
Representation of the organization why the web is needed. Creation of a web representation of the company. Economic essence of the task

Website Representation (corporate): a web representation of a company (or a private individual) with an unlimited number of pages, voting, feedback forms, photo albums, product catalogs, news feeds, a search engine, advanced visitor statistics, etc. There is a Content Management System, which provides the functionality of the site. Visitors themselves can add content, comment on materials.

The site owner can independently add any materials to the site, edit them using the built-in editor, which resembles Microsoft Word and has about the same capabilities.

Despite the “loud” name, the owners of such sites are both firms and individuals. The cost of creation is quite affordable (in our web laboratory it is approximately 20,000 rubles). The specific cost depends on the customer's requirements for the resource, timing, amount of content. But: the price is negotiable, bargaining is appropriate, options are possible.

For a firm/organization/private entrepreneur, such a site is the face of the company on the Internet. Millions of buyers daily look for the goods/services they need on the Web. Without its own web representation, the company loses a significant (and perhaps the main) part of its potential customers. Our website portfolio contains many examples of corporate websites, company websites. If necessary, you can install an additional online store script, forum, and other useful tools and functions on any such site. Thus, the site-representation has the prospect of development and improvement with almost unlimited possibilities. However: do not forget to update cms.

The site-representation is quite in demand by private individuals. For various purposes: interest clubs, portfolio of works, blog, earnings on the Internet, etc. Many Web visitors use Free Hosting Services or social networking blogs for this purpose, which is in vain. The disadvantages of such sites far outweigh the only advantage - "free". If there are no funds to pay for the work of a webmaster, then it is quite possible to create a representative website or blog on your own (having some free time). Although, of course, in any field there are “pitfalls”, website building is no exception. Therefore, they do not sit without the work of a webmaster.

Approximate cost of creating a representative website

Approximate (basic) cost of creating a site-representation: 20,000 rubles. The price depends on the required functionality of the resource, the amount of content, the quality of the content.

Annotation: At the heart of any commercial activities lies marketing - a system for managing the production and marketing activities of a company, focused on making a profit by actively influencing market conditions and processes.

Marketing is based on the solution of three enlarged problems: finding out the current state of the company, developing plans for the future, determining ways to implement these plans, which can be detailed in the form of commercial tasks as follows: in order to make a profit, you need to sell a product or service. To sell something, you need to have it and you need to inform potential buyers about your willingness to sell. In addition, the sold product (or service) must be delivered to the consumer. Hence, the main commercial tasks of the company are: receiving goods (its manufacture or purchase); clarification of the composition of potential consumers; clarification of the composition of potential buyers; informing potential buyers and consumers about your availability of this product and your intention to sell it (or readiness to provide this service); sale of goods (provision of services) and receipt of money for the sold goods or services; delivery of goods; warranty service. In addition, there are additional commercial challenges associated with hosting special market research events.

From the point of view of automation specialists, the listed tasks are reduced to the following set of elementary operations:

  • when conducting market research - information search; receiving it; treatment;
  • when promoting goods - creating an image of the company; advertising of goods and services; formation of a positive attitude to the results of the company;
  • when selling goods - informing buyers; registration of applications for goods and services; payment; delivery.

You can use the Internet to solve these problems in the form of the following services:

  • communication services (information exchange with affiliates, suppliers, customers, the public);
  • automated search for information;
  • obtaining information using Email, ftp, teleconferencing, etc.;
  • usage remote access for online information processing;
  • provision of information services;
  • development and placement on the Web of a company's web-site for penetration into the market, promotion of goods, informing buyers, processing applications for goods and services, studying the opinions of buyers, consumers, and specialists; for other special market research activities; for the implementation of the trading process (payment for goods and services, their delivery to the buyer, etc.).

20.1. Elementary websites

Among the listed services, a special place in terms of its capabilities is occupied by the creation and maintenance (operation) of the company's web site.

Based on the general tasks of commercial activities on the Internet, the company's web representation can be used for the following purposes:

  1. presence on the Internet, i.e. announcement of the existence of such a company, its type of activity, image (Web presence on the Internet);
  2. informing potential customers of the company about the goods and services it produces (information Web, or Web for informing customers about the goods and services produced);
  3. promotion of goods and services (Web for promotion of goods and services);
  4. Feedback: studying the opinions of buyers, consumers, specialists in wholesale and retail trade, industry (Web with feedback);
  5. conducting special events to study the markets (research Web and Web of the virtual community of the firm);
  6. receiving applications for goods and services from customers (Web e-commerce);
  7. payment for goods and services (Web e-commerce);
  8. delivery of goods and services to the buyer (Web e-commerce);
  9. service and warranty customer service (Web service and warranty service);
  10. in-company training of employees (for example, with a large dispersion of the company - Web intra-company training of employees);
  11. joint implementation of projects by remote executors (Web for joint design).

Each of the listed types of web representations has its own characteristics, which are reflected in its structure and functions.

When creating a web representation of a company, several goals can be pursued, as a result of which the structure of the representation becomes more complicated. Consider the features of elementary types of web representations.

Web presence on the Internet

Its main task is to announce to the world about the existence of this company. Such an announcement has a certain commercial meaning, since the presence of its own web page creates a certain image for the company, it looks more solid, modern. The company's web page usually contains its name, type of activity, e-mail address, telephone, fax. Sometimes there is information about the management of the company. If the company has its own trademark (logo), it is also placed on the web page and contributes to the further recognition of the company when meeting with its products. The presence of such a page on one of the host computers of the Internet will not bring any dividends to the company, there will be few visitors to the page, hardly anyone will want to visit such a page again. But over time, the page will end up in some directory of Internet resources, which will increase the number of one-time visitors to it (for example, those who look in order to find out the e-mail address of this company).

Web presence usually occupies one page (one or two screens) and is the basis of any site, its main page that appears on the screen every time you visit this website.

Web to inform customers about manufactured goods and services

Such a Web is already a mass media (media). This means that it must work in real time, and the information located on it must correspond to the real state of the company. The web presence is usually used as the home page. Most often, information is posted on such a Web in the form of price lists containing the name of the product (service), its main characteristics, price, phone number for ordering the product and obtaining additional information. Some Web owners also post more detailed information about their products and services on the Web: specifications product, its consumer properties. On such Web there are press releases, electronic catalogs, which provide information not only about the goods and services sold by the company, but also about related products, additional services partners of this company.

The main difficulty in maintaining such a site is the need to constantly update the information displayed on it. Ideal for such a site would be an indication in the published price list of the number of copies of this product in the company's warehouse. But this is very rapidly changing information. You can track its change only in automatic mode, for example, by linking this Web to the firm's warehouse database. In this case, the client accessing the Web receives on his computer a snapshot of the firm's database at the time of connection to the Web.

In order to increase the interest of visitors to its site, the company can, in addition to the listed attributes, place some enticing information. This information may not be directly related to the activities of the company, but should be of interest to its potential customers. A staff of correspondents is needed to prepare and keep up to date with such information.

In essence, such a site is a web representation of the company. It allows you to activate and expand the market by attracting new customers informed when visiting the site.

Web to promote goods and services

This Web may be part of the previous one. First of all, it is a mass media, since the main tools for promoting goods and services are publicity, advertising, public relations - disciplines that foreign universities study in the preparation of communications specialists (there is no analogue of such a specialty in Russian universities. In a free interpretation communications can be considered as means and methods of communication in business, information impact on the consumer).

Publicity is a mention in a story, report, article about a product or service, indicating who sells this product or service. This is not an advertisement yet, it is just a mention of a company that sells a given product or service, but a mention in a positive way.

Advertising is a more serious mention (notice, announcement) about a company, product, service, built according to a certain structure. In our country, advertaising is most often identified with advertising.

Public relations is a discipline that studies how public opinion is formed. Since public opinion can be formed different ways, in public relations, the so-called. "black PR" (PR - from Public Relations), in which deception is allowed, concealment of information, disinformation, etc. In order to combat black PR, PR specialists have created a worldwide organization that has its own charter. This statute defines acceptable principles and ways of influencing public opinion.

Since the Web is a mass media for promoting goods and services, the audience, which in this particular case consists of site visitors, is of great importance for it.

The structure of such a Web is either an electronic bulletin board (BBS - Bulletin Board System), or a magazine, or a bulletin, or an electronic newspaper containing a significant number of articles. The home page of such a Web usually contains a table of contents, from which, with the help of hyperlinks, you can go to the desired section of this media.

In addition to the home page and the main material pages (press releases, advertisements, special articles and reports), the website may contain special sections that attract visitors and make them want to visit the site again.

For the reliability of information published on the Web, the owner of the Web may not be responsible. Responsibility can be placed on the one who provided the information - this is usually a warning on home page.

web with feedback

It is used to implement customer feedback and conduct special events for market research (for example, studying the opinions of buyers, consumers, specialists; determining the price of new products; identifying analogue products, competing products, etc.), for sociological research , performance evaluations, etc.

Such a website should be interactive, that is, it should be not only a source, but also a receiver of information, and information from customers should be received in real time - when the customer visits the website. To do this, some of the web pages are made in the form of questionnaires, that is, their text contains questions, and the site software allows you to record customer responses in the Web database.

The nature of special studies and the methods of their conduct, as well as the algorithms for processing the information obtained in such studies, are the subject of consideration of special disciplines, such as sociology, social (public) psychology. A significant contribution to the development of special methods of market research was made by domestic specialists in the development of a system for complex research and demand forecasting (SKIPS), developed for the USSR Ministry of Trade in the 70-80s. Special market research includes the use of specific mathematical methods [ , ], a set of actions to create information sources (for example, panels of consumers, buyers, industry specialists, wholesale and retail trade; communities of trade correspondents providing information about the availability of a certain list of goods in retail outlets; representatives of wholesalers, automated information systems, for example, created on the basis of search engines Internet, etc.); on holding special events, such as viewing exhibitions, sales exhibitions, auctions, etc., at which the attitude of buyers to new products is studied, the possible price of a new product is determined, etc. Special methods of market research include questionnaire surveys of site visitors or specially selected audience, monitoring the behavior of customers in retail outlets (including virtual stores), etc.

Using customer feedback allows you to find out what consumers expect from a product, what position among consumer preferences is occupied by competitors' products, what part of the demand is not satisfied by the company's products, etc.

web e-commerce

This type of Web is an electronic store, sometimes called a virtual store or a virtual counter. Such a Web should contain a home page with a list of services provided to visitors. Among the services provided by a virtual store, there should be: information about the store, about available goods (for example, in the form of price lists), a system for placing an order for goods.

Payment for goods and services may require not only special software, but also special technical means or information carriers (for example, "electronic money").

Delivery of goods and services to the buyer can be done in various ways. Only a limited range of goods and services can be delivered directly from the website (for example, an e-book, a digitized piece of music stored as a file, a digitized video, expert advice, design work carried out by the company's employees, market research results, computer game and etc.). For goods and services that require physical movement (for example, the delivery of a washing machine), the website can arrange delivery: accept the address, agree on the time, etc. For this purpose, the website must maintain its own database.

Web e-commerce includes several types of sites: a virtual counter, a virtual store, a virtual trading floor and etc.

A virtual counter is the simplest site that contains information about the goods for sale, with a small range of goods. For each product, a very brief description of it and a phone number are given, where you can get additional information or order the product.

As for the payment for the goods and its receipt, it is either necessary to arrive at the specified address, or delivery is carried out by a courier with payment to him.

A virtual store is characterized by a larger range of goods, a more complex device that allows pre-selection of goods in the "consumer basket", calculation of the cost of selected goods, alternative delivery and payment options for goods, etc.

A virtual trading platform (permanent wholesale fair) is a gathering place for wholesalers and buyers, where contracts for the sale of wholesale consignments of goods are concluded.

Web service and warranty service

The site contains systems for ordering service, consulting users, informing customers about the time (when the service will be performed), about the status of the order. To do this, it must have a guest book, an ordering system, faq (a directory containing frequently asked questions with answers from qualified specialists), chat (i.e., a quick communication system in which you can exchange views with specialists or qualified users), forum. Forums and chats can be divided by topic.

In addition, such a site may have a private part used by the service department employees to keep track of which of the company's employees is executing the order, what state the order is in, which orders are not yet assigned to the executors, the performance of the masters, etc. Only specialists of the enterprise have access to the closed part - either through the local computer network enterprise, or through the general entrance to the site with a password.

The web server on which such a site is located must have special software and sometimes additional technical means.

Since already established clients of the company turn to this type of site, this site can be considered as a gathering place for the target audience. Naturally, the desire of the company to make such a site promptly informing, to provide fresh information on it, its latest version in order to keep people who are interested in this topic, to hold special events to keep customers for the company.

Are you a representative of a large company or a small private firm? Then surely you know that advertising is indispensable in the business world. Advertising on television, radio, newspapers, outdoor advertising on billboards, posters and banners is far from full list known advertising techniques. Thanks to the wide spread of the Internet around the world, websites occupy one of the first positions in this list. With the help of a website, each company can tell about itself to any Internet user, anywhere in the world and at any time. The most suitable option for a website for a company with established traditions, regular partners and customers is the company's web representation.

Company website design

Web representation- this is your virtual office, where the visitor will find information about the company, order forms, the possibility of making electronic payments, online consultations, subscription to mailing lists and many other services useful for doing business. The presence of a corporate identity (company logo, corporate colors, design elements associated with the company's activities) in the design is a distinctive feature of web representations. Web representation of the company is a kind of virtual image, and you can make it anything: fun and playful (for example, for a manufacturer of toys or children's goods), formally restrained (for financial institutions), emphatically technological (for companies dealing with computer or other technologies). Maintaining such a virtual office is much more economical than a real one. A virtual office can be as solid and presentable as your imagination allows, and not as much as you can afford.

However, one should not forget that the virtual image must correspond to a certain extent to the realities of life.

The structure of the company's web presence

A website that represents a company on the Internet should be as convenient and useful as possible for its visitors. Therefore, it usually includes dozens of pages, interactive modules. The main page of the web representation is like a business card - it shows the company logo, brief information describing the company and its type of activity. The news page contains information about new products, promotions and discounts, conferences, presentations, etc. You also need a page with information about products, a feedback form. In addition, the web representation may include such software modules like order taking, electronic payment system, FAQ section.

Tasks of the company's web representation

The presence of a web representation of the company allows it to solve a fairly wide range of tasks:

  • notify your customers, existing and potential, about new products, interesting events for them;
  • store reference information required by your customers and partners;
  • give detailed answers to questions of interest to visitors and thus reduce the burden on company managers;
  • accept orders for goods or services offered by the company;
  • make electronic payments;

The address of the company's web office must necessarily appear in the company's contact list, on business cards, advertising booklets, letterheads, etc. And the information posted on the site should be only the most recent. It is necessary to regularly update sections on products, prices, current promotions and discounts, because this is how customer care is shown.

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Internet representation

Internet representation- unlike a website (Web representation), which is defined as a collection of documents defined by one domain or IP address, is presented as a complex of websites, electronic documents, Internet tools, social network profiles and other Internet resources and events developed, conducted and supported for the full presentation of information, necessary electronic documents, interactive interaction with third-party users, both individuals and organizations in order to ensure a full-fledged comprehensive representation of their own interests in the Internet.

A typical online presence today consists of:

  • one or more specialized and thematic sites, for example, the main site of the company and, as an e-commerce tool, the company's online store;
  • official pages or groups on social networks to disseminate information and popularize the company's services;
  • tools for the implementation of information mail and other (more often RSS) mailings of the company to subscribers, both permanent and one-time;
  • promotional sites prepared by the company to attract the attention of the target audience to special offers, promotions and other events of the company;
  • in addition, information support is increasingly being used as third-party blogs. It can be either a permanent blog of the company itself, or one or more partners leading own blogs in the interests of the customer;

The development of networks of Internet resources and auxiliary tools that make up Internet representation in the complex is facilitated by the nominal division of the total Internet space into subspaces belonging to social networks. In each such popular, kind of sub-Internet, for the full representation of one's own interests, it becomes simply necessary to create and maintain information-interactive sections.

The development of complex Internet representations is becoming not only more and more popular for individuals and organizations, but also simply an indispensable solution in the growing information competition.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Internet payment
  • Internet censorship in Ukraine

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