
Modern problems of science and education. Information and communication technologies in music education New information technologies in the professional activity of a musician

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  • Specialty VAK RF13.00.01
  • Number of pages 196

Chapter 1. Theoretical analysis of the application of new information technologies in modern education

1.1. Pedagogical analysis of modern trends in the informatization of education.

1.2. New information technologies as a universal educational technology at the present stage of society development

1.3. Features of the implementation of didactic principles when using new information technologies.

1.4. Fundamentals of building a methodological system.

Chapter 2. The use of new information technologies in the study of musical disciplines.

2.1. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of computerization of music education.

2.2. Formation of subject knowledge using computer music training systems.

2.3. Formation of subject knowledge in musical-theoretical disciplines using new information technologies.

2.3.1. The use of a music-oriented computer in teaching music theory and solfeggio.

2.3.2. The use of new information technologies in teaching harmony and polyphony.

2.3.3. The use of new information technologies in teaching musical literature.

2.4. The main components of the methodological system for the application of new information technologies in music education

2.5. Pedagogical conditions contributing to increasing the effectiveness of music education with the help of new information technologies.

Chapter 3. Pedagogical experiment. w 3.1. Substantiation of the methodology of the pedagogical experiment, the main stages of its implementation. 3.2. Methodology for drawing up, checking and processing the results of control tasks.

3.3. Experimental learning results according to the proposed method.

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Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "New information technologies in music education"

The process of informatization of education is currently in the stage of intensive growth. New information technologies arising as a result of the general process of informatization of society are increasingly being used in the educational process when teaching various disciplines.

So, more than 10 years in the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen is working on the introduction of new information technologies in the field of education. There is a search for techniques and teaching methods that, with the help of computer technologies, would make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process (G.A. Bordovsky, V.A. Izvozchikov, G.G. Vorobiev, I.A. Rumyantsev, V.P. Solomin , E.A. Tumaleva, M.V. Shvetskiy).

A significant place in the field of informatization of education belongs to computer modeling with the help of educational computer models, which are a software and hardware educational environment that allows for an interactive impact on the object under study.

To date, there is a large number of theoretical and practical developments on the use of computer technology in teaching natural sciences and humanities: algebra, geometry, drawing, foreign languages ​​(Baranova E.I., Montsaev N.G., Khodyakova G.V., Udalov S. .R.). The use of educational computer models can be of great help in explaining many abstract concepts introduced in the sections of physics ("Electrodynamics", "Quantum Physics"), biology ("Fundamentals of Cytology"), chemistry ("Properties of metals"), etc. are abstract and difficult to study, the mechanisms of processes of which cannot be observed directly (Smirnov V.A., Galimov A.M.). There has appeared and is intensively developing a direction associated with the use of the Internet for educational purposes. Separate issues of the use of telecommunications in the school education system are reflected in the works of Dmitrieva E.I., Uvarov A.Yu., Bogdanova D.A., Belyaeva A.B., Fedoseeva A.A., Vagramenko Yu.A. The issues of using computer tools in educational work with students are being developed (Konanykhin Yu.P., Loktyushina E.A.).

The use of computers in preschool educational institutions is expanding. Methods are being developed that are aimed at the development of children, taking into account their age and individual abilities, the organization of their communication, in which the computer is used as a means for intellectual and creative development, the development of fantasy, imagination, emotional perception in a playful way.

To date, there is no scientific and methodological generalization of the use of new information technologies in teaching specific d subjects, a pedagogical analysis of the general principles of building an educational system based on their use in modern education. The need to conduct such a study is due to the fact that the content and forms of computer training should have a scientific and methodological basis that allows you to purposefully organize the process of acquiring knowledge and obtaining skills for its practical use.

The theoretical and practical results accumulated to date indicate that the computerization of the teaching process creates active conditions for the education of musicians. There are a lot of experiments and achievements in the field of using computers for musical education. However, all advanced technologies have not yet found a systematic and purposeful application in music education. 1 This research was conducted on the material of various disciplines (5 disciplines) of music education. The relevance of the research is also determined by the current situation in the field of music education, which requires the solution of pressing problems. In addition, the need for scientific and methodological development is also determined by the fact of the existence of certain difficulties in the traditional system of musical education, which, as the ascertaining experiment showed, are of a massive nature. The introduction of computer training technologies into the educational process is one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of training.

The lack of a scientifically grounded methodological and psychological analysis of the existing experience of using and prospects for the development of new information technologies in modern education requires the development, detailing and adaptation of them to traditional courses and the development of new methods and forms of education based on them. The search and analysis of educational systems using computer technologies, their consideration in the genesis is promising and reasonable.

All of the above determines the relevance of the proposed study.

The object of research is new information technologies in the system modern education.

The subject of the research is a methodological system of using new information technologies in the process of music education.

Purpose of the research: substantiation of the methodological system of using new information technologies in the modern educational process (on the example of music education).

The development and logic of the research were predetermined by the following initial hypothesis: the use of new information technologies increases the efficiency of the educational process, if ♦ appropriate educational, methodological and software for training courses has been developed; the sections of the courses of musical disciplines, in the study of which it is advisable to use new information technologies, have been determined; conditions have been created for the management of students in the learning process.

In accordance with the chosen subject and the presented goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Analyze state of the art the use of new information technologies in the system of modern education to identify the main trends and patterns of its development, which are then reflected in the teaching of specific subject areas.

2. Determine the didactic capabilities of modern computer training systems.

3. Analyze programs, textbooks in selected disciplines.

4. To develop a set of didactic conditions for the effective use of new information technologies in the system of music education.

6. Check the experimentally developed methodological system.

The following research methods were used in the work.

1. Analysis of the available literature on the research topic.

2. Analysis of the practical experience of using new information technologies in the educational process.

3. Conversation with experienced teachers on the issues under study.

4. Approbation and analysis of research results in teaching practice, at scientific and methodological conferences and seminars.

1 5. Studying the quality of knowledge of students and schoolchildren in teaching musical disciplines.

6. Conducting a pedagogical experiment and processing the results of experimental research.

The methodological basis of the study was:

Philosophically - the theory of knowledge;

In psychological terms - the theory of the organization of mental activity; psychological and pedagogical foundations of computer training;

In the methodological plan - the didactic foundations of the formation of subject knowledge in modern music education.

Research stages:

Stage 1 (1995 - 1997) - the study of psychological, pedagogical, philosophical literature on the problem of research, analysis of curricula, study and analysis of the didactic capabilities of computer training programs and music editors, analysis of practical experience of using new information technologies in the educational process. Analysis of programs, textbooks and methodological literature in selected disciplines.

Stage 2 (1997 - 1999) - development of a model for the system of using new information technologies in music education, determining the set of didactic conditions for the effective use of new information technologies in the system of music education, conducting a pedagogical experiment.

Stage 3 (1999 - 2000) - systematization and interpretation of the data obtained in the course of the research, generalization of the results of the work and preparation of the thesis.

The scientific novelty of the research is: in the theoretical development of the foundations for constructing a methodological system that allows the use of new information technologies in subject teaching; substantiation of pedagogical conditions for the use of new information technologies in music education;

I ♦ identification of pedagogical possibilities of information technologies in increasing the effectiveness of education.

In contrast to previously performed works, in this study, for the first time, methodological recommendations were developed for the use of new information technologies of teaching at various stages of modern music education, which significantly increase the level of mastering of educational material in general.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the generalization of the conceptual provisions of the use of new information technologies! giy based on the analysis of modern trends in the informatization of education in general and the construction of a methodological system. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that a methodology for using new information technologies of teaching in the practice of teaching musical disciplines at various stages of modern music education has been developed and implemented, which allows to significantly increase the level of assimilation of educational material in general.

They are brought to the defense.

1. Methodical system of using new information technologies in modern music education, consisting of: principles of using new information technologies in music teaching; forms of computer training and management of the educational process; methods of computer organization of the educational process.

2. The system of musical tasks, differentiated by the level of mastering of educational material, individual abilities of students and interests.

3. Pedagogical conditions contributing to increasing the effectiveness of music education with the help of new information technologies: focus on the socio-cultural interests of students; the expediency of their application for solving the assigned educational tasks; an organic combination of traditional and computer teaching methods; the teacher has special training (technical and methodological) that ensures the implementation of the possibilities of new information technologies in pedagogical activity.

Approbation of work. The main results of the work were reported and discussed at the following scientific conferences: International (conference "Regional informatics - 95"; International scientific conference "Noology, ecology of the noosphere, health and lifestyle" March 22-24, 1996; conference "Actual problems of lifelong pedagogical education" 20 -22 March 1996; Third international conference"A child in the modern world" 1996; International Conference "Regional Informatics - 96"; conference "Information and psychological problems of the individual and society" - St. Petersburg; 1997; 2nd international scientific conference "Noology, ecology, health, humanism" SPb-98, January 21-24; International Conference "Regional Informatics - 98"; conference "New information technologies in education" A.I. Herzen. 1999.

The main results of the work are presented in the guidelines for the course "new information technologies in modern music education", articles on the research topic. The structure of the thesis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and an appendix.

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  • Ways to improve vocational education based on information technology: Secondary specialized educational institutions 2001, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Tataru, Nikolay Dionisievich

  • Pedagogical conditions for increasing the efficiency of teaching informatics at a university based on modern information technologies 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sharifov, Ilhomjon Dzhumaevich

Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", Zabolotskaya, Irina Vadimovna

Conclusions on the third chapter

Based on the theoretical research and the pedagogical experiment, including a quantitative and qualitative analysis of its results, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. It has been experimentally proved that the effectiveness of teaching music subjects with the use of computer technologies increases, the creative activity of students is activated.

2. The experiment has confirmed that the forms and methods of presentation of educational information affect the increase in the effectiveness of training.

3. It has been established that computer programs can significantly enhance the development of ear for music and thinking, which is due to their intensive learning capabilities based on the integration of logical-perceptual forms of activity. As a result of independent work on the implementation of programs, students form theoretical ideas and concepts based on the logical connection of the elements of the musical fabric, and the process of musical perception is activated. Understanding the elements of the musical language occurs with the help of sensations and visual-visual representations, which, in comparison with the possibilities of verbal communication, has a more specific, simple and dynamic nature of perception.

4. The results of the experimental check have shown sufficient effectiveness of teaching with the use of computer technologies. In the experimental group of students on the subject of solfeggio, while completing the same topics and the same amount of time allotted for training, objective indicators are steadily higher than in the control group.

5. It was also found out that, in the opinion of students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Music of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after AI Herzen, the use of new information technologies contributes to qualitative changes in the field of knowledge of students, in particular, the creation of specific images that reinforce abstract knowledge, making them more meaningful and personally accepted.

Thus, the assumption about the advisability of including new information technologies in the musical educational process is confirmed.


During the dissertation research, the following tasks were solved.

1. The analysis was carried out: problems of human education in the conditions of computerization of society, which determine the need and regularity of the introduction of new information technologies into the system of modern education; available literature and practical experience of using new information technologies in the educational process to determine the state of application of new information technologies in the system of modern education, which made it possible to identify the main directions and patterns of their use, which are common for teaching various disciplines.

2. The didactic capabilities of modern computer training systems, the existing experience of their use in teaching various subjects, programs, textbooks, teaching aids in selected musical disciplines have been analyzed. Conversations were held with experienced teachers on the issues under study. On the basis of the analysis, the possibilities of using new information technologies in the system of music education were determined.

3. The general principles that determine the development and improvement of the methodological system and its elements are determined, which are taken into account in the construction and creation of mechanisms for its functioning, the main components of the basic model of the computerization of education system are highlighted, the principles underlying the model of computerization of education are given.

4. A methodological system for the use of new information technologies in the system of music education has been developed, its main components and their specificity have been considered, a set of didactic conditions for the effective use of these technologies has been determined and guidelines have been developed for carrying out certain types of work in various musical disciplines with their help. A pedagogical experiment was carried out with subsequent processing and analysis of its results.

5. The research results were tested at scientific and methodological conferences and seminars.

The study made it possible to draw a number of conclusions regarding the use of new information technologies in music education.

1. The needs of the modern education system and require the presence in it modern methods learning.

Informatization of education makes it possible to effectively use the important advantages of new information technologies, such as: the ability to build open system education, providing each individual with his own trajectory of self-education; the possibility of interactive interaction with the teaching tool, the impact on the content of education, its structure; creation of an effective management system for information and methodological support of education; effective organization of the cognitive activity of trainees during the educational process; informatization of education presupposes an orientation towards the interests of personality development. the use of specific properties of a computer, the most important of which are: a) the possibility of organizing the cognitive process that supports an active approach to the educational process in all its links in the aggregate (needs - motives - goals - conditions - means - actions - operations); b) individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity due to the programmable ™ and dynamic adaptability of automated educational programs; c) the possibility of organizing and using fundamentally new cognitive means.

2. From the conducted research, it is obvious that new information technologies are a multifunctional means of cognition, a universal educational technology with adaptive properties, capable of combining elements of previously used educational technologies, as a generalized mechanism of interaction between established traditions and innovations.

Their use contributes to the improvement and centralization of the management of the educational process, the optimal distribution of information, has a positive effect on the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of students, makes it possible to more fully implement didactic principles, changes the role of the teacher, who acts more as a leader, rather than a distributor of information. The latter raises the question of the readiness of teachers to use computer tools, knowledge of the methodology, principles and methods of their use.

3. The methodological system of using new information technologies in music education, developed on the basis of theoretical studies, is an integral part of the education informatization system and, in a broader sense, the society informatization process. The proposed system is focused on creating conditions for the maximum realization of the capabilities of these technologies for the implementation of the effect of developmental learning, the disclosure of the creative potential of students, a qualitative change in the methods and organizational forms of education, allows you to organically combine traditional and innovative methods of pedagogical interaction, at a new level forming knowledge, skills and abilities of professional musical activity, to influence the development of the personality, satisfying its educational needs and interests.

4. The results of the experimental check have shown sufficient effectiveness of teaching with the use of computer technologies. The pedagogical experiment confirmed that computer forms and methods of presenting educational information affect the increase in the effectiveness of training. It has been established that computer programs can significantly enhance the development of ear for music and thinking, which is due to their intensive learning capabilities, their use contributes to qualitative changes in the field of knowledge of students, in particular, the creation of specific images that reinforce abstract knowledge, making them more meaningful and personally accepted.

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Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher vocational education


General economic faculty

Abstract on the topic:

Information technology in music

Saint Petersburg 2009


1. New technologies and music

2. Sound recording

3. Prospects for the development of information technology in music



One of the main characteristics of the post-industrial period should be considered the rapid development of electronic technologies that contributed to the automation of storage and processing of information using computers.

The advent of powerful enough computers and new computer technologies had a huge impact on the formation of modern musical culture. Possibilities modern computers are increasing every day in parallel with advances in the scientific and technical sphere and developments in the field of programming.

The time has come for mature constructive relations, the time for the construction of a common building, where both sides will feel an increasing need for mutually enriching projects. Such different and once seemed distant spheres of human intellectual activity in the last decades of the past century have not only been imbued with mutual respect, but it is already possible to safely predict the brilliant fruitful development of their cooperation.

The obviousness of the fundamentally new opportunities provided by the musical computer in the development of the professional thinking of a musician in all areas of musical creativity will inevitably lead to the growing introduction of music and computer technologies, which will significantly supplement and even change the very nature of the work of a composer, musicologist, performer and teacher.

Numerous experiments with electronic (and not only) machines capable of producing sound led to the emergence of various ways of writing music, and hence to the emergence of various styles and trends. New sound, unusual and unusual for the ear has become an innovation in music. Many well-known contemporary composers, for example, K. Stockhausen, O. Messiaen, A. Schnittke, despite the complexity of working with technology, created works using new electronic instruments or only on them.

The development of electronic computing technology itself, at an early stage, led it to "invasion" of music. Already in the 50s, using the very first computers, scientists made attempts to synthesize music: to compose a melody or arrange it with artificial timbres. This is how algorithmic music appeared, the principle of which was proposed back in 1206 by Guido Marzano, and later applied by V.A. Mozart to automate the composing of minuets - composing music according to the drop of random numbers. K. Shannon, R. Zaripov, J. Ksenakis and others were involved in the creation of algorithmic compositions. In the 1980s, composers had the opportunity to use computers equipped with special programs that could memorize, reproduce and edit music, and also made it possible to create new timbres and print scores of their own creations. Has become possible use computer in concert practice.

So, today the computer is a multitimbral instrument and an integral part of any recording studio. Undoubtedly, many people associate the very word “studio” with the concept of “mass culture” or “third layer”, that is, with manifestations of pop culture and modern show business. Perhaps this is one of the main factors that attracts applicants when applying to sound engineering or any other faculty, one way or another related to music and computer technologies. The question arises: what role does the introduction of computers play in the education of future music teachers?

It is quite possible that a certain timbre-rhythmic code of computer music will help to heal some diseases. The availability of computer technology and the convenience of software will create unprecedented conditions for musical creativity (musical "handicraft"), comparable in part to the current avalanche-like spread of amateur music-making in pop and rock styles. Expressions: “my music”, “my home studio”, “my CDs”, “my videos”, “my music site” (everywhere “mine” means “created by me”) will also become familiar mass concepts. Everyone will be able to try themselves as a composer, arranger, sound engineer, composer of new timbres, sound effects.

Against the background of such a mass enthusiasm, the prestige and quality of music education will increase manifold, the content of which will change significantly thanks to the computer, will become more high-tech and intensive, flexibly adjusted to any specific tasks. Every music teacher in a special lyceum or general school (it does not matter) will be fluent in music and computer technologies. Of course, he will be able to conduct his subject in an interesting and exciting way, it will not be difficult for him to compose a song or dance, make full-sounding arrangements, form a bright school concert, record it with high quality on a digital disc and then give his pupils such a record in memory of the wonderful time of childhood and youth ...

1. New technologies and music

The influence of new technologies on music can be traced back to ancient times. Music developed along with the development of the means of its performance, that is, musical instruments. It is impossible to imagine, for example, Mozart's fortieth symphony, played, for example, on a branch sticking out of a stump. But it is from here that music originates. Some troglodyte there in the Mesozoic era sat and pulled a branch out of nothing to do. Another troglodyte walked by, heard sounds, caught a certain harmony in them and decided to try it too. The third, the smartest troglodyte, guessed that it was better to pull not a branch, but some kind of fiber, for example horsehair, made him a frame of wood and pulled this hair across it. Here is the story of the birth of the first stringed plucked musical instrument. I will note that if the third troglodyte had not known the technology of wood processing, then nothing would have come of it.

Later, with the development of mainly woodworking and metallurgical technologies, people began to notice the dependence of sound on the type of wood from which the frame was made. Also, the fragile horsehair gave way to a metal string. And somewhere in two thousand years BC, such instruments as a lyre or a harp appear.

Over the entire period of human history, from the invention of the lyre to the present day, a huge number of musical instruments have been created. But three groups have been most influenced by new technologies over the past one hundred and fifty years - keyboards, drums and strings (mainly guitar).

When electricity was discovered, people began to try to apply it in almost all areas of their activity. The classical piano was no exception. People tried to make the vibrations of the string persistent, that is, they wanted the volume of the sound not to decrease over time, like wind instruments. As a result, the following design was invented: a contact was installed under the key, which turned on the electromagnet. At the same time, as in an ordinary piano, the hammer hit the string, it began to vibrate, and when it reached the magnet, it was turned off by pressing the string on the other contact. When the string was deflected back under the action of elastic forces, the contact opened, and the magnet began to work again and attract the string to itself. Due to the fact that the string periodically touched the contact on the electromagnet, this instrument had a very sharp sound and therefore did not receive much distribution.

Another keyboard instrument - the organ - suffered from a different problem: its high cost and size. After all, there needed a pipe for each frequency, so classical organs occupied whole halls. And the bellows had to be pumped continuously for him. With the invention of the electric generator, the question arose about its use in musical instruments - after all, if you rotate it at different angular speeds, then when you connect it to the speaker, you can hear sounds of different frequencies. The first tool using this principle was invented in the late 1980s in Chicago. It was named telharmonium. Since there was a separate generator for each frequency in it, it occupied an entire basement. In this basement, a musician, usually an experienced organist, sat and played. At the same time, the telephone was invented, and the first speakers.

And so, to listen to music, Chicagoans called a certain number and connected to the telharmonium. Due to its cumbersomeness and complexity of manufacturing and tuning, telharmonium has not received widespread distribution. However, later, on the basis of the telharmonium, the American engineer Hammond in the thirties of the last century created an instrument that very much resembled the sound of an organ. It was called that - the Hammond organ. It has become very widespread due to its cheapness and good sounding. Also, the Hammond organ began to be used not only in classical music, but also in rock music that was gaining strength at that time.

Modern keyboard instruments - synthesizers - descended, in principle, from the Hammond organ. With the development of electronics, people tried to somehow improve its sound. Gradually, mechanical oscillators were replaced, first by multivibrators, and then by integrated circuits.

Also, with the further development of microelectronics, it became possible to obtain almost any timbre. In modern popular music, the synthesizer is king and god today. Due to its ease of use, it is now used by everyone who knows at least a little bit of the piano. Three classes of an ordinary music school are enough to play it more or less tolerably.

As a manuscript

Zabolotskaya Irina Vadimovna

New information technologies in music education

dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences

Saint Petersburg 2000

The work was carried out at the Department of General Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen

supervisor- Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor NA Terentyeva

Official opponents- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.V.Shvetsky, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M.E. Ronenko

Leading organization- Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education

The defense will take place "" b ".Zro? OQO of the year in" / O "hours at a meeting of the dissertation council K 1130503 for the award of the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences at the Herzen Russian Pedagogical University at the address 191186, St. Petersburg, Moika emb., D48 , building 11, room

The dissertation can be found in the fundamental library of the university. Abstract sent on 14 04 2000

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor SA Pisareva

general description of work

Relevance problems One of the directions of development of modern pedagogical science and practice, corresponding to the current state of science, culture and human activity, is the process of informatization of education New information technologies, which have arisen as a result of the general trend of informatization of society, are increasingly used in the educational process in teaching various disciplines More than 10 years in the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, work has been carried out related to the introduction of new information technologies in the field of education. A Rumyantsev, VP Solomin EA Tumaleva, MV Shvetskiy) Today there is a large number of theoretical and practical developments on the use of computer technology in teaching the natural sciences and humanities disciplines of algebra, geometry, drawing, foreign languages languages ​​(Baranova EI, Montsaev NG, Khodyakova GV, Udalov SR), when explaining many abstract concepts and processes of physics ("Electrodynamics", "Quantum Physics"), biology ("Fundamentals of Cytology"), chemistry ("Properties metals ") and so on, which cannot be observed directly (Smirnov VA, Galimov AM) The direction associated with the use of the Internet for educational purposes has appeared and is intensively developing (Dmitrieva EI, Uvarova AYu, Bogdanova DA, Belyaeva AV, Fedoseeva AA, Vagramenko Yu A) Issues of the use of computer tools in educational work with students are being developed (Konanykhin Yu P, Loktyushina EA) At the same time, the possibilities of information technologies in the educational process have not been sufficiently studied Pedagogical possibilities of a computer as a means of teaching have not been identified The need to research problems the use of new information technologies in the system of music education is due to a group of external factors associated with general trends in music education. the development of society and the education system as a whole and internal, due to the specific features of music education and modern music practice.Due to the fact that today these technologies have not found a systematic and purposeful application in music education, it becomes necessary to determine the scientific and methodological basis for their effective use. Therefore, the development of a system for the use of new information technologies in music education and the definition of pedagogical conditions for their effective use are relevant. The object of the research is new information technologies in the system of modern education.

Subject of study- methodical system of using new information technologies in the process of music education.

The purpose of the study, substantiation of the methodological system of using new information technologies in the modern educational process (on the example of music education).

The development and logic of the research was predetermined by the following initial hypothesis "the use of new information technologies increases the efficiency of the educational process, if the appropriate educational, methodological and software for training courses is developed. Sections of courses in musical disciplines are determined, in the study of which it is advisable to use new information technologies;

Conditions have been created for managing students in the learning process.To prove the hypothesis, it was required to solve the following tasks.

1 To study the current state of application of new information technologies in the system of modern education to identify the main trends and patterns of its development, which are then reflected in the teaching of specific subject areas.

2. Determine the didactic capabilities of modern computer training systems.

3. To develop a set of didactic conditions for the effective use of new information technologies in the system of music education.

5. Experimentally check the developed methodological system The following research methods were used in the work.

1 Analysis of the available literature on the research topic.

2 Analysis of practical experience of using new information technologies in the educational process 3 Conversation with experienced teachers on the issues under study.

4 Approbation and analysis of research results in teaching practice, at scientific and methodological conferences and seminars 5 Studying the quality of knowledge of students and schoolchildren in teaching musical disciplines.

6 Conducting a pedagogical experiment and processing the results of experimental research.

The methodological basis of the study was: philosophically, the theory of knowledge;

In psychological terms - the theory of the organization of mental activity;

psychological and pedagogical foundations of computer training ,. in methodological terms - didactic foundations of the formation of subject knowledge in modern music education.

The reliability and validity of scientific provisions is ensured by reliance on philosophical, socio-psychological and pedagogical approaches in determining the leading ideas of the research; the use of research methods adequate to the subject, goals, objectives of the research; participation of the author in experimental work aimed at solving research problems, positive results of the experiment.

Stage 1 (1995 - 1997) - study of psychological, pedagogical, philosophical literature on the problem of research, analysis of curricula, study and analysis of the didactic capabilities of computer training programs and music editors, analysis of practical experience of using new information technologies in the educational process Analysis of programs, textbooks and methodical literature on selected disciplines.

Stage 2 (1997 - 1999) - development of a model for the system of using new information technologies in music education, determining the set of didactic conditions for the effective use of new information technologies in the system of music education, conducting a pedagogical experiment.

Stage 3 (1999 - 2000) - systematization and interpretation of the data obtained in the course of the research, generalization of the results of work and preparation of the thesis Scientific novelty research is: in the theoretical development of the foundations for building a methodological system that allows the use of new information technologies in subject teaching, identifying pedagogical conditions, their effective application;

Substantiation of pedagogical conditions for the use of new information technologies in music education; identifying the pedagogical capabilities of information technology in increasing the effectiveness of education.

Practical significance The research consists in the development and implementation of a methodology for the use of new information technologies of teaching in the practice of teaching musical disciplines at various stages of modern music education, which allows to significantly increase the level of mastering of educational material in general. Educational computer programs have been developed that explain the theoretical material of the sections of musical theory that are difficult for students to perceive.

Research results can be used when introducing new information learning technologies into the practice of teaching musical subjects.

1. Methodical system of using new information technologies in modern music education, consisting of:

Principles of application of new information technologies in music teaching;

Forms of computer training and educational process management; methods of computer organization of the educational process.

2. The system of musical tasks, differentiated by the level of mastering the educational material, individual abilities of students and interests.

3. Pedagogical conditions conducive to increasing the effectiveness of music education with the help of new information technologies:

Orientation to the socio-cultural interests of students; the feasibility of using new information technologies to solve the assigned educational tasks;

An organic combination of traditional and computer teaching methods;

The teacher has special training (technical and methodological) that ensures the implementation of the possibilities of new information technologies in pedagogical activity.

Approbation of work. Main results works were reported and discussed at the following scientific conferences: International conference "Regional Informatics - 95"; International scientific conference "Noology, ecology of the noosphere, health and lifestyle" March 22-24, 1996; conference "Actual problems of continuous pedagogical education" March 20-22, 1996; The Third International Conference "Child in the Modern World" 1996; International Conference "Regional Informatics - 96"; conference "Information and psychological problems of the individual and society" - SPb., 1997; 2nd international scientific conference "Noology, ecology, health, humanism" SPb-98, January 21-24; International Conference "Regional Informatics - 98"; conference "New information technologies in education" A.I. Herzen. 1999.

The main results of the work are presented in the guidelines for the course "new information technologies in modern music education", articles on the research topic.

Dissertation structure... The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and an appendix.

In the introduction the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, its goal, objectives, research methods, hypothesis are formulated, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work are revealed.

In the first chapter- "Theoretical analysis of the application of new information technologies in modern education" based on the study of pedagogical, philosophical and psychological literature examines the impact of changes in science, culture and society on the development of pedagogical science, the problem of adapting the education system to the needs of modern society in the training of a specialist.

The dissertation research analyzes: issues of informatization of education based on the works of A.P. Ershov, V.A.Izvozchikov, V.F. Sholokhovich, V.V. Verzhbitsky, O.N. Vershinin. and others (the process of informatization of education is considered as providing the education sector with the theory and practice of the development and use of modern, new information technologies);

Issues of mutual influence of informatization of society and personal development (GA Bordovsky, VN Vasilieva, VV Voronov, AK Voskresensky, VA Izvozchikov, AI Rakitov, Tumaleva EA). issues of teacher training in the field of new information technologies of education (Vorobiev VI, VA Izvozchikov, IA Rumyantsev, VP Solomin, Ershov AP, Zhaldak MI, LE Samo-volnova) Analysis of the problems of human education in the information society, the factor of which is a process of progressively increasing use of information technology for the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge, showed the need and regularity of the introduction of new information technologies into the education system.This poses fundamentally new tasks for the education system, which require new technological solutions, create the need to search for scientific approaches to the organization of the educational process, as well as the optimal correspondence between the established traditions and the use of new information technologies of teaching Informatization of the modern education system provides real opportunities for creating conditions for students to receive the necessary and high-quality education swarming an open education system, creating a system of advanced learning, creating prerequisites and conditions for continuous self-education, greater individualization of the learning process literature and practice of using new information technologies in the education system, such as pedagogical informatics, information technologies, computer learning technologies, new information technologies, etc. The definitions of the concept of pedagogical technology by different authors and the stages of evolution of the concept of "learning technology" technology as a system of educational technologies and technical capabilities modern technology that implements the content of training and ensures the achievement of the set didactic goals The study was based on the analysis of the development process pedagogical technology S A Smirnova, MV Klarina, ES Zair-Bek and the analysis of new information technologies of teaching The basic requirements for the use of new information technologies, such as ensuring the development of personality, to be effective from a pedagogical and didactic point of view, to be organically combined with the existing educational complex, are determined. the possibilities of distance (providing the effect of direct communication between the teacher and the student at a distance) forms of computer learning New information technology realizes the content of education in a new way and ensures the achievement of the set didactic goals, implying scientific approaches to the organization of the educational process, expands the range of knowledge provided to students, appears the possibility of greater individualization of the educational process (its content, the pace of passing the educational material), changes and provides new forms, methods and means of teaching As a universal pedagogical technology that unites no elements of previously used educational technologies, new information technologies of teaching allow to organically combine traditional and innovative methods of pedagogical interaction, form knowledge, skills and abilities at a new level, while contributing to the development of the personality, satisfying its educational needs and interests. the complexes of these means and their systems cannot reflect all the teaching principles necessary for solving the set educational tasks due to the lack of interactivity, often do not provide the synthesis of visual forms.When using computer teaching aids in pedagogical practice, the features of the cognitive activity of students in assimilation come first, creative application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for a given purpose, methods chosen by the teacher and organizational forms of training Information technology means differ from traditional means of teachings, first of all, the didactic property of interactivity inherent in all of them, which allows you to actively intervene in the proposed program, build tactics of using this manual, depending on the level of knowledge of the material, the degree of interest in this particular material, your own psycho-physiological characteristics of cognitive activity, etc. An important advantage computer form of education is the ability to study according to individual programs those subjects that are usually studied in a group, and this is always a deeper and more complete assimilation of the material.Training programs can provide each student with their own trajectory of self-education, that is, the opportunity to master educational material of that complexity and at the same pace, which is set by the student himself, to regulate the process of perceiving information to go back to repeat the material, or move on to further passing it, which contributes to the flexibility and naturalness of the learning process. psychologically comfortable learning environment The efficiency of independent, creative work of students increases.It becomes possible to create a system of management and organization of educational activities of students. , scientific character, the transition from learning to self-education, the connection of learning with life, with the surrounding reality, feasible difficulty, the strength of learning outcomes and the development of cognitive ability The main components of the basic model of the computerization system of learning are identified, factors of the socio-educational conditionality of the inclusion of computer technologies in the learning process, the principles of functioning system, the conditions for its functioning, the main components of the system (philosophical and methodological component, psychological and pedagogical , scientific and methodological, scientific and technical, motivational-activity components) The principles underlying the model of computerization of education are given the principle of socio-historical and economic conditionality, the principle of humanistic orientation, the principle of validity, the principle of integrity, the principle of adaptability The computer learning system is considered in this study as a holistic the process of providing educational practice with the theory and methodology of using computer technologies, aimed at the implementation of learning goals and the development of students The use of computer technologies is aimed at increasing the productivity of the pedagogical process, taking into account the individual and personal characteristics of its participants In the second chapter"The use of new information technologies in the study of musical disciplines", summarized the results of the analysis.

Issues of informatization of education, new information technology as a universal mechanism of pedagogical technology. theoretical issues of constructing a methodological system (the foundations of constructing a methodological system in general form - Titova EV, Stefanov NL and a methodical system of computer training - Egorova TO, Apatova PV, Shvetskiy MB). didactic and musical capabilities of computer training programs and music editors ,. educational, methodological literature and experience in teaching musical disciplines, both with the help of computer systems and traditional teaching tools. technologies Psychological and pedagogical analysis of the currently available theoretical material and experience in the practical use of new information technologies in pedagogy and musical culture revealed the need to search for new approaches to musical education, which in turn leads to a change in the content, methods and organizational forms of education This analysis revealed a contradiction between the requirements of society for the training of specialists, the needs of students and the traditional system of music education. This is due to the following factors. information technologies, which have become widespread, have become a real asset of musical culture and a factor in its development, mastering new information technologies provides additional opportunities for creativity and further professional self-realization. the presence in the system of music education of disciplines containing a large amount of information (mainly disciplines of theoretical and historical cycles). the presence in the system of music education of difficulties associated with a large amount of information and with the specific features of the process of music education, which are not solved in the traditional way A feature of music education is a high degree of its individualization. education and development of students' creative abilities Their use allows you to choose individual ways of acquiring knowledge for each student.The student can study the material at the most suitable pace for him, regulate the forms and nature of individual-independent work with programs that demonstrate various aspects of theoretical disciplines, teaching elements of musical literacy, harmony, analysis, etc. As the analysis of the possibilities of using computer technologies in music education has shown, their application will be especially effective active and expedient in teaching musical-theoretical disciplines, which determined the logic of this dissertation research.In teaching music theory, solfeggio, harmony, analysis of musical works, subjects of the musical-historical cycle, there are certain difficulties that can be solved by introducing new information technologies into the educational process. as the need for individualization of teaching, the impossibility or ineffectiveness of independent (home) studies of students in some sections of the courses, the lack of timbres, ensemble sounding, non-tempered instruments that negatively affect the development of hearing (in particular, harmonic and timbre) insufficient illustrative presentation of the theoretical part of the courses, lack of sufficient for the full assimilation of the material, time for certain types of work, the laboriousness of written operations, the problem of developing certain practical skills of students with a limited number time The work defines the general principles on which the majority of musical training programs are based, the elements of musical knowledge, the goals of these programs and how they interact with the student, the difficulties of using computer technologies in the musical educational process are identified, technical requirements for software are formulated, methods of knowledge and skills formation are considered and skills in specific types of work on musical subjects and, on their basis, specific guidelines have been developed for the use of new information technologies in music education The following components of the methodological system for the use of new information technologies in modern music education are highlighted The components of the methodological system for the use of new information technologies in modern music education Learning Goals Which include goals as desired perspectives in personal development and educational standards orientation towards general pedagogical goals and - the priority of the goals of personality development, the strengthening of interest and motivation for learning, the achievement of special goals as general artistic education (development of the creative qualities of the individual, education of artistic thinking), and professional music education (development of musical abilities, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities) The content of education, which should satisfy the needs of society in the training of a specialist, the needs and interests of students, providing a system of knowledge and practical skills necessary for further musical activity These provisions put forward the requirements for the variability of its construction Learning outcomes These results include the achievement of the standards of music education by students, which includes mastering the system knowledge and practical skills necessary for further musical activity, ensuring various levels of mastery of subjects, the emergence of additional opportunities for professional self-help Alization Principles of application of new information technologies in music teaching Principle of expediency of using computer technologies for acquiring knowledge and skills in the studied musical discipline Principle of a personality-oriented approach, which consists in creating conditions for acquiring professional qualities that are personally significant for students Dan computer model) ,. the condition of focusing on the socio-cultural needs and interests of students involves the use of the possibilities of new information technologies for the professional self-realization of students by including new creative possibilities and forms of musical activity in the learning process.

Scientific and technical conditions, including equipping educational institutions with computer equipment that meets the needs of the musical educational process and the availability of a complex of musical and musical educational programs of various levels of complexity. the condition for the teacher to have special training (technical and methodological) that ensures the implementation of the possibilities of new information technologies in pedagogical activity. condition for providing teachers with methodological recommendations on the use of these teaching aids Chapter Three- "Pedagogical experiment" Experimental work on the use of new information technologies in music education was carried out in 1997-1998 The experiment involved students of the children's music school of the Vasileostrovsky district, students and undergraduates of the "Music" faculty of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. Experimental and experimental work included the following stages 1st stage - studying the state of the research problem in pedagogical and educational literature, as well as by analyzing the practice of teachers in higher and secondary schools. This stage included. analysis of the theory and practice of teaching musical disciplines using computer technology. analysis of the didactic and musical capabilities of computer training programs and music editors. survey of pupils and students ,. Conversations with teachers of music schools and universities, students Analysis of the existing experience in teaching musical disciplines using new information technologies revealed the following difficulties arising in the teaching process, insufficient training of teachers (technical and methodological) to implement the capabilities of computer systems in the educational process, lack of necessary technical and methodological support (in particular, the lack of musical training programs in many sections of musical disciplines) The results of the study were used to develop guidelines for the use of new information technologies in music teaching; 2nd stage - study in practice of the influence of computer technologies on the educational process To conduct the research training computer programs were developed explaining the theoretical material of the sections of musical theory that are difficult for students to perceive - "intervals", "chords" and is the capabilities of the music editor Encore were used.At this stage, computer tools were used in the following composition: computers IBM-PC Pentium -133, Pentium - 200, sound cards SBAWE, SB-64AWE Creative, Yamaha 220 synthesizer with MIDI interface To identify the level of students' interest in studying the subject with the use of new information technologies, we used survey materials of students trained using computer technologies and students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Music of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen in order to identify their attitude to the use of computer technologies in music education The results of the study showed that the use provides students with the opportunity to regulate the forms and nature of individually independent work with programs, to choose individual ways of acquiring knowledge, to regulate the process of information perception, which contributes to a deeper and more complete assimilation of the material 3rd stage - processing of the obtained results Based on the study, the following conclusions were made. learning, which is especially important when taking those courses that are usually studied in a group. the use of these technologies helps to interest students to increase the motivation of learning. contributes to an increase in the efficiency of independent, creative work of students due to the possibility of interactive interaction with the teaching tool.

promotes qualitative changes in the field of knowledge of students, in particular, the creation of concrete images that reinforce abstract knowledge, making them more meaningful and personally accepted. gives an opportunity to manifest various abilities of students, creating conditions for the fullest disclosure of their potential, which is facilitated by the fulfillment of various creative tasks and an increase in interest in the subject through the various nature of the activity (composer, arranger, performer, interpreter, etc.) or its organization. conclusions regarding the use of new information technologies in music education 1 The needs of the modern education system and require the presence of modern teaching methods in it 2 New information technologies are a multifunctional means of cognition, a universal educational technology with adaptive properties, capable of combining elements of previously used educational technologies as a generalized mechanism of interaction between established traditions and innovations Their use contributes to the improvement and centralization of the management of the educational process, the optimal distribution of information formation, has a positive effect on the features of the cognitive activity of students, makes it possible to more fully implement didactic principles, changes the role of the teacher, who acts more as a leader, and not as a disseminator of information.The latter raises the question of the preparedness of teachers to use computer tools, knowledge of methodology, principles and methodology their use 3 The research was carried out on the material of various disciplines (5 disciplines) of music education On their basis, a system of using new information technologies in music education was developed, focused on creating conditions for the maximum realization of the possibilities of new information technologies 4 Pedagogical conditions for the effective use of new information technologies in the system of musical education 5 The results of the experimental test showed a sufficient effectiveness of teaching with the use of computer technologies The experiment was confirmed I was angry that computer forms and methods of presenting educational information affect the increase in the effectiveness of learning. images that reinforce abstract knowledge, make them more meaningful and personally accepted Understanding the elements of the musical language occurs with the help of sensations and visual-visual representations, which, in comparison with the possibilities of verbal communication, has a more concrete, simple and dynamic nature of perception Key research findings published in the following works 1 Computer educational musical systems in music education // Abstracts of the international conference "Regional informatics - 95" (co-authored) 2 Sociocultural and environmental problems of noosphere education // Noology, ecology of the noosphere, health and lifestyle Abstracts of reports of the international scientific conferences on March 22-24, 1996 (co-authored) 3 Multimedia technologies in the system of continuous music and pedagogical education // Abstracts of the conference on March 20-22, 1996 "Actual problems of continuous pedagogical education"

4 Computers and the formation of a child's musical culture // The third international conference "child in the modern world" Abstracts of 1996 5. Multimedia technologies in music education // Abstracts of the international conference "Regional informatics - 96" (co-authored).

6. Electronic textbook on the course "theory of music" // Abstracts of the international conference "Regional informatics - 96" (co-authored) 7. New information technologies in music education // "Problems of informatization" theoretical and scientific-practical journal 1996. №4 ...

8. Information and psychological aspects of computerization of music education // Information and psychological problems of personality and society. - SPb .;

9. New information technologies and the formation of musical culture // 2nd international scientific conference "Noology, ecology, health, humanism"

10. New information technologies and problems of development of musical ear // Abstracts of the international conference "Regional informatics Methodological recommendations for the course" New information technologies in modern music education "

13. Possibilities of using computer technologies in musical creativity and education // Proceedings of the conference "Regional informatics - 98". 1999.

- with. 120 -125.

14. Computer music training programs // abstracts. report conf.

"New information technologies in education" A.I. Herzen, 1999.

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Annotation: The article discusses music and computer technologies in the educational system on the example of the work of the educational and methodological laboratory of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg). Interdisciplinary field professional activity associated with the creation and application of specialized musical software and hardware and knowledge both in music and in the field of computer science. And the implementation of the concept of music-computer education of a teacher-musician is carried out through the main educational programs of the vocational training system, the system of additional education, the professional development of teachers and their methodological support on the Internet. In addition, the educational and methodological laboratory "Music and Computer Technologies" is engaged in scientific activities: these are, first of all, specialized research in this area of ​​pedagogy and holding international conferences.

Abstract: The article deals with musically-computer technology in the educational system on example of the Educational and Methodical Laboratory at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg. Interdisciplinary field of professional activities relates to the creation and application of specialized music software and hardware tools and the knowledges in music and informatics. A realization of the concept of musical-computer education in preparing music teachers is through basic educational programs of vocational training, supplementary education, professional development of teachers and methodical support via Internet. In addition, the laboratory Music & Computer Technologies engaged in scientific activity: it is, above all, specialized researches in the field of pedagogy and international conferences.

Music is one of the facets of comprehending the spiritual content of the world, its beauty, reflected in the sound. In addition, the sound of music is perceived by a person as a special information space... Computer science and information technology today affect various areas, including musical creativity and pedagogy. How information technologies function in the sound (and, in general, semantic) space of music - this issue has become the subject of attention of musicians-teachers and representatives of other specialties in connection with the formation of new creative prospects for musical activity, because the knowledge of the secrets of sound production, sound creation, the richness of timbre and acoustic the impact of music provides an additional incentive for artistic innovation.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, a new direction appeared in musical creativity and pedagogy, due to the rapid development of the electronic musical instruments industry: from the simplest synthesizers to powerful musical computers. In modern electronic musical instruments, the accumulated information technologies of music and the art of playing music have been most fully and completely embodied for centuries [ ]. Therefore, a new interdisciplinary field of professional activity associated with the creation and use of specialized musical software and hardware - music and computer technologies1 (hereinafter - MCT) - requires knowledge and skills both in the music field and in the field of computer science.

1 The concept is used in various musical fields (creativity, education, media production). So, in the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) developed, licensed and in 2004 introduced into the pedagogical process of the vocational and educational profile of training bachelors of art education "050610 - Music and computer technologies".

In many educational institutions of the world, musicians are taught the elements of MKT: Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique / musique (IRCAM) and Center d'Etudes Mathématiques et Automatique Musicales (CEMAMu) in Paris; Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University; San diego supercomputer center (SDSC) University of California; Research Center of Music and Computer Technologies of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. are: a musical computer as a necessary element of the hardware-instrumental base and software of the musical-computer educational complex; a methodological system that allows the organic use of computer technologies at all stages and in all areas of the musical and educational process (ICT is a dynamically developing educational environment that requires the constant development of new curricula and courses adapted to modern social needs and corresponding to the level of development of these technologies) [ ; ; ; ].

In particular, in 2002 at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, an educational and methodological laboratory (UML) "Music and Computer Technologies" information technology education, and affects the social aspects of the process of informatization of education in general. The tasks set by the laboratory were: development of a new educational direction (in general and special music education); implementation of the methodological system of music-computer pedagogical education at different levels of education, which reflect the content, forms and methods of using ICT in professional, general and inclusive music education; implementation of IT technologies in the musical educational process.2

2 The UML working group "Music and Computer Technologies" includes musicians and programmers: Irina Gorbunova, Gennady Belov, Nina Berger, Alexey Gorelchenko, Sergey Chibiryov, Andreas Kameris, Pyotr Rodionov, Alexey Voronov, Elena Bazhukova, Yulia Kiseleva, Lyudmila Romanenko, Olga Prazdnichnykh and etc.

The main direction of the laboratory's work is educational activity. The implementation of the concept of music and computer education in the training of a teacher-musician is carried out through the main educational programs of the vocational training system, the system of additional education, the professional development of teachers and their methodological support in the World Wide Web. Thus, the laboratory staff developed classes for students of music departments in many specialized disciplines3. The implementation of an innovative educational system is also carried out through additional education: professional retraining programs, as well as advanced training programs and course training programs.

3 "Computer music", "History of electronic music", "Technologies and teaching methods (in the disciplines of specialized training: music and computer technologies)", "Architectonics of sound", "Fundamentals of studio recording", "Information technologies in music", "Technology of musical styles "," Fundamentals of composition, instrumental science and computer arrangement "," Traditional and computer orchestration "," Studio recording technologies "," Methods and practice of teaching electronic composition and arrangement "," Teaching techniques to play an electronic musical instrument "," Standard software ensuring the professional activity of a musician "," Traditional and electronic instrumental science "," Music computer"," The main electronic musical instrument "," Additional musical instrument (electronic) "," Electronic synthesizer "," Electronic ensemble "," Music and computer workshop. " programs of the cycle of disciplines "Music and computer technologies for the rehabilitation of people with hearing disabilities."

The principles underlying the creation of the laboratory's methodological system are the foundation for various types of professional activities as musicians working with MKT (sound engineering, digital sound recording, sound design, sound production, performance on synthesizers and MIDI instruments, etc.), so and programmers-developers in the field of electronic music systems. This system is based on the use of specialized software and a specially equipped classroom, and is associated with an individual-group form of conducting classes (an important component here is ensemble play: creative aesthetic activity has a high developmental potential).

Based on the methodological system proposed by the laboratory staff, advanced training programs were created4. For all comers, course training is carried out according to the programs: " Intensive course playing keyboard instruments (musical computer and synthesizer) "," Computer arrangement and composition "," Modern recording studio and work in it "," Design of musical editions on a computer ", etc.

4 For music teachers of preschool institutions - "Innovative methods and technologies for the musical development of preschool children based on musical and computer technologies." For music teachers of secondary schools and teachers of children's music schools and children's art schools: "Music and computer technologies", "Methods for teaching musical disciplines using music and computer technologies", "Computer musical creativity", "Methods for teaching electronic musical instruments", "Arranging music on electronic musical instruments ", etc.

The implementation of the concept also provides for the professional development of music teachers and their methodological support on the Internet. The methodological system developed by a team of authors makes it possible for a wide contingent of students (both future professionals and amateurs) to communicate with music in an interactive mode. Over the past 10 years, a large-scale testing of the developed integrated innovative educational system for various levels of education has been organized and carried out, in particular in the pilot regions of Russia (many educational complexes have been developed, implemented and tested in conjunction with the St. Petersburg computer studio "Mart" with the support of the National Training Foundation frames). So, introduced into the educational process: an innovative educational and methodological complex (IUMK) "Music and Informatics", grades 1-4; educational-methodical complex (TMC) "Musical computer (new instrument of a musician)", grades 9-11; information sources of complex structure (ISSS) and digital educational resources (CER) "Music in digital space", grades 5-9; "Sound and Music in Multimedia Systems", grades 8-11; an inclusive education system (equal opportunities to receive music education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities). The resources are freely available on the Web (at the moment, absolutely all products created by the laboratory are open source).

For example, IISS "Music in the Digital Space" is a practical course for mastering the field of knowledge, which forms the skills and abilities to use new musical computer technologies in music education and subsequent creative activity (presentation of new material in the classroom and independent creative activity of students). IISS contains a set of the following training resources:
- a collection of information sources (systematized in the database), including texts, illustrations, audio and video fragments, animations (if necessary), etc., equipped with convenient navigation for finding the necessary materials and their selection for further use;
- lesson models (ready-made "lectures"), which offer the author's versions of the presentation of theoretical materials, as well as assignments and creative works;
- tools for the selection and maintenance of their own trajectories of lessons (formed on the basis of the resources presented in the ISS collection and, possibly, using the resources found or prepared by the teacher independently);
- a set of teaching materials describing the methods of working with the resource base and lesson models presented in the IISS, as well as instructions (or links to the corresponding printed and electronic publications) on the use of programs designed to work with digital music.

Using this digital course, the teacher can solve pedagogical and methodological problems: choose a ready-made "lecture" to accompany the lesson and adapt it to his own pedagogical tasks (excluding or adding the necessary resources); create your own lesson trajectory using materials from the resource collection and additional materials collected by yourself; select practical and creative assignments to complete in class or for homework; organize a dialogue in the lesson using a pre-selected collection of resources. And the student gets the opportunity to use the materials of the resource collection to complete the tasks of teachers, create their own creative projects based on the material studied and the proposed methods for working with digital music, as well as independently increase the level of knowledge and develop creative abilities. Thus, IISS acts as an organizer of the dialogue between the teacher and the student in the process of studying and comprehending the peculiarities of the musical and cultural space.5

5 The introduction of this ISSS into the educational process contributes to: improving the quality of mastering a number of traditional musical disciplines, such as classical music literature, solfeggio, composition, arrangement, etc .; a significant expansion of the range of theoretical and practical ideas of students about modern forms of music as an art form and about the technologies of its creation; the formation of new artistic and aesthetic ideas about computer and electronic music; acquaintance with new genres and trends in computer and electronic music; acquiring knowledge about the possibilities of using a musical computer for school musical creativity (computer arrangement, composition, studio work, etc.); expansion of ideas about the latest trends in music associated with new computer technologies; formation of knowledge in the field of electronic sound and systemic ideas about the prospects for the development of musical art in general; the formation of students' need for music education, including with the use of a music computer; expanding opportunities for vocational guidance of students in the field of music and computer technologies.

The use of IISS in everyday educational activities allows: to provide students with the opportunity to acquire practical skills in using a musical computer as a new musical instrument; to master new knowledge and skills (including initial professional ones) through musical and practical activities in the classroom; to get an idea of ​​the acoustic capabilities of a musical computer, the peculiarities of computer instrumentation, work in a modern digital recording studio, etc. To solve these problems, an electronic manual has been developed, consisting of two main sections.

The first section "Towards a Music Computer" offers information and lesson structure on topics related to musical creativity in traditional and computer representation. This section includes lessons on the following topics:
- Music as information (musical art is a specific sound language. This topic is devoted to the comprehension of various forms and aspects of the information content of the musical language);
- Musical instruments - from a bowstring to a synthesizer (a story about the development of musical instruments in its historical evolution, as well as about the specific features and capabilities of acoustic and electronic musical instruments).

The second section "Computer lessons of composition and arrangement" is devoted to the study and application in practice of existing computer programs for the creation and processing of digital music. This section includes:
- Composing as musical programming (studying the components of the musical language in direct work with them);
- "Something from Mozart to us ..." (acquaintance with the basics of composition on the example of musical classics);
- Composing step by step (practical lessons on composition and arrangement in the simplest forms and various genre refractions);
- Sound and music in multimedia systems (variety of manifestations of musical digital technologies in various types of arts);
- Music without borders (workshop of searching for musical information on the network, sound design of the Internet site, distance communication between a teacher and a student in the process of musical education).

The use of IISS in the educational process solves a number of problems that are relevant for modern education. Among them: expanding the sources of knowledge acquisition, including the use of information capabilities of the Internet (in the form of home or optional work); reducing the load on teachers in preparation for classes by enhancing the creativity and individuality of his activities (creating his own educational trajectories); increasing the motivation for obtaining knowledge from students by introducing computer technologies into traditional approaches to studying music and relying on the needs of the individual for creative self-realization; the student gaining experience of co-creation with the teacher and comrades through various forms of collective work in the development of educational material.

The educational process is accompanied by the scientific activity of the laboratory staff, which is carried out in various directions. In particular, fundamental research is being carried out on the topics "Development of conceptual foundations for the implementation of information technologies in music education" and "Formation information competence modern musician on the basis of musical and computer technologies ", Ph.D. theses were defended on the functioning of musical and computer technologies in the musical educational process, musical creativity, information technologies in music and music education, computer modeling of elements of musical creativity (I. V. Zabolotskaya, S. V. Chibiryov, A. Kameris, A. V. Gorelchenko, E. V. Kibitkina, M. Yu. Chernaya, S. Yu. Privalova, etc.).

UML "Music and Computer Technologies" organizes and conducts a number of conferences, seminars, participates in exhibitions. The most ambitious projects here: a permanent city seminar "New information technologies in modern music education and creativity", with reports delivered by composers, as well as scientists from a number of universities in Russia and the world (Great Britain, Poland, USA); the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Music and Computer Technologies in the System of Modern Education", which has been held by the laboratory staff together with various institutions of St. Petersburg since 2008; the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Contemporary Music Education", held jointly with the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov since 20026.

6 Conference topics (2012): topical problems of music education in the system of holistic art education; problems of professional music education; electronic musical instruments; new trends in the system of general and special music education; new information technologies in music education and creativity; computer music; music informatics; music and computer technologies in primary music education (children's music school, children's art school, lyceums); media music; music theory in contemporary musical practice; computer musical creativity; problems of implementation of state standards in the field of music in school education.

This requires, on the one hand, the preparation of musicians who are versed in modern multimedia technologies. On the other hand, it is obvious that there is a need to train technical specialists who have the basics of general music education and who have knowledge in the field of sound programming, sound synthesis, audio engineering, sound-timbre programming, modeling of musical and creative processes, as well as possessing studio recording technologies and computer programs, - that is, specialists who are able to engage in modeling as one of the methods of objective research of musical creativity [ ; ]. This explains the creation of special, targeted at a wide audience of trainees, training courses and manuals, allowing at an accessible level to outline the principles of operation of a musical computer and an electronic musical instrument [ ; ; ; ].

The versatility, global applicability of electronic and computer music provide new, in fact, limitless opportunities for self-realization, stimulate the rapid development of intelligence, raising learning to a new level. The compatibility of electronic music with traditional musical technologies creates conditions for the continuity of musical eras and styles, their interpenetration and synthesis, strengthening interest in musical culture as a whole. Success in the modern use of such systems lies in the integration of all computer capabilities (symbolic and numerical interface, embedded graphics, music, animation, animation, databases and data banks, etc.).


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    Gorbunova I.B. Musical and computer technologies: laboratory // ENJ "Mediamusika". No. 1 (2012) .. html

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