
How to distinguish a new one. Refurbished iPhones in Russia - what it means for buyers

Buying a refurbished iPhone will get you a clean working device at a low cost

6.01.16 at 10:49

Recent times various stores began selling what they called "refurbished iPhone". The prices for these smartphones are much lower than "usual" ones, but it is not entirely clear what the refurbished means.

Refurbished iPhone means it has been refurbished at the factory. Refurbished iPhone is iPhone former in use, that is, someone used it, but then passed it to Apple for some reason. This is not always the cause of a malfunction, it could have been handed over under the replacement program for a newer model.

In foreign online stores, such devices are marked refurbished, or, in abbreviated form, rfb iPhone. Some Russian online retailers may refer to it as “like new”.

Unlike buying a used iPhone, a refurbished iPhone goes back to the factory, where Apple (and not some other company or service center) will clean it and replace the case with a new one, you also get:

New screen
- New charger
- New headphones
- New serial number
- New box
- 1 year warranty

If the processor and RAM pass performance tests, they will not be replaced. If the speakers, connectors, camera do not function as expected, they will be replaced. Each new iPhone It has certain time battery life, if the refurbished iPhone can hold this interval of time, the battery will not be replaced, if not, it will be replaced with a new one. It is difficult to guess whether the battery was replaced at the time of purchase, but the most important thing to hope for is the Apple warranty issued for such devices for a period of 1 year.

That is, by purchasing such a device, you will receive an almost new device that outwardly will not differ in any way from the new one. You will not see any traces of its use by the previous owner, the box and accessories will be as new. A refurbished iPhone goes through a health test and is reintroduced to the market by Apple to guarantee it will work.

In very rare cases, a small percentage of those who buy refurbished iPhones show some kind of defects. But new devices do not give a 100% guarantee that they cannot be.

In this case, you can contact the store where the purchase was made. Some stores go to meet the customer and replace the device. Secondly, during the warranty period, you can contact an official Apple service center and your iPhone will most likely be replaced. If problems began to appear after the end of the warranty period, then it can also be repaired for a fee at Apple service centers or any other, which in theory will still be cheaper than buying a new one.

But first of all, by buying a refurbished iPhone, you save a lot! And if you do not want to overpay for a new iPhone, and a used one does not suit you either, then a refurbished iPhone is the best solution, just when buying it is worth carefully considering and checking. We also recommend installing all the latest available updates iOS.

Did you know that refurbished iPhones are not a new idea? In fact, Apple has been selling refurbished iPods, iPads, and even MacBooks and iMacs for years. The only thing we do not recommend is buying a refurbished iPhone from Chinese sites like Alibaba and unauthorized service centers. A refurbished iPhone should always have new packaging and accessories and should be refurbished by Apple itself, not a third party.

Where to buy a normal refurbished iPhone? Any store that has Apple Authorized Partner status. Here are just a few of them.

The first refurbished smartphones from Apple in Russia were "iPhone 5s like new". They went on sale from official distributors in 2015. Immediately, these products attracted close attention of buyers who were not averse to saving money.

What does a refurbished (like new) iPhone mean?

The sale of refurbished electronic equipment has been practiced by world leaders for more than a decade. The packaging is usually marked "refurbished", "remanufactured", "renew program", etc.

Refurbished translates into Russian as "restored". This is a product withdrawn from sale and modified by the manufacturer.

There can be quite a few reasons why the equipment returned abnormally back to the manufacturer. It may also be a massive flaw throughout the batch, which the manufacturer promptly eliminated. There may be a minor malfunction (the quality control department in the production department "hacked" the batch for some not very significant parameter, the production immediately corrected everything) or a cosmetic defect of a particular copy, already noticed in the channel itself.

These products certainly meet all the quality standards set by their manufacturers.

In any case, it is incorrect to apply the term "refurbished" to iPhones that were not refurbished at Apple factories (even with the original Apple chip). This creates confusion and speculation.

Refurbished iPhone reviews

If you look at the reviews on the Internet for refurbished iPhones purchased from official dealers (iPhone as new), it becomes clear that they are no different from other Apple products. For the consumer, the restored Afyon differs from the usual one only in its lower price and labeling on the package.

- At first they wanted to buy a completely new iPhone 6, as it turned out, it had been taken out of production for half a year already, they tried to buy it via the Internet, they brought in some kind of "left-handed" devices with low-quality screens and you can immediately see unoriginal accessories. As it turned out, China has a large industry for the restoration of iPhones, to which Apple has nothing to do. When buying, immediately find out how the warranty is carried out, the correct iPhones have a full 1 year warranty from Apple, if something goes wrong, the SC will replace the faulty device with a new one. The model code must end with the letters RU / A.

The iPhone 6 "refurbished" or "like new" was bought from a large federal retailer for 36,990 rubles (a new one cost about 43,000 rubles). Unfortunately, the desire to save money turned out to be sideways - after opening the package and activating it, it turned out that the microphone did not work on the phone. When a call is made, neither the interlocutor is heard, nor I can hear anything. Siri can't hear me either. When working headphones are connected (tested on my iPad), there is no reaction - no sound in the headphones, no indication of their connection. Tried updating iOS to latest version... During the update, the phone warmed up a little and ... - lo and behold! - it all worked! But not for long. As soon as the phone cooled down, the microphone stopped working again. There is a problem of bad contacts somewhere inside the device, which close only when heated. Looks like a low-quality build + no final inspection at the factory. So much for "restored behind the Apple factory"! Resetting the settings didn't help either, nor did reboots. The next day after the purchase, I returned the phone to the seller. Fortunately, the store values ​​its reputation and accepted the phone without any problems. After 7-8 days, the money was returned to my personal account. Then, with a surcharge, a new iPhone was purchased in the same store with a surcharge. In the new one, everything works for 5+, in contrast to the "restored" one.

So, friends, I bought this device exactly 2 months ago. Immediately after the purchase, I bought a case and a film. During this time, I was nirazu not disappointed in my purchase. It is worth noting that I bought it knowing that it was a phone from Apple, and thus knowing all its shortcomings in terms of functions. operating system(like you can't just download music, and you won't watch some movies). So, I'll tell you that a gig of memory and 2 64-bit cores are enough for it to perform everyday tasks and surf the Internet. And enough for another two years, or even 3. So take it boldly if you are ready to accept the disadvantages of the OS from Apple. Oh yes, the most important thing is that I did not find the differences between the new and the restored one.

The warranty is the same as for a new device for 1 year in Apple authorized SCs. In addition to the review I wrote earlier, I want to add that a little later, the phone stopped holding a charge for less than 3 hours. I gave it to a service center under warranty and two weeks later I learned from a specialist that the phone would be replaced with a new one, because the problem with the battery cannot be fixed.

Was purchased in November 2015. in a large retail chain 5S 16G "Like new". Two days later, I stopped seeing the network. Technical support tips like "Air mode", resetting the settings did not give results - it froze completely, when updating via a lace - an error software... I handed it over to the service, three days later I exchanged it for a "new" as new "one, at which I found out at home that the screen was not completely glued around the perimeter to the case and when I pressed the glass, I gave it back to the service, waiting for the verdict of the servicemen.

The words Apple these phones are refurbished, i.e. they completely changed the case, the screen, put new wires, instructions, soldered into a new box, leaving only the zeroed used "brains", which were thoroughly tested for operability. This made it possible to reduce the price of the device in comparison with the "new" version of the IPhone 5S quite significantly, or rather to return it to the "pre-crisis" level. What do I personally think about this: 1. The question arises: "where does Apple get so many defective 5S?" country. 2. Imagine what it is like to restore your phone and make a new one! New phones are manufactured on an assembly line in automatic mode, and the restoration of the apparatus should be dealt with by a person and each device individually, because the defects are different. After that, carry out tests, etc. It seems to me that the costs of these operations will come out more expensive than the manufacture of a new device. 3. Even if Apple actually assembled these phones all over the world, then with the release of this series, they seem to admit that their products are not very high-quality, since they have so many phones to restore. Well this is nonsense! Apple has one of the highest quality products and the defect rate is not that great. From these three points, I concluded that this model this is an absolutely NEW device, and its appearance on the market is marketing ploy, so as not to reduce the price of goods already shipped. Those. there is a game on human psychology, whether he agrees to a used one or is ready to overpay 10-15 thousand for a new device. As a result, an apparatus from one batch is in the hands. So the conclusion is, if the 5S is your desired model, then take this series.

The marriage of refurbished iPhones

The flaws and defects of the refurbished iPhones are the same as those of all other iPhones. The official guarantee and service conditions are the same.

The most common malfunctions of a new iPhone:

Screen layering;
- Yellow spots on the screen;
- Noise, crackling in headphones, speaker or no sound during a conversation;
- Problems with camera.


Answering the main question of the article, we can conclude that it is worth buying an officially restored iPhone if the difference in price compared to a new unrecovered iPhone is important to you and subject to purchase in a large well-known retail chain that gives an official Apple guarantee.
If you buy a refurbished iPhone from your hands, then you need to carry out the entire complex of checks, pay special attention to checking serial number or IMEI on the Apple website.

This article will answer the question, what is a refurbished iPhone how to distinguish new iphone from the remanufactured and what pitfalls can be expected when buying such a device.

Refurbished devices - what it means and what types are there

It's worth starting with the main thing - the word "refurbished" means that the iphone was sent to an Apple service center due to some kind of malfunction, less often the device was recalled by the company and, after repair, went back to the retail network. From such a device, as a rule, all faulty parts, as well as a complete replacement of the case.

The undoubted advantage of such a refurbished iPhone is that from the moment of its activation, a 1 year warranty is provided. For example, a refurbished iphone 5s will be packaged in new unprinted packaging with an Apple certification seal. However, there is also another type - the so-called Chinese "refinery". The main difference the fact that the restoration was carried out by third-party specialists, and often with the use of lower-quality components, often repaired not for the first time.

Also, the device can be delivered in non-standard packaging, although, for example, the iphone 6 does not contain a picture of the phone on the packaging in the original, so take a closer look at the packaging when choosing. In this case, there is simply no proprietary Apple guarantee.

Ways to distinguish a refurbished iphone from a new one

The easiest way to choose between a refurbished and a new iPhone is in a large retail chain or online store. Serious companies will not hide from buyers that a refurbished iphone is on the showcase, fearing to receive a negative review of their work, there will simply be a postscript "Like new" or something like that on the price tag. Sometimes the product description will include direct indication for this, for example, the iPhone 4 is refurbished. If you purchased a device without additional information, and do not know whether it is repaired or new, then there are several ways to determine this.

If the screen glows blue, then this also indicates the restoration of the device. third party manufacturer, this iPhone is 100% Chinese "refab".

Possible cons of a refurbished iphone device and is it worth buying

Whether it is worth buying a refurbished iPhone, everyone decides for himself. The pros and cons of such a solution are presented to the buyer's judgment.

The obvious, main advantage of buying a refurbished iPhone is its low price... In the case of buying an officially restored iphone from Apple, the feedback on its work can be very positive, because it will cost much less, and the warranty for it will be 1 year. For example, the feedback from many buyers about whether to buy a refurbished iphone 4 contained warranty issues. This meant that they got caught chinese version third party manufacturers.

Disadvantages usually appear when buying a Chinese version of a refurbished device. You need to check everything thoroughly, Chinese fake iphone can be much cheaper, but this does not mean that in the end the savings will be justified. Loss of warranty, low-quality components or simply an untimely out of order iphone - this is not all that can wait in this case. You can just stumble upon a stolen or lost iPhone, and simply lose the ability to use it or resell it.

Should you buy a refurbished iPhone? What does “refurbished” mean in general and how does it apply to a smartphone? How can you tell a used device from a new one? We will talk about this today in this article.

Tips for those looking to get a new or refurbished iPhone

What does “restored” mean in this case? This word means that the device was broken for some specific reason, and then redirected to the Apple service center. There it managed to undergo a course, so to speak, rehabilitation, after which it entered the market again. Thus, we can already answer the question “Refurbished iPhone - what does it mean?”. Now let's move on to specific tips.

Let's say your purchased iPhone was delivered in a branded box of the American company Apple. In this case, compare the serial numbers that are written on the device itself and on the box. If these numbers do not match, then you were not provided with the original packaging from the smartphone.

Now the internet is running deeper and deeper into its roots in the weekends of our lives. And if a few years ago, to buy a new device, everyone went to the salon cellular communication, but now the purchase of gadgets through the international network is gaining more and more popularity. This may not be so fast, but in some cases it can be beneficial in the form of savings Money... However, each buyer in this case should understand that he can enter into a deal with an unscrupulous seller. To avoid problems in the near future, first study the terms of the transaction itself. Check out what the website has to say about sales and refunds, or contact a seller to clarify those points with their help.

Even if you bought a refurbished iPhone (what this means, we have already told at the beginning of the article), it must be covered by a warranty. It is valid only for one year, however there is the possibility of an extension up to two years. We advise the reader who has decided to purchase a refurbished iPhone to contact the Russian representatives of the company in advance and find out for sure whether your device is covered by the warranty. This procedure is especially important when you buy a device not in a cellular salon, but from third parties.

Brief Facts About Refurbished Machines

To the question "Refurbished iPhone - what does it mean?" we have already answered. Devices of this type are smartphones that have been repackaged in a new way for resale following refurbishment procedures. We have already found this out at the beginning of the article. Now we will briefly list the main theses that are valid for such devices:

  1. Any refurbished iPhone (reviews can be found at the end of the article) is repaired at Apple service centers.
  2. Technical services reserve the right to integrate spare parts into smartphones if the device was previously defective.
  3. Any refurbished iPhone that is automatically reduced in price by about a third is certified by Apple.
  4. After the repair of the device is completed, it is recognized as fully working and functioning.
  5. In order to find out whether the device has been restored, you should check the serial codes on the packaging and on the iPhone itself.

But now let's talk in more detail about how to do this.

We check the box, smartphone and see the serial number

  • Step one. So, first we take the packaging from the iPhone and look for a seal there. It should say Apple Certified. The print will provide additional confirmation that the machine has previously gone through the recovery procedure in service center, after which it was tested by competent specialists.
  • Step two. We check the packaging along with the box. If your device has been refurbished, then most likely you will find it in an all-white package. The refurbished unit can also be sold by third parties in unauthorized packaging.
  • Step three. We are looking for the serial number of our device. He will help us find out information about recovery. If the device is turned on, then go to the desktop and go to the settings. There, select "General", then - "About device". In it you need to find the "Serial number" column. In the event that the smartphone is in the off state, you should get to the slot where the SIM card is usually inserted. There you can find the treasured sequence of symbols.
  • Step four. Now we find out information about the device using the serial number. Look at the first number. If it says “5”, then it has been restored and certified by the company. The third number can tell us about the year of manufacture of the smartphone. For example, the number “0” indicates that the unit was manufactured in 2010. Thus, now you know the answer to the question of how to distinguish a refurbished iPhone. And it's time for us to move on to the conclusion of the article.

Refurbished iPhone: reviews about devices and is it worth buying

The last question is answered very well by one interesting fact... In 2015, the sales data for refurbished iPhone 5S surprised even the representatives of the American company. The price was almost halved, which caused an unprecedented rise. Many analysts tend to think that there is nothing wrong with buying refurbished iPhones. In fact, you are buying a device with a replacement "filling" at a lower price.

Prices for refurbished devices:

  • iPhone 5S - 28 thousand rubles.
  • iPhone 6 - 40 thousand rubles.

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