
Fallout 4 advanced graphics settings. Volume beam quality

Fallout 4, which runs well on our computer, is the necessary minimum of simple gaming happiness, which is important for each of us. The open world of the wasteland is one of the most brutal and exciting at the same time: here you can walk with zombies, rob raiders, build cities and even babysit your dog.

So, below is a detailed guide to proper graphics settings in this rather demanding game.

First of all, you need, as always, to study the "requests" of the fourth part of Fallout to your computer.

Minimum system requirements for Fallout 4

Operating system: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2
CPU: Intel Core i5-2300 @ 2.8 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 945 @ 3.0 GHz
The amount of RAM: 8 GB
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti 2 GB / AMD Radeon HD 7870 2 GB

If your computer does not even fit these requirements, then it’s better not to even try to run Fallout 4. Especially if you are the owner of a laptop - you will lose it very quickly due to overheating. Therefore, you can try using the services of one of the cloud gaming services. For example, the good old Playkey.

Operating system: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel Core i7 4790 @ 3.6 GHz / AMD FX-9590 @ 4.7 GHz
The amount of RAM: 8 GB or more
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 3 GB / AMD Radeon R9 290X 4 GB

Those lucky ones who can boast of the characteristics of their "computer" close to recommended requirements, at first glance, you can relax and enjoy Fallout 4. However, everything is not so simple! To enjoy the game to the fullest, it needs to run at a steady 60 frames per second (60 FPS). Often, even top-end configurations can not fully pull the absolute ultra-settings in such heavy titles as Fallout. Therefore, just in case, also read this material more closely.

But for those who are between the minimum and recommended requirements, this article will be most useful. That is, those who have a processor more powerful than the AMD Phenom II X4 945, but weaker than the Intel Core i7 4790, and a video card more powerful than the AMD Radeon HD 7870, but weaker than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780, and so on.

Customizing Fallout 4 graphics

The following lists all the display settings in Fallout 4. Some of them affect performance more, some less, and some do not affect at all. We tried to briefly describe the essence of each of these parameters, as well as give advice on how to optimize them.

Character draw distance


In the original, this setting is called "Disappearance of actors", and by actors, the developers mean all virtual living creatures: people, monsters or animals. There are a lot of divisions on the settings slider, but values ​​​​beyond the middle are practically not justified: when traveling through the wasteland, it is extremely rare that any large cluster of characters can be seen from a distance further than average. This is mainly due to the ruggedness of the landscape (mountains, lowlands, valleys, forests, bushes, etc. everywhere), as well as fairly common tall buildings.

The “Character Draw Distance” eats quite a lot of resources, so we advise you not to set it further than the middle, and in most cases - by a third or even a quarter.

ambient occlusion

Performance impact: low.

The option is responsible for self-shadowing. Objects with enabled "environment occlusion" become visually more voluminous and believable. Small convex details of the object cast a shadow on the object itself, much like it happens in the real world (look carefully at least at the keyboard of your computer).

Turning off AO can help you win up to 7 frames, but we strongly discourage you from doing this. The picture in Fallout 4 will immediately become much less natural.

Anisotropic filtering

Performance impact: extremely low.

To be honest, I personally hope that in 2017 this setting, as well as the “Texture Quality”, will no longer be torn to pieces by illiterate tuners. After all, for a long time there has been no point in setting values ​​lower than the maximum possible in these cases - the impact on performance is almost imperceptible. And this parameter is responsible for the clarity of displaying textures from different angles.


Performance impact:

  • FXAA: average,
  • TAA: high.

Antialiasing removes jagged edges from 3D objects in the game. Turning it off completely can allow you to seriously speed up the game if you have a very weak computer. If the power of your PC is somewhere in the middle - put the option with FXAA technology. Because of this, however, the textures are slightly blurred, but the option above should slightly compensate for this. And if you can boast of a configuration close to the recommended requirements, then you may well choose one of the TAA values. Your eyes will thank you.

Decals quality

Performance impact: the average.

Decals are various effects on the surfaces of surrounding objects (mainly on the walls): traces of blood splashes, dents from bullets, soot and more.

In the game, you can adjust the number and density of decals. If you have a quite powerful computer, you can set a high value, and it’s better not to set “ultra” at all, since performance can seriously sag in fierce skirmishes. In other cases, set the average or, in extreme cases, low.

Depth of field

Performance impact: low.

"Depth of field" is a special artistic effect that can also sometimes hide the lack of detail in distant objects. Its essence is that everything close to the player or close-up characters are displayed clearly, and the rest of the environment is blurred using a special filter. This is especially true in various scenes on the game engine and dialogues. You can choose to enable either the standard effect, or "Bokeh" (improved version), or disable this option altogether. We recommend that you always enable at least the standard option, as only a couple of frames will be lost.

Detailing of objects

Performance impact: low.

Objects in Fallout 4 include various buildings, freeways over dry wasteland pools, large rocks, stairs, and many other large environmental details. In addition to quality, the setting also affects the quantity of all of the above. The performance impact is very low, so always set at least the average value.

Volume beam quality

Performance impact: medium (at high values), low (at low and medium values).

"Volumetric rays" is a more advanced version of the famous "Rays of God" (God Rays). If the latter usually do not affect performance too much, then this NVIDIA development eats resources quite well. However, this is only at high values ​​of the parameter, and a big difference between the maximum settings of "Quality Beams" and low can only be seen on 4K displays. Therefore, we recommend that you leave a medium or low value if you have a good PC. Otherwise, you can turn it off, thereby winning up to 8 frames per second.

Grass draw distance

Performance impact: low.

In the post-nuclear world of Fallout 4, there is not much grass, and it slows down the game quite a bit. We advise you to always set the maximum value.

Object draw distance

Performance impact: low.

By items, the guys from Bethesda mean everything that you can take and put in your inventory: weapons, ammo, bottle caps, forks, armor, clothes, buckets, fans, and other useful and not very things. Just like with characters, it's very rare in a game to see a huge cluster of objects in one field of view. Therefore, just set a high or maximum value here and move on.


Performance impact: extremely low.

"Lens Flare" is also called "Lens Effects" (in the original it sounds something like Lens Flare). If you point the player's camera at a source of bright light, then a kind of "sunbeams" will appear on the screen - luminous translucent polygons.

Glare has almost no effect on performance, so you can safely turn them on.

Lighting quality

Performance impact: extremely low.

By default, Fallout 4 uses a fairly high-tech lighting system, and this setting actually only affects its additional effects. For example, the sky becomes a little clearer and more picturesque, and people's skin begins to not only absorb, but also reflect light.

Even with ultra settings, only 1-2 frames are lost, so you can twist everything here to the maximum. As a last resort, set the average value.

Object draw distance

Performance impact: the average.

This setting is similar to Object Detail, but it applies to long distances. It consumes resources pretty well, so on weak machines it is better to set the values ​​\u200b\u200bbetween low or medium, and on powerful ones it is better closer to high.

Distance of drawing details of objects

Performance impact: extremely low.

Slightly adds detail to distant objects. It is almost imperceptible to the eye, and FPS even at the maximum value sags by only one and a half frames. Crank it all the way!

Rain occlusion

Performance impact: low.

If you enable Rain Occlusion, then the rain will not drip through the roof, and the FPS may drop to 5-6 frames. Only turn off if your PC barely meets the minimum requirements.

Reflections on screen space

Performance impact: the average.

Screen space usually refers to the area that is visible to the player at a certain angle and camera rotation - what you see right now on the screen if you release the mouse. If within this space there are surfaces on which reflections should be in a good way, then they will be there. This is how the immediate environment appears on the water, and one of the pre-prepared panoramic textures appears on the shiny body of assistant robots.

In some situations, the gameplay may slow down by 9-10 frames. So you can turn off "Reflections" if you have a low-powered PC. But it is better to turn it on if you are somewhere in the middle between the recommended and minimum requirements.

Shadow rendering distance

Performance impact: the average.

As usual, shadows are a rather gluttonous parameter. The range of their drawing (I think everything is clear about the essence of this setting from the name) is not very greedy for resources, but the next parameter is very even. In any case, try to set the "Shadow Render Distance" to a value lower than the high one, only if you are not doing too well with the hardware. For a good Falout 4 graphics experience, this parameter is very important, and you will lose no more than 7-8 frames.

Shadow quality

Performance impact: high.

Clarity and detail in shadows. Performance, as mentioned above, is affected quite strongly. But the most reasonable compromise between FPS and picture quality is the average value. The price for this pleasure will be quite tolerable: about 7 frames per second. If your computer is close to the recommended requirements, you can try a high value. And set low only as a last resort, as the image will suddenly become less attractive.

Texture quality

Performance impact: is absent.

Like anisotropic filtering, this option is long overdue for tuning in modern games. There is absolutely no point in setting the texture quality to low, as this will not add frames, but may only free up some video memory. Only if your video card does not have enough memory for Falout 4, then the game will be a slideshow anyway. Like most other modern AAA projects. Just set the maximum value and move on.


Performance impact: average (during rain), absent (during dry weather).

And here is the final setting. "Moisture" is the wetness of the planes in the game during rain. It looks very cool and eats resources quite moderately (5-7 frames). Moreover, he does not always eat, but only when water pours from the sky. So turn it off only if everything is bad with your “machine”.

Fallout 4 graphics settings table

And again, we summarize with a table:

Click to enlarge

* * *

Thanks for reading! Come play Fallout 4 on high settings on our main site, but don't forget to be outdoors more often!

Other screenshots.
My launcher settings:
Nvidia Control Panel:
My settings from advanced config:

Mods and configs for optimization part 1

Mod ENBSeries to fix brakes

Boris Vorontsov has published the first version of his famous ENBSeries mod for Fallout 4. As the author notes, this is still a very early version of the mod, and only includes a couple of the usual features (such as the Skyrim-like AntiFreeze patch).

"This patch works without graphical enhancements. It is intended to fix specific bugs... or is designed to do so since I don't have any myself. Please post the results if it helps or causes other bugs/software incompatibilities."

Originally posted by RAINICORN:

The game started normally, the FPS seems to have become more stable, but this needs to be tested.

This mod also solves the problem with muddy and "blurred" (non-loading) textures. Here's an example for you, if you load next to an object, then everything is loaded, but as soon as you leave, and then there is no reloading. And this is on ultra:

Mirror on Yandex: (remove space)

Originally posted by _SoKRaT_:

In the enblocal.ini file, change the value of the ForceVideoMemorySize parameter to true. Don't touch the size.
P.S. If it crashes when true, you need to delete the GameOverlayRenderer64.dll file from the Steam folder

Extract the files from the "Patch" folders to the game folder where Fallout4.exe is located.
Please note that in the configuration file in the line:


you need to specify the memory size of your video card. To do this, use a special utility
Enbboost to ultra: (screenshots by DenDi333)


All you need to do
1) Go here C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Fallout4
2) Find Fallout4Prefs
3) Replace everything that is there with my config (spoiler above)
4) Run Fallout and see 30-60 fps.

I collected full documentation in the archive, how to do it and for cases and so on.
Config from the topic - (remove space)
Original files + config - (remove space)
Mirror - (remove space)

All about aspect ratio 21:9 / 5:/4 / 4:3 modes

Edward Kechko:
Launched on a 5:4 monitor with black stripes FULL SCREEN. Did the following:
1) NVidia control panel -> Display -> Adjust desktop size and position -> Do not scale -> ON GPU -> override application settings -> Select screen resolution 1280x800 60Hz -> Apply;
2) In the Fallout4Prefs.ini file, set the following parameters:
. . .
iSize W=1280
iSize H=800
. . .
iPresentInterval=0 // Vertical sync - better off. because due to the mismatch of the monitor's refresh rate, the fps drops seriously
bFull Screen=1
. . .
. . .
After that the game started in LitterBox format in full screen mode!!!


1280x1024 Resolution fix

A mod that fixes the problem with the disappearing castle, as well as the interface in the armor of the brotherhood.
Thanks Boria888 for the link!
Download mod from Yandex: (remove space)


Solution from witchhunter :

I found an almost normal version for monitors with a resolution of 1280 by 1024:
1. We set the monitor resolution in Windows to 1280 by 800.
2. We select in the launcher the aspect ratio of 16:10 and the resolution of 1280 by 800.
3. Remove the checkmark from "full screen mode" and check the box "window without frames".
4. As a result, we get a clear and proportional picture with a resolution of 1280 by 800 in the center of the screen and small black stripes at the top and bottom. The castle and the entire interface, including power armor, are visible.



Regarding the resolution of 1280x1024 (5:4 screens), another solution to the problem with crooked lockpicking and armor was written on the English-language forum:
Set the desired (without any "-1") resolution in Fallout4Prefs.ini and in the Fallout4.ini file (located in C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) add under the line:
To solve problems with the armor interface, add to the same place (under the line in Fallout4.ini):

I can’t check the armor, because. at the very beginning of the game, and hacking works correctly.


How to change the angle of view (FOV)

Open file Fallout4.ini(in the docs) and under the section add:

fDefaultWorldFOV=XX fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX

Where XX is the value of the viewing angle. 80 is the standard value in the game. You can try to put 90, 110 ...


In order for the game to work at 21:9 without problems, just open Fallout4Prefs.ini in your documents and change the following lines:

bTopMostWindow=1 bMaximizeWindow=1 bBorderless=1 bFull Screen=0 iSize H=XXXX iSize W=YYYY

Where XXXX is the height and YYYY is the width of your monitor. Example with a 2560x1080 monitor:

bTopMostWindow=1 bMaximizeWindow=1 bBorderless=1 bFull Screen=0 iSize H=1080 iSize W=2560

steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4

Here is what comes out in the end:

PS You can also make the values ​​1280x1024 (4:3), but note that:

1) it does not work for everyone (50 to 50), the reason has not yet been clarified.
2) the loss of locks and master keys, as well as freezing when exiting the terminal are connected, just with a change in the 4:3 ratio.

at 16:9 and a resolution of 1280x720 none of this was noticed.

bTopMostWindow=1 bMaximizeWindow=1 bBorderless=1 bFull Screen=0 iSize H=1024 iSize W=1280

If your settings get lost, then you need in both Fallout4Prefs.ini set the read-only attribute. (right click on Fallout4Prefs.ini->properties->Read-only->Apply)

There is another way to return the lock when hacked, but it also works every other time and not for everyone. Try:
Go to documents in file Fallout4Prefs.ini
and after the section change

iSize H=YYYY
on the
iSize W=XXXX-1
iSize H=YYYY-1

So it should look like this (example):

iSize W=1920
iSize H=1080
I change to
iSize W=1919
iSize H= 1079

or example from 4:3

iSize W=1279
iSize H=1023

Do the same with the second INI file along the path with the game steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4

Game crashes/freezes. Various problem solving part 1


Computers with low RAM

Computers with a small amount of RAM, like mine, will be very helped by the utility, this simple baby is very well configured and clears your RAM every 5-10-15-20 minutes, depending on which interval you set.
PY.SY Many thanks for the program to the dude with the nickname spine1


How to increase fps

I throw up one dance with a tambourine for the desperate. First, a background: the system did not fit the requirements (weak i3, HD7700 1gb radiator, but 8gb RAM on board), installed, turned it on (auto-detection of settings - medium), logged in, 15-25 fps with constant drawdowns, downloaded the config for the "weak" - 18-28 fps, drawdowns, saddened, going to delete, finally exposed texture detailing and more. textures on Ultra (shadows and other left on low) and maxed out the range of displaying enemies and objects, turned it on, and lo and behold - a stable 50 fps.

Solving the black screen problem.

In the settings, set the windowed mode, windowed without a frame. Then set the desired resolution (should match the screen resolution). Have a nice game!


Turning on the beta version of Fallout 4 Beta

Testing a new patch 11/24/2015

Testing the new patch 1.2.37 from 2.12.2015

The site has a proposal to fix the crash of the game on the PC.
You need to go to the steam properties of the game and in the beta tab select the beta version of Beta Update
After that, in the library you will have:


The second way from the user

Originally posted by ARt1:

For whom the game crashes, my output was like this.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4
We go into the folder, run Fallout4Launcher.exe through the administrator, check the windowed mode box. He first launches you English. language launcher, then switches to Russian, first check the box "window mode" is required. After the game starts, we play for about 5 minutes. After that, we can run the normal version without problems.
Before that, I installed the latest drivers for the video card.


The third way from the user

If the game crashes (appcrash)

Originally posted by elensior:

In short, to all who suffer. appcrash in full screen mode in win7 solved disabling DEP. Total shutdown. launched in full screen. I recommend everyone to try.


If you have 2 SLI graphics cards

SLI is currently not supported in Fallach (at the time of launch on 11/10/2015).

Originally posted by lame-over:

SLI is not supported. You need to chop off one video card and put the last firewood through the Gifors experiment


Fallout 4 FPS optimization + AntiFreeze + Sharp textures from Defox:


If the console does not work `

For some users, the console may not work (i.e. pressing ~ does not appear). To solve this problem, you need to set the default English (United States) keyboard layout in your operating system.


Character name contains prohibited characters

when I write the name of a Persian, English or Russian, it doesn't matter, the characters are wrong. What could be the problem, because it’s impossible to create a Persian
For those who suddenly have this problem, write the name with capital letters (Through caps lock).


Achievements not working in game

Many do not open achievements in the game. There is no solution yet, we are waiting for fixes.
11/11/2015 Fallout.4 patch.1.1.30 fixed this issue.
If it didn't help - Verify the game cache and start a new game.


How to skip the splash screen when loading a game

Go to where you have Steam installed

steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Video

And delete the file:


You can just connect the joystick to the game. Next, go into the game with a connected gamepad, and put in the game-controller-off and save!

But if you do not have it, then you need to do the following:
Let's go to the file Fallout4Prefs.ini in documents (for example C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) we look for and change the value there:
on the


Unlock FPS

If you have a lock of 30 FPS do the following:

  • We open Fallout4Pref.ini(should be in your documents, e.g. C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)
  • Find the line there iPresentInterval=1 and change the value to 0. Like this: iPresentInterval=0
It is not necessary to make a backup. You can simply delete the Fallout4Pref.ini file and the game will redownload it with standard values.
Next, you need to go to the NVIDIA or AMD panel and enable vertical sync.
An even simpler solution is to play in windowed mode.


Disable mouse acceleration

Mouse acceleration is enabled by default in Fallout 4. To disable it, we do the same thing we did for Skyrim.

  • Open Fallout4.ini(in the documents folder)
  • Scroll down to section and add the line:
I want to warn you right away that when this parameter was disabled, other bugs appeared related to terminals and armored suits.

Game crashes/freezes. Various solutions to problems part 2


Karoch, the game stopped crashing.
In msconfig, I found out that only 1 out of 4 processors works for me. Put 4 prots and it all worked! Check it might help.


How to run the game without a launcher on steam.

There is a way that will get rid of the appearance of the launcher with the settings at the start of the game. What should be done:

  • 1. Go to the directory with Fallout 4 installed steamapps\common\Fallout 4\
  • 2. There we need 2 files: Fallout4.exe and Fallout4Launcher.exe
  • 3. Rename Fallout4Launcher.exe in Fallout4LauncherOriginal.exe(if you want to return everything back, i.e. save the original under a different name).
  • 4. Rename Fallout4.exe in Fallout4Launcher.exe
Now, when you start the game through Steam, you will immediately find yourself in the game, bypassing the launcher.


Game Speed ​​Tip

You can also try program Razer Cortex, I personally have a Radeon 6850 and AMD 4 cores of 3.5 each, too lazy to look, carried out a set of measures, on average even in Boston it rarely drops below 25-30, mostly 40-60. Well, I did a lot of things, and the power supply was turned off to the maximum, and the fps limit in the game was turned off, and the defragmentation was completely carried out, some effects were turned off, which did not affect the picture much, the resolution was set lower than my 1920 by 1080 (I set it to 1600 by 900). It’s nice to play, the main thing is that there are no special friezes and FPS drops - on average, on average (sorry for the pun) about 40-50 FPS and the quality screen is here:


Fallout 4 "Works" v 0.0.4

In general, try those who have Windows 8.1 or 10. It does not work under Windows 7, because. Windows 7 is not designed for this.

Download the FO4W.ZIP archive, unpack it into the game folder.
For myself, in dxgi.ini I changed only UseFlipDiscard=false to true.
It seems that so far it works ONLY in windowed mode without a frame (IMHO a much better mode than full screen).


Everything is green!

If any filters freeze on the screen, open the console ` and write: rimod 00094636

Everything is grey!

Caught a similar bug, only everything is gray + blurry around the edges. rimod 00094636 doesn't help. I tried everything and sleep, and eat drugs, alcohol, be treated by a doctor, etc. the effect is not removed.
It turns out there is another command:
If the screen turns green/darkened/effects (visual) do not reset
rimod 00094636

rimod 002041B6 (this helped me)
Also, you may have turned on the flashlight (long tab hold)


Everything is white!

It is not clear why everything turns white around, then it’s normal, then everything is white and blurry ....
demonwings03 solution:
Need to turn off the humidity in launcher otherwise, it will be so during the rain and the dark time of the day. If that doesn't help, try turning off reflections, humidity, volumetric rain, and glare.

Solution with friezes from the user

In short, I solved the problem with friezes by 80%. System: Gtx 650ti 1gb, 4gb ram, q6600 2.4 ghz (4 cores), win 7 64bit. -...- After these manipulations, it became much better to play with the standard config and medium settings. Enb antifreeze must be installed in the folder.
Open enblocal.ini and write

ApplyStabilityPatch=false ForceVideoMemorySize=true VideoMemorySizeMb=9096

I don’t know what these values ​​​​are and why 9096, but the dude on another forum wrote that it helped him to remove the friezes to a playable state. And then a little gag: I reboot the computer, remove everything that is possible in the manager, start the game and while it is in the menu, I set the priority to high. Get it all. Only now the soapy textures remain in places all the same, and the friezes remain during fast transitions, and even then not always - then here I just wait for about a minute and everything is back to normal. Yesterday I ran around the most "lag" places, everything seems to be normal to play, there are mini friezes in 0.5 seconds and also rarely. And I also try to save myself in the red rocket (where you find the dog 1 time) when I leave the game, so that the herring will load without problems.
Try who wants can help someone. Compared to what I had before, this is -...- progress


If it hangs in the game menu, when saving, loading

The essence of the problem: on the fourth day of the active passage of the game, there were simply wild lags, brakes and jerks when saving the game and loading saves, and indeed when going to the game menu. The menu on the mouse and keyboard began to respond from the tenth click, a slide show was observed in its purest form, despite the fact that the game itself was running without brakes and glitches. Wow, in short.
I solved the problem like this: in the default settings of the game, automatic saves are enabled:
1. When resting,
2. When waiting,
3. When traveling,
4. Saving in Pip-Boy "(I haven't figured out the last one yet - laziness, but oh well).
As a result of all these autosaves of the save files themselves, by the fourth day of the gameplay, I had accumulated well over a hundred, which was surprising, because. I myself saved the game in manual mode only in place of old saves, naively believing that I only have no more than 5-6 of them.
In a word, I turned off all the autosaves listed above in the game settings (I left saving in Pip-Boy, but not every 10 minutes, but once every 60 minutes), deleted the whole bunch of extra saves (left the last 4 in time), after which the brakes in menus, when saving and loading, completely disappeared. Everything worked from the first click, as expected.
I will be glad if this advice helps someone.


Game Speed ​​Tip

I also suffered with friezes in the game. It helped to remove the entire ctfhost.exe process tree (as it turned out, it loaded the video card), cleaning the registry for all ctfhost values ​​and deleting the ctfhost folder (I looked at its position in the properties of the ctfhost.exe process). I also removed the FPS limit and mouse smoothing in the ini files of the game and set the settings for the fallout4.exe program in the nvidia control panel (vertical sync - adaptive; maximum number of pre-prepared frames - 1; triple buffering - on).
I play on the settings suggested by the game launcher, except for anti-aliasing (set FXAA). Upon entering the game, I put the priority on the real-time fallout4.exe process.
After these manipulations, the friezes, and indeed any lags whatsoever, disappeared.


Game crashes/freezes. Various solutions to problems part 3


Hello! I tried a lot of things, put all sorts of mods on textures, since my laptop is a weak intel i5, 8 GB of RAM, nvidia 520MX 1 GB, but there were also lags in places. Then I decided to see what would happen if I took the ini file settings from New Vegas. And you won’t believe the lags in the rooms are gone, even at the Corvega factory at least. In the wasteland, not a single lag at all. If anyone wants to try, here is my config:
(remove space)
Maybe it will help someone, and someone not.
for weak processors: the idea is taken from the witcher, after doing this machination, my fps increased by about 15-20 frames
Google the Battle Encoder Shirase prog. install. Open the program, open the game. Minimize the game, press [Target] in the program, look for Fallout4.exe and double-click it, press Yes
further Press the button [ Control ] and move the slider to the LEFT, that is, we set about 5-10 percent. And now I will explain what we did: we allowed the game to use not 75% of the processor power, but all 90-99, depending on how much you set.
but as you might guess, this affects absolutely all other programs that will work together on one percent of the core (or again on 5-10, depending on how many percent you leave): D also after leaving the game, before close the program, press the [Unlimit All] button, otherwise everything will be stupid for a long time and terribly.

the above / below described fraud must be done with each entry into the game
(!) this does not affect the performance of the game associated with RAM, that is, loading locations and some other things unknown to me
My experience:
- According to the Souchastnik method, I set the Fallout4.exe process to real time priority. Microlags have really decreased, FPS has risen by about 5%. Also, some delays when pressing menu buttons, such as "Dismantle" in crafting, have disappeared.
- If you select Full Screen mode (bFull Screen=1) instead of the standard "Windowed Borderless", FPS grows by about 10%.
-Files Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Prefs.ini in the Documents\My Games folder and the file \Fallout4\Fallout4Prefs.ini in the folder with the game - you need to tick "Read-only" so that the game does not reset graphics settings, difficulty, saves, display subtitles etc.
-Regarding FOV - changed it in the block, the angle of view expanded, but the weapons and Pip-Boy remained the same. To fix it, you need to type FOV XX in the console, for example FOV 90, FOV 110, etc., make a save, restart the fall and boot. Weapons and computer will get further / closer as needed. Put 95, for me just right.
- After disabling VSync and unlocking the FPS, bugs may appear. But I don’t want to return to Vsync - the mouse floats. Therefore, we will lock the FPS differently:
-Download MSI Afterburner;
- go to RivaTunerStaticticsServer, add "+" to the Fallout4.exe list from the folder, set 80-90 in the Fremarate Limit field.
Why so many? Due to the lack of VSync, this will be about 60fps on the screen; in Skyrim, after this number, physics bugs began. In Fallout, it's safe even a little higher, I set it to 120. And the mouse does not swim, and there are no strange glitches like frenzied jumps, twitching objects and super-speed hairpins.
- Disk defragmentation saved from UNREALLY LONG downloads, but not by a regular service (it did not help), but by the IObit Smart Defrag 4 program on the "Defragmentation and File Priority" setting. Other defragmenters are probably good too, but they want money, and this one is free. It is better to disable the defragmentation service built into Windows so that they do not interfere with each other. Loading a save from the main menu has decreased from 1:10 to 25-30 seconds. Before that, Fallout 4 stood at WD Green (now WD Raptor), where you had to wait for several minutes.
So, the new firewood Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta gave a little more FPS. I measured it at the same place, on the roof of the Corvegi factory during the day in the rain, looking towards the city - with old firewood 24-25fps, with ENB fix 26-27, with new firewood and fix about 33-35, cool) TAA there is no point in changing something, it does not eat anything. And I figured out the terminals, lowered the frame rate limit in Rivatuner from 120 to 90 and it became normal.

Lags in the city

I found the problem of FPS drawdowns in the city. It's all about the distance and length of the shadows. Unfortunately, the falacha engine can't clip shadows that the character can't see. Because of what, with a high range of rendering shadows, they are displayed even through 5 buildings in front of you. And there are a lot of such objects in the city! Because of this, sharp FPS drops appear in the city. But this can be fixed by setting your distance parameters in
Users\Documents\my games\Fallout4\Fallout4Prefs.ini
You need to change the distance and length of the shadows.
fDirShadowDistance= distance to display shadows for large objects.
fShadowDistance= maximum length of the shadow from the object.
At consoles the indicator is 3000, the PC has high / ultra 14,000 and 20,000, respectively.
In general, we change to such numbers (it all depends on your config)

fDirShadowDistance= 6000 or 8000
fShadowDistance= 2000 or 3000

And we rejoice at the stable FPS, it does not affect the picture at all. If you only look into the distance, as for example at the beginning after leaving the shelter, look at your old house. But there are very few such moments in the game.

Sources, thanks to users, useful links

The information was taken from steam forums, manuals, as well as from users. Thanks for the help and tips:


Starting foreign

Fallout 4 | Introduction

Fallout 4 perfectly captures the post-apocalyptic mood. It's not the most beautiful game, but it's definitely worth a look. But before we get into dry numbers, we should discuss some of the more unique aspects of the game, such as whether the Fallout 4 graphics quality?

The first thing that surprised us was the game loader. Graphic settings Fallout 4 can only be changed in a separate panel, made in the style of Windows 98, and only before entering the game. Detail settings are not available in the game itself.

It's curious that Fallout 4 offers only two aspect ratios for full screen mode: 16:9 and 16:10. This was not enough for us, so we modified the INI file (Fallout4Prefs.ini, which can be found in the Steam folder [.../steamapps/common/Fallout 4] and in my documents folder [.../My Games/Fallout4] ). Both files must be modified and saved before starting the game.

Alternatively, you can set any aspect ratio manually using a borderless window that always stays on top of other windows. Similarly, you can turn off and change GameWorks effects and other graphics options.

Fallout 4 uses a proprietary updated Creation Engine game engine, which is why the game is not much different from previous Fallout and The Elder Scrolls games in terms of graphics. One of the holdovers from legacy game engines is the hard tying of game speed to frame rate. Therefore, the frame rate is fixed and v-sync is forced. You can work around this limitation by changing the iPresentInterval=0 setting in the above INI file. For security purposes, the file must be marked read-only after changes have been made.

This change significantly affects the gameplay, especially when using a fast graphics card. If you find your model below 60 FPS on our performance charts, for example, somewhere in the middle of the list, you can try to do the same. If the frame rate drops to 30 FPS, Fallout 4 will go with small jerks that will spoil all the sensations from the game.

Fallout 4 | Selecting test scenes

For tests, we use two separate savepoints. The first scene uses a panoramic view of distant objects, with the camera rotated 360 using a macro. The second scene includes a straight run down a city street. Movement is also controlled by a macro.

There is a little trick to get repeatable results: we enable god mode and invisibility (no AI interaction) in the game console. Thus, you can move around the game world without being distracted by NPCs and random attacks.

The results of both test scenes proved to be quite reliable. In the city, the frame rate is usually the lowest. Considering that you will spend a lot of time studying the landscape, it makes sense to average the results of the two scenes. Also, when comparing indicators from different test platforms, it must be taken into account that performance in Fallout 4 quite strongly related to the CPU (there is a dependence on the number of threads and clock frequency). To enjoy smooth gameplay, you need at least four threads. With two streams, noticeable slowdowns appear.

Fallout 4 | Quality settings and GameWorks

Detail in the game Fallout 4 not high enough to be considered a serious performance test. In fact, there is almost no progress compared to the previous parts of the game. Objects in the distance still disappear and reappear as they approach.

Many objects in Fallout 4 still look like plastic. This does not affect the realism of the graphics very well, but, apparently, it was done intentionally. If TAA (temporal anti-aliasing) technology is used, the game becomes smoother and looks more balanced. This is a nice effect that complements the lighting responsible for creating the gaming atmosphere.

Nvidia GameWorks is responsible for the effect of sun rays in the sky (godrays) in Fallout 4 and greatly reduces performance. Even the game's programmers seem to play it safe and only offer a high level of skylight detail when the detail settings are set to Ultra. Their actions are clear to us, if you manually set the detail of the sun's rays to "ultra", the performance drops by a double-digit percentage.

In the options menu, the GameWorks feature cannot be disabled completely. If you are playing on weak hardware, open the Fallout4_Default.ini file (.../SteamApps/common/Fallout 4) and set bNvGodraysEnable=0. Then there are three more entries that need to be changed because volume lighting needs to be deactivated to disable volume rays completely: bVolumetricLightingEnable=0, iVolumetricLightingQuality=0, and bVolumetricLightingForceCasters=0. We disabled all GameWorks features for the entry-level test system, and set this feature to High for resolutions above Full HD. Otherwise, the frame rate in Fallout 4 will be too low.

The performance differences between individual quality settings are often much smaller than you might think. Therefore, we have specially selected scenes to demonstrate the difference in graphic settings. However, it is not a fact that these scenes are suitable for creating a benchmark.

Sun near the horizon, vegetation, surfaces and shadows

FullHD. Medium quality

FullHD. Low quality

Noon, full lighting, shadows

FullHD. Extreme quality. Godrays Extreme

FullHD. Extreme quality. godrays high

FullHD. Medium quality

FullHD. Low quality

Test system configuration and test settings
Test system 1 Intel Core i7-5930K @ 4.2 GHz + CBO Alphacool
Crucial Ballistix Sport 4x4GB DDR4-2400
MSI X99S XPower AC
Crucial MX200 500GB SSD (for system), Corsair LS 960 960GB (for apps and data)
be quiet! Dark Power Pro 850W
Test System 2 AMD FX-8350, be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 3
8GB Kingston HyperX DDR3-1600
MSI 970 Gaming
Corsair LS 960 960GB
be quiet! Dark Power Pro 550W
Windows 10 Pro (with all updates)
Drivers AMD: Catalyst 15.11 Beta
Nvidia: ForceWare 358.91 (Game Ready)
Intel: (15.40.10)
Game tests 3840x2160, Ultra Detail, Sunburst Detail High
2560x1440, Ultra Detail, Sunburst Detail High
1920x1080, Ultra detail, Ultra sunburst detail
1920x1080, Ultra Detail, Sunburst Detail High
1920x1080, Medium
1920x1080, Low (sun detail completely disabled in INI file)

For each test run, we use the same save as the game world Fallout 4 is dynamic and constantly changing. We provide average FPS readings, as the performance of individual parts of the scene may change between tests. The numbers in the charts are the average of three measurements, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Fallout 4 | Test results

Full HD with ultra settings

Ultra quality settings include 16x AF and TAA. All other parameters are shown in the screenshots.

1920x1080, Ultra detail, Sunburst high detail

GameWorks creates volume rays using tessellation. Compared to "Ultra", "High" detail allows you to achieve acceptable frame rates on a wider range of video cards. Otherwise, weaker GPUs, not well adapted to work with high levels of tessellation, will not be able to provide a comfortable game.

With these settings, even older Nvidia graphics cards like the GeForce GTX 660 Ti and AMD Radeon HD 7870 can handle the game. If you want higher FPS but are using a midrange graphics card (like GeForce GTX 960 or Radeon R9 380) that delivers less than 60 FPS, you may be advised to lower the detail level or disable v-sync in the config file.

1920x1080, Ultra detail, Ultra sunburst detail

Ultra sunburst detail puts a lot of strain on your GPU, but the real difference in graphics quality is small at best.

Interestingly, the fastest video cards lose the most performance (up to 15 percent of the frame rate of the previous test). The frame rates of the lower end models remain more stable and many of them deliver 60 FPS. However, we don't see a good reason to turn on ultra sunburst detail, and won't be using this option going forward.

Full HD with low and medium settings

For the next two tests, we are using an AMD FX-8350 based system. Compared to the Core i3, this processor uses four modules that process tasks in eight threads. As already mentioned, Fallout 4 responds well to adding cores and threads, whether they are physical or logical (via Hyper-Threading).

Even older graphics cards such as the Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 are limited by CPU performance, so we haven't tested faster models. If your PC has a powerful GPU, then it would be good to pair it with a central processor of the appropriate level.

1920x1080, medium detail

In order to achieve good frame rates on lower-end graphics cards, we had to lower the detail to "medium".

Disabling forced vertical sync helps bring framerates to an acceptable level, since FPS fluctuates above and below 60. Disabling or not depends on personal preference. We recommend trying both methods.

Graphics cards like the Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 and AMD Radeon HD 7850 can barely do the job.

1920x1080 low detail

In tests at low settings, we are interested in the results of entry-level and mid-range graphics cards, so we again tilt the top of the chart. With low settings in Fallout 4 It is quite possible to play on integrated graphics processors, such as AMD APUs and Intel Broadwell processors with an integrated video core.

Despite the tolerable frame rate, the overall gaming experience can be assessed as mediocre (Intel Broadwell), or even lower (AMD APU).

Almost all options that affect performance have been disabled. This is how the settings for our minimum quality level look like:

The low performance of integrated graphics solutions is most likely due to the low speed of processing instructions per clock. In addition, they require much faster memory to deliver higher frame rates.


2560x1440 WQHD

At higher resolutions, Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) works noticeably better and the game looks sharper. When switching to QHD resolution, we left the same graphics settings that we used when testing in FHD (so there is no need for screenshots with settings).

To get more than 50 FPS in this configuration, you need to select a minimum of AMD Radeon R9 390 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 970. The suitability of graphics cards below this level depends on your own idea of ​​an acceptable frame rate.

3840x2160 HD

When moving to Ultra HD resolution, most video cards are out of the race. Only Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti and Titan X can provide a comfortable level of frame rate. AMD Radeon R9 Fury X is probably suffering from a lack of optimization in drivers. Others simply lack the power.

Fallout 4 | Conclusion

Generally, Fallout 4 well balanced and you can play it quite comfortably even on budget video cards, you just need to choose the appropriate detail settings. In terms of graphics, the game is not without flaws. The following screenshots will show you a number of shortcomings.

In principle, this is not such a terrible drawback, but there is something else. Unfortunately, we have repeatedly stuck in hard-to-reach places, and once even got stuck in the ceiling between two floors after the jump. Luckily, saving and reloading the game helped to get the character out without losing any progress.

What is the bottom line? Fallout 4 offers great content with attractive graphics that could be better. In truth, as longtime fans of Fallout, we are ready to forgive not the most outstanding graphics, if the game itself is interesting. Everything is like in real life, if a person is smart and interesting, external beauty will not be superfluous. But it is impossible to achieve the respect of others only at the expense of beauty alone, especially since this is a subjective concept. Like many of you, the gameplay Fallout 4 We found it just amazing!

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