
How to attract viewers to the youtube channel. How to attract YouTube audiences? Add proper tags to your videos

Every YouTube user has different goals. Someone goes there to watch entertaining videos, someone - documentaries or research, someone uses YouTube videos for self-education and gaining new knowledge. But there is one fact that unites all of the above categories of people - YouTube has almost completely replaced conventional television from everyday life, especially among young people. And the further, the more influential he becomes.

YouTube is the world's second largest and most popular search engine after Google. YouTube videos are perfectly indexed search engines, and can knock out even the most popular sites from the TOP positions. With this popularity, it’s simply unwise not to use YouTube in your business’s marketing strategy.

In this article, you will find 9 effective ways how to use YouTube as part of your online strategy to achieve your company's goals.

If you're a small business owner, consider becoming the protagonist of your YouTube videos. It is very likely that you have information that can be useful to potential clients. It will help create a personal brand for your company and make your business more personal to people, build trust in it.

You can showcase your products, showcase your expertise, and increase your brand awareness and reputation. With the help of videos, you can build virtual relationships with your prospects that have never been available to you before.

And if you get a little creative, chances are you have dozens of ideas for how your business can benefit from direct communication with your customers via YouTube.

2. Make presentations of your products or services and refer people to your online store

Showcasing your products on YouTube is inexpensive but very effective method tell your customers about them. You talk about their characteristics, benefits, and advantages over competitors. You can create a video in which you compare multiple products.

This is especially effective if you have an online store or a traditional offline business partially transferred to the Internet. Plus, you can use YouTube videos to answer the most common customer questions.

3. Train people on how to use your product, service or service.

Video tutorials for using your products take a different approach than just showcasing your product. For example, you can make a video that educates people on how to get the most out of your product and help them realize its full potential. Video tutorials can help reduce customer service and support workloads.

4. Upload a portion of your business presentation

5. Tell a story about your company

Each company has its own history, just like its founders or current leaders have. By telling your story, you increase your customer loyalty and your brand awareness. You also educate your audience about your company's philosophy and mission. Shoot some behind-the-scenes videos that show how your products are manufactured, make virtual tour about your company and tell us about its employees.

6. Showcase customer reviews

If you have been in your business for a long time and have already gained the trust of your customers, use YouTube videos to show true, truthful testimonials from those people who have already used your product or service. It can be a very effective and inexpensive tool for your promotion as well as sales.

7. Use a call to action

Another use case for a call to action is to announce a competition, which will encourage people to comment on a video or take a specific action to enter the competition and possibly win some kind of prize or gift.

What are some of the ways you can use YouTube for business? Share in the comments!

Followers have a decisive influence on your YouTube success because they tend to spend more time on the channel than non-subscribed viewers. For YouTube long cumulative viewing time is very important.

Channels and movies with longer total watch times are more likely to appear in search results and be recommended to other users. Therefore, it is important to create a circle of subscribers who love your channel and will gladly return to it.

Subscribers are notified of channel activity, for example, if you post a new video. They are probably the first to see when you upload something new, they increase the number of views after the release of the movie and thus lead to the fact that the rest of the viewers are more likely to open the video.

Subscribers are important also because they form the community of your YouTube video channel. Organizing customer interactions through comments and direct referral to them is a very important part of the YouTube system. Reward and engage fans to build a community that will love your films.

Want to ? Try the methods below to help you acquire new subscribers and successfully grow your YouTube channel.

  • With YouTube Analytics and Report Traffic sources, find out how users find your videos.
  • Discover trends in subscription history.
  • Compare cumulative watch time subscriber generated with total watch time generated by viewers who have not subscribed to your channel.
  • Determine what videos your subscribers like the most, thanks to this content you will receive many new subscriptions. What makes them different? Can you create more videos like this?

Four Ways to Increase Your Followers

Here are some ways you can stimulate your viewers. subscribe to your channel:

  1. Create movies that are fun to watch... Try to make your content valuable to the viewer. If you publish boring content, viewers will lose interest. Not sure what to fill your channel with? Read the comments to find out what topics viewers are talking about, and go to YouTube Analytics... Ask subscribers what they would like to watch, or create a poll tab to get their opinion.
  2. Take advantage of the platform's capabilities... Set up your YouTube channel so that viewers will immediately understand what it is about and can easily subscribe to it. You can add your own icon and banner for the channel, upload an informational trailer, use watermarks and end screens to add a Subscribe button.
  3. Make a plan... Uploading videos regularly attracts viewers and gives them a reason to come back to your channel. Consider placing your schedule in your channel description, trailer, and other brand elements. Doing so will ensure the channel's appeal and give subscribers something they can count on.
  4. Encourage subscriptions... Add call-to-action watermarks to videos to help viewers subscribe to your feed.

Do it

  1. Explore other channels that YouTube users subscribe to. What caught your eye? What is it about their films that motivates you to watch? Try adding similar characteristics to your videos to entice the viewer to subscribe to your channel.
  2. Getting viewers to watch a movie is one thing, but convincing them watch other videos, that's a completely different question. Create a channel trailer or start adding a subscribe button to your video to increase the number of subscribers.

According to statistics, subscribers watch more content than other viewers. Learn how to turn your average viewer into a loyal fan.

Who are the channel's most dedicated fans? Your followers, of course. They watch more video than the rest of the audience, and are always ready to suggest new ideas to you. That is why every effort must be made to keep their numbers growing. The best way to achieve this - to invite them to communicate. Mark the comments you like, respond to criticism and wishes from viewers, add calls to action in your videos. And, of course, check if you are effectively interacting with your audience. In this lesson, you will learn how YouTube Analytics can help you determine if you are good at acquiring new subscribers and growing your channel.

Who subscribes to my channel?

Find out the approximate age of viewers, as well as other useful information for example, in which countries you are more popular and who is watching you more - male or female audience - you can from the "Demographic data" report. It provides statistics for users with and without a subscription, as well as for all viewers. Of course, the main attention should be paid to information about those who follow you. By gaining insight into this audience, you will understand which videos to add to keep them interested in your channel. Cherish your followers: retaining viewers you already have is easier than finding new ones.

What to look for:

  • From the report Demographic data you can find out who your subscribers are and what regions they are in. Consider this information as you plan your future growth strategy to attract and retain your most loyal fans.
  • If you have a lot of viewers around the world, it might make sense to add subtitles in other languages.
    To prevent subscribers from leaving your channel, remember what they are interested in, and take this into account when creating new videos.

From this report, it can be seen that the channel's audience is 75% male and 25% female, and a significant portion of the audience is between 35 and 54 years old.

If you look at the data of subscribers of the same channel, the picture will be slightly different. 80% of them are men and only 20% are women, and the majority of subscribers are between 18 and 34 years old. We would recommend that this channel add more videos targeting a younger and predominantly male audience.

How effectively am I growing my channel subscriber base?

If you want to increase your subscribers, you first need to understand why viewers are subscribing to your channel and what content they are most interested in. To do this, compare the data in the Subscribers and Unsubscribed reports.

What to look for:

  • See what caused the skyrocketing and falling subscribers. This will help you determine what attracts them to your channel - videos on a specific topic, advertising campaigns, collaboration projects with other channels, or something else.
  • Choose a narrower date range to see which videos are causing the skyrocketing or falling subscribers.

Strategies for effectively attracting subscribers:

  • Collaborate with similar channels. This will help potential subscribers find you on YouTube.
    Determine which videos are increasing your subscriber base. You can find out in YouTube Analytics. Create content that is similar and likely to attract new fans as well.
  • Sometimes subscribers may leave because they are disappointed with a new video. To find out what is the reason, read the comments on this video. Try to fix the situation - answer the commentators, take into account the experience gained when creating the next video, or simply delete the problematic video.

Examples of

In this graph, you can see that the number of subscribers first rose sharply and then fell. By choosing the range from April 3 to June 8, 2013, you will find out which videos caused users to unsubscribe from your channel. Think about how to fix the situation. It might be better to remove these videos.

Where do my followers come from?

By identifying where subscribers are coming from, you will understand where and how best to promote your video. Open the report Followers For more information, see the Interaction Reports section. Click the Multiple Lines button, filter the metrics by source, and see which pages viewers are subscribing to your channel. To see which videos are attracting the most new subscribers, select Videos in the Source column. Try to find patterns in the behavior of the audience.

What to look for:

  • Click Video Source to see how many viewers subscribed to your channel for a specific video and which of your videos attracted the most new subscribers. What is the secret of such popularity?
  • What videos have left the most subscribers from the channel? What do these videos have in common?

Strategies for effectively attracting subscribers:

  • Think about which videos you got your followers from, and add more similar content.
  • Viewers will be more active in subscribing to a channel page if you create an attractive design for it and add a meaningful description.
    To attract more subscribers to videos, add an annotation to them with an invitation to subscribe. You can even say the same thing right in the video.

Examples of

The graph shows that from about June 24, 2013, the number of subscribers who came from another channel (green curve) began to increase sharply. See, collaborating with other authors helps you attract new subscribers. And viewers often subscribe right on the channel page, because it gives an idea of ​​what kind of content you are posting.

How many views of my videos come from subscribers?

To find out, in the report Watch time click "Compare Metrics" and select "Subscribers". A graph appears showing the total watch time (blue line) and subscribers' watch time (orange line). From it, you can deduce patterns. In general, if your subscribers watch time is the majority of your total watch time, it means that fans are actively following your channel.

What to look for:

  • To find out what percentage of your watch time are subscribers, divide the Subscribers by the total watch time. The higher the value obtained, the more popular your videos are with subscribers.

Strategies for effectively attracting subscribers:

  • Try to organize the content on your channel, start promoting it on Google+, and connect with viewers to increase your follower count.

In this example, subscribers account for roughly half of the daily views. Moreover, they watch new videos every time (look at the orange curve in the graph - the number of views by subscribers increases dramatically every week after adding new videos). To find out how many views a subscriber has as a percentage, divide the number of views by subscribers by the total number of views and multiply by 100.

The goal is to grow your channel with tips from an expert on YouTube promotion.

To bookmarks

Noah Kagan

You cannot expect good results when you suffer from nonsense. To achieve my goal, I need to bring my game to more high level much higher.

I have been uploading videos to YouTube since 2006, but until early 2017 I was doing this, to put it mildly, carelessly:

    I recorded poor quality videos just walking around the house or on the street.

  • I was too lazy to edit it: whatever happened during the video recording, I left it in the video.
  • I did not prepare for the recording at all (I wrote down only what came to mind).

I didn't realize how huge an opportunity I was missing by creating content with this approach. YouTube is the third largest search engine in the world. If you want to develop your business, you need to take control of the video platform.

I turned to an expert who could help me reach my 100K subscriber goal. From the moment he started working with me, my videos have become a hundred times better than they were.

Tim Schmoyer is the planet's chief YouTube marketing executive. Thanks to him, a huge number of channels have been created, he has trained some of the most famous YouTube stars.

On his channel Video Creators now over 300 thousand subscribers and a total of over 22 million views. Tim knows what he's doing. And classes with him have greatly improved the quality of my channel.

Over the past three months:

  • Number of subscribers is growing faster than ever (already 20 thousand).
  • Users are spending more and more time watching my videos.

  • There are more views, more comments, and more YouTube recognition.

I'm going to give you the same advice that Tim shared with me. Use them to improve content and generally promote own channel on YouTube:

    Optimize your channel homepage for a mass subscriber.

  1. Strategize your channel's trailers to attract new viewers.
  2. Schedule new posts to improve your channel marketing.
  3. Encourage people to subscribe.
  4. Create cool and thoughtful playlists to get users to watch more of your videos.
  5. Analyze what content your channel is growing faster.

  6. Use short video descriptions to attract views.

1. Optimize your channel home page for a mass subscriber

Some interesting statistics. Users who subscribe to my channel with home page, 400 times more than subscribers after watching videos.

It's just incredible. I have over 70 videos, all of which have CTAs to subscribe to my channel. However, on average, each video only brings me a few users. Even the most popular videos cannot match the main page of the channel in terms of the number of subscribers brought in.

I had no idea about this until I looked at the analytics of my YouTube channel with Tim. Since 80% of users subscribe to the channel through the "Subscribe" button on the main page, I needed to optimize it to make it more efficient. The first thing Tim told me to do was redesign the channel header image.

The image in my old hat was so so

When users see the channel header on the homepage, they have two main questions:

  1. What is this channel about?
  2. May I like this channel?

These two questions don't just apply to YouTube. It's the same with TV series, movies, podcasts, products, and companies. If you analyze the old design of my channel, then you would probably assume that I do hentai and am crazy about Japan. But this is not even close.

After what Tim suggested to me, I created a new splash screen for the channel:

  1. Logos for sites like Facebook, Mint, AppSumo and Sumo as social proof.
  2. My real photo so that people immediately understand who I am.
  3. Channel Content Description: "Business Lessons from the Founder of an Eight-Digit Company."

In just a few seconds, users will be able to understand a little more about me, what is covered on my channel and why they need to subscribe.

Imagine your YouTube channel is a regular website. The value proposition needs to be conveyed very clearly.

After redesigning your channel header, there are at least three more ways to optimize your homepage:

  1. Profile photo or avatar: use real photo... People are used to identifying with other people.
  2. Channel Trailer: Post a 30-60 second trailer on your page.
  3. Create playlists: Playlists should appear right below the trailers.

2. Develop a strategy for creating trailers to attract new viewers

The main page of the channel looks different for subscribers and for casual viewers. Already set it up accordingly?

For example, on my channel, random viewers first see his trailer:

But subscribers see a different picture. The trailer is hidden, and instead the recommended videos are available to them:

A trailer is the best piece of usable space for a channel and one of the primary ways to hook the casual viewer. Remember that the trailer will only be seen by new users who have just joined the channel. You have to talk to them directly.

  1. Start talking about your audience. Getting to know your audience should start with talking about it (not yourself). For example, start by saying, "Looking to expand your business?" Rather than "My name is Noah and I love bicycles and tacos."
  2. Describe the value of your channel. Explain how he can help the viewer. Again, focus on the viewer and what your content has to offer for them.
  3. Introduce yourself: Tell us about your reputation, why subscribers should trust your advice.
  4. Invite them to subscribe: At the very end of your video, don't forget to ask viewers to subscribe to the channel.

The trailer for the channel should be short, capacious and last no more than 60 seconds.

3. Schedule new posts to improve channel marketing

There's a reason weekly episode content has become part of our culture: TV companies want their TV shows to be part of the weekly routine. When a new episode of Game of Thrones comes out every Sunday, you turn on HBO and watch it. It is a habit.

YouTube wants you to feel the same way. If you want the channel to develop, you need to make sure that subscribers come back to watch your new videos. Consistency is essential, both on YouTube and in business. For example, I publish my podcast on the site every Tuesday, even when I'm away. And on YouTube, I upload videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

When YouTube's algorithm looks at which videos to actively promote among users, it takes into account a huge amount of data.

Two retention metrics that matter YouTube service most:

  1. Channels that users always visit and return to.
  2. The channels from which users start their browsing session.

If you post content consistently and if you have viewers coming back, then your channel will rank higher on YouTube.

4. Encourage people to subscribe

Most people may not even notice the Subscribe button on the main page of the channel or below the videos. Just because you know how to use YouTube doesn't mean everyone else knows it.

It is also possible that some group of users does not even know what exactly happens after clicking the "Subscribe" button.

  • "Do I need to pay for this?"
  • "What does" subscribe "mean?"
  • "What happens if I click?"

You should include a call to action (CTA) button in your channel trailer and in every video you post so that users can see it right away.

Here are some examples of call-to-action buttons:

  • "If you would like to watch more free videos on how to grow your business, click the Subscribe button below this video."
  • “Want to know right away when I post new videos to help start and grow your own business? Click on the Subscribe button below this video. "
  • “You have to pay for some things in life, but my videos are free: in order to be notified when my videos are released. free videos, click on the "Subscribe" button below this video. You will be the first to know. "

5. Create cool and well-thought-out playlists to get users to watch more of your videos

Playlists are an extremely important part of YouTube marketing. Their purpose consists ensuring that users watch as many videos as possible. They also affect two main SEO ranking factors:

  • Views length.
  • The length of the views session.

Views length

View length is the amount of time users have spent watching your videos. The longer the watch time, the more likely that video will have a higher rating in YouTube search... Such a kind of quality filter.

This is how YouTube sees it:

  • Someone wrote the query "the future of marketing".
  • My video on the future of marketing has very high view lengths. In this case, the service can rate the video above the rest.

Browsing session length

YouTube wants users to come back to the platform and watch more content. And once a user is on YouTube, the goal of the service is to get them to consume as much content (and ads) as possible. So, if users are interested in your playlists and are watching more than one video, this is another huge win for YouTube.

Playlists are a great way to increase both your viewing length and your viewing session length. The main secret of a successful playlist is a good title. Instead of naming the playlist How to Start Your Business, give it a name that you would give a blog post or podcast episode.

I recently changed the names of all of my playlists to increase the viewing length. Here are three of them:

  • "How to begin a seven-figure dream business from scratch. "
  • "How develop business from scratch to $ 10 million. "
  • « Advice on productivity from CEOs, founders and famous entrepreneurs. "

These playlists reflect the value of watching and ask "Why" and "How" questions instead of "What"

How to automate playlists

If you listen to my podcast, you know how much I love automation. Here's the YouTube feature that lets you automatically add videos to playlists:

How does it work:

  • Go to your playlist page from your computer.
  • Click to edit the playlist.
  • From the landing page, click on the playlist settings.
  • Click on the AutoAdd tab and define your rules.
  • Click on the "Save" button.

Now any uploaded video that matches the rules you define will be automatically added to the playlist.

6. Analyze what content the channel is growing faster

There is a term in marketing called vanity metrics. These are indicators that look good, maybe even impressive, but don't really matter.

The fact that a video has a million views may sound good, but by and large it doesn't matter. The most important metric to really focus on is view length. If one viewer spent five minutes watching your video, that's better than a lot of viewers who left after ten seconds.

Another important metric is audience retention. That is, how long users have been watching your videos. In order to get 100 thousand subscribers, I need this indicator to be approximately 60-70%. As I focused on retention, my channel began to grow very quickly.

Here are the retention rates for the video "3 Strategies for Starting a Side Job"

Go through the analytics of the last 20-30 videos and identify the patterns that make people leave. For example, from my videos, I realized that the video should start with a clear lead. In some cases, 20% of my viewers left after watching a video for 30 seconds.

To increase retention rates, I've done the following with my recent videos:

  • I started with a killer lead.
  • I did not insert an image into the video before I started talking.
  • Removed any incoherent thoughts from the videos.

You need to understand what catches your audience, makes it stay, and what repels. Analytics data is the only way to find out.

7. Use short video descriptions to attract views

To make the video easy to find through search, you need to take care of two things:

  • Name.
  • Short description.

There is a mistake most YouTube channel owners make - they repeat the name in the synopsis. I've always done that before.

Example from video on the economics of writing a book with Ryan Holiday

The text from the short description is not indexed anyway. If the audience can read, then the title will suffice. A short description must be accompanied by a clear picture and be associated with the title.

Now I am writing the summary so that it complements the title rather than repeating it.

Would you like to know how to get 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel? In this article, I'll walk you through 9 steps towards this goal. You can also go directly to watching the video.

Step 1 - Traffic

Drive as much traffic as possible to your videos. The bottom line is that now no one knows about your channel. You need to give as much traffic as possible so that more people know about it. If you have a subscription base in the mailing service, then write a letter about this video and send it to the base. It will receive views, and some of the subscribers will become subscribers to the YouTube channel. If you have promoted social. networks, do not forget to post videos there. Thus, completely free, I want to note, you can gain 1000 subscribers on YouTube.

Step 2 - decorating the channel

This advice is a must if you are wondering: "How to get 1000 subscribers on a YouTube channel?"

You need to make a high-quality and correct design. The fact is that the majority, 60 percent of users, subscribe from the main page of the channel. That is, most people subscribe to the channel only after going to the main page.

Therefore, design plays a very important role in recruiting subscribers. Make the right header to match the theme of the channel. You will also choose a certain style for all the previous pictures in the video. If there is a certain style traced there, and not just still frames from the video, this will definitely increase the percentage of subscription to the channel, I assure you.

Step 3 - Key Queries

Collect at least 50, or better 100 keywords for which you will continue to shoot video. The “take it all off” method is not very effective. You should focus on the topics and queries that will interest your target audience. Shoot short videos on these 50-100 topics. They will appear in the search, and your the target audience will find you.

Due to this, you will receive new views and, most importantly, new subscribers who will continue to watch your videos. This is very easy to do. Use two services Wordstat from Yandex and Keyword Planner from Google adwords... With their help, you can find keywords for future videos.

Step 4 - competitor analysis

A competent analysis will also help you in solving the question "how to gain 1000 subscribers on YouTube." Analyze your competitors. In each topic there are videos that collect more views, and there are videos that collect fewer views. Analyze the first category. They are more interesting, more traffic goes through them. Read the comments that users write under these videos. Pay attention to the flaws. You will be able to fix them already in your videos, and this can greatly improve the quality of your content.

Step 5 - shoot, shoot and shoot again

If you do not know how to gain 1000 subscribers on a YouTube channel, then your task at this stage is to shoot as many videos as possible and upload them to the channel as often as possible. You don't have many followers yet, so your job is to give them as many chances as possible to find you. Accordingly, the more videos you have on your channel, the more chances that your target audience will find them in search queries or in relevant, similar videos.

Step 6 - Image quality is negligible

Video quality can be sacrificed. Spending a whole week on professional editing with animation is inappropriate. Especially at the initial stage. The most important thing is the quality of the content you provide in your videos. Let your videos be filmed on the phone, let them be without professional editing, but the quality of the content, the information itself, which you give, should be at its best. This is your task. It is through the content that you will attract subscribers.

Step 7 - Encourage People to Subscribe

Make a call to subscribe to the channel in each of the videos. If there is no call, most users will simply not subscribe to the channel. They will look at your video and move on. After all, it happens very often, judge for yourself. We went to the first, second channel, watched the video here and there and no longer remember which video was the first. And what is the use of this to the author? View only. No, not good, you need subscribers. Therefore, the call in the video is the main tool that you should use in order to attract subscribers.

Step 8 - In order to gain 1000 subscribers on the YouTube channel, use social networks

Step 9 - Don't give up!

The last advice that I will give you is probably the most important one. Do not give up, keep going towards the goal. It is difficult to gain 1000 subscribers to the YouTube channel not so much in technically how much moral. Because there are no subscribers yet, accordingly, views are slow, subscribers are recruited slowly, and the effect is almost not felt. That is, there is no quick result, there is no earnings and even moral satisfaction. Therefore, recruiting the first thousand subscribers is very difficult morally. Most importantly, don't give up, keep going! Shoot a video, do not give up, and you will see that everything will work out.

And finally, I would like to wish you good luck in the development of your channels, and also so that the question “how to gain 1000 subscribers on YouTube” no longer weighs on you.

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