
Register in the app store without a credit card. Where to get an Apple ID or how to get an ID for iPhone and iPad. Access to the registration form

In the last lesson, we reviewed and talked about why this program is generally needed. And today we will figure out how to go through the registration process in order to be able not only to manage your iPad or iPhone device, uploading music and movies to it, but also to be able to download applications from the ApStore store and install them on your gadgets.

We need register iniTunes so that in the future, when logging into our account, we have the opportunity to download or buy any applications available in the store, both from a computer and on the iPhone or iPad devices themselves.

Immediately it is worth warning that when registering, we will need mail from Google. Therefore, it is immediately necessary, if you do not have it yet, and after that you can get down to business.

And one more little nuance. Distinctive feature registration in iTunes is that we will be asked to enter our number credit card... Naturally, not everyone will want to enter this data, and not everyone has such a card. Therefore, we need not just register with iTunes, but try to download free app and at the request to enter our username and password, we will have to proceed with registration.

The whole point is that if we start registering right away, then at the second stage they won't let us through without entering the number. bank card, but if we try to download something, and then we will create an account for ourselves, then yes !! Everything will work! We are not required to enter a bank card number.

In general, do everything as described below and you will succeed.

Registration in iTunes

Open the program and immediately go to the iTunes Store by clicking on the corresponding button in the right upper corner.

We load home page where you can download and buy programs, movies, music. And we need to go to the tab App Store.

We opened the application store directly. Here we need to try to download something free labeled Free. Click on such a program.

The loaded page of the selected application usually displays: detailed description, screenshots, reviews and so on. Here we need to click on the Free button, which will mean free download.

In response, we will be asked to enter your username and password. But we don't have it yet, so we press the button " Create Apple ID».

You may have to wait a few seconds.

And now you can start registering with iTunes. In the first window, where we are told that we will be able to download files from the Apple ID, we click "Continue".

We accept the terms of the agreement by checking the box and clicking the “Agree” button.

And now the most important window is where you need to enter some data. It is important to enter here real e-mail address and come up with a password that will be very complex and contains both numbers and letters, large and small, and English. And the rest of the data, such as name, surname and date of birth, can be entered fictitious. This is optional. After filling, click "Continue".

In the next step, we see that you can select the type of credit card and enter its number. But there is also a None clause, that is registration in iTunes no card... That is what we choose. The rest of the data can be specified any, the main thing is that the required fields are filled in, and the number of characters is appropriate. You can see, like in my picture, and enter similar ones. It remains to click "Create Apple ID", that is Create Apple ID without card in this case.

We successfully signed up for iTunes and are now asked to confirm our email address. Go to your gmail.com account and find the corresponding letter from Apple. Let's open it and verify your e-mail by clicking on the "Verify Now" link.

And we are asked to enter our username, that is, mail, and the password that we used when registering the Apple ID.

Email address verified has been verified. If we click here on the blue Return to the Store button, it will automatically transfer to iTunes, where we are already logged in with our Apple ID and can start buying and downloading applications. Start Shoping.

I hope you remember which tab we went to before registering in iTunes to download applications.

Yes, this is where we can go and download any programs with the Free status, and then connect our iPad or iPhone and install applications on it.

Finally, I would like to give a list of the most popular problems that can appear when we want register iniTunes.

1. We are asked to enter the card number, but there is no None item.

This is only possible if you start creation of Apple ID is not as I described. Please note that we need not just start registering, but try to download the free application, but in response to a request to enter a username and password, start the process of creating an apple id.

2. The password does not work.

The password must be long, at least 8 characters, and contain both small and large letters, plus there must be numbers. Also, the characters in the password must not be repeated.

3. A confirmation email does not come.

Well, in that case, I can recommend. Well, first of all, make sure you put it right. Then check your Spam folder to see if it got there. Also, sometimes letters do not reach immediately, and may arrive in a few hours. If all else fails, then you need to try to register using another mail.

Useful video:

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When you first sign in to the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, or App Store using your ID tool, you will be prompted to specify the most convenient payment method so that you can make the desired purchases in the store. If you do not want to specify the type and method of payment for your account, please follow the steps below.

Apple recommends that you only use one Apple ID for registration for any software services and features that may need it in the future.

If you already have an Apple ID

If you managed to create an Apple ID, then the first time you sign in using it in the iTunes Store, iBooks Store and “App Store”, you will be asked to specify the type of payment. However, after entering the store, if necessary, the payment method can be deleted.

You will not be prompted for a new payment type until you make your first iTunes purchase.

If you don't have an Apple ID yet

If so, follow the steps below to create both a store account and an Apple ID without adding a payment type:

  • on a PC with Windows or MAC;
  • on one of your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad devices.

Create an "app store" Apple ID on a Windows PC or Mac

  • iTunes, then go to the iTunes Store by clicking “iTunes Store” at the top of the window.
  • Scroll down the page and find the flag of the state in which you live in the lower right corner of the window.
  • If your country's flag is not displayed, click it and select the region or country you want.
  • Next, go to the "App Store", "TV Shows", "Music" or "Books" menu by clicking on one of the icons in the upper left corner.

Download free program, video file, song or book. To find free programs, in the right column, click on any link that says “Free” (“Free on iTunes” or “The best free apps for the“ App store ”"). Once you've found a free program or file, click Download.
If you need to log in using Apple ID ID, click "ID".

Follow the instructions on the screen. If you are prompted to provide information about the type of payment, click the "No" option.

After entering all necessary information you will need to verify your Apple ID with your Email... Before you can start using your Apple ID, you must first verify it.

Registering an Apple ID account on iPad, Iphone, and iPod touch

  • Go to the App Store, Tunes Store on one of your iOS devices.
  • Choose a free app, video, song, or book.
  • Click "Download" next to the object, and then click it one more time to start downloading.

When prompted to sign in with your Apple ID, select Create new apple ID ".
Follow the instructions on the screen. Further, when you are required to leave information about the type of payment, select "No".

Hello dear readers of the blog site. I am slowly acquiring gadgets from Apple- Loved their uncompromising approach to user friendliness.

Installed iTunes program exactly like any other application on your computer, and has Russian language support. In addition, you can immediately understand what exactly it will allow you to do and what opportunities it will provide:

At one of the steps, you will be asked to check the box on the acceptance of the agreement on the use of this software. When you first start, you will be prompted to open access for Apple to your library so that photos of artists and disc covers are loaded into it. I don't need this, so I chose the cancel option.

After downloading and installing iTunes on your computer, it makes sense to immediately click on the top left Login button and register with iTunes, i.e. create a new account.

Press the button "Create Apple ID"... We continue, we agree with the terms of registration.

To secure your profile, it is better to answer questions and enter another address mailbox... If one already exists, then it will be sent to it in the future. New Password... Next, enter your date of birth. If you are under 18 years old, I advise you to enter a different date, since many applications are allowed to be downloaded only by adults.

Then click on the "Continue" button, after which you will be prompted to immediately enter your credit card information, which will be used to pay for the purchase of applications in the App Store. Is it possible to create an Apple ID without a map? Of course you can, but you will have to start the registration from the beginning.

To add card details, in the upper left corner of the iTunes window, click on your Apple ID and select " Account».

In the window that opens, we find the item "Payment method" and click a little to the right on the "edit" link.

It's simple: we enter the card number, security code and other data. At the first registration, one ruble will be withdrawn from your account in order to verify its authenticity.

If you then connect to your computer Ipad via USB with Aityunse turned off, this will cause it to start and it will automatically detect the gadget connected to it, and will also display it already in the form of a button like this:

The button on the right will have a triangle pointing up (similar to what you might have seen on CD players, where it was used to eject media). I accidentally clicked on it at the beginning, waiting for the context menu to appear, but instead the button evaporated and my iPad was disconnected from the computer.

I had to close and reopen iTunes for the connection with my tablet to be restored. You need to click a little to the left and then you will open the whole variety of the inner world of your gadget. On the first tab "Overview" a page opens with its name and model, as well as all other data. Battery charge, capacity, serial number.

You can immediately update software your gadget (check for availability and download a new iOS version) or restore its state to the factory settings (the "Restore iPad" button), that is, erase all personal data and bring the device to the state in which you purchased it (alas, this does not apply to scratches).

It turns out that from here you can control your "apple", as well as create backups or recover from them. You can even encrypt them for greater security if the data stored on the Iphone or Ipad is confidential. By default, iTunes will create an image of your tablet or phone on your computer, but you can save important data in the cloud, which Apple calls iCloud.

Create backups ( sync Iphone, Ipod or Ipad with iTunes) is very important, because in case of data loss, or a purchase new version gadget, you can download all the programs again - in this case, we will not have to search and buy everything again.

Moreover, as shown in the screenshot (second) located just below, it will be possible set up automatic sync immediately when the device is connected (via USB), and you can also set up wi fi sync between your computer with iTunes and your Iphone.

All this data can be saved not only on a computer, but also in cloud storage, the so-called iCloud.

With it, you can download some data, for example, save for games directly to the gadget without connecting to a computer via the Internet.

How to Sync Iphone, Ipod or Ipad with iTunes?

Also located below is a very comfortable and interesting panel, here we can clearly understand what exactly takes place on internal memory and how much. You can also click the "Synchronize" button.

A what exactly will be synchronized between computer and Iphone, Ipod or Ipad? Well, this is already at your mercy - just go through all the other tabs of the top menu and check the boxes in the right places.

It turns out that here you can download music, video or photos from a computer to a device and vice versa, but not only. Moreover, there is an opportunity create your own music library(not from the tracks bought in the epl store, but from their own, which live on your computer).

To do this, open the folder with your music in Explorer (or Total Commander), and in iTunes go to the "Music" tab.

After that, select all the necessary tracks in the explorer and drag them to an empty space in the program, as shown in the screenshot.

Some types of music files iTunes will offer to convert into a format convenient for this program:

Directly in iTunes, you can edit and even listen to this music. Right-click on any music file icon and select "Play" from the context menu. The player will appear on the top panel, where the bitten apple used to be.

If you click on the arrow in this very player, a window will open where you can choose which music will be played for which. If you are not satisfied with these "gray notes" instead of the cover of your favorite band, you can change it as well as the name.

To do this, right-click on the icon again and select "Details". A window will open where you can write a title, album, etc. To change the cover, first copy the image you want, then open the cover tab and press paste. The beauty.

To upload this music to the device, click on the device button (Iphone or Ipad) in the upper right, and in the window that opens, go to the "Music" tab, where you can specify what exactly to copy. Well, to start synchronization, click on the button "Ready" located at the top of the window on the right.

If everything worked out, then instead of the player, a bar will appear showing the download of music.

Great, you have music on your Iphone or Ipad. A you do not want to sync movies through iTunes? The process of uploading video to a gadget is about the same as for music, in the upper left corner we find a button and select "Movies" there. In the same way, as in the case of music, we drag the video files into the program and click on the "Finish" button. You can upload books in the same way.

iTunes and App Store

Movies, books, music - everything is there. But what else is needed for complete happiness? Of course, access to a store with millions of applications for every taste, which can be obtained both from a gadget and from a computer using aytyuns.

Press the button ITunes Store, which is in the upper right corner. A store opens in front of us, where you can buy movies, music and applications. We already have movies with music, so click "App Store".

The large banners on top are new and popular apps. On the right, you can select a category or, having dropped a little lower, some other section. If you want to have a free application, then click Download or Buy button, in case it is paid. To install it, you will have to enter the password that you thought up earlier when creating your Apple ID.

The downloaded or purchased program will live in your Apple ID account, and you can always install it on your gadget... To do this, connect it to your computer and go to the Applications tab in iTunes. Find there visually or using the search bar for the newly downloaded application and click the "Install" button located opposite it.

If you need to install any other applications or games from iTunes to your Iphone or Ipad, then just click on the "Install" button opposite them. The caption will change to "To be installed". Then go down and click on the "Apply" button located there.

The synchronization process will begin, during which your new application will be successfully installed on your gadget.

In general, no one bothers you to connect via WI Fi to the Internet and wander around the App Store directly from the apple gadget in search of the necessary software or games. However, the variety of options only adds to the convenience.

Improving the usability of iTunes and the App Store

Well, now you can use, at first glance, a very complex and sophisticated program, but in the end it is convenient and functional. Perhaps this is all that I wanted to tell about the right hand of the owner of Apple products.

By the way, if you need to upload pictures and videos taken on it to your computer from your Iphone or Ipad, and you have an account in Dropbox or Yandex Disk, then it will be enough to install the corresponding mobile app and it will allow you to do this automatically. Read more about that, and.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Today we will talk about how to create an icloud account for an iPhone via a computer. Without an Apple ID, it is impossible to use equipment from the Cupertin company.

What is it used for

ICloud Account is the main user ID. It is used in all services of the apple company, as well as to activate branded gadgets. A third-party user will not be able to log out of your account on their own, which allows you to secure the device.

Also Apple ID is used for remote access to the lost device. In a previously published article, we talked about how to do this.

Create account

There are two ways to register a new profile on your computer. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Through the site

To create an account using a PC, you need to do the following:

Note! In the site window, you can change your data and payment method.

Via iTunes

The second way is registration through the iTunes service.

Note! MacOS with built-in software is used as an example. If you have Windows, install iTunes.

  1. Open the program → Account tab → Login.
  2. Create a new Apple ID.
  3. Fill out the forms in the window → click "Continue".
  4. Fill out the second form with extended information → click "Continue".
  5. Select a payment method → ​​click "Continue"
  6. Accept license agreement.

And shops in many countries of the world, but their list, as well as the amount of content in each country is different. In Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, you can freely buy applications, movies and music, use most Apple services, but still not all. The US Apple ID still has advantages over the regional ones. In this article, we will look at them, and also tell you how to create an American account for free and use your Apple devices to the maximum.

What is US Apple ID for?

Of course, the most important advantage of a US account is access to the American App Store, in which applications and games appear earlier, and the assortment is wider, including exclusives that are not available in our country. In addition, there are iTunes Radio and other music services like Spotify, Rdio, which do not work in the Russian Federation (the restriction can be bypassed through a proxy, but you cannot do without applications, and they are only in the US App Store). This also includes the possibility of free installation of paid applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac through the FreeMyApps service, which works only with the American App Store.

As for the purchase of other digital content - for example, music and movies - the US Apple ID will be worse, since the prices in it are higher than in the same Russian one. Consider this when purchasing content from the iTunes Store.

How to register a US Apple ID

Registration, in fact, is not difficult and can be easily done both from a computer and directly from an iOS device. Which method is more convenient for you - choose for yourself, we will tell you about both.

Registering an Apple ID from a computer

Open iTunes and log out of your existing account, if you have one.

We indicate the region of the United States. It is carefully positioned right in front of your eyes.

We look in the side menu on the right and find any free application there. Take YouTube for example.

On the application page, click the Get button.

In the pop-up window with the login and password, select the "Create Apple ID" option.

On the invitation screen, click Continue.

Now you need to enter the required data:

We indicate the payment method, in our case, select None.

Now you need to enter your first and last name, as well as a real American address and telephone. I recommend choosing Florida as it does not have a tax on App Store purchases (some other states do).

The easiest way is to use the address of a public institution or hotel, which is easy to find through Google maps... We need:

  • Street - street with the selected building, see screenshot.
  • Phone - telephone number(we only need the last 7 digits).

It remains only to check the data and click the Create Apple ID button.

If everything is entered correctly, you will see a verification screen, which will change after confirming your email.

To check the box that was indicated during registration, a letter from Apple should come to it with a link to activate your account. We pass on it.

We log into Apple ID using your username and password.

That's it, your email has been verified. Congratulations, you now have an American Apple ID!

Registering an Apple ID from an iOS device

Getting an Apple ID using an iOS device is as easy as setting up a computer. All steps are completely similar.

Open the App Store and log out of your existing account. On the "Selection" tab, scroll down to the bottom and click on the login and select "Exit".

Now go to the search tab. We find any free application. I will be using YouTube again.

Click the Get button. In the pop-up menu, select "Create Apple ID".

Now you need to select a country. The checkbox will already be on United States. We accept the license agreement by clicking the Agree button.

Enter registration data:

  • Email - it is better not to use Russian domains, but choose, for example, Gmail.
  • Password - one capital letter and number is not enough now, do not forget to put some special character in your password.
  • Security Info - select security questions and indicate the answers to them (this is important, in the future they will be used to recover the password).

Now you need to indicate your date of birth. It is better to put your own, so as not to forget, since it is also used for password recovery. In the Billing information section, select the None payment method and click Next.

Enter the real state address and telephone number. We use Google Maps and find any hotel, preferably in Florida, as there is no tax on purchases in the App Store in this state. We need the following information:

  • Street - the street with the selected building.
  • City is a city, in my example Orlando.
  • State - state, I have FL - Florida.
  • Zip Code - zip code for Florida - 32830.
  • Area code - area code for Orlando - 321.
  • Phone - phone number (note that the last 10 digits are needed here)

After that, you will find yourself on the verification screen. Now we check the mail and follow the link from the Apple letter to verify the email. That's all. The download of our application will begin, which means that the Apple ID has been successfully created. Congratulations!

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