
Russian post automated sorting centers. Moscow ASC DTI - what does it mean? How to translate asc


Some letters across Russia arrive without the address and surname of the addressee, and on the notification you can read the mysterious abbreviation DTI. Individual recipients, not knowing what kind of organization it is, are in no hurry to receive an envelope by mail. In fact, these are official messages from the civil service. It is useful to know how to decipher the Moscow ASC-DTI.

What is this organization Moscow ASC-DTI

The abbreviation DTI attached to the address means that the state organization sends a notification. Without opening the envelope, it is difficult to determine who the addressee is, since many government services use this prefix. The addressee needs to get the notice from the box and contact the post office indicated, according to the index, to receive an envelope with valuable information. If the return address is Moscow ASC-DTI - what is it? This is the main question to which you can get a reliable answer when opening correspondence.

What does the stamp ASTs-DTI mean by registered letter

If the incomprehensible abbreviation Moscow ASTs-DTI is stuffed on the envelope, this is definitely a letter from the civil service. It notifies the addressee of the necessary actions to maintain its social status law-abiding citizen of the state. Do not neglect such recommendations. The abbreviation has two components with the following decoding for ordinary people:

  1. ASC is explained as an automated sorting center.
  2. DTI is an abbreviation for an additional technical index.

After the specified stamp there is a set of numbers, which also have their own meaning. This is the designation of the index, which helps to further clarify all questions of interest regarding the content of the registered letter. The recipient will definitely have all the questions of interest, and in large numbers, since the case has a financial background. If the Moscow ASC-DTI is indicated, this means that the correspondence has been sorted in this area, where a specialized center was opened back in 2009.

Why do you need an automated sorting center for correspondence

The virtual sender is a robot. To avoid misunderstandings right at the post office, every recipient must be aware of this. Simply put, this is a message with valuable information for the addressee, which can be sent by banks, traffic police, executive or tax service, and judicial authorities. Often the postscript ASTs-DTI is used by "traffic cops", and it stands for a notice of a fine, which is important to pay on time.

The work of the correspondence sorting center is adjusted to automatism, and millions of registered letters pass through the equipment, which are further sent to the specified addresses marked ASC-DTI. You can check the content of the message via the Internet, but for this you need to know the address of the website of the sending organization and the verification code to find the required information. If you come to the post office and ask the appropriate question, competent employees will definitely provide a plan on how to proceed.

What is DTI in a registered letter

If you decipher this postscript, you get the phrase "additional technological index". It can be used by almost all government services of the Russian Federation, including even the tax and judicial systems. To receive such an important parcel, you need to personally appear at the post office from which the notification was issued during business hours. It is important to have an identity document with you, otherwise registered letter or even the parcel does not come to hand.

The recipient can only guess what kind of envelope it is. Find out the essence of what is happening only after opening it and nothing else. There are no identifying marks and prompts, and all government services of the Russian Federation can use the Moscow ASC-DTI. In order not to panic and have at least a remote idea of ​​the contents of the envelope, several options are presented below. This is clearly a notice of:

  • payment of transport tax arrears;
  • the need to pay fines;
  • the introduction of penalties;
  • loan debts from state or commercial banks;
  • on the need to execute the court decision from the bailiffs.

Automatic sorting of letters appeared in the USSR back in the 60s. Then about 180 letter-sorting machines were put into operation, and the population was taught to write indexes on envelopes. But with the beginning of the 90s, Russia switched to the European format of writing postal addresses, for which the machines were not adapted. In some regions, in particular in Samara, software was written to read addresses in a new format. But the computers available to postal workers were already outdated by that time (for example, they used punched tapes as a data carrier), and the collapse of the Soviet Union made it impossible to modernize them, since the main manufacturer of machines was located in Kharkov. As a result, the mail had to return to manual sorting.

Over the past 20 years, there has been virtually no system of automatic sorting using postal codes in Russia. Before the opening of the Moscow ASC, postal items in the Central Federal District underwent manual sorting, first at regional postal centers, then at regional ones, and finally at a sorting center in Moscow. Now, in district and regional nodes, mail will only be grouped into containers, after which it will be sent to the Moscow ASC for sorting.

The center carries out detailed sorting (up to post offices) of up to 3 million postal items per day. About 25 percent of the country's postal exchange will pass through the Moscow ASC. Switching mail streams to the Moscow ASC will reduce the delivery time of correspondence. Within Moscow, mail will be delivered in a day, not counting the day of receipt. For cities and regional centers, this standard will be 2 days, for small towns and rural areas - 3 days.

1. ASC is the largest center of its kind in Eastern Europe, its area is 29 thousand square meters. m., it employs about 900 people. The ASC's capacity is 3 million mailings per day.

2. Correspondence within one region will also be first sent to the center - as explained in the ASC, this is faster than sorting and registering letters on the spot.

3. Parcels will be sorted to the district (this is connected with the logistics of their delivery), large format letters (flat) - so far also to the district, but it is planned to purchase additional sorting machines to deliver this type of correspondence to the post office.

4. The paper mail goes first to the CFC.

5. Machine for opening bags and dust removal.

6. Then, with the help of mechanical analyzing devices, standard (in size) letters and postcards are separated from non-standard ones.

7. After that, the letter is automatically oriented with the face in one direction, taking into account the direction of the text in the address part.

8. Finally, the machine will stamp the letters with a calendar stamp and wavy lines for stamp redemption (postmarking).

9. Sorted letters are stacked in containers and sent to the Letter Encoding and Sorting Machine (LCSM)

10. Standard simple letters of 220x110 mm and 114x162 mm are sorted here.

11. At the beginning of the process, the coding machines convert the numeric or alphabetic address into a conditional code that is printed on the letter.

13. The equipment also supports Cyrillic recognition.

13a. If it is impossible to recognize the index or address, the scanned image is sent to the monitor for operators who enter the information manually.

14. After that, the letters are automatically divided into address boxes located at the other end of the machine.

15. The removal of boxes with sorted mail and their transportation to the stage of preparing mail documents and sending them to destinations is carried out manually by operators.

16. The rated productivity of the sorting machine is 42,000 correspondence units per hour.

17. Manual sorting of letters.

18. And the layout of the address cells.

19. Machine for coding and sorting flat letters and registered mailings (CFSM).

20. Written correspondence weighing up to 2.5 kg and no more than 25 mm thick is sorted here.

21. The sorting process is completely similar, the only difference is that the mailpieces are manually laid out face-to-face in one direction.

22. Parcel and parcel sorting workshop (PSM).

23. Items that have passed manual coding, weighing and delivery to workstations are automatically sorted here.

24. Parcels and parcels are manually placed on a distribution conveyor.

25. Where is the recognition of encoded information and distribution to trays according to a given program.

26. The system provides for automatic recognition of large parcels (more than 60x30x30 cm) for shipment to additional trays.

27. The seizure of sorted parcels and parcels and their transportation to the stage of preparing postal documents and sending to destinations is carried out manually by postal operators.

28. In total, there are 5 lines for loading parcels and parcels and one line for large-sized parcels. And 300 address boxes for standard parcels. Nominal productivity - 30 thousand items per hour.

29. A hybrid mail shop is part of the center.

30. He receives from large corporate customers the text of messages in electronic form, after which he prints them and sends them to the senders.

31. Currently, hybrid mail services are used by Rostelecom, MTT, Sberbank and the Pension Fund.

32. Following the Moscow ASC, an automatic sorting center will be launched in St. Petersburg in October; Siemens won the tender for its construction.

There are plans to create such centers in Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Novosibirsk and Mineralnye Vody. In total, Russia requires a minimum of 20 ASCs.

Many citizens receive a registered letter from the Moscow ASC DTI logistics department. Most also do not know what a Moscow ASC logistics shop is and how to deal with it, because people can receive such a letter for the first time. Let's take a look at this later in the article.

More often the name ASC logistics shop has an additional abbreviation DTI, which complements the concept.

  • ASC is a special automatic sorting center;
  • DTI is an additional technical index.

It is necessary to understand that such letters from other citizens cannot come to you, they are sent by certain government services with different intentions. You may receive letters with this addressee from the judiciary, the State Automobile Inspectorate, and other government agencies.

Next to these abbreviations there are additional digital codes that have their own meaning and serve to identify information about the sender. If you received a letter with such a return address, it means that it was sorted in this area. ASC and DTI are special automatic services, the purpose of which is to relieve the work of the official post offices of Russia. Such centers are auxiliary and in automatic mode distribute correspondence through the necessary channels. Most recently, post offices were engaged in this work, but today one such distribution center is helping the entire post office area to route correspondence through the right channels. I think you understand what this is a Moscow ASC logistics shop, and what kind of registered letter I will tell you later.

What can you expect in a letter from the Moscow ASC

As we have already said, such sorting centers"Moscow ASC Logistics Shop" works only with government correspondence. In turn, such a sender does not send one letter only to you, the mailing takes place in automatic mode. The batch of such mailings can have different sizes based on what kind of organization it is and what kind of correspondence. So you can receive in a registered letter:

  • Notification of traffic violations and payment of the corresponding amount in the form of a fine.
  • Commercial offers, sales letters, etc.
  • A reminder of the payment of an overdue loan / offer for a loan on favorable terms based on your official position. Offers to issue a credit / deposit card.
  • Special code for activations from personal account on state portals.

There are cases when, when delivering a notification from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department, citizens fell to scammers who demanded to pay various kinds of receipts to receive a letter. You should not do this, check all the information yourself, contact the post office or the hotline number of the Russian Post - 8-800-2005-888.

How to get a certified letter with the addressee Moscow ASC logistics shop

After you have received the notice of the letter, you need to contact work time mail (the working hours of the Russian Post are usually from 8:00 to 20:00) with personal documents and a letter notification in hand. After presenting the notification and identity documents, you will receive a letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department. If you do not wish to receive the letter in person, you can ask your relative who has the same last name as you. In some cases, you may need to issue a power of attorney for a relative. This is necessary when you do not have a common surname.

By calling hotline, you may also find out prematurely who the sender of the letter is. To do this, you may be required to provide some personal data for verification.

How to find out the addressee of a registered letter of the Moscow ASC of the Logistics department

If you received a notice of a registered letter and the sender's line contains the Moscow ASC logistics shop, then you can use Internet services to determine who exactly sent you the correspondence:

  1. https://www.pochta.ru/tracking - here you can enter a special 14-digit code and get full information which government agency sent the letter and on what issue.
  2. Track-trace.com - this service is suitable for correspondence such as UPS, EMS, DHL.

In order to check the addressee by number, go to the official portal of the Russian Post. Next, enter in the search box a special track that bears each registered letter. It is located under the barcode. You need to enter all 14 digits to identify the government agency that sent you the package or letter.

Usually the first 6 digits of the number under the barcode is the code of the post office from which the letter was sent. The rest of the digits are the identifiers of the parcel, thanks to these digital codes, you can track the entire path that the parcel or letter has made, using the necessary services for this. You can find out the addressee of the letter or parcel that you received, but what is inside it - you can only find out personally by opening the envelope.

The Moscow automatic sorting center supplies most of the surrounding districts and regions. Sometimes, post office employees do have to intervene in an automated service process. This happens when there are glitches and mismatches in addresses and indexes, or they are illegible, although such cases are quite rare.

In this center, the daily rate of processed correspondence exceeds three million copies, the Moscow ASC receives up to a quarter of sent letters and parcels from the entire Russian Federation. If you have received a registered letter and this center appears in the addressee's line, then this letter was processed in the Podolsk region.

ASC workflow

For the same scale of processing of letters, the center is listed in St. Petersburg, it accounts for up to 2 million per day of passing correspondence. All letters that must reach the Novgorod, Leningrad, Pskov regions are sorted here.

What will happen if you do not receive a certified letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department

Registered letters in the post office are stored for up to one week (court decisions, notices of arrears, etc.), other informational letters - up to a month. If you do not receive a letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department, then after the expiration of the storage period it will be sent back to the addressee. And it will be considered that you are familiar with its content. Therefore, in any case, you need to pick up the letter from the post office. After all, only you run the risk of not being informed about the future court session or its decision, about collecting funds from you in the form of a fine.

If for some reason you cannot pick up a registered letter, if you are absent on a business trip, then you can contact the post office with a request to extend the storage period for a registered letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department. In this case, you can contact using the Russian Post website or by calling the hotline. You can independently apply directly to the authority from which such a letter was received and discuss all issues, having found out before this the state institution by the identifier under the barcode. Your close relatives can get it for you by providing their documents or a special power of attorney.

You can make a statement that you are not able to receive a certified letter on time, providing convincing arguments for this.

Look at the video what the ASC is:

In contact with

A group of bloggers were invited to the first in Russia Automated Sorting Center (ASC) of the Russian Post. It is located in the village of Lvovskiy, Podolsk district, Moscow region. Moscow ASC is the largest in Eastern Europe. Its area is 29 thousand square meters. m., capacity - more than 3 million postal items per day. Serves most of the Central region of Russia - Moscow, Moscow, Tver, Ryazan, Tula, Vladimir and Kaluga regions - with a total population of over 25 million people. Work on the creation of the center was carried out from 2005 to 2009. Sorting equipment is made in Italy.

Under the cut - a lot of photos and a story about the excursion

The commissioning of the Moscow ASC allows for the transition to the zonal-nodal principle of mail transportation, which creates conditions for speeding up the passage of mail in the center's service area up to 2-3 days by automating and eliminating intermediate stages of processing correspondence. So, if earlier items in the Central Federal District were subjected to manual sorting, first at regional post offices, then in regional and, finally, in a sorting center in Moscow, now in district and regional nodes mail is only grouped into containers, after which goes to the Moscow ASC for sorting. As a result of the consolidation of mail flows by destination, optimal loading of containers and vehicles carrying them, reduction of exchange time and labor costs, reduction of the need for vehicles and optimization of routes are provided.

Before visiting the ASC, a conference was organized for bloggers, where many issues related to the work of mail were discussed. Since these issues were discussed in more detail at a meeting with representatives of the Russian Post at the International Postal Exchange, I will tell you about this in more detail in the second part of the report.

After the conference we were taken to the ASC shops, where the mail is sorted. The ASC has 3 main sorting shops:

1 workshop - sorting of regular mail 2 workshop - sorting of non-standard mail (large format letters, postal items weighing up to 2.5 kg and less than 2.5 cm thick) 3 workshop - sorting parcels and parcels

Pre-arriving mail is divided into workshops. Parcels go separately to the 3rd workshop. A stamping machine is used to separate regular and large-format letters. With the help of mechanical analyzing devices, it separates standard (in size) letters and postcards from non-standard ones. It is also designed for automatic selection of letters in one position (oblique) and applying a calendar stamp and wavy lines to the letter for stamp redemption (stamping). This equipment prepares letters for processing on an automatic letter sorting machine.

1 workshop (sorting of regular mail)

Letters in this workshop are processed with a letter coding and sorting machine. This machine is designed to sort standard plain letters with sizes 220x110mm and 114x162mm. At the beginning of processing, the coding machines convert the numeric and / or alphabetic address into a conditional code that is printed on the letter.

If the machine cannot recognize the index or address written in the letter, the information is sent to the video coding section, where the operators will already recognize the written (more on this later).

Further, the encoded information about postal address scanned with an optical character reader. After that, the letters are automatically divided into address boxes located at the other end of the machine.

Operators then take out the bundles of split mail, place them in plastic containers and transport them to the final stages of the sorting process (the stage of preparing postal documents and sending them to destinations)

2 workshop (sorting non-standard mail)

Letters in this workshop are processed on 2 machines for encoding and sorting large format and registered letters. This equipment sorts items weighing up to 2.5 kg and no more than 25 mm thick. Before processing on the equipment, postal items go through the stage of faceting (selection of letters by addresses and stamps in one position), which is performed manually. At the beginning of the process of sorting large-format letters, coding machines convert the numeric and / or alphabetic address into a conditional code, on the basis of which the letters are automatically separated into address cells located at the other end of the machine. Each such cell refers either to the region, or to the city, or to the post office. If the index and address are not recognized by the machine, the information is sent for video encoding. Then the operators take out the boxes with sorted mail and transport them to the final stages of the sorting process (the stage of preparing mail documents and sending them to destinations).

In the case of registered letters, already upon receipt of such a letter by mail, a barcode is assigned to it, by which the client can track the status of his registered letter on the Russian Post website. The registered letter sorting machine only reads this barcode. After reading it, it goes to the database and already by the barcode determines the address, regardless of what is written on the registered letter.

Workplace of the head of the shop:

3 workshop (sorting of parcels and parcels)

Sorting of postal items in this workshop begins with their coding, weighing and subsequent delivery to workstations, where parcels and parcels are oriented. Loading operators place parcels and parcels onto a distribution conveyor.

From all conveyors, the parcel goes to the main sorting conveyor, on which there is a scanner that reads a barcode from the parcel.

When the parcel approaches its sorting bin, the carriage is triggered and the parcel falls into the tray according to the preset sorting program.

Unloading operators remove postal items (packages and parcels) from the trays and place them on roller containers located near the trays. Then the filled containers are transported to the final stages of the sorting process (the stage of preparing postal documents and sending to destinations).

The sorting system is able to automatically recognize large parcels (larger than 600 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm) in order to load them onto additional trays.

A question was asked about what to do if any particularly fragile items that require careful handling are being sent. In this case, 30% must be paid at the post office, then a special sticker will be glued to the parcel and the mail is responsible for the safety of fragile items. Such packages are processed separately from the rest.

Video coding section

It so happens that clients incorrectly or in violation of the standard indicate the index or address. Or the postcode and address do not match. Then the system cannot recognize what is written on the letter. In such cases, the information from the letter is sent to the operators at the video encoding section.

The letters are loaded on the sorting machine, after which the scanner reads the picture, the optical recognition system assigns the letter a sorting cell code - in which cell the letter should go. Images of postal items are received for video coding, which for some reason could not be processed by the optical recognition system. The sorting machine processes 11 letters per second. On video coding, operators must enter the index within a second, and the address between 4.5 and 8 seconds to avoid creating delays. If the operator does not fit into 10 seconds, during which the letter must be assigned a code, this letter is sent offline - offline mode. Such letters are formed in a queue, later they are run again. Also, the video coding operator can send the letter for manual sorting. This happens if the sender has indicated insufficient address data (for example, the region is not specified) or the address data does not correspond to the address base.

So to everyone reading this report: correctly indicate the address and especially the postal code (see photo), appreciate the work of people.

See the rest of the photos

0 Nowadays, there are a lot of abbreviations, the meaning of which can not be understood by everyone .. Today we will talk about another mysterious abbreviation, this is ASC DTI, which means you can read a little below.
However, before you continue, I would like to recommend you a couple more sensible publications on the subject of abbreviations. For example, what does PNKh mean, what is SSZHV, what does LS mean, how to understand the word IMHO, etc.
So let's continue what does the Moscow ASC DTI mean? This abbreviation stands for "automated sorting center - additional technical index".

ASC- this institution automatically selects postal items according to the specified index, which are sent by state companies regarding taxes, fines, etc., that is, there is no correspondence from ordinary people there

ASC is a branch of the Russian Post

DTI- this is an additional, that is, a local index, which is necessary for faster sorting of letters by district. Such indexes are commonly used by bailiffs and the police.

Many inquisitive citizens are interested, a registered letter from Moscow ASC DTI, what is it?
If you received a letter that was processed in the Moscow ASC-DTI, it means that for some time it was in the automated sort of the center of our capital.

The main principle ASC is an accelerated sorting correspondence on post offices... Letters come to the center itself in bags, just piled up in a heap, and then go to an automated distribution line, which deals with their scrupulous sorting, after which the correspondence is sent to its recipients.

What is in the envelope of the ASC DTI letter?

Many are interested in finding out in advance what may be in a registered letter with DTI... There may be:

An offer from the bank to issue a credit card;

Activation code on the portal of public services;

Reminder of late payment for a loan from a bank or collection agency;

Penalty for violation of traffic rules.

However, it should be added that this system is successfully used by "unscrupulous" people who may demand to pay a receipt for receiving a letter. Also, to be sure that this letter is not fake, carefully study its contents, check all the names, numbers, codes, accounts.

How to check the sender of ASC DTI?

If you have a desire to check who sent you the notification, then this can be done by the tracking number.

The Russian Post website has a page for tracking mail and parcels. In the window you will need to "score" a 14-digit track number, which you can find on your letter, it is located under the barcode at the top. Then press " Enter"on the keyboard, and see from whom the given mailing... It is worth noting that all information is publicly available, so it is surprisingly easy to use it.

After reading this short but very informative article, you learned what is the Moscow ASC DTI registered letter, decoding of the abbreviation.

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