
Which navigator is better to download to your tablet. Smartphone and navigation - good to know

The list of all kinds of gadgets, without which the existence of a modern citizen is simply impossible, is headed by a mobile phone. Based on this, it becomes clear the desire of each manufacturer to provide a potential user with the most attractive device. Moreover, not only all kinds of decorative (skins-shells-toys), but also purely practical (from a flashlight to a navigator) developments are used.

In a megalopolis or even a regional center (especially being there for the first time), it is quite difficult for both a motorist and a pedestrian to make their own route, taking into account the acute lack of time and the desire to visit all places of interest. The problem is solved quite simply: any communicator, with any variant of navigation guidance, will make you feel more confident in an unfamiliar place. But, knowledge of certain nuances will allow each citizen to choose the most suitable version of software and equipment.

What the manufacturer is silent about

First of all, it should be remembered that the active development of technologies allows the average manufacturer of digital equipment to avoid the need to develop fundamentally new gadgets, in most cases, limiting itself only to changing the chipset architecture. Actually, these changes are only an urgent need caused by the peculiarities of the modules and blocks included in the device circuit. However, fierce competition forces marketers to present the resulting modifications in a favorable perspective, abundantly flavored with complex technical markings.

In practice, this all means that ordinary user you should not be led to incomprehensible markings of processors and, moreover, to chase software with the highest possible version numbers. It doesn't matter, no matter how perfect the system layout is, by and large, all GPS modules remain identical.

We count, choose, use

It would be nice to initially determine the priority area of ​​use - in conditions of coverage of a home cellular network, you can give unconditional preference to A-GPS or internet navigation... Moreover, unlimited connection is a priority, otherwise you can run into significant amounts billed by the operator for payment.

Using a smartphone with navigation tied to the Internet is unacceptable when moving outside the coverage area home network, especially if roaming is enabled (restrictions are lifted if your family tree is dominated by the surname "Rothschild"). But this situation is not a stalemate either: a smart with an independent GPS receiver is the real solution to the problem. No network is needed, navigation will be via satellites.

GPS in mobile - yesterday and today.

It would seem that the maximum possible "stuffing" of a modern communicator should be an excellent stimulus to the same extreme demand from potential users. For example, the alleged 2005 hit from Siemens - SXG75 was charged to capacity: among other things, this phone even had a GPS module. Here it is, by the way:

But, nevertheless, competitors simply ousted successful Germans from the leading positions of manufacturers of mobile phones.

  • First, that Siemens product did not go beyond regular phone and the satellite receiver served as a kind of entertainment (theoretically, for full use, you still need a screen with a diagonal of at least 5 inches, although practice shows in some cases the advisability of purchasing 4-inch options).
  • Secondly, all productive (for GPS) software did not fall into the list of priorities among software developers for mobile phones.

Whether it's the case today:

  • the high performance of the processors of modern smartphones allows you to simultaneously work with several applications, so positioning via satellites is no longer considered a supernatural task
  • contributes to the popularity of mobile GPS and the availability of a huge amount of specialized software
  • With the increase in the throughput of the GSM channel due to 3G (and later technologies), a modification of the A-GPS appeared, combining the possibilities of an Internet connection and direct "communication" with navigation satellites.

Not without a fly in the ointment, of course: the only drawback of smartphone navigation is that even the weakest navigator will give odds to the most sophisticated smartphone. If not in response speed and period autonomous work, then for ease of use and the ability to work even where cellular network absent.

Choice of the outgoing year

As for smartphones with independent (working exclusively with satellites) navigation, the xperia from Sony and lumia from Nokia were noted with good reviews. Well, the leading positions for the Chinese Lenovo A660. The Lenovo brand is rapidly gaining positions in all areas of electronic technology.

Sony Xperia Z

Full operation of the GPS receiver at xperia series z is comparable to the functioning of a normal navigator, but for this Sony engineers I had to use a quad-core processor for Android with 1.5 kHz frequency... Powerful battery and 5 inch screen allow you to navigate without problems both on foot and behind the wheel. But, all positive impressions fade into the background when it comes to cost: at least 570 USD, the maximum is limited only by the greed of the seller.

Nokia Lumia 520

The second position in the improvised chart for lumia 520: enemy GPS (full-fledged) and domestic A-GLONASS (judging by the letter "A", only in conjunction with the Internet), allow you to plan a route with virtually no restrictions and extra costs. The device is "sharpened" for free services HERE, which allows you to remove the question of choosing software. The cost is about 200 USD. and the 8th "Windows" made Lumiya competitive in the domestic market.

Lenovo A660

Leadership of the Chinese, behind the A660 index, is due, of course, to the cost - within 180 USD, and the weaker ones? than the closest competitors indicators of "iron" do not affect the work of a full-fledged GPS navigation... One could complain about small capacity battery, but for motorists this is not a problem, even a 4-inch screen, in some cases has its advantages (a smartphone, being installed in front of the driver, does not obstruct the view, it is easier to pick up fasteners for it, it easily fits in a pocket, etc.).

Popular navigation software

Lack of free time to search for the optimal software for high-quality navigation support through communicators makes you pay attention to the reviews of happy owners. And here even a superficial analysis highlights the 7th version of Navitel and City Guide, services from Google and Yandex for smartphones that function as under Windows control and on Android. You can read more about the software.

The most controversial of the presented software options is Navitel: a trial month, then not only paid cards, but also program updates. The most democratic and popular is Yandex Navigator: not only is everything free, amazing detailing, drawing objects and detailed coverage of points of interest (POI), but also for subscribers of some operators in Russia and Ukraine free traffic is expected (ideal for use in home network). This is how I-navigator maps look in a smartphone:

The smartphone has long become an indispensable and necessary gadget in many segments of the population. It includes a whole range of programs and functions that solve simple and complex tasks of everyday life. One of these is navigation. Smartphones are gradually replacing GPS navigators due to their versatility and modernity. This became especially noticeable after the release of the operating system and expansion. Google service Maps. Until recently, only a large, durable display was lacking for a full replacement.

But after the release of such models as Samsung Galaxy Note and LG Optima, the question dropped on its own. Although the largest smartphone screen is no more than 6.5 inches, while navigators are equipped with 7-inch displays, this is quite enough for convenient viewing of maps while moving. This compact size makes the smartphone a versatile gadget that can be used as a phone, navigator, player, camera, and so on. How to choose a smartphone for navigation?

What is GPS Navigation?

Modern smartphones are equipped with a receiver, which stands for Global Positioning System. Thanks to it, you can determine the exact location, width, longitude, direction and speed of movement. The system is a set of satellites located in different places of the orbit. An alternative to GPS is the GLONASS satellite system. But she did not receive wide distribution due to the inaccuracy of the work. Some models of smartphones are equipped with receivers of both satellite systems, which is especially good in cases where one of them fails.

Benefits of GPS-enabled smartphones

By setting special application, a GPS-enabled smartphone turns into a full-fledged navigator. Before deciding which smartphone to choose for navigation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advantages of such gadgets.

  • The smartphone is always with you, so if you get lost in a foreign area, you can get it out of your pocket at any time and determine the address;
  • Large selection of navigation programs and accompanying maps;
  • There is no need for an additional gadget, because modern smartphone will replace the navigator, e-book, telephone and others.

Criteria for choosing a smartphone for navigation

The choice of a gadget with a GPS receiver should be taken seriously. We recommend choosing a smartphone to navigate by characteristics:

  • GPS chip quality;
  • Screen diameter;
  • Battery capacity;
  • RAM and internal memory;
  • Processor specifications;
  • Operating system.

GPS chip quality

Today, the most common manufacturers of GPS chips for gadgets are SiRF and u-Blox. On the basis of these microcircuits, most portable devices with navigation. Their products are distinguished by the best indicators of sensitivity, power consumption and dimensions. Also, STM, eRide and Mediatek (MTK) are engaged in the production of such chips. But unfortunately, the manufacturer of the chips is not written in the instructions of modern gadgets. Therefore, it is rather difficult to find out which chip is installed in a particular model.

Screen size

An important role in choosing a smartphone for navigation is played by the size and resolution of the screen. Basically, it can fluctuate within - inches. A device with a smaller size will not be convenient when used in a car. What can not be said about the large five-inch screen, which has better resolution and, accordingly, more accurately shows the image of the route. For navigation, the ideal screen size option is.

Screen resolution is the number of pixels per inch of a smartphone screen. It ranges from a minimum of 320/240 to. The number of pixels affects the clarity of the image that is displayed on the screen. Models with a display size of 6 inches have the highest resolution.

Battery capacity

A smartphone navigator requires a sufficiently large battery to operate properly without charging. If you intend to use it in a car, then you can get by with an average battery. You can recharge the device in a timely manner in the car. In other cases, it is recommended to take a smartphone with a maximum capacitive battery and, moreover, stock up on an additional battery or portable charger. The most optimal capacity for the navigation function is 3000 mAh.

alias carousel 103538

CPU frequency

The processor frequency is of particular importance in choosing a gadget for navigation. This metric is responsible for the frequency of data updates. Weak processor reduces stability and responsiveness navigation system... The smartphone must be equipped with at least two cores with a frequency of 1.5 Hz.

Internal and RAM

Modern smartphones are equipped with RAM and more. For expensive flagships, this figure can reach. The amount of RAM is responsible for the speed of data processing, applications and standard functions. Concerning internal memory, then this does not play a special role if there is a connector for a microfilter.

Operating system

The operating system ensures the correct interaction of the gadget electronics with software and navigation maps. Currently, smartphones are produced on the basis of the following operating systems:

  1. Android. The most common OS that most modern gadgets are equipped with. Android developed by the world famous by Google... The system is easy to use and supports a variety of navigation programs. At the moment, it is the best operating system on the basis of which it is recommended to purchase a smartphone for navigation.
  2. ... This operating system all gadgets of Apple products are equipped. Its advantages are a minimum of failures and mistakes in work and maximum pleasure from using the gadget. But there are also a lot of disadvantages to this system. It is fully customized for Apple products and can only be used on their smartphones.

Smartphone rating

In order to give the most correct answer to the question of which company to choose a smartphone for navigation, we have selected the best modern models. different manufacturers according to the characteristics described above.

Premium smartphones

This line includes expensive luxury models. The undisputed leader is the Sony Xperia Z3. The smartphone supports GPS and Glonass systems, which can replace and supplement each other. Big screen 5.2 inches in size with Full HD resolution provides a convenient use of the gadget. Thanks to the processor with four cores and a frequency of 2.5 GHz each, data exchange is instant. It is also worth noting the amount of RAM - 3 GB. The battery capacity of 3100 mAh allows you to use the smartphone in conditions remote from charging. The body of the device is completely waterproof.

Another luxury model with powerful characteristics is Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The smartphone has the highest resolution among the models in this rating. This makes the image as accurate as possible. The screen size is as much as 5.7 inches, so the image is clearly visible even with low vision. The Super Amoled display has excellent color reproduction and viewing angles. The processor performance is provided by 8 cores with a total power of 12 GHz. RAM and internal memory are 3 and 32 GB. In addition, the memory can be expanded up to 128 GB using a slot. To work as a navigator, the smartphone supports three global GPS systems with A-GPS, Glonass and Beidou.

Middle-class smartphones-navigators

It will become a decent smartphone for navigation. It is practically not inferior to the two previous flagships, moreover, it surpasses them in many ways. For example, a 5-inch screen, a 4000mAh battery, a more affordable price. The device supports two satellite systems: GPS and Glonass. A high resolution screen makes the image as clear as possible.

Another model that perfectly copes with the requirements for navigation, as well as phone calls, modern games and programs -. Its cost is much less than the presented flagships. Quad-core processor provides speed and accuracy of data processing, support for many functions and programs. The capacitive battery will allow you to use your smartphone without recharging for a long time. RAM is 2 GB, which significantly reduces the performance of the device. The smartphone has latest version OS Android 5.0. The large screen is well suited for the navigation function.

In order for many to be able to choose a smartphone for navigation, the rating includes devices of different price categories and manufacturers. The representative of the budget category is. The device has excellent performance and an affordable price. The navigation module does an excellent job of finding location data. The phone supports two satellite systems, has a 6-inch IPS screen. The modern Mediatek processor with 8 cores provides enough fast work smartphone.

For navigation to work, the phone must be in constant communication with satellite system... The data exchange process is particularly reflected in energy consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to disable the navigation module when there is no need to use it. To use a smartphone as a navigator, you need a good navigation program. Navitel, 2 GIS and Google Maps applications are very popular and reliable.

When buying a smartphone for navigation, we recommend adhering to the following criteria:

  1. Support for a gadget with two or more satellite systems;
  2. Large capacitive screen with a diameter of 5-6 inches;
  3. Battery capacity not less than 2000 mAh;
  4. Operating system - android;
  5. Dual-core or more processor with a performance of 1.5 Hz from one core;
  6. RAM - at least 2 GB;
  7. Built-in memory from 8 GB or more;
  8. Protection of the device from moisture and dust.

Acquisition inexpensive smartphone with GPS and Glonass functions for navigation a great solution in terms of ease of movement in unfamiliar terrain.


If on duty you spend most of your time on the road, driving transport, and sometimes your route is very winding, or you just decided to get out on a long-awaited vacation by going somewhere, then a GPS navigator will definitely come in handy so as not to go astray , or learn more about the situation along the route. And if your car is not equipped with a built-in navigator, but do not rush to run after it to the nearest specialized store, because you can always use your smartphone.

Nowadays, the latter are so widespread that they can be used in almost any area of ​​our daily life. While some provide stunning photos, others deliver high performance, and still others boast extraordinary powerful batteries, most of them support the function of working with GPS satellites, which is quite important in this case, including GLONASS.

And if suddenly you have not yet become the owner of this rather useful companion, then why overpay by purchasing two separate devices? After all, the smartphone, no matter how it was, will always be with you, and it is much easier to insert it into the holder and navigate the terrain with its help. And in this rating list you can get a little more detailed information on the ten best models that support this function, today.

10th place: Highscreen Easy XL

One of the new products budget segment on the smartphone market this year it has become a very interesting device, which, at its very affordable cost, was able to combine good technical indicators that allowed it to get into our top. What is it worth alone accumulator battery, which received a capacity of 3300 mAh, which provides quite good battery life. And that's with a 5.5-inch display.

The latter, by the way, received a battery-friendly HD resolution, which is generally quite good for its size and allows you to clearly see information on the terrain while driving. And since we mentioned the affordable price, it is worth noting that today, on average, it is about 7 990 rubles.

An equally useful feature of a smartphone, especially on the road, will be support for the operation of wireless networks of the 3G, 4G LTE and LTE-A Cat.4 standards with a fairly wide frequency range. Less significant, but still pleasant advantages include support for two SIM cards (micro + nano), an 8-megapixel front camera and 1 GB of RAM, which helps the 4-core processor to cope with its tasks.

9th place: OUKITEL U20 Plus

The next position in the list was won by a smartphone, which, first of all, made its way a little higher due to its very competitive price, which at the moment with a very good discount is on average 5 638 rubles, and at the same time the device offers a very good set of indicators, especially as for a state employee.

Talking about good characteristics it is undoubtedly necessary to consider them in a little more detail and the first indicator that is ambiguously striking is a pleasant IPS display, which received a 5.5-inch diagonal and Full HD resolution, which provides a fairly high quality of the output picture at such dimensions.

The optical component of the smartphone, presented in the form of a 5-megapixel front camera, which will allow you to quite comfortably communicate via video communication and take good portrait photos, and a dual main camera. The resolution of its main module is 13 Mp, while the additional 0.3 Mp will allow you to edit the resulting images after the fact.

8th place: Uhans U300

One of the good novelties in the segment of rugged smartphones this year has become, which, although not the highest degree of absolute protection against dust and moisture penetration into the device, still looks quite stylish and pleasant against the background of most smartphones in this category.

More precisely, the IP65 certification, which received this model, on the one hand, it completely protects it from the penetration of small particles, such as dust or sand, but with water the situation is slightly different. The last number 5 indicates that the smartphone is still moisture resistant, but it may not survive diving under water, but rain, drops, splashes and directed jets of water will not harm the insides.

Given the current average cost of a smartphone, which is also at a small discount at the moment is 9 808 rubles, you can praise him not only for the neat design, but also for the rather tall specifications... For example, the battery capacity is as much as 4750 mAh, which is quite appropriate with a 5.5-inch FHD display. And the amount of RAM is generally equal to 4 GB, with which only models that are one and a half to two times higher than this in cost can compete.

7th place: Neffos X1 16Gb

Are you a fan of neatness and minimalism in things like mobile technology? Then you should pay attention to Neffos X1 which looks simple and pleasant, and metal case looks very solid and reliable, with nothing superfluous on the back, except for an excellent 13-megapixel main camera with dual LED flash and a nimble fingerprint scanner that will help keep your information out of prying eyes.

The system itself works under Android 6.0 Marshmallow based good processor the middle class MediaTek Helio P10, eight cores of which operate at a frequency of 1 to 1.8 GHz. At the same time, the amount of RAM is 2 GB, which in general looks like a very good hardware platform that allows the smartphone to cope with many of the tasks.

In addition to a high-performance smartphone that can serve you as an excellent navigator, freely working with GLONASS and GPS satellites, you can also get a good camera, the main camera of which we have already evaluated, but the front camera with its 5 megapixels gives quite acceptable results. And all this can cost about 11 950 rubles today.

6th place: HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle 32Gb

If you want your smartphone to be able not only to help you navigate the terrain, but generally to match your mobile lifestyle, then it is worth considering HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle, as an option for purchase. After a small difficult period of decline in revenues, the popular Taiwanese company HTC decided to catch up by releasing several rather remarkable smartphone models, among which was this model, which received a price tag in 14 400 rubles average.

For what does the smartphone offer to spend this amount, except for the brand? Well, first of all, a very good Super LCD display can be noted, which received HD resolution with a diagonal of 5.5 inches. This decision has a positive effect on saving energy consumption of the battery, which in turn received a capacity of 2700 mAh and, according to the manufacturer, will allow the smartphone to work up to several days with moderate use.

At the same time, the manufacturers did not pass by the hardware part of the device, rewarding it with very good hardware. The central processor is a 4-core chipset from Qualcomm, namely the Snapdragon 400, clocked at up to 1.6 GHz. Rounding out the big picture is 3 GB of RAM. The volume of the internal storage in this modification is 32 GB with support for expansion by microSD cards.

5th place: Nomu S30

Having considered two of the first three smartphones from Nomu in our previous rating lists of smartphones with various advantages, the turn has finally come to the last device of this young brand, which has become a smartphone, which traditionally received a fairly reliable dustproof and moisture-resistant body made of metal and durable plastic. Considering that the smartphone, like the two previous devices, belongs to the category of protected, it is not surprising that it received an IP68 certificate, which can provide the filling with complete protection from outside interference.

Another advantage that is very useful on a long trip can be the rechargeable battery, which has received a capacity of 5000 mAh and supports the function fast charging... And even with a 5.5-inch Full HD display, which consumes most of the supplied power, the smartphone can work up to several days in medium-active use.

The 8-core Helio P10 from MediaTek and an impressive 4 GB of RAM, which is undoubtedly enough for many resource-intensive tasks, is responsible for good performance in this model. As for the cost, today it is on average 13 508 rubles.

4th place: Huawei Honor Note 8 32Gb

Given the frequent use of your pocket assistant, like a GPS navigator, the presence of a large and high-quality screen, distracted by which you can easily consider the information you are interested in on the way. It is in this case that Huawei Honor Note 8 which boasts a wide and high-quality 6.6-inch Super AMOLED display that gets an obscenely good Quad HD resolution.

And if on the road you suddenly want to capture beautiful views, making a small photo report of your trip, then excellent cameras can help with this, which have received a resolution of 8 megapixels for the front and 13 megapixels for the main one. With great confidence, the results obtained can be called more than good.

All the necessary sensors and sensors are present, as well as a fingerprint scanner that allows you to secure your personal data, and a 4500 mAh rechargeable battery will take care of satisfactory battery life (with such and such a display). average price this device will be approximately 22 999 rubles, which is more than in line with its declared potential.

3rd place: ZTE Nubia Z11 64Gb

Once the second largest manufacturer of mobile electronics in its homeland, today ZTE, although it has slightly loosened its grip, still continues to delight not only its fans, but also other users, releasing very interesting modern devices, able to boldly compete with many other well-known brands. One of these smartphones is a new product from the company. ZTE Nubia Z11, which has successfully taken one of the leading positions in our list.

The modification in question, which received 64 GB of internal memory, can also please high-performance enthusiasts with the presence of 6 GB of RAM, which work together with one of the newest mobile processorsQualcomm Snapdragon 820, up to 2.2 GHz for 4 cores.

In addition, for a very substantial amount of 25 890 rubles on average, you can get into the load such positive advantages as a stylish and durable aluminum case, a wide range of work in all modern wireless networks, given the presence of NFC, powerful optics, a resolution of 8 and 16 megapixels for the front and main cameras, respectively, and an accurate fingerprint scanner.

2nd place: Apple iPhone SE 32Gb

When it comes to a list best smartphones supporting this or that useful functions, then almost every such top will contain at least one of the models from the world-famous Apple. So in this case, it was worth mentioning at its true worth one of the devices that became Apple iPhone SE.

Despite the exaggerated excitement with the release of each new model and the constantly inflated cost of the next novelty, they should still be given credit for something. Firstly, over the long 10 years on the market, the equipment of this company has become famous for its unprecedented quality and reliability, and secondly, every owner of an “apple” smartphone over time begins to realize that they are definitely worth their money.

In the case of this model, we have an absolutely accurate design of its predecessor 5S, which at first caused a wave of misunderstanding among real fans of the brand, but what was more important was what was inside, since the 2-core Apple processor The 1.8GHz A9 and 2GB of RAM are solid proof that this is an improved version of the once popular smartphone.

The particular version under review has 32GB of internal memory, which provides an average market value of 32,990 rubles... And if you need compact smartphone, which you can rely on at any moment of your trip, this model is really worth your attention. Unless the 1624 mAh battery might make some users doubt it.

1st place: HTC U Ultra 64Gb

Well, the most promising and interesting novelty of this year, which combines all the necessary qualities in order to reliably serve its owner, replacing several other devices of everyday life at once becomes HTC U Ultra.

Having received not the smallest, but still quite compact Super LCD display with a diagonal of 5.7 inches with a Quad HD resolution (2560x1440 pixels), the smartphone can be very conveniently used in a wide variety of applications, from navigating the terrain while driving, to its direct use as a means of communication, thanks to its small size, and at the same time enjoying a colorful and high quality image. By the way, is responsible for the safety of the screen safety glass 5th generation Gorilla Glass, which will greatly increase its chances of integrity.

The decision that affected the camera modules was also quite extraordinary, since the main camera received a resolution of 12 megapixels, and the front one - 16 megapixels. Moreover, such a solution will definitely appeal to lovers of taking selfies. Having collected all the advantages in one device, the company offers it to users at an average cost of 41 890 rubles, which is a pretty serious price, which, after all, corresponds to the quality.

In one of the articles, we looked at how to move applications to a memory card.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of using GPS for navigation. Finally, you can forget about paper maps and endless questions for random passers-by in search of the right path. Smartphones with GPS navigators have long been our faithful guides. In this review, we have collected best models smartphones for navigation in different price categories.

Why are GPS-enabled smartphones useful? GPS alone doesn't do much good. But if you install a special navigation application on your smartphone, it turns into a full-fledged modern navigator. This is a great replacement for individual devices that are often used by car enthusiasts.


  • The phone is always at hand. If you get lost in a strange city, you can just get the device with navigation software out of your pocket and find the address you want.
  • A wide variety of navigation applications and maps for them. Both paid and free. Selection of programs and maps for specific model navigator is limited.
  • There is no need for an additional device. Smartphones with built-in GPS have long been the norm, so you don't have to shell out extra money for a separate navigator.
  • A smartphone with a navigator will be useful for long car trips, hiking in unknown areas, on business trips and just in big cities with an intricate street system.


Of course, you need to choose a phone wisely and evaluate all parameters in a comprehensive manner. However, it is these characteristics that have the maximum impact on the quality of using a smartphone as a navigator:

  • The quality of the GPS chip. The better the chip, the more accurately the location on the map is determined.
  • Screen size. On small displays, it is not easy to make out the correct road, so it is important to choose a screen with a diagonal of 5 inches or more.
  • Battery capacity. Not so important for motorists (you can recharge in the car), but it is critical for pedestrians not to be left without an assistant at the most inopportune moment.

Let's consider the most interesting models of smartphones for navigation, broken down by price categories.


  • Price: from 18380 rubles.
  • Screen: IPS, 5.5 inches with FullHD-resolution.
  • Processor: 8 cores, Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 MSM8953, 2000 MHz.
  • Battery capacity: 3080mAh.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Cameras: 12 and 5 megapixels.
  • 2 SIM.
  • Android 7.1.
  • 3G, LTE (4G) and Wi-Fi.

Smartphone with a powerful GPS receiver, equipped with the most modern and expensive hardware. Actually, this is what a device for serious money should be. The main advantage of Xiaomi Mi5X is a high-quality dual camera the highest quality with a resolution of 12 megapixels, equipped with a xenon flash.

  • Price: from 27 589 rubles.
  • Screen: Super LCD 5, 5.7 inches with QHD resolution.
  • Processor: 4 cores, Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 MSM 8996 Pro, 2150 MHz.
  • Battery capacity: 3000mAh.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Cameras: 12 and 16 megapixels.
  • 2 SIM.
  • Android 7.1.
  • 3G, LTE (4G) and Wi-Fi.

HTC's flagship phablet has the highest resolution screen in our review. It is impossible to miss the smallest detail when used as a navigator. It is also pleasing to have 64 GB of internal memory, which allows you to do without buying an additional flash-card.

The main feature of this model is a double screen. On the back is a small 2.05-inch display with a resolution of 160x1040 pixels. It displays the time, weather and battery power.


  • Price: from 14,900 rubles.
  • Processor: 4 cores Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 MSM8916, 1700 MHz
  • Battery capacity: 3000mAh.
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Cameras: 13 and 8 megapixels.
  • 2 SIM.
  • Android 4.4.
  • 3G, LTE (4G) and Wi-Fi.

VIBE Z2 Pro is not much inferior to the flagship models from the leading brands from the previous category, and in many points it surpasses them. A 3000 mAh battery, 5.5-inch screen, 2 slots for SIM-cards, no overpayment for the brand - these are the parameters that determine the slight advantage of this model.

  • Price: from 13,100 rubles.
  • Screen: IPS, 5.5 inches with HD-resolution.
  • CPU: Intel Atom Z3580, 4 cores with a frequency of 1.8 GHz each.
  • Battery capacity: 3000mAh.
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Cameras: 13 and 5 megapixels.
  • 2 micro SIM.
  • Android 5.0.
  • 3G, LTE (4G) and Wi-Fi.

The model that most clearly fits the definition “ middle class”. This smartphone is suitable for both navigation and most modern games and applications.


  • Price: from 9500 rubles.
  • Screen: IPS, 5.2 inches with HD-resolution.
  • Processor: 8 cores, MediaTek MT6753, 1500 MHz.
  • Battery capacity: 2800mAh.
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Cameras: 8 and 5 megapixels.
  • 2 SIM.
  • Android 6.0.
  • Wi-fi and 4g.

Not a bad budget model with disadvantages typical of this class of smartphones: too low resolution for such a serious screen diagonal and not the strongest camera in its class.

For the rest, Alcatel POP The C9 can be a worthy replacement for any standalone GPS navigator.

  • Price: from 9990 rubles.
  • Screen: IPS, 5.5 inches with FHD resolution
  • Processor: MediaTek MT6737T, 4 cores with a frequency of 1.5 GHz each.
  • Battery capacity: 5000mAh.
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Cameras: 13 and 5 megapixels.
  • 2 SIM
  • Android 7.0.
  • Wi-fi and 4g.

Fly Power Plus FHD is equipped with a high-quality IPS screen and a huge 5000 mAh battery - this is a non-standard indicator for a budget range. For only 9990 rubles you can buy a smartphone with GPS, which has excellent characteristics for navigation.

In addition, this model does a good job with many modern games, not to mention the usual mobile applications.

Other Fly smartphones
On our website you can find a catalog with the rest of Fly smartphones on Android.

GPS operation requires constant communication of the smartphone with special satellites. The regular process of exchanging information is a big drain on the battery. Therefore, remember to turn off GPS when you do not need to use it.

There are quite a few good navigation apps for smartphones: Navitel, Google maps, Yandex Navigator, 2 GIS and many others. Read more about such applications in our article 10 best navigators for Android.

Buying an inexpensive GPS smartphone to use as a navigator - perfect solution to improve the convenience of moving around unfamiliar terrain. Try it yourself, and you will feel the degree of freedom that this small but extremely useful device gives.

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