binary (either greatly reduced in size, or remain almost unchanged).

Varieties of archivers: the best of the best

It would be nice to know which archivers are worth using and why. We have prepared this classification especially for you.


Perhaps the most popular archiver on the market. You should choose it because of its rich functionality, nice interface. The speed of work is decent, the quality of compression is also pleasing. Of course, in Russian. Supports all common types of archives - from rar and zip to 7z. An ideal choice for those who are just starting to master the computer.

WinRAR or WinZip - the choice is yours


No less well-known software with simply stunning functionality. Works with most popular extensions, translated into Russian. In short, if you have 10 gigabytes of photos on your disk, try WinZip. Using the WinZIP archiver, you can easily reduce their weight to 9.5 or even 9 gigabytes!

By the way, WinZip also perfectly synchronizes with cloud services, which is very, very convenient.


Free and no less popular software than WinZIP and WinRAR. Has its own extension 7z. It also supports such common formats as zip, rar, etc. The menu is designed in a simple, concise style. This makes the archiver even more attractive.

Like all the programs listed above, 7-ZIP is fully translated into Russian. The speed of work is very, very decent.


It is safe to say that before us is a full and very exact copy WinRAR programs... It duplicates the well-known archiver not only in functionality, but also in external style. Support for many formats is implemented, the compression ratio is amazing. Perhaps the only drawback of HaoZIP is the inability to pack data in RAR format... You will only have access to unpacking. We hope that this small flaw will be corrected as soon as possible.

Archiving files in Windows (video)

Instead of output

We hope you enjoyed the tutorial on data archiving. We will continue to publish materials on this topic. There are many interesting things ahead - stay with us!

However, in practice backup data seems to be one of those tasks that can be postponed until tomorrow. After all, our old HDD while it works fine, well, okay. When it comes to backups, theory and practice are separate until the day comes when a message like Invalidsystem configuration or Hard disk failure appears on the screen. hard disk).

Believe me, the loss of a hard disk “stuffed” with data not saved on any other media (and now, accordingly, found to be lost forever) quickly opens the eyes to the importance of performing a backup operation. To avoid this fate, you need to develop the habit of backing up regularly. V Windows versions offered before Vista, backups have never been as easy as they should have been.

Windows 7 Backup Program

Former Windows Backup program from Microsoft more resembled a solution added at the last moment, they say, the operating system should still have at least some kind of backup program. Users with a more serious attitude more often than not immediately replaced it with a more reliable alternative. third party program... Vista's archiving software was more advanced than its predecessors and did the following things.

  • Save the backup to an optical rewritable disk, USB flash drive, and other removable media.
  • Back up online.
  • After the program is properly configured, back up automatically, especially in the case of using resources with a lot of free space for placing files (for example, a hard disk or some kind of spacious network resource).
  • Create a system image backup that stores accurate information about the entire state of the computer and therefore provides the ability to perform a full system recovery in the event of a computer breakdown or theft.

The disadvantage of this program was the lack of friendliness towards experienced users: backups could only be done under the guidance of wizards and not manually.

The version of the backup software that ships with Windows 7 is even more advanced than that offered in Vista, and allows a little more control over what is backed up. The previously unnecessary Backup and Restore Center window has disappeared and is now replaced with a redesigned and improved Backup and Restore window.

To run the Windows 7 backup program you need to click on the button Start, enter the word archiving in the search field and select the option from the list of search results Archiving and restoring... Configuring and backing up Windows 7 files, we will continue in the next article (click on the link to continue)

You will believe us if we can assure you that this is the most complete and detailed manual on using Windows backup? If your answer is "No", we hasten to upset you - this is it. See for yourself!

Data safety is one of the main tasks when working at a computer. For this purpose, a huge number of rules and regulations are provided that must be followed. And also there is a mass special programs who help in this matter. Here we can mention antiviruses that cope with virtual threats, programs for diagnostics and recovery hard drives so that they last longer. And such an important aspect as data archiving, which we will talk about within the framework of this material.

What is data archiving

At this stage, all kinds of digital storage devices have a huge amount of memory. Flash memory cards, hard drives and specialized data storages provide tens and hundreds of terabytes of memory for your needs. But despite the fact that this volume is very large, it is in any case limited. Therefore, the task of saving memory is still relevant now. What is the easiest way to achieve your goal? Reduce the size of the files, of course.

This is precisely what is achieved through the use of the data archiving process. But that is not all. The safety of information is enhanced by the creation and use of data backups. Transmitting less information saves time and the available power of data transmission networks.

The process of compressing or archiving data is the transformation of the original information, based on special algorithms, in order to reduce its volume.

There are two main compression methods, lossy and lossless.

  1. Lossy compression- characterized by greater efficiency in terms of reducing the initial amount of data. Used to work with video, audio and graphic data. Lost information does not interfere with the recovery and subsequent use of information.
  2. Lossless compression- characterized by complete restoration of the original data from the archive. It is used to work with text files, program sources, and other information for which the loss of a part of the original data is critical.

Next, we will talk about creating archives (images) of the Windows operating system. They are used to recover from critical failures. Consider the built-in tools that carry out all the necessary operations.

It will come in handy for you:

Archiving in the Windows 7 operating system

So let's get to know the Windows backup tools. Click to start Start -> Control Panel -> Backup and Restore.

This is what the start window will look like when you first start it. Now is the time to move on to setting up. To do this, click the link " Configure backup".

We will move on to a dialog box in which we will need to select a storage location for the created archive.

There is not enough space on my computer's hard drive, so it is advisable to choose removable media. In general, backups should be stored in dedicated locations. A portable hard drive is fine.

Highlight desired device in the list and click Next.

In the next step, we need to choose which data should be archived.

We can leave this choice to the operating room Windows system... In this case, a backup copy of the system and personal files of users will be made.

V manual mode we can independently select user and other files that we want to add to the archive.

Select the appropriate item and click "Next".

Now we just have to check the archiving parameters again. If everything was selected correctly, press the button " Save parameters and start archiving ".

Upon completion of the process, you will have a ready-made archive file containing a backup copy of all the data you selected.


You can customize if necessary automatic start archiving systems. To do this, set up a schedule. This can be done at the first start, in the parameter confirmation window. There you will see a button " Change Schedule"Click it and adjust the settings as needed.

Select the time period, day of the week and time at which the backup process will start.

Space management

If you periodically create backups, then the space on your hard disk or other storage media will quickly run out. At the same time, outdated archives are losing their relevance. It would be wise to delete them - this will help save disk space and leave only fresh data. For these purposes, a special function is provided - space management. To launch it, press the button of the same name when you are in the main window of the program.

Here you can find information about the available archive data, together with the volume they occupy. By clicking on the " View archives", you can see all currently available backups, and delete outdated ones.

Recovering archived files

Now that we have a backup of the data we need, it's time to learn how to use it. Now we will look at the process of recovering files from an existing archive.

We return to the main window of the program again. Now we are interested in the "Recovery" block. After we create at least one backup, the "Restore my files" button will appear here. Press it. You will be taken to the " File recovery".

Now we need to select the files to recover. To do this, there are two buttons - "Browse files" and "Browse folders". The first will allow you to select a specific file or files, the second, respectively, entire folders.

After all the necessary files are selected, click the "Next" button.

Now we need to choose the location where we want to place the recovered files.

We can choose any drive or folder, or leave the original location. After that we press the "Restore" button. Now all that remains is to wait for the end of the process.

How to make a system image

The previous steps were mainly aimed at backing up user files. Now let's create a separate system image. We will use all the same data archiving tools.

We return to the main window of the program again and press the button " Create system image"located in the left navigation menu.

The next step is to choose the location of the archive.

Best to burn to a removable hard drive or DVD. Then we press the "Next" button.

Now you need to select the disks that will be included in the image. System disk, and reserved windows data must be selected without fail.

After all the required disks are selected, click the "Next" button. You will see a window for checking the backup settings. Make sure everything is correct again. Click "Archive" to start the process.

When the process is complete, a WindowsImageBackup folder will be created at the root of the system partition. It will contain a file with the extension .VHD - this is the system image file.

Restoring the system from an image

Now, in case of problems, we can restore the system from a previously prepared image. This is done as follows.

We start the computer and go to boot menu... To do this, press the F8 key, immediately after passing the POST test. This is the moment before the operating system has started yet.

If everything is done correctly, you should see a list of available computer boot options.

Choose the topmost option " Troubleshoot computer problems", and press Enter.

When the recovery environment starts, you will need to select the language and user you want to work under. Choose anyone with administrator rights.

When the window for choosing a recovery tool appears, you should click the " System image recovery".

The recovery wizard starts. You will only need to specify desired image, start the process and wait for it to complete. After that, you can restart your computer and check the result.

Video for the article:


Data archiving and backup are very powerful and useful tools. One of the expedient ways to use them is as follows.

Install on your computer operating system... Spend it full customization... Install everything required programs... After that, create a complete system image. Now, in case of failures, you can always restore it to working condition, and you do not have to waste time on subsequent configuration.

We have prepared a guide in which we told.

If the computer stops turning on, use the recommendations from the instructions

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected from us?

The archiving function may be needed by any user when some files or folders have been deleted, and the basket is already empty. Backup - effective method saving data.

Archiving is creating backup files in a compressed format for further transmission. Any information can be compressed: text, graphic documents, video, music, program codes, and more.

If you do not want to lose important information on windows 7, you need to periodically back up data and system settings. How often this needs to be done depends on the user's PC: how many files are in the system, how often they change (or new ones are created).

If you are using your computer to the maximum, then you may need to back up on windows 7 every week, or even every day. Such an event will secure important information.

To perform archiving, special archiving applications or resources of the OS itself are used. Also, some applications have built-in archiving methods.

How do I create a backup?

This requires the connection of an external storage medium. It can be a CD / DVD, USB stick, external hard disk. It is even possible to create an archive on another PC if the devices work in the same network.

PC data archiving

If you often make changes to folders and files on your computer, then the question “Why copy” should not arise. We recommend that you schedule automatic backups to be enabled. The backup will be made even while you are working on the device.

In general, the operating system of the computer itself can do regular archiving of information. This is necessary in case of system failure or complete failure.

To back up on windows 7 yourself, or to check the schedule of planned saves, you need to go to the "Backup and Restore Center". It can be found using the "Run" line in the "Start" menu of your computer.

In the application, you can configure the frequency of copying, you can specify the folders, copies of which are really important to archive. You can also specify how long old archived versions should be kept.

The backup process usually takes from 5 minutes to an hour (it all depends on the amount of information that needs to be compressed). In this case, the process can proceed in minimized mode, you may well continue to use the computer.

Backing up system files

To back up your data, do the following:

  • Open the "Backup and Restore" application by going to windows search 7 through the Start menu;
  • Going into the program, you can see a message that archiving is not configured. Then click "Configure backup" and adjust the desired parameters;
  • If not selected, you need to specify the location backup, for which an external hard drive is more suitable);
  • Select files to archive. If not selected, the system will do it automatically. In windows 7, the system does not copy information from libraries, desktop and standard folders (they can be seen on the right by clicking the "Start" button);
  • Check the data on archiving (you can change the schedule to the one that suits you);
  • Click "Save Settings". Archiving will start;
  • When the compression process is complete, go to "Space Management" (you can see all the archives here).

Extracting files from an archive

To recover data on windows 7, do the following:

  • Go to the "Backup and Restore" application, then - "Restore" (you can extract your own files, restore the data of other users, restore another archive);
  • Click "Recover files";
  • In the pop-up window, select one of the items "Browse files", "Browse folders" or "Search";
  • After selecting files or folders, click "Next";
  • Click "Browse" and specify a location (you can select the previous location, as well as extract to a new location);
  • Then the "Restore" button.


  1. If you deleted the file, you can extract it from the archive. Right-click on the folder in which it was placed and select the following value: "Restore old version»(If there are several archives, you can specify the version for which date you want to extract).
  2. If you need a specific file, you can open the compressed folder and find it there. You may have forgotten the exact name of the file. Then enter part of the name in the "Search" column, for which go to the "Computer" window. When you find a file, it is not necessary to click on it and indicate "Restore". Why do this if you can just drag it to the desired location. You can even restore it to the same external hard drive where the archive itself is located.
  3. If you need to restore part of a file, for example, if you have deleted some information from a document, right-click on the file and select "Restore Previous Version".

Other types of archiving

If we are talking about archiving on a computer using special programs (WinZIP, WinRAR), then it is usually used for other purposes. The main task of such applications is to compress data to a minimum size, so that it is easier to transfer it over the network or to transfer it to an external device (for example, the size of a disk is 4.6 GB, but you need to fit 6 GB information on it).

Reducing file size is a popular reason for archiving. Earlier (before the appearance of external drives with a large amount of memory), such a function was in great demand, since the resources of the hard drive were often not enough. Such archiving is not very popular today. What for? - After all, there are voluminous information carriers. If you need to copy data, then to a greater extent it is necessary to compress information for the purpose of backing it up on an external storage medium (that is, the system backup described above is suitable for these purposes).

Important: files zipped and placed on external media can only be opened using another (or the same) computer device that has extraction tools. So, if you put a large movie on disc and plan to play it on a DVD player, then you will fail. The player will "see" the archive itself, or not "see" it at all.

Archiving is a necessary tool for comfortable use of a PC and peace of mind for the safety of all necessary files. It is recommended to run it on every device. If too important information not on the computer, you can set up automatic data copying. In case of PC malfunctions, you can always restore the previous version of the system.

Archiving is the creation of an archive container for storing information. An archive can be created for:

  • one file;
  • multiple files;
  • one folder;
  • multiple folders;
  • for folder structure and subfolders.

Why do we need archiving?

1. Reduce the amount of information stored. Or in other words to compress files.

Usually, compression is what we mean by archiving. But not all files lend themselves to shrinking.

Text files are best compressed. For example, a 60 MB file can be reduced to 5 MB, i.e. 12 times. If you have little space on your computer, and a lot text information, then archiving will help increase the free disk space.

During archiving, psd files are also compressed. Storing them in the archive will also give a significant increase in free disk space.

If you archive pictures and photos, then the decrease in volume will be insignificant. An image weighing 100 mb will be compressed by only 1-2 mb.

The weight of video content does not change much, and audio only loses 5-7% in volume. To save disk space, archiving all these files only makes sense for very large volumes.

2. For easier transmission of documents, photos, videos and other materials by e-mail.

When sending information in a letter, the folder cannot be attached. You have to download each file separately. If there are a lot of them, it is very inconvenient and takes a lot of time. Then the archive helps us out. You attach only one file and the letter can be sent.

3.To upload files to cloud storage.

Now there are many services where you can get several GB for free for posting documents. If you need to upload 520 photos to the cloud, then they will take a very long time to upload. Archiving helps to reduce this time to a few minutes or even seconds.

4. For the safety of data stored on the computer.

All archivers allow adding recovery information to the archive during compression. If data is damaged or lost, it can be restored.

5. To protect information from prying eyes or interference.

The password provided by archiving tools is more secure than the password from standard tools Windows. Provided that it is not too simple. Just remember that if you lose your password, you won't be able to recover it. We'll have to look for a craftsman who will crack the archive.

6. To create the directory as is.

When it is necessary to transfer information, preserving the exact structure of all folders and subfolders, the archiver will again help out. When unpacking the archive, the recipient will see the identical location of all the elements located on the sender's computer. It is very convenient.

There are many archivers. Most popular: WinRar, WinZip, 7Zip.

I'm using a different program. It is free and is not inferior in functionality to these popular archivers. I will tell you what this program is next time.

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