
How to make an image a hyperlink in html. How to make a link. How to make a picture a link. How to open a link in a new window

Hyperlinks are invented in order to link documents on the network with each other, and if your site does not consist of one page, but of several, then you can link them together only by creating hyperlinks. Let's take a look directly at an example of how it looks.

Creating a simple hyperlink

Go to another page

Everything is simple here, to create a hyperlink we use the tag where href = ”” is the address of the page to which the transition will be made, in our case this page is located in the same directory. You can also insert here an address like href = "http://site.ru/page.html" or it can be a link to an archive located in another folder on your site href = "arj / arhiv.zip" or to any other document, which actually makes no difference. Also, a required attribute of any hyperlink is the title, this is a description of the link, this is a very important element in search engine optimization and here you write the keywords of the page or document to which you link. The text between the tag is called the anchor, and it is also very important.

Opening a link in a new page

There is another interesting attribute that you might find useful:

Go to another page

The target attribute with the value _blank opens a link in a new window, this is often used if you do not want a person to lose your page and at the same time get the information he needs just in a new tab or window.

Image links

We use hyperlinks on the site

Result in the browser:

Basically everything is simple here, I put an image tag between the opening and closing of the hyperlink tag , but again I did not just insert two images, I assigned the img class to one in which I zeroed the border around the image, since when it becomes a hyperlink it appears, but you will not see it in all browsers, for example IE, but not in Google Chrome.

Underlining in links

We use hyperlinks on the site

Go to another page
Go to another page

For clarity, I gave two options for solving this problem, assigned it to the class selector, and by writing this class you will remove unnecessary underlining in specific places. The second solution to the problem is to remove the underline from all links in the tag<а>, which of course is rarely necessary, but still knowledge is not superfluous.

Links within the document

It is not uncommon when the document is long enough and at the beginning of the page they make a small menu with links to subsections of this page. These links are called links within the document, and it is all quite simple to implement. To begin with, anchors are placed in the document, these are labels, they are placed in the document where it will be necessary to move when clicking on the internal link, as a rule these are the section headings, the label looks like this:

< /a>

Chapter….< /a>

And the last thing we need to know about hyperlinks is links to e-mail boxes, it is very simple to implement, just add an entry of the form mailto: and the address of the mailbox to the href attribute:

My mail< /a>

This is where I end the lesson "Creating hyperlinks in html", as you may have noticed, we have not done without CSS here, in general the material is quite simple, I think everything will be simple and clear for you, please write questions.

Date of publication: 2014-04-23

How to create links in an HTML document

(You will find more examples at the bottom of this page)

HTML Hyperlinks (Links)

Tag can be used in two ways:

  1. To link to another document - using the href attribute
  2. To bookmark within a document - using the name attribute

HTML Syntax Links


Visit the site

this will be displayed by the browser like this:

HTML Links - Target Attribute

The target (destination) attribute specifies where to open the linked document (the one to which the link refers).

The example below will open the linked document in a new browser window or tab:

HTML Links - Name Attribute

The name attribute is used to create a bookmark ("anchor" / "anchor") within an HTML document.

The upcoming HTML5 standard suggests using the id attribute instead of the name attribute to specify the name of the link.
Using the id attribute actually works in HTML4 in all modern browsers as well.

Bookmarks are not displayed in any special way. They are not visible to the reader.

Comment: Always add a trailing slash to subdirectory links. If you create a link like this: href = "http: // site / html", then two requests are generated to the server, first the server adds a slash to the address, and then creates a new request: href = "http: // site / html /" ...

Advice: Named links are often used to create a "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document. Each chapter within the document is assigned a named reference, and references to each of these named anchors are inserted at the beginning of the document.

Advice: If the browser does not find the specified named link, it goes to the beginning of the document. No errors occur.


Tag is one of the important elements of HTML and is intended for creating links. Depending on the presence of the attributes name or href tag sets a link or anchor. An anchor is a bookmark within a page that you can specify as the target of a link. Using a link that points to an anchor navigates to a bookmark within a web page.

To create a link, you must tell the browser what the link is, and also indicate the address of the document to which the link should be made. As the value of the href attribute, the address of the document (URL, Universal Resource Locator, universal resource locator) is used, to which the transition occurs. The link address can be absolute or relative. Absolute addresses work everywhere and everywhere, regardless of the name of the site or web page where the link is registered. Relative links, as their name suggests, are built relative to the current document or site root.




Activate a link using a keyboard shortcut. Sets the coordinates of the hotspot. Offers to download the file specified by the link. Specifies the address of the document to go to. Identifies the language of the referenced text. Sets the name of the anchor within the document. Relationship between referenced and current documents. The relationship between the current and referenced documents. Specifies the shape of the active link area for images. Determines the sequence of transitions between links when you press the Tab key. The name of the window or frame where the browser will load the document. Adds a tooltip to the link text. Indicates the MIME type of the document being linked to.

End tag


HTML5 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

Tag A

Look at my photo!

How to take the same photo?

Links can be divided into two categories:
links to external resources- are created using a tag and are used to expand the capabilities of the current document when processed by the browser;
hyperlinks- links to other resources that the user can visit or download.

How to make hyperlinks on the site

1. Link structure

Hyperlinks are created using a paired tag. Inside the tag is text that will be displayed on the web page. The link text is displayed in the browser with an underline, the font color is blue; when you hover over the link, the mouse cursor changes its appearance.

Required tag parameter is the href attribute that specifies the URL of the web page.

link pointer

The link has two parts - pointer and address part. Link pointer is a piece of text or an image visible to the user. Address part the link is not visible to the user, it represents the address of the resource to which it is necessary to go.

The address part of the link consists of URl. URl(Uniform Resource Locator) - a uniform resource locator. When creating addresses to separate words from each other, it is recommended to use a hyphen rather than an underscore. In general, URl has the following format:

Access method: // server name: port / path

Access method, or protocol, exchanges data between workstations on different networks. The most common data transfer protocols:

file reads the file from the local disk:

File: /gallery/pictures/summer.html

http provides access to a web page using the HTTP protocol:


https is a special implementation of the HTTP protocol that uses encryption (usually SSL or TLS)


ftp makes a request to the FTP server for a file:

Ftp: // pgu / directory / library

mailto starts a mail session with the specified recipient and host:

Mailto: [email protected]

Server name describes the full name of a machine on the network, for example, site.ru. If the server name is not specified, then the link is considered local, i.e. it refers to the same machine as the HTML document containing the link.

TCP port number where the web server is running. This is a number that must be specified if the method requires a port number (individual servers may have their own distinguished port number). If no port is specified, the default is port 80. The standard ports are:
21 - FTP
23 - Telnet
70 - Gopher
80 - HTTP

Path contains the name of the folder where the file is located.

2. Absolute and relative path

When only the name of a file is specified in a link, the browser assumes that the file is located in the same folder as the document containing the hyperlink. In practice, websites contain hundreds of documents that are placed in separate folders to make them easier to manage. To link to a file outside the folder containing the current document, you must specify the file location or path. HTML supports two kinds of paths: absolute and relative.

Rice. 1. An example of a folder structure

2.1. Absolute path

Absolute path specifies the exact location of the file within the entire folder structure on the computer (server). The absolute path to the file gives access to the file from third-party resources and contains the following components:
1) protocol, for example http (optional);
2) domain (domain name or computer IP address);
3) folder (the name of the folder indicating the path to the file);
4) file (file name).

There are two types of absolute path notation - with and without a protocol:

Http://site.ru/pages/tips/tips1.html //site.ru/pages/tips/tips1.html

If the file is located in the root folder, then the file path will be as follows:


If there is no file name, the web page will be loaded, which is set by default in the web server settings (the so-called index file).


Typically, the index file is a document named index.html. The presence of the trailing slash / means that the address goes to the folder, if it is not there - directly to the file.

2.2. Relative path

Relative path describes the path to the specified document relative to the current one. The path is determined based on the location of the web page on which the link is located. Relative links are used to create links to other documents on the same site. When the browser does not find the http: // protocol in the link, it searches for the specified document on the same server.

A relative path contains the following components:
1) folder (the name of the folder indicating the path to the file);
2) file (file name).

The relative link path has three special conventions:
/ points to the root directory and says that you need to start the path from the root directory of documents and go down to the next folder
./ indicates the current folder
../ go up one folder (directory)

The main difference between a relative path and an absolute path is that the relative path does not contain the name of the root folder and parent folders, which makes the address shorter, and if you move from one domain to another, you do not need to register a new absolute address. But if a third-party resource links, for example, to your images with relative addresses, then they will not be displayed on another site.

3. Anchors

Anchors, or internal links, create transitions to different sections of the current web page, allowing you to quickly navigate between sections. This is very useful when there is too much text on the page. Internal links are also created using the tag with the difference that the href attribute contains the name of the pointer - the so-called anchor, not a URl address. The # sign is always placed before the pointer name.

We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand”.

This is a banner ad to the right of the road. A colorful image can send the driver out into the world it advertises. If, of course, the traveler wants to go there - that is, he will go to the address indicated on the banner.

Types of links on the site

As we already mentioned, the links on the site can be different. The two main types of links are text anchor and non-anchor links, as well as image links. Text links are important for promotion, as they increase the weight of search queries from the anchor list. Image links also convey weight, but are more commonly used to improve site usability.

For example, in the "photo gallery" section, for the convenience of users, it is logical to create links-pictures. When you click on the photo icon, a new large window opens, in which a person can fully view the image in a large format. Or, for example, the image of the driving directions can also be enlarged if desired by the user. If your text contains drawings, graphs - it is logical to make a link with to download the image in full size.

From the image it can lead to another page of the site. This can be a path from an advertising banner, menu item, etc.

We remind you that it is undesirable to organize the menu on your site in the form of pictures - this is inconvenient for you and the search engine. It is advisable to use text.

How to insert a link into a picture

Most CMS have built-in editors that allow you to work with loading images and installing links from them.

  • In the visual editor, you can usually just select an image, click on the "insert link" button and specify the desired url.
  • If you insert a link into a picture in the form of HTML-code, then use the following spelling:

Tag<а>means following a link, a indicates the path to the image from which you send the user somewhere. That is, initially you must upload it to your server.

Additional instructions:

  • height, widhth - specify the size of the image;
  • border - we work with edging (frame);
  • alt - alternative text for the visitor who did not display the picture.

You can apply a shadow on the image, change the transparency on mouse hover, change the color, round the corners - all this is possible with CSS tools.

If you make a picture from another site a link

You can use an image from another resource, for this in you need to insert its full path.

If you want to place an image on your site without downloading it, that is, pulling it up from another site:

  • Remember that using other people's images is not desirable and generally impossible, since each graphic material has its own author.
  • When displaying a picture uploaded from someone else's resource on your site, you transfer part of the trust of your site to a third-party resource and, in addition, pay with a longer page load.

All this worsens the results of website promotion.

Rules for placing image links on the site

  • Only link from your images.
  • Use unique images. Just like texts, images should not be repeated on the Internet for successful promotion.
  • Do not upload an oversized image. You can visually shrink it by using the width and height in the tag , while the image on the page will be small. But in fact, a full-size picture will be loaded on the page every time, which will increase the page load time and have a bad effect on the website's promotion. And the quality of the compressed image will suffer.
  • Prescribe - description for each picture. You can prescribe and .</li> </ul><ul><li>Do not get carried away with the use of such links. 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