
The most popular questions for bloggers. What is the most frequently asked question of a blogger? You better write about this topic here ...

You can talk a lot about the fact that real communication between people is millions of times better than virtual. However, this is terrible or wonderful, but the fact remains unchanged - modern youth spends a third (and sometimes more) of their free time in in social networks. It is easier for us to write a message than to talk on the phone.

But get very angry world wide web It’s not worth it, because thanks to the Internet, an interesting world opens up before every person. Applications and websites, when used wisely, can not only diversify leisure time, but also allow you to learn about the interlocutor's innermost secrets. This can be done thanks to the Ask.ru service. We have selected cool questions for Ask.ru especially for you.

You probably know how this service works. You anonymously ask a person questions, and he gives answers to them. Asking questions in this situation is easier, because no one knows that it was you who asked this insidious question, that is, the next day, you won’t have to listen to complaints. But absolutely all visitors to the page know who gives the answers. Therefore, it is important to consider not only questions, but also your answers.

What can be asked?

You can ask a person the most unusual questions for ask.ru. with their help, you can not only learn about the character of a person, but also check the level of intelligence. And you can also see how a person knows how to answer "uncomfortable questions." And is it important. If he descends to insults, then, accordingly, it is not worth talking about a rich inner world.

By asking good and right questions anonymously, you can get a lot more out of a person. useful information than when communicating tete-a-tete. Just do not forget that all this is just a game from which you can benefit, but which you definitely should not get hung up on.

Dating and relationships

People have now become so clamped down that sometimes it is generally impossible to understand what feelings we have for each other. If you like a person, and you want to know if you have a chance to win his heart in the real world, then you can ask him questions like:

  • Are you dating someone now?
  • Your heart is free (Are you in love with someone right now?)
  • Are you planning to start a relationship soon?
  • What type of girls (guys) do you like?
  • What character should your girlfriend (boyfriend) have?
  • What qualities should your significant other have?
  • Are you planning to start a family and have children?
  • Do you keep in touch with your exes?
  • Have you cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?
  • Do you regret your betrayals?
  • Why did you break up (break up) with your girlfriend (boyfriend)?
  • How long was your last relationship?
  • How quickly do you introduce your girlfriend (boyfriend) to your parents?
  • Does your mother influence the choice of your girlfriend (boyfriend)?
  • If your parents don't like your girlfriend (boyfriend), will you break off this relationship?
  • Should a girl stay at home or does she have the right to self-realization?
  • Are you jealous (jealous)?
  • Have you ever hit a woman?
  • Is it important to you that your partner goes in for sports?
  • What figure parameters do you consider ideal (height, weight, volume)?
  • Women (men) in which sport do you consider the sexiest?
  • Have you ever set up a date and didn't show up on purpose?
  • Do you have many female (male) friends?
  • Did you cover for your friends when they cheated on their boyfriends (girls)?
  • How do you deal with cheating in a relationship?
  • What will you do if you absolutely do not like the parents or friends of your soul mate?
  • How do you feel about civil marriage?
  • Can you live with a girl who has a child?
  • Whom will you choose: a caring wife who idolizes you and doesn't really take care of herself, or a beautiful model who works hard?
  • Should the couple travel together or separately?
  • How do you feel about sex on a first date?
  • Have you had (had) sex with a stranger?
  • Do you always call back the girl you took the phone number from and promised to call?
  • How do you feel about sex with colleagues (classmates)?
  • Have you been in a relationship with someone older than you by many years?
  • If a guy cannot give you expensive gifts, but loves you and carries you in his arms, will you date him?
  • Who will you choose: a guy with a wallet or a guy with a big heart?
  • How do you feel about the fact that a girl earns much more than you?
  • Does a man have to provide for his family or can he stay at home and do housework?
  • How do you feel about business trips of your soulmate?
  • Have you checked the phone, mail of your soulmate?
  • If unpleasant rumors circulate about your girlfriend (boyfriend), for example, that she (he) slept with dozens of guys (girls) before you, what will you do?
  • How important is it to you that your girlfriend likes your friends?
  • Do you criticize the appearance of your soulmate?
  • How do you feel about your boyfriend (girlfriend) getting fat?
  • Blondes, brunettes or redheads?
  • How do you feel about red guys?
  • Would you be able to marry a foreigner for the sake of living abroad?

Consider the fact that the person's responses are for informational purposes only. In addition, to be sure that the answer is truthful is also not worth it. Still, pour out your soul and answer compromising questions, knowing that everyone will find out not so easily. It's great if you have the opportunity to compare the answers of a person in ask.ru and real life. Then you get a complete picture of who is in front of you. In the desire to learn about the attitude towards you, be careful. By asking leading questions, you can give yourself away and then you can get into a very awkward situation.

Funny and cool

Questions like these can lift everyone's spirits. Most often they are asked by acquaintances and friends. Here it doesn’t matter if a person guesses that it was you who asked the question or not. It is clear that funny questions should be asked to people with a normal sense of humor.

  • What would you do with a million dollars?
  • What or who will you take to a desert island?
  • What movie and role would you like to star in?
  • Which celebrity would you like to date?
  • What's your favorite joke?
  • The most stupid situation in your life?
  • Have you ever been dishonored (disgraced) in front of a crowd?
  • Would you be able to walk around the mall in your underwear?
  • Which superhero would you like to be?
  • What fruit are you?
  • Have you broken the law?
  • Do you like to sing in the shower?
  • What show would you like to participate in?
  • Can you dance striptease?
  • Is that the guy in the heels?
  • How do you feel about informals?
  • Have you ever run away from the police?
  • At school, did you bully (mock) teachers, classmates?
  • What do your friends call you (nickname)?
  • How were you teased as a child?
  • Do you often get into fights?
  • What childish game do you want to play now?
  • Can you ride a bike?
  • What New Year's costume did you wear as a child?
  • Was it easier as a child than it is now?
  • Who did you want to be as a child?

smart and serious

Sometimes in life you have to move away from humor and pampering. No wonder psychologists say that a person who constantly laughs off suffers from strong complexes and has a rather sad life. Only by getting answers to deep and to some extent wise questions, you will be able to draw certain conclusions about the views on a person’s life. In general, it’s good for every person to at least occasionally look into their lives and think about what worries them. Therefore, do not be shy and feel free to ask smart questions on ask.ru.

  • How do you feel about death?
  • Do you believe in God?
  • How would you like to spend the last day of your life?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice to save another person?
  • Would you risk your life for another?
  • Is suicide the way out?
  • How do you feel about former prisoners?
  • Would you be able (could) kill a person?
  • What can revenge do?
  • Would you be able (could) forgive betrayal?
  • Do you believe in psychics?
  • Have you contacted the magicians?
  • How to atone for your guilt?
  • Is it easy for you to ask for forgiveness?
  • What is the meaning of your life?
  • What gives you life?
  • What is happiness for you?
  • How has your past changed you?
  • What do you choose: solving the problem or running away from it?
  • Lies for good - is it right?
  • For the sake of achieving the goal, you can transcend your principles?
  • Who is the closest person in this world to you?
  • Do you believe in life after death?
  • How often do you dream?
  • Why do people need mistakes?
  • Is there a way out of any situation?
  • Career through the bed or honest poverty?
  • How do you react to the rudeness of people?
  • Everything has a price, how much do you value yourself?
  • How will you react to your husband's betrayal?
  • How do you feel about cheating in marriage?
  • If your child commits a crime, will you take him to the police?
  • Will you tell a friend that his girlfriend hit on you?
  • What gives a person faith?
  • What do you lack for happiness?
  • Career or family?
  • Do you have many enemies?
  • Did your friends betray you?
  • What is more painful to go through: the betrayal of a girl (boyfriend) or the betrayal of a best friend?

You just got to know the most interesting questions for ask.ru. Believe me, sometimes the answers can not only surprise, shock, but also disappoint you. Face-to-face communication will certainly give much more than correspondence on the Internet. But do not forget that there are questions that a person in reality will never answer. After all, it is easier for a monitor to “tell” the truth than for a living person.

People always deceive each other, so don't think that if you for a long time have a relationship, then you know everything about the partner. For example, you have lived with a man for five years, and he does not even think about asking you to marry. Ask him on the site anonymously if he plans to get married. Depending on the response received, make a decision, who knows, maybe he will write that he will make an offer in a month. And ask him this question on the forehead, and a scandal may arise.

Having received a response to question asked, do not rush to make a decision and automatically send the guy to the "black list". Give the person time to open up and don't forget to read their responses to other users' questions.

Question and answer games are always addictive. Therefore, in order to be honest, also register and answer questions. Just remember that being overly trusting is very dangerous.

I remember when I first became interested in blogging, I hid this vile hobby from my friends for a long time and carefully. Regular readers remember that for almost 2 years I was called nothing more than “Dmitry Lemur” =)

One of the reasons for such paranoia is the inappropriate questions of others. Those who found out that I was indulging in the sin of blogging invariably asked questions like these:

1. Is it really interesting to someone?

Only natural modesty and politeness did not allow me to answer that I did not care deeply about the opinion of the questioner, that it might be boring.

For example, I'm bored with football. Seriously, there's something strange about watching 22 muscular men run across a field. (I watch exclusively World Championships for educational purposes, if I may say so =)

But I won’t even have the thought of asking a person: “Is football really interesting to someone ?!”. Well, a person likes football - and thank God. He doesn’t run down the street with an ax - it’s already good.

And even more so, the thought that you need to laugh at his hobby will not come to mind.

2. And how much does this strange hobby bring in money?

My advice to you is to answer directly and honestly: “I want to make the world a better place. The question of money does not interest me at all.” Then you will no longer be asked stupid questions.

They will forever write you down in the category of the blessed and will bypass you.

3. You better write about this topic….

One of the most dangerous traps, by the way. For example, a reader came to you and capriciously writes that he wants to read on the topic “X”, and you broadcast everything about the topic “Y”. You don't want to PLEASE him.

My advice to you is NEVER follow the reader's lead. You never have to conform to anyone. Yes, it is possible / necessary to draw conclusions when creating content or courses, but never follow the lead of those who DON'T like something.

There can be only one answer: "If you don't like it, don't read it."

Yes, it sounds harsh, but it should be that way, and not that the blogger wants to please everyone. If a person is initially negatively disposed towards you, then at least dance a lezginka in front of him, nothing will change, you will only lose respect for yourself.

Are you embarrassed to be rude? Just ignore such questions.

4. But you used to say differently! Here, look! Your article from 1917, where you write the opposite!

Well, there are no comments at all. If someone thinks that once having expressed this or that point of view, the blogger MUST observe it to the very grave ...

Yes, there are such meticulous people who remember what you have long forgotten =)

Let's say I like Mongoose bikes, which are famous for their durability and comfort. And I blogged about it. So what?

Am I now doomed to ride Mongoose bikes for life? And if I buy Ashanbike, will I be forever damned by the blog readers?

We are all human and can freely change our point of view on a particular issue. If your reader wants to read authors who have reinforced concrete principles, then let them read the classics who have long since rested in their graves.

5. Why does blogger “XYZ” have more traffic and in general?

Here it is already serious. I know that in one way or another, novice bloggers compare themselves to other, more successful colleagues. Someone is measured by traffic, someone by course sales, and retro bloggers are still measured by TIC =)

And they begin to complex about it. My advice to you - Throw those destructive thoughts in the trash.

You need to understand that constantly comparing yourself with others is an extremely destructive practice. Therefore, hammer on such comparisons and get down to business. By the way =)

6. Get better at what you do. Get a job as soon as possible at the factory, there is a constant salary!

I know that some bloggers are overcome by relatives who literally make fun of this innocent hobby. And then they hint thickly that it's time to get down to business and throw stupid fantasies out of your head. Honestly, I don’t even know what to recommend in this case.

Of course, if you are a man, then the family SHOULD be fed not with vague promises, but with very real sausage. At least provide a minimum dry ration =)

By the way, I had a period when everything was bad, and I had to go back to mercenaries as a marketer in cellular communication. It's a different story

But nevertheless, you must make it clear to your loved ones that you will not give up on your passion. Even leaving the watchman at the factory.

You can consider an extreme option that will fit for your beloved relatives

For example, you can start to arrange family scandals on weekends or methodically get drunk as an insole. Sooner or later, even the most hard-nosed relative will realize that botanical blogging is better than a kitchen box. And they will start begging to return to offline blogging =) Just kidding, of course.

Well, what questions enrage you, dear bloggers?

P.S. For the curious. This is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch "Extracting the stone of stupidity" (1475-1480).

It is still deciphered by art historians around the world. For example: “The closed book on the head of a nun and the funnel of a surgeon, respectively, symbolize that knowledge is useless when dealing with stupidity.”

Interviews are one of the most rewarding types of content.

You select questions, send them to the hero, get answers, format them and print! Of course, this is a superficial scheme for creating an interview. In fact, this is an independent and vibrant content format. And in the blog, it looks very advantageous against the background of the usual articles, guides and news.

We have already prepared several materials on the topic of the interview. Now we will talk about the most important stage of preparing for an interview - the questions.

Studying the hero, I want to ask him important and sharp questions at the same time. I want the interview to not be boring, banal and typical. I want the reader to swallow it, savoring every letter, every line.

And at such moments, at hand there is a lack of a selection of interview questions that can be adapted to an individual character.

Interview Questions: 60 Templates

  1. Tell us about yourself, your business.
  2. How can you describe yourself in two words?
  3. When did you decide to become _____ and why?
  4. What brought you exactly to __________?
  5. What inspired you to _________?
  6. What were the first steps?
  7. What are the pros and cons of working _______?
  8. Describe your biggest achievement and most impressive failure?
  9. Describe three of your accomplishments?
  10. Are there moments when inspiration leaves you (lose faith in yourself, in your business)?
  11. Describe your work environment?
  12. Do you plan to change _______?
  13. What are your plans in _______?
  14. What is the secret to success in _____?
  15. How did you succeed in _______?
  16. What are your favorite books (movies, meals)?
  17. What would you never do in your life?
  18. Can it be said that ______?
  19. On what basis do you ______?
  20. Did you come to this position yourself or ______?
  21. How have you changed since _______?
  22. Do you love your job (business, product, service, business)?
  23. What do you like to do in your free time?
  24. How to make ________?
  25. What advice can you give to newcomers (employees, readers)?
  26. When did you last _________?
  27. What interests you besides ______ and ________?
  28. How do you take a break from ____?
  29. How did you come up with the idea to organize ________?
  30. Did you do _____ on your own or with support?
  31. How often you ________?
  32. What do you think _______ is?
  33. What qualities do you think _____ should have?
  34. Are you being yourself while doing your job, or is it a PR move?
  35. What is the share of luck and luck in your project?
  36. Do you have your own motto, mission?
  37. You have already achieved a lot in your profession, has popularity changed you?
  38. How much time do you devote to ______?
  39. Why do you think such a point of view has been formed in society (in the market, in a company, on forums, on the Internet)?
  40. What was the most difficult for you?
  41. Tell me step by step what needs to be done to _________?
  42. Where to start a newbie if he wants to follow in your footsteps?
  43. What professional advice can you give to those who are just starting to develop in _______?
  44. What are the pitfalls in your field?
  45. Is it difficult to do what brings you money? What does it cost you?
  46. How did you get your first success?
  47. How do others perceive your development (work, changes)?
  48. Where are you looking for your customers (customers, buyers, investors, partners)?
  49. There is no desire to throw everything to the "damn grandmother" and start something completely new?
  50. Tell me the TOP 5 most effective tactics (tips, tricks, tricks, secrets, ways) in _______?
  51. What is your opinion on this question: ___________?
  52. Form your attitude to life (business, family, colleagues, employees) in five words?
  53. What is the main expertise of a person of your level?
  54. Was it difficult to give up _______ (free time, stability, career growth)?
  55. Are you always this open (closed, aggressive, optimistic, quick)?
  56. How would you rate yourself as _______?
  57. Did you have to professional activity overstep your principles?
  58. In any case, there are turning points. What were yours?
  59. What prevents you from living, and what helps?
  60. What are you dreaming about?

Of course, these questions are more related to personal rather than professional interviews. But in any case, each of them can lead to a chain of new ideas, which eventually turn into a full-fledged conversation script.

Walking through the archives of my magazine, I found the flash mob tag "40 questions for a beauty blogger" and answered these questions with pleasure :) The questions are a little naive, but at the same time quite funny. Since this is my first tag, I'm passing it on to anyone who wishes.

Go! :)

Facial care:

1. How many times a day do you wash your face?
Usually - 2 times, in the morning (usually with micellar water), and in the evening - with a foaming agent.

2. What type of skin do you have (dry, oily, combination)?
I have combination skin.

3. What is your current face wash?
Clarins Eclat du Jour

4. Do you exfoliate your face?
Yes. Often - with the help of a washing brush, or a konjac sponge, and courses - peelings with fruit acids (homemade, or from a beautician).

5. How many face products are currently on the shelf in your bathroom?
In sight - 28:)

6. What moisturizer do you use?
Now - cream with vitamins A and E, Librederm

7. Do you have freckles?
This year they appeared for the first time in 30 years! I don’t know whether to be happy about this or be afraid of pigmentation.

8. Do you use eye cream?
Yes, for at least 7 years. I have a very lively expression.

9. Have you had or do you currently have problematic skin?
In general, I have good skin! But there is rosacea, pores and atopic dermatitis in certain areas. However, I believe that these are medical problems, not cosmetic ones.

10. Have you ever used special treatment creams for problem skin?
Yes, but it would be better if I didn't do it :) For couperous areas I use Avene.


11. What foundation do you use?
Now - MAC Face and body foundation, and Lumene CC cream, in the summer I do without tonal.

12. How about a concealer/corrector?
Where without him! In active use there are about 7 of them, different in density, texture, methods of application and shades.

13. What do you think about false eyelashes?
In my opinion, this is purely carnival fun.

14. Do you know that you need to change your mascara every 3 months?
I know, but I don’t change, because I have more than 10 carcasses in my arsenal and use them in turn.

15. What brand of mascara do you currently use?
Rimmel. Oriflame, Lancome - depends on mood and tasks

16. What makeup tools do you use?
Brushes: duofiber, for foundation, corrector, powder, shadows, eyeliner, blush lips. A comb for eyebrows and eyelashes, tweezers, sponges. Look like that's it))

17. Do you use eye shadow base?
More often yes than no.

18. And for the face?
Rarely, I'm afraid to clog pores.

19. What are your favorite shadows?
I don't have any favorites because I can't really paint my eyes. If I want to “draw” I often get by with a Chinese palette of 80 colors.

20. Do you use eyeliner or eyeliner?
I use it according to my mood, but I don’t really like it, because because of different sizes eyes, I rarely manage to draw the same arrows.

21. How often do you accidentally get eyeliner or pencil in your eyes?
Fortunately, very rarely

22. What is your favorite lipstick?
The one that ended up in the bag and I was not too lazy to make up her lips :)

23. How about lip gloss?
Hair sticks to 90% of lip glosses, which I wear loose. The remaining 10% I use in everyday make-up.

24. What are your favorite blushes?
I rarely use blush, I can’t single out my favorites.

25. Do you like mass market cosmetics?
Very! Limitless scope for creativity

26. Have you ever thought about taking a makeup course?
I am planning to go this year.

27. Are you clumsy when you put on makeup?
No, I'm smart and fast)))

28. "Makeup crime" you hate?
Eyebrow strings, sponge ducks, blue shadow pink lipstick, shadows up to the eyebrows

29. Do you like reds or neutrals?
By mood

30. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
I don't follow celebrities at all.

31. If you could leave the house using just one product, what would it be?
Mascara. Or brow gel. Do not know))

32. Could you ever leave the house without makeup?
Yes, I do occasionally. To the store, out of town, somewhere on business by car. I need cosmetics only out of habit, without it I feel naked, but I quickly adapt, like on a nudist beach)))

33. Do you think you look good even without makeup?
Yes, I'm sure of it :) I can show pictures)))

34. What do you think is the best make-up brand?
I do not know a single beauty blogger who could categorically state "the best brand of decorative cosmetics is ..". Some brands excel at certain things and fail at others.

35. What do you think about makeup in general?
A great tool to increase self-awareness and mood!

And some more questions :)

36. What are your favorite categories of cosmetics?
Prof. and organics for hair, pharmacy brands and products - for the face, cosmetics for rituals and mass-market / network cosmetics - for the body, professional, luxury and mass-market - for make-up.

37. What beauty products are you obsessed with?
Hair care, tonics, products with acids

38. How often do you buy cosmetics?
About once every 5 days. But I can go on a "cosmetic diet" :)

39. Do you like having an unlimited supply of cosmetics?
No, I don't like to languish over riches, I give away a lot

40. If you put all your makeup together, how much will you get?
Well .. for about 3-4 chests of drawers and a couple of suitcases :)

Darren Rous once again shared his statistics. The other day, he made a small essay about what was most often asked of him since 2002, when he actually became a blogger. Here is what he writes:

"I became a blogger in 2002.

Since that time, the question I am most often asked by strangers on the streets who know what I do has changed three times:

What is a blog? (2002-2004);

How do you make money blogging? (2005-2008);

You still blog - isn't everyone on Twitter a long time ago? (2009-2010).

Indeed, a frequently asked question has changed in an interesting way. Until 2005, the bourgeois did not know what a blog is. Then they got, apparently, them and began to think about how to earn more. Well, the question asked in recent years is completely legitimate. Twitter has become an integral part of the network, for many it is already comparable to a browser! Darren knows a huge number of people, I can imagine how many times he had to hear each question.

It became interesting to me, and what is asked most often from our bloggers. I interviewed several of my blogger friends about this. Here's what they said:

1. How to promote a blog?

2. How to make money on a blog?

3. how to make your own blog?

4. What subject should I choose?

5. I need something, which plugin should I install?

6. How much do you earn from blogging?

7. Do you like the design on my blog?

1. How did you become a blogger?

2. How did you promote your last name so much?

3. Why do you have so many comments on lablogger.ru?

4. Will you teach how to write interesting articles?

5. How to increase the number of subscribers?
6. How do you feel about our blogosphere?
7. How do you manage to do so many things when you are only 14!?

For some reason, I often get asked technical questions.

1. Where do you get your post topics from?

2. Switch from LiveJournal to WP?

Z. How often should I write?

4. Should I order a blog design or use a template?

5. What is the best way to make money on a blog?

7. What plugins to install on WordPress?

1. Could you tell me how I can make money on VKontakte?

2. Would you like to start a joint project?

3. You don't have a working VKontakte inviter?

4. How to bypass the restriction on invitations to groups?

5. Where can I get VKontakte accounts?

6. Could you give me an invite to the maulnet?

7. Earn Pamagi! A?!

Questions in RuNet often sound using the slang of the network. The most vague, in my opinion, question is asked to Bogdan: “Switch from LiveJournal to WP”? It feels like WordPress is a blogging system or LiveJournal is a CMS.

In essence, all questions are the same, but they still come up again and again. FAQ sections do not help and are unlikely to help. No one will answer all the questions and nothing.

When the process of becoming blogging in Runet had just begun, the authors of the TOP blogs today had no one to seek help and support, they had to do everything themselves, achieve well-deserved success through trial and error, and sometimes by “poke”. Beginning bloggers today are somewhat easier, since the network has already accumulated initial material, and there is always the opportunity to turn to already established bloggers for help. It is much more interesting, in my opinion, to go your own way, to find something of your own, and not to follow in the footsteps of already established bloggers, although this is certainly much easier and simpler. What can this lightness and simplicity lead to? You will just look like someone and not interesting to readers, because it has already happened. Do you need to duplicate someone? I think no!

Gentlemen, read someone else's, but look for your own and then it will be noticed and appreciated.

Are you often asked the same questions too? Write which ones in the comments, I think many will be interested in reading them.

P.S. This article can help every blogger create their own FAQ section. I look forward to your comments and your questions.

Information: Holidays in Haiti are unforgettable trips for those who have tourism in their blood.

Having received a deuce in computer science, Vovochka deleted the page and reformatted the diary.

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