
How to download telegrams to pc. How to install telegram on a computer. Portable version of Telegram

Good afternoon friends. Today we will figure out how to install Telegram on a computer and other devices. I will explain everything step by step using detailed screenshots... As a result, you will be able to avoid basic mistakes and learn how to use the application absolutely free.

Lead time 3 minutes.

The mega-convenient Telegram function is an instant data exchange between all your devices. In other words, all correspondence, contacts will be stored in all connected gadgets, so I recommend using the messenger on a laptop, tablet and phone.

The description of the setting will be on the example of Windows.

Step 1... We select the required version, for me it is PC / Mac / Linux.

For Windows, there are two options: a full installation or a portable version.

Step 2... Find the downloaded file and double-click to run.

Step 3... During installation, we select the location for storing the program files, we can put a tick, then the Telegram shortcut will appear on the desktop. Installation takes 30 seconds.

Step 4... In the last window, when you press the “Finish” button, the program will start automatically if there is a check mark, as in the screenshot below.

We dial our phone number and wait for the arrival of an SMS with a code.

Step 6... Enter the received code into the specified field.

Step 7... Now you are the lucky owner of Telegram on your computer.

That is why I talked about the importance of the initial installation of the messenger from Pavel Durov on the phone. If everything was done correctly, the PC version will have a list of contacts of your friends who have Telegram.

Distinctive features of the PC version

  • It is convenient to print messages on your computer. Although there are craftsmen with lightning speed dialing in the telephone version.
  • There are no famous secret chats.
  • Unlike WhatsApp, you don't need an included phone. All information is synchronized through servers and will be available anytime, anywhere.

Major installation errors

Telegram confirms its reliability. No specific errors were found. Rummaged through the entire Internet and special complaints from real people not found.

  • The problem with the arrival of SMS is most likely caused by work cellular operator... For this there is a backup option with a call back.
  • Installed, but does not work. Check if you have the official version installed. Reinstallation of the program always helps. Erase all files, download from the official site and the problem will disappear.


As you can see, the procedure for installing the Telegram messenger is simplified to the limit by the developers. Just a phone number is enough. If you do not have it, then in this article we will tell you. Try, install and enjoy the speed of the program.

If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments.

Friends, on this I say goodbye. I plan to release some more useful articles about Telegram very soon, so stay tuned.

Why isn't the popular Telegram messenger installed? Let's figure it out in detail.

The app allows instant messaging and is simple and in an accessible way communicating with other users. Unlike WhatsApp, Viber and LINE, and having all the capabilities of analogs, Telegram provides more high level privacy and security.

The process of installing Telegrams is simplified as much as possible by the developers, because all you need to do is enter the confirmation code sent via SMS. Therefore, there should be no difficulties with installation from official sources. You also need to know that Telegram is not installed on Linux, it only supports the Ubuntu OS.

If the application is not installed on your device, we have already described the options for solving problems during registration and during use in the articles: I cannot enter Telegram and Telegram does not open.

Mobile number or verification code?

The messenger is adapted for all applicable types of devices and OS on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, you can download Telegram for free. Possible cause the fact that the messenger is not installed, there may be a lack of a confirmation code, when notifications are not received, and then registration must be activated using the voice setting.

If the activation code does not come, you need to call the number indicated on the registration page - in the conversation the manager will dictate this code to you. Registration is completed by entering the code. Without a code, the application cannot be installed and for all users it is mandatory to indicate a mobile number.

The great convenience of this messenger is that it selects contacts from your phone or mobile device - directly from the phone book.

If Telegram is not installed for you, you cannot enter the application, the reason for this may be a wireless connection. Under certain conditions wifi networks prevent your phone from getting the number.

The provider's use of an application

Some users have faced the problem that messenger is not installed on their Android device updated version... The fact is that the content store has been using the AppMeasurementContentProvider for some time, which may come into conflict with the messenger if some of the applications are already using it (such an application will simply have to be disabled).

To identify the conflicting program on the device, you will have to install the "CatLog - Logcat Reader!" from the Market, which collects Android logs.

In the program, you need to enable logging, and then check the applications by inserting them into each separately from Google Play.

When the error "The content provider is already authorized" appears, open the Logcat Reader! and save the logs. Find a match in the logs:

com.google.android.gms.measurement.google_measurement_service (you can do this using a regular notepad) and at the end of the sentence with this match there should be the name of the package already taken by the provider.

This interferes with the operation of the application. Having found out due to which application Telegram is not installed, it must be removed, after which the messenger will quietly update to the desired version.

You may not have the messenger installed because you downloaded a pirated file to your computer, which will only contribute to system malfunctions. Check if the Telegram apk file matches the original proposed for downloading on. Be sure to check the file for viruses before running. If the file with the name "tsetup0.7.20.exe" or similar is the original, files with different names may be a virus.

More solutions

Not compatible with OS. If on your computer / device, try updating the OS version - maybe then everything will work out.

You are performing too many actions please try again later- try again later, there were too many attempts.

Too many tries please try again later- the same thing, you need to try later. If it doesn't work after 2-3 days, then it's better.

You can leave your questions, your notes and wishes for improving the work with the messenger in the comments to this article.

It is one of the most popular communication apps. This fact is explained by the names of its developer (the ideological inspirers of the project are the Durov brothers), speed of work, security and convenience. Initially, the messenger existed only on iOS. Then it was ported to Android. And now there is a version Telegram for computer.

Launching messenger on PC

There are three options for launching the messenger on a PC. First, it is possible after installing the desktop client. Secondly, a portable version of Telegram is available. And thirdly, there is a web application. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a quick look at all three options.

Option 1: Stationary client

The official messenger client for, and Windows is available for download from our website. It has been fully translated into Russian, so there will be no difficulties in the course of communication. The main drawback of this option, which, however, applies to the others, is the impossibility of quickly viewing all attachments from the correspondence with a specific user. There is simply no such option.

Option 2: Telegram Portable

Download Telegram Portal to your computer is possible only for Windows. " Pocket»There is no version of the messenger for Linux and Mac OS. What is its difference from a stationary client? Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Telegram Portable advantages:

  • No installation required.
  • Ability to transfer to USB stick to run on another computer or laptop. In this case, you do not need to log into your own account every time, authorization data is saved.
  • All the same functions are available as in the stationary client.

Of the shortcomings, two points can be distinguished:

  • Work speed " pocket»Client will be lower than the installed program.
  • Lack of support for Linux and Mac OS.

Option 3: Web version

There is a web version for Telegram. Its advantage is that there is no need to download special program for PC. It is available on the page.

There are several significant drawbacks to the online application that are worth mentioning:

  • Lack of voice calls function. Only sending recorded audio messages is possible.
  • Lack of video messages.
  • There is no built-in Russian translation, only English.


The authorization procedure is worth considering in a little more detail because of a certain nuance. It is the same for all three cases, except that in the first two you need to press “ Continue in Russian"To immediately change the language, and then click" Start chat". The further procedure is as follows:

  • Select the country code if it was initially set incorrectly.
  • Type in the correct phone number in the appropriate field.

  • Click on " Further" or " Proceed».
  • This is where the main catch lies: the code will not be sent to you via SMS to your mobile, but via a message to the active session of the messenger, if authorization was previously made. It will go to the official Telegram correspondence. To forward the password to your phone, click on “ Send code ...».

The authorization stage has been successfully completed. Now you can communicate with loved ones, but with certain restrictions depending on the chosen option for using the messenger on a PC. The stationary client has a minimum of them, the web version has more.

If you still don't know what a telegram is, then it's time to find out. Telegram is a free messenger for smartphones and computers that allows you to exchange text messages and files of various formats. Something like ICQ, which has almost died ...

But are there really few such applications, why do we need more telegrams? The thing is that this application has excellent cryptographic protection, everything is encrypted and only the sender and the recipient have the key. This is becoming more and more important in light of the constant surveillance of honest citizens by special services. And even more dishonest;)

This application was created by none other than Pavel Durov, the founder of the beloved social network In contact with. Here is his interview on why he created Telegram:

Today this application is already used by tens of millions of people all over the world, and telegram has overtaken the same Facebook chat, and other venerable competitors. Therefore, you should think about how to install this rapidly gaining popularity application.

How to start telegram web?

The easiest way to use telegram is to use its web version. To do this, you just need to go in the browser to the address web.telegram.org and register.

Everything, now you can use this wonderful service, but! But it is better to also install telegrams on your smartphone at least for a short time, then you will understand why it will be useful.

How to install telegram on Android?

It is worth starting with a description of installing telegram on a smartphone. The easiest way to download and install Telegram is in Android, and registration goes through a phone number with the subsequent sending of sms for confirmation. Go to Play Market and type the word telegram in the search.

As you can see, the app has been downloaded by 50 million people so far, not bad! Install the app and run it.

You will be asked to write your phone number.

This is the first plus when you install an application via android - everything is simple. But there is one more plus, more important! The thing is that, although telegram is quite popular, but still not so many of your friends use it. Asking everyone: do you have a telegramm? - not The best way(by the way, it is written with one m at the end). But when you install telegram on your smartphone, the program automatically pulls all your contacts and determines who already has telegram? Convenient, really.

Now, when you put applications on the main computer, all your contacts will already be in telegram. That is why I recommend that you first install telegram on your smartphone.

How to install telegram on Ubuntu?

How to install telegram on your computer for free? Installing telegrams in Ubuntu is very simple (the same can be done not only in Ubuntu, but also in any other Linux based on Debian):

Sudo add-apt-repository ppa: costales / unity-webapps-telegram sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-telegram

After that, go to APPLICATIONS - OTHER and run our telegram web:

Everything is very minimalistic, in the style of "a la" VKontakte, I haven't noticed any advertising yet. As you can see, I already have several friends on the machine who also have a telegram. They are all taken from mine google account, which is a must on any device with android. It looks like it works, but there contacts are searched for in the base of cell phones.

How to install telegram on Linux?

Although the web version has the right to life, it is better to install, if possible, a complete program... Unfortunately, there is no deb package for telegram yet, but there is still a version for Linux. Come on at this address and download the package.

We unpack the archive and see two files: Telegram and Updater. We right-click on the Telegram file and set the necessary rights to it, put a checkmark "Allow the execution of the file as a program".

I have placed the file directly on the desktop, and in order for the file to show the telegram icon, you can download this image and specify the path to it in the file properties.

How to install telegram on Windows?

I will not bypass those who have Windows, here the program is the easiest to install. Need to go to OFFICIAL SITE telegram, and there telegram download for your computer. Everything is set at a time, I will not even describe anything. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact how to install telegram on a smartphone with windows 10?

This requires go to the microsoft site floor this link and download the web version of telegrams:

How to download and install Telegram messenger? Everything is absolutely free and you can immediately in Russian right now. But there are a number of features of installing Telegram, which we will talk about today!

The process of installation and registration in the application itself does not take much time and in the vast majority of cases goes without any difficulties. Let's take a closer look at the installation process.

First of all, you need to decide on the device on which you want to use the messenger.

We have prepared a detailed overview for you just like with any operating system!

Telegram messenger - install in a minute

Earlier, you may have heard that the installation of the Telegram program, as well as the registration process, do not take place in Russian. Recently, however, things are a little different. With one of latest updates software for mobile devices appeared in Russian, which is available by default. This allows you to complete the Telegram installation process with much more comfort.

And by itself, the process of installing Telegrams in Russian on mobile devices takes place in automatic mode and always free, and we will look at the process in more detail.

On Android

  • Download the file using the button above. Open the page through Google play and click the "Install Telegram" button:

  • Then it will be installed automatically and the "Open" button will appear:

  • The start page will open, on which select "Continue in Russian" if you want the application to be immediately Russified:

On IOS, you will also need to press such a button, but on Windows Phone you do not need to press anything, since the system itself will determine your location and suggest the desired language, in our case - Russian.

  • Allow the messenger to make calls and send messages for smooth communication:

  • The installation is complete and then the standard login procedure (or registration, depending on whether you have used the messenger before) follows.

For the OS from Google, there is also a file option. This option is ideal for devices on which branded services were not initially preinstalled, which include the app store.

For more details on how to download and connect Telegram in Russian for free on a smartphone with different OS, see the articles:

  • and Ipad on IOS;

How to install Telegram on a computer or laptop

  • Confirm or change the location of the messenger and click "Next":

  • Click "Next" again to confirm the settings:

  • Create a desktop shortcut by ticking the checkbox:

  • Click on "Instal":

  • When the installation is complete, click on "Finish":

The download and installation of the messenger is complete and you can continue chatting on your computer. It remains only to implement.

Read more about how to download a messenger in Russian for free on a computer with different operating systems, read in the articles:

  • computers and laptops;
  • Apple devices;

Completing the above process on any device follows one algorithm:

  • Enter the phone number from which you will use the messenger;

  • Enter the code that will come to the number you specified.

It should be noted that if there is a Telegram installed on other devices with the specified phone number, such a code will first of all come there. And by SMS it comes a little later, so you need to wait a little or click on the link under the input field: "The code is not received?".

However, there are situations when it is impossible to download Telegram to a smartphone, and it is hardly convenient to take a computer with you every day.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the stated requirements of the messenger for mobile systems:

  • 25 MB of free disk space;
  • Android 4.1 and higher;
  • iOS 6.0 and above.

There are no restrictions. The program will run even on very weak computers.

If these requirements do not meet these requirements, it will come to the rescue, which is also free and will allow you to enter the messenger from any device that supports the Internet, and again - for free.

Telegram Web

As a rule, this method is very useful for smartphone users with a small RAM and for those who use Telegram from other people's devices and cannot download the messenger to each of them.

To enter the browser version of the messenger, follow a simple algorithm:

  • Go to web.telegram.org.ru or by clicking the button below:

It is worth considering that when entering a page, you need to be extremely careful, since there are too many fake pages on the network that collect information about the user.

  • A standard window will open with a field where you need to enter your phone number:

  • And a window with a one-time code entry field:

  • Ready! Communicate without downloading an application to your smartphone or computer.

However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to register in this version, it is only possible to log in.

Have you noticed that all the teams are in Russian? This is one of the advantages of the online version - no translation into Russian is required.

As you can see, the process of installing Telegrams is very simple, and thanks to our instructions, you can easily cope with it! If you still have questions, then you can safely ask them in the comments to this article!

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