
Google account not verified. How to confirm the creation of a Google account via e-mail. Activation of a personal account on the State Services portal using a personal appeal

In order for you to have access to all the features of YouTube, you need to create an account. Only after registration you will be able to rate the video, comment, chat with other users, add publications to bookmarks. And create your own channel, where you can make good money. Below we will tell you how you can verify your Youtube account, link and unlink your Google profile from video hosting. Consider whether it is possible to bind YouTube to another account Google.

How to verify your YouTube account?

Confirmation of the profile is necessary so that the YouTube system can detect and prevent the activities of spammers and other violators of the regulations in time. This is done by phone number. When you provide a video hosting number, it will run it through its database. Thus, he will be able to find out if the combination of numbers is connected with many other accounts.

In addition to maintaining security, after confirmation, one more function will become available to you. You can upload videos that are longer than fifteen minutes.

How to do it?

  1. Go to youtube.com/verify.
  2. Enter your mobile number in the field.
  3. You will receive an SMS with a code. You can order both a text message and a call.
  4. Enter the code numbers.

It happens that the code does not come. In this case, try requesting it once or choosing a different type of message. For example, instead of text, voice. The code may not come if you have many ACCs registered to one number. You need to specify a different phone number.

And what to do if, see the corresponding article.

How to link google to youtube

Linking Google to video hosting occurs at the time of registration. Without a Google account, you won't be able to create a YouTube account.

If you do not have a profile on Google, but want to register with a video hosting, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to Youtube and click on "Login". The button is on the right upper corner screen.
  2. Then click on "Create an account".
  3. Now fill in your details: first name, last name, address Email. If you do not have mail, then here you can create mail on Gmail. After that, come up with a strong password consisting of at least 8 characters.
  4. Enter your mobile number and other email address. This is necessary so that you can always regain access to your account.

How to unlink google account from youtube

As we wrote above, without creating an account in Google, there will be no account in video hosting. The two villages are tightly connected. That is, one cannot be separated from the other. Only if you delete your entire profile.

How to link a Youtube channel to another account?

You cannot link a project to another Google account. But you can move it to another page.


Several conclusions can be drawn from the article. Linking Google to video hosting occurs at the time of registration on the latter. You can't unlink one account from another. Only if you delete all data permanently.

The Android operating system is a smart system that has many useful features, but sometimes they bring not only benefits, but also puts phone owners in an uncomfortable position.

For example, this concerns the need to verify your account. This can happen because the OS has an anti-theft feature in the form of .

It turns out that even if your phone was not lost anywhere, and even more so it was not stolen, you can still accidentally make it block and you cannot unlock it without a Google account login and password. This lock is called Google Factory Reset Protection or FRP lock.

Why is it so?

After the owner of the phone has made a hard reset or, the "smart" smartphone requires confirmation google account on android after reset. This happens as soon as it connects to the Internet.

If the owner remembers his username and password from the account, then no problems can arise. And if you do not remember either one or the other, then this is already a problem.


The first option is to recover the username and password. To do this, click on "Forgot username", then there will be a line for the phone number, and indicate the name and surname there.

Everything is very simple and easy, but only if you indicated your real surname, and not pseudonyms. Or it could be a situation that you were registered by a neighbor who does not remember at all what he wrote there. In this case, there are also a couple of solutions to the problem:

  1. Press the language selection on the keyboard, go to its settings, and from there go to system settings and delete your google account.
  2. Connect an external flash drive with the StartSettings.apk program, then run it and set the settings.
  3. Where the phone asks to enter a name, hold down @, this will bring up the settings, then press the keyboard, then back, then to the last left button on the panel, after which a search box will pop up. There we again select the settings, go to the "Backup and reset" category, then "Reset settings" and "Reset device settings".
  4. You can also run an account verification at the same time, and at the same time turn off your router, but it’s not a fact that this method will help you.

Deleting an account on a smartphone

If you still failed to restore access to your account, then there is no other way out how to delete it. To do this, you need to enter the smartphone settings, then accounts, select Google, hold your finger on the account and the settings will be displayed to you. Then click on delete account.

Google is developing, especially in big cities. Very few organizations have not yet appeared among his countless marks. However, a significant part of them has not been confirmed, and there are several reasons for this:

  • First, business owners simply don't know what they have there is page in Google Business, and therefore do not know about the possibility of its confirmation.
  • Secondly, many entrepreneurs underestimate page in Google Business as a tool to promote yourself on the Internet. There is already an article on this subject:
  • Thirdly, many are stopped by the need to wait letters from Google to confirm the page.

We all know firsthand how the Russian Post works: a letter can arrive in a week, a month, or not at all.

All these factors stop entrepreneurs, and if you are reading this article, then most likely you have already decided verify your Google+ business account. How to do it? Let's look at all the possible ways.

I have already briefly mentioned this method, I will just say a few more words. In my experience, an average of 1 out of 10 misses is lost, and the typical delivery time for correspondence is 2-3 weeks. There are cases when letters arrived literally in 3-4 days, but my experience and the experience of my friends says that you should not rely on this.

Method 2: Website

Your organization's Google account can be verified if your site is connected to the system Google Webmaster, and the email specified in Webmaster matches the email associated with the organization's account.

However, Google's help says that this account verification may or may not occur. At the same time, it is not explicitly stated which categories of business fall under the “simplified” procedure, and which do not.

There is one more negative point: Google Webmaster is usually in demand, first of all, by the site developer - the web studio that made it - to track the indexing of the site by search engines, monitor errors, and so on. Linking Google Business and Google Webmaster to the same mail account- an inconvenient idea and fraught with bad consequences.

My experience is that verifying a business account using this method happens about 1 out of 4 times.

Google Certificate

Method 3: Contact a Google Certified Representative

The simplest and fast way, which allows you to verify your organization's business account within one or two days. The only exceptions are organizations providing services of an intimate nature, such as erotic massage. In this case, the confirmation may be delayed and take up to 2 weeks.

You just need to find out the email of a certified Google representative, and provide administrative access to your business page (how to do it). Be sure to require binding to your mobile phone! You should receive a confirmation code from Google, which a company representative will enter to confirm the correctness of the information. Also, to confirm the data about the company, you will need a screenshot of the official website with contact information or a photograph of a corporate business card. After providing this data, confirmation of the company data will take 1-2 days. Also, a certified representative will help you avoid mistakes when designing a business page and avoid problems when confirming your data. Be sure to ask the representative to show you their work done for Google.

How much is?

  • Posting your information to Google Business is lifetime and free.

Why does Instagram ask you to verify your account?

After entering the login and password from your Instagram account, we enter the profile from an IP address that is different from the one you usually use. An IP address or proxy is the address on the Internet from which the bot will like, follow or unfollow.

Works automatic system Instagram security, which only checks whether you are really doing these actions: there is nothing to worry about.

How to verify an account?

- on the Do Insta website in the corresponding window:

After adding an account, choose the method by which it will be convenient to verify the account: using a phone number or email. That number or email address will be used. emails that you previously linked to your Instagram account: make sure you have access to them. The code that will come in an SMS message or in a letter will need to be entered in the next window and click on the “Confirm account” button.

- through the application or website Instagram:

You can also just go to the application or the Instagram website and do the same steps that were described above.

After that, be sure to log into your account through the Instagram application or website, make sure that everything is in order with the entrance. If you do not log in, but simply return to our service, then when you try to add an account to Do Insta, Instagram will again request account confirmation: you will get a vicious circle.

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