
Polygon program for cadastral engineers. "Polygon: Technical Plan" software package. Program for creating a plan for a land plot and land surveying - pkzo

Attention! From 01.09.2018, the software package "Polygon: Cadastral Engineer" is withdrawn from sale and will be available only for renewal (additional service).

We recommend using the Polygon Pro program. For users of the programs of the "Polygon: Cadastral Engineer" complex, the transition is free.

Usage programs of the complex "Cadastral engineer" when surveying land plots, it can significantly speed up the time for processing the necessary documents that comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Acquisition computer programs:, composed of software complex "Cadastral Engineer" allows you save up to 25% from the cost of the programs.

In any program you can conveniently and quickly enter all the required data, a coordinates to import from files of various formats, save information, print out how text and graphic sections documents at Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office) or in free office program Writer(OpenOffice.org). Graphic sections documents are generated in the same document automatically according to available coordinates using approved conventional symbols, line types, colors.


Software package"Cadastral engineer" includes 4 programs, each of which allows you to automate one of the areas of activity in order to generally get quality result v the shortest possible time while saving your money.

Programs included in the complex:


Automation of state cadastral registration of land plots (XML)


For information on the possibilities of the programs, please see the cards of the programs included in the complex. Each program generates documents according to printing forms and XML-schemes corresponding to its purpose. Technically, the capabilities and methods of working with programs are largely similar. When the versions are updated, the capabilities of the programs are replenished. Each program has detailed manual user.

New in version:

Version 6.2.1 from 10/31/2018

Attention! For the program to work and auto-update, an Internet connection is required and you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

If you encounter difficulties during auto-update, then downloading the installation file from.

  • The list of document codes has been supplemented in accordance with the classifier.
  • The error of forming the ZIP-archive of the liquidated zone has been fixed.
  • Fixed the formation of the printable Map-plan.
  • Various improvements have been made based on user comments.

Version 4.21.1 from 10/11/2018

  • Fixed a bug when printing the area of ​​the changed land plot in the draft plan.
  • Fixed calculation of pages in the approval act.
  • Improved import into txt, dxf, csv, xml formats.
  • Updated User Guide.
  • Improvements have been made on the comments and suggestions of users.

For the program to work and auto-update, you need to download and install Microsoft program.NET Framework or version 4.0 or higher.

Attention! If you encounter difficulties during auto-update of the program, then we recommend updating the program manually by downloading the setup file from.

Version 7.7.1 from 10/09/2018

Attention! For the program to work and to perform auto-update, you need to download and install the program

  • "On the approval of the form maps (plan) object of land management and requirements for its preparation ";
  • "On the approval of the requirements for land surveying project land plots ".
  • System requirements:

      2000 computer and newer: Pentium Celeron 1000 / 64Mb

      Windows any versions 98 / Me / 2000 / XP / 2003/2008 / Vista / Windows 7

      Microsoft Word any of 2000 / XP / 2003/2007/2010 or Writer from office suite OpenOffice.org. Large format drawings output to Writer or Microsoft Excel.

    Attention! From 01.09.2018 the software complex "Polygon: Technical plan»Is removed from sale and will be available only for renewal (additional service).

    27.04.2018 -

    generation of electronic documents of the technical plan for the project of the new XML Schema version 06 ( ) and survey reports on the draft new XML schema version 02 ( ) .

    22.06.2017 -

    added import from new extracts and CBT format 2017

    09.02.2017 -

    formation of the inspection report in accordance with the new Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 20, 2015 No. 861 as amended. Order No. 742 of 23.11.2016, entered into force on 01.01.2017) ().

    06.02.2017 -

    formation of a printed form of technical plans and declarations in accordance with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2015 No. 953 (entered into force on January 1, 2017).

    06.07.2016 -

    import of cadastral XML documents of the new 2016 format.

    19.02.2016 -

    the printed form corresponds to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 03.12.2015 No. 909.

    Software package "Polygon: Technical plan"- this is programs, having an intuitive user interface, simple and convenient, serve to createtechnical plan v printed and / or electronic form (XML) for delivery through the Rosreestr portal, or zip archive for delivery on removable media to the cadastral registration authority (EDS is not required).

    Purchase of computer programs, and as part of software package "Polygon: Technical Plan" allows you save up to 28% from the cost of the programs.

    In the programs you can conveniently and quickly enter all the required data, a coordinates to import from files of various formats, save information, print out how text and graphic sections documents at Microsoft Word(Microsoft Office) or a free office program Writer(OpenOffice.org). Graphic sections documents are generated in the same document automatically according to available coordinates using approved conventional symbols, line types, colors.

    Electronic documents are formed according to the new XML-schema version 03, the creation of zip archive for delivery on removable media to the cadastral chamber, as well as programs "are able" to sign files with an electronic digital signature for submitting a technical plan through the Rosreestr portal (programs can work without an EDS).

    Also in the programs of the complex added the ability to form the act of inspection of the real estate object(buildings, structures, premises, construction in progress)in printed and electronic form (XML file), zip archive for delivery to the OKU on removable media.

    Sending technical plans to Rosreestr directly from the program via the system direct interaction.

    For beginners! In all programs when you select the requisite, a paragraph from the requirements for filling out immediately appears, in which the rules for filling out this props are written, as well as an instruction was developed for signing files with an electronic digital signature .

    The use of these programs allows you to significantly speed up the time required for processing the necessary documents for cadastral registration of buildings, premises, structures, objects of construction in progress, their parts, and the introduction of new information (changes) in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


    Software package "Polygon: Technical plan" includes 4 programs, each of which allows you to automate one of the areas of activity in order to generally get high-quality result in the shortest possible time , saving at the same time your funds.

    Programs included in the complex:


    Registration of a technical plan of buildings, parts of buildings for cadastral registration, introduction of new information (changes) about a building or its parts


    Preparation of the necessary documents for cadastral registration of premises, parts of premises for cadastral registration, introduction of new information (changes) about the premises or its parts


    Registration of the necessary documents for the cadastral registration of structures, the introduction of new information (changes) about the structure

    - cadastral registration of objects of construction in progress (buildings, structures), introduction of new information (changes) about the object

    Version 5.7.1 from 10/16/2018

    Attention! or higher.

    By downloading the setup file from.

    • Updated User Guide.
    • Changes have been made based on comments and suggestions of users.

    Version 5.6.1 from 10/16/2018

    Attention! For the program to work and auto-update, an Internet connection is required and you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

    If you encounter difficulties during auto-update, then we recommend updating the program manually by downloading the setup file from.

    • Updated User Guide.
    • Changes have been made based on comments and suggestions of users.

    Compliance with the standard:

    The programs included in the complex fully comply with the requirements:

    • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federationdated September 1, 2010 No. 403"On the approval of the form of the technical plan of the building and the requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
    • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2010 No. 583"On the approval of the form of the technical plan of the premises and the requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
    • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2011 No. 693"On the approval of the form of the technical plan of the structure and the requirements for its preparation" (text of the order).
    • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (draft)"On approval of the form of the technical plan of the object of construction in progress and the requirements for its preparation" (text of the order)
    • XML schema used to generate an XML document - technical plan buildings, structures, premises, construction in progress, if such a document is submitted in electronic form (Order of Rosreestr dated 06/18/2012 No. P / 256) Scheme version 02.
    • The XML schema used to form the XML document is -

    Entering our lives modern technologies is reflected in various industries, including the land registry. In the article we will offer a list of programs that are necessary for work. cadastral engineers, and also tell you how computerization affected the land market and government inspection bodies.


    Along with simple accounting by means of electronic computing devices, innovative proposals appear, including:

    • The use of electronic accounting, the transition to a digital format, simplified file sharing, signatures on a digitized medium - this ensures the convenience and speed of cooperation with specialized companies.
    • A three-dimensional process of displaying a map, or a 3D cadastre, is a three-dimensional image of any real estate, including those with a complex configuration - with hinged balconies, difficult road junctions, etc.
    • The principle of "one window", that is, one-time services for cadastral registration in work program and on site registration. The peculiarity is simplification of formalities and bureaucratic costs.
    • Automated collection and filling of all related documentation. Thanks to modern software, tables, references, summaries, electronic interaction with Rosreestr and other text files will appear almost automatically - they are synchronized with each other, so once entered data will be displayed on other pages.

    So, the main task of software systems is to facilitate the work of engineers and to collect in a short time the most complete package of papers that are drawn up in accordance with modern requirements and norms.

    Documentation when working in the program for planning and drawing up a plot of a land plot

    Any project consists of two parts:

    • text design;
    • graphic content.

    They can be submitted both on paper and in electronic form. When the work is completed, the customer receives the following package from the executing company:

    • boundary plan;
    • map of land management objects;
    • land surveying project;
    • the layout of the land plot on the territory cadastre (CPT);
    • inspection report;
    • technical plan.

    Boundary plan

    This is one of the main documents, which is decisive when registering land, and also which contains information from the State Property Committee. Requirements for the design of this file are in order No. 921 dated 08.12.2015. The main stages of filling are also reflected here. They can be divided into:

    • Graphical - clearly outlined the boundaries of sites, characteristic points, boundaries of adjacent land uses.
    • Text - characteristics of land plots, their coordinates, acts of agreement with adjacent land users.

    It is created in the following cases:

    • when dividing one section into two or more;
    • when combining several sections into one common;
    • when redistributing borders, incl. with lands of municipal or state property;
    • during the allocation of a share;
    • at the time of the formation of a new land plot;
    • when correcting boundaries;
    • to clarify the boundaries of land plots.

    The document in paper form is certified by the signature and seal of the engineer, it consists of:

    • title page;
    • initial data;
    • information about measurements and calculations;
    • coordinates of areas and their characteristics;
    • a graphic diagram of the location of sites and their parts;
    • drawings;
    • expert opinions;
    • applications.

    Technical plan

    The technical plan is also drawn up in programs for land management and land cadastre, it is prepared for:

    • residential or non-residential building;
    • apartment building;
    • structures;
    • residential and non-residential premises;
    • construction in progress;
    • parking spaces;
    • a single real estate complex.

    The document is drawn up in the following cases:

    • when it is required to register a real estate object or part of it with Rosreestr;
    • additional information has appeared that needs to be entered into the real estate register.
    • real estate drawing;
    • the layout of the object within the site;
    • schematic designation of geodetic constructions;
    • floor plans;
    • description of the characteristics of the building;
    • accompanying documentation;
    • a declaration drawn up by the owner of the real estate.

    All listed documents in paper or electronic form are signed by a cadastral engineer.

    Inspection report

    Required to deregister a property. It is convenient to compile it using inventory software. Automation helps to arrange the type of documentation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 861 of November 20, 2015.

    Such a document must be made after a personal inspection of the site by an engineer and fixing the termination of the operation of the property, due to the demolition or complete destruction.

    It is most convenient to conduct all activities and preparation of documents in conditions of optimal computer equipment. This facilitates both the work of engineers and the speed of service delivery.

    Benefits of using programs for design and planning of land plots for cadastre purposes

    By computerizing the event, you can:

    • facilitate and accelerate file exchange between the executing company, the customer and the inspection authorities;
    • comply with all regularly updated design standards;
    • to eliminate possible mistakes with manual calculations;
    • make the process of filling out all documents fast;
    • make it easier to make edits to an already finished file;
    • create drawings and diagrams of land plots, capital construction objects or individual premises;
    • combine the design of construction with the simultaneous filling of the cadastre papers.

    What program do cadastral engineers work in?

    List of simple and convenient software products to draw up a project for the site:

    • TechnoCad-Express;
    • "ARGO";
    • "PKZO";
    • "Polygon";
    • "ProGeo".


    The software differs in that it can carry out the entire cycle of engineering work, from requesting data to registering property rights.


    • Consists of five modules: "Professional", "Landing plan", "Technical plan", "Registration of rights", "Request for information". This division expands the capabilities of the basic package. You can buy the whole package, or you can choose only a few of them. This broadens the range of users - some individual functions suit the needs of real estate agents or designers and builders.
    • Three-level documentation check.
    • Active technical support.
    • Data transmission to Rosreestr via the Internet and receiving feedback with support e-help, payment for the service by credit method.
    • Low price.


    • It is possible to form only the text part, for graphic elements you will need a third-party program.
    • Not all processes are fully automated and linked - some of the data must be manually re-entered.
    • There are not enough templates in the library, so it takes quite a lot of time.
    • Work with only two permissions: .mif and .txt.
    • Annual paid renewal of the software license.
    • The separate cost of each type of accounting and submission of documents via the Internet.

    The program for the preparation and creation of a landline plan - ARGO

    Announced as an inexpensive yet fully featured tool for cadastral engineers and surveying.


    • Complex both text and graphic work.
    • Schemes and drawings are uploaded to XML with signed lines and printable.
    • Electronic document management.
    • A complete package of related papers for a cadastral engineer.
    • Open access to the cadastral map - you can not only see the boundaries of the plots, but also read the characteristics, and also import the necessary drawing from there.
    • Wide range of supported extensions: dxf, mif, xml, rtf, xls and pdf.
    • Multilayer version of graphic schemes.
    • The ability to work remotely from different personal computers subject to open access - this helps to make comments and adjustments, to check against Rosreestr tables.


    • A rather difficult interface for quick mastering - a long training is required in order to understand the tools.
    • Inability to edit a text block - this is especially difficult in non-standard situations, when additional notes are needed that go beyond the sample.
    • Difficulty scaling circuits.
    • Paid updates every year.

    Program for creating a land plot plan and land surveying - PKZO

    This software is an improved continuation of the ObjectLand GIS.


    • Working with formats: dxf, mif, csv and shp.
    • Possibility of purchasing one license for several specialists and their PCs.
    • Accessible interface.
    • Extensive possibilities of graphic design of papers.
    • Checking the intersection of the boundaries of sites.


    • Difficulties in installing and configuring the program for the first time.
    • Obligatory purchase of a separate GIS system, the capabilities of which are often not used.
    • The need to purchase software for setting up work on parallel workstations.
    • There is no direct interaction with Rosreestr.

    A series of complexes "Polygon"

    This is one name for several disparate products that can be used in a complex or in stages, in isolation. This will reduce the cost of purchasing utilities, but will increase the number of possible problems due to the need to install each individual module.


    • Simple interface.
    • A wide range of templates and the ability to create your own.
    • Wide access of formats: dxf, mif, doc, xls, csv, txt.


    • No graphical support.
    • Each type of work requires the purchase of a separate module, which ultimately increases the cost of ownership.
    • No Windows support XP.

    The best software for the activity of a cadastral engineer - ProGeo

    This is a product of the ZVSOFT company, which is suitable for work with the cadastre, for the design of landscape design and for research studies. Is a program that works in tandem with the main basic CAD system.


    • The CAD system enables the creation of detailed, detailed and easy-to-use drawings and diagrams.
    • All modules in one program - no need to overpay for each add-on separately or to install something additionally.
    • Convenient work in text and graphic format - design complete package all accompanying documents.
    • You can start development from scratch, or you can import ready files any extension, including xml, dxf, mif, mid, top, kat, met, csv, txt, kml, kmz.
    • Import cadastral extract, passport, KPT, USRR, USRN, boundary or technical plan for the project.
    • Checking geometry and intersections of contours.
    • Preparation of xml files and sending them to Rosreestr.
    • Integration with public cadastral map and files from other vendors.
    • Free upgrade to the current one, regardless of the version.
    • Extended functionality in ProGeo.Online, available with an annual subscription.
    • Fast and qualified technical support from a cadastral engineer.
    • Regular updates after changes in orders and legislation.

    The considered programs are auxiliary tools for the work of a cadastral engineer. With the software complex, the entire cycle of activities for collecting data, surveying and registering buildings and land plots is quickly and efficiently carried out.

    Choose the best software together with ZVSOFT.

    For more than 3 years, cadastral engineers and the organization of technical inventory throughout Russia for the preparation of all types of landmarks, technical plans, maps (plans) of territorial zones, land surveying projects, as well as for registering the boundaries of subjects, making changes to the cadastre for real estate, natural objects choose for themselves programs of the "Polygon" series:

    Programs are standalone, self-contained, i.e. MapInfo and other programs are not required (which saves you money), however, import from MapInfo, AutoCAD and all kinds of other programs is very flexible and convenient. Import of extracts of the cadastral chamber, cadastral plan territory is made in accordance with latest versions XML schemas. Both text and graphic parts are automatically generated in the Word program of the Microsoft Office suite or in free program Writer (OpenOffice.org), using approved conventions, line types, colors.

    The programs allow you to generate an electronic document (XML file) for submission to the cadastral registration authority according to the latest (current) versions of XML schemes, sign (check for authenticity) files with an electronic digital signature (EDS), and create a ZIP archive for submission to the cadastral registration authority on removable media through the Rosreestr portal.

    All programs have demo versions, a user manual, and the programs have tips for each indicator (the necessary excerpt from the order of the Ministry of Economic Development opens immediately), which makes it easy and quick to master the program.

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