
How to get around I'm not a VKontakte robot. ReCAPTCHA - the simplest captcha I'm not a Google robot. The reason for the appearance of spam and what to do so that the captcha does not annoy ordinary users

According to statistics, almost half of the traffic on the Internet is bots. Various programs and viruses visit sites, spoil statistics, and in some cases damage the sites. There are bots for boosting links, comments and much more, so almost every site has a captcha.

How to disable captcha? An urgent question, because people are already tired of solving symbols from pictures.

Some site owners put captcha not because their resources are being attacked by bots, but because it is fashionable. What is the feel of their visitors who, for frequent repeated actions, have to enter numbers and letters from pictures.

How to disable captcha in Advego Plagiatus and other programs?

Any software that executes multiple requests to different systems belongs to the category of bots. Advego Plagiatus is a program for checking texts for uniqueness.

Through it, requests are submitted to search engines, and if there are too many of them, a captcha appears. This is protection against automated systems, which is also on many other sites.

So that the users of the programs did not have to constantly enter characters, they were invented. In them, everyone is invited to solve the captcha and get a penny for it. There are many who wish, so you can deposit money on the balance sheet and calmly go about your business.

Using Advego Plagiatus as an example, let's look at how to disable captcha... We go to the special site Rucaptcha, where beginners earn. First you need to replenish your balance, deposit 50 rubles, this will be enough for a long time if you are not actively using bots.

Then go to the API tab for the webmaster, to get a special key:

It is indicated not only in Plagiatus, but also in any other programs with Anti-Captcha support. Now go to the settings of the Advego program:

At the very bottom, there is a choice of service for automatic captcha checking and there is also a field for entering the received captcha KEY:

The decoupler saves a lot of time, but if you often check the texts, you will have to constantly throw money to pay the performers. V recent times appears up to 10 captchas when checking one text for 3-4 thousand characters.

How to disable captcha in Google and Yandex?

There is one more method to get rid of annoying guessing of symbols. It is suitable not only for search engines, it is used in general for all sites. The method is complicated, you will have to use a proxy or order a dynamic IP address from an Internet provider.

How do systems identify bots? They track actions from the same IP addresses, if the same actions are performed too often, a check starts, i.e. you must enter captcha. Do you understand why you need a dynamic IP or proxy? To constantly change it!

In the connection settings (or a program with a proxy Proxy Switcher), you must set an automatic change of address with a minimum interval of time. Let the address change every second, the program manages to perform many actions during this time, but it does not reach the captcha.

A somewhat difficult option, but he is guaranteed to work and you don't have to constantly throw money. It is enough to pay the provider once for the dynamic IP service or buy a high-quality proxy base.

Anywhere you can turn off VK captcha, Plagiatus, search engines. Such a check is not perfect; bypass methods help even bots to act calmly.

Captcha (CAPTCHA), demanding to prove that "I am not a robot" appears on more and more sites and services, and annoys users. There are several reasons why sites mistake visitors for bots and require verification characters. Is it possible to get rid of repeated checks, what needs to be changed in the browser settings and the page on Vkontakte, how to bypass captcha using VPN services?

What is captcha?

CAPTCHA is an automated public Turing test. It allows you to identify a bot among site visitors. The mechanism for protecting web services from spam was developed in 2000 by a team at Carnegie Mellon University. The idea of ​​the test is that the proposed task is easily performed by humans, but not available to machines.

Most often, users need to enter characters from the picture. They are shown with interference, or translucent so that the machine cannot recognize them. Initially, the system worked well, reduced the load on sites, saved them from fake comments.

Seven years after the creation of the Turing test, a modification appeared - reCAPTCHA. People were asked to recognize words from scanned editions of The New York Times. Spam protection helped digitize the publication at the same time.

But computers became more powerful and capable of recognizing characters. Therefore, other options appeared: search for cats, road signs in pictures, or a check mark opposite the phrase "I am not a robot."

The test, which was useful for the administration of sites, began to annoy users. Sometimes you have to enter the captcha several times to see a page. Captcha on VKontakte becomes a separate problem.

There are several reasons why the user has to constantly prove that he is not a robot. Even if a person does not spam, but simply leaves comments or communicates on social networks, he may be haunted by entering characters.

Suspicious traffic from the computer. Browser extensions or viruses on a user's device can become part of a bot network. For this, reCAPTCHA blocks his IP address.

Bad Company. Providers allocate one real IP for a group of subscribers. Therefore, if one of them is a bot, it is blocked, and the whole group is blacklisted.

Disable JavaScript on your smartphone. The reCAPTCHA mechanism is the JavaScript code on the site. Codes are used not only by services, but also by scammers, therefore JavaScript is disabled in smartphones for security in browsers. This causes reCAPTCHA to malfunction.

How to get rid of captcha

Change settings

Members Google chrome can get rid of annoying protection by disabling a number of extensions. An ad blocking AdBlock extension or an RDS Bar plugin often results in captchas.

Another option for computers is to reconnect to the internet. After rebooting the modem or router, the user can get a new external address and get rid of the annoying check.

For iPhone owners, click the Add-ons tab in Safari's Preferences and enable JavaScript. For Android users in Chrome, click on the three-dot menu, go to Settings, open Site Settings, and activate JavaScript as well. Another option for mobiles is to briefly turn on airplane mode, after which the smartphone will be re-registered on the network, and will be able to receive a clean IP.

You can get rid of VKontakte captcha in a few minutes. In the page settings, go to the "Security" section, click on "Show activity history". The pop-up window will show the history of visits to the site and the IP from which the login was made.

If the address in the list is different from the user's address, you need to click "End all sessions". And then change your password. In addition, captcha appears less often if the page is linked to a phone number.

Special services

If you are too lazy to enter captcha, even occasionally, other users will do it for a fee. On specialized web services, they will take about 40 rubles for solving a thousand pictures. The user will receive a special key that allows him to forget about the annoying test.

Dynamic IP

If the witchcraft with the settings did not help, you will have to use VPN services. Large companies provide this service for a fee. But there is also free services with a good interface and easy to operate. For example, CyberGhost VPN ( free download >>).

The service works with all popular browsers and is perfectly protected thanks to the OpenVPN protocol with 256-bit AES encryption. Free to run on only one device. The user will get access to 37 servers in 12 countries, work without interruption for about three hours, after that he must reconnect and continue working.

All Internet users have come across the field "I am not a robot" (I "m not a robot), opposite which you need to put a tick in order to continue working on the site. How does this field know that you are not really a robot and why it has meaning? To answer this question, we must remember what a captcha is.

CAPTCHA stands for fully automated public Turing test for recognizing computers and people. This test was invented in 2003 by Louis von An and his research team at Carnegie Mellon University. The purpose of these garbled chunks of text is to stop the spread of spam and automatic programs on the Internet, like buying up all the sold online tickets for their resale is more expensive. Captcha works because humans can recognize garbled text and random character sets, but computers and bots cannot.

If you want to stop the robots, then install a captcha on your website. As a result, it is currently used on millions of sites and users encounter it on a daily basis. Won Ahn began to wonder if something more convenient and advanced could be used and answered that question in the affirmative. The developers decided to use the power of intelligence to digitize all existing real books. The books need to be scanned, and then optical character recognition software is used to convert the words into digital text.

All words that are too difficult to recognize were placed in the reCAPTCHA database. Instead of displaying random sets of characters, the captcha began to show words from books that the computer could not understand. When a sufficient number of Internet users have entered this word, the word is considered confirmed and sent to the e-book database. Won Ahn called this project reCAPTCHA.

The creators are promoting the slogan "Stop spam, read books." ReCAPTCHA is used more than 100 million times every day, which is equivalent to reading 2.5 million books a year. V Google decided to buy reCAPTCHA and did so in 2009. They began using the power of intelligence to digitize the archive of New York Times articles beginning in the 19th century, as well as all Google Books. When these resources were depleted, Google began using house numbers from Google Street View and designations from google maps... However, the story doesn't end there.

There are a couple of problems left. For example, reCAPTCHA cannot be used by blind people. For this reason, an audio reCAPTCHA has been added, where words are spoken aloud. In addition, even with sight, reCAPTCHA presents problems for people with dyslexia. We started to appear with services that dealt with reCAPTCHA automatically, naturally, not for free. These services are used by employees in third world countries who, for a small fee, enter captcha manually and send it back to users.

The last and most important problem lies in computer vision technologies, which have become so high quality that they have learned to solve captchas on their own. Therefore, the engineers thought about how to complicate the process. Various font distortions, digital noise, additional lines began to be used, but technologies continued to develop and learned to overcome these difficulties.

Google decided to do some research and found that people recognize complex captchas only 33% of the time, while Google's own algorithms recognize captchas 99.8% of the time. It seems that computers are already smarter than humans. As a result, Google decided to abandon various twisted combinations of characters and began to use a field labeled "I'm not a robot." This field is named NO CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA.

When you click on the checkbox, an HTTP request is sent to Google with a variety of information. This includes your IP address, country, timestamp, information from the browser, such as data about the movement of the cursor in the second before you tick the box, how you scrolled the page before clicking, the time intervals between different browser events and many others. variables that Google does not disclose.

All these parameters are processed by algorithms machine learning and risk analysis. In most cases, the results of the analysis are able to distinguish a person from computer program... However, risk analysis shows that in a small percentage of cases there are doubts and then the user is asked additional task... Pictures appear that he must recognize. For example, a user should check all pictures that show high-rise buildings, road signs, shops, etc. If, as a result, you can prove that you are human, the Google engine will remember this and the next time you click on the field "I'm not a robot" you will get access without having to click on the pictures.

Captcha technology (CAPTCHA) is an automated test designed to identify computerized users, aka bots.

Its goal is to formulate a problem that can be easily solved by a person, but difficult for a computer.

But, there are also situations when a seemingly useful script becomes too intrusive.

There is an assumption that Google trains the AI ​​of its drones, thanks to users entering captcha with pictures, I am not a robot.

How to remove captcha I'm not a robot

The reasons for this behavior may vary, but you can always try to fix everything - we carry out the actions as they are eliminated:

  • Disconnect and reconnect an active Internet connection. Reboot your router or modem. Thus, the IP address may change.
  • We resort to the help of a VPN service. The latter are both paid and free to use. Provided as extensions (add-ons) for browsers and as separately-installed software on a computer.
  • We look through and installed extensions... For example, the latest version of Yandex Browser automatically disables plugins from unverified sources and periodically checks those already installed for counterfeiting.
  • Check if JavaScript is enabled in the web browser: Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Personal data block Content settings -> JavaScript section.
  • Do not forget about antivirus software- it is possible that the computer has become a victim of a botnet, hence the dissatisfaction with the CAPTCHA for the traffic generated at this address.

Interestingly, hundreds of millions of "captchas" are entered by Internet users every day. At the same time, it is no secret that not everyone manages to enter it correctly the first time.

Some users complain that when writing a message in a group or even when entering VKontakte, a captcha appears, that is, a picture with a code that must be constantly entered.

This is what the captcha itself looks like:

Agree, numbers with letters are difficult to make out, so even one captcha can be pretty nerve-racking. The question is: what to do to get rid of it?

It's all about the strict anti-spam policy of VK, so if the system sees that the user's actions are similar to those of a bot or a spammer, it can start using captcha. But after all, ordinary users also face it.

  • If you see a captcha when you write a comment, say, in a VK group, this means that you either repeat a lot of monotonous actions, or this is protection from users who have not joined the group. In the second case, you just need to add to the community.
  • Captcha can appear if you send a lot of links to third-party resources. Spam bots are often used to send out links.
  • Captcha also appears with any action if the page is not tied to a phone number. True, this is a long time ago, since now the page must be bound to a mobile number.

What if you still see the captcha, although you are not doing anything wrong? Alternatively, someone uses your page without your asking, and you may not know about it. To check, use the VKontakte settings.

Go to "My Settings" and select the "Security" tab. In the subsection "Activity history" click "Show activity history".

You will see the browser type, site login date and ip address. If the ip-address is different from yours, immediately click on the "End all sessions" button (highlighted by an arrow).

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