
How to flip a sheet when you print. As in a Word, turn over a separate sheet, instructions. Insert watermarks into a document

Good day, my dear friends. Again this one with you, how is it there ... in general, I. And today I want to start a small series of articles about Microsoft Word... All the same, this is the main office program and the vast majority of people use it. But despite this, they do not know very many elemental things. I come across this almost every day.

So, in order to fill these gaps, I will prepare special articles for you. And we will start with the topic, because of which many people really fall into a stupor. There are times when you need to write text or something else on the horizontal arrangement of the sheet, and no one knows how to implement it. And today I will just tell you how to unfold a sheet in a Word horizontally to fit it to your needs. I will do this using the example of office 2013, but for 2010 and 2007 this method is also relevant.

Entire document

The easiest way to expand our work area horizontally or vertically is to go to the Layout menu, then select Orientation - Landscape. Voila. Thanks to this uncomplicated method, you can expand all the pages of the document.

Specific pages

There are often times when it is necessary to rotate horizontally only one sheet, well, or several pages. What then to do in such cases? It's very simple. First, you need to select one or more sheets that you want to flip. Made? Handsome men!

Now we go to the menu again "Page layout", only now we do not select the orientation there, but we are looking for the "Parameters" item, after which we press the tiny icon to the right of it.

The page settings window will open. This is exactly what we need. Pay attention to the very bottom. There, opposite the orientation, there is a drop-down list. Expand it and select the item Selected Pages... Well, now you can click on landscape orientation.

After such a manipulation, only the leaves you selected will be rotated horizontally. Well, and accordingly, you can return the vertical view in the same way, that is, the portrait orientation. Just keep in mind that if you select all text on a vertical page, this does not mean that it will fit entirely on one horizontal page. Therefore, from one book sheet, two album pages can be obtained.

This concludes my article. There seems to be nothing more to add. Hope I helped you with your question. If so, do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates and share the article with your friends at social networks... Good luck and of course don't forget to check my blog again. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

I continue to describe the working moments associated with the Word, because of which I had to climb, if not in search engines, then ask my colleagues for sure. Well, or these questions caused me a dullness, a stopper in the workflow.

This time we will talk about how to turn a page in a Word. Personally, I have a need to turn pages "horizontally-vertically" appears when drawing up reports. Since the results of measurements and tests, in addition to tabular data, are various graphs, diagrams, and the same tables, but with a huge number of columns, which are more convenient to display on an inverted sheet.

As usual, I will describe the situation with Word 2003, and a few words about the features I know of in the 2007 version.

This means that the orientation of the sheet in the Word has two meanings - portrait and landscape.

The menu itself, with which you can turn the sheet, is located at the following address:

  • Word 2003 - file => page settings => orientation => landscape or portrait
  • Word 2007 - top menu => page layout => orientation => portrait or landscape

With this, everything should be clear. The only difficulties arise when you have a multi-page report and the page that needs to be changed to landscape is between two portrait pages. There are already features that should be discussed in more detail.

There are concepts like page break and section break. It is in these concepts, or rather in one of them, that the answer to the question of turning one page of successive pages lies. To rotate only one or a few pages, it is necessary that those pages end with a “section break”, and the page before our pages also ends with a “section break”.

The breaks menu is located in the following locations:

A couple of parting words about the break menu:

Video about changing page orientation through a page break in word 2003, 2007

Similarly, instead of inserting through the section breaks menu, you can use the word 2003 menu - top menu => file => page settings => select the orientation type => further in the same window => sample => apply => to the end of the document.

As a result, the orientation of subsequent pages after the one on which the mouse pointer is positioned will change. Then you can select the next page in a row with a changed orientation and again do this procedure - it turns out that it alone will have, for example, a landscape orientation. It seems like the second method is obtained - as we do through other menu items, but if you show the hidden characters "non-printable characters" - then it becomes clear that we again dealt with section breaks from the next page.

Video about page rotation through page parameters in Word 2003, 2007

Another option, for those who do not want to bother, may be the option when the pages that need to be turned are at the end of the report, for example, an attachment to the protocol or report. In this case, they can be created in separate files, where the required orientation is simply created immediately. In some cases, this is more convenient, for example, if the section break characters take up space in the last line and because of them the break is transferred to the next page, which creates an unnecessary unit of the report =) and the numbering is end-to-end, then the location of a separate page in a separate file will help ... But in the end, the choice is up to everyone.

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Word is a popular text editor, the most requested application from the package Microsoft Office... In the process of work, sometimes it becomes necessary to turn the page horizontally, that is, to switch from portrait to landscape orientation.

Change page orientation in Word

In Word, by default, a page is laid out in portrait or portrait orientation, that is, vertically. But, for example, I needed to make a large table. How to flip a sheet to a horizontal position?

Method 1: Word 2003 and earlier versions, all text

Turn the page horizontally in older versions of Word.

Method 2: Word 2003 and earlier versions, part of the text

Rotate the selected text in Word 2003 and earlier versions.

If you do not need to turn over the entire document, but only one or several pages, then we do this:

Method 3: Word 2007 and later, all text

Since the 2007 version, the Word interface has changed significantly. Here we adhere to a different algorithm of actions.

Method 4: Word 2007 and later, part of the text

If you need to flip only part of the document, then proceed by analogy with the old versions of the text editor.

Method 5: keyboard shortcuts

You can change the position of the sheet using the keyboard hot keys.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about changing the orientation of a sheet in Word. This text editor is distinguished by its ease of use and will not create insoluble problems for novice users.

In order to change the orientation of the sheet in Microsoft program Word 2003, the File tab is clicked on the menu bar, and then the Page Setup tab is selected. A new dialog box appears, the "Fields" tab opens, the "Orientation" line is found, the desired one is selected - landscape or portrait. After the selection of the desired orientation of the sheet is made - click "OK" in order to save the changes.

Sometimes in the process of creating various Microsoft documents Word 2007, there is a need to place some information on the page, which would be horizontally located on the sheet. By default, all sheets are set vertically.

Often, paperwork in Word 2007 may require you to turn the page. On the toolbar, the "Page Layout" tab is found, "Orientation" is selected, and in the menu that opens, the necessary choice of portrait or landscape format is made.

Microsoft Word 2010 has a similar interface, so all operations are carried out similarly to Word 2007. multipage documents, you may need to place your text both horizontally and vertically.

As the most easy way upon achieving the desired result, it is the selection of the content required to change the page. The "Page Layout" tab is clicked, "Orientation" is selected and the desired orientation is set for the selection. After pressing the OK button, the selected page will be turned over.

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