
Why you shouldn't buy an iphone. Should you be wary of fake refurbished iPhones?

Apple designers are tirelessly working on updates, improving electronic devices. New models of this brand appear on the market regularly. IPhone fans will certainly know about the arrival of the new 6S model. Those who want to buy a new device have doubts about whether it is worth buying an iPhone 5S, or saving up funds to purchase the sixth version.

Why buy an iPhone 5S in 2017

There is no doubt that the latest models of any electronic equipment are superior to their predecessors. However, this is not a reason to consider them obsolete and not worthy of attention. The iPhones 5S and 6S have certain differences, but not every consumer considers the features of the sixth version to be indisputable advantages. Apple devices are not cheap, therefore, you need to choose them wisely.

First of all, one should not assume that the fifth models with the advent of 6S are outdated, do not meet modern requirements. These devices are still relevant and popular today, they are equipped with all the necessary functions and have a stylish, fashionable design. Have iPhone models 5S has several advantages:

  • respectable design;
  • maximum compactness;
  • high-quality display;
  • the presence of a fingerprint sensor;
  • high performance;
  • great camera;
  • simple, efficient OS;
  • a large selection of accessories.

The manufacturer offers 5S devices in noble, stylish shades of dark gray and silver. The iPhone perfectly complements any look, goes well with accessories, clothes.

The minimum thickness, small length, width of the device allows you to find a place for it in a small purse, pocket, it is convenient to operate it with one hand.

The high quality of the display makes it possible to enjoy realistic images, play your favorite games, getting full, vivid emotions.

A fingerprint sensor is an excellent opportunity to classify personal data from strangers, to ensure confidentiality important information... It will only open when the owner's fingerprint is read.

The iPhone 5S creates an excellent environment for games, work, viewing pictures, reading. The performance of the processor allows you to quickly process any information, eliminate freezes and braking.

The fifth model camera makes it possible to make high-quality videos and photos in any conditions. With the iPhone, you can take continuous shooting, providing high definition, contrast.

The developers have equipped the device with a convenient, simple operating system iOS9. She has mass useful applications, both business and entertainment, which ensures a comfortable use.

It is easy to choose headphones and a case for the iPhone 5S, you can easily purchase a charger, a holder for a car, or another headset for it.

The display of the sixth model is large. But the device itself has become more voluminous. This is not a plus for those who carry an iPhone with them all the time. In such cases, the compact 5S model is preferable. The cameras of these devices are the same.

The 6S has new sensors, various applications. But these add-ons are not necessary for every user, they may turn out to be useless, but the sixth model costs twice as much. You need to analyze these facts in order to decide for yourself whether to buy an iPhone 5S.

Where to buy an iPhone 5S

Consumers have several options to buy both new and used iPhones. The choice depends on availability, financial capabilities. You can buy this device at:

  • original store;
  • on Aliexpress;
  • with hands.

Consumers looking for a new, high-quality iPhone 5S should contact the original store, for example, Re: Store. Such an acquisition will require significant costs. The cost of these gadgets is similar to the price a full-fledged computer... But the costs are justified by the opportunity to become the owner of a new device from the manufacturer, which guarantees long-term flawless operation.

Fans of online shopping know very well that such devices can always be ordered on Aliexpress. Indeed, the range of this resource has iPhones 5S. Their price is much lower than in the store.

It should be noted that this method makes it possible to purchase copied and refurbished machines. The quality of the copied iPhone is questionable, they are assembled by enterprising Chinese, whose conscientiousness is not guaranteed. The refurbished 5S is a device that the previous owner has for some reason out of order. Its repairs are also carried out in workshops in China.

Most consumers who cannot afford the new model buy the 5S iPhones handheld. It is possible to acquire a high-quality device with this method.

You need to know some purchase rules in order not to spend money on a damaged device:

  • the iPhone should be carefully examined to make sure there are no defects;
  • open browser, drive in Google «check defective pixels", Choose a single-color picture, full screen mode help to identify shortcomings;
  • check the operation of the fingerprint sensor to verify the sensitivity of the screen;
  • check the OS functions, by “walking” through the settings, menus, launching the game, making sure that the device does not heat up, which indicates a battery malfunction.

If there are complaints about at least one item, you should refuse to purchase.

It is quite natural that when planning to buy an iPhone for ourselves or as a gift, we are looking for the most advantageous offer. The current state of affairs in the market has made this much more difficult. For many, the fact that a two-year-old model of the iPhone 5s costs 35 thousand rubles still cannot fit in their heads. The same amount I paid for this smartphone 2 years ago when it was the best smartphone from Apple. Finding a great deal can lead you to buy a refurbished iPhone, and if you are considering the possibility, be very careful.

It costs nothing to find a refurbished iPhone in a store in your city. They are sold in large chains and official reseller stores. You will find a huge number of classifieds on Avito. Even Yandex Market, a site where the posting of used goods is prohibited, is filled with offers of refurbished iPhones. And there would be nothing wrong with buying such a smartphone if they were all restored by Apple, but this is not the case. There are much lesser known organizations willingly refurbishing and selling iPhones. Their products are not at all what you expect to buy.

The main difference between the official refurbished iPhones and which can be ordered from China lies in the components. A refurbished iPhone is a smartphone with a new body, new screen, new battery and other components, and only Apple uses original parts. A smartphone refurbished in China is a board shod in an inexpensive non-original case and covered with the same non-original display.

Another important difference is responsibility. If Apple cannot lose face and sell you a large number of defective devices, a master from China, instead of checking the quality of his work, would be better off assembling two more such iPhones in the same time. Now I'll go into all this in a little more detail, and you will find out what to look for in the first place when buying.

Where are you going to buy an iPhone?

Looking to buy an iPhone and you find the price tempting? Who is offering you this price? Most likely, you will buy either completely new iPhone or an official refurbished iPhone. The price tag may show off the words "like new", designed specifically so as not to scare customers with the word "refurbished", or, even worse, the phrase "used". In other words, you can trust large retail chains. They, like Apple, will try not to lose face.

If you are planning to buy an iPhone from a “gray” store, a thrift store, or if you just found an iPhone at a good price on Avito, you should be extremely careful. You might not just be sold an iPhone refurbished in China, which comes in a neatly sealed box. Some sellers may simply not mention that it is restored and sell it under the guise of new. We will talk about refurbished iPhones and unofficial refurbished iPhones below.


Official refurbished iPhones are sold in white boxes with no smartphone image. All that is on them is the model name of the device, such as "iPhone 5s", and the inscription "Apple Certified Pre-Owned", confirming the fact that the inside is not a new device refurbished by Apple.

Unofficial refurbished iPhones are also sold in sealed boxes, and these boxes are an exact replica of the packaging for the new iPhone. You will not find any information that the device is refurbished on the packaging. Experienced store workers will be able to understand that the packaging is unoriginal in terms of paint quality and fonts, but even serial number the device will most likely match the one printed on the package. Skilled craftsmen spare no time and effort for this.

In the box with the new iPhone and the official refurbished iPhone, you will find the original earbuds, charger and charging cable. We all know how well EarPods play, and for how long at careful use can serve as an original charger.

When you open the box with a refurbished iPhone from China, you will see everything the same, but it just looks the same. The kit includes the cheapest copy of the headphones, and the same non-original charger. From my experience, I can say that more than half of the complete chargers do not work, and the rest fail within the first two weeks, or simply fall apart in the hands at the first attempt to use them. Of course, you will receive a key for removing the SIM-card, which is by no means made of "liquid metal", but you will most likely not get stickers with apples.

Device appearance

As I wrote above, for iPhone recovery Apple uses only original components, which means that the official refurbished iPhone does not differ from a completely new one neither externally, nor by touch, nor in any other way. It really is like new. Have you bought such a smartphone? Enjoy it and know it was a bargain.

With unofficial refurbished iPhones, things are much worse. From the box you will take out a smartphone, which is assembled from non-original spare parts. Even though IMEI device engraved carefully on the case, by an experienced store clerk or service center will distinguish a non-original body to the touch and with closed eyes. It is much more difficult for a less experienced user, and he may not suspect anything, although in fact, even the font with which the word “iPhone” is written on the back of the device is different.

The non-original case is perfectly complemented by a non-original screen. Front-camera can be displaced, the holes for sensors on the glass can be very conspicuous in purple, and of course, no one promises you the original brightness and color rendition. Also pay attention to the connectors and bolts. All this is assembled in China, and developed there, and not at all in California. Since the used parts are of poor quality, they are more prone to wear and tear. The paint from the body will quickly peel off, and the glass will get splattered and scratched, it has completely different qualities in comparison with the original.

But the worst is inside

I admire the skills of the Chinese handset refurbishers. The speed with which they work is reminiscent of experienced chefs who prepare shawarma from morning to night. Unfortunately, in the first case, their haste is at the expense of quality. It seems that it is really faster and easier for a master to replace all the components in a smartphone than to figure out which one does not work. And as I wrote above, instead of checking his work, the wizard will most likely restore a couple more iPhones. Because of this, looking inside unofficial refurbished iPhones can be really scary.

I had to see amazing pictures. Taking apart an iPhone that looks brand new from the outside, you don't expect to see a circuit board with components hidden under a layer of rust. It's good if they are all in place. An unofficial refurbished iPhone may contain significantly fewer parts than originally envisioned.

Unfortunately, these are not fairy tales. Even if now everything works in such a smartphone, most likely it will not last long. Serious illnesses can appear from a simple shake-up, and the smartphone can fail in something, such as Wi-Fi or a modem. The build quality also affects. The battery can come loose from the case and dangle inside, and this is the most harmless thing that can happen.

In other words, an unofficial refurbished iPhone is full of surprises, and it is not at all something that you would like to surprise yourself or your loved ones. The number of defects among these iPhones is huge. Perhaps many of them break on the way to the shop window, while others have never been serviceable. In short, I will add that you will not see anything like this in an official refurbished iPhone.


Most interestingly, the prices for official refurbished iPhones and bad smartphones from China may differ very little, or not at all. They will be cheaper than new devices, which is why they are attractive. Remember that if you suddenly find an iPhone much cheaper than in all stores, it is most likely a refurbished one. If miracles do happen, then definitely not in a store where the iPhone 5s costs less than 27 thousand rubles. Also, don't forget about dishonest sellers who might sell you a refurbished iPhone disguised as a new one.

Important details

There are a few more details to keep in mind. Remember the iPhone 4s came out in 2011. In 2012, after the release of the iPhone 5, last year's model was only available with 8 gigabytes of storage. In 2013, when the iPhone 5s and iPhone appeared, the iPhone 5 was simply discontinued. Remember this when you are offered to buy the "new" iPhone 4s 16GB and iPhone 5. These smartphones have not been produced for 2-3 years, they cannot be new. Also, when buying a refurbished iPhone 5s, you need to remember that LTE will work only on the A1457 and A1530 models in Russia. Most unofficial refurbished iPhone 5s do not support our frequencies for 4G networks.

I hope this material will be useful to you, and will help you make a good purchase, or avoid mistakes. Remember, the iPhone is meant to make our lives easier. Be careful, and then you will be able to do without unnecessary difficulties.

Hello my dear visitors, is it worth buying an iPhone 4s in 2017? Let's deal with this issue.

It is not so important where you are going to buy mobile in 2017, whether it is the Internet aliexpress store, or the official apple store, which by the way has long stopped selling the old gadget, there is absolutely no difference, it is not worth buying.

Not only has the mobile become irrelevant today, and besides, it has gained a lot of negative points that you will not be happy to face.

Let's try to figure out in order what is wrong with this mobile.

First of all, I would like to say about the most important thing that can be in a mobile phone - a battery. It does not matter whether the battery is new or used - it will not be enough even until lunchtime. Unfortunately, this happened due to the high energy consumption for the operation of the gadget.

The second point can be noted an old camera, which is just as important to people, it is bad enough to use it constantly and without any further image processing.

Small size and slow operation. After certain actions with updating the mobile phone, I began to face problems of fast discharge and slow operation, this was due to the transition to ios 8, it was this update that became fatal, which began to greatly slow down the device, and due to the high consumption of resources, the battery began to discharge almost completely in half an hour active work on the Internet via 3G networks.

By the way, this is also a reason to abandon mobile, because now the time is more developed, 4G networks occupy most of the coverage of zones mobile communications, and besides, 4th generation mobile transmission data copes with its tasks much faster.

If you really need an iphone, then you should probably look in the direction of the 5c mobile, or save up a little money and buy still actual iphone 5s.

I had a 4s device in my arsenal and I really liked it, it was the best buy after dozens of different sony ericsson, lumia and other devices, 4s made it clear to me how much apple makes high-quality and convenient products for people.

For the entire time of using the device, I have not restored it, have not done rollbacks, have not updated the system and have not cleaned anything, in this regard, the android technology is far behind. Applу is one step ahead of the fact that their system works great despite the amount of surfing on the Internet, the number installed programs and other things, everything works at the level of the new apparatus.

But, I will repeat again - due to the 4s update, the iphone began to slow down very much, it quickly eats up the battery, and this is probably the most important thing that should not be.

Now, I have an iphone SE and it works great, according to its current parameters, a mobile phone will last at least 3 years, at least for me. I really like this design, so I decided to buy an old look with new features, otherwise I would have bought myself a 7 version of the phone.

My advice to you is not to take the 4th version of the iPhone wherever it is offered to you. After installing ios8, the four began to have problems with everyone I knew with such mobile phones, so this is not an individual problem.

These are the news and recommendations, I personally think that it is not worth buying an iPhone 4s for today, it is no longer worth it. I bought 3gs from my daughter, and even then it seemed much faster than my device) Draw conclusions and make the right choice.

See you later, come visit and leave your comments.

Best regards, Sergey Vasiliev

If you're thinking about buying a new iPhone X or iPhone 8 right now and wondering, "When will the iPhone X or iPhone 8 get cheaper?", You have two options! The first is to follow the trend and buy the most modern technologies from. The second is to postpone the purchase in order to save money. You can save some money by postponing this purchase until next September when Apple announces new iPhone models.

I do not want to say the obvious things, but any device becomes cheaper with the release of its next version. We will tell you when the iPhone X and iPhone 8 will fall in price. Based on this, you will conclude whether it is worth the wait.

When Apple introduces a new iPhone, previous versions usually fall in price by $ 100. The price of Apple products has a multi-tiered pricing system, so the most old smartphone who still uses official support software costs $ 649.

Model pricing iPhone Plus works exactly the same, but prices start at $ 749.

In that case, if you want to buy a new iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, it will cost $ 100 less than the next generation iPhone.

Private sellers offer significant discounts

Private sellers sometimes offer "aggressive" discounts to try and attract customers, but iPhones tend to keep their value unchanged. However, sometimes the discounts are quite large. So in the first 6 months after the release of new models, the discount does not exceed $ 10-20; However, there have been times when the discount was $ 90 (16GB iPhone 6s) and $ 50 (64GB iPhone 7).

A similar story was with the iPhone 6, which dropped $ 40 after seven months of sales, then fell as much as $ 150 in September 2015. In February of this year - the price of the iPhone 6 dropped to $ 380 at Boost Mobile, and by May of this year it was $ 399 at Walmart.

Discounts for recycling your old iPhone

If you already own an iPhone, you'll get an attractive discount on your new iPhone, provided you're ready to say goodbye to your old device. I think everyone understands that we are talking about selling your device. Yes, this does not sound attractive, because knowing the quality of Apple products, your old smartphone can be a great gift for a loved one. Nevertheless, by bargaining and selling your iPhone, you will receive a "discount" of several hundred dollars.

"But which iPhone should I buy?" - I think everyone asked himself this question. Apple still sells older iPhones for a lower price. Now, Apple has complicated the answer to this question by releasing three new phones at once: the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.

We now briefly walk you through every smartphone available for purchase from Apple to help you decide which one is best for you. We'll compare prices, specifications, and features across all seven models to help you feel more confident when you buy your new iPhone.

1. iPhone X (64GB / 256GB) - Released 03/11/2017 and will retail for $ 999 / $ 1.149

2. iPhone 8 Plus (64GB / 256GB) - released on 09/22/2017 and costs $ 799 / $ 949

3. iPhone 8 (64GB / 256GB) - released on 09/22/2017 and costs $ 699 / $ 849

4. iPhone 7 Plus (32GB / 128GB) - released on 09/16/2016 and costs $ 669 / $ 769

5.iPhone 7 (32GB / 128GB) - Released 09/16/2016 and costs $ 549 / $ 649

6.iPhone 6s Plus (32GB / 128GB) - Released 09/25/2015 and costs $ 549 / $ 649

7.iPhone 6s (32GB / 128GB) - Released 09/25/2015 and costs $ 449 / $ 549

Should you buy a new iPhone now?

Now is a great time to buy an iPhone for several reasons:
1) If you want to have the latest Apple technology. Buying one of Apple's new iPhones will satisfy that desire.
2) If you are not worried about all the innovation, but you are a supporter of the expression "price = quality".

Also, you can wait a couple of months until Black Friday. This event was first held in the UK in 2013. Apple participated in 2016 Black Friday events. Instead of offering a discount, ordering an iPhone that day will give you a gift Apple card, with which you can purchase accessories for your iPhone, as well as other Apple products.

When will the iPhone X get cheaper and is it worth buying?

So when will the iPhone X get cheaper? It will be available for pre-order from Apple starting October 27. In honor of the 10th birthday of the iPhone. The iPhone X is different from Apple's iPhones. He got screen EGDE, Face ID instead of Touch ID, dual camera 12MP, as well as a huge screen.

So is the iPhone X worth buying? The answer will depend on your budget (after all, this smartphone costs a good $ 1,000) and your love for the latest technologies.

Brief iPhone feature X:

  • 146.6 x 70.9 x 7.7mm
  • 5.8in Super Retina HD display, OLED HDR, 2436 x 1125 pixels at 458ppi
  • A11 Bionic chip
  • Optical zoom
  • Digital zoom up to 10x
  • Portrait mode
  • Portrait Lighting
  • Optical image stabilization
  • Panorama
  • 4K video recording at 30fps
  • Slo-mo and time-lapse
  • 7Mp front-facing camera
  • Animoji
  • Face ID (no Touch ID fingerprint sensor)
  • Apple Pay
  • Wireless charging
  • iOS 11

Should you buy the iPhone 8 Plus now?

Launched at the same time as the iPhone X, the iPhone 8 Plus is a 5.5in variant that is the direct successor to the iPhone 7 Plus. It has a new glass design and wireless charging as well as the powerful A11 Bionic chip.

Nevertheless, the price of the smartphone is £ 799, which is £ 200 less than the price of a dozen. For this price you get big screen, powerful processor, wireless charging, and a cool camera, but you're giving up Face ID, even though for many it will be a plus. iPhone8 Plus is not nice update if you have an iPhone 7 Plus.

  • 158.4 x 78.1 x 7.5mm
  • 5.5in Retina HD display, 1920 x 1080 pixels at 401ppi
  • Splash, water and dust resistant
  • A11 Bionic chip
  • 12Mp wide-angle and telephoto cameras on the rear
  • Optical zoom
  • Digital zoom up to 10x
  • Portrait mode
  • Portrait Lighting
  • Optical image stabilization
  • Quad-LED True tone flash with slow sync
  • Panorama
  • 4K video recording at 30fps
  • 1080p HD video recording at 30fps or 60fps
  • Slo-mo and time-lapse
  • 7Mp front-facing camera
  • Touch ID fingerprint sensor
  • Wireless charging
  • Apple Pay
  • iOS 11
  • No headphone jack (Lightning adapter and Lightning earpods included)

Should you buy an iPhone 8 now?

The iPhone 8 is also the new successor to the iPhone 7. It also features slightly redesigned glass and wireless charging, plus more fast processor.

It costs £ 699 / £ 849, which is a very cheap solution compared to previous models.

If you're considering which iPhone 8 to go for, or whether it's worth overpaying £ 300 for an iPhone X, we'll say, "Yes, worth it!" Yes, you will still get a great phone with a good camera and processor technology, but lose the ability to take portraits, Face ID, get more small screen 4.7in.

a brief description of iPhone 8 plus:

  • 138.4 x 67.3 x 7.3mm
  • 4.7in Retina HD display, 1334 x 750 pixels at 326ppi
  • Splash, water and dust resistant
  • A11 Bionic chip
  • 12Mp camera on the rear
  • Optical zoom
  • Digital zoom up to 5x
  • Optical image stabilization
  • Quad-LED True Tone flash with slow sync
  • Panorama
  • 4K video recording at 30fps
  • 1080p HD video recording at 30fps or 60fps
  • Slo-mo and time-lapse
  • 7Mp front-facing camera
  • Touch ID fingerprint sensor
  • Wireless charging
  • Apple Pay
  • iOS 11
  • No headphone jack (Lightning adapter and Lightning Earpods included)

When will the iPhone X fall in price: the bottom line

Apple has a lot to choose from this year. If you do not want to overpay or are an adherent of the classics, both older models and the time due to which the prices of Apple products will fall are available to you. However, if you already have one of the iPhones, and there is no desire to wait and you are planning to update your device, then now is the time to do it. If your iPhone is over three years old, any of the three iPhones would be a wonderful improvement.

Buy now with discount.

Many people who want to buy a phone from Apple are seriously thinking: is it worth buying an iPhone 5s? Or maybe take the latest model, the sixth? Or just wait until the Americans release another novelty?

Rich functionality

If for something people love the fifth iPhone, it is for its rich functionality and attractive design. It should be admitted that the engineers of the corporation approached the matter responsibly and thought out all the details carefully. So the fifth version of the phone has become even thinner - only 7.6 mm. The weight is also small - 112 grams. Despite these parameters, the screen size was increased, a new operating system(7th iOS).

A lot has changed in the phone when compared to the previous model, but the most important innovations are performance, OS stability, battery life and, finally, display brightness. So if the question arose about whether to buy an iPhone 5s or save money and buy a 4th model, then you definitely need to take the newer and better phone.

Fifth or sixth?

Why buy an outdated model (if you can call it a phone that was released for the first time just 2.5 years ago), if there are more a new version, that is, the sixth? Should you buy an iPhone 5s in this case?

Here the decision depends on the preferences of the person himself. There are, of course, differences. First, the phones are radically different from each other in appearance. The sixth iPhone is wider and longer. But this, I must say, is not a plus for every person, since some, on the contrary, prefer more compact models. For others, on the other hand, it is important that the display is as wide as possible. The sixth iPhone was expected to be better camera- by as much as 2 megapixels, but it remains the same - 8 MP.

The novelty is also equipped with various sensors: manufacturers have increased the number of sensors in the phone. In general, Apple continues to refine its inventions. Everyone has known for a long time that every new product of the corporation is a serious upgrade. However, for many people, all these additional applications are simply not needed. Should you buy an iPhone 5s if you only need to make calls, listen to music and use the Internet? It is possible, however, for such purposes, both the fourth and third models are suitable.

Owners opinion

How many people, so many opinions, and about whether to buy an iPhone 5s in 2014, there were many comments. Especially often this question arose in December, since then the release of the sixth model was already planned. The owners of the novelty believe that after the release of the 6th, buying the 5th iPhone is pointless. Allegedly, it is not much cheaper than the 6th, there are no special marketing innovations in it, and the design is too conservative. Plus the platform: not every person liked the 7th iOS version... Therefore, even last year, when doubts arose about whether to buy an iPhone 5s or wait for an iPhone 6, many opted for the latter.


Everyone knows that Apple is a brand, moreover, world famous and considered one of the best today. Therefore, the products manufactured by this corporation are expensive. This applies to everything - be it iPad, iPod, iPhone or MacBook Pro. If a person in Russia has a phone from Apple, this indicates his wealth.

But in America, in the homeland of the smartphone, this is the most ordinary gadget. So, for example, in America the 5th iPhone costs only 199 dollars! This is really very small considering the standard of living in the United States. If translated into rubles at the current exchange rate, then about 12,300 rubles will come out. Remembering that the dollar was much cheaper before, one might wonder how much the fifth smartphone from Apple cost then. However, even now it is cheap, since the current cost of the 5th iPhone is at least 28 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you have a trip to the USA and you want to buy new phone, then you don't even need to think about whether it is worth buying an iPhone 5s in America: if there is an opportunity, then you definitely need to take it.

iPhone in Russia

Today quite a few Russians have iPhones, although the overwhelming majority use Android phones (Explay, Samsung, Lenovo, HTC, etc.). Again, everything is explained by the price, or rather, by its relation to quality. But many people buy iPhone, and quite actively, for example, when it came out latest model, sixth, in many stores new items were gone on the very first day. Prices are, of course, high, but everything is relative here. But the last model, the sixth, costs about 50 thousand rubles (64 GB version), and this is the minimum figure.

A budget option

If you really want to buy a phone, but there is no required amount, then there is a way out of the situation. This refers to the various sites that sell iPhone hand-held, that is, second-hand. Many people do just that - they buy equipment from someone and use it. By the way, this is a great option.

Some people mistakenly believe that there is no need to buy a used product: you never know what condition it is in. However, former owners are not selling their phones because they are faulty. Some of them are used to changing smartphones with the release of new items. This, by the way, is the most common reason. Therefore, if doubts arise whether it is worth buying an iPhone 5s on Avito, or whether it is better to save up some money and spend on a completely new phone, you can safely throw them aside. And you will be able to save money and buy a phone that is practically new. For example, the new iPhone 6 Plus 16 Gb in excellent condition, which has been used for just a few months, will cost less than 40 thousand rubles, while in the store you will have to pay at least 6 thousand more for it. The maximum cost of this model is 62,000 rubles.

In general, if you want to buy a phone, you should think carefully about which version you should buy, new or used, and for how much. After all, the purchase is serious, and you need to approach it responsibly.

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