
Delivery of grandsons why so long. Mr lts vnukovo what is it on the mail notification. What could this correspondence be about?

Get stuck on sorting.

Often, buyers, when they see that their parcel has been in the sorting or import process for too long, are worried and do not know how to speed up the process. In reality postal services have many nuances of work that can explain why products with Aliexpress sorting takes a long time.

Why are parcels from Aliexpress getting stuck at sorting?

For the most part, experiences turn out to be in vain, especially if you understand that it is a normal situation to get stuck in parcels. Let's take a look at how the delivery process works:

  • Every day, up to 11 cars arrive at the sorting center, fully loaded with parcels. Moreover, each wagon has a capacity of 20 tons. With each such machine, workers receive approximately 300 sacks containing approximately 200 parcels. The bag has a tag with special code, where the number of items inside is written.
  • Of course, such volumes cannot be processed quickly. Therefore, postal workers remove the tags from each bag and enter them into the database. And the bag code has data on all the packages inside. After the data enters the system, the status appears in the tracking that the goods are in the sorting center.
  • It should be said that the newly arrived bags are not processed immediately, since at first the employees deal with other mail that came earlier. But the recipients in the status show that the goods are already in Vnukovo. It turns out that the bag itself was brought into the base, as if it were being processed, but in fact it lies aside and waits for a queue.
  • The situation is complicated by the fact that there are seasonal congestions, something can break or technical problems arise. This leads to the fact that the bags become even larger and the workers do not have time to process them.

Here is a picture in the photo below with parcels usually observed at sorting centers:

What to do in this case? The only answer is to wait.

Video: "Informative film": how the parcel sorting center works

With what fright all parcels (orders) suddenly began to be delivered through customs, and the so-called "L / C" in Sharapovo ?. What kind of Monopoly, with discrimination ??? Previously, all orders from Singapore, (as well as from Asia in general), to the Republic of Belarus, mainly went through Orenburg. Because, much closer and faster in terms of delivery by "RossPochta". And everything was fine, and without delays. And people received their orders from 14 to 20 days. Now, not only are all orders in recent times for some reason only go mainly through Sharapovo, so also through some kind of l / c? Which, slow down, and are in no hurry to release the product (s) in S / C - sorting centers? Why do we need such an L / C, if they are not engaged (as is done in ALL Countries of Europe and Asia), delivery across Russia ??? The order arrived at customs, as well as in (Russia), on 9/07/17 (although the order itself left Singapore, (as indicated by the link from "Alik"), on the Asian site) on 6/07/17), and the same day, has already been released by the customs. For example, it is the central office as a whole that creates problems for many consumers. Since the bulk of orders are either lost (stolen) or arrive with mechanical damage, it is the orders that pass "customs" in the central office. through Moscow and Moscow region. Where, Sharapovo also enters. But despite all these problems with delays and complaints, I still hope that I will receive my order, albeit with a delay, but intact? Like my previous order, which, for some reason, also ended up in Sharapovo first? Although it came from Hong Kong. It smacks of discrimination with a monopoly. Russia is big, and all orders from Asia and Southeast Asia, for some reason, deliberately and purposefully go through Moscow, or the Moscow region? Why not Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Orenburg, Kazan, Ufa, and many others. the nearest cities of Russia? Where, as there are International Airports with customs? They came up with mlyn, From Asia to the Central Organ of the Moscow Region. after that wait until from Moscow the order will wander around the cities of R / W / D circles. From here the question; Whose whim is this ??? And where does the Antimonopoly Service of Russia look ??? Or, they are only formally listed as "antimonopoly service" ??? To all those who complain about Post-Russia. Basically, many goods - orders, disappear, even before they reach the Sorting centers of Post-Russia. Somehow I tracked one of the orders by weight. After I saw that the order, upon arrival at the sorting center, (or no matter where), lost weight, did not bother with waiting, I simply refused on the site where I ordered the goods. And within 6 and 11 days, the funds were returned to my card. Although, it was spelled out within 45 days. By the way; this is a good functionality, for the return of the entire amount, if the argument or reason is justified I hope that this advice will help some to avoid problems with the return of their funds. And it is advisable to do this before the order arrives at the final destination. Therefore, you can ask for a photo - file (s), or simply, by a message, the seller has the weight of the sent order. the weight of orders, for example the same "Alik", was always and everywhere indicated when tracking. The exception, perhaps, is small and cheap orders. Now, for some reason, the weight is not always possible to observe? Apparently this is the "policy" for the "kidalov". I will give an estimate after receiving the order in the proper form. Although, the delivery time does not automatically allow you to set 5 stars. An argument for delivery on the date indicating from 25 - 45 - 60 days is not an argument. Because In general, the maximum period is taken when sending with a delay by the seller. Due to the lack of availability of the goods at the time of order. (which is not notified in advance). If the seller does not delay the shipment, like the Country of dispatch, then the terms should be appropriate - accelerated. Something like this. About the work of our Russian Post is generally awkward. From St. Petersburg for more than two weeks sometimes you have to wait for your parcels. some incompetent "employees" send, not only are they in no hurry, and through, where and when it is convenient for them !? , go, well, very good. for a long time??? And even through Samara - RT - Kazan after to Ufa and after to the destination? Although, there are shorter and faster routes along the same railway. This is how we "live" ... It turns out that the message is not sent until you evaluate it !? Hmm ... Alas, but higher than 3 - three, yes, and even then with an advance, I can not deliver. (The reason above is 5 days the order was in the l / c. Why, and what did he do these 5 days in l / c ??? Not otherwise, as "revision did" - (shmonali) probably !? So, then think (those). respect of citizens, who are at least here than expected, and I would like to observe.

On some day, we may find in our mailbox a notice containing a reference to the "MR LC Vnukovo". This usually signals the presence at the local post office of an awaiting us postal correspondence that you need to come and receive. V this material I will tell you what “MR LC Vnukovo” is, what is the specifics of its work, and what to do in case of receiving a mail notification with the mentioned line in it.

The Vnukovo International Logistics Center is an important transit point in the logistics chain of many goods entering Russia. After passing through customs, various packages, parcels and other goods go to the Vnukovo LC, where they begin to be sorted with subsequent shipment to the appropriate links in the logistics chain.

Sorting times can vary significantly on a case-by-case basis. It is influenced by such factors as:

  • the workload of the logistics center at a particular moment (for example, before the holidays it is great);
  • serviceability of sorting equipment;
  • the presence of a sufficient number of personnel;
  • and just a human factor.

The residence time of parcels in the MR LC Vnukovo can range from several days to several weeks, therefore, you do not need to panic if the parcel hangs there for 10-14 days.

Also, do not panic if the package after the Vnukovo LC has significantly lost weight. This is usually explained by human error, and the declared goods will reach the recipient safe and sound.

To roughly understand what MR Lc Vnukovo is and how to operate a logistics center, I suggest watching this video:

What to do when receiving a notification from MR LC Vnukovo

If you find a notice from this LC in your mailbox, and the sender is not indicated on it, then you can try to get information about the latter on the Russian Post website. Enter the 14-digit number below the barcode in your received postal notice in the appropriate field of the site, and click on the button with a magnifying glass. You can also call back to the specified Postal office, and ask the lady-teller for the sender's data.

Track the sender using the resource "Russian Post"

What could this correspondence be about?

A postal notification from "MR LC Vnukovo" notifies the recipient of the presence of pending mail correspondence at the local branch of "Russian Post". Often this happens with some kind of package (especially if you have previously bought something on trading floors of the level of "Aliexpress"). Also in some cases it can be registered letter from state or municipal authorities, with information that is important to you, which will need to be consulted.

If next to the inscription LC Vnukovo is "", then it means "Additional Technical Index". The latter is used by the Russian post to facilitate the sorting of postal correspondence, allowing faster work with various enterprises with large postal turnover (PF, courts, banks, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to go to the post office and receive the correspondence due to you.

Nowadays, it is popular to make purchases via the Internet, it is considered especially profitable to buy Chinese goods, since they have a very attractive price and the quality of Chinese goods is no longer inferior to any others. Most often, they buy on Ali: clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, small appliances, household goods.

It so happens that the parcel does not arrive for a very long time, and the dispatch status says “released by customs”. How long to wait for such a package?

Now cases of delays in parcels from abroad at customs are a frequent occurrence and this happens to every third person. What are the reasons for this misunderstanding?

  • Exceeding the permissible limit for the cost of a parcel;
  • Problems with documents

If the parcel is delayed by customs, the wait can be seriously delayed and you run the risk of being left without the long-awaited product at all.

How to track a parcel

You go to Ali and make a purchase of the product you like. After paying for it, you choose a delivery service with which the goods will be delivered to you. That is, find the "Delivery" menu to the right of the product image and click on "delivery from your country". Next, you can see a menu where the available delivery services will be displayed.

Here you select the service that suits you, we will talk about them and their features below. But, pay attention, if the status "released by customs" is worth more than days - you need to contact the administration of the service or Ali to resolve this issue.

EMS is the world's largest delivery service

Across this system delivery, you can get the package from Ali. What is its difference from other companies, advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage is a representative office in Russia - EMS Mail Russia.

One of the services for tracking parcels with EMS Russian Post is Postal Ninja. Here you can track your parcel by track number.

The EMS representative office in Russia delivers the parcel in the same way as it was sent from China, so the risk of confusion and delays is practically excluded. Here are some more important features of the service:

  • the delivery service is mobile;
  • affordable price;
  • delivery of poski by courier to your home;
  • it is possible to pick up the parcel at the post office;
  • permissible weight - 31kg.

If you use the EMS delivery service and your parcel is detained at customs, here's what you need to do and what to look for:

  • the parcel can be registered at customs for no more than 10 days;
  • regarding the delay, you can contact directly the Russian representative office of the company.

China Post (China Post)

The state postal operator provides services for domestic and international delivery of parcels, which has a developed system of mail processing points throughout China. The largest centers are located in: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Here is a list of the important features of China Post:

  • Due to the heavy workload, the processing of your order may take from 7 days to 1 month;
  • China Post cooperates with many small online stores and large trading platforms such as: Aliexpress, eBay, TaoBao.

It is important to understand that when registering a message on this service, a tracking number is assigned to it, but it will be impossible to track its movement after passing the Chinese border.

DHL is a German logistics company

Works all over the world, delivering parcels from different parts of the world. Has its own representative office in Russia and is a customs broker. One of sorting centers the company is located in the south as well as in the center of Moscow.

Due to the tightening of work requirements, DHL has suspended the delivery of goods in Russia, with the exception of some stores, the list of which also includes Aliexpress.

You can track a parcel sent using this logistics company using the track24.ru tracking service. Here you will see how many points and how long it takes for your product to pass before it gets into your hands and where it is at the moment.

If the parcel got to the Vnukovo customs office, this process will also affect this service. You will see when your product has been accepted, processed and finally received the status “released by customs mr lc vnukovo”.

It should be noted that 102976 Sharapovo is the location of the Vnukovo international postal exchange. Therefore, it was released by the customs of Sharapovo, which means that the parcel has successfully passed customs control and from that moment the established deadlines for sending across Russia begin to operate.

Delivery EPACKET

Very convenient delivery service in China. Its main advantage is that delivery through the territory of China to the Russian border is very fast, thanks to the internal agreements of cooperation between the company and corporate ethics. Upon reaching the border, the parcel is handed over to the Russian Post.

If the goods are delayed at customs, information can only be obtained from the store that sent it to you. It is possible to track a parcel by track number, but if the dispatch status is not updated for a long time, then you can only ask questions to the store from which you made an order.

but this way sending is one of the cheapest and fastest available on Ali. Many users of the online store use the services of this logistics company.

Now you know what the status "released by customs" means, and how you can find out more information about the shipment and the timing of receipt of your goods. Also, we figured out how long to wait, how to track the parcel and where to go in case of a delay.

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