
Why is not included in google play. Google Play Market account - login, registration and recovery. Erase Google Play Data

An Android smartphone or tablet does not connect to the Play Market, does not enter the Play Market store. You cannot log into your account Google play Store to download something new and interesting? Previously, entering this application was not difficult, but now you have problems with this?

Follow our advice in a few simple steps, and Play Market will work reliably and quickly on your device again. The bulk of problems and errors when entering Google Play occurs after installing the Freedom application. So let's see what you can do if your smartphone does not log into Google Play and other Google services.

Is there an Internet? We check the wi-fi connection.

It is trite, but sometimes the reason for the failure of the "Google Play Market" is the absence or malfunction of the Internet connection. If you use Wi-Fi, check if there is Internet by launching any browser on your device and try to go to any site. If you use Mobile Internet, then check if the "mobile data" option is enabled on your device (located in the "Settings" menu), whether the operator's Internet connection settings have failed, and whether the mobile Internet has been paid for. Also make sure the background data limit option is not enabled in Wi-Fi settings or mobile Internet.

We reboot the device.

The easiest way to deal with the problem is to reboot the device. In a large number of cases, this allows you to deal with all sorts of troubles in the operation of the system in the form of its crashes, freezes, and so on. Press and hold for a few seconds the on-off button of the device, select "restart" in the menu that appears and reboot. Some experts also recommend turning off the device completely, removing the battery for a couple of seconds, then putting it back in, closing the lid and turning the device back on.

We clean the settings.

Sometimes the reason for the incorrect operation of the play market is its settings and cache. To fix this, go to the "Settings" option of our smartphone or tablet, then click "Applications", then select the Google Play Market, click on it, in the settings click "Erase data", "Clear cache", and also "Delete updates". After completing these operations, reboot the device.

Stop and remove Google services.

Problems in operation can also be observed due to incorrect functionality of Google services. Go to "Settings", then "Applications", find there two applications: one - "Google Services Framework", the second - " Google services Play ", in each press" Force stop ", as well as" clear data "and" delete updates ". Reboot the device after performing these operations.

We turn on "Google Accounts".

Sometimes, for any reason, the Google Accounts application may be disabled, which automatically causes the Google Play Market to fail. To enable it, go to “Settings”, then “Applications”, then “All”, look for the “Google Accounts” application, click on it, and if it is disabled, then click “Enable”.

Does sync work.

It also doesn't hurt to check the synchronization of your Google account. Go to "Settings", select "Accounts" - "Google" and make sure that synchronization is enabled.

We check the "Download Manager".

Test the download manager by going to Applications, find an application called Download Manager, go into it and make sure it is active. Otherwise, activate it by clicking "Enable".

We work with the hosts file (you need root rights).

To perform the following actions, you will need the so-called "superuser rights" (root-rights) on your device. Users who are poorly versed in the functionality of the operating room Android systems, we can advise you to contact the specialists, since incorrect work with the settings of your device after obtaining root rights can literally kill your smartphone or tablet, turning it into a useless "brick", and this must be avoided.

So, Play Market may not work due to incorrect settings in the hosts file of your operating system. Using a regular explorer, go to the "system" folder, then go to the "etc" folder and find the "hosts" file, then open it for text editing and check that one of the lines of the file looks like this (it is desirable that there is only such string: localhost

Save this file and reboot the device.

We hope our advice helped you, and your Play Market is working. If not, then we recommend contacting qualified specialists who will carry out a complete diagnosis of your device, first identifying the cause of the problem, and then correcting it.

Many users of Android devices face a problem when PlayMarket (Play Market) does not work on android, both via mobile Internet and via Wi-Fi. Because of this, they cannot download any normal application, and installing programs from third-party sources is known to threaten the security of a smartphone. Usually, when the Play Market does not work on the android, it writes "no connection", "server error", "an error occurred" or "check the connection". It should be noted right away that the Play Market may not work for many reasons. In this article, we will look at all of these causes and how to fix them.

Google Play Market won't open - If you notice that Google Play has stopped functioning on your smartphone, first try restarting your device. It is very likely that your system just froze. This happens quite often with all Android devices. It should be said that restarting the device can fix bugs not only in the Play Market, but also in other applications for which you have noticed incorrect work. However, it may be that after restarting the problem will not be solved. In this case, try another solution to the problem.

  • Incompatible applications... In many cases, the Play Market refuses to start due to applications that block the operation of the market, as a result, the play market does not work on the android and an error has occurred or check the connection. The list of such programs is quite wide, but it is customary to include various applications for cracking games - for example, the well-known Freedom. When downloading from sites about the application by free, the instructions indicate that with this included application Play market may not work... It is solved by disabling in "Settings" - "Applications" (if it still does not enter the Play Market, restart the phone or tablet). If you need to quickly install a game application and do not have a lot of time to solve problems with the play market, then you can download games for android on other sites.
  • Reset google settings Play Market. In many cases, resetting the settings of this application helps to find a solution to the problem with the Play Store. To do this, follow the recommendations that are described in the instructions: - Open " Settings»Smartphone:
    - Go to the section “ Applications
    - In the list installed programs find Google play market
    - Then click on “clear cache” (if you are using an outdated version of your smartphone, you need to click on “ Erase data”)After you clear the application cache, it is highly recommended to restart your smartphone. This action will allow operating system it is much faster to discover the changes you have made. If everything goes well, the Play Market will work and you will be able to download new programs and games. If he still refuses to work, read on.
  • Delete google updates Play Market. Sometimes the Play Market on a phone or tablet does not work for the reason that the developers release updates that are either not fully finalized or are not compatible with your device. Try to open the settings menu of the Play Store application, as you did in the previous paragraph, and instead of clearing the cache, click on “ Remove updates”.This will return the application to its original state.
  • Reset the settings of the "Services Google Play ". Often, problems related to the functioning of Google Play are solved by resetting the settings of this application. To reset all program settings, follow these steps: - In the main menu, find “ Settings»
    - Go " Applications»
    - Find in the list “ Google Play services»
    - In the application settings, click “ Clear data" or " Clear cacheErrors in the application settings can affect the fact that the play market on the android does not work and the connection is missing.
  • Activate Boot Manager. Sometimes the Play Market does not start when the user turns off the application called “ Download manager”. In order to enable it, go to the "Applications" menu, find this program in the list (in the " Everything") And click on" Turn on”Or if there is no such button then just restart your smartphone and try using the Play Store.
  • Delete your Google account. Before following the recommendations of this paragraph, it is recommended to transfer all important data that is stored on the smartphone to some other storage medium. You can also synchronize data through a Google account. To do this, go to the settings through the main menu and find the item called “ Accounts”. In the window that opens, select your " Google“- account. Now click on the item that contains your email address. After that, you will be prompted to select the types of personal information that you are going to sync. Be sure to do backup personal information and phone contacts on the smartphone. If you want to sync everything installed applications, then press the button " incl"(Or" Options "). Now you need to delete your account and restart your device.

    All applications and all bugs that could interfere with it will be removed from your smartphone normal work your device. Try to go to the Play Market. If it works fine, sync and restore all your data.

  • Configure the hosts file". If you actively use applications such as Freedom, this item will be especially relevant to you. Go to the application settings menu. In the list that opens, find Freedom and in its settings click on the "Stop" button. After that, uninstall the app and restart your smartphone. Now check if Google Play has started working.
  • Reset Android settings. If you have tried all the above recommendations and in your case all of them turned out to be useless, you will have to move on to more radical measures. Such measures mean resetting all device settings. It is worth saying that this action is very effective and in most cases allows you to eliminate all bugs on the device. To reset the settings, go to the menu " Settings»
    phone or tablet, find the section “ Recovery and reset" or " Backup and reset". Then click on the “ Reset”.Before performing the above steps, be sure to make sure that you have synchronized all your data that is stored in the device's memory. You shouldn't worry about the information on the flash card, as the reset Android settings will not have the slightest effect on her. After performing the reset, restart the gadget and see the result.
  • Check your internet connection. Sometimes the Play Market does not open due to so-called external reasons. You can spend hours trying to delete accounts, reset settings and do other similar actions, but all of them will not be useful. If this happens to you, then most likely the problem lies in more commonplace things. If you've tried all of the above and it doesn't work for you, check your internet connection. Probably, your provider is carrying out preventive work or there was one or another failure in the wi-fi router. It also helps to turn off the Wi-Fi modem for more than 3 minutes, which leads to clearing the cache (temporary memory) of the router and subsequent new setting server connections. This may also be the reason that the play market on the android does not work and says there is no connection (or no connection).
  • Google account has been disabled. Play Market does not start because you accidentally disabled your Google account. To enable it, you should open the settings and go to the "Accounts" section, in which you should activate your Google account. After that, it is recommended to restart the device and check if the Play Market is working.
  • Check the date and time. If, when you try to start the Play Market, you see a notification that the program cannot start due to problems with the Internet connection, then the causes of the problem may lie in the time and date settings of the device. To eliminate this reason, you need to go to the device settings and select the section “ date and time”. After that, check the box next to the item that will talk about automatic tuning time through the network. Due to the wrong date, the Play Market may not work and the connection is missing or an error has occurred.
  • Devices based on the "Android" OS are quite firmly rooted in our lives. They are especially useful because you can download and install a huge variety of different free games, applications and programs that are even better and better quality than many paid ones. However, as with any system, there are small glitches in Android. For example, many people write: "I can't go to the Play Market. What should I do?" In essence, every owner of an "Android" device has encountered this problem, and those who have not encountered it will definitely experience it.

    I can’t go to the Play Market. What to do?

    As you can see from the above, this problem is very common, so you need to know how it is corrected, even if there was no reason to think about such a scourge.

    This problem looks something like this: the Play Market starts, followed by a short delay, similar to loading, then this application simply turns off or gives some kind of error and turns off. Further launching the store or rebooting the smartphone will be ineffectual, since this attack will continue all the time.

    Before rushing to correct it, you need to think carefully: “Why can't I go to the Play Market?” This may be due to:

    • clutter itself Play apps Market and its components (most common reason);
    • problems with your Google account;
    • disabling or deleting files and components important for the operation of the store.

    Basically, when they ask: "Why can't I go to the Play Market?" - many reasons are resolved quite quickly and painlessly. First, let's try the simplest and most effective way.

    We clean the cache

    The most common reason for not being able to enter the Play Market is the phone's clutter up with cache and temporary files. The whole problem is that the smartphone is flooded, and there are so many of them that they begin to block the files necessary for the normal process. In this case, the service utilities-cleaners, like Cleaner or Clean master do not cope with the problem. This does not mean that they are so useless. They just do not delete data about accounts and accounts. Then do not despair and do this procedure manually.

    You can do it like this. We go to the settings of the smartphone, where we go to the subsection "Applications". There you need to move to the "All" tab, and then find an application called the Google Play Store. When it is found, we go into it. Here you can see two buttons: "Clear cache" and "Clear data". We press alternately, first on one, then on the other. We do the same manipulations with the components of the Google Services Framework and "Google Play Services". After that, the problem “I can't enter the Play Market” should leave the frustrated user for a while. If this did not happen, then we will understand further.

    Account problem

    Also, this attack can often be associated with the Google account, through which the Google Play is accessed. What to do in this case?

    The solution to the problem in this case is very simple, namely - delete this Google account from the phone (ie, exit it and delete it from the registry), and then re-enter it. For what we do the following: open "Settings", where we look for the item "Accounts and sync", then we find the Google account to be deleted. After deleting it, open Google Play again, then log in to the Google system (you can use the same account).

    Through the fault of the user

    If you are still puzzled by the problem: "I can not enter the" Play Market "" - after providing root, then the problem may be in them. - these are the rights of the super administrator, i.e. developer. With their help, you can do a lot of useful things on your phone, including stopping or deleting unnecessary and often (unknowingly) important system applications such as Google Play or its components. After that, they often write: "I can not go to the Play Market, I write an error such and such."

    There are several ways to correct the situation:

    • download a newer version of Android OS to your phone or update;
    • to a smartphone using a PC or install from an unknown source;
    • roll back to factory settings;
    • reflash the system (a cardinal method, so it is unlikely that you will have to resort to it).

    You should also always remember that jokes with root rights are bad, and you can only delete those applications that you know for sure.

    If even after all these steps I cannot go to the Play Store, perhaps I (or you) should check the network connection, since there is a possibility that the problem arose simply due to the fact that there is no Internet. Actually, it is better to do this before starting to repair the smartphone using the methods described above.

    The question is, "why does the play market not work?" familiar to many users of this service.

    Sometimes the cause of malfunctions is a variety of technical problems, or a malfunction of the device from which you are trying to use it.

    There are many answers to this question - as well as the causes of the problem. Let's take a look at the most basic problems and how you can find a solution.

    The play market does not work. What to do?

    Method 1. Restart Android

    If you have a question why the play market on android does not work, first of all restart the device.

    It is possible that the system simply "hangs", which users often encounter. Android .

    And the most amazing thing is that this action will help find solutions in the work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other services.

    If, after the restart, the miracle did not happen, try another option to fix the problem.

    Method 2. Reset Google Play Market settings

    In most cases, when a problem occurs, why the play market does not work on, resetting the application settings helps.

    To remove all unnecessary information, you must follow these steps:

    • go to the settings menu of your device;
    • in the menu, select the section under the name "Applications" or "Application Manager";
    • in this menu item select;
    • when the control window opens, click on the "clear cache" button. In older versions of Android, it may be called "Erase Data".

    Now you need to select all those items that you want to synchronize. Most often, backup copies of "Contacts" and personal information stored in the device are made.

    Just click on the section you need.

    If you think that the infa available in your phone or tablet is important, then click on the "Options" button and select "sync" there, this will help to make a backup copy of all applications at the same time.

    Then easily delete your Google account. When you re-enter it, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup.

    We return to the problems in the work of the play market - after completing the synchronization, return to the previous menu and, instead of "synchronize", select "delete".

    Confirm the action. reboot your device and sign in again.

    Deleting and restoring your account will help with problems related to the operation of Google applications.

    If the play market is still not happy with a good job, try the next item.

    Method 7. Incompatible applications

    Some applications that are self-installed by the user may affect performance Play Store a, right up to blocking it.

    The list of such programs is wide enough.

    Most often, the "pest" turns out to be the popular Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free.

    Method 8. Configure the "hosts" file

    If Freedom is installed on your device, and you suspect that it was it that caused the play market to malfunction, then this item will definitely be of interest to you.

    Go to the settings menu and section "Application Manager" - Installed, select "Freedom".

    In the opened menu of the program, click on the "Stop" button, and then uninstall the application.

    Reboot the device and check the "performance" of the play market again. Without changes? Then go to the next point of the recommendations.

    Method 9. Reset Android Settings

    Resetting all settings saved in the memory of the gadget is quite a radical action, however, most often it helps to successfully solve many problems in the operation of applications and the system as a whole.

    To do this, go to the settings menu Android and select the "Recovery and reset" section. In this section, confirm the action "Reset settings".

    It is advisable to make sure that the data synchronization was successful before performing this action. As for the information stored on the memory card, it "will not suffer".

    Restart the device and restore the data from the backup.

    Method 10. Check your Internet connection

    Perhaps the problems in the play market are in the banal lack of an Internet connection. Check the quality of the connection. You can restart your router.

    Method 11. Google Accounts Disabled

    Sometimes the reason for the problem lies in the fact that the Google Account is disabled. Go to the desired section of the menu, if the application "Google Accounts" is disabled, activate it.

    Method 12. Check the date and time

    If "No connection" constantly pops up, but you are sure of the quality, check if the date and time are set correctly on the device.

    You can set the correct time and time zone again. It is advisable to synchronize these parameters with the network.

    To do this, go to the menu "Settings" → "Date and time" and put a check in front of the items "Date and time of the network" and "Time zone of the network".

    Play market does not work ??? Solution

    Why the Play Market does not work - 12 ways to solve the problem

    When entering the Google Play Market, users often encounter various errors. One of these errors sounds like this: "You must sign in to your Google account." This error may occur after next update Android devices, or updates of the Google Play Market itself.

    Today's users are very much accustomed to all the conveniences that Google provides. This is the constant synchronization of contacts, calendar and timely application updates. But for all this to work stably, you need to log into your Google account, which is so persistently and carefully communicated by the device. In order to enter your account, you just need to enter your username and password, but it happens that this does not help. To understand why the device does not enter the Play Store, consider all possible options solving the problem.

    Checking the current time and date

    Sometimes it happens that on the phone date and time go astray that prevents Google services from synchronizing normally. To fix this problem, you need to go to "Settings" - "Date and time" and set the desired parameters. It is advisable to install "Autodetection of time" thereby protecting yourself from a similar problem in the future.

    Checking your internet connection

    If the user cannot enter the Play Market, then he should also check stability internet connections. You won't be able to log into your Google account if your internet connection is too slow. To check this, open a standard browser and go to any site, if it loaded quickly and without any problems, then the connection is stable and you can proceed to the next step.

    We check the correctness of the entered data

    Due attention should be paid to correctness of the entered data, i.e. check the correctness of the login and password, this can be done using authorization on the Google website itself from a computer. Please be careful when entering the password, because it is case sensitive.

    Passwords Nastya and nastya are different passwords, keep in mind.

    Reboot the device

    Smartphones sometimes experience system crashes or individual applications... During such failures, the account login may be blocked. Restarting your phone usually helps to get rid of these glitches.

    You need to press and hold the " Unlocks»Until a window with options appears. In this window you need to select "" or "Restart" depending on the language installed on your phone. Restarting usually fixes many problems, but if the problems persist, try another option.

    Trying Safe Mode

    Dozens of different programs are installed on each smartphone. They can work stably, but at the same time block the entrance to the Google account. In order not to delete all applications that can block the entrance, you can use " Safe Mode».

    There are three actual ways to log in, depending on the manufacturer:

    First way:

    Second way:

    Third way:

    1. Turn off apparatus;
    2. Start turning on the device and hold down volume down»;
    3. The device should start in " Safe Mode»

    In "Safe Mode" try to log into your account. If you get in, it means that the problem is in some third-party installed software.

    Checking the antivirus

    Antiviruses protect the average user from numerous threats on the Internet. But there are times when the antivirus blocks something important, for example, the entrance to your Google profile. In order to make sure that the antivirus does not interfere with logging into your account, you should remove it for a while. Antivirus is removed like any other application. To remove it, you need to go to "Settings" - "Applications" - "Antivirus name" - "Delete", or drag it from the desktop to the trash.

    We carry out re-synchronization of data

    If the device not synchronized for a long time with Google servers, various problems may arise. Therefore, you will have to perform a full data synchronization manually.

    To get rid of the error of syncing a Google account on Android, go to "Settings" - "Accounts" / "Accounts", select the Google account in the list. Open it up, uncheck all the boxes and reboot your device. After rebooting, do the same, putting all the checkboxes in place, reboot the phone again. After the done steps, try to log in to the user profile.

    Delete your account

    One of possible solutions problems can become deleting Google account from the phone. In order to do this, go to "Settings" - "Accounts" or "Accounts" (depending on the phone), select a Google account and click "Delete account"

    We erase data and cache of Google play services

    It happens that the error "you need to log into your Google account" is caused by problems with the cache. To clear it, you need to go to " Application Manager», Then find Google Play Services, Play Market and Google Services Framework. Open them in turn and click "Clear data", "Clear cache" then click "Stop", then "Disable". We reboot the device and try to see if the problem is solved.

    Checking disabled applications

    You may not be able to log into your account even if the user unknowingly disabled any of the important applications.

    You need to go to " Application Manager»And find programs like Google+, Download Manager, Google Play Services, Play Market and Google Services Framework. Go to each and check if it is included. (If the application is enabled, the "Disable" button will be active)

    Removing Play Market updates

    If from the above nothing helped to get rid of the error, and still the smartphone says "You need to log into your Google Play Market account", then you should try remove latest updates Market, thereby rolling it back to the initial version. Often, applications on the initial versions work stably, but not very fast. In any case, after entering the profile, the Play Market will update itself to the latest version.

    In order to remove updates, in the applications we find the Play Market and press the line “ Remove updates". After that, try to log into your account.

    Factory reset

    This method is the most extreme measure. Perform it at your own peril and risk and only if all of the above methods did not help. With a full reset, complete removal of all accounts, apps and contacts.

    For execution full reset phone, you need to go to "Settings" - "Backup and reset" - "Reset settings", click "OK". The phone will start to reboot and perform a factory reset.

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