
XXXV International (Zvenigorod) Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. XLV International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Started in Zvenigorod Zvenigorod Conference

Section “Project ITER. A step into the energy of the future ”for many years has been an integral part of the International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, traditionally held in the Zvenigorodsky boarding house near Moscow and dedicated to the development of the industry in Russia and abroad. On April 02, on the first day of the Conference, representatives of the ITER Project Center (Russian ITER Agency), the ITER Project Center (Russian Agency for ITER), the representatives of the ITER Project Center (Russian Agency for ITER), scientific centers and enterprises involved in the joint implementation of the project, presented oral and poster presentations on the progress in fulfilling the Russian production obligations and the supply of the corresponding components of the future installation, which are in the sphere of Russian responsibility.

Representatives of the ITER Project Center, NRC Kurchatov Institute, SSC RF TRINITI, JSC NIIEFA im. D.V. Efremov ”, Plasma Physics Laboratories (Brussels, Belgium), INP SB RAS named after G.I. Budker, JSC "NIKIET im. ON. Dollezhal ", FTI im. A.F. Ioffe RAS, UTS-Center and other organizations. The section devoted to the progress in the joint implementation of the ITER project, as usual, attracted wide attention of the expert community: representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as leading Russian and foreign research centers.

Also on the first day of the Conference, a round table was held, at which experts - Viktor Ilgisonis, Director of the direction of scientific and technical research and development of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Director of the INP SB RAS named after G.I. Budkera, Jeff Ongena, Head of the Belgian Association for Thermonuclear Research, Anatoly Krasilnikov, Director of the ITER-Center Private Institution, as well as young employees of the ITER Center - answered the journalists' questions regarding the progress in the joint implementation of the ITER project, as well as the prospects for the development of national thermonuclear research.

“It is very right that we have gathered here today, because the Zvenigorod conference is the traditional and largest conference held in our country on the problems of controlled thermonuclear fusion and plasma physics. It is very pleasant that in recent years it has been held in an international format. This conference is a kind of a cut of what we have today in the field of thermonuclear research, ”Viktor Ilgisonis said during the round table.

As Anatoly Krasilnikov said, “what made me personally happy today was that the conference served as a forum for communication; all key experts and specialists in the field of thermonuclear research are present here. This means that the conference is fulfilling its function. " Answering a question from journalists about the future of thermonuclear research, the head of the Russian ITER Agency emphasized that “now we must think about launching projects in the country in parallel with ITER for the construction of installations on the basis of which the internal thermonuclear program will develop”.

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Proceedings of the Zvenigorod Conference ... XLV Zvenigorod Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, ...


abstract title. (the paragraph “title REPORT” is formatted using the “Zv-Title_report” style. type it making no line advance by pressing the 'enter' key. If it is necessary to make line advance the combination of keys 'shift + enter' can be used.press the 'enter' key after you have finished typing the title)

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1Organization, ***** @ *** com (...),
2Organization, ***** @ *** com (Press the ‘ENTER’ key after you have finished typing the paragraph “Organizations”).

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Proceeding of Zvenigorod conference ... 45 Zvenigord conference ...

Author A., ​​ORG RAS Author B., ORG RAS Coauthor A., ​​ORG1 Coauthor B., ORG2


XXXV International (Zvenigorod) Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Organizers: Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Plasma Physics, Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the complex problem “Physics of low-temperature plasma”, Institute of General Physics named after A.M. Prokhorov Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Thermophysics of Extreme States, JIHT RAS, Scientific and Technological Center "PLAZMAIOPHAN", Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
Contact information: Email: [email protected], tel .: 499-1358031, 499-5038248
Email mail: NULL

The main part of the conference includes oral and poster presentations in the following sections:

- “Magnetic confinement of high-temperature plasma. Theory and experiment ",
- "Inertial thermonuclear fusion",
- "Physical processes in low-temperature plasma",
- "Physical foundations of plasma and beam technologies."

To the section “Magnetic confinement of high-temperature plasma. Theory and Experiment ”, reports are accepted reflecting the results of experimental and theoretical studies on plasma confinement in magnetic traps of various types, such as tokamak, stellarator, various types of mirror cells, spherical tokamak, etc. concentration and temperature, as well as the time of retention of ions and electrons in the plasma column, the use of various methods of additional plasma heating, the interaction of plasma with the wall of the vacuum chamber, transfer processes, the formation of external and internal transport barriers in plasma, etc.

The topics of the reports at the section "Inertial Thermonuclear Fusion" correspond to the main directions of research in the field of ICF associated with the use of laser beams, Z-pinches and accelerated beams of heavy ions as drivers, as well as related issues of the development of plasma methods for laser acceleration of charged particles.

The reports of the section "Physical processes in low-temperature plasma" present research in the following main areas:

1) low-temperature plasma, stimulated by external influences;
2) various types of discharges;
3) dusty and complex plasma.

In addition, the section discusses reports related to technological applications of low-temperature plasma.

Within the framework of the section "Physical foundations of plasma and beam technologies", numerous proposals for technological use research results in the field of microwave discharges. The range of issues under consideration is very wide: applying films, changing the microstructure of surfaces, cleaning them using surface discharges, cleaning ballast and waste water, increasing the service life of various products, etc. In addition, technological issues related to the effect of electron beams on surfaces and bulk media are considered. which is important for improving the performance properties of various parts and creating new materials.


Yu.A. Lebedev, A.V. Tatarinov

Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after A.V. Topchieva, RAS, Moscow, Russia,
e-mail: [email protected]

The paper presents a numerical simulation of the electrodynamics of microwave waves propagating in an irregular coaxial system with a plasma in the form of a ball burning at the end of the central electrode. For this, the unsteady Maxwell equations were solved on a two-dimensional grid. To identify the main regularities of the redistribution of microwave energy in such a system, various density profiles and sizes of the plasma formation were investigated. The calculations were carried out for hydrogen in the pressure range: 0.5 8 torus and densities: 0.2 100 n cr .

The emergence of a spherical plasma at the end of the central cylindrical electrode was observed in experiments. Investigations of a stationary discharge in hydrogen, nitrogen, and argon were carried out at pressures 0.5 10 torus. Analysis of the spatial distribution of the intensity of radiation from the plasma showed that the regions of maximum absorption of microwave power are located not only near the surface of the inner electrode, but also on the surface of the discharge.

To obtain the spatial distributions of the absorbed power similar to the experimental ones, numerical calculations were carried out for a spherical plasma with different values ​​of density and radius.

For a subcritical plasma of any size, the microwave power is absorbed near the end of the central electrode. The region of maximum absorption has a toroidal shape, which is observed in experiments. For supercritical plasma, the absorbed microwave power is localized both near the central electrode and in the surface layer of the plasma.

If the plasma density significantly exceeds the critical value, the power is mainly absorbed by the surface layer of the plasma. The relative distribution of the absorbed power along the plasma surface depends on its radius. At very high plasma densities, the absorbing layer becomes thin. The discharge reflects most of the incident power and behaves like a metal sphere placed on the end of the central electrode.

Satisfactory agreement with experiment can be achieved only in the case when the surface plasma layer is supercritical. The central region of the plasma can be both supercritical and subcritical. In this case, the spatial distributions of the absorbed power inside the plasma differ insignificantly.

This work was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 02-02-16021).


  1. Birdsall C.K. and Langdon A.B. Plasma physics via Computer Simulation(McGraw-Hill Book Company) 1985

  2. Jackson J D, 2000 Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 1975, 331

  3. Joseph R M, Hagness S C, Taflove A Optics letters 1991 16 1412

  4. Bardosh L and Lebedev YA Plasma Physics 1998 24 956

  5. Bardosh L and Lebedev YA VTF 1998 68 29

  6. Lebedev YA, Mokeev MV and Tatarinov AV Plasma Physics 2000 26 293

  7. Lebedev YA, Mokeev MV TWT 2000 38 381

Lebedev Yu.A., Russia, Moscow, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after A.V. Topchiev, RAS, [email protected]

Tatarinov A.V., Russia, Moscow, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after A.V. A.V. Topchiev, RAS, [email protected]

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