
What does the Word program look like. How to work correctly in Word or useful tips for everyone. What is Word, what to use it for

This program is used by a large number of people. Andrey Sukhov decided to record a series of video tutorials for novice users “ Microsoft Word for Beginners "and invite you to familiarize yourself with the basics of this program.

Microsoft Office Program Features Word large, but in this series of video lessons you will learn the basics of working with this program and in the future you will be able to work and study independently.

Microsoft Word is the most popular program for creating text documents. With Word, you can create a text document of almost any complexity. These can be as simple text documents, such as statements, announcements, abstracts and reports, and documents that are quite complex in design and content, for example, books ready for publication.

With this note, I want to start a series of video tutorials that will help you take the first steps in learning Word. These lessons are aimed at novice users.

You can also explore the spreadsheet program. After watching the training video lessons of Andrey Sukhov.

Lesson 1. Video review of the appearance of the Word program window

In the first lesson, I will talk about the interface of the Word program, that is, about its main elements. Then we will learn how to enter text and perform the simplest manipulations with it:

Lesson 2. How to format text correctly in Word

Word program allows you to format text. Formatting is change appearance text, i.e. changing the font, style, color, alignment, etc.

The formatting tools of the Word program are quite diverse and allow you to format the text according to your desire and taste.

Continuing the topic of working in Word, which I started in the first video tutorial in the Word series for Beginners, I want to talk about the basic formatting tools of this program.

Lesson 3. How to create a numbered or bulleted list in Word

Continuing the series of video tutorials on Microsoft Word, I present the following lesson.

This video tutorial is about creating bulleted and numbered lists in Word. From the lesson, you will learn how you can create a numbered, bulleted or multi-level list by pressing one button in the program, as well as how to work with these lists - add new items or change the nesting level of an item in a multi-level list.

At the end of the video tutorial, I'll show you how you can simply create a red line in a paragraph of text.

Lesson 4. How to insert and edit images in Word

In the fourth video tutorial, dedicated to the text editor Microsoft Word, I will talk about inserting images into a document.

In this video tutorial, I will show you how you can insert any prepared in advance images and photos into a text document, how you can quickly and easily resize an image, apply various artistic effects on photos, or crop an image as you wish right in Word.

At the end of the video tutorial, I will show how you can get complete statistics on the created text document, i.e. how you can quickly get information about the number of words or characters in the text.

Lesson 5. How to create a table in a Word text document

In the fifth video tutorial on Microsoft Word, I will talk about inserting tables into a text document.

In this video tutorial, I will show you how you can insert tables with an arbitrary number of rows and columns, add or remove rows in an arbitrary place in the table, and also how to combine or split table cells as needed.

We will also walk through the process of pasting text into table cells and formatting text in a simple table.

Lesson 6. How to write a statement using Word

In everyday life, we periodically have to write various statements, reports, reports and other similar documents.

Of course, you can write such documents by hand, or you can type an application on a computer in a matter of minutes, for example, in Microsoft Word.

This is what will be discussed in the video tutorial:

Lesson 7. How to create an ad using Word

With the help of the Word program, you can create any text documents, sometimes even not quite ordinary ones.

So if you have a need to create a simple ad for the sale-buy-lease-rent of something, then you can create it in a matter of minutes in Word, and then print in the required quantity.

How to do this, see the video:

There are many programs for working with text documents. But among them there is one that stands apart. about which everyone who has ever dealt with computer equipment has heard. Therefore, the question of what is Word is unlikely to lead a PC user to a dead end.

Some Internet resources give a wrong definition of the program, calling it It is fundamentally wrong. Word is word processor, that is, an application that not only allows you to type text from the keyboard, but also makes it possible to format it - apply different font styles, line spacing, indents and spacing.

Word versions

The first edition of the program for Windows appeared in 1989. It cost $ 500. Over a period of almost thirty years of development, the application has been radically modified several times. The first such change was expected by users in early 2007, when Microsoft (the official developer of Word) released new version programs.

The main difference in Word 2007 is the new presentation of commands and functions. The developers called it "tape". This replaced the standard drop-down menu found in most programs. The ribbon is divided into tabs on which the controls are focused. In addition, to store the created documents began to be used new format- docx.

The Word program that is current today is the 2016 version that was released at the end of 2015. Improvements have been made to the program interface (appearance) and its functionality, which has improved the performance of the application in comparison with earlier releases.

Main functions

To understand what Word is, you need to consider the functions of the program. They are conventionally classified into two groups - public and for professional work in the application.

  • typing, including its design (setting the size, type of font, style, color, paragraph parameters);
  • checking and placing punctuation marks (misspelled words and places in which commas are missing, Word automatically underlines with a wavy line);
  • embedding objects into a document (both ordinary drawings and objects from third-party applications);
  • typing in the form of lists (numbered, bulleted) and tables;
  • printout of the created document (with a preview).

The second group of functions is used by professionals who know what Word is:

  • formatting with styles;
  • editing and reviewing with the Notes and Corrections tools;
  • creation of titles for figures and their numbering within the document;
  • bibliography management;
  • table of contents formation;
  • work with formulas (including chemical ones by installing add-ons);
  • creation of documents of the same type (function "Merge").

So, what is Word considered. In conclusion, two tips for users who often have to deal with text documents:

  • install latest version programs;
  • master new functions of the application - they will automate your work.

Our computer has many of the most different programs... We use some of them often, while others we use extremely rarely or never at all. But there are programs in the computer that you just need to know and be able to use. And one of them is the program Microsoft Word.

Of course, if you only use your computer for playing games and communicating on the Internet, then you can easily do without Microsoft Word. But in this case, you can hardly be called a computer user. After all, a computer user is a person who knows how to perform basic operations on a computer (create a folder, copy, delete) and work with popular computer programs, including Word and Excel. By the way, when an employer requires an employee to know a PC, this means, first of all, knowledge of the Microsoft Word program.

What is Word

Microsoft Word is a program for printing text and composing documents. Simply put, Microsoft Word (abbreviated as Word) is a printing program. That is, in this program you can print any type of text: article, document, abstract, term paper, diploma and even a book. Also in this program you can beautifully design text - add a picture or photo to it, highlight parts of it with different colors, change the font, size of letters and much more. You can also create a spreadsheet, print an ad, or make a poster in Microsoft Word. Plus, what is printed can be printed out on paper, that is, printed on a printer.

What is Word

Word is a white sheet of paper on which you can type right away using your computer keyboard. Moreover, this is not one sheet of paper: if you need to print a lot of text, and it does not fit on one sheet, the program will automatically add more sheets. Also, the printed text can be edited: change the size of letters, font, style and much more. For this, Word has special buttons.

How to open Word

Look at the Desktop, that is, at the screen of your computer. Perhaps you will see this icon on it:

If this icon is not on the desktop, then click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.

A list will open. Click on "Programs" (All Programs).

A new list will appear. Find the item " Microsoft Office"And click on it. If you do not find such an inscription, then, most likely, the office software package (including the Microsoft Word program) is not installed on your computer.

Finally, open Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Office Word is a software tool for writing and processing text. This program very common in everyday office work. Often, employees who have to work with text require minimal office skills. There is nothing complicated in printing a text, but certain knowledge is needed to process and correctly format it.

Microsoft Word basics

Using Word, you can create texts different types: abstracts, term papers, documents and more. Provides the ability to design text by changing the appearance, adding pictures, tables and other necessary elements.

Typing into a document

By opening the program from the desktop or menu "Start", we will be greeted by a blank white sheet of A4 paper. The sheet format can be changed to any other standard, more on that later.

You can scroll through the pages using a special slider to the right of the A4 sheet, or with the wheel of a computer mouse.

To start printing text using the left mouse button, move the cursor to the beginning of the intended text at the top of the page.

If you accidentally did something wrong or deleted a piece of text, you can revert the action back. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Z".

Saving the finished document

To preserve your writings written in clean slate electronic "paper" into a full-fledged file for its further use or processing, there are several options for actions:

Microsoft program Word sets the option to automatically save the document by default. You can disable this parameter along the path: "File""Options""Preservation"... In this menu, you can select both the ability to turn off autosave, and the time interval after which this function will save the modified file automatically. Highly useful function for people who forget to save their documents manually.

When working with documents that are important to you, do not disable the automatic save function to avoid data loss. Anything can be the reason for the abnormal termination of the program: accidental closing of the program, abnormal shutdown of the computer due to weather conditions, etc.

Working with the font

The visual perception of the text is very important to the reader. Sometimes, due to incorrect design, a person reading a text loses all desire to finish reading it, no matter how interesting it would be. For a presentable look of the typed stream of letters and symbols, there are tools built into the program.

The more complex the layout of the text looks, the less willingness to read it will be among the users of the document. Accepted when choosing the appearance of text to use a font Times New Roman 14th size. For headings, the 16th size is used.

If you nevertheless decide to use a different font at your discretion, Word offers its users a ready-made list of fonts preinstalled with operating system... In the event that the provided quantity is not enough for you, you can additionally install the fonts downloaded or purchased on the Internet.

A font has two main parameters, the type of font and its size. In addition to them, there are also others, Extra options for a more original text design. To apply any of the parameters, you first need to select a specific fragment of the document for processing. To do this, hold down the left mouse button at the beginning of the fragment and drag to its end. To select all documents at once, press the key combination "Ctrl + A".

    1. To change the type, just click on its name on the panel and select from the list new font... When you hover over the desired option, you can preview how the text will look before making the final selection. You can scroll through the list using the mouse wheel or by pressing the slider that appears on the right in the open window.

    1. To change the font size, click on the numeric value to the right of the font name and in the same way you can select the size of letters and symbols.

Additionally, you can change the font size without selecting a digital parameter, but only by pressing the two buttons responsible for this. The left button increases the size of the letters by one step, and the right one decreases accordingly.

Document content alignment

There are four functions for aligning content in a document to a sheet:

  • Left alignment (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + L");
  • Center alignment (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + E");
  • Right alignment (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + R");
  • Justify to width (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + E").

If everything is clear with the first three functions, then what is the essence of alignment in width? Everything is extremely simple. This parameter is required when accepting documents in some organizations, since after its application, the text regularly fills out the sheet on both sides. To understand this, let's see its action with an example:

    1. Left alignment:

    1. Width justification:

The example shows that in the second version, the text on the right side was placed more neatly, closer to the edge. This is what the format of the official material should be when it comes to alignment.

Change the style of text

Almost any editor has the ability to change the style of the text, and this function, of course, has not bypassed the legendary Word. There are also keyboard shortcuts for these options to quickly style materials.

The Word editor provides three main functions for changing the style. Access to them is open in the upper control panel, in the same window as the font selection.

    • Bold (shortcut "Ctrl + B");

    • Italic (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + I");

    • Underlined (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + U").

These parameters can be combined with each other. This is how the text will look with the three style options mentioned above applied to it:

Insert a picture into a Word document

    1. To insert an element into a document, you must first open a submenu "Insert" in the upper panel of the program.

    1. The gallery of the Word program already has a certain set of images for inserting them into the document. To view these files, press the button "Picture".

In the window that appears, we are looking for the desired image among the files on your computer.

As you can see, doing the main work in the Word office program is not difficult, the main thing is to get used to the interface and adapt to the functions to understand their purpose.

Possession of a set of office applications, especially word and excel, today is a necessary, and in some cases, a mandatory skill in many professions in the field of life. Our word and excel training program for beginners is designed primarily for those who need to master these programs comprehensively and thoroughly, with detailed description all the necessary tools and settings. Word and Excel courses, this is the minimum, having mastered which, you can independently work in almost any industry performing the main office tasks for the circulation of documents and various types of reporting. Many people believe that learning Word and Excel for dummies is not enough to quickly advance in training and in the profession, but under this somewhat humorous name, there is a well-developed program for training Word and Excel, which allows you to master the subject easily and effectively. and most importantly, the Excel training program for beginners step by step allows you to clarify the mastered direction at each stage.

Features and capabilities of Microsoft Excel

MS Excel is a versatile and multifunctional spreadsheet editor whose functions are not limited to creation and editing spreadsheets... With the help of this application, you can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of solving a wide range of professional tasks - from creating databases, analyzing and grouping them using filters to complex calculations with various coefficients, visualization and forecasting.

Excel skills are indispensable for professionals working in the following areas:

  • Financial and economic analytics;
  • Accounting;
  • Marketing and sociological research;
  • Scientific activity;
  • Banking and work with loans;
  • IT-sphere, SEO-optimization and promotion;
  • Working with databases in various fields.

In the above areas, you will need to know Excel at the advanced level, but for managers and other office workers, in most cases, basic skills in using a spreadsheet editor are sufficient. Firstly, it will be a great advantage in employment, and secondly, it will really help you to cope with work easier and faster.

Demand for Word and Excel Specialists

Despite the fact that it is now possible to learn how to work in Excel from scratch in almost any training center for computer technologies, there are not enough specialists who own these programs at the proper level. Most people who come to ms courses office excel, and those who think that they are more or less able to work in these programs, in fact, do not reach the very initial level. But, the correct understanding of our skills allows us not only to choose the right training course, but also to be able to apply for a certain job. The demand for specialists Word and Excel is one side of the coin, the other side is their professionalism and skill. Therefore, Excel for dummies needs training for everyone, at least in order to understand at what level of proficiency in word and excel programs we are, and whether we are doing the right thing that we learn Excel from scratch or we need ms excel training more high level... And even if you have First level possession of Excel and Word programs, but the study was carried out independently, then in the courses you will be able to systematize your knowledge and find a lot of new things in seemingly understandable things. Well, if you undergo training on more complex levels of mastering office programs, then it is better to immediately resort to the services of specialized centers - you will save not only time and money, but also your nerves.

Knowledge of the following MS Excel tools will come in handy:

  • Data storage - creating tables, databases, lists, sheets and books;
  • Data processing methods - search, filtering, formatting and grouping by parameters;
  • Methods of calculations, analysis and forecasting based on available data;
  • Data visualization in graphs and charts;
  • Logical, textual, mathematical and statistical functions;
  • Formulas for fast computational operations with large amounts of data;
  • Macros, pivot tables and other tools.

Where to start learning, with Word or Excel

Traditionally, the study begins with word, the program allows you to fundamentally master the keyboard and basic skills of working with text and information of various nature. After mastering the Word program, the Excel program becomes easier to master, if only because you have a confident typing skill on the keyboard. Working in excel, training for dummies implies computer skills not only at the basic level, but also at the level of confident use. If Word is a program that almost everyone needs, as a tool for creating, editing, sending and receiving any document, then Excel is specialized program, which may not be necessary for everyone, but mastering this tool, even at an elementary level, will open up a lot of opportunities for you. Therefore, in addition to Word, it is highly recommended to go through Excel for dummies training. This combination - word and excel, is very popular as a popular skill of any specialist.

How to quickly master Word and Excel

For advanced computer users, the application of basic components software package on a superficial level is not difficult. Opening a file, reading or typing text, saving a document - these are actions that absolutely every person working with a computer faces. Having mastered any application included in Microsoft Office, you will be able to understand the logic of the interface and menus, and basic operations will become intuitive in the future.

The situation is quite different if you are a novice PC user or you need Office tools for professional purposes. In the first case, the lack of skills in using office applications, in particular, the Word text editor, is a serious obstacle to the further development of all the possibilities personal computer... Therefore, the study of Office for beginners should be conducted on a systematic basis with a detailed mastery of the basic functions, menus and toolbars.

It is even more difficult to master MS Office for professional use - most ordinary users do not know about 95% of the capabilities of the Word text editor and Excel spreadsheet editor, if their work does not require it.

Self-study takes a lot of time, self-discipline and the ability to concentrate, therefore optimal solution will be trained in specialized courses on learning Word and Excel from scratch. This will help you Computer literacy courses (Windows, Word, Excel) and Excel courses (Excel) - basic level, which take place in the State Center for Children's Education. If you aspire to become a professional in using a spreadsheet editor, at your service

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