
Sberbank-ast trading platform. AST Sberbank: electronic platform How to enter the auction Sberbank AST

Relatively recently, Russian businessmen had a unique opportunity to conduct trades through electronic platforms. Entrepreneurs of any level can take part in such transactions without leaving the doorstep of their office.

What is electronic trading

With the help of this type of bidding, you can sell your service or products to organizations of a budgetary or state nature that have resorted to purchasing goods through this type of auction.

Customers such as OJSC Gazprom, Rusnano, OJSC MTS, State Corporation Rosatom, etc. long ago they switched to a similar form of purchasing goods.

Electronic bidding involves the selection of a supplier. The process of buying and selling takes place through special sites on the Internet.

The law also provides for the sale of the state of bankrupt companies. If you are interested in buying property on favorable terms, an electronic auction will come to the rescue.

Electronic auctions, the main purpose of which is to receive an order at the state level, are held at federal sites. Customers who comply with the 223-FZ format can resort to the procurement form on the basis of electronic tenders.

Pros of participating in electronic trading

  1. For entrepreneurs, such a project is convenient in that it allows them to maintain anonymity and take remote participation. Each trading participant has its own number, which does not allow influencing the course of trading. In addition, electronic trading does not involve any paperwork.
  2. There is no prequalification for this form of auction. This means that suppliers do not need to argue for the availability of sufficient resources to fulfill the contract. It is mandatory to ensure participation in the auction (5% of the initial rate). In case of non-fulfillment of the contract, money is lost.
  3. There are also positive aspects for customers. They have the right to announce one tender and conclude a number of contracts. Only the winner is charged by the site.


  1. Open auction. Participants submit proposals for the price. The winner is the one who manages to set the optimal price.
  2. Auction for a fall. The customer announces the size of the required services and the highest initial price. Participants offer to fulfill the order at the most reasonable price.
  3. Promotion auction. In this case, the winner is the one who places the highest price. This form of auction is applicable when renting premises or selling property.

It should be noted that a variety of purchases are carried out through electronic auctions.

In addition to the auction, there are electronic forms such as:

  • contest;
  • request for proposals;
  • request for quotes.

The rules for such forms are regulated. The participant is given the opportunity to choose a suitable type of bidding for him.

Electronic digital signature

Electronic bidding is supported by an appropriate set of documentation. An electronic signature (CEP) is a guarantee that you are not involved in a scam. CEP has a legal basis.

The signature key corresponds to the marketplaces:

  • federal level;
  • commercial category, which are part of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms.

How to participate

  1. Registration is required initially. At the time of the auction, you should enter the trading floor using electronic signature.
  2. At the beginning of the auction, participants have the opportunity to offer their value by filling out a special form on the website.
  3. Typically, the duration of the auction is 15 minutes. In 10 minutes, participants must have time to make their proposal. The end of the auction is marked by the highest value proposition. It is victorious.
  4. The customer sets the maximum price mark and cannot be offered above it. It is impossible to offer a price higher than that of other participants. The winner is the one who offers the lowest price.
  5. If the winner of the auction does not have an SRO admission and documentation allowing participation, then the winner will be the participant who turns out to be the second.

What you need to participate in electronic trading

For enterprises to participate, it is required:

  • Presentation of an electronic digital signature certificate.
  • Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, legally certified.
  • A document confirming the rights of the owner of the certificate.
  • Installing the required software.
  • Passing by the enterprise of accreditation on trading platforms in electronic form. With a signature, this service is offered free of charge. Go to the e-trading site and fill out the required form and application to open an account. In this case, all necessary documentation should be attached.
  • Not all certified participants are aware of the rules for conducting electronic trading. All the nuances require clarification, so lectures are held every week, giving an opportunity to practice. At the end of the training, the participant takes a certificate.
  • Participation in electronic trading must be supported by the presence of a certain amount Money on the account of the organization. Otherwise, the application is automatically rejected.
  • To participate in the competition, you must adhere to the existing regulations when filling out the application. The application is composed of two parts. The first part is subject to review within 5 days. Only after that a decision will be made on the participation of the organization in the competition.
  • The second part of the application is subject to review by the final committee. It takes about 6 days to review them.

Which electronic platform to choose

Electronic platforms are of commercial and federal level. The first type is represented by a wider range.

  • In order to be a supplier of commercial customers to Rusnano, GK Rosatom, OJSC Gazprom, you need to use the platform that deals with this type of trading, Fabrikant, B2B-Center, TZS Electra, etc.
  • For the purchase of property of bankrupt companies, they resort to using Sberbank-AST, Russian Auction House, uTender, SELT, etc.
  • State-level sites have acquired a high level of popularity among businessmen. Purchases of this nature are ranked by businessmen as the most profitable.

Commercial-type sites are subdivided into:

  • Specialized, serving the needs of a number of companies. For example, electronic platform Gazprom trades in petroleum products.
  • Multidisciplinary, offering a wide range of products and services. These sites allow you to be both a customer and a supplier. In this case, no restrictions are imposed.
  • Large corporations that have an interest in selling their products use Supplier-driven.
  • There are also sites of an intermediary nature. Their main goal is to bring together who is buying and who is selling. They are classified as Third-party-driven.

Commercial sites do not require accreditation and sometimes you do not even need an electronic signature.

How to participate in electronic trading "Sberbank AST"

The function of Sberbank CJSC - Automated system bidding "includes the sale of property of companies that have fallen into the category of bankrupts. These include companies whose total debt is more than 100,000 rubles in case of non-payment within 3 months after the issuance of the arbitration order. The amount of debt of an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 50,000 rubles.

After a company or an entrepreneur is declared bankrupt, his property is seized.

After a court judgment is passed, the property is subject to appraisal. Then select the start date of the sale.

The Sberbank-AST site sells:

  • residential or commercial real estate;
  • production equipment;
  • Cars;
  • special purpose equipment;
  • land plots;
  • antiques;
  • precious items.

To participate at the site "Sberbank - AST", accredit, and also become the owner of an electronic signature.

The application is considered within five days.

The deposit for participation in trading on the platform must not exceed 20% of the price of the lot. It is payable prior to the results of the bidding. Individuals use a card account. No deposits apply.

When paying the amount to the bank, receive a confirmation receipt, scan it and send it to the competition manager. This fee is refundable 5 days after the winner is announced. It is non-refundable if the request for withdrawal was submitted after the start of the auction, or if a departure from the rules is noticed after winning the auction.

A package of documents is also provided.

Legal entities are required to provide:

  • Scans of notarized copies of the Charter documents and certificates of registration and tax registration.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Minutes drawn up by the CEO giving the go-ahead to the deal.

Individuals are required to provide:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • Tax registration certificate.
  • Statement of consent of one of the spouses to make a deal.
  • if individual does not have a family, a confirmation certificate is also required.

After providing the proper documentation, proceed to filling out the application.

Individuals must submit:

  • passport data;
  • information about registration.

Legal entities provide:

  • company name and type of organization;
  • also required mailing address companies and their phones;
  • providing information on interests in the property of the debtor / creditor and their participation in the capital;
  • proposal for the value of the enterprise (if the bidding takes on a closed form).

The entrepreneur monitors the bidding process and proposes his bids. The auction site page is subject to self-updating. Alternatively, you can use the automatic update form.

The system sets a price indicator equal to 5% of the indicated cost. The minimum step is 0.5%.

You can use the services of an auction robot, which automatically submits a bid for each new proposal of participants. All bids during the auction are subject to assignment of a serial number in accordance with the sequence of their receipt.

An offer sent from a PC is marked with a star... It is advised to record the progress of trading from the screen in order to prove to the FAS the fact of a computer malfunction in the event of a failure of the Internet. Record the exact time of the failure.

Time recording is extremely important. If the exact time is provided, trading will be terminated until the resumption of electronic transactions by Sberbank-AST.

After the end of the auction on the site, you can make an additional bidding. There is a struggle between the auction participants for the possession of the second place, which makes it possible to redeem the property of the bankrupt company, in case the owner of the first place refuses the deal.

When taking part in state-level tenders haste is not the best advisor. Every day a lot of interesting offers are launched in Russia. It is wiser to skip a proposal that does not inspire confidence and better prepare for the next proposal.

There are situations of a different nature. Proposals that are interesting for your company arise in parallel. Apply for everything at once.

The results of trading on electronic platforms are recorded. After its publication, each bidder has the right to enter a written explanation of the result. In case of dissatisfaction with the explanations, you have the right to appeal the results of the auction by filing an official complaint with the FAS.

If you are the winner of the auction, you will receive a draft contract, executed in electronic form and certified by an electronic signature.

Now you can take part in any auction at the sites where you have received accreditation.

Step 3. Preparing a bid for the auction

For participation in electronic auction you need to prepare an application. Requirements for documents and filling out forms are defined in the auction documentation.

How to fill in the application for participation in the auction. There are two parts to the application. The first part contains anonymized files and forms: consent, technical part (form 2). In the second part, the documents of the organization are required: TIN, questionnaire, declarations, powers of attorney, SRO, licenses.

Both parts of the order are uploaded to the trading floor at the same time. Each document must be signed with an EDS.

Step 4. Securing the application

After confirming the accreditation, you need to open a special bank account. Funds are transferred to it to secure the bid for the auction.

The amount of security for each auction is set by the customer in the range from 0.5% to 1% of the initial contract price at the initial price up to 20 million rubles and up to 5% over 20 million.

In case of winning and canceling the contract, these funds are withheld and transferred to the customer. Until an electronic auction takes place, this money will be blocked.

If you do not win, the security will be unlocked within 1 business day. If you win, then the application security will also be returned, but after the contract security has been entered and signed.

Step 5. Submitting an Auction Bid

An application for an auction can be submitted if funds to secure it have been credited to a special account.

  • The electronic auction on the site is searched for by the registry number
  • Application forms are filled out in the personal account, documents are uploaded
  • Each file and the final application form are signed with a digital signature

After filing, each application is assigned a sequential number. On some sites, it corresponds to the number of applications submitted, and you can use it to determine how many participants there are. If there are doubts about the correctness of the documents, the application can be withdrawn and re-submitted. It will be assigned a new serial number.

Step 6. Consideration of the first parts of applications

The auction commission of the customer from 1 to 3 days considers the first parts of the applications and makes a decision: admit to electronic trading or reject. The name of the company in the first part is classified until the second parts are considered.

Based on the results of consideration on the site, a protocol is published with the numbers of applications and a decision on admission. Company names remain hidden.

Step 7. Participation in the electronic auction

In case of admission to the bidding procedure, it is important not to miss the time of the electronic auction. This is usually the first working day after the publication of the admission protocol.

Confusion with time zones is possible. The auction can take place early in the morning or at night, and last for hours. We need a reliable internet and a backup channel, a source uninterruptible power supply or laptop (and Charger!), checking the functionality of the digital signature.

There are many more overlays going on than you might imagine.

How the auction is conducted. When a trading session opens on the site, participants can submit price offers. The auction step is from 0.5 to 5% of the initial contract price. Time for submitting an offer - 10 minutes... After each new bet, 10 minutes are counted down anew.

You always have 10 minutes to decide on a new bet.

You can have time to drink a cup of coffee, make and agree on a decision. After ten minutes have elapsed since the last bid, the main trading ends. The first place is taken by the offer with the minimum price. But that is not all.

The second part of the trading session begins, where any participant can put a price outside the auction step and take second place.

There are 10 minutes for this. In case of rejection of the bid of the winner of the auction for the second parts, the contract will be signed with the next participant in turn. Submission in an electronic auction is an important stage that increases the likelihood of winning.

The electronic platform of Sberbank is one of 8 that have the right to conduct electronic trading for state and municipal purposes in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 26, 2009 N 428.

Sberbank-AST- one of the most significant electronic platforms, because is the leader in the number of lots placed and the number of contracts concluded according to data for 2018.

The Sberbank platform has a fairly broad functionality. In addition to holding state auctions under 44-FZ, purchases under 223-FZ are also carried out on this ETP. In this case, any state corporation can receive a personal ETP from Sberbank-AST and conduct a purchase to receive goods, works or services, needed by the organization... Such tenders must be held in accordance with the law.

Accreditation for Sberbank-AST

An important question for each procurement participant is how to get accredited for Sberbank-AST.

From January 1, 2019, for participation in purchases under 44-FZ, it is impossible to be accredited separately at the site. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in a unified information system, and accreditation at state sites is automatically assigned to him after confirmation of registration in the EIS.

The data that the participant fills in when registering in the EIS is quite enough to apply for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation for Sberbank-AST. But the personal account of the ETP has more fields for filling out information about the participant, so if you wish, you can also fill them in.

Automatic accreditation at the Sberbank-AST site must be completed within 1 business day after successful registration in the EIS.

Because the unified information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successfully or not), then for verification you can use the register of accredited organizations and the unified register of participants.

Important: in order to register in the UIS, the user (head of the organization) must first authenticate in the ESIA (portal of State services). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then first you need to register with the ESIA.

List of documents required for registration:

  1. SNILS (for State services);
  2. passport data (including for State services);
  3. phone, mail, postal address;
  4. the amount of the maximum (large) transaction;
  5. Timezone;
  6. charter;
  7. decision / protocol on the approval of a major transaction.

Ensuring participation in Sberbank-AST

To make a security for participation in trading on this site, you can use a tender loan. We offer favorable financing terms and transfer the collateral directly to your special account.

You can find out more about lending on the site on this page.

Benefits of Sberbank-AST

One of the main advantages of an ETP is to minimize the risk of corruption during procurement. But besides this, Sberbank has its own indisputable advantages, because in addition to state and commercial auctions, the following procedures are carried out on this site:

    purchases directly for the needs of Sberbank of Russia;

    sale of property of bankrupt enterprises;

    tenders for privatization and rent;

    showcase of direct deliveries;

    sale of non-core assets and collateral;

    has a database that unites rental and sale of commercial real estate throughout Russia.

How to work at Sberbank-AST

Or you can explore PDF file with Instruction on the execution of a pending order Sberbank AST

Official website of the ETP Sberbank-AST

Government purchases- an interesting field of activity that promises a good profit. From the outside, it may seem difficult, especially for beginners, but in reality everything is completely different. For example, consider how to bid on an electronic auction Sberbank AST, which expert Valery Ovechkin will tell us about.

Suppose that you have already passed the registration process on the trading platform and are ready to try yourself in a new role - a participant in an electronic auction. It is worth immediately clarifying one important point regarding software. No, no additional applications not required, but there are strict browser requirements. Whichever you prefer to surf the Internet, you will have to use exclusively Internet Explorer to bid. Fortunately, he enters purely preinstalled apps, so you don't need to look for anything specifically, although users often choose third-party products. But through other web browsers, alas, enter your personal account and compete for purchases will not work. This is the policy of the site. Perhaps something will change over time, but for now it is better to act with a proven method.

First we open start page and select the item "Enter the office". Next, you will be asked for a username and password, as well as your certificate. Important: on the right is the functionality for choosing a trading platform. Since we are interested in government purchases, then we choose the second - 44FZ, so as not to accidentally enter the universal trading floor, leaving the "Default" item active. Click "Login". If everything was configured correctly and no incorrect data was specified during registration, then the user is redirected directly to the personal account of his trading platform.

The next step is to enter the auction room. Hover the mouse cursor over the second item of the drop-down menu and select "Applications for participation in the auction". The auction register is presented in the form of a list, which briefly indicates all the basic information. purchases, including the results. Scrolling down the page and see that one of our orders has been sent to the trading floor, therefore, trading is currently underway for this lot, as symbolized by the characteristic hammer icon next to the order. We click on it and go directly to the trading floor.

On the next page, we will find detailed information about the auctions and the functionality that allows us to take part in them. Indicates the time until the end of the auction, price reduction, etc. Before proposing a new contract price, you should flip through the site's page Sberbank AST just below and find the item responsible for the automatic page refresh. By default, there can be almost a minute, which in this case is unacceptable, since it makes it impossible to quickly respond to a change in the situation. We set the minimum available update time - 10 seconds. Now you can go back to the bidding itself and submit a price offer. For the convenience of the user, there are two options:

The amount is specified manually in the corresponding field

The amount is selected with a special slider.

Remember that by default on the site Sberbank AST set the maximum auction step when using the slider in the process of submitting a price offer.

When the required amount is entered, you need to click on the item

agree. To prevent similar warning windows from being created,

put a quotation mark in the corresponding cell. If the operation was successful, then on

auction page purchases will appear

an inscription about this, and your price will be displayed in the offers table (marked

an asterisk). Actually, the move is made and it remains only to follow the development

events and react to the steps of opponents. It is possible that other participants

will immediately try to outbid your price, or they will wait almost until

expiration of the time limit. Let us remind you if within ten minutes your price

the offer remains the best, then the contract for government purchases in your pocket. Anyway, from a computer it is better

do not go far and look at the screen. Since we have chosen the minimum

page refresh interval, then playground Sberbank

AST will do everything automatically, promptly informing about any


As you can see, getting to grips with the basics and trying to get hold of an interesting contract isn't that hard. Moreover, the considered trading platform makes government purchases convenient for a variety of categories of potential participants.

Program for searching tenders on trading floors - AuSe scanner

Usage special program for example: can significantly increase the likelihood of winning in electronic trading.

This article was written based on materials from open Internet sources.

The Sberbank-AST trading platform provides entrepreneurs with opportunities to conclude contracts with large commercial and state-owned companies. To participate in the auction, you need to go through a multi-stage registration and the first thing you need to pay attention to is the presence of an electronic digital signature.


What is the purpose of electronic trading and who needs it?

Government agencies use online procurement because they are required by law to purchase most of the required products and hire contractors to perform temporary work at auctions.

You can trade with customers of all government levels:

  • federal;
  • regional;
  • municipal.

For buyers from the Russian government, this is the surest way to select suppliers of quality goods. Manufacturers at sites like Sberbank-AST can reach the level of government orders by selling their products profitably.

Also, on electronic trading platforms (ETP), you can work with large private enterprises from all areas of industry, such as:

  • PJSC Rostelecom;
  • Sberbank;
  • Gazprom.

Complete list of trading opportunities on official website can be looked at home page, as well as in the sections "Sales" and "Purchases".

Electronic auctions are a platform for the sale of the property of bankrupt enterprises. This is an irreplaceable opportunity to profitably acquire the property necessary for your business. Such trades are also held at Sberbank-AST.

How to register on the Sberbank-AST trading platform?

To register you need:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Link or create an electronic signature.
  3. Fill out the registration form.
  4. Wait for verification.

On the Sberbank-AST website, you can both on your own behalf and on behalf of your company.

Accreditation for Sberbank-AST

Accreditation means confirming your data and getting the opportunity to participate in bidding on the site. Before starting to fill out the questionnaire, you should make sure that you have all the necessary documents, which may vary depending on what kind of subject of civil law the participant is registered in. Therefore, before starting the collection, it is worth studying the list of documentation for the required person.

The following types of persons are available for registration on the portal:

  • legal entities of the Russian Federation (parent organization);
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities of the Russian Federation (branches);
  • individuals of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign organizations;
  • foreign individuals;
  • registration of a participant's user with the ability to create a new EDS.

Individuals Foreign organizations SP Legal entities

Step-by-step instructions for successful accreditation

Obtaining accreditation takes place in several steps:

  1. You need to go to the office social Sberbank-AST website and in the upper right h Part of the page or in the menu item "Participants" click on the inscription "Registration".
  2. Further, carefully study the information on the accreditation page that opens and at the bottom of it find a list of persons for registration. After the selection will open: a list of required documents and the ability to submit an application.
  3. Having chosen a person, you can start filling out the questionnaire.
  4. In the window with the application, you must attach the digital signature certificate. In the absence of an EDS, it can be obtained directly on the Sberbank-AST website. To do this, in the portal menu, select the "Services" section and in it the item " Certification service "Sberkey"". Further instructions are available directly on this website.
  5. Filling in all the specified information about the registered person.
  6. Documents prepared in advance are attached as files at the end of the questionnaire. They must be scanned in full and in good quality so that all data can be seen. If files in PDF format, then you should make sure that OCR is disabled. Documents consisting of several files are attached as an archive in ZIP format or RAR.
  7. You should look through the completed questionnaire again and make sure that the data entered is correct. After self-checking, you can send an application: at the bottom of the page, this is done with the same button as for attaching an automated digital signature. The application will be reviewed no more than 5 business days in advance.
  8. After successfully passing accreditation and receiving a response from Sberbank-AST employees, access to " Personal Area"By the button" Enter "in the header of the site.
  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • passport data;
  • place of residence;
  • phone number;
  • documents confirming compliance with the bidding requirements, similar to the list for legal entities.

Bidding security amount

The amount of security for each auction is set by the organizer in the range from 0.5% to 5% of the initial contract price. During the course of trading, this money will not be available. They will also remain with the customer if the winner refuses to conclude a contract.

In case of loss, the money is returned back to the participant's account within five days. If they win, they will also return, but after the security of the contract is entered and signed.

Consideration of the first parts of applications

The first parts of the applications are checked within 7 days. Based on their analysis, the commission of the customer makes a decision on the admission or non-admission of the participant to the auction. At the same time, the name of the participating company is classified to direct participation, which ensures the impartiality of the customer and the fight against monopoly.

After 7 days, the commission publishes the final protocol with a list of order numbers admitted to trading. After that, the main part of the auction begins, where the second parts of the applications are considered and the names (titles) of the participants become known.

Direct participation in an electronic auction

The main part of electronic trading takes place at a strictly allotted time, when all participants must be online. Usually it is appointed on the third working day after the publication of the final list.

Bulk Sales Process:

  1. The first stage of the trading session is the submission by the participants of their price proposals. This takes 10 minutes. The auction step varies from 0.5 to 5% of the initial contract rate. At the same time, with each new bet, the timer starts anew, which allows potential performers to adjust prices.
  2. After 10 minutes from the last bet, the auction ends. A list of bidders appears, ranked in ascending order of bid price.
  3. During the second stage, everyone within 10 minutes can put a new price outside the auction step. Participants do this in order to take second place and win if the customer rejects the cheapest option.
  4. Over the next three days, the organizer of the auction determines the winner, taking into account the second parts of the applications. Based on the results of the consideration, the final lists are published, and a contract for the provision of services is signed with the winning bidder.

Contract security: bank guarantee

To sign the contract, the winning company must obtain a bank guarantee from the customer on the electronic platform. This step ensures that all conditions of the contract are met by the contractor and paid by the customer. Usually the bank guarantee is 30% of the initial price, but it can also increase depending on the course of the auction.

Signing a contract

The winning company is obliged to sign the contract sent by the customer within 10 to 20 days. After affixing an electronic signature by both parties, the contract begins to have legal force.

Benefits of participating in electronic trading and auctions of Sberbank-AST

The advantage of Sberbank-AST is, first of all, its versatility: the portal hosts competitions for state procurements and property auctions and other types of auctions. An equally important factor is the safety of transactions.

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