
How to download avast from the Internet. Installing free antivirus Avast Free Antivirus. Installing Avast antivirus: step by step instructions

Avast Free Antivirus Is a free antivirus that provides real-time protection. Avast scans your computer for malware ( software) and performance issues, allowing you to instantly prevent a threat or troubleshoot your PC.

Features of the new version of Avast Free Antivirus

  • Simple and intuitive interface;
  • Advanced protection;
  • Parallel use of two antiviruses;
  • Automatic " Game Mode»- disables all system notifications from Windows and applications;
  • Behavioral analyzer - checking applications for suspicious activity and the presence of malicious code;

Avast Free Antivirus includes all the essential components for malware detection and real-time protection, and is completely light on system resources.

  • Intelligent antivirus - protects against all kinds of threats, including: viruses, malware and spyware, phishing attacks and other cyber threats;
  • CyberCapture - Submit unknown files to the Avast threat laboratory (if the analyzed objects turn out to be malicious, they will be quarantined);
  • Smart Scan - checks your computer and home network for the presence of any types of vulnerabilities;
  • Wi-Fi Inspector - helps to avoid network hacking and unauthorized connection to it;
  • Avast Passwords - a convenient password manager;
  • SafeZone Browser - surfing the Internet, shopping online and banking in an extremely secure environment,

and other possibilities.

Download Avast Free Antivirus

Available for download on our website latest version antivirus Avast.

Download Avast Free Antivirus 2019 for free, no registration.

Avast Free Antivirus is a free antivirus that provides real-time protection.

Version: 19.6.2383

Size: 340 MB

Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista or XP SP3

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: Avast Software

What's new in version: List of changes

Dear users. You are on the page where you can find out how to quickly and correctly download, install and activate Avast antivirus for 1 year.

Attention! This instruction is for installing the new version, and not the old one, as other sites suggest! Here you can install the most current version of this antivirus program.

So, first you need to download the installation file from the official website, or from the link below:

Now, using these instructions, you can quickly cope with the installation process:

1. After downloading - run the file and wait until the main window of the installation wizard opens. After starting, uncheck the box with the DropBox installation and click on the button, as shown in the picture below.

2. We accept the license agreement.

3. We are waiting for all the necessary files to be unpacked. The whole process will take approximately 2-5 minutes.

4. Avast Free Antivirus has been successfully installed. Now it remains to launch the program and register it for 1 year!

5. After starting, click on the "Register" button, then in the window that appears, select the "Standard protection" item.

6. Fill out the registration form (fill in your data) and click on the green button, as shown in the picture below.

7. Done! Now you can use the free Avast antivirus program for one year.

Unfortunately, most reliable antivirus software are paid. A pleasant exception in this regard is the Avast antivirus, the free version of which Avast Free Antivirus is not much behind the paid versions of this application in terms of functionality, and in terms of reliability, in general, it is in no way inferior. This powerful anti-virus tool can be used absolutely free of charge, and starting with the latest version even without registration. Let's find out how to install Avast Free Antivirus.

To install Avast antivirus, first of all, you need to download the installation file from the official website of the program, the link to which is provided after the first paragraph of this review.

After the installation file is downloaded to HDD computer, run it. The Avast installation file, which is provided by the company at the moment, is not an archive containing the program files, it simply starts their download from the Internet online.

After all the data has been downloaded, we are asked to start the installation process. We can do it right away. But also, if you wish, you can go to the settings, and leave for installation only those components that we consider necessary.

We uncheck the names of the services that we do not want to install. But, if you are not very well versed in the principles of antivirus software, then it is best to leave all the default settings and go directly to the installation process by clicking on the "Install" button.

But, even after that, the installation will not start yet, as we will be asked to familiarize ourselves with the user agreement on confidentiality. If we agree to the presented terms of use of the program, then click on the "Continue" button.

After that, finally, the installation process of the program starts, which lasts several minutes. Its progress can be monitored using the indicator located in the pop-up window from the tray.

Post-installation actions

After the installation process is complete, a window will open with a message stating that Avast antivirus has been successfully installed. In order to be able to enter the start window of the program, we just have to do a few actions. Click on the "Continue" button.

After that, a window opens in front of us, in which it is proposed to download a similar antivirus for mobile device... Let's assume that we don't have a mobile device, so we skip this step.

In the next window that opens, the antivirus offers to try out your SafeZone browser. But this action is not our goal, so we refuse this offer as well.

Eventually, a page opens that says the computer is protected. It is also suggested to run an intelligent system scan. It is not recommended to skip this step when you start the antivirus for the first time. Therefore, you need to run this type of scan for viruses, vulnerabilities and other system flaws.

Antivirus registration

Previously, Avast Free Antivirus was provided for 1 month with no strings attached. After a month, for the possibility of further free use of the program, it was required to go through a short registration procedure directly through the antivirus interface. You had to enter your username and email... Thus, a person received the right to use an antivirus for free for 1 year. This registration procedure had to be repeated annually.

But, since 2016, Avast has revised its positions on this issue. In the latest version of the program, user registration is not required, and Avast Free Antivirus can be used indefinitely without any additional steps.

As you can see, installing the free antivirus Avast Free Antivirus is pretty simple and intuitive. The developers, wishing to make the use of this program even more convenient for users, even abandoned the annual mandatory registration process, as it was before.

V modern world every computer must have an antivirus, since with the development of the Internet, a huge number of different threats have arisen, both for the computer and for your personal data, so today we will consider the installation step by step free antivirus, for a home computer, namely Avast! Free Antivirus 2014.

What is Avast! Free Antivirus 2014

Avast! Free Antivirus Is a free antivirus for home personal computer... This antivirus was created a long time ago and has wide popularity all over the world. I also want to note that, in my opinion, the free Avast antivirus protects your home computer quite well, even on a par with paid competitors, so I think why pay money if you can download and install good protection against various external threats yourself for free. Moreover, this practically does not require any professional computer skills, the whole process of installing modern protection is easy and you do not need to call a computer wizard for this.

I also want to say that there are paid versions Avast, so if you are not satisfied with the basic protection, you can always purchase a license for the full-featured antivirus from Avast!

You can download it, of course, on the official website, you can find other sources (this is the Internet :)), but by downloading from the official website you will ensure you get the latest version, here is the link www.avast.ru

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the Avast website. Scroll down a bit and choose the level of protection for your PC, since we want to install the free version, so we choose “ The main"And click" Free download».

As a result, the file is swinging with us, this is not the antivirus itself, just an installation program, so during installation check that you have Internet enabled.

Installing Avast! Free

Let's start installing Avast antivirus.

Note! I will install the antivirus on the operating room. Windows system 7.

Step 1

Run the file avast_free_antivirus_setup_online.exe with a double click of the mouse, after which you will admire the Avast screensaver for a few seconds

Step 2

Then the window “ Installing Avast Free Antivirus»Where we propose to choose either a regular installation or a custom installation, and also offer to make Google Chrome browser default and set panel Google tools for Internet Explorer... If you do not want to go into details, and do not want to install anything additional, then uncheck the boxes and select “ Typical installation", And if you want to install, then respectively, do not remove the check mark

Step 3

Step 4

All installation is complete! The program will display an appropriate message, which will say about this and that now a quick scan of the computer will start, we press " Ready»

After that, a shortcut will appear on your desktop to launch the Avast graphical user interface, and if you have Windows 7, a special gadget will appear

Step 5

Now it remains to register our Avast! Free, if this is not done, then the program will operate for 30 days but don't worry it's just simple registration, of course free, for this we open our program, for example, by double-clicking on the shortcut on the desktop and you will launch the Avast interface, where, by the way, you will see what you need to register.

Note! At the time of this writing, the latest Avast version! Free was 2014.9.0.2021, perhaps in future versions, the program interface will change slightly, but the essence is the same.

We press " Register now"And then select" Basic protection"Click" Select»

After the registration window will open, you can register through Facebook, or you can simply enter your data, for example, I did so, and click “ Register now»

Subsequently, another window will open for you, which you can safely bury or press “ Leave basic protection»

Also, a letter with a confirmation message will be sent to your mail, you confirm accordingly by clicking on the link sent.

That's all now your computer is protected! And the antivirus will work for a whole year, and after a year you just need to re-register, just like we did a little Above.

I would like to note that automatic updating of anti-virus databases is enabled by default, so you don't need to forcibly update anything, the program update is also included, but only with a notification, in other words, if it comes out a new version programs, Avast will ask you "Do you want to update the program?" and it's up to you to update or not (although I advise you to keep up with the times! by the way, you can set it up for a fully automatic program update). Therefore, after installation and registration, you can simply forget about the antivirus! That's all! Good luck!


Installation of Avast antivirus is possible on almost all operating systems.

So, to install it in the browser, go to the avast.ru page. The company's website immediately offers to download new Avast 2016. Agree by clicking on the button Go to download.

A window opens with three antivirus options: Free Antivirus Basic, that is, free, Internet Security Comprehensive and Premier Maximum.

Choosing an option and installing Avast antivirus

The first option is free for a year, the other two you can try 30-day trials.

Comparison table is provided functionality and you can select the version you want.

Home computer application free version quite enough. Push Free download, the download starts and the downloaded file is saved.

Run the installer, the installation window opens, in which you are prompted to immediately click the button Installation, which in this case runs automatically.

By pressing the button Customization a window will open in which it is possible to designate the folder in which the antivirus will be installed.

As usual, when installing, we select the language and other necessary things. You can leave everything by default.

Open the antivirus window. The program immediately prompts you to scan your computer. If it has not been tested for a long time, you should agree.

Antivirus registration

After installing Avast antivirus, it becomes possible to register it for a period of one year. Without registration, the antivirus will work for 30 days, which, of course, is not enough. Therefore, we press the button Register now.

A window with the product version opens. If we remain adherents of the free option, then click on the button Register now.

In the registration form, you need to enter your first name, last name and your email address.

Configuring Avast Antivirus

In the next window, you can select the basic protection, and in this case, we are told that everything is fine, there is no need to update the components, all screens are active.

In the settings you can change appearance, condition monitoring, etc.

In chapter Update worth putting Automatic update ... The program can also be updated automatically.

It is possible to set up additional connections, such as a proxy server and so on.

In chapter Instruments in settings Software Updater the antivirus will participate in updating your programs. You can just turn it off.

In chapter Trouble-shooting we leave everything as default.

In chapter Scanning can choose Scan at boot operating system ... In the settings of this window, it is possible to select the scan areas, for example, all hard drives.

We choose Extra options and what to do when a threat is detected, for example, Treat or Fix automatically.

After that, if you have a rootkit, then running the antivirus in this mode will really help you.

One more interesting function can be obtained when installing Avast antivirus, it is a remote assistant. The function is implemented as follows.

If you and, for example, your friend have Avast installed, you can go to your friend's desktop and start remote control... In this case, a friend can also help you if necessary. Avast fulfills these functions one hundred percent.

We find this function in the section InstrumentsRemote assistance... Connection is available only with the permission of the computer owner.

To get remote assistance, click Get help in the right upper corner screen. The antivirus generates a code that needs to be transmitted to your assistant using your phone or in any other way.

In chapter Instruments there is a point Emergency disk which you need to create in advance on a USB stick or on a CD.

The next time the system boots, it will scan from foreign media and, thus, your computer will be cured.

Next item where you can remove unwanted toolbars and other extensions.

Let's move on to a function that allows you to fully control your computer remotely. Both computers must use the same Account Avast.

To do this, go to the section Trouble-shooting. And check the box here Allow remote control of this computer.

If the installation of Avast antivirus is implemented on a tablet or phone, then you can control them in the same way using the item My Devices.

And finally, statistics, which show in real time the last scanned objects, historical data and the status of components.

Here you can see how many viruses are blocked and how many are in quarantine. Such a simple and, at the same time, functional antivirus can be installed on your computer for free. It will really help and protect you from viruses.

You can view an overview of other antivirus programs, get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages, on the page.

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