
The name of the contact is not displayed when incoming. The name is not displayed on an incoming call. Pros, cons, conclusions

Android remains and will be the most popular mobile platform for many years to come. Basically, under the control of this operating system, users use smartphones, and, in turn, smartphones have the main function of making calls. Today we will look at the problem when on a device under Android control all contacts are gone.

Contacts from an Android device may disappear for various reasons: system failure, accidental launch of the function complete cleaning, viral activity and so on. For any of the reasons for the lack of contacts, you need to do one thing - restore the phone book. Fortunately, there are several ways to accomplish this task in the most popular operating system at once.

Method 1: Restore Contacts via Google Account

The easiest way to restore, which is that you import the contacts saved in your Google (of course, if they are there).

And since each Android device requires a Google account to work, you probably already have a phone directory in this profile, which means that there will be no problems with recovery.

Please note that depending on the version of the shell of the Android OS in your case, it may differ slightly. If you did not find one or another item, write the name of the device model and android version Let's try to figure it out together.

Method 2: display contacts from the SIM card

If you do not store contacts in your account, they may be on the SIM card of your device. Accordingly, you only need to activate the visibility of contacts saved on the SIM card of your device.

Method 3: import contacts from a file

Very often, users have a contact file with the VCF extension on hand, but do not know how to insert it into the phone. If you have a similar file, then you can transfer it to your device, quickly replenishing the phone book.

If earlier there were no problems with Android devices in terms of transferring contacts (as a rule, they appeared immediately after installing a SIM card), then new devices require a much more subtle approach.

Considering that not all users of Android smartphones are well versed in their operating system, the question that the smartphone does not see contacts arises more and more often. So what could be the reason and how can it be eliminated?

Android no contacts, what to do?

Import from SIM card

Can't see contact book on Android

Many users are misled by the fact that contacts do not appear automatically after installing a SIM card. This is not a malfunction of the device at all, but an idea of ​​​​the designers. If the SIM card contains contacts and the phone book is empty, you just need to transfer the entries manually. To do this, go to the "Contacts" menu, select "Import / Export" and click "Import from Sim-card".

Full Cache

It is also possible that the notebook cache is full. In this case, an error may occur on the smartphone screen. In order to eliminate this inconvenience, you need to find the "Contacts" application through the settings and click "Delete / Clear Cache".


If the error that occurs does not disappear after clearing the cache, there is probably some kind of malfunction in the smartphone itself. It is worth trying to perform an operation such as resetting the settings. In this case, the data stored in the device’s memory will be deleted, so it’s better to immediately make backups on external media. One way or another, such an operation is much cheaper and faster than repair. You can reset the settings by following the following path: "Settings" - "Backup and reset" - "Data reset".

Using Third Party Programs

In order to use the contact book conveniently and without failures, there are several convenient special applications at once.

RocketDial is a sortable notebook that has all the necessary attributes: T9, quick search, blacklist and others.

Talking Caller ID is a voice-operated notebook. Works great even in the noisiest places.

Such discrete books, as a rule, work without failures, allowing you not to worry about your contacts.

If, nevertheless, none of the methods listed above helped, you should contact the salon where you purchased your Android smartphone and transfer it for warranty repair.

This situation does not look very pleasant. What to do, if phone numbers disappeared? Than it can be caused? Can they be restored somehow? We will understand this situation using the example of such well-known platforms as Android and iOS.

How to recover numbers that disappeared from Android phone?

For this we can use in a standard way recovery, which offers us Gmail, or a special application. Often the need for this arises after we have reset the settings, updated the firmware, or after being infected with some kind of virus. The reasons can be very diverse.

Most Android mobile devices are constantly synced with Google account– of course, subject to access to the Internet. To restore, go to your account, select "Gmail", after which - the item "Contacts"\u003e "Advanced". Select the restore contacts option. Do not forget to specify the time period for which we need to restore.

If this does not help, you need to delete and re-add your Gmail account through the settings of our device. Recovery problems may occur if the contacts were not saved as Google contacts, but on the device or on the SIM card.

As already mentioned, if the numbers disappeared from android phone, you can use special software. For example, Super Backup Pro will be a suitable application.

What to do if the numbers disappeared from the iOS phone?

Let's start with the fact that restoring numbers on this platform is possible if we take care of backup beforehand. Typically, contacts are restored via iTunes, the cloud (iCloud), or via special application in OSX.

Of course, the reasons for the disappearance of numbers can be very prosaic. For example, it is not uncommon for us to simply put the iCloud slider in an inactive position (opposite the “Contacts” item).

If contacts have been deleted from the "cloud" storage, we can also restore them. Turn off Wi-Fi on your PC. After that, we launch "Contacts" in iCloud (if we restore them through OS X, this item may be called a little differently, for example, " Address book"). We find the number we are interested in, open it and export it to Vcard (that is, we save it with the vcf extension in case something goes wrong).

Contacts are also easy to restore from backup iTunes applications on a PC (provided that a backup has been made).

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Congratulations! Every article on your site is a guide for beginners like me. Today I copied the numbers to the phone and two SIM cards and could not understand why else to copy to Google. Now I know.

All owners of devices on the Android OS know that it is most convenient to store various information on the gadget. The same applies to contacts. Keeping phone numbers in a notebook has long been an outdated option. They can be stored, for example, on a SIM card. If there is not enough memory, transfer them to the phone's memory or memory card.

Contacts on Android will always be at your fingertips. But sometimes it happens that the data is lost. Due to an absurd accident, important contacts can be lost. For example, you gave a phone in your hand to children or an inexperienced user and he deleted them. Or you yourself “pressed something wrong”, as is often the case, and lost necessary information. Fortunately, there is a way out. How to recover lost data will be discussed further.

How to recover lost information on Android?

A smartphone is not a computer and emergency system recovery is not an assistant here. To do this, there are many third-party programs designed specifically for recovering erased information. You can return not only contacts, but also images, music or even videos.

The principle of operation of such utilities is not quite complicated. All the information we delete does not disappear without a trace. At least for the time being. It occupies a certain part of the memory in the device, which the smartphone considers free for further recording. And if something new has not been written “on top” of the erased data, then it will be possible to restore it.

Contacts disappeared on Android: how to restore it yourself?

To begin with, I would like to give an example of a list of programs that you can work with to achieve your goal:

  • Wondershare Dr.Fone;
  • Super Backup Pro;
  • Recuva;
  • Android Data Recovery;
  • Undelete Beta and others.

In addition to them, there are many similar software. Most often, you will need to connect your phone to a computer, but in some cases you can download the utility only to your gadget and use only improvised methods.

It is best, of course, to take care of the safety of data in advance and store them in the cloud or synchronize with other devices. Android is the best way to cope with its task. If s, then they definitely will not be lost. And you can edit them even from a computer, the main thing is not to lose data from your account.

We hope you will be able to restore all the necessary contacts, and even better - if you do not lose them at all.

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Device owners face the problem of call recognition different manufacturers and mobile platforms. If your incoming numbers are not detected, then it is likely that you will have to try several methods. However, all of them are quite simple, especially for an advanced user. All these methods will be relevant for subscribers different operators(MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2).

Why are calls not showing up?

In most cases, for subscribers with such a problem, all calling numbers are defined as “Unknown”. Contrary to the assumption of many, this happens not only through the fault of the user. List possible causes:

  • invalid number format;
  • problems with flashing or updating;
  • lack of operator service - Caller ID;
  • duplicate numbers.

If the cause is established, then the recovery will take a minimum of time.

Where to begin

For subscribers who have recently purchased a number and not only, it is recommended to start by checking the list of services of the communication provider. “Caller ID” for some operators is a separate service, it is likely that they forgot to activate it. Look into Personal Area on the website or download a proprietary application, where you can study the list of available and disabled services.

Number identification - free service for Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Megafon. Note! Cases have become more frequent when operators turn off all services, including free ones, for subscribers who have a balance in the red. If this includes number identification, then it will also be turned off, so study this moment.

Do not rule out the possibility of a draw. It is likely that one of the acquaintances bought the service of hiding the number, and tried to get through several times. From the outside, it may look like incoming numbers are not determined, although in reality it is one person.

Let's move on - deal with the numbers

There is a possibility that calls from contacts whose numbers begin with code 8 will be unknown or not recognized as phone book numbers. Write down the numbers in the new format, starting with the code +7. In some cases, gaps are required, but this is quite rare.

  • For Android and iOS, all kinds of dialers can help for a while, of which there are plenty in the markets. For example, true phone, PixelPhone or exDialer.
  • Many manufacturers produce their own shells. Disable its optimization. You can do this in the Developer menu - disable this mode. Such a moment is typical for Xiaomi with its own MIUI.
  • Do a data wipe (cache) in the phone app and con.android.phone. Do this through "Settings" - "Applications".

How to set up the phone if incoming call the name of the subscriber recorded in the phone book, my history is not displayed.

On one of the finest days, my battered HTS communicator stopped working, its screen simply went out once and for all, which, unfortunately, is no longer destined to show me anything.

And now, temporarily for an indefinite period, I had to use an old nokia phone. My impressions of him after the smartphone were the most terrible, but what can I say, they have not changed even now!

This indefinite period has dragged on for several months now. Why is it taking so long you ask? The point is to buy budget phone I don't think it makes sense. Because the quality is likely to be at a very low level (there is already experience) incorrect work frequent breakdowns and constant trips to the service center.

The use of smartphone functions in such a phone is almost impossible because it has very weak characteristics. constant freezes and reboot will be the eternal companion of such a phone.

Why do I need a smartphone

I need a smartphone as a kind of alternative to a computer when it is not around, but it is very necessary. This is where the smartphone, which is always with me, comes to the rescue.

Of course, you can buy a productive one for little money, but of an incomprehensible and unknown company and how it will work, but will it be at all? The answer to this question remains a mystery.

Therefore, I still prefer to trust already proven and familiar brands. But to my regret, for me, buying immediately for cash is not yet available, so I have to wait a bit.

There is a good option for a loan or even an installment plan, but I already have 2 loans and I just don’t want to take a third one! In the article, I already wrote how to get a loan without overpaying extra money (personal experience).

So, continuing the main topic of this article on using nokia phone and others, I ran into a problem that I could not immediately solve. And it consisted in how to write contacts into the phone book so that when a call comes in, they are displayed as a recorded name, and not just a subscriber's phone number?

My actions:

  • Tried to change the type - no result.
  • As a standard - nothing happened either.
  • Move to the phone's memory from a SIM card or duplicate, everything is the same.
  • I overwrote the number, put the avatar, there was still no sense, but everything turned out to be very easy to do!

I noticed one feature that some numbers still displayed the recorded name of the phone book during an incoming call.

Correctly displayed numbers showing the name of those that were written in international format, +7910…, +7920…, +7950… etc. But if the number was written as 8910…, 8920…, 8950… , then the name was not shown.

Having understood the whole essence of this problem, it dawned on me. Eureka I exclaimed! I replaced the numbers starting with the number 8 with +7 and was very pleased with the result.

This is how my story turned out, being well versed with modern technology, I could not immediately cope with the simplest outdated phone model.

I would never have written this article if among my acquaintances there were no people with the same problem, with incoming calls that they could not solve after all, using their phones for a number of years.

As it turned out, I'm not the only one, so I decided to post my experience, which will surely come in handy for you. That's all I have for now.
P.S. It would be interesting in your comments who uses what phones, expressing their impressions.

“Why are the numbers not determined?” is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding the contact book in Nokia smartphones. As usual, this is due to the peculiarities of the "successful" implementation of some functions in these devices.

This text opens a series of articles describing user problems of this kind, because it becomes impossible to answer such questions once a day for sure.

The essence of the problem

Take any (well, almost any) phone with an empty contact book. Let's insert a SIM card into it, on which there are entries (to simplify, only four entries were created, that is, four contacts, one number each). Let's start using the phone. When making a call, the name of the subscriber will be determined, if such is recorded in the book on the SIM card (and, of course, the number identification service is connected and works as it should). In general, some devices will show only the name, some - both the name and the number, depending on what kind of phone we took.

Now consider the "problem" situation. As experience shows, a sufficient number of users manage to spawn duplicates in the entries on the SIM card - sometimes the same number is recorded three times. There are a lot of reasons for this: they renamed it to PC, then synchronized, forgot if there was a number, and just in case they asked and recorded it again - no matter how exactly the duplicates appeared in the records. The main thing is that phones (and smartphones) handle the presence of duplicates quite adequately. Let's take, for example, Nokia 5300 (here, I had it at hand): if there is a duplicate, the first one in the list is determined, the others below are ignored, and the name is displayed correctly. If there is a copy also in the phone's memory, then priority is given to it. And in Sony Ericsson, for example, in the case of a double, the last option is taken if you work with a book on a SIM card (if in a phone, then the first one).

Sometimes users accidentally track this nuance: for example, they just wrote down one name, but another was determined. They begin to understand - and they see that they are recording, it turns out, for the second time. But in most cases, they do not even notice that duplicates are hiding in the records.

The vast majority of other models behave in a similar way (as in the examples above). mobile phones and smartphones, only the selection method differs (from the end or from the beginning), and the reaction to changing the code writing option - the same “+7” in many devices have priority over “8”, that is, the comparison will happen sooner with the subscriber for whom the number is written as "+7xxxxxxxxxx", not "8xxxxxxxxxx". But not at all in smartphones based on Series60 (now S60), the vast majority of which are Nokia smartphones.

What is the “charm” of the “solution” applied here? So, given: a SIM card with contacts and a “clean” (at least with an empty contact book) Nokia smartphone. As soon as the smartphone senses a SIM card that it has not seen before, it offers to copy all the contacts from the SIM card to the phone's memory.

Let's say the user doesn't want to copy contacts. That is, he wants to use the contacts on the SIM card. Here the first catch awaits him: smartphones on the S60 do not really want to work with entries on the SIM card, and name will not be defined at all. Having swallowed the insult, having previously guessed (without the help of the manufacturer!) About the causes of the problem, the user decides: “okay, I’ll copy the contacts to the phone’s memory, what can you do.” Goes to the menu, finds the "Contacts on SIM" item, selects everything, copies it to the phone's memory. It would seem, "hurrah!".

However, not for everyone. Those who happened to accumulate a collection of duplicates will have to be touched a second time: names again not detected, the smartphone stubbornly writes a number instead of a name. And the thing is that smartphones on the S60 and in the phone's memory have not learned how to process duplicates (this is for so many years!): if there are duplicates, the name will not be displayed, only the number.

Problem Summary

This problem is well known. former owners Siemens SX1; there is probably not a single nuance inside this apparatus that they have not studied thoroughly. But that was a long time ago, and now there is an opinion that the main reason is the presence of duplicate numbers from the contact book on the SIM card; option suggested itself. However, due to the excessively frequent questions on this topic, a number of demonstrative experiments were finally carried out to demonstrate that the numbers on the SIM card do not affect anything at all, and duplicates need to be searched only in the phone's memory. That is, the SIM card is directly related to the problem, but the contacts stored on it do not exacerbate the problem.

By the way, this is not the only way to form duplicates. The second way, for example, is to carelessly handle the "Copy from / to memory card" function (since Symbian 9.1). The third is inaccurate synchronization with MS Outlook. So there are many options.

Problem Solutions

So, having realized (again, not at all with the help of the manufacturer) the causes of this second problem, the user, of course, begins to get nervous. Guessing that he needs to look for duplicates, he begins to look for ways to do it faster. In the smartphone itself, there is no search by number, of course. The exception is those models in which the Nokia Search utility is installed by default. And if it is not there, you should install it (see below for an example of the action). Therefore, all ways to eliminate this trouble are exclusively third-party. We will list some of them.

The first, the most primitive, but the most inconvenient and, possibly, the longest: delete the double contact (or replace the numbers in the number), dial the number manually. And if the name is not determined, go back to the contact book, look for a double with your eyes, delete or change the number, dial again manually - and so on, until the number is finally matched with the name.

This method is not the most fun. But there are others. For example, use the Nokia Search utility (or download and install it if it was not originally available). The number must be entered in full, with signs and code, otherwise the numbers will not be found. When writing the article, this method was accidentally overlooked, but our readers acted quickly and skillfully :)

The alternative is the Search app, another variation of the Nokia Search app. Also Nokia, it is already preinstalled somewhere, and it will also go where it is not installed or where Nokia Search does not work for a number of reasons. Moreover, this application is able to search for any occurrence in the number, that is, it is not necessary to write the number from the beginning and with codes. Perhaps this is the most successful option for finding duplicates among numbers, since the code becomes unimportant (why this is good - see the next paragraph of the article). What is curious - "Nokia Search" is also able to search for occurrences, but not everywhere; in contacts - he does not know how.

You can install the program ALON Contact Guide. In it, in the wilds of the menu, is hidden useful feature"Search by number". The disadvantage of the search is the same as in Nokia Search: it searches hard for the specified number, masks are not supported. As a result, you have to search for both "+7" and "8".

You can use the SkyeQuiKey program, it will work on the same principle. True, here it must also be taken into account that the search is carried out only from left to right, that is, the code will need to be typed correctly.

Another option, also quite interesting, is to leave the duplicates alone and install the FSCaller program (a program for displaying full-screen photos during calls). It was found that this program does not care how Nokia handles the incoming number. However, it does not solve the problem described in the next paragraph of the article, but on the contrary, it still introduces confusion.

Or you can check contacts in MS Outlook after synchronization. The inconvenience is that you need to have a PC at hand, install synchronization software, connect via cable or something else, and in general, you don’t always want to use the programs mentioned.

Continuation of the problem

The case is rare, but demonstrates the second facet of the problem. Suppose our hero overcame all the difficulties, killed all the duplicates, cleaned everything up, checked everything ten times, and the name does not matter does not match the number. What is the problem this time? And here is what. Smartphones on the S60 are not content with little! They immediately take the bull by the horns. And they do it this way: they do not feel any difference between the numbers "+7 xxx 1234567", "+7 yyy 1234567", "8 zzz 1234567" and "8 sss 1234567". That is, for them the number "+7 916 1234567" is identical to, say, the number "+7 903 1234567". Let's say even more: in fact, Nokia smartphones generally on the drum, what code is written, since the number is determined by the last seven digits. We check: instead of the number: “+7 903 189 25 87” we write “+9 999 189 25 87”. And what? When calling, the number is determined, the name is matched. The correct number is recorded in the log. In general, it is rare when seven digits match, and the codes are different, but this does happen.

It would be nice if this was seven or eight years ago, and even with some “Korean” like VK Mobile, one of the first, but for Nokia, yes today, and in the Nokia E90 (in others, of course, too) - this is simply indecent . Let's make sure that this is a quirk of smartphones on the S60: let's look at the reaction of other phones to such numbers.

Checked: Nokia 8910i, Gigabyte g-smart i, Sony Ericsson M600i, Nokia 5300, Sony Ericsson W710i, Qtek 8300 - all are in order, the numbers are determined as expected. Of course, we will not check everything that is on sale. However, if you come across a device that behaves incorrectly in this situation, please contact us, we will be grateful for this information.

Tested: Nokia E50, Nokia E61, Nokia 5500, Nokia E90, Nokia E51, Nokia N82, Siemens SX1 - all have such wonderful behavior of number recognition. Again, not all have been verified. the lineup, but Siemens also got into it, and to clear our conscience, we’ll check some later Samsung models on the S60 platform, since the issue has gone into question. Again, we would be grateful for any information on this matter. Through the efforts of our readers, this list has been replenished with the Motorola V360: the number is also determined by the last seven digits. Additionally (just for the sake of completeness, of course, we do not expect any of the devices to suddenly work as it should) tested Nokia N73, Nokia 6290, Nokia E70, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7650, Nokia 6680 and Nokia 6120 - the situation the same.

Pros, cons, conclusions

Skeptics will say: here, you see, they inflated the problem out of the blue. I would not say that the place is so even: a person moving from regular phone on the S60 smartphone, it will think for a long time where and what the mistake is, especially since many subconsciously expect problems from smartphones. In general, Nokia, having practically crushed the S60 under itself, could have strained its programmers for so many years of the platform's existence so that this issue would be resolved.

In short, the contact book in a smartphone on the S60 will not give you such a surprise if you are very careful and attentive, and there are no duplicate numbers among your entries. And if you encounter, be patient and spend an hour of time putting your notes in order - at least in the way that smartphones on the S60 understand it.

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