
LJ overall ranking. Independent rating of the best Russian blogs. Blogs on women topics

Today, when LJ is no longer a cake, it is rapidly changing in step with the times, with the help of financial tools, a blog with almost any content can get to the first lines of the rating. If earlier the ball was ruled by interesting exclusive content, now, for the most part, cash infusions, provocative headlines and other ways to break through to the top. But most of the newcomers read their acquaintance with LJ from the TOP. So which blogs are really interesting?

1. varlamov.ru ... Everyone knows about Varlamov, and nevertheless, among the daily bombarding top posts, in my opinion the most interesting are about cities. From the "bad" / "good" series. Travel notes from abroad are also good. Everything else is not for an amateur, but there are also a lot of such amateurs among the army of his readers.

2. macos ... Varlamov is wrong about Alexander Belenky, I don’t know what they didn’t grow together there. In fact, he is a normal guy, I have known him for a long time. And which of us does not periodically enter? You read his photo stories from different countries literally voraciously, they are so interesting and professional. It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer of them on Alexander's blog, but more yellow. But this is understandable, what is the demand, so is the supply.

3. tema ... An erudite and smart citizen is hiding behind the mask of an Internet boor and outrageous person. It is enough to read his posts about design, urban structure, and Tyomin's notes from ALL corners of the world (albeit with mediocre photos) are generally unique material that no one else has. And courage ... Maybe from some kind of complexes.

4. sergeydolya ... I have been following Sergey's blog since 2008, and I personally met somewhere in 2012. I learned a lot (as it seems to me) from him. Lump, what else to say. It's a pity, after switching to NIKON, the photos for some reason became much worse.

5. nemihail ... Misha found his niche and works well with a quickdraw. By the way, provocative headlines and a cunning eyeliner to the khat are in many ways his invention, which has been adopted today. There is even such an expression - "non-Michael". In life, he is a very sociable and completely unstarred person, respect.

6. aquatek_filips ... Sergei Anashkevich is a very cool photographer and traveler. I still remember how I filmed the night sky with him in Jordan, I also learned a thing or two from him. I am always glad to meet and travel together with Sergey.

7. dpmmax ... A psychiatrist from Togliatti, Maxim Malyavin, who blogs with his wife, is a very pleasant person in personal communication. Plus a colleague, so it's very, very interesting with him. The blog contains the most sparkling psychiatric stories-stories, I recommend.

8. kiss_my_abs ... Sonya Gudim's blog will be primarily interesting for young ladies who are fit, but even for me, a person far from this topic, it is interesting to read her stories.

9. dolboeb ... Anton Borisovich Nosik is a guru of Runet and LJ, this is indisputable. His sophisticated analytical articles "on the topic of the day" will seem too contradictory to many, but it is certainly useful to read them.

10. dubikvit ... A blog filled with interesting stories from the past - mainly about how certain films were shot. Very exciting.

11. popados ... Arthur Shigapov, who has traveled most of the world and wrote many travel guides to different countries- bright and sharp on the tongue, his posts are read in one breath. The sweetest person in life.

12. mossudmed ... Notes by a Moscow forensic expert, supplied with vivid and ominous macro photographs of why a particular person died. It will be interesting for readers with strong nerves.

13. ammo1 ... Alexey Nadyozhin writes daily about all kinds of gadgets and electronic accessories, conducts tests of various pieces of hardware - from light bulbs to computers.

14. doktorbel ... Notes of a resuscitator.

15. lovigin ... Everyone knows Petr Lovygin as a talented photographer who climbs into various assholes of the world and speaks vividly about them. His photographs cannot be confused with anyone else's. Master of his craft.

16. stalic ... A connoisseur of oriental cuisine and the author of several books on this topic. Plus, even before Instagram came along, I was a pro at perfect food photography.

17. ljpromo ... Oleg Ovchinnikov, who lives where the sky is cloudless over the whole country, is an expert on LJ. It is from his blog that you can glean secrets and slightly open the veils hidden from prying eyes. With all questions of ratings and other UK - to him.

18. vmenshov ... The same direction of the blog that Oleg has, plus very cool macro photographs of insects.

The era of a new political reality - fair and open competition - implemented by Vyacheslav Volodin and formed following the September 8 elections, has set many tasks for the participants in the country's political life. Competition for the preferences of citizens implies the establishment of an effective communication model, for which the use of the Internet and, first of all, social networks is simply necessary. An example of this is the campaign of Alexei Navalny, which, having started practically from scratch, allowed the candidate to effectively mobilize his niche electorate and get the second place in the capital. There is a year left before the next elections, and already now representatives of political forces are beginning to reconsider their strategy of working on the Internet: it is obvious that a lot of work needs to be done in the remaining time, which, if successful, will significantly affect the outcome of the next elections.

The other day on the website of the Center for Political Analysis at TASS, a material was published on the prospects of the Live Journal site. Experts interviewed by the CPA are inclined to believe that its position, which was once an unattainable height for competitors, is now irrevocably lost. The reason for this is both the policy of the SUP management and the rapid development of other sites, primarily Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte. It's no secret what kind of recent times As a result of constant and sometimes very dubious innovations on the part of an increasing number of users, one can hear that LJ is no longer what it used to be. Someone leaves LiveJournal, transferring their activity to Facebook or VKontakte and supplementing it with their Twitter account; stand-alone. In place of “texts that replicate meanings,” short notes come, and some dishonest technologists try to reduce political work with social networks during campaigns only to the conclusion of Twitter hashtags to the top and to massive retweets carried out from bot accounts.

Meanwhile, it must be admitted that in terms of technological capabilities, the LJ platform is still the most optimal platform for blogs. Both Facebook and VKontakte (not to mention microblogging) were not originally designed to work with any voluminous texts. The format of text records, the ability to split text with pictures and videos, add hyperlinks, - a set of tools that directly affect the "readability" of the material, on its perception, and from this point of view, "LiveJournal", although it has lost its former glamor and gloss, today there is still no equal.

The editorial board of "Reedus" presents its rating of the top 50 Russian-speaking LJ bloggers who write about politics. It is supplemented by two samples of the top 10 for cities in which the level of blogging activity is traditionally high: Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the course of its preparation, both open source data (social capital, attendance, citation in the media) and expert assessments were used.

For greater clarity, bloggers who hit the top were divided into several groups according to conventional political platforms. There were three of them: "opposition-white-tape" (radical opposition agenda), "moderate opposition" (democratic, liberal, left-wing, nationalist and other views), "patriotic-protective". In cases where blog materials were of a general nature about politics (with a minimum amount of personal judgments in favor of one side or another), they were assigned to the fourth group - the group of blogs with a general political orientation.

Infographics: "Top LiveJournal blogs on the Runet about politics, according to" Reedus ". Enlarge the image. Olya Manolova / Ridus.ru

According to the results obtained, "Live Journal" today is to a greater extent a platform on which bloggers of opposition views of a more or less radical orientation have gathered. On the one hand, no matter how paradoxical it is, there is a so-called. the phenomenon of the “quiet majority”: a person who is satisfied with everything shows lower activity, be it elections (turnout figures on September 8) or blogs, and a person who encounters any irritants speaks out about them, which forms the overall picture Learn activity. On the other hand, there is a layer of people - citizens and voters, with whom the political forces need to learn to work, involving them in their orbit. And the point here is not just "working out the agenda", but building up serious work with "meanings" that will allow attracting, captivating and mobilizing supporters, as well as clarifying controversial issues for those in doubt.

The era of a new political reality - fair and open competition - implemented by Vyacheslav Volodin and formed following the September 8 elections, has set many tasks for the participants in the country's political life. Competition for the preferences of citizens implies the establishment of an effective communication model, for which the use of the Internet and, first of all, social networks is simply necessary. An example of this is the campaign of Alexei Navalny, which, having started practically from scratch, allowed the candidate to effectively mobilize his niche electorate and get the second place in the capital. There is a year left before the next elections, and already now representatives of political forces are beginning to reconsider their strategy of working on the Internet: it is obvious that a lot of work needs to be done in the remaining time, which, if successful, will significantly affect the outcome of the next elections.

The other day on the website of the Center for Political Analysis at TASS, a material was published on the prospects of the Live Journal site. Experts interviewed by the CPA are inclined to believe that its position, which was once an unattainable height for competitors, is now irrevocably lost. The reason for this is both the policy of the SUP management and the rapid development of other sites, primarily Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte. It is no secret that recently, as a result of constant and sometimes very dubious innovations from an increasing number of users, one can hear that LJ is not the same as before. Someone leaves LiveJournal, transferring their activity to Facebook or VKontakte and supplementing it with their Twitter account; stand-alone. In place of "texts that replicate meanings" come short notes, and some dishonest technologists try to reduce political work with social networks during the campaign period only to the conclusion of Twitter hashtags to the top and to massive retweets carried out from bot accounts.

Meanwhile, it must be admitted that in terms of technological capabilities, the LJ platform is still the most optimal platform for blogs. Both Facebook and VKontakte (not to mention microblogging) were not originally designed to work with any voluminous texts. The format of text records, the ability to split text with pictures and videos, add hyperlinks, - a set of tools that directly affect the "readability" of the material, on its perception, and from this point of view, "LiveJournal", although it has lost its former glamor and gloss, today there is still no equal.

The editorial board of "Reedus" presents its rating of the top 50 Russian-speaking LJ bloggers who write about politics. It is supplemented by two samples of the top 10 for cities in which the level of blogging activity is traditionally high: Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the course of its preparation, both open source data (social capital, attendance, citation in the media) and expert assessments were used.

For greater clarity, bloggers who hit the top were divided into several groups according to conventional political platforms. There were three of them: “oppositional-white-tape” (radical opposition agenda), “moderate opposition” (democratic, liberal, left-wing, nationalist and other views), “patriotic-protective”. In cases where blog materials were of a general nature about politics (with a minimum amount of personal judgments in favor of one side or the other), they were assigned to the fourth group - the group of blogs with a general political orientation.

Enlarge the image. © Olya Manolova / site

Infographics: "Top LiveJournal blogs on the Runet about politics, according to" Reedus ". Enlarge the image. © Olya Manolova / site

According to the results obtained, "Live Journal" today is to a greater extent a platform on which bloggers of oppositional views of a more or less radical orientation have gathered. On the one hand, no matter how paradoxical it may be, there is a so-called. the phenomenon of the "quiet majority": a person who is satisfied with everything shows lower activity, whether it be elections (turnout figures on September 8) or blogs, and a person who encounters any irritants speaks out about them, which forms the overall picture Learn activity. On the other hand, there is a layer of people - citizens and voters, with whom the political forces need to learn to work, involving them in their orbit. And the point here is not just “working out the agenda”, but building up serious work with “meanings” that will allow attracting, captivating and mobilizing supporters, as well as clarifying controversial issues for those in doubt.

As I already wrote, this is the first blogger with whom I started reading LiveJournal. And I found this blog by accident when I was looking on the Internet for answers to questions about my not very successful (or rather, not at all successful) relationship with one guy. Since the author is a psychologist, and psychologists are always interesting to psychologists, I immediately liked her blog.

2. prostitutka_ket

Once upon a time, her blog was advised by Yegor Gord, who I mentioned here more than once, in his article on useful blogs that you can read before bed. Here's what he wrote about her:

“Yes, she is a prostitute. And she writes books, maintains a blog on LJ. He subtly knows male psychology, knows how to write scandalous posts, and the complete riddle of the Runet.

You can condemn her, sitting in your correct ass, I personally like her. Her articles are eye-opening. They read it. They are discussing her. She's interesting ...

She also wrote a book, which caused a lot of different reviews among readers. So the book is a success! "

That's how I found out about the existence of the prostitute Kat. And although I have not had time to study her blog well yet, I am always interested in reading her posts.

3. lena-miro.ru

This blog was also advised by Yegor Gord in the same article. He gave the following arguments:

“Yes, a lot of water. Yes, there are a lot of rumors and gossip. However, no matter what they say about her, the motivation she gives for girls is priceless. Changes girls for the better. Therefore, it is effective to read it. Her cheeky style sternly filters readers into 2 opposing camps. Someone hates and envies her. And someone adores her. "

So I learned about the existence of Lena Miro too, along with the prostitute Kat.

4. shakko_kitsune

I first saw this blog in the ranking on the first page. And since the topic of art has always seemed interesting to me, I could not be indifferent to the author-art critic, and I read it sometimes. True, this is not the only, of course, a blog about art in LiveJournal, there are other equally interesting blogs on the same topic. However, I will tell you about them sometime later when I review different LJ blogs about art.

5. alexeyosokin

I also saw this blog for the first time in the ranking on the first page. However, now this author has not been there for a long time - at the moment he is in 256th place in overall ranking... However, that doesn't make it any less interesting. He writes about wildlife, mostly wild, but sometimes there are articles about domestic animals. Travels and photographs a lot.

Of course, this is also not the only blog about wildlife that I read, there are many others, no less interesting. But I will also talk about them some other time, as I plan to do my own blog review on this topic.

6. ljpromo

This blogger, too, has not been on the first page in the ranking for a long time, where I once found him. Previously, he had many articles about LiveJournal: his own tops, ratings, research, useful tips... Recently, however, he has been writing more about his travels. I hope he has not abandoned the topic of LiveJournal and will write more about it.

7. morena_morana

She writes no less daring and shocking articles than Lena Miro. And in some ways, it seems to me, even surpasses her. In any case, it is interesting for me to read it.

8. aleksei_turchin

And this is our Belarusian blogger. He writes interesting facts about various films, and his blog is called "my video salon". It is also interesting to read it.

9. maxim_nm

Another Belarusian blogger. Writes a lot interesting facts about the Soviet Union. True, the bad thing is that they are mostly negative, and this does not add objectivity to the blog. Apparently, the author set out to dispel the myth that life was once good in the Soviet Union.

True, I lived very little in the USSR - I was born six months before its collapse, and, of course, I could not remember anything during these six months. It didn't matter to me then what kind of swaddling clothes they were wrapping me in - Soviet or not. And even if it doesn’t matter, then in any case I don’t remember anything about it, since my conscious life began much later.

But, I think, it cannot be so that the country has only minuses and no pluses. If the author wrote more objectively, and also mentioned the positive aspects of Soviet life, and not only the negative ones, then perhaps he would have been in a higher place in my TOP.

I think that they are especially interesting for journalists, TV people, everyone who is chasing sensations, as well as fans and admirers of the talent of famous personalities.

Now it is difficult to find a public person who does not have his own blog. It is not a fact that the author of the blog himself edits it; often, blogs are conducted by professional journalists or writers on behalf of a famous person, but readers do not know about it. Of course, the author of the blog says what to write about, the main thoughts and theses, but experts in their field add a beautiful veil.

If you have a favorite actor, musician or politician, enter his last name and a phrase in the search, for example “Andrey Makarevich's blog” and enjoy communicating with the idol.

The most interesting blogs I read

I want to say right away that I do not have time to read a large number of blogs and I have limited their number for myself.

When I created this blog and chose a rather competitive topic (making money on the Internet, creating a blog, information business), then more than once I wanted to change the topic or create a second site.

The idea of ​​creating another diary on a different topic constantly sits in my mind and, from time to time, reminds me of myself. 🙂

But over the course of a year of editing the blog, I've noticed that I am most interested in reading posts on topics similar to mine. Here are the most interesting ones:

  1. Mikhail Shakin's blog - shakin.ru

The most interesting blog in my opinion, a lot of fascinating material, versatile posts, everything is clear, practical, a lot of valuable advice on maintaining, optimizing and promoting sites.

It is rare to find in the blogosphere those who do not know Mikhail's blog. If you are one of them, I recommend that you become a regular reader and study this resource from cover to cover. If Mikhail considers various services or programs, then he does it in great detail, he always gives several options and reveals their advantages and disadvantages.

It is a pity that the notes on Mikhail Shakin's blog are published quite rarely, but each of them carries a lot of useful information.

2. The site of Evgeny Popov - evgeniypopov.com

This is a classic and the basis of all knowledge for those who create websites and are engaged in information business. Evgeny Popov's materials are the most relevant, have a lot of practical use, are clearly stated, supplemented by wonderful and video podcasts.

Often, his courses cost a lot of money, but in order to develop, you need to invest in your development.

I recently interviewed Eugene, by the way, I have been seeking him for 2 years)) Read it, you will like it:

This for me, like the alphabet for a first grader, must be learned from the very beginning. I recommend everyone to definitely study this resource and regularly read new articles, you will find a lot of useful things, I guarantee.

3. Personal SEO-blog of Sergey Koksharov devaka.ru

The blog is dedicated to SEO, analytics, SEM and many other topics. All materials are checked by the author personally on other sites, all analytical calculations, observations, analysis of all kinds of algorithms and innovations search engines is revealed in an easy and accessible language.

At first I thought that it was simply impossible for beginners to understand everything that Sergey was talking about, but, gradually studying the articles, I realized that all this could be figured out. Firstly, you need desire and aspiration, and when experience also appears in these SEO issues, then it becomes easier to digest such terms))

4. Blog of Lemur - ideafox.ru

Dmitry has a diary on a fairly versatile topic, from creating an online store to various technical innovations and services.

The presentation of the material is very interesting, not like everyone else's and it attracts. I can't say specifically what is unusual about Dmitry, maybe you can figure it out))

The traffic figures on the blog are very significant, despite the fact that the TIC and PR are quite modest, that's what I like 🙂

Here is confirmation that you should not chase puzomers, but you need to work on content and communicate correctly with your readers.

5. Blog of Sergei Sosnovsky - sosnovskij.ru

Also a fairly well-known blog with a huge amount of valuable information, practical advice and various competitions.

I like the way Sergei presents information, reacts to comments or advice, and conducts a dialogue with readers. He has a constant movement, new items, contests, prizes, a lot of positive, in general, light and comfortable.

This is a very sociable and pleasant companion, if you are interested, you can read mine.

In addition to notes on creating, optimizing sites, I like to read about travel, answers to readers' questions, about various experiments based on the author's personal experience. Come on in, you won't regret it.

6. Blog of Maxim Dovzhenko - http://www.workformation.ru

Maxim has the youngest diary in comparison with the ones presented above, but the information and manner of presenting the material is very detailed and voluminous, or something. I have never seen such large posts before, with so many figures, tables and explanations.
It is noticeable that Maxim is working very seriously on his project, communicating and helping his readers on various issues.

Another thing I really like about the blog writer is the planning of my articles. He outlines the whole topic, breaks it down into subsidiary ones, and gradually reveals it thoroughly. After that, he moves on to another topic, I miss this catastrophically, I will not accustom myself to drawing up plans for notes.

I understand that it is not very good to advertise your direct competitors, but, on the other hand, where are they, and where am I. I understand perfectly well that we are separated by great distances, but any soldier should dream of becoming a general, otherwise, he is worthless.

When I was looking for popular blogs, I was surprised by the number of requests on the topic of knitting, needlework, crochet:

Here's another niche for a website or information product 🙂

I wanted to find popular personal diaries on the topic of sports, travel, a healthy lifestyle, literature, start reading them regularly, but it did not work out. They don’t catch me, I read a little, and I don’t want to come back, I don’t want to. Many resources about sports are maintained by a whole team of like-minded people and call them a blog, as it is not logical in my opinion.

These are the popular blogs I read, this is my subjective opinion, of course. Are there any listed webmasters that you haven’t heard of yet?

And who do you know of the popular bloggers who write on a topic other than info-business and creating, promoting sites, making money on the Internet?

That's all for today, see you!

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