
Skyrim: Tundra Defense - Construct Your Own Outpost Skyrim: fortifications in the tundra, or build your own outpost (Tundra Defense - Construct Your Own Outpost)

Maud adds a house next to Whiterun. The gate and platform allows you to use the wagon mod, in the courtyard there is a stable (three horses), a forge (full set), an enchanter's table and an alchemist, everything is nearby. The house (fort) is equipped for both the player and the companions to live (a flaw: at the entrance, the companions do not appear near the door. I DO NOT promise that I will fix it soon), there are mannequins, a forge, a smelter (I had to build it into the wall to combine the chimney) , table of the alchemist and enchanter.

Version 1.1
Replaced the main building, buildings in the yard. Added companion support.

Version 1.2
Added lockers in the courtyard, fixed lighting, added catacombs (under development, if time permits, I will finish the minimum stage).

Version 1.3
Added the eastern direction of the catacombs (not fully populated, I'm doing it).
Added several merchants, Landing settlement. Do not expect labyrinths, they will not be in this assembly (I do not plan yet)

Version 1.4
The interior of the fort was completely rebuilt (inside), the interior of the house is larger than what it actually is (made on purpose).
BEFORE INSTALLATION - IF using an old fort (wood), remove everything of value from the inside of the building (racks and mannequins, shelves especially)

Version 1.5
I made the entrance to the courtyard higher (the wagon did not fit - mod gypsy caravan), replaced the lighting inside the fort with magic (it became much brighter)

Version 1.7 (transition from versions 1.4-1.6 by simple file replacement)
Reduced the number of living rooms in the settlement Adjoining
Changed lighting in locations - Fort, Abyss, Landing, Cellar
Replaced the snow wolf with a ghostly one, walks near the fireplace
Corrected the note on the bar (didn't check)



Old version of the mod (wood)

Version 1.4 (manually)

1. Unzip the archive
2. Move the contents of the archive to the Skyrim / Data folder
3. Connect the mod via Launcher or ModManager, NexusModManager (depending on which one you use)

1. Disable the mod in the Launcher or ModManager, NexusModManager (depending on which one you use)
2. Delete file: Domic_v_Derevne_ZZmey.esp from Skyrim/Data folder

At the gate to the fort there is a grate, opening and closing automatically, so far the response occurs after 5 seconds (if I refine it I will try to reduce it, I do not guarantee this), the opening marker at the entrance above the bush begins and ends near the grate, when exiting under the arch to the grate. This is done for both types of wagons. When crossing the marker, do not stop for a long time with the wagon, it will not wait, walking with overload does not create problems (tested)

Now in Skyrim you can build the buildings of your own fort: find blueprints, build any buildings anywhere in Skyrim according to them! The blueprints for the building are available from the merchant and are updated every in-game day.

Security system:
- Hire guards to patrol your borders and destroy any threat that threatens your outposts.
- Hire a stationary guard who will protect the specified point to death.

Scavenger system:
- All the supplies that fall out of the pockets of opponents, now you don't have to look for them!
- Build a dumpster, and hire scavengers, they will bring you your rightful trophies!

Raid system:
- A standard system that allows both deliberately causing trouble on your head, and accidentally. (Everything is configured through the management of the fort, or through the player's menu)
- Choose between three difficulty options, stock up on arrows, the battle will not be easy! There are three types of opponents for you to choose from - ordinary bandits, draugrs and, of course, dragons! You can also adjust the difficulty, from easy to hard difficulty levels.

Construction management: (management and description are in the tooltips in the game)
- To place an object / building, use the mouse - point to the right place and the frame of the object being built will move after the cursor
- To place an object closer/farther, use the right and left mouse buttons when the "remote mode" is on
- To rotate an object, hold down the right or left mouse button while the "rotation mode" is on
- To switch tilt angle use X and Y keys
- To switch between "rotation" and "distance" modes, press the Z key
- To unplace an object, hold "/."
- To complete construction and place an object, hold down the E key
- To demolish or move an object, simply crouch and activate object E
- To reset the speed of moving away / turning, press the "=" key

Update: 3.06
- Updated agricultural plots
- Fixed instability of farm plots
- You can now plant seeds and burn the ground to remove vegetation (Planted seeds will sprout after a while)
- After arson, the old vegetation will not grow
- Fixed bugs with farm plots in automatic cultivation

To switch to a new farming system, you must delete all previous built-up farm plots and write ReloadScript aaaFortFarmPlotScript in the console, then save to a clean save, install v3.06, reload the game from a saved save and build up new agricultural plots

History of changes and updates:
- Read all changes in all versions in the readme in the archive

- Skyrim LE or
- SKSE 1.06.16 or 1.07.03

Unzip the archive to your Data folder, connect the plugin in the launcher or NMM.
Before installing, make sure you have SKSE(there are several versions in the toolkit section) compatible with your version of the game!

On a note:
Before updating, disable the previous version, delete the files, make a clean save, exit the game, load the new version and boot from the slot where you saved the save, run the game only through SKSE.

Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the "Defense of the Tundra - Tundra Defense v3.06"



Now in Skyrim you can build the buildings of your own fort: find blueprints, build any buildings anywhere in Skyrim according to them! The blueprints for the building are available from the merchant and are updated every in-game day.

Security system:
Hire guards to patrol your borders and destroy any threat that threatens your outposts.
Hire a stationary guard who will defend the specified point to death.

Scavenger system:
All the supplies that fall out of pockets
opponents, now you do not have to look for!
Build a junkyard
container, and hire scavengers, they will bring you your rightful trophies!

Strike System:
A standard system that allows you to both intentionally cause trouble on your head, and accidentally. (Everything is configured through the management of the fort, or through the player's menu)
Choose between three difficulty options, stock up on arrows, the battle will not be easy! There are three types of opponents for you to choose from - ordinary bandits, draugrs and, of course, dragons! You can also adjust the difficulty, from easy to hard difficulty levels.

Construction management:(management and description are in the tips in the game)
- To place an object / building, use the mouse - point to the right place and the frame of the object being built will move after the cursor
- To place an object closer/farther, use the right and left mouse buttons when the "remote mode" is on
- To rotate an object, hold down the right or left mouse button while the "rotation mode" is on
- To switch tilt angle use X and Y keys
- To switch between "rotation" and "distance" modes, press the Z key
- To unplace an object, hold "/."
- To complete construction and place an object, hold down the E key
- To demolish or move an object, simply crouch and activate object E
- To reset the speed of moving away / turning, press the "=" key

Update: 3.06
- Updated agricultural plots
- Fixed instability of farm plots
- You can now plant seeds and burn the ground to remove vegetation (Planted seeds will sprout after a while)
- After arson, the old vegetation will not grow
- Fixed bugs with farm plots in automatic cultivation

To switch to a new farming system, you must delete all previous built-up farm plots and write ReloadScript aaaFortFarmPlotScript in the console, then save to a clean save, install v3.06, reload the game from a saved save and build up new agricultural plots

- Added construction of agricultural plots (various plants and ingredients will grow again after harvesting)
- A chest for storing inventory has been added to the barracks, which will be used by the guards
- Correction of minor bugs

History of changes and updates:
- Added the ability to change the race of stationary guards
- Added the ability to change the race of patrol guards
- Hard bugs fixed
- Possibility to summon guards according to your needs
-Added the ability to change the race of the perimeter guards.
-Fixed a bug when guards left when changing guard types.
-Guards can now follow the player at any time. Just tell them to follow, or to stop them, and they will continue their work.
-Position of markers will now follow the placement direction.
- Stationary guards will be placed according to the placement direction.
-Code update to optimize player raids.
- Added a blueprint for a wooden platform (done using brand new meshes)
- Possibility to build a wooden platform
- Wandering Trader's prices have been reduced
- Fixed auto closing shutters for NPCs
- Added an experimental feature for the player to attack their own outpost (Enabled in the settings menu "Make player a raider")
- You will join the raiders and attack your outpost, when all the guards are killed, the raid will stop and you will have the opportunity to kill the remaining raiders. (Enable this function if you wish)
- Gates now close automatically
- Now you can lock the gate by holding L when activated. Open in the same way.
- Added traveling merchant. Merchants will come to your outpost and sell their goods.
- Trader Nefrid added a box for more realism.
- Added the ability to fireman and hire a new fire captain, it will cost you money to hire a new captain.
- New guards
- Change of guard and guard is now correct
- Adjustment - obstacles in the raid mode, which adds more raiders to the enemy
- The frequency of raids depends on three parameters - high / medium / low frequency
- Fixed a bug when a character goes to an inn without buying it yet.
- Fixed a bug when the trumpet sounded during raids, and raids were disabled in the settings.
- Added Silver Bear tavern. Citizens can now go to the tavern, and they will go as they please.
- Fixed a bug where out-of-bounds placement was broken when crossing a marker boundary (this could be worked around by moving the boundary marker again, but this should never happen now)
- When advanced mode is enabled, there are no restrictions on border positions. They can be as close or as far as you want.
- Patrol route at minimum distance. It was found that the patrols stopped moving. This was due to the fact that the direction points were too close to each other, and they thought they had arrived at their destination. This has been fixed.
- NPC scavenger is now isolated from the actors software environment. Don't collect everything, the code will automatically collect items from killed guards/raiders.
- Fixed a bug where objects were not placed back according to the drawing when canceled.
- Added blueprint for Large Wooden Dwelling.
- Miners now give less gold to taxes, but their ore search speed is increased.
- While waiting, markers for your citizens are not used (farming, playing the lute, etc.)
- Update scavengers when trying to loot from comrades
- Captain of the Guard, can now be accessed with weapon upgrades.
- Fixed a bug where the guards and guards did not move around the perimeter.
- Added Vampire, Werewolf, and Falmer raids.
- Added wooden walls, dwemer walls, stone lookout tower, and stone platforms (makes buildings at ground level)
- Fixed a bug where Dwemer interiors would appear when placement was cancelled.
- Fixed a bug where the lights were set if the placement was canceled.
- Fixed a bug where a square table was made round.
- Fixed a bug where Violet would give a new blueprint to the blacksmith every time you come to an outpost.
- Fixed a bug where weapon racks would disappear.
- Mages of Illusion
- Advanced Mode (allows you to build your borders anywhere in the world, which includes indoors and outdoors.
- Fences and Covering Walls can be reused. Once placed, another instance of the object will appear, and you can continue placing them until you cancel the placement of the objects.
- Patrol/Stationary protective even more.
- Added: My Outpost. This will allow you to hire miners for an additional source of income. You can also expand to unlock Dwarven Guards. There are three types of Guards: Spiders, Spheres, and Centurions.
- Update scavengers (package and script.)
- Added: spiked werewolf head.
- Random instances (raids//quests, etc.) not so common.
- Added a merchant with a crate in the Shop. Now you can list your items and they will be automatically sold. You will get paid for the items when you receive your daily taxes.
- All keys for this mod are now activated through a special item in your inventory.
- Now you can have mine shafts that will generate income at the end of the day, depending on how many miners you have.
- All guards can now be placed in Perimeter, Patrol and Stationary modes. Simply talk to a guard when purchasing and you will have the option to convert. etc.
- Fixed a bug with the box when all items from the inventory were not deleted.
- Added honey barrels and blocks.
- Fixed bug with guards
- The only house available now is the Wooden Cabin.
- Over 10 new building blueprints focused on customizing your home. They are sold by Sareio.
- The Captain of the Guard instance will randomly appear. You will get the opportunity to choose a candidate for the post of Guard Captain (Guard Captain, a unique character that cannot be fired/traded later)
- Fixed an exploit where you could resurrect guards by changing their type after they died.
- Keyboard placement controls. Toggle-can through the Settings menu. You can nudge surrounding objects using the keyboard, so you can move around and make sure the object is placed incorrectly.
- Update Wooden house with pre-placed fireplace, weapons, shelving, cabinets, display cases, mannequins. This is because you cannot place these items, so they must be pre-placed. Everything else can be customized to your taste.
- Added Expensive Real Estate, new settings. This is also fully loaded with weapons, racks, bookcases, display cases, weapon boards, mannequins.
- Update campfire/candles/light sources.
- Updated Violet script addressing the issue of recurring reward plans.
- Added three new lights aimed at houses.
- Added Dwarven Arches (large and small)
- Added two Dwemer Structures (shelter with open interior. After placing, give it a few seconds and the interior will be respawned.
- Added Dwarven Lanterns
- Added Fixture Mounting
- Added Torture Room
- Update scavengers, fixed the problem with stealing from comrades.
- Fewer citizen gatherings around the Well.
- Added the ability to send citizens to their homes. They can be recalled from the home they have created.
- Fixed lighting in Expensive Property.
Numerous fixes (guards, scavengers and more)
The ability to buy a dragon that will watch the enemies and attack them when needed!
Effective guard dogs.
Fixed faction combat.
Mage Guard / Taming the Dragon
Guards will no longer attack neutral parties.
Guard fixes.
Pentagram of souls, alchemy laboratory, anvil and smelter.
Rotisserie and tanning machine.
Added: Mage Tower and Medical Tent
Some guard fixes
3 types of raids - animals, giants and cultists.
Ability to remap keys
-Adding Nav-Meshes for the player's home (Now companions can also enter)
-Added ability to move border/patrol markers and dustbin (crouch + E/C)
-Added sound for raid
-Settlers now produce resources, the income from which you will receive in the tax box.

- Game version and higher
- SKSE corresponding to the game version

Unzip the archive to your Data folder, connect the plugin in the launcher or NMM.
Before installing, make sure you have SKSE (there are several versions in the toolkit section) that is compatible with your version of the game!

On a note:
Before updating, disable the previous version, delete the files, make a clean save, exit the game, download the new version and boot from the slot where you saved the save, run the game only through SKSE
The mod will evolve over time.

P.S. I didn’t find this file on PG, so I decided to post it, everyone has a nice game

Although construction in Fallout 4 far from the most important reason why they love and play this series, there are also players who prefer similar elements in games. Personally, I have always liked in RPG, in addition to clearing the next dungeon and performing a heroic deed, to build my own settlement or base. Thanks to this, you get used to your character more, feeling that the hero not only rises in combat skills, but also in the social sphere.

And if someone wants to build villages not in the post-apocalyptic Boston, but in the universe TES, the modders made a pleasant surprise in the form of a custom addition Tundra Defense. Of course, the mod has been around for more than a year, but not so many people know about it. And in vain, in my personal opinion, this is the best mod for Skyrim, besides with the support of the Russian language.

Just want to warn you that you should be careful with the installation of mods. For example, make a copy of the game folder just in case. And also be prepared for the fact that the mod may not work quite stable for you, as well as conflict with other mods.

The mod, of course, has a lot in common with Fallout 4 in the form of the fact that objects can be placed anywhere and at any angle, as long as it fits on the territory. But Thunder Defense there are also many distinctive features. Firstly, you can build your settlement anywhere (except cities), but you cannot create more than one village. Secondly, it will not work to build too detailed. For example, you can't furnish your home with your own furniture. Thirdly, here it is not necessary to fulfill the needs of the inhabitants, but for me, in Fallout 4 it was redundant. Also, the only resource for building a settlement is gold. You don’t have to disassemble and save something exotic.

In the economic part Thunder Defense lagging behind construction Fallout 4, but it is much superior in the military unit. In general, the main problem with building in Fallout 4 was that once you build a large settlement, you want it to be tested by the teeth. I wanted some kind of sieges, battles, but instead we get small and rare attacks.

AT Thunder Defense you can also turn on the attack on your fort at any time, and even select some attack settings. You can make an attack by dragons or vampires. Also in fashion, you can hire guards, equip them and put them on certain points. So you can arrange quite grandiose battles.

But most of all, it is revealed when you show imagination and interact with other mods. For example, you can dress up the guards in some original armor or build a port for a flying Dwemer ship. And you can put a mod on the use of a large number of satellites and arrange quite spectacular battles. In general, everything will depend on your imagination.

Skyrim is not a safe place at all these days. The Stormcloaks, civil war, harsh weather and, of course, dragons all require the Dragonborn to be vigilant. And a place he can call home.

Review of Tundra Defense - Construct Your Own Outpost

Build your own outpost with worthy fortifications - and prove to the rest of the world that you can protect your home from raiders and dragons.


  • SKSE is required for installation and correct operation of the mod.
  • Extract the zip file to your game folder (path should be like C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Data)
  • The developers recommend using the mod manager in order to make it more convenient to work with them. Activate the mod and load your game. Within a few seconds, information about the quest with detailed instructions will appear.

Modification features:

  • -Outpost Creation System: Purchase plans and use them to place objects inside your fort. Objects can be placed in any order you like.
  • -Guard System: Hire guards to patrol your fort, protecting it from enemy invasion. Do you need to guard another location? Hire a stationary guard who will guard the territory entrusted to him until his last breath. Do you want to expand the protected area? Hire a few patrolmen and set them the desired route.
  • - Plan Selling System: Allow the Outpost Merchant to build a shop and sell a variety of defensive structures and other building designs. The assortment changes every few days, and special plans may be on sale.
  • - Raid system: remote activation system for raider attacks with three difficulty levels. In this way, you can acquire valuable resources needed for further construction and improvement of fortifications.
  • - Random Raid System: Enemies can attack suddenly when you least expect it.
  • - Scavenger system: hire scavengers to collect the remains of enemies and use their equipment.
  • - Citizens: let people live in your outpost and get taxes.

The developers separately note that they have brought the modification to its final form and are not going to change it further. At the moment, they have reached the point where further work on the modification will only lead to an increase in the number of bugs and breakdowns, as the limit of the game engine's capabilities loomed ahead. At the moment, the mod is done cleanly and neatly, and there is not a single software problem caused specifically by Tundra Defense.

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