
Why does a minimized program window take a long time to unfold? Open windows on the taskbar do not maximize in Windows - fixing the problem The program starts but does not maximize

Q: I can't pin a program to the taskbar

Good afternoon.

There was a need to fix the portable Fox (FF / portableapps) on the Win10 taskbar. But 10ka stubbornly and in no way allows it to be done - the menu item for both the shortcut and the .exe is missing, dragging does not work. I found a temporary solution in creating the Quick Launch panel (%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch), but this solution looks like a crutch and does not suit.

Is there any way to overcome the problem?

Answer: the only problem this method- explorer does not merge icon and taskbar window as it should. Most likely due to different CSIDL values ​​​​in the registry and the application launched by the shortcut.

Question: Text color on the taskbar

Hello. How can I change the text color on the taskbar from white to black? This text signifies the names of the windows (with their grouping disabled), the text of the clock and the text of the language (RUS ENG).

Ps The topic is related to "Minimize all windows button". The essence of the problem is as follows - the black text on the panel is turned on by turning on the Aerolite theme (downloaded from the Internet, or simply modified by the original one - one word is added to the theme file itself). But after rebooting the computer with the Aerolite theme, the minimize all windows button stops working as it should. Decided to leave the original theme. But the white text of the names of the windows on the taskbar does not suit at all (nothing is visible). Is there any way to change the color of the text while keeping the original theme?


Quote Mark22813372:

The text color on the taskbar is independent of the window color, and always remains white.

Ps Any person will agree that black text on a colored background is perceived better than white text on a colored background. The same inconvenience was in Windows 7, and probably in Windows Vista. Does this really suit everyone, and for 10 years no one has been puzzled by this issue.

Pps I found (sort of like) a solution, on the English forum, in the last comment on the first page. Windows 7 is discussed there. I tried it on Windows 8, it was not possible to open the Restorator theme file "ohm.

Question: disable window sorting in the taskbar

Please tell me who can.
I work in Win7 with 10-15 Excel or Word windows at the same time. In the properties of the taskbar, the grouping of application buttons is disabled (however, the Excel windows still seem to stick to each other, are displayed without a gap between the buttons).
at work, I remember the location of the files on these buttons. When you save a file in some Excel window (or autosave - I'm not sure, I didn't track it), the window with this file moves to the extreme right position in the Excel window button group. It turns out that the windows during operation are constantly shuffled among themselves, which is very disturbing if there are a lot of them.
How can I disable this process? Preferably with manipulations in the registry, and not with the help of programs - tweaks.
Thank you all in advance.

Answer: though an old question,

Quote rehotka:

this is another group grouping all buttons one application in one button when filling the taskbar.

Question: WinXP. The taskbar won't hide!?

We have just such a taskbar in WinXP. The problem is that when you check the box "hide the taskbar" in the properties of the panel itself, it is hidden only once, and on the next hover it pops back out and works in the regular "sticky" mode.

And what to do with her now? First time like this. Apparently it's either in the toolbars, or in some accompanying software.

So - a help and so on.

Answer: Nope ... Not this and not that ... Everything is configured exclusively manually. =)

Moreover, the PZ itself either works and hides as it should, or it hangs sticky. Now she seems to have an attack of adequacy again. What it depends on is not yet clear ...

Is it possible to somehow create a shortcut when clicking on which the switch "Hide the taskbar" changed? Well, that is, I clicked on the shortcut - it works in hidden mode, I clicked it a second time - in the regular mode.

Is it real at all? For example, how to Minimize all windows.scf



Question: Setting the properties of the taskbar and navigation

Many people complain about inconvenience new version Windows, but do not recognize that they themselves are dummies! For new Windows 8.1 users, the first need is to set the taskbar and navigation properties! Because here are our habits. Let's see right now.

Right-click (right-click) on the taskbar, then click on Properties and Navigation.
step 2

In the Configure taskbar and navigation properties window that appears:

1. In the field of action for corners, we can restore hot key Windows + X (Command Prompt)

2. In the field of the initial screen, we can configure the Desktop and Home screen even applications.

Answer: what if there is no "Navigation" tab in the taskbar properties???

Added after 1 hour 34 minutes
ruswalker, but what if there is no tab "Navigation" in the properties of the taskbar???

Question: Windows 10 - taskbar (where Start is) on top of all windows, on top of rdesktop, etc.

Windows 10 - taskbar (where Start is) on top of all windows, on top of rdesktop, etc.
Suddenly, on 8 computers out of 20, apparently after the next update, which come to Windows 10 even if
the update service is stopped, such a bug appeared. Extremely interferes with work. Help gentlemen! What to do with it?


Message from studentbot

Unfortunately, it helps 50/50, on some computers it helps, on some it doesn’t.

"Auto-hide the taskbar" as an alternative does not suit you? because it seems that this problem has not yet been fixed, somewhere it works fine, somewhere not.

Question: Disabling and enabling the Taskbar (WinXP; Win7)

Disable taskbar
(WinXP; Win7; *.cmd; *.vbs)

How to Disable the Taskbar (and the Start Button)

How to enable "Auto-hide the taskbar"

Finding a solution:

Windows Batch file

before use

Windows Batch file
1 nircmd.exe win hide class "Shell_TrayWnd"

need to turn on
"Auto-hide the taskbar"
But I can't turn on "Auto-hide the taskbar"
(without this step, the "start" button is not hidden)

Windows Batch file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ::Disable taskbar+::@echo off color e setlocal set savepath=%~dp0 if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (set reg=" %systemroot%\sysnative\reg.exe") else (set reg=reg) ::Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ::;Auto-hide the taskbar ::"Settings"=hex:28,00,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,03,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,3e,00,00,00,28, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,f2,03,00,00,90,06,00,00,1a,04,00,00 ::;Auto-hide the taskbar!!! :: ::"Settings"=hex:28,00,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,03,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,3e,00,00,00,28, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,d8,02,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,03,00,00 :: Run the tweak, then create a bat file with the contents:::@echo off ::color e ::start explorer.exe ::pin pz, :: ::"TaskbarSizeMove"=dword:00000001 ::(Invert back: ::Create((gc "%~f0") -join 10).Invoke())" exit /b #> Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $FindWindow = [ Windows.Forms.Form] .Assembly.GetType( "System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods") .GetMethod("FindWindow" ) $ShowWindow = [ Windows.Forms.Form] .Assembly.GetType( "System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods") .GetMethod("ShowWindow" ) $href = New-Object Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef( (New-Object IntPtr) , $FindWindow.Invoke($null, @ ("Shell_TrayWnd" , "" ) ) ) [ void] $ ShowWindow.Invoke($null, @ ( [ Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef] $href, 0 ) ) Start -Sleep -sec 5 [ void] $ShowWindow.Invoke($null, @ ( [ Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef] $href , 5 ) )

The "Start" button is hidden in a similar way. If desired, you can finish the example to the desired condition.

Question: Taskbar in Windows 10

My question is apparently quite stupid, but I wanted to clarify a number of features of the taskbar in Windows 10 that interest me. I noticed that the taskbar in this version of Windows is, firstly, "transparent", that is, the desktop screen is visible under it , and secondly, a file or folder can be placed under the taskbar. I'm interested in if you left-click or right-click on an empty part of the taskbar (that is, in the place where there are no shortcuts on the taskbar itself), but at the same time there is a folder or file under this empty place on the taskbar, then with this click can the right or left mouse button somehow affect the file / folder under the taskbar? That is, somehow select it, open it, drag it, delete it, etc.? Or does this mouse click do nothing?

Answer: Thanks a lot for your help! But the ability to put a file or folder under the taskbar, making the taskbar "permeable" (not sure if I'm using the right term, but I mean it's not an impenetrable desktop border) was first introduced in Windows 10, or it would v previous versions Windows? I used to have Windows 7, and there seemed to be no such thing, in any case, I never noticed the "disappearance" of a folder or file under the taskbar

Q: Taskbar over video in full screen

Hello, the problem is that the video opens in full screen in chrome, but the taskbar remains on top of the video, because of this, no video player options are available to me, in other browsers it’s normal, but in chrome for some reason the taskbar is on top, it’s worth Last update chrome, what could be the problem?

Answer: Right-click on the taskbar, make sure that the "Lock the taskbar" option is unchecked.
Click on the top of the taskbar and expand it a bit.
Narrow down to original size.
Put back the "Lock the taskbar" option.
That's it, now the online video will be played in full screen.
The second option is to check or uncheck the "Use small icons" option in the taskbar properties and then turn it back.

Question: When I log in to Windows XP, the taskbar does not work

When I log in to Windows XP, the taskbar does not work (does not click)
I go into Task Manager, delete "explorer.exe" and create a new process "explorer.exe".
How to fix the problem?

Answer: labrob2013

clicking on the taskbar itself and should not lead to anything, you need to pull out the prog shortcuts on the taskbar and click on them, or when you start applications, a button appears on the panel - a program that you can click on to activate it ... So clarify what you are speaking.)
Right click on Start -> Properties -> Taskbar
When something like this:

That is, what to click on ...)))

Minimized program window takes a long time to open?

Some users may encounter an unexpected and controversial problem: without closing the program window, but simply by minimizing it, when trying to open it, the time for a full window reversal is delayed for a very long time. And if a Windows session lasts for days, and the program also hangs in standby mode for hours, the programs minimized into the window start up very funny, dragging the transparency of the window until it is fully open for painful moments. We immediately begin to wonder whether we should immediately switch to SSD drives with HDD, is it necessary to run to the store for additional RAM bars and in general how to speed up the system?


The reason for such “brakes” is that by minimizing the window, we automatically transfer data for application processing. from random access memory v special file on hard drive. This windows action is the default action in relation to minimized applications: the system every time removes the load from any program that does not currently require (at the user's command) operational intervention. And even more so when RAM to execute running tasks lacks. And minimizing a program window tells Windows that the user “permits” to remove the load of RAM in relation to this program, a certain segment of RAM is released. And it is immediately filled by the active window of the program: as they say, a holy place is never empty.

This "freed" memory is used as page cache, which means that when currently active programs try to read data from hard drive, this very data can be cached in RAM. Thus, using the processes of transferring data from the hard drive to RAM and, conversely, caching "unnecessary" data from RAM back to the hard drive, Windows tries to maintain maximum performance in the current session.

So that's great - what's the problem?

And the problem is that the minimized program window at the time of the “order” to turn to the front requires a lot of (according to RAM itself) efforts from the RAM and the same considerable amount of data from the hard disk. For the system, this process is similar to lowering and raising a bucket into a well and back: full of water, it falls there by itself, alone, to raise it, it takes not so much effort as time to sort through the levers of the wheel of the lifting mechanism with your hands. Data inside and from the RAM moves with much more high speeds than it happens on the buses of information storage devices such as a disk / flash drive / optical drive. Even if we are talking about solid-state SSDs.

How to make a minimized program window move faster?

In one of the articles, it was already mentioned about the setting, which can be for background and front tasks. Thus, with this setting, the system somehow allows us to work with you. But to work with the operative Windows user directly no longer allows: the distribution of resources in the chain RAM->HDD/SSD->RAM much more critical from a security point of view. So through the efforts of the user through system settings this is not to be achieved. However, there are some minor tools in the user's arsenal (the solution to the problem, as often happens, lies in its description; further in importance):

  • I'm sorry, but your system is morally outdated - the speeds on the tires of the bridges on maternal memory updates are missing
  • you DEFINITELY don't have enough RAM. Physically. Go to the store.
  • an even more expensive, but slightly less efficient option for this problem is to increase the data exchange rate with hard drive. Yes, yes, we are moving from HDD to SSD. But immediately with a caveat: file usage C:\pagefile.sys with its default sizes and above is bringing SSD to death FASTER. We will talk separately about the dangers of using some of the usual Windows tools when working, for example, with the defragmentation process and - yes - frequent access to the swap file C:\pagefile.sys.
  • if neither one nor the other is suitable, kill the file C:\pagefile.sys. Not every time you start it - it will only make it worse, but only when you feel that the programs, returning from the background, are slowing down. The method is not so hot, but it will bring temporary relief.
  • free up memory, do not run many programs at the same time; this reduces the very essence of multiprocessing

Symptoms: On the taskbar you see that there is open windows and they don't unfold. Or, for example, open "My Computer", and it appears only as an icon on the taskbar and also does not expand.

Solution: You may have recently used second monitor in mode "Expand". Press the keys at the same time Win and P, select the mode "Computer screen only". Everything should return to its place and you will finally see the windows open.

If the first method did not help, then there is a second solution to the problem. Perhaps you did not connect a second monitor and the single monitor mode is already set. Then we perform the following steps:

  1. Through search we find cmd and run as administrator.
  2. Enter Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth and press Enter.
  3. Enter Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and press Enter.
  4. And enter the last command sfc /scannow , press Enter.

I hope one of the ways helped you. Write comments and share the article on social networks. networks 😉

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