
Advanced training program for Russian sign language. Working program of the course "development of sign language". "Development of sign language"

Non-governmental non-profit institution
"Educational and methodological center VOG"

Since 1961, the UMC VOG has been carrying out educational activities to train and improve the professional competence of sign language interpreters for the deaf (sign language interpreters) and is the educational base of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf.

Currently training sign language interpreters is conducted on three levels:

At the 1st basic level of the training course "Sign language is a means of communication for the deaf" the basics of sign language (DL) are studied, including the DL system, varieties and "morphology" of DL, manual alphabet, counting, sign vocabulary, which is 1200 sign signs, introduction to the specialty of a sign language interpreter, etc.

At the 2nd level of the training course "Sign language translation technology" on the basis of knowledge of the 1st level, knowledge and skills are formed in the implementation of sign language interpretation (theory and practice of sign language translation), the expansion of the sign dictionary and its use in the translation process (qualification "Sign language interpreter of the Russian sign language").

The target audience: a course for a wide range of people who want to learn RSL from scratch.

Course volume: 72 hours.

Purpose: for self-development and initial practice of communicating with the deaf.

Course “Russian Sign Language. Beginnings ". 80 hours

Target audience: a course for teachers teaching the deaf in organizations of vocational education and training. Supplemented by lectures on the psychological characteristics of the deaf.

Course volume: 80 hours.

Purpose: for the initial practice of communicating with the deaf in the educational process.

Therefore, this course will be useful not only for beginners to study sign language, but also for the deaf, for whom RSL is their native language: they will be able to see the live connection of gestures with the language of hearing.

The volume of the course is 72 academic hours.

In this course, the very beginnings of the Russian sign language are given: the basic vocabulary and the beginnings of RSL linguistics. For the first time, gestures, as lexical units, are given not in the form of a mirror image of Russian words, but as independent concepts, which they are in essence, and a variable translation of these into Russian is proposed for these concepts.
The course includes lectures on the basics of the psychology of deafness, which are delivered by a candidate of psychological sciences, a professional sign language translator, chairman of the Academic Council of the Institute Vyacheslav Kuzmin.

Therefore, this course will be useful not only for beginners to learn sign language, but also for teachers of secondary and higher professional education who work with the deaf in inclusive groups.

The volume of the course is 80 academic hours.

For the first time, a sign language course is equipped with full multimedia support - that is, all the gestures included in the educational vocabulary are filmed, which eliminates the need to take notes of lectures and record the gestures shown by the teacher (with each synopsis turned into a Stirlitz encryption), which is inevitable led to distortions and made it difficult to memorize the studied material. Now there is no need for this: each listener is given a set of 3 books - a textbook, a workbook and a dictionary. Let's talk about this set of tutorials in more detail.

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Purpose of the course: Enhanced communication opportunities for people with hearing impairments.

Objectives of the course

  1. Formation of practical skills in dactylology and sign speech for the subsequent mastering the profession of a sign language interpreter.
  2. Fostering tolerant attitudes towards people with fiery capabilities. The program material is arranged in such a sequence that allows students, while studying individual topics of the program, to more fully assimilate the basic sign vocabulary and acquire the skills of correct finger-sign translation. Each lesson consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The program includes the study of two forms of speech of the deaf - dactylology and sign speech and provides: 1. Mastering the theory of dactyl and sign speech; 2. Learning the dactyl alphabet.
  3. Mastering the technique of fingerprinting and reading from the fingerprint hand.
  4. Learning and mastering gestures.
  5. Improving translation techniques.
  6. Knowledge of translation theory.
  7. Application of the acquired knowledge and skills.

Theoretical information should be supported by practical demonstration. And vice versa, practical tasks it is necessary to accompany with explanations concerning the specifics of the perception and behavior of persons with hearing impairments in certain situations. To consolidate knowledge, students need to communicate through dactyl and sign speech among themselves throughout the course of the course, with everyone who knows dactyl and sign speech by the nature of their work or actual deafness, constantly work on the technique of dacting and reading from a dactylating hand. In the course of working on the technique of fingerprinting and reading from the fingerprint hand, students repeat and study the basic sign dictionary on the topics: "Common words", "Counting", "Family", "Education", etc.

The content of each topic includes gestures that indicate objects, actions, signs of objects, proper names, as well as gestures that are often encountered during conversation. The mastered gestures are included in exercises for the transmission of whole sentences and adapted texts (for forward and backward translation). During the study of sign language, when performing exercises and when translating texts, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for translating verbal speech into sign language, namely:

  1. When translating (direct and reverse), maintain the structure of speech;
  2. Sign translation should be accompanied by appropriate articulation and facial expressions;
  3. Translate the word with a gesture, depending on its meaning in the context;
  4. Pay more attention to the accuracy of the translation;
  5. Clearly fingerprint.

Efficiency mark the student's mastery of the program material of the course is determined by:

  1. Providing a video clip or composed text, where the student accompanies the voice-over text with sign language translation.
  2. Interview with the teacher of this course in sign language.

Program: The study of fingerprinting and sign speech is preceded by a short /

Theoretical block, which introduces students to the basics of audiology, the features of dactyl and sign speech, sign language:

  1. History of the Society of the Deaf. The emergence of a community. Modern societies of the deaf, their activities, role in the life of deaf people.
  2. Fundamentals of audiology. Causes of hearing impairment. Features of oral and written speech of children with hearing impairments. Visual perception of oral speech by children with hearing impairments (lip reading). Features of the psychological development of children with hearing impairments.
  3. Dactylology. Dactylology is a manual alphabet. Causes and conditions for the emergence of dactylology. Differences between dactyl and sign speech. Russian dactyl alphabet. Requirements for the application of fingerprinting. The meaning and place of dactylology in the translation of verbal speech into sign speech. Rules for reading from a dactylating hand. Dactylation and reading from the dactylating hand letters, words, terms, sentences, texts, etc. Methods for working on the rate of fingerprinting and the speed of reading from the fingerprint hand.
  4. Sign speech of the deaf. Sign speech of the deaf and its difference from verbal forms of speech (oral, written and dactyl).

Sign speech- a specific means of communication for the deaf and hearing impaired. Features of sign speech. Characteristics of a gesture versus a word. Classification of gestures. Components of gesture speech: articulation, facial expressions, speech gesture, fingerprinting. Ambiguous words. Unification of gestures. Sign dictionaries. Sign language as a means of developing deaf thinking. Functions of verbal, tracing sign speech and Russian sign language. The role of sign speech as a means of communication between deaf and hard of hearing, depending on the degree of their proficiency in verbal speech, general development, knowledge of sign speech. Translation of verbal speech into sign language by translators. Basic rules and techniques of translation. Direct and reverse translation (translation from sign speech to verbal).

Practical block:

  1. Dactylology (alphabet). The study of fingerprints through their display by a teacher, training exercises, work in pairs to read words from the hand. Written dictation (hand-read recording).
  2. Designation of numbers. Check. Studying numbers and numerals on a given topic through showing them by a teacher, training exercises, work in pairs on composing texts with the inclusion of numbers and numbers and their translation.
  3. Common words. Learning words on a given topic through showing a teacher, training exercises using teaching aids, working in pairs to compose texts and translate them.
  4. Calendar, time.
  5. Family, education. Learning words on a given topic through showing a teacher, training exercises using teaching aids, working in pairs to compose texts and translate them. Translation into the oral version with the presentation of the sign text by the teacher.
  6. Products, dishes.
  7. House, household items.
  8. Clothing. Making a list of words needed to describe your appearance, your clothes and your comrade's.
  9. Human, appearance, condition. Learning words on a given topic through showing a teacher, training exercises using teaching aids, working in pairs to compose texts and translate them. Translation into the oral version with the presentation of the sign text by the teacher.
  10. Education. Basic information on various types of education, educational institutions.
  11. Work. Economy. Learning a new vocabulary through a teacher show.
  12. Recreation, sports. Learning a new vocabulary through a teacher show.
  13. Medicine. Learning a new vocabulary through a teacher show. Playing with problem situations.
  14. Society. Learn new vocabulary through teacher showing and reproduction. Direct and reverse translation of ready-made and independently compiled texts.
  15. City, transport. Learn new vocabulary through teacher showing and reproduction.
  16. Army, weapons.
  17. States. Learn new vocabulary through teacher showing and reproduction.
  18. Agriculture. Learn new vocabulary through teacher showing and reproduction.
  19. Art, culture, religion. Learn new vocabulary through teacher showing and reproduction. Direct and reverse translation of ready-made and independently compiled texts.
  20. Plants, animals. Learn new vocabulary through teacher showing and reproduction. Direct and reverse translation of ready-made and independently compiled texts.


Expanding communication opportunities to communicate with people with hearing impairment. Formation of practical skills in dactylology and sign speech for the subsequent mastering the profession of a sign language interpreter. Fostering tolerant attitudes towards people with disabilities.

Listener Categories

The program is designed for listeners who want to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to communicate with people with hearing impairments and are fluent in fingerprinting and sign language.

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