
How to register in contacts for the first time. Register a new page on VKontakte. How to create a password that will keep your page secure

The majority of Russian Internet users already have their own VK page, and the VK.com site is the most visited resource on the Russian Internet with multimillion-dollar activity every day. If you still do not belong to this group of people or want to create a new page for yourself, instead of a deleted, blocked, abandoned one, the information will be useful to you further.

The registration process for the PC web site is very simple. It is enough to do a few simple things:

But more often, users choose a mobile phone as a platform for using social media. networks. It is convenient, practical and can be done anywhere. If you also prefer a smartphone for VK or if you need to register on your phone, then let's consider these options.

From the phone

First, let's look at the registration process from a mobile phone without installing any applications. It is the same for any device model and operating system. The main thing is to have access to the Internet. You need to do the following.

After accepting an SMS message with a code, it remains only to indicate additional contact information, if you deem it necessary.

In the application

Using an application to log into VK from your phone is a reasonable solution. This way the contact works faster and more stable. Available fast work with microphone, camera and a number of other functions. Therefore, the official VK client for Android is the most downloaded Russian-language application in the Googleplay store. To get it:

  • go to PlayMarket;
  • in the search for applications, type VK;
  • the official client will appear first;
  • click on the Install button and wait while the client files are downloaded and it will be produced automatic installation(if you have problems using the Playmarket store, you can download the apk file of the application from the Internet, send it from PC to phone via USB cable and make a manual installation).

After the application is downloaded and installed, the first thing you will see is the login menu. In it you will be asked to log into an existing account, or create a new one. If you need a new VK profile, then press your finger on the white line Register.

Further, there are no serious differences from the previous options. The application integrates into operating system smartphone, therefore, in many cases, the phone number and code from the SMS can be filled in automatically or in the form of a pop-up hint for the user.

Registration is carried out in the same way in the client for iPhone. Its application is downloaded from the Appstore.

V third party applications such as Kate mobile, VK Coffee and others, registration is also no different except for the interface.

It is often possible to create a user for the application itself, that is, prohibit the use of VK (including registration) without entering a special username and password.

No phone number

Sometimes the task arises to register on Vkontakte without a SIM card. There are other articles on this topic describing working methods. But most of them are difficult to implement with only a mobile phone at hand. Therefore, we will consider the most suitable option, namely the Nextplus Free SMS program.

it mobile app allows you to receive text messages and voice calls to the phone number created in it. It is distributed legally and free of charge in the official GooglePlay app store. To get it:

There is no Russian localization in the program itself, but the interface is simple and easy to understand. At the first start, click Sign UP and go through the usual registration process with the indication of any data (confirmations are not required here). Next, we do the following.

Next, we complete the process of registering a VKontakte account by filling in the contact information. Please note that the number is not given on a permanent basis and you may lose access to it. Therefore, immediately specify a valid address in the settings of the contact page Email to enter.

There is no popular analogue of the above-described service in Russia. Perhaps there are separate proposals, but we will not vouch for their reliability. But there is a site that has been working for more than one year, where disposable numbers are sold literally for a trifle (5-10 rubles). This is sms-reg.com.

On this site you can also buy a room for a day, a week, extend for a month, etc. Only this is already expensive (a day - 100 r, a week - 500 r), so this function is unprofitable.

Of the advantages here is that the number will surely work, the Russian-language interface of the site and the reputation proven over the years.

The disadvantages are the need to pay (albeit not large) and the fast flow of numbers. Many people know about the site, and the number of numbers is limited, so someone else will soon get yours. As in the past, be prepared for the potential loss of your VK page someday, and do not store anything important to you on it. Here, a loss is more likely than with an American site, but as an option to quickly register without a phone number to perform a number of actions, it works well. Having replenished the balance once for 50 rubles, you will have 5 attempts in stock.

As you can see, all operations to create a new VK profile from a phone are no more difficult than similar ones on personal computer... Choose the most convenient one for yourself. You can also register yourself

The modern active Internet user cannot imagine his life without social networks, and there is a reason for that - these resources provide unlimited opportunities for communication and exchange of any information, be it scientific materials, news or musical compositions. If you decide which one to register with, the most popular social network in Russia is VKontakte, and it will be about it. In this article, you will learn how to register in contact and correctly start communicating with people from anywhere in the world!

The standard way to register VKontakte

Perhaps the VKontakte registration system, when you need a new page right now, is one of the simplest on sites of this kind. All you need to create a personal account, that is, to register correctly, is a valid mobile phone number (you can do without it, but more on that later). So, we will consider the registration procedure (via SMS to the phone) right now and step by step:

  1. We go to the address http://vk.com and pay attention to the section of the page that opens under the name “ Instant registration».
  2. Enter the name and surname in the appropriate fields.
  3. The next step is confirmation of registration. The site asks for a mobile phone number. We write our phone number in ten-digit format, click on "get the code" and wait for an SMS message with a combination of numbers.

  4. Having received the message, enter the password in the corresponding window.

  5. If the code is correct, another window appears for entering the password. Come up with a strong password and fill in the line. It is allowed to use numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet, Cyrillic and other symbols are prohibited.

  6. This completes the registration in the contact. The system offers to select a place of residence and educational institutions, but if you want, you can skip these steps.

Now all that remains is to fill out the profile and find friends - and you can use the functionality social network VKontakte to the fullest.

Register in contact without a mobile phone

Previously, it was possible to register in a contact by entering an email address, but now this feature has been abolished, and a page in a contact is tied to a phone number, and only one profile in a contact can correspond to one number. This was done so that the resource is not filled with dozens of accounts of the same person in contact. But what to do if the second page in contact is now vital, but there is no free mobile phone number and there is no way to get SMS to the phone?

In this case, you can use services that help create a virtual telephone number, even if there is actually no phone, and receive messages on it. One of them is Pinger. Registration in it is not particularly difficult, despite the English-language interface. The only caveat is that the site requires an up-to-date version of Flash Player.

So, we go to the address www.pinger.com/tfw/, after which, before registering on VKontakte, we register there, for which we perform the following steps:

After the message manager opens, the number can be safely copied and sent for registration in the contact, detailed algorithm which - that is, the way to register in a contact - is described just above.

Alas, "VKontakte" has been dominated by scammers who strive to get a penny out of gullible citizens by offering them paid registration in this social network.

It is important to know that this procedure has always been and remains free of charge.

Until 2012, it was possible to register on VKontakte for free and without an invitation by specifying your e-mail. Now you cannot do without a phone number.

Of course, there is a way not to provide a real mobile phone number, but we'll talk about that later.

7 steps to register in "VKontakte" with a mobile phone

1) Go to the official website

Rice. 1 Official site VKontakte

2) To the right of the block for entering registered users there is a section "Instant registration" with two fields for entering:

  • Your name (1 in Fig. 1),
  • Your surname (2 in Fig. 2).

Enter your data in them and click on the blue button “Register” (3 in Fig. 1).

3) On the opened page “Registration confirmation” in the “Country” field (if you have such a field) select your country from the list.

Enter the digits of your number in the “Mobile phone” field (1 in Fig. 2, there is no “Country” field):

Rice. 2 Registration on VKontakte for free with a mobile phone, without an invitation

4) Within no more than 5 minutes (with rare exceptions), an SMS with a five-digit code will be sent to the specified phone number (1 in Fig. 2), which must be entered into the “Confirmation Code” column that appears.

5) Now, under the specified field, one more field should appear with the inscription “Password”. In it, enter the desired password for the subsequent login to the social network. It is worth abandoning standard passwords (passwords) like your date of birth or your name. For your own safety, it is better if it is a combination of letters and numbers.

When the characters you entered make up a strong password, a green line and a button “Enter the site” will appear under the corresponding field, and press it.

It is advisable to write down the password and login for entering the site in a notebook or somewhere: everything that is not written down is forgotten and often no longer remembered.

6) After entering the social network, you will be prompted to enter additional. information about yourself:

7) After completing the indicated pages, click the "Go to my page" rectangle.

Registration is over, feel free to add, fill out a questionnaire about your hobbies and preferences - and communicate with friends and acquaintances. The avatar is added and the questionnaire is filled in if desired, in order to have “your own face” in the social network.

Please note: if you do not have time to fill out the fields of the questionnaire about the school, university and other accounts right away, then just click “Proceed to the next step”, and you will return to entering data in the indicated columns next time.

Registration without phone number

Now how to register yourself new page"VKontakte" without specifying a real mobile phone number and without sms. There are three effective ways.

1 Landline telephone

This method is suitable for everyone who has landline phone.

  • When registering, at the step of specifying the mobile in the field, enter the digits of the city number in the eleven-digit format.
  • Click the “Let the robot call” button.
  • Within a minute, your home phone will receive a call.
  • And the robot will pronounce the code in a clear voice, and you enter it in the appropriate column on the website.

Please note that this method is perfect for those who need to have several accounts on the blue social network at once, since an unlimited number of users can be registered on one landline phone.

2 Virtual mobile number

For this method, you will need a free email address in order to register on the pinger.com website (or any other resource that provides virtual mobile number to receive SMS).

1) Go to pinger.com and at the top right click “Textfree web” (fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Site Pinger.com - virtual mobile number services

2) On the opened page, click “SIGN UP”. A window will open (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Registration on Pinger.com to get a virtual mobile number

3) Go through the registration procedure by entering standard data:

if you have accounts in these services.

4) In the window that opens, you will be asked to select a virtual mobile number, and then click “Confirm”.

7) Insert the number (using the Ctrl + V keys) into the corresponding field on the VKontakte registration page (Fig. 2).

8) Go back to the tab where the pinger site is open and wait for the SMS online in this window.

3 For foreign users

This option is suitable for those who have a Facebook account. But it is available only for those who are not in the CIS country. Therefore, first you should install an IP anonymizer on your computer and run it so that VKontakte thinks that you are from another country (the USA, for example).

If you do everything correctly, then upon registration, Vkontakte will offer you (on English language) enter your first name, last name and gender, or click the registration button through the FB “Sign in with Facebook”. Feel free to click it and get a new VK account right now.

It is hard to imagine modern world without social networks. This is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, which allowed people to communicate with each other without any barriers. On the vastness of the World Wide Web, there are a large number of social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). Nevertheless, the VKontakte website is the most popular on the Russian-speaking Internet. If you want to join the new era of online communication, you just need to register in VKontakte.

Initially, to register on the social network, one had to receive a special invitation. Now registration in VKontakte is available to everyone. All you need to create your own page is a mobile phone. It is to him that your social network account will be linked. If you forget your password, you can always access the page through your mobile phone.

Please note that only one VKontakte account can be linked to one number. If you create a second page, the first one will lose its binding to the phone. Registration of a new user takes place in several steps. Let's now see how to register in VKontakte.

Step one: personal data

Go to the official website VKontakte. The start page should be displayed. In the left corner there is a "Register" button. Click on it, which will open the registration form. It is necessary to enter your personal data in it: name and surname. Having done this, click on the "Register" button.

If someone has already logged into their account on your computer and because of this you cannot register in the VKontakte social network, then in this case you need to leave the page. For this in the right upper corner site click on the username. A drop-down list will appear, in which you must select the "Exit" item.

Step two: education

The social network will ask you to indicate the school in which you study or once studied. This item, if desired, can be skipped by pressing the corresponding button. However, we would recommend that you indicate the place of study. After all, thanks to this, the site's algorithms will help you find your classmates.

The country is determined automatically. All that remains for you is to indicate the city and the name of a particular school. Then VKontakte will ask you to determine the higher educational institution in which you study or studied. Everything is the same here, so no problems should arise.

Step three: mobile phone

To register a new page, VK will require you to specify. We enter it and click on the "Get code" button. After a couple of minutes, an SMS will be sent to your mobile phone, which contains a short set of numbers. Of course, there is no charge for the message. Enter the received code into the corresponding field on the website. After that click on "Send Code".

If after a few minutes the SMS has not arrived, you must click on the "I have not received the code" hyperlink. The system will send a new message to your phone. If it does not work, then you need to click on the button "Yes, let the robot call." This will cause the bot to call your phone and dictate the code.

Previously, VKontakte registration was carried out via e-mail. However, over time, the rules for creating pages have become stricter. And in 2017, it will not be possible to register in VK without a phone number.

Step four: password

The most important step remains, which is mandatory for those who want to register on VKontakte for free. You need to come up with and specify a password with which you will gain access to your account. A special form will appear on the page. It is in it that you need to enter the password.

There are certain requirements for the password. Firstly, its size must be at least 6 characters, but not more than 32. Secondly, you cannot use special characters like *,%, $, etc. We recommend that you use complex passwords that contain characters of different case and numbers. This way you can protect yourself from hacking. Also pay attention to the language in which you enter the password.

Step five: login to the site

When the VK page is registered, you can go to it. To do this, you need to go to the official VKontakte website. Enter your phone number and password in the appropriate form, and then click on the "Login" button. Voila - you went to your page. Now you can communicate with your family, friends, colleagues without any restrictions for free.

Number recently used

Sometimes it happens that a new page is not registered in VKontakte. The site does not create an account justifying this by the fact that the number was recently used. What to do in this case? The simplest solution is to register using another phone. In the future, you can re-link the page to another SIM card. This is done through the section "My Settings", item "Change phone number".

If this option does not suit you, then there is only one way out - contact VK technical support. Describe your problem and send a request to support. As a rule, VKontakte employs highly qualified employees who promptly respond to incoming applications. Therefore, you will not have to wait long for an answer. To speed up the process of solving the problem, attach the phone number to which you want to link the page to the application.

For some time now, the social network has tightened the rules registration of new accounts by making binding to mobile phone .

Now, when registering, you must use a phone number.

Those who are interested in how to register in contact through email will have to disappoint - that possibility no longer exists.

Note! The Vkontakte administration has ruled out the possibility of registration account through only one mailbox in 2012. This decision was dictated by considerations of security and optimization of the social network. Due to the tightening of the rules, the number of registered accounts decreased - the level of fraud and the load on the servers decreased.

Anyway, there is still a way to register an account without using your own phone number.

To do this, you need to use a server virtual telephony to receive SMS messages.

Proovl SMS

Pinger lets you get virtual number to which you can receive messages.

Pinger registration process

So, how to register in a contact if there is already a page? First you need to visit the service page.

We don't need a login form for an existing user yet, so we need to select "Create account".

Important! To fully use the service, you need a fresh version of Flash Player.

Selecting this option will direct the user to a page with a registration form.

To be afraid that all the points in English are not needed, even though the browser translator does not translate them. In any case, there is no Russian version of the service.

Fill this form needed as follows:

  1. Username, which will later become the login to log into the service.
  2. Unique secure password, which you will also need to enter.
  3. Password confirmation.
  4. E-mail address to receive notifications and restore access in case of emergency.
  5. Binding Agreement with Service Terms of Use
  6. A verification code that confirms that the user is not a robot.
  7. Account creation button.

If the fields are filled in incorrectly or if you do not agree to the terms of use and the resource's privacy policy, registration will be impossible.

For this you will need:

  1. Enter the zip code (this site will help you find it out).
  2. Select gender (Male - male, Female - female).
  3. Indicate age (it is better to indicate age over 18).
  4. Press the button to search for the most suitable phone number.

After that, the system will select numbers for some time.

As a result, a list of them will appear. You need to choose one of the proposed ones and confirm your choice with the "Confirm" button.

The choice takes place once, after that it is impossible to change the number for a specific account.

After that, the system will offer to publish the news about the purchase of a virtual mobile number on the page Facebook. This selection is optional, so you can simply click Cancel.

This will open a page with a message manager. There will be a box in the center of the screen. In which the received messages will be displayed.

There will be an update button above it (useful if the message does not arrive for a long time).

To view your own virtual phone number, gently press the "Options" button. It will be indicated in the upper part of the form, in the "Phone number" column.

It can be selected and copied to the clipboard (Ctrl + C).

It is only important not to copy anything after that, otherwise the number will be erased from the buffer and you will have to copy it again.

Registration in VK without a phone number

Now you can proceed to registering an account on the social network. To do this, you need to open start page and click "Register" in the middle of the screen or under the login form.

The first thing to do is choose your first and last name. They will be valid or a pseudonym - the personal choice of the user.

You just need to remember that the administration is blocking frankly invented names.

The next step is to indicate the country and city of residence. The veracity of this information also remains at the discretion of the user who is registering.

And, finally, for the sake of which registration in Pinger took place - confirmation by phone number:

  1. In the country selection field, you must specify the country with the code of which the newly created virtual number begins (in this case, the USA, code +1).
  2. Then enter the phone number in international format.
  3. Press the button to receive the verification code.

A line will appear under the form, in which you must enter the received code. You can view it on the Pinger page created in the first part of the manual.

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