
The camera in skype on a laptop does not load. Why doesn't the Skype camera work? Skype camera does not work: possible solutions

Most of the inhabitants of the planet have long appreciated all the charms and benefits of using the Skype program for free and unlimited communication with family and friends on great distance and anywhere in the world. But when problems arise with broadcasting the image of the interlocutor, users try to understand why there is no video call on Skype.

Problem with broadcasting video calls

The main signs of obvious problems when the webcam is turned on and the video drivers are correctly installed are the following indicators:

  • Lack of a standard button Start video broadcasting;
  • The inability to view the video image of the interlocutor during the conversation;
  • The special mode Start video streaming does not work automatically.

Important: in such cases, professional programmers advise immediately.

Alternative way is to delete your own profile in Skypе. To do this, you need to perform the following actions one by one:

  1. In the computer folder, you need to find the folder with its location. For Windows programs XP is the folder C: \ Documents and Settings \ _system_user_name \ Application Data \ Skype \ _Skype_user_name \, and for Windows 7 or Windows Vista - C: \ Users \ _system_user_name \ AppData \ Skype \ _Skype_user_name \;
  2. If for some reason it is impossible to find such a file, you should follow this pattern: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run. After opening a special window, you should enter the following text:% appdata% \ Skype.

Important: after completing all the above steps, you need to delete the folder or just rename it.

Inability to make video calls

Many users are faced with the fact that there is no video call on Skype. However, you can not despair, as the program developers themselves explain that before making each call, it is also important to have a connection.

To solve this problem, just follow these instructions:

  1. Just before making a call, select a potential interlocutor. Then you should press a button that will allow you to check the presence of video in the call window.
  2. If a red or yellow icon lights up in the specified area of ​​the page, then the communication quality is insufficient for normal communication. Therefore, you need to set up calls.
  3. Open the webcams tab and select the most suitable parameters. You may also have to.

Important: in the webcam tab, you must clearly follow all the advice of the Skype program for setting the quality of communication.

How to troubleshoot if there is no Skype video

A significant number of users of modern interactive gadgets face the problem when the video image is simply missing.

In this case, many experienced Skype users recommend simply updating the program files or downloading a new version. To do this, just visit a special market and select the required version.

In order to surely eliminate the appearance of unpleasant breakdowns in the future, it is necessary to categorically disable the option automatic update system files in the special update settings window.

Thus, in order to be guaranteed to solve any problems with broadcasting video in Skype program, it is enough to follow the simple advice of professional programmers.


Skype software was developed by the creators of Windows OS, Microsoft Corporation. Today the number of Skype users exceeds all reasonable boundaries. People use this software to communicate with friends, relatives, carry out online conferences. It is very difficult to imagine modern life without Skype, since this program still has no worthy analogues.

Skype, being a program, certainly has its own unique features and performance problems. Often, Skype users turn to the Microsoft technical forum or search the Internet because their webcam suddenly stops working.

Solve camera problems in Skype

All sorts of problems in Skype related to the webcam can be of both technical and systemic nature. It is because of this that, before starting to deal with the problem of displaying the camera in Skype, you should make sure that the device is working.

In order to find out the functionality of your video device, you can use third party applications, for example, the program "WebcamMax"... In the case of Windows 8-10, an application is initially present in the system "Camera", which is also suitable for health diagnostics.

Once you are satisfied that your webcam is fully functional, you can begin to troubleshoot the Skype image display problem. If the camera is broken, it is recommended to contact a specialist to fix the webcam or purchase a new device.

Method 1: install the latest Skype update

Very often, as indicated by the statistics of the asked questions, people are faced with the problem of a broken webcam, while using an outdated version of the software. To get rid of the problem, you will need to update your Skype to the latest version.

It is best to uninstall the program, go to the official Skype website and download a new installation file. After that, the downloaded program should be installed according to the instructions of the installer.

If you are using a more or less recent, but still not the latest version, you need to proceed as follows.

If you are using the latest version of Skype, but your webcam still does not work, you should pay attention to other ways to solve this problem.

Method 2: disable conflicting apps

If you have an application installed on your computer or mobile device that also uses access to the webcam, problems with Skype are quite possible. To do this, you need to find out which application is in conflict and stop it, including running in the background.

Often times, Skype camera problems come from seemingly simple applications... These include:

  • audio and video streaming programs;
  • web browser;
  • file sharing applications.

Everything is solved quite easily - you just need to stop the software that conflicts with Skype.

To diagnose the system for unnecessary programs, it is recommended to use standard remedy Windows - "Task Manager"... Thanks to this software, you can see which processes are running and terminate them.

Let's see how all this is done, using the example of the program "WebcamMax", which is capable of intercepting an image from Skype, thereby interfering with its performance.

First you need to open "Task Manager"... This can be done in several ways.

After "Task Manager" open, you need to find out which programs can provoke problems.

Once all extra programs will be deleted, you should restart Skype and check the operation of the camera. We proceed to the next points if the problem could not be fixed.

Method 3: check the connection quality

This case is only partially able to solve the problem with a non-working camera, since for the most part a bad Internet connection completely blocks the ability to make calls in Skype. Skype works on such a principle that if your Internet connection is not fast enough, the program automatically disables some features, for example, video communication.

The solution to the problem with the Internet depends entirely on you. To do this, you may need to configure your modem or router yourself, as well as contact your Internet provider (ISP).

If you use Skype with mobile device, the recommendations are exactly the same - get fast internet, in accordance with the requirements of Skype.

Method 4: check the camera through the "Device Manager"

Often, it happens that the webcam does not work due to the fault installed drivers or due to manual shutdown of the device. You can check the status of the camera through "Device Manager", present in every version of Windows OS.

After the device starts to display normally in the hardware list, you can check the camera's functionality in Skype.

Method 5: general solutions

If you have the latest version of Skype installed, good internet connection, a working video device and there are no conflicting programs, but the camera still does not work, complex solutions can help.

If none of the suggested options worked for you, it is recommended that you contact your device vendor. It is possible that the manufacturer of the camera is not intended to use this equipment in Skype.

Method 6: adjusting the update (Windows 8)

In the case of the operating room Windows system 8, the camera problem may occur due to latest updates... This situation is resolved very simply, with the exact observance of the above actions.

After these steps, the problem with the webcam in Skype should completely disappear.
If, despite all the steps taken, the camera in Skype still does not work, try replacing it. This is especially true for laptop users and other portable devices where the default camera is poor.

When communicating on the Internet, especially with well-known people, one correspondence is not enough, you also want to hear and see the interlocutor. Such live communication can be provided by a number of instant messengers, of which the most popular is. This application is able to capture video from a built-in or external webcam and send it over the network, but in some cases Skype does not see the camera, and this despite the fact that the latter is quite functional.

As always, there can be several reasons for this problem. Skype often does not detect the webcam if the appropriate hardware drivers are missing or damaged, the user disconnects the webcam, or third party programs using an outdated version of the messenger. Also, the webcam may not work in Skype due to incorrect settings in the application itself. Hardware malfunctions cannot be ruled out - damage to the camera, damage to cables, ports or cables. Let's start in order.

Outdated version of Skype

If you have problems with video calls, the first thing we recommend is to make sure that the version of Skype you are using is up to date. To do this, select the "Check for Updates" option in the "Help" menu.

If available a new version programs, download it from the official site and install.

Temporary failure

The problem can arise as a result of temporary malfunctions in the computer or system. To eliminate this option, simply restart your PC. Perhaps, in Windows, there was simply a failure of the service responsible for the operation of the webcam. When you restart, the service will automatically start and the camera will be detected by Skype.

Webcam disabled

It may happen that you yourself accidentally or intentionally turned off your webcam and forgot about it. This is one of the reasons the camera does not turn on in Skype. In some laptop models, the built-in camera is activated and deactivated by pressing the Fn + F (1-12) button combination. Look carefully to see if you have a button with a video camera in the top row of the keyboard and press it. Buttons for webcam control can also be located on the side of the laptop case.

You can also check whether the webcam is enabled or disabled in the Device Manager. Find the item "Imaging Devices" in the list, expand it and check the status of all the components in it. Their properties should indicate "The device is working normally."

If the camera is inactive, turn it on by clicking the corresponding button in the window or by selecting the "Activate" option in the context menu.

Note: If the webcam is not displayed in Device Manager, update the hardware configuration via the Action menu.

Driver problems

In the event of hardware malfunctions, the presence of drivers is traditionally checked. If your camera does not work in Skype on Windows 7/10, be sure to check if the camera driver is installed and, if installed, if there are any conflicts and problems with its work. You can find out again in the Device Manager. In the properties of image processing devices, there must be a message about their normal work, and the device icons themselves should not be marked with yellow or red icons.

The unknown device in the manager may well be a webcam. In order for the assumption to be confirmed, you need to find and set for it software... The best way to find drivers is to use special programs like DriverPack Solution, for laptop cameras required drivers can be found on the enclosed disc. On it, the manufacturer often adds a proprietary utility for setting up the built-in webcam. In case of updating or reinstalling the drivers, the current version must be removed, otherwise the new one may not be installed correctly.

The camera is in use by another application

One webcam can only work with one application. Check if there are other programs running on your computer that might access the camera. If the camera is currently transmitting an image to some program, it will not work in Skype, and the user will either receive a black window or the notification "Unable to start video broadcasting." Close all applications that intercept the video stream, and only then start Skype.

The camera is not selected in Skype itself

If the webcam in Skype on a laptop does not work after connecting a second camera, TV tuner or other video device to it, you must also check the settings of the messenger itself and make sure that is selected desired device... Go to the program settings, switch to the "Video settings" subsection and select the camera you need from the drop-down list at the top. At the same time, you can eliminate the "conflict" between Skype and the camera by checking if it works with other applications.

To check the camera, you can use the services of the service Webcam Toy... Go in your browser to webcamtoy.com/ru, click the "Use my camera" button and give permission to the service to use your webcam.

A similar check can be performed using any media player, for example, VLC. To do this, select the "Open capture device" option in the "Media" menu.

Now specify the checked webcam in the “Device name” drop-down list.

The player window should display what your camera sees.

If the video stream is broadcast in the player or other applications, but not in Skype, then the problem is in the messenger itself. Check all settings, reinstall the app, try portable version... If there is no video in other programs, check the camera and the drivers that ensure its operation.

Broken webcam

The worst thing that can happen is the failure of the built-in or plug-in external webcam. Hardware failure will be indirectly indicated by the lack of interaction of the camera with different programs and directly - the lack of the camera itself in the Device Manager. However, do not rush to make such a diagnosis without checking the operation of the ports, cables and loop.

Perhaps the webcam in Skype is not working just because the contact was broken on the port through which it is connected to the computer. Check all pins and cable integrity. But with laptops, everything is a little more complicated, it is possible to establish whether everything is in order with the cable connecting the camera and the motherboard only in the service center.

Other reasons

What else can cause problems with the webcam in Skype? Maybe you changed BIOS settings and turned off the gripper by mistake? In this case, you need to go to BIOS, find the camera in the Advanced or Security section and turn it on.

Skype camera often does not work on older computers with Pentium III or lower processors. Alternatively, users of such PCs can be recommended previous version Skype, better portable, and so the best solution would of course buy a new one modern computer... The same goes for outdated versions. operating system... For example, in Windows XP SP2, all latest versions Skype does not support video streaming, so the only correct solution in this case would be Windows installation 7, 8.1 or 10, or upgrade to XP SP3.

you can not only send messages and make audio calls, but also create video conferences. A webcam is required to use this feature. In laptops, it is usually built-in, but for stationary computers, you need to buy it in addition.

In most situations, its adjustment is not required, it is enough to connect the device, and it will start working immediately. But it also happens that various failures occur. What if Skype can't see the camera?

Lack of drivers

A very common cause of webcam problems is the lack of programs or incorrect installation. It is easy to check this in the device manager. To open it, press Win + R. Insert the devmgmt.msc command into the form and execute it. A window of all devices connected to the PC will open. We need the item "Image processing devices". There will be a connected webcam. If there are problems with its drivers, then there will be an exclamation mark next to its icon.

If there is a problem, you should install the package manually, after removing the previous one. First, click on the name of the RMB camera, select the "Delete" item, but do not restart the PC. Otherwise, the system will try to restore the settings automatically. Now it remains to find the desired program... If you have a laptop, you can download it from the developer's official website. For webcams, usually attached installation disk... If it is not there, then the driver can be found on the Internet. Immediately after installation, you need to restart your computer.

Webcam difficulties

If the drivers are suitable, but the webcam in Skype still does not work, then the problem may be in the webcam itself. First, check its connection to the PC, pull out and re-insert the cable. Then you should make sure that the camera itself is working. Any program that uses it is suitable for this. But the easiest way is to use Internet resource... There you can check online that the camera is working. If it does not function, then the matter is either in the drivers or in the camera malfunction. And if the image goes, but in Skype it still does not work to establish video communication, then you need to understand the parameters of the program itself.

An increasingly popular means of communication and communication are various software products, among which Skype is especially popular. Skype camera is the main one. This is a window that allows you to see the interlocutor, to feel him. We can say that this even allows you to visit without leaving your apartment. A very convenient and practical solution that is becoming more and more popular every day.

Quite often there are situations when the Skype camera does not work. Most users panic and carry their equipment to the nearest service center... But, as practice shows, this is not such a big problem as to attract outside specialists. It can be solved independently and for this you do not need to have special knowledge.

We start by checking the camera connection. It connects with only one wire with USB interface... One of the most common reasons that the camera does not work in Skype is a disconnected connector from the contact group motherboard... Everything must be securely installed.

Next, you need to perform a test for the operability of the video device. At the initial stage, you need to check how well the drivers are installed and whether they are at all. This also causes the Skype camera not to work. For this check, you need to go to For this, we call it by pressing the right button of the manipulator on the shortcut "My Computer". In we select the item "Properties". In the window that appears, left-click the "Device Manager" tab. Next, in the window that opens, you need to track the status of the webcam. The presence of various emergency icons near this device is not allowed. If there are messages about problems with the camera, it is recommended to reinstall the drivers for it. If no problems are found, all windows are closed, proceed to the next stage.

Next, we launch the program and check if the Skype camera does not work. To do this, after downloading the application, go to the tools menu and the settings sub-item. Next, move on to the Video Settings tab. In the window that opens, see a test image of your beloved one on the monitor screen in real time. If the image does not appear, then see the settings here. Be sure to specify your camera as a video source. To do this, select the required device in the drop-down list.

If all of the above did not help and the webcam in skype does not work, the system or program may be updated. You may also need to install old version of this application. Especially if the device is not very fresh. V a similar situation it is better to seek help from a qualified professional for help. It is difficult to perform such manipulations on your own without special training. And the result from their incorrect implementation can be disastrous.

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