
Tag generator for youtube. YouTube channel keywords: how to choose them for your topic and where to register them in the settings? Using search engine suggestions

By keywords, YouTube users find thematic videos and rate pages robots search engines(Google, Yandex). YouTube keywords are extremely important for channel optimization and promotion.

There are few basic methods for selecting YouTube channel keywords:

  • use analytics keywords on the website wordstat.yandex.ru (type wordstat in the search);
  • turn to specialists, i.e. to SMM-boxes;
  • think independently, based on the subject of the video;
  • use special programs, which is innumerable.

Professional webmasters will help you choose the best keywords. But you will have to pay for this service. Turning to specialists can be justified if the owner of the channel is not familiar with the language in which the words are selected, and a large commercial effect is expected from the channel - a profit amounting to solid sums. Self-selection of keywords on YouTube can be done by users who have already done this many times and have successful experience. In principle, many directors are familiar with the nuances of website promotion. You can find high-quality promotion and promotion on your YouTube channel by going to link .

Facilitates the task of specific software offered by the same YouTube and third-party developers. YouTube's Keyword Tool Reveals Specific Phrases You'll Like search robots and are often entered by users when searching for videos on a specific topic. Currently, automatic creation of key queries is the most common way. More about YouTube channel optimization You can read it by clicking on the link.

YouTube keyword research software

YouTube Keyword Suggestion accepts as input a phrase or set of words that gives a rough idea of ​​the search topic. The word order may be incorrect, and the phrase may hardly occur in real web. The task of the software is to issue the "correct" and statistically significant keys. To do this, the databases of YouTube itself and the search engines accessed by the programs are used.

YouTube's premier keyword tool - YouTube program keywords . It is tailored for key phrases specifically for YouTube and takes into account the specifics of this Social Network as much as possible. It is clear that when searching for movies, queries are different from those entered on general search sites.

Also show good results Google programs keyword tool and Wordstat service from Yandex. It's no wonder YouTube is closely linked to the big search engines.

Previously, it was possible to set the video address of competitors at the input and get keywords from there. Now this option is blocked by YouTube. But if you wish, you can peep the key phrases on the pages of competitors directly by loading HTML files into a text editor.Keywords YouTube channel can be found in the keywords tag in the page title, and copied from there manually. Using the achievements of rivals helps a lot, especially in foreign languages. To get likes for videos, follow this address .

What to do with keywords on YouTube

When the YouTube keyword suggestion has worked and you have received actionable phrases, it remains to enter them into your channel. You need to go to the channel settings, in the "Advanced" menu, find the "Channel keywords" input field and copy the keywords there. After saving the settings, they will appear in the page headers and will be available to search robots. Several useful tips on promotion and promotion of the channel on YouTube you will find in the following article .

An example of a set of key phrases on YouTube for the tag: site promotion

In any case, automatically received phrases will not interfere with viewing on your own and making adjustments. Russian-language popular queries often include words such as “free”, “self”, “self”, “download”, “watch”, etc. For example, by entering the approximate phrase “promote a website” into the keyword planner program, you can get effective keyword phrases as an output:

  • how to promote a website for free;
  • how to promote a website for free;
  • how to promote the site yourself;
  • how to promote the site yourself;
  • how to properly promote a site;
  • promote the site in search engines.

Usually 5-10 key phrases are required. If the program gives out more, you should choose the most promising ones at your discretion, guided by the rules of the Russian language and common sense. With our inexpensive service, you can buy live views on youtube one of the most low prices all over the internet. Test the service and you will be satisfied with the results.

YouTube tags are the main tool for SEO promotion. Many of them do not change for years, especially when it comes to the most popular trends. However, it is important to know where they come from and how to choose them correctly. Ready lists of tags and a tool for self-selection.

Tags are keywords that briefly describe the content of the video. They are able to significantly promote the video in the search results of video hosting. Popular channels have become known to many people precisely because their author has chosen the right keywords.

The difference between a tag and a hashtag

Website owners who independently fill their projects with content know how to select keywords - just like the owners of YouTube channels.

To compose a hashtag, you need to take a search phrase suitable for a video on a topic and prefix it with a hash sign # without spaces.

Search queries are hidden search tools, and hashtags are visible tools that allow you to sort video content.

For search phrases in the form of a tag (for example, “What is a hashtag”), only the site search and search engines find the video. By adding a hashtag before the phrase (“#What is a hashtag”), you will ensure that the video gets into the sorting of the video hosting script. Viewers will go to it from other videos that contain the same hashtag.

Often, channel owners (on which both author's videos and others' videos can be posted) prescribe a huge number of hashtags. Perhaps they hope that their videos will get to the top when issuing. However, the result is the opposite. The video becomes spammed and disappears from the sorting. Some in this situation try to hide the hashtags, but they fail.

Tags for YouTube - lists

Example tags: Ivan Rudskoy, Ivangay and Maryana, Ivangay new video, trolling, comedy, humor.

Examples of tags: game, simulator, how to make a let's play, high-life, diggers, very bad reviewer, electronicmusic, frenzy, delirium, review of schoolchildren.

Examples: Review, Blog, Beauty, Gifts, Holidays, Clothing, Shopping, Vlogger Mom, Reality TV, Child Development, Cosmetics, Fashion, Makeup, How Others Live.

Question tags are extremely popular. They are divided into a number of groups.

original questions

  • How did you spend this day a month ago?
  • What time in the past would you like to travel to?
  • What are you called at home?
  • Favorite sleeping position?
  • What are your advantages and disadvantages?
  • What tricks can you do?
  • Your signature dish?
  • What makes you angry?
  • What can quickly calm you down?
  • What animal would you be reincarnated as in your next life?
  • What awaits humanity in 200 years?

Personal questions

  • What are you living for?
  • What was the brightest and most unforgettable moment in your life?
  • What would you do if you were in the past?
  • What inspires and motivates you?
  • What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?
  • Are you easily fooled?
  • What was your biggest fear as a child?
  • Your best friend/girlfriend?

Questions like "If I"

If you were (a tree, a cat, a president, an alien, an actor, an artist, a billionaire), what would you do (not do)?

school questions

  • What nickname did your classmates come up with for you?
  • What is your favorite and hated lesson?
  • Do you like school, studies, teachers?
  • Are you late or are you on time?
  • What to do if the lesson is boring?

Questions about bloggers

  • What is the name of your favorite blogger?
  • How many channels are you subscribed to?
  • How long has your channel been around?
  • What bloggers would you never subscribe to?

Virality is explained by the fact that such questions are compiled, to which almost every user has something to say.

Selection of tags for YouTube

A failed and useless option is to reprint all more or less well-known tags, since the system does not like spammed videos. Their maximum number is 15 keys. They should simultaneously reflect the uniqueness of the content and be general.

Think about how you would query if you wanted to find and watch your video. The tags "funny" and "facts" can be combined into "fun facts". Do not forget about the most common typos when adding them to queries: "Thailand" and "Thailand", "crack" and "crack".

How to choose tags

Experienced bloggers recommend using KeywordPlanner (Google AdWords). Write in the line "Your product, service" the subject of the video, fitting key query in one word. After that, select "Show only close variants", select "Closely related variants".

After that, you need to click on "Get" and write out the first tags from the list. To find additional suitable keys, you can run them again in Keyword.

So, tags are a handy tool for a blogger. They help the author of the channel to bring their videos to the top, and users to find exactly the content they need.

Hello dear blog readers promotion on YouTube. In this article, we will look at one of the priority issues with you - this is the selection of keywords for YouTube videos.

Very important point- Decide at the beginning of the path on which keyword you will promote your video. For this we open http://wordstat.yandex.ru/ and enter your keyword.

We copy the phrase that matches your request and transfer it to youtube. This is necessary in order to determine the competition - the ability to promote our video to the top of Google and YouTube without much effort.

I chose a good query "stuttering treatment" - for which the approximate traffic is 7468 requests per month, and in youtube the competition is 1620 results. The next step is to analyze competitors TOP 3 - 5 in youtube. Find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Click on the first video TOP 1 and pause it. On the view page, right-click, select "view page code". We look at the tags and put them in a notepad. We carry out the same actions with other videos.

To get a lot of views on your YouTube video, it is not enough to create a unique, high-quality and catchy video. It is important to understand how search algorithms rank videos for user search queries. Only the creators can know the exact formula. But the general rules that work for Google text search also work for YouTube. This is confirmed by both theory and our practice.

  1. The main checklist of necessary actions when uploading and optimizing a video looks like this.
  2. Think about what keyword is best for your video.
  3. Include the passphrase in the name of the uploaded file.
  4. Include the keyword in the title of the video.
  5. Create detailed description, using the keyword and its associated phrases.
  6. Add tags for which you would like your video to be found
  7. If you use annotations, intros, and subtitles, add a keyword to them.
  8. Try to start a viral effect by sharing your video on all available channels ( own channel youtube, social media, Email, forums, etc.).
Video tags are especially important. A brief comparison of the score from the vidIQ extension for tagged and untagged videos confirms this. We uploaded a video and added a title, description. But without tags, we have an optimization score of "0". What does it mean?
You need to add tags because:
  1. Tags help search engines understand what your video is about.
  2. Tagging helps you see how your video ranks for keywords (if you have the vidIQ extension installed)

Please note that the title and description of the video must be filled in only after we have collected a list of tags for which we plan to move the video.

How to use long tail keywords for YouTube video SEO?

The main difference between long tail keywords and short keywords of 2-3 words is the following:
  1. Request frequency
  2. Level of competition

There is basically a directly proportional relationship between these parameters. The higher the frequency of requests, the higher the level of competition. Based on this, if you use a long tail keyword in the title, description, and tags, you can get the first video views very quickly, as you will be the first in the search for a low-competitive query. If you are on initial stage developing your channel, then this strategy is one of the most effective. You get your first organic views through the right technical optimization, and then look for ways to make your video go viral. As a result, step by step, you will be able to bring the video to the TOP for high-frequency and competitive requests.

This is one of the most popular questions when you want to evaluate which tags your competitors are using. You can watch them in two easy ways:
  1. Using the vidIQ extension (the screenshot above shows how the tags will be displayed).
  2. By viewing the source code of the page with the video (the screen below shows how it looks).

How to check the SEO text optimization of a specific YouTube video

You posted a video with a well-chosen title, description, and tags. is that enough? No. The ideal optimization process ends with checking the text for such critical errors as uniqueness and spam.

And for this task, you can use our SEO text analysis tool. Just paste the URL of a specific video and click "Check". The tool will pull all the content from the page, check your description for the above errors, and show you how to fix them.

How does Kparser collect keywords for videos?

The YouTube Keyword Planner stopped working in 2014. And now Google Planner is one key collection tool for how to Google search, and for YouTube search. But the scheduler is not perfect, and now it is also paid. Kparser, on the other hand, allows you to generate huge volumes of keywords simply by collecting YouTube search suggestions. The parser uses YouTube's autocomplete feature. Collected keys should lend themselves to your critical thinking and research, and not be blindly copied into tags and headings.
Parsing takes place in real time. Therefore, if you want to collect the maximum possible number of keys, you can start Kparser and leave for 5-10 minutes on your own business. When you return, you can use the table on the left to quickly select the most interesting phrases.

Hi all!

Uploading videos on Youtube has already become commonplace, but the issue of channel promotion still worries many. What are keywords? How to choose tags for Youtube? And how will it help promote your channel? These are the questions that you will find answers to in this article.

What are keywords?

Learn to think like you the target audience. You should understand as accurately as possible how they would request information on your video in YouTube search. Follow clear rules when selecting keywords:

Where can I find tags for my video?

There are many different resources that provide this function. By searching on YouTube, for example, the service is suitable - Youtube keywords ( http://keywordtool.io/uk/youtube). To search for keywords, select the language, region and enter the word. Further, from the options given to you, select the most successful ones, and best of all with a low or medium frequency. Same in a simple way you can choose keywords for the Google search engine in the service Google Adwords (https://www.google.com.ua/adwords/) and for Yandex in the Wordstat service (https://wordstat.yandex.ua/ ).

I would advise you to pay more attention to Google Adwords, because many people are looking for videos from this particular search engine. Yes, Youtube is google app. Google service Adwords can only be used by people registered in Google system. Click the button on the right upper corner Log in and enter your username and password.

Next, enter a keyword, select a country, language and look at the list of keywords selected for you. In Google Adwords, it is convenient to choose tags with the frequency you need, since next to the keywords it is written - low, medium or high.

To , 5-10 tags are enough for you. You can insert and change them in the Video Manager, Information and settings tab. The main thing is to choose the tags as well as possible! Do you think you can handle it?

I have been doing optimization for several years now, so I learned this process from A to Z. If you need help with this, please contact me! Using quality tags is just one way to get promoted. Therefore, depending on your desire, we will be able to use the most effective methods to promote your channel on YouTube. Subscribe to my blog updates and repost.

Until then, friends!

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