
Multichannel telephone exchange. Multichannel phone number. How to connect a multichannel virtual number

Dear Clients! We offer you a completely new service for connecting, setting up and maintaining multichannel numbers.

A multichannel number is a type of communication that allows you to receive several calls at once in real time.

All incoming calls that come to the multichannel telephone number are forwarded to different phone numbers. Moreover, call forwarding, as a rule, is carried out automatically to the next free phone number in the list. Just open the control panel immediately after purchase and enter a list of your numbers for forwarding incoming calls.

What is a multichannel phone for?

A multichannel phone makes it possible to process calls in multiple streams. Thus, the telephone line of the number remains always free and customers can call the support service at any time. With a never-busy phone, a company can gain additional competitive advantages that will generate tangible profits over time. In addition, you can combine all your telephone lines, for example, in Moscow and Novosibirsk, into a single number that is capable of receiving an almost unlimited number of simultaneous calls.

After activating the service, you can receive up to 50 incoming calls simultaneously.

How to buy a multichannel phone?

You do not have to go to the office of the company, stand in lines, and fill out a bunch of unnecessary papers. You can get the service directly on the website by placing an order in 5 minutes. And within a few hours you will have your phone number fully configured and ready to use.

The service provided costs from $ 1 to $ 30 per month. The price depends on the country you have chosen and the number of channels. The number of simultaneous incoming calls depends on the number of lines connected for this service.

What are the benefits of using multichannel numbers?

  • Thanks to multichannel telephony, your customers will never hear a busy signal, and your company's operators will not miss a single important customer.
  • Fine tuning of additional channels allows you to increase the number of simultaneous incoming calls.
  • You can easily combine all your contact numbers into one short and easy-to-remember number.
  • A simple and intuitive personal account allows you to flexibly configure call forwarding, for example, by time or day of the week.
  • This type of connection does not have a georeference. This means that when you move to a new location, the number will remain with you.
  • Call recording and detailed call detailing will allow you to assess the efficiency of your call center.
  • Low connection cost and further monthly payments.
  • High quality telephone connection

Experienced specialists of our company are always ready to connect, configure and service a multi-channel telephone number with high quality.

In the face of tough competition in the market for goods and services, it is important for any company to constantly keep in touch with its employees, customers, intermediaries, and potential partners. Considering that even the smallest organization has a huge number of external relations, it is not at all surprising that in work time the phone just doesn't go off. And at the same time, everyone will be able to answer only if they buy a multichannel number.

Why is it worth connecting a multichannel number?

Today, having a multichannel phone number for companies is not a luxury; it is a business necessity. Many are familiar with the situation when a client cannot get through to the company he needs for a long time, he simply chooses their competitors. Group of companies "Multicom" offers the ability to receive several calls at the same time on multichannel metropolitan (Moscow) numbers. Thus, you will not miss an important call for you, do not miss a single potential client or partner. A single number can be organized for all phones in your company. You will be able to send and receive faxes, redirect incoming calls, both to a specific subscriber and to a group of subscribers, that is, distribute calls between office employees in a specific order, without missing a single call. All this can be done thanks to the IVR script. You will have the opportunity to leave your number when traveling on a business trip to another country or when you move your office to a new location.

If a company develops, it grows. At the same time, the company should worry in advance about the fact that the number of incoming calls will also grow. To solve this problem, Multicom Group of Companies offers its customers a multi-channel Moscow phone number.

Multichannel phone number: a business tool

A customer-oriented business requires a reliable, high-quality and stable telephone service. A multichannel telephone number is an excellent business tool that is indispensable for organizing modern call centers. Customers do not need to remember many numbers, just one is enough, and multi-channel means that the operator will answer even if there are several parallel calls. Not only customer services, but also back-office units can be locked to a single number. When a call comes to a single number, the operator or automation can forward incoming call for a specific employee.

In addition, multichannel communication allows you to have one phone number to which all incoming and outgoing calls will be received, even if your company has a head office in Moscow and branches throughout the region. Thus, "Multicom" allows you to optimize the business processes of your organization.

The number of channels depends on the intensity of telephone traffic and capabilities installed system... Modern Internet technologies make it possible to implement a multichannel telephone number quickly and at minimal cost.

The installation and operating costs of a multichannel system are substantially lower than with multiple phone numbers.

So, by connecting a multichannel phone number, our clients receive the following benefits:

  • receive an unlimited number of calls to a single number;
  • receive and send faxes;
  • when changing the actual office address, you do not have to change the phone number;
  • you can choose a convenient and memorable number.

However, the benefits of multichannel communication do not end there, because it can help you control communication costs using detailed reports. Also, this service allows you to monitor the work of employees and organize remote workplaces.

The company "Multicom" guarantees fast connection of a multichannel phone number and high quality services provided. Our specialists use only modern technologies that will allow your organization to effectively solve all work issues and develop successfully.

By contacting the Multicom company, you can forget what a busy phone is. Your clients will always be able to get through to your specialists and get the necessary advice.

As already mentioned, it is especially important to timely connect a multichannel number for growing companies, the number of potential buyers and intermediaries from which will increase along with the expansion of their activities.

Take advantage of modern technologies and innovative solutions!

The key to the success of any business is prompt communication with clients and partners. A multi-line phone number is essential to maintain a solid business image and maintain a competitive edge. This is one of the established standards of communication, without which the company will not be taken seriously.

Let's be honest: in modern conditions a busy signal heard by a customer is a reason to contact another company. A modern PBX will allow you not only to retain your customers, but also to attract new ones.

Multichannel telephone communication: what is it and who needs it

A multichannel number is a telecommunication line organized in such a way that several subscribers can simultaneously call the same number. This effect is achieved by distributing incoming calls to free telephones. This is beneficial for the company, since the line is laid once, and the required number of additional devices can be connected to it, if necessary. Customers, in turn, see that they are interested in them. These two factors provide high level service, which means - increasing profits and business efficiency.

Call distribution is done using hardware or web technology. A virtual multichannel number has a number of advantages: at a lower cost, you can get more high speed communication with the client, and when you move the office you will not have to order "cable works" again. This technology is especially widespread among IT companies, information service providers and international companies. But even for a small company, which often moves from office to office, a virtual multichannel number can facilitate working conditions. If some of your employees work remotely, multichannel telephone communication with them is possible only with the help of web technologies.

What gives the connection of a multichannel number

Let's say your company offers a virtual PBX service that does not require cables or expensive equipment. It will be easier to make a decision if you imagine the benefits of such a decision:

  • You can answer calls in any convenient way: not only from city or mobile phones, but also from computers or any gadgets connected to the Internet and equipped with a special software... The quality of communication will be equally high regardless of the number of simultaneously received calls.
  • The virtual multichannel number is paid from the personal account on the provider's website. But that's not all: in the same personal account the manager can see the statistics of calls, manage various functions, form groups of employees.
  • Calls are automatically recorded in MP3 format. This allows both to preserve information and maintain corporate communication standards. A warning that a call might be recorded is a courtesy to both employees and customers.
  • Calls between employees of the same company are free. For a large organization, this is a significant saving on communication services, especially if its offices operate in different cities or countries.
  • A virtual multichannel number is not tied to a specific physical address; it is saved when changing an office or city.
  • One virtual number allows you to serve up to one hundred clients at the same time - the only question is the number of staff in your company. As a rule, the basic tariff includes 2-5 virtual numbers, and it is available even for those who are just starting their own business.
  • You can easily connect the voice menu function. Automatic redirection of a call to a particular department relieves the secretary and ensures more efficient work of the entire company.
  • The planning of advertising campaigns will be faster with the involvement of call statistics from your personal account.

When deciding how many internal numbers your office needs to work, consider not only the number of employees, but also the fax number and other office purposes.

So, a virtual PBX itself is an effective and worthy solution. Perhaps your competitors already have it working successfully.

Choosing a multichannel phone number

The very sequence of numbers that the client types can be attractive to him to varying degrees. For example, free numbers receive 30% more calls. A memorable number works effectively in the service sector - for example, if a client urgently needs food delivery to the office or home, a taxi, an appointment with a doctor, equipment repair. In such cases, there is not always the time and desire to look for a number in the phone book.

  • 8 800 - if the number begins with these digits, you can call it for free, even while in roaming or in another region.
  • 8 804 differs from 8,800 in that it can be configured as outgoing call-definable.
  • Landline number creates a solid image, associating clients with a stable office, no matter how the company's work is actually organized. This number has fewer numbers and is easier to remember.
  • Premium room... Memorability can be achieved using so-called silver, gold or platinum numbers. These are sequences of numbers that have some kind of logic. Duplicate numbers or simple sequences can be used - for example, 555-82-82 or 234-56-78. The more repeating numbers, the easier it is for the client to remember them. However, the purchase of such a number will cost the company more. Sometimes beautiful number connect for the duration of a project or advertising campaign, so as not to overpay for it, working as usual.

If your company already has an effective phone number that is familiar to customers and partners, you can make it a single one by connecting the forwarding service from a new multichannel one.

How to connect a multichannel virtual number

This can be done right at your workplace by going to the provider's website. You need to register, choose a number and tariff, enter your personal account and pay for the service. Remember to include your call forwarding numbers, fax number and address Email... It is helpful to immediately create a greeting for the callers.

Multichannel number is a way to improve the quality of service and retain customers. It is unlikely that someone wants to "hang" on the line for half an hour, waiting for the operator's response. It is much more pleasant when they answer immediately and solve the necessary question quickly.

How a multichannel phone number works

Typically, the customer hears the IVR voice menu greeting first, then the call is routed to the operator's number. If one employee is busy, the system will redirect the call to the next one. If all operators are busy, the PBX will keep the subscriber in standby mode until someone can receive the call.

The organization of multichannel communication presupposes the presence of an automatic telephone exchange. It can be analog, "real" and virtual. This does not change the basic principle of operation: the call arrives at the PBX, which directs it, according to the algorithm, to the operator's line.

Depending on the type of station, only the installation scheme changes and some additional features... In the case of analogue, it is necessary to purchase and deliver equipment to the office, connect each device to the station and configure it. For a virtual PBX, the call is processed by the provider's equipment, automatically sending it to the subscriber's phone, smartphone or computer.

Benefits of multichannel communication

Clients call the company for a variety of questions: to clarify the price and features of a product or service, to consult about the purchase procedure, to ask for an address. What happens if a potential customer cannot get through? Perhaps he will repeat his attempt one or two more times, or he may immediately call a competitor. With a high probability, the company will lose a client, which means it will lose profit.

The main advantage of multichannel communication is that the client very quickly receives a response from an employee of the company. Even with heavy workload of operators, when the call is in "standby mode", there will still be no short beeps: the buyer will be informed of the specified information (for example, "Your call is very important for us ..." or information about the client's promotions) and asked to wait. If we talk about virtual PBXs, they have other, additional, advantages. For example:

  • call statistics;
  • call recording function;
  • call forwarding to the operator to any point;
  • integration into the content management system;
  • "Call back", etc.

All of this creates tremendous business opportunities:

  • constant monitoring of the effectiveness of advertising;
  • creation of a remote call center;
  • customer service quality control;
  • receiving all incoming calls;
  • one number throughout Russia;
  • quick connection of an employee to the company's telephony;
  • reduction of communication costs.

A multichannel number is relevant for companies with a large number of incoming or outgoing calls. For example, this is a service sector: online stores, companies engaged in the transportation of goods and passengers, various services, and so on. Startups are increasingly choosing to have one or two spare phone lines, because losing customers to short beeps means losing profits.

How much does connection and room service cost?

Let's take a look at the costs incurred by a company that wants to connect multichannel communications. We will focus on the proposals for connecting a virtual PBX, since this is the most modern and economical form of communication.

Expenses for the purchase of a room

The payment is one-time, its size depends primarily on the "beauty" of the combination of numbers. Numbers are conventionally divided into ordinary, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, etc. The more identical or consecutive digits in the number, the easier it is to remember, the higher the price.

In addition, there is a separate category, which includes a special number 8-800. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that calls are paid not by the caller, but by the receiving subscriber. Number
8-800 is not tied to specific device, and outgoing calls from it are not detected by the called subscriber.

For a number of operators, the prefix also affects the cost. For example, buying a multichannel number with the Moscow code “495” usually costs more than the one with the “499” prefix. For numbers with a foreign prefix, as well as for special promotions, the price can be completely symbolic.

Equipment costs

Unlike "real" PBXs, virtual ones do not require the purchase of expensive equipment. The whole list boils down to the presence of a device that will receive a call: it can be a computer, smartphone, any mobile or regular phone with a connected VoIP adapter. For comparison: a fairly budget analog mini-PBX Panasonic KX-TEM824RU will cost about 35 thousand rubles, and will also require the purchase of additional equipment to receive calls. In addition, the machine will need regular maintenance.

Subscription fee per room

A small amount that is debited monthly. Depending on the provider and the number, it is usually about 150-200 rubles. Exclusive numbers often have an additional condition: in addition to the monthly fee, they have minimum monthly spending on calls. The more expensive the combination of numbers, the higher this threshold.

Call costs

Depends on the number of calls, directions, as well as the operator's tariffs. An outgoing call within Russia costs about 60 kopecks to 2 rubles per minute. Incoming calls are usually free for city numbers, but with numbers 8-800 and 8-804, the subscriber company pays for the conversation with the client. This is beneficial for both buyers and companies, which receive more incoming calls and, accordingly, increase sales.

It is interesting
The world record for the duration of a telephone conversation in 2012 was set by two pairs of Baltic residents. Taking part in the usual promotional competition from the operator, they exceeded the previous Guinness record by almost 11 hours! The conversation was stopped only by the intervention of the organizers, who began to fear for the health of the participants, stopped the competition and awarded both couples first place.

PBX connection

In the case of a virtual station, the connection usually does not require additional costs, except in cases of involving third-party specialists to configure the equipment. Next, we will tell you more about the features of the connection and how easy it is to do it yourself. But the setup and installation of an analog PBX should be entrusted to professionals.

Subscription fee for using automatic telephone exchange

Its size depends on the operator, tariff, number of rooms, additional options. In total, the costs are low: in some cases, the number can be connected free of charge or almost free of charge, and you can also do without significant equipment costs. The main part of payments is a monthly payment for calls made.

Connecting a multichannel number

Let's take a look at how the communication is configured for different types PBX, is it difficult to connect and how long will it take.

  • Analog number
    First, you need to decide on the number of lines that will be needed in the course of the company's work. The model of the required equipment will depend on this. It is better to take with a small margin: you can increase the capabilities of devices, but this will require additional costs.
    It is better to entrust the design and installation stages to specialists: they will determine a suitable place for placing the PBX, lay cables connecting the devices to the station. After connecting the ports, the equipment will be tested and configured. In total, the entire purchase and installation procedure can take up to several days, depending on the chosen service.
  • Virtual number
    When connecting a cloud PBX, the whole procedure will not take much time. It is enough to go to the website of the selected provider, register, pay for the selected services. You can set up the forwarding order, enable and disable additional options in your personal account on the provider's website. The device is now ready for use. In case of difficulties, you can ask for help from the technical support service of the provider: most of the services provide such a service online and free of charge.

Thus, it is possible to connect a virtual multichannel number with minimal time and money. Meanwhile, this type of communication helps to improve the quality of service and reduce the likelihood of losing a client.

Where can I order the service of connecting a virtual multichannel number?

Sergey Maslov, director of the marketing department of MTT OJSC, gives his comment:

“When choosing a provider, one should be guided by the indicator of its reliability, as well as take into account the total costs of connecting and using a multichannel number. Reliability can be determined by independent ratings, reviews, as well as the duration of the provider's presence in the market for these services. To reduce connection costs, pay attention to the special rates and offers of companies: some providers offer very favorable prices for calls to certain regions, as well as the purchase of numbers. A big advantage will be that the operator has a rich selection of numbers, including those with prefixes from different regions. MTT, for example, offers to buy numbers with codes of almost all major Russian cities. Wherever the company's office is located, when choosing a local prefix, the company inspires more confidence in the client, and this can push to make a deal. "

P.S. The tariffs and conditions for connecting a virtual multichannel number can be found on the website.

Tariffs Submit your application

Digital PBX is a full range of reliable fixed-line services using modern switching equipment and round-the-clock monitoring. MGTS guarantees prompt connection of an office phone, offers modern digital fax machines and tariffs that take into account the specifics of a business of any size.

Advantages of digital telephone communication MGTS

  • Simple and quick installation... To install a telephone in an office, it is necessary to organize an access line through which a city telephone number will be connected. Depending on how many phone numbers you need, we create an appropriate number of lines. You will be able to start receiving calls from clients daily PBX connection by configuring the necessary additional functions: answering machine, caller ID, call recording, etc.
  • Digital telephone communication from MGTS is a full range of reliable fixed communication services using modern switching equipment and round-the-clock monitoring. This means that you will always be available for customers and partners - regardless of the congestion of telephone lines.
  • Digital telephone services for your company include a telephone number with the ability to make local, intrazone, long distance and international calls. If you need to serve several calls at the same time to one number, we provide a multichannel (serial) number.
  • You can connect a Virtual PBX or Corporate PBX and enjoy all the advantages of digital telephone communication: organize audio conferences, make mass calls to customers, transfer calls between employees, connect an answering machine and short beautiful numbers ...

How to connect a digital office PBX

Office automatic telephone exchanges are connected to the public network via a high-speed channel. Depending on your needs in the number of simultaneously supported telephone conversations, the required number of connecting lines is allocated.

The use of a PBX makes the business client-oriented, flexible and economical. The presence of a city number speaks of the reliability of the company, provides your partners and customers with the opportunity to quickly and efficiently communicate with the head office or representative offices, and increases the loyalty of your own employees.

The experience and resource capabilities of MGTS make it possible to implement and operate an office PBX of any scale.

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