
Uber com drivers personal account. Work and description of a personal account in Uber. How to log in to your Uber partner account

The Uber Internet service provides access to your personal account as ordinary users as well as drivers. Do you want to order a taxi? With the help of a personal account, you can do this with just one touch. Want to find Good work free schedule? Register as a driver and take orders right in the app.

Who is Uber for, and how does the service work?

Uber's personal account is designed for both drivers and passengers. With the help of this service, drivers can provide themselves with a full-fledged job and receive decent pay for their work. All order management is carried out directly through Personal Area. The driver will always be provided with comprehensive support from Uber. Starting from setting up an account or adjusting the cost, and ending with any other issues that may arise during work.

For users, this service is not only the ability to quickly order a car for all occasions. Directly from your account, you can find out in advance the cost of the trip, see the photo of the driver and information about the car, track the movement of the car on the map. Also, you do not need to carry cash with you. The cost of the trip will be automatically debited from your card account registered in the system.

Signing up for an Uber account

To register in the Uber system, you first need to go to the company's website. Next, you should make a choice who you are as a user or driver. If you want to become a user of the service, go to the "For users" tab and click "Registration". On the page that opens, you will be prompted to fill out a registration form. After filling it out, click the "Register" button.

If you want to register as a driver, once on the site, just click the "Become a driver" button. Then fill out the form provided and click "Submit". You will get access to the service immediately, but you will be able to start working only after sending some documents and approving your candidacy.

And you can also register from the Uber app itself. To do this, you need to enter the store of your operating system, find the application and install it on your device. Registration is carried out in the same way as through the site.

Authorization in Uber

You can enter the service both from the site and through the application. You will only need to fill in two fields: phone number and password specified during registration. If you have lost your password, you can recover it by clicking the "Forgot your password?" button. Password recovery information will be sent to Email.

Mobile app

There are two Uber apps. Uber for users and Uber Driver for drivers. When searching for an application in the store of your operating system, you need to consider this point. The Uber mobile app is an integral part of using the service. It is through it that users can quickly order a car. And for drivers, the app is especially important. All the functionality of managing orders and working time is always at hand. Instant alerts and convenient search, constant system prompts and step by step instructions to achieve success. What else is needed for fruitful work?

How to order a car through your Uber account?

When you enter the application, the service automatically detects your location. If the address was determined not quite accurately or you want to call the car to someone else, the service allows you to manually enter the address of the departure point. Next, you just have to open the line at the top and indicate the place where you want to go. The program will automatically calculate the route and report the cost of the trip. Now click the "Order uberStart" button. After making an order, information about the driver and the estimated time of arrival of the car will be displayed on the screen. Also on the map you can track how the car is moving towards you.

Online help through your personal account

If drivers or users have any questions about the operation of the service, they can always get help from consultants. To do this, simply enter the application, open the menu and click the "Help" button. The form will appear on the screen. feedback with Uber specialists. Formulate your question and send it to the consultants.


Uber guarantees the safety of all rides. After all, the entire route is constantly monitored, which provides a convenient door-to-door service. In addition, after making an order, you immediately receive all the information about the driver and his car. Even after completing the trip, you still have this information and can even contact the driver, for example, if something is scored in the car.

How to delete an account?

You can delete your account using the app. To do this, you need to go to the settings and select "Advanced settings". On the page that opens, click "Delete account".

Note! Deleting your account is only possible if you have no debts to Uber. The profile deletion process will take up to 30 days. During this period, account recovery is not possible.

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All customers and drivers registered with Uber are provided with their own personal account. This service has great functionality. All of them are aimed at making the taxi ordering service as comfortable, profitable and convenient as possible.

Uber first appeared in the US, but quickly became popular around the world. Here in Russia recently mobile app Uber has become actively used. As statistics show, the number of its active users is constantly growing. And this applies to both passengers and drivers.

How to register an Uber account

Registration is easy on the official website https://www.uber.com. First you need to click on the “Login” button and select the option to create a regular client profile there or use another option on start page- Become a driver. After that, in both cases, filling out a small questionnaire is required, which is a standard registration procedure for modern Internet systems.

Login to your Uber account

On the page, the address of which is indicated below in the current section, you can select the type of personal account that you need and log in to the service. Authorization is also available through the official Uber mobile application. Its versions are designed for operating systems Android, iOS and Windows. The application is free.

Login to your Uber account- https://www.uber.com/ru/sign-in .

Uber account features

Ordinary customers can quickly place taxi orders through Uber’s personal account, enter their search criteria for a free car, monitor the movement of a car to the place of order, find out about the fare, make cashless payments, check the entire request history and much more. Drivers, on the other hand, can analyze income, view the status of the current order, accept applications from passengers, contact the company, and more.

Uber official website- https://www.uber.com .

Phone hotline Uber does not have. You can contact the support center on the company's website.

Uber is a platform that helps taxi drivers and customers find each other. Using the application of the same name on a smartphone, a person calls a nearby carrier and pays for the trip in a non-cash way, using a card linked to the phone. On the official website of the application uber.com/ru, the user can register an Uber personal account of two types: a passenger or a driver.

Registration in a personal account

To create a customer account on the Uber website, you need to:

  1. Open home page.
  2. Follow the link "Registration" located in the menu on the right.
  3. Fill out the form on the page that opens: specify the name and surname, phone number, e-mail.
  4. In the "Password" field, type a combination of characters invented by yourself to enter your account.
  5. Press the "Register" button.
  6. Copy the confirmation code from SMS and paste it into the appropriate field on the site.

Drivers sign up as Uber partners to receive orders from platform customers for a set fee. The procedure for creating a personal account for car owners is as follows:

  1. We open the main page.
  2. We fill in the form located on the right: we enter the name and surname, e-mail address, phone number, city, password in the field.
  3. Use the invitation code (if available).
  4. Click on the "Register" button.
  5. Enter the one-time code from SMS into the window that opens.

The company puts forward requirements for potential partners: age from 21 years old, no criminal record and debts, the presence of a car, a driver's license. The user must provide a package of documents:

  • the passport;
  • insurance;

Scans of the listed papers are loaded into a special form in your personal account and are checked. Then the user gets full access to the platform's capabilities and can start working as a carrier.

Login to your Uber account

You can get into your Uber account from any page of the site. To do this, click on the "Login" button located at the top right. A window will open where you will be asked to choose from 2 options - enter as a driver or as a client. By clicking on the desired button, the user will be taken to the page and indicate his e-mail or phone number. Then you need to click on "Next" and enter the password.

Recover lost or forgotten password possible through the app. In the desktop version of the site in the authorization form, there is no link "Forgot password".


Uber's personal account gives the client the opportunity to:

  • order a taxi through the application at any time of the day;
  • pay by bank transfer using a card linked to a smartphone;
  • evaluate the quality of services provided by a particular driver;
  • study the archive of already completed trips;
  • add routes and drivers to "Favorites";
  • replenish the account in the application;
  • receive and use bonuses accrued for paying for trips.

A partner account is a full-fledged working tool. In it, the driver can:

  • receive new orders;
  • view the archive of already completed trips;
  • see all accruals, including surcharges on orders;
  • find out about tariff changes;
  • accumulate and spend bonus points;
  • edit personal information (information about a driver's license, phone number, OSAGO, and more).

The platform has an official mobile application available for download from any page www.uber.com/ru.

Without a personal account on the Uber portal, you can calculate the cost of the trip using the "Cost Calculator".

Today I would like to discuss such a problem as the capabilities of the Uber application. What are the benefits of having a personal account? Uber partner personal account for a partner, what are the advantages, what can be done only there, what additional options are there. All this will be discussed in this article, today we will pay great attention not to the company's customers, but first of all to partners. What benefits can they reap for themselves?

Why do I need an Uber partner account?

Uber account for partners helps to keep records. Entering the office, a special section immediately appears, saying the name "Earnings". In this subsection, there are several main tabs:

  • Sheets (payment reports).
  • Partner and subsidiary accounts.
  • Banking.

Payrolls in the partner's personal account

In addition, through a special menu, you can go to the main section, where there are also several important options, for example, car park. There you will find all the information about which and how many cars are enrolled and are in operation. It also displays information on earnings with all payment reports.

What can an Uber partner do in my account?

By and large, the answer was given in the previous block. More information about the possibilities can be obtained only on the official website of partners com. In addition, it should be remembered that the schedules for generating reports available in the account may differ from the selected mode.

What features are available to an Uber partner?

The list of functions is quite extensive, so let's go through all the sections in order. So:

  • Driver mark, can display the driver's current position and status. It also contains contact information. There is also an interesting option that appeared relatively recently, namely the ability to search by name.
  • The performance tab is responsible for basic statistics, and on schedules for each driver and for different periods, up to a daily basis. This includes metrics such as percentage of bookings accepted, travel time, total booking value, and revenue generated.
  • The next tab gives information about trips. It displays full details of each route. There is a distinction between name and phone number.
  • The pay tab includes information on drivers' total earnings, along with additional deductions. Such statistics are displayed only in the weekly version. The formation takes place from Monday to Tuesday, just after the compilation of the final statistics.
  • The next section is the so-called activity map. Here you can control and manage all the drivers who are on the line at a specific time.

How do I access my Uber partner account?

To enter the office, you must first have installed application. Another option is through the official page of the service on the Internet. In principle, there is not much difference in the functionality of both methods, so it is convenient to manage processes both from the application and from the site directly. What is needed for this?

In 2009, an application was developed at the headquarters of Uber Technologies, located in California, to search, call or private drivers. Having a smartphone with Internet access at its disposal, the customer can reserve a car for himself in just a few minutes and track its location.

Today Uber is a private organization, ready to cooperate through service partners or directly with the driver. Each of the types of cooperation has its own characteristics that affect many indicators of the result of interaction.

Why do you need a personal account?

Getting a personal account is quite simple, you need to fill out a simple registration form on the official website of the company. After registration, each partner will have access to the full functionality of the account, will be able to track important characteristics collaboration with Uber. Using the provided service is convenient, like using a smartphone, using special application, and through Personal Computer. The personal accounts of the partner and the driver differ somewhat in terms of functionality.

Uber provides drivers with the following services:

  • View, update personal documents (, passport);
  • Track the balance in the "Earnings" section;
  • View payment accounts;
  • Access your travel history at any time.

The partner has the right to manage a personal account of drivers, add new employees, manage documents for a car, update his own car fleet. These are the main cardinal differences that are important to know when concluding a partnership agreement.

Features of working through an Uber partner

An Uber partner is a person who has a legal agreement to legally cooperate with an international private company. In practice, such a cooperation scheme looks like this: a person who wants to become an Uber taxi driver finds a partner, after which he transfers the entire list of necessary documents to him. Then his profile is created and a request is sent to activate the driver's personal account. Earned funds are paid every Tuesday, subject to the deduction of a commission of 8%.

We note the following nuances of cooperation:

  1. The driver does not receive directly the earned funds, the partner makes transfers minus the commission.
  2. As a rule, such interaction does not require the conclusion of an employment contract.
  3. Large partners can impose fines on drivers who have decided to terminate cooperation.
  4. The driver does not need to have a transportation license or register as an entrepreneur.

It is also important to consider that such activities are taxed. The partner is obliged to pay up to 18% of the income to the tax service, which in most cases the drivers are not warned about. As a result, we get that the driver has practically nothing to do with the Uber company itself, its activity is regulated by another physical or legal entity. Cooperation implies high responsibility and risks. In the event of an accident or any incident with passengers, the driver cannot rely on financial support. All expenses for the restoration of the vehicle are assumed.

Cooperation as a partner

This type of cooperation obliges a person to register entrepreneurship and obtain permission to carry out passenger transportation by passenger cars. At the same time, it is necessary to keep bookkeeping and prepare tax reports. The company puts forward a number of other important conditions of the agreement to ensure reliable fixation of income and development of activities exclusively in the legal field.

The nuances of cooperation:

  • Mandatory registration of entrepreneurship;
  • Having your own bank account;
  • Conclusion of a partnership agreement, taking into account all the requirements of the company;
  • Maintenance of the system of accounting for payments and tax reporting.

Generally speaking, this type of activity obliges individual to be more involved in the process of organizing the transportation of passengers by passenger cars, to develop and establish partnerships with drivers who have their own car.

Working at Uber: driver reviews

Working with the service every day becomes only more convenient. The number of application users is growing, and the number of customers is also increasing, which affects the driver's earnings. Notification of a new order occurs in automatic mode, as well as the accrual of funds for the completed order. How rosy and promising work at Uber will be told by driver reviews:

Uber provides all drivers with the opportunity to make an additional source of income from their car. At the same time, there is no connection to the schedule, you can work at any time convenient for you, without missing important events. In general, earnings in the system entirely depend on the person himself, as well as on the partner with whom the cooperation agreement was concluded.

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