
Plant named after Reshetnev. JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnev. Tusur and jsc "iss": reliability in cooperation, courage in ideas


Contact Information:

Company details:

INN: 2452034898

Checkpoint: 245201001

OKPO: 10163039

OGRN: 1082452000290

OKFS: 41 - Mixed Russian ownership with a share of federal ownership

OKOGU: 4210001 - Business companies formed from state enterprises, voluntary associations of state enterprises

OKOPF: 12267 - Non-public joint stock companies

OKTMO: 04735000001

FFMS: 55356-E

OKATO: 04535000 - - Zheleznogorsk, Cities of regional subordination of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which are under the jurisdiction of federal bodies of state power and administration, Krasnoyarsk Territory


Legal predecessors:


Main (according to OKVED rev. 2 code): 72.19 - Other research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences

Additional activities according to OKVED 2:

30.30.41 Manufacture of unmanned spacecraft
41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
42.11 Construction of highways and highways
42.12 Construction of railways and metro
42.21 Construction of engineering communications for water supply and sewerage, gas supply
42.22.1 Construction of intercity power transmission and communication lines
42.22.2 Construction of local power transmission and communication lines
42.91.4 Dredging, dredging and bank protection works
42.99 Construction of other engineering structures not included in other categories
43.11 Demolition and demolition of buildings
43.12 Site preparation
43.12.1 Clearing the construction site
43.12.3 Excavation work
43.21 Electrical work
43.22 Plumbing, installation of heating and air conditioning systems
43.29 Other construction and installation works
43.31 Plastering works
43.32 Joinery and carpentry works
43.33 Works on the installation of floor coverings and wall cladding
43.34.1 Painting works
43.34.2 Glass works
43.39 Production of other finishing and finishing works
43.91 Roofing works
43.99.1 Waterproofing works
43.99.2 Scaffolding and scaffolding installation work
43.99.3 Pile works and foundation construction works
43.99.4 Concrete and reinforced concrete works
43.99.5 Erection works of steel building structures
43.99.6 Stone and brick works
43.99.7 Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures
49.41.1 Transportation of goods by specialized vehicles
49.41.2 Transportation of goods by non-specialized vehicles
70.22 Business and management consulting
71.11 Activities in the field of architecture
71.11.1 Activities in the field of architecture related to the creation of an architectural object
71.12 Activities in the field of engineering surveys, engineering design, construction project management, construction control and supervision, provision of technical advice in these areas
71.12.1 Activities related to engineering design, construction project management, construction control and designer supervision
71.12.13 Development of projects for air conditioning, refrigeration, sanitary engineering and monitoring of environmental pollution, construction acoustics
71.12.3 Geological exploration, geophysical and geochemical works in the field of subsoil study and reproduction of the mineral resource base
71.12.41 Topographic and geodetic activities
71.12.42 Cartographic activities, including activities in the fields of names of geographical objects and the creation and maintenance of cartographic and geodetic fund
71.12.45 Engineering surveys in construction
71.12.46 Land management
71.12.6 Activities in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, accreditation, product cataloging
82.99 Activities related to the provision of other business support services n.e.c.
86.90.4 Activities of health resort organizations


Is or was in the past the founder of the following organizations:

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 034017015569

Registration date: 04.03.2008

The name of the PFR body: State institution - Administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the city of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2082452023707


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 240275433324021

Registration date: 04.03.2008

Name of the FSS body: Branch No. 2 of the State Institution - Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2082452006965

Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 14.03.2008

According to rkn.gov.ru dated 02.28.2020 according to TIN, the company is in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 17.12.2018

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 518

Operator name: Joint Stock Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnev "

Operator location address: 662972, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zheleznogorsk, st. Lenin, 52

Personal data processing start date: 03.03.2008

Subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which personal data is processed: Krasnoyarsk region

Purpose of processing personal data: 1) fulfillment of the duties of ISS JSC as an employer: conclusion and execution of labor and collective agreements, ensuring compliance with laws, local regulations of ISS JSC, including the Internal Labor Regulations, and other regulatory legal acts, personnel and accounting records , training and promotion of employees, rewarding and rewarding for work, ensuring the personal safety of employees, monitoring the quantity and quality of work performed and ensuring the safety of property, assistance in the employment of applicants for vacant positions (professions), information services. 2) fulfillment of contractual obligations with customers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, students and other individuals and legal entities that have contractual relations with JSC "ISS".

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The "ISS" JSC policy regarding the processing of personal data was developed and approved and posted on the official website of ISS JSC (www.iss-reshetnev.ru). Developed and approved the Regulation “On personal data of employees of JSC“ ISS. A model of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in the personal data information system of JSC "ISS" (hereinafter - ISPDN) has been developed and approved. The required level of protection of personal data during their processing in ISPDN has been determined, a set of measures has been developed to protect personal data. By orders of the heads of structural divisions, persons responsible for receiving (collecting), processing and storing personal data are appointed. The right to access the personal data of employees is established by orders of the heads of independent structural divisions. A list of persons who need access to personal data of employees processed in ISPDN was approved in order to fulfill their job duties. Responsible for the organization of personal data processing at ISS JSC have been appointed. V local network The Society has created a section “Legislation of the Russian Federation on Personal Data”. V job descriptions of employees of the Company who have access to the personal data of employees of JSC ISS, requirements have been introduced to comply with the confidentiality of information containing personal data of employees and responsibility for failure to comply with the procedure and conditions for working with information containing personal data of employees of JSC ISS. Employees who have access to the personal data of the employees of ISS JSC sign obligations-warnings about the non-disclosure of personal data entrusted to work. The Instruction of the Human Resources Department, the Personnel Training and Development Department, the Legal Department “On the Processing and Protection of Personal Data of ISS JSC Employees” was approved. The Rules for the implementation of internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the requirements for the protection of personal data were approved. The Instruction on the organization of password protection was approved. The Regulation on the destruction of personal data of employees of JSC "ISS", processed in the departments for work with personnel and contained in documents, the storage period of which has expired, was approved. The composition of the commission for the destruction of documents, the storage period of which has expired, has been approved. Responsible for the control of the storage time of documents have been appointed. The reception and processing of requests and requests from subjects of personal data is organized. The Regulation for processing requests of personal data subjects in ISS JSC was approved. Schedules are drawn up for conducting internal control over the compliance of personal data processing with the requirements for the protection of personal data in the divisions of the personnel management department. Internal control of the compliance of the processing of personal data with the requirements for the protection of personal data is carried out in the divisions of the personnel management department by drawing up the appropriate protocols. Identification and authentication of users when working in ISPDN is carried out. User access to personal data and information flows between the segments of the personal data information system are controlled, the principle of minimum privileges is applied. The collection, recording, storage and protection of information about security events during the processing of personal data in ISPDN is carried out within a specified period. Anti-virus protection tools are used, equipped with mechanisms for centralized management and updating of virus signature databases and have passed the procedures for compliance with the established security requirements. Physical protection measures implemented technical means personal data information system. Regular backup databases containing personal data of personal data subjects. Organizational and technical measures have been taken to use only authorized software in ISPDN.

Categories of personal data: biometric personal data, last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, health status, 1) personal data of employees: series and passport number of a citizen of the Russian Federation, date of issue and authority that issued the passport, series and number of general civil foreign passport, date of issue and authority that issued the passport, seniority, insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS), an identification number taxpayer (TIN), information about military registration, data of the questionnaire (form 4) approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2010 No. 63 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for admitting officials and citizens of the Russian Federation to state secrets", data of the employee's personal card (form T-2), information on penalties, home and cell phone, bank account number, number bank card... 2) personal data of applicants: gender, citizenship, cell phone number, address Email, children under 18 years of age, military service, academic degree, work experience, military ID, professional skills, leisure activities and personal qualities.

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: - to employees (subjects) of ISS JSC who are in labor relations with a legal entity (operator), - individuals(suppliers, sellers, contractors, performers, etc.) (subjects), which are in contractual relations with a legal entity (operator), - individuals (applicants) (subjects) who have submitted a resume for a vacant position / profession in ISS JSC (operator), - individuals (subjects) sent to JSC "ISS" (operator) on a business trip. - individuals (entities) who are close relatives and / or family members of employees of ISS JSC (operator), - individuals (former employees of the operator) (subjects) who quit ISS JSC, - individuals (students, trainees ) (subjects) with whom an apprenticeship agreement has been concluded, as well as students and pupils undergoing internship at ISS JSC (at the Operator).

List of actions with personal data: The processing of the above personal data will be carried out by collecting, recording, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), extracting, using, transferring (distributing, providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting and destroying personal data.

Personal data processing: with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet, mixed

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Guided by: Agreements concluded between the Operator and the subject of personal data (labor contracts, civil law contracts, apprenticeship contracts, etc.). 2) Legal acts, in pursuance of which and in accordance with which the Operator processes personal data: - Labor Code of the Russian Federation, - Tax Code of the Russian Federation, - Civil Code of the Russian Federation, - Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" , - Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ "On information, information technology and on the protection of information ", - Federal Law dated 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ" On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system ", - Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ" On accounting ", - Federal Law of 30.12.2008 N 307-FZ "On Auditing Activity", - Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings", - Federal Law of 28.03.1998 No. 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service ", - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.09.2008 No. 687" On approval of the Regulation on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools ", - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.11.2012 No. 1119" On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing v information systems personal data ", - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719" On approval of the Regulations on military registration ", - Order of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia) of February 18, 2013 No. 21" On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in information systems of personal data ", - Charter of JSC" ISS ". 3) The consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data.

Cross-border transmission availability: No

Database location details: Russia

According to rkn.gov.ru dated 03/02/2020 according to TIN, he is the founder (co-founder) of 1 media (s):

Financial reports (accounting indicators):
H1.1110Intangible assets1159540 thous. rub.
H1.1120Research and development results325054 thous. rub.
H1.1130Intangible search assets0 thous. rub.
Form 1.1140Tangible search assets0 thous. rub.
H1.1150Fixed assets9173380 thous. rub.
H1.1160Profitable investments in material assets0 thous. rub.
Form 1.1170Financial investments8061370 thous. rub.
Form 1.1180Deferred tax assets2637960 thous. rub.
H1.1190Other noncurrent assets9439170 thous. rub.
H1.1100Total for Section I - Non-current assets 30796500 thous. rub.
H1.1210Stocks35503500 thous. rub.
H1.1220Value added tax on acquired assets297046 thous. rub.
H1.1230Receivables40292800 thous. rub.
Form 1.1240Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)0 thous. rub.
Form 1.1250Cash and cash equivalents37642200 thous. rub.
H1.1260Other current assets49559 thous. rub.
H1.1200Total for Section II - Current Assets 113785000 thous. rub.
H1.1600BALANCE (asset) 144582000 thous. rub.
Form 1.1310Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, partners' contributions)13338100 thous. rub.
Form 1.1320Own shares repurchased from shareholders0 thous. rub.
H1.1340Revaluation of non-current assets0 thous. rub.
Form 1.1350Additional capital (without revaluation)12120200 thous. rub.
Form 1.1360Reserve capital230440 thous. rub.
Form 1.1370Retained earnings (uncovered loss)4319120 thous. rub.
H1.1300Total for Section III - Capital and reserves 30007800 thous. rub.
H1.1410Borrowed funds281119 thous. rub.
H1.1420Deferred tax liabilities3809590 thous. rub.
H1.1430Estimated liabilities0 thous. rub.
H1.1450Other liabilities0 thous. rub.
H1.1400Total Section IV - Long-term liabilities 4090710 thous. rub.
H1.1510Borrowed funds3383 thous. rub.
H1.1520Accounts payable105237000 thous. rub.
H1.1530revenue of the future periods906009 thous. rub.
Form 1.1540Estimated liabilities0 thous. rub.
H1.1550Other liabilities4336950 thous. rub.
H1.1500Total Section V - Current liabilities 110483000 thous. rub.
H1.1700BALANCE (liabilities) 144582000 thous. rub.
Form 2.2110Revenue17439300 thous. rub.
Form 2.2120Cost of sales16920700 thous. rub.
Form 2.2100Gross profit (loss) 518657 thous. rub.
Form 2.210Business expenses0 thous. rub.
Form 2.220Administrative expenses0 thous. rub.
Form 2.2200Profit (loss) from sales 518657 thous. rub.
Form 2.2310Income from participation in other organizations26583 thous. rub.
Form2.2320Interest receivable875574 thous. rub.
Form 2.230Percentage to be paid1921570 thous. rub.
Form 2.240Other income2747840 thous. rub.
Form2.2350other expenses1650920 thous. rub.
Away2.2300Profit (loss) before tax 596152 thous. rub.
Form 2.2410Current income tax0 thous. rub.
Form 2.2421incl. permanent tax liabilities (assets)82974 thous. rub.
Form 2.2430Change in deferred tax liabilities919280 thous. rub.
Form 2.2450Change in deferred tax assets717075 thous. rub.
Form2.2460Other658 thous. rub.
Form 2.2400Net income (loss) 393289 thous. rub.
Form 2.2510Result from revaluation of non-borrowed assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period0 thous. rub.
Form 2.2520Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period0 thous. rub.
Away 2.2500Aggregate financial result of the period 393289 thous. rub.
Form 3.3600Net assets30913800 thous. rub.

"Information satellite systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnev "(ISS) is a Russian developer and manufacturer of spacecraft for communication, television broadcasting, relaying, navigation, geodesy.

For 55 years, the company's specialists have created more than 1200 spacecraft, put into operation over 40 space systems and complexes. Currently, 2/3 of the Russian orbital group are satellites for the development and production of ISS.


  • Creation of spacecraft, communication systems and complexes, television broadcasting, relaying, navigation, geodesy
  • Creation of ground control systems for spacecraft
  • Control of spacecraft and multi-satellite constellations
  • Training of customer representatives in spacecraft management, technical support during the entire life of the satellites
  • Carrying out research and development work in the field of creating space technology


2017: Transfer of 80% of shares of "Messenger" to "Roskosmos"

As it became known in April 2017, 80% of the shares of the Gonets Satellite System JSC will become the property of Roscosmos. The decision to buy out the company, according to Kommersant's sources, was made on April 12, 2017 by the supervisory board of the state corporation. He also approved plans to form a single operator for communication and relay systems on the basis of the company. This, as stated in Roskosmos, will allow it to become a full-fledged participant in the global market for these services.

Later, a government decree was to be issued obliging to transfer 80% of the shares of Gonets Satellite System JSC, which at that time belonged to Academician MF Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (ISS), to the ownership of the Roscosmos state corporation.

Welcome to the official website of the Academician MF Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems Company - the leading enterprise in Russia for the creation of spacecraft for communication, television broadcasting, relaying, navigation, and geodesy.

With the help of satellites, created in JSC "ISS", a wide range of services is provided both in Russia and far beyond its borders. The path of our company is an integral part of the history of the domestic rocket and space industry and the world's unmanned astronautics.

We constantly monitor modern trends in the field of satellite construction, develop and implement advanced technologies at all stages of spacecraft development. Every year our company invests heavily in the modernization of production in order to ensure the manufacture of competitive products in accordance with the highest international standards. We pay great attention to interaction with partners, thanks to which a stable cooperation has been formed, capable of implementing projects of any complexity. All this allows us to offer our customers high-quality products based on modern technical solutions that meet the ever-growing market requirements. All activities of JSC "ISS" are aimed at ensuring that high-quality and affordable information services are provided to consumers with the help of the latest spacecraft.

The key to the success of our company lies in the fact that we never stop at what has been achieved. In each new project, we strive to increase the share of our own work. In particular, we have started the design and manufacture of our own payloads for spacecraft of our design and are proud of the positive results obtained in this area.

Our team is a team of specialists the highest class... Their high professionalism and creative potential enable the company to successfully compete in the space technology market.

Thank you for your interest in our enterprise. I am sure that during your acquaintance with the site of JSC "ISS" you will surely find many useful information about the activities of our company.

Best regards, General Director
N. A. Testoedov

Joint Stock Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician MF Reshetnev "is the Russian leader in the creation of spacecraft for communication, television broadcasting, relaying, navigation, and geodesy. Many years of experience in design and development activities, a modern production and experimental base, the use of advanced technologies, highly qualified personnel - all this allows the company to manufacture products that meet international quality and reliability standards.

For 60 years, the company's specialists have created more than 1280 spacecraft, put into operation over 40 space systems and complexes. At present, 2/3 of the orbital constellation of Russia are satellites developed and manufactured by JSC "ISS".

The enterprise acts as the prime contractor for key projects within the framework of priority state programs in the field of space activities. Thanks to its participation in international projects, the company is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Company's mission

We create spacecraft for communication, navigation and geodesy in the interests of government and commercial customers to provide consumers around the globe with access to modern information services and thereby improve the quality of life for millions of people.

The work of our specialists in the design and manufacture of satellites is aimed at strengthening the defense potential and socio-economic development of the country. We strive to strengthen our leadership positions in the domestic and international market of space technology and therefore continuously improve the quality, reliability and competitiveness of our products, using innovative engineering solutions in their creation.


  • Creation of spacecraft, communication systems and complexes, television broadcasting, relaying, navigation, geodesy, including:
    • design and development using modern systems computer-aided design such as CATIA, SmarTeam, NASTRAN, Altium Designer, Thermica, Labveiw, Microwave Studio, Grasp, ANSYS HFSS, Satsoft;
    • manufacturing of components and spacecraft in general using advanced technologies and modern production equipment;
    • full cycle of ground tests of devices, structures, systems and assembled spacecraft;
    • transportation of spacecraft to the cosmodrome and preparation for launch;
    • launch support, flight tests, commissioning.
  • Creation of ground control systems for spacecraft.
  • Control of spacecraft and multi-satellite constellations.
  • Training of customer representatives in spacecraft management, technical support during the entire life of the satellites.
  • Carrying out research and development work in the field of space technology.


Testoedov Nikolay Alekseevich

Was born on November 29, 1951 in the city of Omutninsk, Kirov region. In 1974 he graduated from the Leningrad Mechanical Institute with a degree in aircraft manufacturing.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Spacecraft of the Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F.

Labor activity:

  • from 1974 to 1989 - Engineer, Senior Engineer, Team Leader, Sector Head, Deputy Head of the NPO Applied Mechanics Department, Krasnoyarsk-26;
  • from 1989 to 1998 - Head of Department, Head of the Complex of NPO of Applied Mechanics named after Academician MF Reshetnev, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • from 1998 to 2003 - Executive Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "NPO PM - Development", Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • from 2003 to 2006 - Director of JSC NPO PM - Development, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • from June 2006 to September 2006 - and about. general designer and general director NPO of Applied Mechanics named after Academician MF Reshetnev, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • from September 2006 to March 2008 - General Designer and General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Production Association of Applied Mechanics named after Academician MF Reshetnev" of the Federal Space Agency, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • from March 2008 to October 2013 - General Designer and General Director of Academician MF Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems JSC, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • from October 2013 to the present - General Director of JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician MF Reshetnev ", Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Yuri Grigorievich

First Deputy General Director - First Deputy General Designer

Key figures

Nikolay Alekseevich Testoedov - General Designer and General Director


development and production of space technology

Products and services

satellites for various purposes and terrestrial communication systems


▼ RUB 9.614 bln. (2008)

Net profit

233.7 million rubles. (2008)

Number of employees Web site

JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev "(until March 3, 2008 FSUE "Scientific and Production Association of Applied Mechanics named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev") is a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of communication satellites, television broadcasting, navigation and geodesy. Approximately 2/3 of the satellites included in the orbital constellation of Russia are the products of the enterprise.

Full name - Open Joint Stock Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician MF Reshetnev ", short name - JSC "ISS", the most common historically formed abbreviation: in Russian - NPO PM; Latin - NPO PM.

History of NPO PM

State awards

Development prospects

In the 1990s, the enterprise managed to maintain its scientific and production potential, especially highly qualified specialists in the field of development and industrial assembly of space systems. From about 2004-2005 the volume of space technology put into operation is gradually increasing.

The 2006-2015 strategy for the development of the rocket and space industry in Russia provides for the creation of a single holding company in the field of satellite construction. In 2009, on the basis of Academician M.F.

Formally, the merger took place by depositing (transferring) 100% of the shares of the said legal entities to the authorized capital of JSC "ISS" named after academician MF Reshetnev. Options are being worked out to include other participants in the cooperation, which were previously elements of unified system on the creation of satellites and other spacecraft.

Foreign partners

  • Alcatel Space (France) - creation of the Siberian-European satellite - SESAT
  • SODERN, EADS Astrium - (France, Germany), NEC, NTSpace - (Japan)
  • Alcatel / Thales Alenia Space (France) - Express-AM33, Express-AM44 payload

More detailed information on cooperation is presented on the company's website, as well as in the press releases of Thales Alenia Space.

General designers and general directors

  • 1959-1996 - Reshetnev, Mikhail Fedorovich. The founder and, on the day of his death, the head of the enterprise owns more than 200 scientific works and inventions. Under his leadership or with his direct participation, about 30 types of space complexes and systems were developed. The number of withdrawn from 1959 to 1996 into orbit of satellites created by the enterprise he heads - more than 1000 units.
  • 1996-2006 - Kozlov, Albert Gavrilovich
  • since 2006 - Testoedov, Nikolay Alekseevich


In the Internet:

  • (English)
  • Official site of JSC "ISS" named after academician MF Reshetnev "
  • Link to JSC "Academician M. F. Reshetnev's" Information Satellite Systems "web-page (eng.)
  • Link to Thalesgroup activities web-page
  • Siberia - satellite field Roscosmos TV studio

In the foreign sections of Wikipedia:

  • Meridian (Satellit)(German) and other articles - mention NPO PM and NPO Prikladnoj Mechaniki on the German-language Wikipedia (no article created)
  • fr: Spacebus (fr.) - mentions fr: NPO PM on the French Wikipedia (no article created)

Notes (edit)

  1. 400 largest companies in Siberia // Expert-Siberia. No. 40 - 41. October 26 - November 8, 2009
  2. Articles of association
  3. There are also names of Branch No. 2 in Krasnoyarsk, "eastern branch", PO Box 80
  4. The history of the development of the Cosmos series of launch vehicles
  5. Called by time. T. 2: Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau / Under total. ed. General Designer, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S. N. Konyukhov. - Dnepropetrovsk: ART-PRESS, 2004. - S. 112-118. - ISBN 966-7985-84-9
  6. It was created in the late 50s in Krasnoyarsk-26 as a structural subdivision of the Krasmashzavod State Enterprise - site No. 2. It received its own name in 1970 (the director of the Mechanical Plant was also the deputy head of the KB PM).
  7. Satellite images and specifications
  8. ARMS-TASS report based on an interview with the head of JSC "ISS" named after academician M. F. Reshetnev "on Farnborough, 17.07.2008
  9. Official site of OJSC SPC "Polyus", Tomsk
  10. Official site of JSC NPP "Kvant", Moscow
  11. Official site of JSC "Siberian devices and systems", Omsk

To date, spacecraft created by Academician MF Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems OJSC make up two-thirds of the orbital constellation of the Russian Federation. They work in all types of orbits, from low circular to highly elliptical. The company's products have proven their high quality and competes on equal terms with world samples of space technology.

The current tasks of JSC "ISS" are determined, first of all, by three directions: the federal space program of Russia for 2006—2015. , the federal target program "Maintenance, development and use of the GLONASS system", the state defense order. In addition, the company successfully participates in domestic and foreign tenders for the creation of telecommunication satellites.

JSC "ISS" is the main developer of the space complex of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS, including modern navigation spacecraft and ground control complex. In December 2011, the GLONASS orbital group began to operate in full force - 24 spacecraft. The company manufactures modern spacecraft "Glonass-M" and at the same time creates navigation satellites of the new generation "Glonass-K" with improved technical characteristics and increased active life. The first launch of such a satellite took place in February 2011.

During the implementation of the federal space program for 2006-2015. Telecommunication satellites "Express-AM33" and "Express-AM44" were successfully launched into orbit. The Express-AM44 satellite has become the seventh apparatus of the Express-AM series, developed and manufactured by the company as part of the program for updating the Russian orbital constellation.

In 2009, FSUE "Space Communication" signed another contract with JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician MF Reshetnev " satellites "Express-AM5" and "Express-AM6". They will create the necessary infrastructure to provide the Russian population with affordable multi-program digital television and radio broadcasting. The spacecraft are also designed to solve the problems of mobile presidential and government communications, to provide a package of multiservice services (digital TV and radio broadcasting, telephony, video conferencing, data transmission, Internet access) and to create communication networks based on VSAT technology.

In addition, JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician MF Reshetnev "signed a contract for the creation of telecommunication spacecraft of the middle class" Express-AT1 "," Express-AT2 "and" Express-AM8 ", intended for the development of communications and television broadcasting ...

An important project of JSC ISS is the creation of telecommunication satellites Yamal-300K and Yamal-401 for the operator Gazprom Space Systems. The Yamal-300K medium-class satellite was launched into orbit in November 2012 and has already been put into operation. The production of the Yamal-401 heavy-class spacecraft is scheduled for completion in 2013.

Within the framework of the federal space program of Russia for 2006-2015. JSC "ISS" also creates a multifunctional space system retransmission "Ray". The first and second satellites of this system have been launched into orbit and are undergoing flight tests. At present, the company's specialists are manufacturing the third relay spacecraft, Luch-5V. The satellites will provide communication with the International Space Station and other low-flying objects of rocket and space technology.

In addition, JSC "ISS" creates spacecraft "Gonets-M" for the multifunctional personal satellite communication system "Gonets-D1M". At the same time, the company's specialists are working on a project of promising satellites "Gonets-M1", which, according to technical specifications will differ significantly from their predecessors. The company is also working on the creation of geodetic spacecraft of the new generation "GEO-IK-2".

The company also works in the development and production of research satellites. In 2008, the Yubileiny small spacecraft was successfully launched into orbit. With this launch, the company began a new stage in the creation of microsatellites, which allow testing new satellite devices and systems. A continuation of this work was the creation of a small spacecraft MiR (Yubileiny-2) at JSC ISS, which was manufactured by the company's specialists and launched into orbit in July 2012. The satellites are designed to test new technologies and devices in space.

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