
How to receive the parcel if notice. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification from the post office? New formats and horizons

When ordering in any online store, you are usually not asked how old you are and whether you have a passport. Taking into account the fact that you can even pay for orders in cash, not to mention electronic money, even a preschooler can place an order. Difficulties occur when receiving a parcel.

What documents are needed to receive the parcel

According to the delivery is carried out upon presentation of an identity document. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then this is. Any other documents are not suitable, except for a military ID or temporary identity card. That is, it will not work to receive a parcel according to the Birth Certificate. Upon delivery of the parcel, the data in the passport is verified.

What if I'm a minor and don't have a passport yet

This is common problem You are not the first and not the last. All you have to do is ask a parent to take your passport and collect the package for you. The main thing is that in the passport of the mother or father the full name of the child should be the same as indicated on the parcel.

For particularly cunning kids who hope to receive a parcel on their parent's passport, I will warn you - nothing will come of it.

Do I need a power of attorney for my parents?

If you are underage, then no. It is enough to have your full name in the parents' passport. If you are an adult, you have a passport, then in order for your parents to receive the parcel for you, you will have to issue a power of attorney.

Do I need a registration in the passport corresponding to the post office

No. It does not matter. You can receive a parcel at any branch. If you have problems with this, call the Russian Post hotline.

In order to receive parcels, small packages or letters at the Russian Post, it is no longer necessary to carry a passport with you, fill out notices. Progress does not stand still and now it is enough to take your phone with you. How to activate this service (even without filling out paper questionnaires!) And receive parcels via SMS - in this article.

Registration on the mail site

First you need to register on the website of the Russian Post. To do this, follow this link - https://www.pochta.ru/support/office-services/sms-registration Here you need to fill out a form and take two important steps - confirm your mobile phone and email address (both must be yours!).

Step by step registration process

  1. When you click on the “Fill out” link on the welcome page, a window appears prompting you to enter your email and password. So far, neither one nor the other needs to be done - all this is already for those who have gone through all the steps. At the bottom of the form there is a link "Register" - click on it.

2.First of all, you need to enter information about yourself. Do not substitute fictitious data - all of them will require subsequent certification at the Post Office, so that later you can already use it without a passport. That is, once the passport will have to bring. So, in the input fields, leave personal information, create a password. When entering an address, the system itself will find suitable components (city, street, house number) from its database, so the address should eventually be formatted according to mail rules. As a rule, there are no difficulties in this.

3. During registration (at its various steps), the system will ask you to confirm the entered mobile phone (send an SMS with a code that must be entered in the field) and email address (send a verification letter containing a link to go to it).

4. After all contacts are confirmed, the system offers to supplement information about yourself with passport data. In addition, she wants to know the TIN and SNILS data (they are not required, but their presence provides the Post with the opportunity to offer you Additional services. For example, send registered letters, messages about fines, etc.).

5. When the questionnaire is completed, the system will inform you that it already has all the data about you. And in order to receive parcels, parcels, letters and other correspondence without a passport and without filling out notifications, it is enough to come to the post office with a document once, so that the operator prints out the questionnaire, checks the passport data and provides the service.

Personal account of the Russian Post

The organization provides its customers with access to Personal Area, in which you can now, for example, subscribe to periodicals without coming to the office, order sending registered letters in in electronic format(at the time of this writing, it works, however, only in Moscow and the Moscow region), receive information about money transfers, letters, parcels in your name, call a courier to your home and receive many other additional services.

We remind you that in order to receive correspondence at the Post Office without a passport, after filling out the questionnaire, you must go there once with a document so that you are identified and connected to the system.

- the national postal operator of the Russian Federation, whose activities are regulated by the Charter and other regulatory documents. The organization provides legal and individuals a host of services relating to communications, commerce and finance. One of the most popular and demanded is the service for the delivery and issuance of international postal items (IGOs). But it would seem the most simple procedure - receiving a parcel can result in unforeseen difficulties that it is better to know about in advance.

Standard scheme

Usually, the process of obtaining MPO occurs according to a typical scenario, regardless of whether you receive a small package weighing up to 2 kg or a parcel directly, that is mailing weighing 2-10 kg.

After the arrival of the postal item at the department at the addressee's place of residence, the postal employees write out a notice, which the postman brings and drops directly into the mailbox at the address indicated on the parcel. The recipient comes to the branch, fills in the required fields on the form and presents an identity document. The post office operator finds the parcel and gives it to the recipient.

At first glance, nothing complicated. This is true - if the shipment reached its destination on time, the notification got to the right address, and the parcel itself was safe and sound.

Unfortunately, not everything is always so rosy. From the moment the parcel has set off, the addressee at each stage may be in for unpleasant surprises, for which, just in case, you need to prepare - both morally and informationally.

Stage one - waiting for the parcel

It would seem, what questions can there be here? Wait and wait. However, imagine the following situation: all reasonable delivery times have long expired, but there are still no parcels. What to do in this case?

The most important information needed to find out the location of a parcel is its tracking number. Track numbers of the standard format adopted in the countries that are members of the Universal Postal Union are assigned to all registered mail. According to the S10 standard, the track number consists of 13 characters, where:

  • the first two are a code indicating the type of departure;
  • the next nine are a numerical identifier, consisting of an eight-digit departure number and one check digit determined by calculation;
  • the last two are the sender's country code, specified in accordance with the UPU ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code standard.

All shipments weighing more than 2 kg are registered by default as shipments sent by the EMS express delivery service. But an ordinary small package may well turn out to be unregistered, if there was no other agreement between the sender and the recipient.

Thus, in case of violation of the delivery time, it is not difficult to track the path of the registered item - you just need to enter its track number in any of the available search services Internet networks. The system will show you exactly where the package is "stuck".

It should be remembered that you can make a claim for untimely delivery of a postal item only within 6 months from the moment it was sent.

Of course, at the same time, the chances of a successful search for a tracking-free (unregistered) package are very small, and no one can give guarantees. The application form for the search can be downloaded from our website.

When an unregistered MGO crosses the border, ending up on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is assigned by the internal postal operator an identification number, however, information about it is closed to the recipient until the very moment the parcel is delivered.

Stage two - waiting for notification

Suppose you used the parcel search systems and found out that your shipment has the status "Arrived at the place of delivery". However, a few days pass and mailbox the long-awaited notification with information about your parcel does not appear.

You can download the Notice Form from our website.

What to do in this case?

When it comes to a registered shipment (and only about this you can find information in the system), you can not wait for notification at all. Enough to come to Postal office, present an identity document and name the track number of the parcel, by which it will be found very quickly, and a notice will be issued to you right on the spot.

If the package you are expecting is not registered, then you should take measures to ensure that the notification reaches you in time - for example, regularly check the contents of the mailbox and securely protect it from some kind of hooligan intrusion.

5 days after the issuance of the initial notice, it is issued again.

The postman must hand the secondary notice to the addressee personally against signature. If after that the parcel is not received within one working day, then the postal operator has the right to charge a fee for its storage (clause 34 of the Rules for the provision of postal services of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post). In fact, secondary notices are most often dropped by postmen into the mailbox in exactly the same way as primary ones. And in the same way they can disappear for an unknown reason. If, after 30 calendar days, the parcel remains unclaimed, its storage period at the post office is officially considered to have expired, and it is either returned to the sender (at his expense) or transferred by the post office to the place of temporary storage of unclaimed parcels for a period of 6 months, after which is subject to opening, seizure, and when an appropriate decision is made - destruction.

From the foregoing, it follows that it is more reliable and safer to deal with registered mail. Otherwise, in any unforeseen situation, there is a risk of never receiving the parcel at all.

Stage three - receiving

Suppose that the parcel has arrived at the place of delivery, and you already know about it. Then you should come to the post office, taking with you one of the following documents:

  • passport;
  • diplomatic passport;
  • sailor's passport;
  • military card or identity card (for military personnel);
  • temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued at the time of issuing a passport.

Please note that in this list passport not included. Officially, a foreign passport is considered a document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of his country or at border control points. In the regulations of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" there are no direct instructions on the prohibition to issue parcels upon presentation of a passport. However, it should be borne in mind that in some post offices you may be refused to issue a shipment on it, referring to the fact that there is no international passport in the list of identity documents.

Arriving at the post office, you should enter your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as data on the document presented, in the appropriate fields of the notice. You can do all this at home in advance, but remember that the date and your signature under the line stating that you received the postal item safe and sound should be set only when you actually receive it and at least make sure that there is no damage on the package. Usually, the post office employee, in a tone that does not allow objections, invites you to sign the notice immediately, but you have every right to demand that the parcel be inspected and weighed first.

Each recipient should remember that until the moment the postal item is handed over to him, it completely, together with all its contents, belongs to the sender. In fact, the transfer of ownership takes place at the moment the recipient's signature is affixed to the notification, confirming that the shipment has been delivered to him. That is why it is so important to make sure that the package is delivered to the place of delivery safe and sound.

If there are problems

What kind of problems can arise when receiving a postal item? Usually this is either a broken integrity of the package, or a discrepancy between the actual weight of the parcel and the weight indicated in the notice. How should one act in such a situation? In both cases, the parcel should be opened right at the place of receipt and the safety of its contents should be checked. Damage to the surface or discrepancy in weight does not always indicate that something is missing from the package. For example, in the case of weight, errors occur when filling out a notice and simply inaccuracies in weighing. The container may be dented or torn during shipment and loading, but the contents often remain intact.

It is the responsibility of the post office employees, when handing over the parcel to the addressee, to check it for compliance with the weight and appearance. In the event of a defect, the client is invited to perform an autopsy right on the spot - this is also the direct responsibility of the postal worker. Of course, the recipient has the right to refuse opening - in this case, he must confirm in writing that he has no claims regarding the weight and contents of the parcel (usually this is indicated directly on the notice).

With the consent of the recipient to open the mailing, the entire procedure is reflected in the act in the form 51-c, one copy of which belongs to the recipient. The recipient can either completely refuse to hand over the parcel to him, or pick up the remaining part of its contents - in the latter case, the package of the item remains at the post office for an internal check on the fact of detection of defects.

Of course, it is necessary to open the parcel not just like that, but following the established procedure (clauses 604, 605 of the Postal Rules):

  • Draw the attention of the post office worker to your reasonable doubts about the integrity of the attachment.
  • Ask to open the parcel in the presence of a responsible employee (head of the enterprise, his deputy, head of department or shop, etc.).
  • Make sure that at the opening, the employees of the department draw up an act in the form of No. 51-c.
  • Depending on the results of the autopsy, either agree to receive the shipment or refuse it by making an appropriate entry in the act.
  • In any case, take with you a copy of the act intended for you.

The postal poisoning opening act is drawn up in 4 copies and contains all the data on the parcel and its contents:

  • information about the sender and recipient;
  • shipment weight;
  • a detailed description of the reasons for the opening;
  • an inventory of the actual contents (compiled on the reverse side of the act).

The act must indicate to whom all 4 copies of this document are sent (one of them must remain with the recipient, that is, with you).

It is recommended for additional insurance to record the opening process in a video recording, since now such a function is available in any of the most simple phone. If the parcel is really seriously damaged, then the presence of a video document can greatly simplify the process of compensating for the damage caused to you.

Keep in mind that the recipient can demand compensation from the postal operator for damage or loss of items sent only if the sender gives him such a right by issuing an appropriate application. Otherwise, only the sender has the right to make claims demanding compensation, since it is he who is legally the client who has concluded an agreement for receiving services from the postal operator.

Remember that you have the right not to pick up the damaged parcel and not to sign for it in the notice, and after drawing up act 51-c, simply leave it at the department, issuing a refusal to receive it. Such a parcel will be sent back to the sender, attaching one copy of the autopsy report to it.

If, despite external damage or a discrepancy in weight, you are completely satisfied with the contents of the shipment, you should indicate that you have no claims, put your signature on the act and notice, and then pick up the parcel.

What if the contents of the mailing is partially lost? For example, if you ordered two pairs of sneakers, but only one arrived? After drawing up the act, such a parcel can be picked up, and then contact the sender and explain the situation to him, attaching a copy of the act as evidence. As practice has shown, online stores with a good reputation in this case always meet the needs of the client and compensate him for the damage, even if they are not to blame for the loss of part of the order.

If outwardly the shipment looks intact, and its weight also corresponds to that indicated in the accompanying documents, but you want to make sure that the goods being sent are safe (for example, due to its fragility), you can open the parcel right at the post office, in the presence of its employees. It is desirable to record each stage of the opening with the help of video filming. Keep in mind that if the parcel is externally intact, but its contents are damaged (for example, broken watch glass, etc.), it will be extremely difficult to make a claim to the postal operator, because. there is no evidence that the goods were not sent already in an inadequate condition. An act of form 51-in post factum is also not drawn up. The only thing you can do is to immediately make a free-form claim to the sender and ask the post office staff to certify it as confirmation. Such a measure will insure you against the possible suspicion that you yourself have damaged the goods after receiving it. And then you should contact the seller and decide with him the issue of full or partial compensation, replacement of goods, etc., attaching video materials and a document drawn up by you by mail.

Additional Information

Sometimes it happens that the parcel comes to you already opened by official bodies - for example, by the customs service. In this case, there are usually traces on the package: for example, an adhesive tape that differs from the one with which the sender packed the parcel. You should know that a shipment opened during shipment must be accompanied by an act in form No. 51 containing Full description the parcel and the actions performed with it.

If at one of the stages of forwarding, sorting or customs clearance by representatives of official services any discrepancy between the postal item and the documents accompanying it is revealed, an act of form No. 51 is also drawn up on this occasion, which is attached to the parcel and follows with it until delivery to the addressee.

Please note that if there is such a document, the post office employees are obliged to inform you about it before the delivery of the parcel and, accordingly, before you sign the notice.

If you are waiting for a registered postal item and carefully track its path through online services, then please note that at each marked stage, the weight of the parcel must be indicated. It may vary slightly within acceptable limits, but if you suddenly see a sharp change in these data, this is a good reason to be wary and mentally prepare in advance for the opening procedure upon receipt of the parcel.

Unfortunately, postal employees are often overwhelmed with work and are not particularly willing to agree to the opening of the parcel and the tedious drawing up of an act. However, this included in their responsibilities. You must clearly know your rights and be able to defend them, and excessive shyness is inappropriate here. In any disputable situation, the head of the department should be called and the issue resolved in his presence. If this does not help, then be sure to contact the higher authorities, presenting your claims to the quality of the provision of postal services.

Important! In case of any disagreement with the employees of the post office, ask for a book of complaints and describe the situation in detail in it - this will serve as documentary evidence of the validity of your claims. In addition, each post office must have a stand with addresses and telephone numbers. hotline where you can contact for questions about the quality of service. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights!

It so happened that I received all my more or less large purchases from online stores without waiting for receipt mail notices, and tracking their path by track number and simply coming with a passport to the post office.

I did the same at the beginning of this January after the New Year holidays, tracking the arrival of the parcel along the track to my post office. But the postal employee refused to look for the parcel by the track number, saying that she needed a notification.

The situation was defused by the head of the post office, who specified the delivery address and volunteered to find the right item herself.

The parcel was quickly found, after which the manager asked to come for subsequent shipments, only after waiting for a notification from the postman, somehow explaining this in a stupid way: they say, when they print notices for posting by mail, they fit 3 pieces on one sheet, and when someone comes without notice, then a notice is printed on him separate sheet, and paper is in short supply and generally terribly inconvenient.

The notice appeared in the mailbox 4 (!) days after I had already picked up my parcel at the post office ...

Do we have the right to receive our shipments by mail without waiting for the notice to be delivered?

First you need to figure out - do we even have the right to demand the issuance of parcels to us without waiting for notification?

Or is each fact of such extradition a gesture of goodwill on the part of a particular employee?

Here is what the rules for receiving mail, published on the official website of the Russian Post, say:

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels are delivered to the recipient's mailbox.

The postman brings registered letters to the house and hands them to the addressee against signature upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not in place, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox and returns the letter to the office.

Parcels and other registered items can be collected at the branch or ordered for home delivery.

To receive the shipment at the branch, you need to present a notice (it can be filled out on the website) or a track number, as well as an identity card.

To receive a shipment addressed to another person or organization, you must present an identity card and a notarized power of attorney from the addressee.

If you do not have a notice or a track number, upon presentation of an identity card, you can ask a Postal employee to find the shipment by the name and address to which it was sent. Information from the official website of the Russian Post

Based on official data, in order to receive the parcel, the recipient must carry only your ID.

The notice is not mandatory, but only a recommended document for receiving the parcel, and it is quite acceptable to replace the notice with a track number.

And even in the absence of both a notification and a track number (for example, this number is forgotten, or a trackless shipment is expected), the recipient is still has the right to to receive your shipment, found by the postal employee according to the address data.

Accordingly, any statements in the spirit of “no notice - no departure” are illegal and run counter to the current job description of post office employees.

What to do

So, you tracked on the track that your shipment reached the post office safely, but faced the refusal of the post office staff to issue it to you on the basis of an identity document due to the lack of a postal notice.

Since such a refusal is contrary to job description, then having heard it, you can already begin to “build” negligent post office employees and complain about their work to higher divisions of the Russian Post.

This option is simple and effective. The Russian Post is a rigid totalitarian structure, the lower in the hierarchy of which a particular employee is, the less rights he has. Therefore, there is no doubt that a check will be carried out at the request of the client, and almost certainly the post office employees involved will lose their bonuses for the current month.

And the realities of life are such that the smaller and more inconspicuous a person is in the social hierarchy, the more he, as a rule, has ambition. To have at hand people who, having suffered a well-deserved punishment for flaws in their work, will harbor anger at the person who pointed out these flaws for the rest of their lives, and at the same time will have access to all his postal items - do you need it? I don't think.

Therefore, there is a peaceful solution to the situation. And it's amazingly simple.

You just need to have a notice with you. But do not wait until the postman brings it to your house, but ... print it yourself.

And the same official website of the Russian Post will help with this.

It is advisable to indicate in the letter the full name and position of specific employees, but if they are not available, it is enough to indicate the index of the post office.

And the second option is to contact local management Federal Postal Service. You can do this by e-mail, by phone or through a personal visit to their office.

Contacts of the local FPS can be found on the corresponding page of the Russian Post website.

For example, in my case, local branches are controlled by the FPS of the Chelyabinsk region. And the FPS of the Chelyabinsk region, in turn, is subordinate to the FPS Sverdlovsk region and the Ural macroregion, located in Yekaterinburg. You can apply here and there.

It really works. Complaints are considered, the facts stated in them are checked, negligent postal employees are punished with a ruble. The Internet is full of evidence of this.

I think it is not worth explaining that when compiling the text of any complaint, it is necessary to clearly formulate the claim and accompany it with specific facts, avoiding value judgments and becoming personal.

Summing up

To receive the parcel, you must have only an identity document with you.

It is not necessary to have a notice with you - postal employees are required, at the request of the client, to look for the shipment by track number or address.

The notification form can be filled out and printed by yourself.

You should avoid communicating with postal employees in the style of “you owe me everything here” (despite the fact that this is true) and maintain a polite and friendly manner of communication.

If polite requests do not lead to the desired result and post office employees demonstrate clearly inadequate behavior and unwillingness to perform their duties, then their actions can and should be complained to the dominant postal structures.

Currently, orders of a variety of goods on Internet sites have become very popular, and especially on foreign sites, where goods can cost an order of magnitude cheaper. In addition, on foreign sites you can find and purchase absolutely exclusive things.

Considering everything positive sides goods from abroad, there is one significant drawback, as they take a very long time to send mail to Russia - from two weeks to one and a half months. Therefore, customers all this time have to be nervous in anticipation of a long-awaited purchase.

However, today there is a very convenient resource that allows you to track online mail sent both from abroad and from Russia. Such a service has long gained great popularity among online shopaholics. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of sites specializing in tracking mail, any user who has an exclusive identifier number, which is better known as a tracking number (track code), has the ability to control the passage of his parcel at every stage.

Differences between domestic and international tracking numbers of parcels

A tracking number is assigned to all parcels. The only difference is that domestic Russian track codes consist of only fourteen numerical values, and track numbers assigned abroad have thirteen alphanumeric values.

While waiting for the parcel, the user knows by the track code that it has arrived before a notification arrives from the mail notifying about it. According to the rules at the post office, after the parcel arrives at the post office, a notice is issued and delivered to the recipient. But due to the fact that many recipients have neither the time nor the desire to wait for the notification to arrive, they have a natural question: can I receive the parcel without notification?

How to receive a parcel in the mail without notification

When notices from post offices were not delivered to the recipient due to some circumstances, or simply lost, and on the tracking service the recipient clearly sees information indicating that the parcels have arrived, then the recipient has the right to receive the parcel at the Russian Post without notice .

Such an opportunity is provided in accordance with the special Procedure for issuing registered mail. It contains information that, by contacting the post office regarding the receipt of registered parcels without notification, but only if a barcode identifier (track code) is provided, the operator of the post office must check the information about the presence of the parcels, and in case of a positive result, is obliged give them to the recipients.

That is, it is possible to pick up a postal item without notification, for this the recipient just needs to contact the mail assigned to his address and, with the presentation of an identity document, name the track code of the parcel. If there is a parcel, a new notice will be issued to the recipient already in place.

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