
What is the office program. List of Microsoft Office programs. Free software. Analog programs without payment

In the section for professional skills or additional information, many indicate knowledge of the computer. But not everyone can make a list of computer programs for a resume. Of course, it is best to specify only the software that you really know how to work with. After all, a recruiter may ask you to show your skills right at the interview.

Writing rules

HR specialists advise even those people who are applying for a position not related to work at a PC to write about computer skills. Describing the level of proficiency in this technique, you can indicate a list of programs that you know how to use. You also need to write at what level you know the computer. This can be indicated as follows:

  • confident PC user;
  • average level;
  • initial level of computer skills.

But it is not worth describing in detail about the knowledge of certain programs. Each applicant can use the following example of writing this column:

Advanced user. Ability to work with basic MS Office programs (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editors (Picture Manager, CorelDRAW), programs for sending and receiving e-mail (Outlook Express). I can quickly search necessary information on the Internet, I can work with different browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Good knowledge of the features of the Windows operating system.

The universal version of this section may look somewhat different:

PC skills are average. Ability to work with MS Office programs (experience with Excel, Word), search and download the necessary information via the Internet (worked with the browsers Opera, Firefox), I can send emails.

Specificity of professions

There are a number of specialties for which it is necessary to list knowledge of programs that help to work. Of course, it is better to start the description with general information about the level of computer proficiency and the ability to work with basic programs. For example, in an accountant's resume, this graph might look like this:

Confident computer user. Knowledge of basic programs Microsoft Office, such as MS Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, the ability to work with e-mail (including Outlook Express, Mirramail, EmailOpenViewPro). Excellent Internet skills in various browsers (worked in Opera, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and others). Knowledge of specialized computer programs: 1C: Accounting 7.7 and 8, Parus, Client-Bank systems.

Too long a list listing all kinds of software can have the opposite effect: the employer will think that your knowledge is very superficial.

It will be nice if the applicant for the position of sales manager, in addition to the list of basic PC programs, also indicates knowledge of specialized ones. In his resume, the specified section of the column "professional skills" may look like this:

Knowledgeable user level. Skills of searching for specialized information on the Internet, experience of working with various browsers (including Explorer, Opera, Chrome and others). Knowledge of the basics of working with operating rooms Linux systems and Windows main office programs, text and graphic editors(Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Skills in working with specialized systems "BEST", 1C: Enterprise (specification "Trade and Warehouse"), experience with the CRM system that regulates customer relationships.

If the position requires deeper knowledge of certain programs, then they must be indicated. So, for the position of PHP-programmer, in addition to the ability to work with a PC, you may need the following: knowledge of PHP, API of social networks, WordPress API, CSS, HTML, JS, CSS.

In the latter case, you need to focus on your knowledge and on the requirements of the employer.

If mastering new programs does not cause any difficulties for you, it should be noted at the end of the section.

Today's package Microsoft programs Office.

Today's Microsoft Office is an advanced software system. Created on the basis of well-known programs, Microsoft Office includes:
- united servers;
- services;
- programs;
- solutions and creations to work in most business areas.

What are the benefits of Microsoft Office?

The Microsoft Office system provides a functional block of solutions.

It gives business users increased access to data, allowing them to better understand their environment and take effective action. It enables companies to respond more quickly to market changes. It improves the efficiency of collaboration among people in an organization. And last but not least, it improves individual efficiency and allows more business users to contribute to the business.

What is Microsoft Office?

Microsoft Office System is a software package that includes:
- servers;
- services;
- programs and solutions.


Microsoft Office Access is a database management program. Offers ease of use and enhanced capabilities for exporting, importing, and working with XML data files.

Microsoft Office Excel- spreadsheet program. Includes XML support plus features that make it easier to parse and separate information.

Microsoft Office FrontPage is a web site management and creation program that includes various features and controls for designing web sites.

Microsoft Office InfoPath is a program for collecting information and its further management.

Microsoft Office OneNote is a note-taking and management program that lets you organize, create, and use your notes on your laptop or desktop computer.

Microsoft Office Outlook- personal information manager plus communication program, provides integrated management of calendars, email, contacts and other personal or general information.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint is a program for creating graphic presentations.

Microsoft Office Project enables organizations to streamline business initiatives, resources, and projects for better results.

Microsoft Office Publisher is a business publisher plus marketing materials program that facilitates the production, design and publishing of professional information products.

Microsoft Office Visio - technical program schematic display of information that can transform ideas and common business data into diagrams.

And finally Microsoft Word Office is a word processor.

Description of the Microsoft Office Application Package

Introduction................................................. .................................................. ...................................... 3

1. Description of the Microsoft Office package ........................................... ....................................... 4

2. Comparison of different versions of Microsoft Office .......................................... .................... 6

Conclusion................................................. .................................................. .................................... 15

List of used literature ............................................... .............................................. 16


Majority ordinary users computers face various problems. For example: you use a word processor from one company, a spreadsheet program from another, a business graphics program from a third, and the productivity of your electronic assistant is poor. What's the matter? It's just that these programs are not designed to work together.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: Microsoft Office, which contains most of the software you need.

The interface elements of the programs included in it are designed in the same way and they “communicate” with each other in the same language.

Office is more than just a collection of programs in one box. Its name alone suggests that it should contain powerful commercial applications that work seamlessly and easily with text, numbers and images.

But the most compelling thing about Office is what ties these applications together: All of these programs share a common menu and sets of buttons that look very similar. By learning how to work with one of the applications, you will greatly advance in learning the rest.

In addition, the package includes an easy-to-use control center. -Microsoft dispatcher Office, which lets you start and exit individual programs, or get detailed instructions and online help with a simple mouse click.

1. Description of the composition of the Microsoft Office package.

The Office suite includes:

Large application programs

1. WORD is a powerful text editor that allows you to quickly create a document of any complexity from scattered notes and perfect your newsletter or brochure.

This is already generally accepted - the Microsoft Word editor is today

the most popular program in the world. Word is filled with “quick” commands

and state-of-the-art tools such as a built-in spell checker and synonym dictionary to help you compose documents competently, and ready-made templates that allow you to put together notes, letters, invoices and brochures effortlessly.

2. EXCEL - produces with numbers the same as Word with nouns and verbs. Anyone who works with numbers will feel like a fish in water in Excel. Excel can be used to draw up budgets and financial reports, turn dry numbers into visual charts and graphs, and conduct "What if?" for almost any question, and for sorting the longest lists in a matter of seconds.

Through electronic Excel spreadsheets you can type numbers line by line and column by column, confident that Excel will add, subtract, multiply, divide, and generally handle them properly.

3. PowerPoint - will allow you to professionally prepare a presentation, flaunting catchy graphics and spectacularly designed theses. Best of all, the user can turn a document prepared in the Word editor into a presentation with just one click.

4. ACCESS is a powerful data management program designed primarily for programmers. Access is available only as part of the professional edition of the Office suite.

Assistant programs:

1. The Graph program allows you to enter several numbers and quickly turn them into a graph.

2. Organization Chart will help you create staffing table firms.

3. The Equation Editor program is designed to create mathematical formulas in the Word editor.

4. WordArt will help you reshape letters or numbers almost beyond recognition for use in creating eye-catching logos or headings.

5. ClipArt Gallery can browse several hundred drawings looking for the best illustration for a newsletter or presentation.

Operational assistance system:

1. Office and its applications are replete with helpful tips and step-by-step instructions on how to perform a particular operation.

2. Talented Wizards will guide you step by step to solving complex problems.

3. Cue Cards will offer detailed instructions that will always be in front of your eyes while you work.

4. Preview and Demos will demonstrate how to perform complex tasks.

2. Comparison of different versions of Microsoft Office.

Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
Smart Tags
Smart tags are a set of buttons that work in various applications that appear when the need arises (for example, when data is inserted or an error occurs in a formula Microsoft Excel), and allow you to choose the most quick way completing the task.
Task Areas
Task panes provide centralized access to basic tools. Search, open documents, view the clipboard, format documents and presentations, download templates from the Web, and more.
Insert parameter smart tags
Insert options smart tags let you change the formatting of the copied data before pasting it into a new document. You can even assign specific properties to the inserted data, depending on what it contains.
Smart Tags AutoCorrect Options
AutoCorrect options smart tags allow you to control the AutoCorrect features in your Office applications. You can cancel or turn off AutoCorrect, and open the AutoCorrect Options dialog box without using the Tools menu.
File creation (task pane)
Now you can upload a new document while working in another document, create a document based on a template stored on the Web, and see a list of recently used templates and documents.
Office Clipboard (Task Pane)
The clipboard now has 24 storage slots - double the size of Office 2000. Thumbnails in the task pane now make it easier to find the cell you want.
Office Document Imaging
Office Document Imaging allows you to scan documents for later viewing and reuse of text in Office applications. Office text search capabilities are now used for scanned documents.
Speech recognition
Increase productivity by dictating text and giving voice commands to change formatting and navigate menus.
Handwriting input
Notes you take on a handheld device can be downloaded to Office applications as text. You can also do handwriting directly in Microsoft Word (using, in addition to of English language, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean) and save your work as a handwritten document or printed text.
Compress Pictures
To compress an image, you just need to specify how it will be used (for example, for the web). By using compression, Office XP reduces file size without sacrificing image quality.
Foreword to emails Office
A short introduction is added to emails sent from Office applications.
Asking questions
Help in Office XP can be obtained by typing a question in a field on the Office menu without downloading the Answer Wizard or Assistant.
In Office XP, the Assistant is hidden by default and only appears when you access Help.

Now hidden by default.
Window help enhancements
Simplified access to Help and helpful Web sites, including the site technical support and the Office Update node. The What's New catalog lets you learn about new features.
Access to the information
Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
Context sensitive smart tags
Office XP uses smart tags to automatically recognize various types of data, including names, dates, addresses, phone numbers, place names, and stock designations. You can create smart tags to recognize any kind of data.
Search task pane
This task pane makes it easy to find text in a document and locate files and folders while working on a document. You can also index files on your computer to speed up searches.
Web requests
Real-time data from the Web is accessed and analyzed by copying and pasting Web pages into Excel. Smart tags automatically provide the ability to create updatable web requests.
Office Templates Library
The document creation task pane provides direct access to hundreds of professionally designed templates available online in the Office Template Library.

Internet access.
Microsoft Design Gallery Live Streaming Layout Library
Access thousands of images, sounds, and animations over the Internet at the Office Media Gallery website. With a monthly update, you always have access to the latest resources.
My data sources
This new folder, nested under the My Documents folder, keeps track of what data you've previously accessed. This ensures fast connection to databases and other sources of information ...
Printing from a browser
HTML files are now printed directly from the Office applications in which they were created, dramatically improving the quality of printed documents.
Ability to set web parameters
The new Web Options drop-down menu lets you easily create documents that are compatible with specific Web browsers.
Add Hyperlink Dialog Box
The enhanced Add Hyperlink dialog box makes it easy to set links to files when creating and editing web pages.
Reliability, data recovery and security
Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
Document recovery
Microsoft PowerPointR, Word, Excel and Access applications allow you to save the file that you are working on when an error occurs in the program.
The autosave feature, now available in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher, lets you choose how often your files are saved. If an error occurs, you can save the recovered file instead of the original or separately.

Supported only in Word.
Application error reporting
Office XP applications automatically report errors directly to Microsoft or to a department information technologies organizations. This information can be used to fix bugs in the program or make appropriate recommendations for users.
Recovering applications and documents
The Application and Document Recovery Tool ensures that unresponsive programs can be safely shut down. It allows you to start recovering documents as soon as the application is shut down.
Data recovery and extraction
This document recovery tool is automatically called in Word and Excel every time an error occurs or a document fails to load. It can also be called from the file open dialog box.
Safe mode
Office XP can help reduce downtime by automatically taking steps to resolve common problems encountered while loading applications.
Digital signatures
Lets you sign an Office XP document. Thanks to digital signature you can find out if the source from which the document came is trustworthy and whether changes have been made to this document.
Document password encryption
Word and Excel have improved their password enforcement by using the CryptoAPI standard. This is the first time password encryption is being used in PowerPoint.

Office 2000 uses simple password protection without encryption
Single tab "Security"
Office XP provides easy access to security features by placing security settings for all applications on a single tab.
Collaboration Tools Overview
Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
Submitting for verification
New tools allow you to assign appropriate roles to everyone involved in the document review cycle. At the same time, each reviewer is automatically provided with the necessary tools. During verification, changes can be easily made to the text of the original document.
Compare and merge fixes
In Office XP, it's easy to combine the notes and corrections of multiple reviewers into a single version of a document by accepting or rejecting the proposed revisions.
Markup fixes
Corrections in Word and PowerPoint are now flagged in the right margin of the document to indicate revision information and reviewer notes without affecting the readability of the original document or affecting formatting.
Review panel
The new Review panel provides the ability to view changes by a specific reviewer or all reviewers, and the ability to accept or reject changes one at a time or all at once.
Collaboration: Integration with Microsoft Sharepoint Team Services
Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
Microsoft SharePoint Team Services
A convenient tool for creating a website for a centralized place for storing all information about a project, Microsoft SharePointT Team Services (in FrontPageR version 2002) provides discussions, lists of contact information and tracked tasks, maintaining and creating a calendar of events and document libraries, conducting surveys - everything from a web browser window.
Document Libraries
Document libraries make collaboration easier by providing web users with a centralized location for storing documents.
Save and Open Document Dialog Boxes
The new HTML interface allows you to navigate to the document library directly in the dialog boxes for saving and opening a document.
Structured Checklists and Patch Lists are used in the web interface when building Microsoft SharePoint Team websites. List templates are provided for Alerts, Group Contacts, Group Events, and Alerts. Lists can be modified or re-created based on existing templates.
A centralized storage location for group event information, this new tool allows all group members to add event information and then export it directly to the Microsoft OutlookR calendar.
Group contacts
Manage contacts, change the displayed columns and presentation of contact information, export and import this information, respectively, to or from the Outlook Contacts folder.
Discussion documents
With Office XP, you can organize discussions around an Office document or Web site.
FrontPage Editing Tools
Using FrontPage, you can edit Microsoft SharePoint Team websites. You can change the theme, add FrontPage components, and insert static HTML elements.
Connect and coordinate collaboration
Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
File format compatibility
Backward compatibility between Office XP, Office 2000, and Office 97 (excluding Access 97) enables users of all versions to collaborate on documents.
Extensible Smart Tags
Smart Tag technology provides an easy-to-use platform for ISVs to build business solutions for Office XP users. Example. When you enter into Excel application order number, with the help of a smart tag the customer, order and price are associated with it.
XML support in Excel and Access applications
The extensive XML support in Office XP allows you to load and save XML documents directly in Excel and parse online data by requesting XML spreadsheets from the Web. In Access, you can import and export XML schemas, data and tables both by applying the default settings and by setting Extra options providing advanced management capabilities.
Office Web Components
Excel Web Components now support Excel-generated files and named ranges, allow multiple worksheets, word alignment, and interactive web publishing spreadsheets... The PivotTables component provides conditional filtering capabilities over a range of expressions. Office XP extends the object model by allowing developers to create their own technical solutions for the problem of disseminating information through Web browsers.
Deployment, management and administration
Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP
Automated installation
Improved installation makes it easy to upgrade to Office XP by analyzing your system and installing Office components according to your existing configuration.
Installation Configuration Wizard
Now you can remove files (for example, outdated add-ons) during installation; you can set a different security level for each program and configure settings for Outlook.
Save Settings Wizard
It makes it easy to copy settings from one computer to another by saving them to a file or transferring them over the Web (using Microsoft Passport for authentication) and then applying them on another computer.
Installer HTTP support
The installer's support for HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP means that Office XP can be installed directly from a web server or shared folder corporate network.
Policy support
Office XP provides additional policy support for most of the new Office XP features by allowing administrators to set policies that control security settings and task scopes.
Support for national standards
National standards support enhancements include an independent installer for each language, a new Multi-Language Pack installation wizard, and automatic operating system language detection. FrontPage, now available in 26 languages ​​(FrontPage 2000 was released in 15 languages), supports bidirectional character sets, Unicode, and lets you create web pages in any of your installed languages.
Windows Terminal Server Support
With an update to the communication between Office and Windows Terminal Server, Windows Terminal Server can now be installed with Office XP without a custom installation. Also, when connected to remote computer no complex display tools are used, which increases the speed of applications.

Microsoft Office - Office suite applications created by Microsoft for operating systems Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. This package includes software to work with different types documents: texts, spreadsheets, databases, etc. Microsoft Office is an OLE object server and its functions can be used by other applications, as well as the Microsoft Office applications themselves. Supports scripts and macros written in VBA

Microsoft Office composition

Microsoft Office comes in several editions. Differences between editions in the package and price. The most complete of them contains:

  • · Microsoft Office Word - word processor. Available for Windows and Apple Mac OS X. Allows you to prepare documents of varying complexity. Supports OLE, third party plugins, templates, and more. The main format in the latest version is positioned as open Microsoft Office Open XML, which is a ZIP archive containing XML text as well as all the graphics you need. Binary format remains the most common. Microsoft files Word 97-2000 with extension .doc. The product occupies a leading position in the market word processors, and its formats are used as the de facto standard in the workflow of most enterprises. Word is also available in some editions of Microsoft Works. The main competitors are OpenOffice.org Writer, StarOffice Writer, Corel WordPerfect and Apple Pages (only on the Mac OS platform), as well as, with some reservations, AbiWord (in cases where its capabilities are sufficient, and a small volume and speed of work with low resource requirements are more important).
  • · Microsoft Office Excel - spreadsheet processor. Supports all the necessary functions for creating spreadsheets of any complexity. It occupies a leading position in the market. The latest version uses the OOXML format with the ".xlsx" extension, earlier versions used the binary format with the ".xls" extension. Available for Windows and Apple Mac OS X. The main competitors are OpenOffice.org Calc, StarOffice, Gnumeric, Corel Quattro Pro, and Apple Numbers (Mac OS platform only).
  • · Microsoft Office Outlook (not to be confused with Outlook Express) - personal communicator. Outlook includes: calendar, task planner, sticky notes, email manager, address book. Collaborative networking is supported. The main competitors of the email client are Mozilla Thunderbird / SeaMonkey, Eudora Mail, The Bat !. The main competitors of the personal data manager are Mozilla, Lotus Organizer and Novell Evolution. Available for Windows. The Apple Mac OS X equivalent is Microsoft Entourage, but Microsoft in Office for mac: 2011 intends to replace Entourage and bring Outlook back.
  • · Microsoft Office PowerPoint is an application for preparing presentations for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. The main competitors are OpenOffice.org Impress, Corel WordPerfect and Apple Keynote.
  • · Microsoft Office Access - application for database management.
  • · Microsoft Office InfoPath — a data collection and management application — simplifies the process of collecting information.
  • · Microsoft Office Communicator - designed to organize comprehensive communication between people. Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 provides the ability to communicate through simple instant messaging, voice and video conversations. This application is part of the Microsoft Office software package and is closely integrated with it, which allows it to work in conjunction with any program of the Microsoft Office family.
  • · Microsoft Office Publisher - an application for preparing publications.
  • · Microsoft Office Visio — an application for working with business diagrams and technical diagrams — enables you to transform concepts and common business data into diagrams.
  • · Microsoft Office Project - project management.
  • · Microsoft Query - viewing and selecting information from databases.
  • · Microsoft Office OneNote is an application for recording and managing notes.
  • · Microsoft Office Groove 2007 - a collaboration support application.
  • · Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer - a tool for building applications on the Microsoft SharePoint platform and customizing SharePoint sites.
  • · Microsoft Office Picture Manager - work with pictures.
  • Microsoft Office Document Image Writer - virtual printer that prints to Microsoft Document Imaging Format
  • · Microsoft Office Diagnostics - diagnostics and recovery of damaged Microsoft Office applications.
  • · Previously, Microsoft Office included the Microsoft FrontPage application, but Microsoft decided to remove this application from Office and discontinue its development. In Microsoft Office 2007, FrontPage has been replaced by Microsoft SharePoint Designer.

Microsoft Security performs tasks to protect information and information security businesses, PC users, IT professionals and software developers. Monthly security updates

List of programs

Windows 10
Microsoft operating system for personal computers is part of the Windows NT family of operating systems

Windows security
Windows Security - Windows Defender Security Center 10. Antivirus, Firewall, SmartScreen Web Protection, parental control and tools to manage computer performance

Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge is the standard system web browser for Windows 10. The browser is characterized by high operating speed, good performance based on benchmarks, and compatibility with all modern web standards.

Windows Defender Browser Protection
Windows Defender Browser Protection - Microsoft's anti-malware and phishing extension with support for Google Chrome and Chromium-based browsers

Microsoft Security Essentials
Free antivirus to protect your computer from viruses, internet worms, trojans, spyware and other malware

Windows 10 Insider Preview
Windows 10 Preview Builds for Contributors Windows program Insider. How to become a member of the program preliminary assessment Windows and test new features

Windows 8.1
An operating system of the Windows NT family, based on Windows 8, with a number of graphical interface improvements, which makes it easy to use on stationary computers and laptops

Windows 7
Popular operating system Microsoft Windows for personal computers. Service pack Service Pack 1 includes security, performance and stability improvements

Microsoft Surface Data Eraser
A security tool that boots from a USB stick and allows you to securely erase all data from compatible device Surface

Microsoft Office Insider
New preview version of Microsoft Office 2016. Includes all new versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint optimized for Retina displays

Microsoft Software Repair Tool
Microsoft's tool to eliminate critical Windows problems 10 Anniversary Update... Helps restore damaged system components and files, perform system recovery and update

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
Microsoft's official Media Creation Tool lets you update your PC to the latest version of Windows 10, perform a clean install, download windows image 10 ISO and create installation media

Refresh Windows Tool
Microsoft's official tool, a program for clean install Windows 10. Additional way reset the computer to its original state

Windows Defender Offline
Microsoft's tool will help create an antivirus boot disk or a USB device for Windows system recovery, detection and removal of rootkits and other similar malware

Microsoft Safety Scanner
Free antivirus scanner on demand. Detects and removes viruses, spyware and other malware from your computer

Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 / LTSC 2019)
Windows 10 Enterprise is a special edition of Windows 10 designed for large enterprises and midsize organizations. LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) version is a specialized version with long-term support

Microsoft Teams
Business manager for communication and joint solution of corporate problems. Supports audio, video and web conferencing, desktop sharing, sending files and chatting

Microsoft OneDrive
The Microsoft OneDrive app (formerly SkyDrive) gives you easy, simple control over the SkyDrive online service on your computer (PC or Mac), which lets you save and sync your files online. 7 GB of online storage available for free

Microsoft OneDrive for Andoid
The Microsoft OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) app for Android lets you manage your online SkyDrive from mobile device: smartphone or tablet. Access files and save photos and videos right from your phone

Microsoft Malware Prevention
A tool for preventing malware infection on your computer. A small utility scans your computer and makes recommendations for changing the security settings of Windows

Microsoft Fix it Portable
Microsoft's portable Fix it tool automatically fixes various operating room problems and issues Windows system with programs, network connection, hardware, computer performance and other typical cases

Microsoft System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection
Provides universal protection from malware of end devices: business computers, laptops and server operating systems

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool scans computers for and removes some common malware such as Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom

Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft. NET Framework 4.7.2 is an in-place update to the .NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, and 4.7.1 with a high degree of compatibility

Microsoft Windows Defender
Windows Defender detects and removes known spyware and other unwanted software from your computer for a safer Internet experience

Microsoft Security Releases ISO Image
This DVD5 ISO image contains the Windows security updates available on Windows Update

Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7
The final version of Microsoft's next generation web browser for Windows 7 and 2008 R2. Fast and secure web browser that meets modern Internet standards and includes a wide range of functions

Microsoft Silverlight
Software platform, alternative Adobe flash Player. It is a browser plugin that allows you to run Internet applications containing animation, vector graphics, audio and video clips

Visual C ++ Redistributable Runtimes
Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable packages required to run programs developed with Visual Studio

Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019
Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019

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