
What is traffic arbitrage? What is traffic and how to calculate it? What is internet traffic

Before we talk about ways to attract new customers, let's understand what lead generation is from a marketing point of view. This is to ensure continuous traffic of interested customers. Accordingly, a lead is a potential client with contacts.

Use 5 steps to create traffic of new buyers.

Customer traffic: Target audience

Before you start attracting new customers, you must clearly understand who is the client of your company. You need to define your target audience. As soon as you draw up her portrait, the sales manager will immediately understand what question can be asked to the buyer in order to identify his needs and correctly submit a commercial offer. For example, if your audience is customers over 50 years old, the proposal for them should be written in at least 14 font size. Because most people at this age have reduced vision.

There are two ways to understand who your target customer is:

By science

Any textbook on marketing suggests doing a huge amount of research based on income, residence, education, gender, and more. This is very difficult, this method is mainly used by large companies with a large marketing department.

How to make this process as practical and simple as possible? One of the most convenient ways is to create a photo collage. One picture can replace about 100 words. For example, for a women's magazine, a collage might include: white collar, washing machine, pets, dishes. Then you will be able to accurately explain to managers who your target client is and thus visualize your audience.


Use the opposite method: discard the "bad" buyers. The formula for determining your customers = everyone is bad.

Who are the "bad" buyers? These are those who:

  • Take away the company's budget in the negative during sales,
  • Pay with deferred or delayed payments,
  • Scold and discredit the organization,
  • They buy little and rarely,
  • They require a lot and at once (high-quality, while inexpensive),
  • Chasing a low price (defectors).
  • Don't annoy yourself and your team.

They bring nothing but negativity. Remember that the bad will definitely be replaced by the good, which will be pleasant to work with and which will bring profit.

Customer traffic: tools to attract customers

Customer traffic: capture points

Speaking about lead generation, it is important to understand that in addition to the buyer, there are also capture points. It is necessary to use them when they just came to the company and want to get the necessary information or make a decision.

Capture points can also be online and offline. The first include the website, social networks and mail, the second - phones, answering machine, office and employees.

Every business has its entry points. It is important to work them out carefully. After all, the image of your organization and the way you work with customers directly is related to traffic and then sales. Otherwise, buyers will go to competitors.

Customer traffic: sales funnel

Most companies believe that in order to create traffic and increase conversions, you just need to increase the number of cold calls at the initial stage. However, this is not quite true. The classic sales funnel starts with a cold call, followed by a presentation, sending a commercial offer, then contracts and payment.

In fact, one of the key points for traffic growth at each of these stages is the analysis of the intermediate actions of the manager. Ask yourself: what can be done to increase the number of payments? At what stage does the company do something wrong? What can be done to make cold calls more effective? What kind of presentation should be done to make the maximum impact?

Customer Traffic: Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is an extension of the sales funnel. After you have made a sale, your task is to solve a few more tasks:

  • build customer loyalty to the company;
  • organize resales;
  • turn on recommendation service.

It is important to understand that the transaction does not end when you have been paid money. And then, when you have achieved recommendations and positive reviews.

Customer Traffic: Brand Advocates

An additional source of customer traffic can be the customers themselves. But you need the most loyal. After all, it is necessary to stimulate word of mouth. How to identify the most loyal?

The easiest way is to carefully examine your funnel and especially your sales skirt. That's where your "lawyers" sit. Having identified them, come up with a pleasant reason for contact that is not accompanied by a sale: a gift, bonus points, a sampler. Check with them if they are happy with everything.

Then approach the matter with all determination and a scientific approach. Start measuring your rating on the Loyalty Index (Net Promoter Score). Those who give you a score of 9 or 10 out of 10 are potentially ready to recommend you to others. Then come up with a “bring a friend and get…” campaign for them.

We've covered 5 steps to help you improve your lead generation system. Use them to create continuous customer traffic, implement new tools and improve existing ones.

Consider a hypothetical situation: you have built a great website, a great mobile app, or a great online store. You also have customers who are loyal to your traditional, “non-digital” business and who have written a lot of praise about you on social networks.

"It doesn't matter how beautiful the site is, if no one is visiting it, then good luck building your Internet business." - John Brandon, editor of the online publication Inc.com.

About customers obediently following their favorite brand from offline to online, it was, of course, a joke - if everything were so simple, the billion-dollar Internet industry would become completely useless.

Your landing pages/websites may be amazing, but most likely, by default, they are in the "dark corner" of the Internet, where traffic is as rare as the appearance of the Loch Ness monster before the eyes of astonished bystanders.

So what to do?

You should think about attracting new visitors to your landing page or eCommerce site. You need to build your own traffic acquisition strategy. There are a number of options for this, from paid advertisements to content marketing. We will cover these topics, but first we need to explain the key concept:

Communication with the audience.

You must use your traffic acquisition strategy to connect with your target audience—the people most likely to become paying customers.

Even if you're new to internet marketing, you've probably read a lot about blogging, paid traffic channels, and social media marketing. This guide takes a different approach - we'll give you the holistic view you need to create a powerful marketing strategy.

Traffic acquisition is much more than search engine marketing (SEM) using Google AdWords: it is one of the most important marketing techniques to reach the target audience.

Need customers, not just traffic

Marketers often group traffic into different categories: traffic that converts into sales and traffic that doesn't. Traffic that converts in the long run and traffic that converts in direct response to a conversion action. There is "junk" traffic, good traffic, targeted traffic. What does all of this mean?

Some type of traffic is more valuable to your company than others. But this distinction is always subjective and depends on the unique needs of your business. As emphasized many times in this guide, you need to understand the marketing objectives: from this point of view, you will be able to determine what kind of traffic is right for you.

It means taking a step back to see the big picture and understand your goal of acquiring customers.

What target audience are you hoping to reach?

Answer this question first. The next step is to determine where exactly the people you need are grouped on the Internet. You may decide that the most direct and productive way to acquire leads is to reach your audience through Facebook or LinkedIn. You may decide that you need to expand the readership of your blog.

Cloud service Speak2Leads, for example, is in the very early stages of launching a traffic acquisition strategy. As part of this process, the company launches a blog on its website that publishes posts from top sellers in the industry.

But here's the problem - the site does not yet have a wide audience. Speak2Leads publishes new content on a regular basis, so over time, readers of the blog will certainly appear. But this process does not happen by magic, and the problem of attracting an audience will not be solved overnight - it takes time, dedication and patience. Realistically speaking, it takes 6 to 8 months for a blog to prove itself as a lead generation factor.

At the same time, Speak2Leads provided the rights to publish their texts on third-party sites ( syndicated content), such as Business2Community, a website with an established audience spanning small business owners, entrepreneurs, and CEOs. And that's not all - Business2Community, in turn, syndicated this content to the Yahoo Small Business marketing platform.

Initially publish content on the blog, and then expand the audience by distributing original materials. The idea is to find an audience that is much larger than the one you have and connect with them in a substantive way. One way to do this is to advertise on social media. Another way is to distribute branded content through a major online publisher.

This distinction brings us to an important point: distribution is the heart of internet marketing. To direct visitors to the site, you need to position the brand outside the Internet. This relevant concept applies to almost every marketing environment.

Eagle Rock Brewery has grown its craft beer customer base through partnerships with local restaurants.

Eagle Rock Brewery's marketing practice embodies a concept previously used by Estee Lauder to build its cosmetics business—distributing products through chain department stores, i.e., in places where target customers are most likely to spend money. Today, Estee Lauder's international empire is worth billions.

The main difference between traffic acquisition and more traditional distribution methods is that you have to do more than just go where your potential customers are likely to be. Attract them to your landing pages/sites and motivate them to visit again.

Understand the Key Drivers of Internet Traffic

Key driving forces - drivers– traffic generally fall into one of two categories – paid and free.

Free traffic includes visitors coming to your landing pages/sites through organic search, word of mouth from referrals, social media posts, viral videos, news outlets that follow your business online and link to your site.

Paid traffic refers to users who come to your website through banner ads, social media ads, paid blog content, and more. support” or “from our partners”. Companies are required by law to indicate when advertising is paid.

One of the most famous online marketing myths is that free traffic is better than paid traffic. This is not true - both types of marketing require a significant investment of time and money. In other words, "free traffic" is by no means free - you still need to invest time and human capital in developing a thoughtful strategy and putting it into practice.

The next two paragraphs include a general overview of paid and free Internet traffic drivers. Let's start with the big picture and then delve into the details.

Use Free Traffic Drivers

There are several main sources of free visits in online marketing. These include the following channels:

Public Relations:

To get attention from media outlets, build relationships with journalists. To act in the best interests of the brand, connect with the top bloggers in the industry, and give them your content to publish.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Develop a strategy to increase the position of the site in search engines. When potential customers are looking for information on the Internet, your brand should be at the top of the search results list (SERP).

Social media:


Share your knowledge and expertise through the blog. This way you will become a reliable source of information for existing / potential customers.

Video Marketing:

Create compelling videos that explain what your offers are and tell your brand's story. Branded videos also have some entertainment value and go viral.

Content syndication:

No audience for video or text materials, what does your company produce? Publish content on your home resource and distribute it through websites or video channels (for example, YouTube) that are known to have a wider audience. Part of the viewers or readers covered by your content will go to the landing page or website

Create a subscription base:

Attract visitors just once is not enough. Encourage them to come back again and again. A list of email addresses will help achieve this goal. For example, you can send a notification to subscribers about new blog posts (see example below):

As we mentioned in the previous section, the term "free traffic" can be misleading. No magic - companies still need to invest time and resources to build a traffic acquisition strategy through the channels listed above.

Take the Speak2Leads blog as an example. As we mentioned, the brand syndicates its own content with third party media channels including Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business. The company also promotes its blog posts through sales discussion groups on LinkedIn, the social knowledge-sharing service Quora in CRM topics, and, to a certain extent, on Twitter.

Although the blog is relatively new, these posts drive a small amount of referral traffic to the Speak2Leads website. Speak2Leads content is distributed by members of LinkedIn groups who are interested in reading these posts. Readers who liked the article share a link to it on social networks.

If the company decides to syndicate the content, the article is republished by Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business, driving referral traffic either to the Speak2Leads site directly or via social media.

The cost of actual web traffic is zero. But the creation of this "marketing engine" requires payment:

  • Hiring a content strategist to oversee editorial policy and build relationships with a content syndication partner (Business2Community).
  • Time to prepare texts, often with a cost (CEO time spent on an article is paid at the highest rate), or the direct cost of hiring a copywriter or editor.
  • The costs associated with building a social marketing strategy, as well as individual costs for holding promotions in social networks.

But the skills of your team will reduce marketing costs. A case in point is the story of the Dollar Shave Club, a Santa Monica-based startup that sells subscription sets of men's shaving supplies.

CEO Michael Dubin had some experience as an improv actor. So Michael and his colleagues made a funny "viral video".

Result? Millions of dollars in venture capital funding and 5,000 new customers signed up to deliver razor kits within a day of launching the campaign, all thanks to a $4,500 video.

Don't expect a great video or great text to drive traffic to your web properties overnight. Fabulously successful stories - as they are shown in Hollywood movies - are rare, especially in online marketing. Let's take a lesson from Karen Cheng, founder of the video channel "Dance in a Year" (roughly translated - "Learn to dance in a year").

So, Karen learned to dance for a year and documented this process on video every day. On early recordings, she moves like a beginner dancer. As the video progresses, you can see that Karen's movements are becoming more and more polished. On the final recordings, she dances like a true professional.

Karen's videos tell an amazing story of patience, dedication, and performance. They give strength. They inspire. That's why this "home movie" has over 6,000,000 views on YouTube to date.

What at first glance seems like luck is actually part of Karen's carefully planned marketing strategy.

“I put a lot of effort into marketing and it started long before the release of the first video. It wasn't an accident that it went "viral" - it was the result of hard work." - Karen Cheng in an article for Fast Company magazine.

Here is what Karen writes about her marketing moves:

2. On the second day, bloggers who had seen Karen's video the day before began retelling her story through new media channels: Mashable, Jezebel and Huffington Post. These blogs have generated significant traffic growth for Karen's video channel. Expanding the range of traffic sources increased the number of views to 800,000 per day.

3. The popularity of the video "pushed" Karen to the main page of YouTube. This chain of events helped Karen reach 1.8 million views on her third day.

The video also helped connect with potential sponsors of Karen's project. These included Lululemon and American Apparel, two brands that Karen wanted info support from. The offer did not go unanswered: the companies posted her video on their social accounts.

Among other things, Karen released her video on Tuesday, guessing that on Monday, potential viewers are likely to catch up on work that they did not finish before the weekend. Her tactic was to "catch" the audience in the offices at just the right moment, keeping the entire week available to grow the video's popularity.

The beauty of the strategy lies in two aspects:

  • Marketing and distribution of the product is relatively cheap.
  • The strategy is applicable to any quality unique content, including eBooks and blog posts.

It's also important to be aware of the "echo effect" caused by this marketing initiative: if you type "learn to dance" into Google, Karen's video will appear at the very top of the SERP.

Google Keyword Planner reports that this phrase is one of the highly competitive search terms—in other words, users who ask search engines "How to learn to dance?" are in intense competition for attention.

Karen's video, promoted by the high social and PR activity of its creator, is in the top ten search results. Such a high SERP ranking generates a strong residual effect and leads to increased traffic.

"How to learn to dance?" - highly competitive search query

Attracting visitors to the site for the first time, immediately take care of their return. Email marketing is an inexpensive and powerful way to achieve this key marketer goal. This is how the PassivePanda blog grew from zero to 350,000 unique visitors in a year.

If you ever feel confused in your marketing practice, remember that people are the heart and soul of your marketing strategy. You must fight for the love, support and attention of the audience.

Buy traffic? - Also a great solution!

Paid marketing channels are powerful traffic drivers. These include online banner ads, search marketing campaigns on Google, Yandex, Bing and retargeting campaigns aimed at users who have visited your landing pages/sites before.

Purchasing paid traffic is a strong strategy when it comes to building brand awareness or driving customers to your eCommerce landing pages/website.

With enough care, the online advertising ecosystem will greatly enhance your company's results. But if you spend your advertising budget without setting the final goals, then buying traffic will not bring any benefit.

Small business owners and startup organizers are often hesitant to buy traffic.


On the one hand, they are skeptical about online marketing in general. On the other hand, they do not want to risk money. But by ignoring paid marketing channels, you are missing out on users.

Facebook, for example, launched an advertising program in which marketers purchase traffic on a Cost Per Install (CPI) basis. Users install applications directly from the Facebook mobile platform, and advertisers pay for each such action.

In addition, in terms of costs, this method of acquiring traffic is more than competitive - sometimes the cost of a visitor is less than $1. Facebook is not the only mobile advertising platform - there are a number of options available to match the amounts your target customers are willing to pay with the prices required to achieve a profitability (positive ROI) level.

And here's the thing: Companies that avoid the risk of investing in paid marketing channels are probably doing it wrong. Contrary to what our instincts tell us, marketing is not a "money sewer". Done right, marketing becomes a reliable profit driver.

The Harvard Business Review, one of the most respected online business publications, published an article titled "End the War between Sales and Marketing" (End the War between Sales and Marketing). The meaning of the article is clear from the title: both business units are included in one team, the power of which increases many times when sales and marketing are equal in importance and work together.

When your marketers know their job, their activities don't even require budgetary expenses. This is a controversial point of view, but it should be announced. If your marketing department is a "money sewer", then it's probably best to disband it. Otherwise, why pay for nothing?

The trick, however, is not to spend the million effectively. Start tests with a small investment in marketing (as they say, "budget") and increase the budget gradually. Here's what business owners will be especially pleased to know - you can start testing even with a hundred dollars. Yes, you will lose them, but the trick is to save the data you collect about which pricing models, targeting options, and ad networks are best for you.

AdRoll cloud service allows you to develop and launch a new retargeting campaign in just 3 steps. In fact, you get $60 as a gift for a two-week trial.

One more step - and a new retargeting campaign will be launched

Thanks to the presence of online media giants like Facebook and Google - as well as thousands of small companies - the PPC marketing industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. And be sure: these numbers are constantly growing (we will dwell on the methods of successfully buying traffic in more detail in the next posts of the Online Marketing for Beginners series).

Inbound marketing as your company's "pull mechanism"

Inbound marketing is a term that has been popularized by Boston-based marketing company HubSpot over the past few years. The term is catchy and catchy, but what exactly does it mean?

In a nutshell, inbound marketing is the leverage that drives traffic to your landing pages and websites. It is a marketing discipline that encourages business leaders to position their companies as "pull" rather than "push" market mechanisms.

Examples of inbound marketing: branded content (distributed via blogs and video channels), social media, and giveaways/free product samples. Inbound marketing is optimal for companies positioning themselves as opinion leaders in a certain field and valuable sources of information.

As in any other marketing initiative, the most important component here is quality. If the content is bad, no one will want to read or watch it, share links to it (because there are many others on the Internet - good- texts, videos, etc.). The only thing your company can't do is fake authenticity marketing message. So focus on value, not tricks that potential customers see right through.

Key Findings

1. Marketing makes your web resources more visible on the Internet.

2. Traffic by itself doesn't work. You have to invest time and energy to connect you with the right audience and bring visitors to landing pages.

3. Acquiring traffic takes time and resources. Invest them in a strategy and back up your plans with action.

4. Marketing generates income. If there is no measurable return on investment, you are probably doing something wrong.

5. Do not rush to the conclusion that paid traffic is inferior to organic. Well-organized PPC campaigns are very effective.

6. Focus on the quality of products and marketing content. If it's stunningly good, there will be an "echo effect" that translates into free social media marketing and repeat visits to your landing pages/sites for a long time.

7. Consumers feel cheated from miles away. Give them the respect they deserve. Start with your target customers and work backwards through the conversion path to refine your marketing strategy.

High conversions for you!

According to materials:

What's the point of a website if no one visits it? Who will place orders, read articles, click on ads? Users are the reason for the existence of the Internet, millions of sites are fighting for their attention every day.

To attract the attention of the audience, that is, to increase the traffic of the resource, is within the power of everyone, even a beginner, a site owner or an Internet marketing specialist.

Traffic (from English traffic - movement)- the total number of unique visitors who came to the site from all channels per unit of time.

Speaking of attendance, we will use the term "traffic".

The conclusion suggests itself: increase attendance, and sales will increase. However, this is a common rookie mistake because not all traffic is created equal.

You can talk about the effective operation of the site when visitors perform targeted actions on it: register, place orders, subscribe to the newsletter or call the company. Therefore, it is important to bring to the site as many interested audiences as possible, that is, targeted traffic.

To do this, you need to choose and configure advertising tools correctly. The most effective advertising, which is based on the principle of selectivity - targeting.

These tools are:

  • search promotion;
  • contextual advertising;
  • media advertising (banners);
  • social media marketing.

You can use one or more types of online advertising, depending on the theme of the site and the goals of your company. Below we will take a closer look at each of them, tell you how to direct a certain type of user to the resource that meets the goals and needs of your site.

SEO traffic

SEO traffic (traffic from search engines, organic traffic) is visitors who go to the resource via links from the search engine results page (for example, Yandex, Google). Users themselves make requests to search engines about goods, services or information, they are interested and ready to consider offers, including those from your site.

Obviously, most of the organic traffic will go to resources that occupy high positions in the search results (as a rule, this is the first page, otherwise - TOP 10). In order for the site to reach the TOP, it is necessary to purposefully promote it. For this you should:

  • Prepare: conduct an audit of the site, analyze its current positions and the positions of competitors in the issue.
  • Optimize resource: eliminate errors on the site that hinder promotion, improve the technical, textual, visual characteristics of the site and further constantly develop the resource, making it more useful and convenient for visitors.
  • Work with reference mass: increase the number of external links that direct the user to the site being promoted from other resources, optimize internal links that help navigate the pages of the site. The volume and quality of the reference mass are one of the most important factors on which the position of the resource depends.

Who suits

Search engine promotion is a great solution for companies that want to:

  • get a stable stream of the target audience;
  • increase online sales;

This is the most versatile method of driving traffic to a website. It is suitable for all companies that have a product, demand for it and a quality website. Based on your goals, business features and web resource, you can use search promotion options: position promotion and traffic promotion.

Position promotion

The classic promotion option is to bring the site to the specified places in the search results for a limited number of high- and medium-frequency queries (HF and MF), which bring the greatest amount of traffic. (If you prefer to use the services of SEO companies, then payment for their work will be made for bringing the resource to the specified TOP for the necessary queries.)

This promotion option, as a rule, brings bonuses: related requests that are not included in the list for promotion are automatically pulled up to higher positions - low-frequency (LF), but leading to the most interested in buying / ordering visitors.

For example, following the high-frequency query “cars” or “buy a car” (users enter these phrases into Yandex search 7,775,276 and 368,384 times a month, respectively), a low-frequency query, for example, “buy a car in Moscow inexpensively” ( administered 286 times a month).


  • Search results are not perceived by users as a means of advertising - after all, they themselves made a request to Yandex or Google, found the necessary information, and made their choice.
  • Long-term, stable effect: an optimized, that is, convenient and useful, site will be able to maintain high positions in the search results and attract new visitors who will willingly become customers.
  • The small price of this method compared to traditional offline advertising (outdoor advertising, radio, TV, etc.); Successful advancement in positions repeatedly justifies the investment.


  • Search engines impose certain requirements on the quality of the site that affect the ranking. However, there are no guarantees of entering the TOP, and even more so, clear recommendations for achieving it. You will have to figure out the intricacies of ranking algorithms on your own, which can change monthly. As a result, it is difficult to predict the result.
  • Effective promotion in search engines is a continuous process: it requires constant monitoring of changes in PS algorithms, regular work on the development of the site.
  • It takes at least 4-6 months to bring a site to the TOP of the search results (this point is rather a useful limitation than a disadvantage: by accelerating promotion, you can incur search engine sanctions).

Get the best results

  • Fill the site with high-quality content that is useful for your visitors and do not forget about its optimization (this is described in the books “A Visual Guide to SEO Copywriting” and “How to Train Your Search Engine”). So you will significantly increase the chances of the resource for high positions in the search results, and therefore for high-quality traffic.
  • Responsibly approach the formation of a list of requests for promotion - the semantic core of the site (SN). Use, for example, the Yandex.Wordstat service and select the words and phrases that most accurately describe your activities, name the goods and services you offer: the more accurate the request, the more customers it will bring.
  • To promote, choose queries for which your site is already in the TOP 100 search engine results, this will save you money and time.
  • Regularly “clean” the semantic core: if you see that queries are in the TOP, but do not bring traffic, refuse such queries and select new ones.
  • Use the analytical services Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics: set goals, collect statistics on conversions from search engines, isolate the most conversion requests and promote them to the TOP (we recommend using the book "Web Analytics in Detail").
  • Analyze the usability of the resource (the ease of use of the site) using the Webvisor tool (Yandex. Metrica), regularly analyze competitor sites, borrow usability elements from them, methods of persuading / encouraging the audience to act - this way you will increase the conversion of visitors into buyers.
  • Do not chase the number of external links, focus on quality: post links to your site only on high-quality sites (their topics should correspond as much as possible to the topic of your resource).
  • Do not rush to increase the link mass, consider the age and reputation of the site: for a sharp increase in external links, the resource may fall under the "Link Explosion" filter. A weighted, and therefore safe, purchase of links, as a rule, requires 3 to 6 months.

traffic promotion

The ultimate goal of this resource promotion option is not the very fact of bringing the site to the top positions for queries, but the formation of a flow of the target audience from search engines. (Accordingly, if you work with a contractor using this option, you only pay for visitors who come to your site for certain queries.)

The fundamental difference between traffic promotion and position promotion is the approach to the formation of SL. In this case, several hundred requests are promoted, mostly low-frequency, which gives greater stability during promotion and an influx of targeted visitors after a few weeks of work.

Who suits

  • online stores offering a wide range of products;
  • large brands operating in a volumetric industry (for example, tourism, pharmaceuticals, auto parts);
  • portals that resell traffic or advertising;
  • those who want to increase the return on promotion through positions.


  • Relatively short time to achieve results - a noticeable increase in traffic will be noticeable in 1-2 months.
  • A large number of requests for promotion allows you to avoid significant traffic losses due to changes in search engine ranking algorithms (in contrast to the TOP positions for high-frequency and mid-range requests, which can sag a lot in this case).


  • Applicability: the method is well suited for large multi-page online stores or portals, but is ineffective for small sites. This should be taken into account when choosing a promotion method: by traffic or by positions.

Get the best results

  • Gather the most complete and targeted semantic core (SN), when compiling it, be guided by low-frequency queries.
  • If you are selling something on the site, then when selecting SL, be sure to focus on transactional requests (using the words “buy”, “order”, “cost”, “price”).
  • If you work with a contractor, make a list of negative keywords for him - requests for which you do not need traffic. For example, you sell only new cars, and people who come with the request “buy a used car” will not become your buyers - this is untargeted traffic, for which it is not profitable for you to pay. Accordingly, negative keywords for your SA will be “used”, “used”, “used”.
  • Make sure that the contractor does not use key phrases for promotion that include the brand name (for example: “osago in rosgosstrakh”, “farmer Ivanov’s products”): in response to such brand queries, the corresponding resources are issued in the first positions and without the participation of the optimizer.
  • Don't forget to analyze your site's statistics: search traffic, conversion rate, presence of visitors for queries with negative keywords. Based on analytics data, update your CL to attract the most loyal traffic.

PPC traffic

Traffic from contextual advertising (context, CR)- visitors who came to the site from short text messages. Such ads are shown to users along with search results and correspond to the subject (context) of the request made. Contextual advertising can also be placed on thematic resources - with partners of the advertising service.

Who suits

  • All companies to quickly attract target users to the site.
  • Companies with a pronounced seasonality of goods and services to support sales, regularly conducting promotions to quickly notify the audience.
  • As an additional source of traffic for resources that use SEO: if you managed to bring your site to the TOP by the season, then by using also the RK, you will get the maximum flow of visitors.
  • New Internet projects that are not sufficiently developed for SEO promotion. As a rule, search engines do not show young sites in high positions in the search results.


  • Advertising is seen only by people who are interested in buying or information.
  • The first visitors who have moved from the context to the resource can be expected within a few hours after the launch of the advertising campaign.
  • A contextual advertising campaign can be quickly managed in real time: plan, launch, receive a report, pause, reduce or increase the number of ads, and regulate the cost of a user's transition to the site.
  • The auction pricing model allows the advertiser to choose the best positions for placing an ad, independently managing the budget. Your ad will be shown to potential customers regardless of changes in search engine algorithms.


  • After campaign funding is stopped, ads are not shown, the flow of visitors stops.
  • You are not immune from "clicking". CR is paid for every click on an ad, and unscrupulous competitors take advantage of this: they organize a mass click through ads in order to "click" your budget and stop the advertising campaign.
  • The tool is not suitable for long-term and large-scale campaigns: investments turn out to be much higher than, for example, the cost of search engine promotion of a site.
  • Despite advertising services claiming universal accessibility and ease of use of context, it takes time, solid experience and knowledge of technology to make an advertising campaign truly effective. As practice shows, unprepared beginners spend up to 50% of their budget for nothing.
Search promotion contextual advertising
Subject Any goods and services, with the exception of seasonal offers or promotions, when it is necessary to dramatically increase the flow of visitors. Suitable for short-term advertising campaigns: seasonal offers or promotions.
advertising effect Not expressed. Users generally consider organic results to be the result of their own choice, so its click-through rate is higher. More pronounced. A contextual ad, even if shown in accordance with the interests of the user, is still perceived as an advertisement.
The target audience The influx of traffic for additional requests that are pulled up after high- and medium-frequency requests. The influx of traffic only on a well-defined list of requests.
Price Traffic is cheaper in the long run because paid only for SEO services. Traffic is quite expensive, the payment is made for each visitor's transition to the advertised resource. The cost depends not only on the competitiveness of the request among advertisers, but also on the skills
Timeframe for achieving results Terms for promotion are 6-12 months, depending on the frequency and competitiveness of promoted requests. Long-term effect: even after the cessation of promotion work, the influx of visitors remains for some time. Impressions begin almost immediately after replenishment of the account. After stopping the advertising campaign, ads stop showing and visitors stop coming to the site.
Controllability Low. Tangible changes can occur only after 2-3 months. High. Any changes take effect within 15-30 minutes.
Resource Status Effective promotion in search engines is possible only for optimized resources. Not suitable for young sites (less than 1 year old); resources using flash technologies. You can conduct a contextual campaign, regardless of the age, technological features of the site.

Yandex.Direct- contextual advertising system on Yandex pages and on the websites of its partners; in 2001 became the first search advertising service on the Russian Internet.

Google AdWords- a system of contextual advertising from Google, which appeared in Runet in 2002; today is the main advertising project of Google and the main source of profit.

If you don’t have enough experience with context yet, it makes sense to contact a digital agency, where professionals will competently plan and conduct an advertising campaign, which will allow you to achieve the desired results faster and save your budget.

You can read about the main stages of launching a contextual campaign in the book Internet Marketing in 55 Minutes.

Get the best results

  • Competently compose a list of queries for which your ads will be shown. For contextual advertising, as well as for traffic promotion, advice on negative keywords is relevant.
  • Take the time to create texts for your ads. Avoid empty, non-informative expressions (as in the screenshot below).

Tell about what the user needs in just a few words: where, what, how much. The ad will hit exactly the audience that suits your prices, range, region. The likelihood of visitors converting into buyers will increase.

  • Don't forget to fill out the e-mail_id form in Yandex.Direct: then your ad will show an "Address and phone number" link, clicking on which will lead to a page with your company's contact information.
  • Determine the landing page: for example, if the ad announces a promotion, then the user should go to the page with this information, and not to the main page or to the "Contacts" section.
  • Set up time targeting. It will solve several problems:
    • if your audience is most active at a certain time, properly configured ads will be shown to targeted visitors.
    • you will be able to attract users when your company is able to quickly process a call or a client request,
    • If your budget doesn't allow you to run a 24-hour PPC campaign, you can save money by stopping your ads during peak hours of competition when CPCs skyrocket.
  • Set up geographic targeting. Choose to display ads in regions that are interesting for your business: this will attract people to the site who are looking for goods and services in the territory where you are ready to provide them. For example, the company builds cottages only in Ryazan and the Ryazan region. Obviously, traffic will be more targeted if you show ads to residents of this region.
  • If you launched a campaign through Yandex.Direct and want to show ads in several regions, then you should create a separate campaign for each of them. The fact is that the service calculates the cost of a click on average for all the cities specified in the campaign: the more there are, the higher the cost per click.
  • Remember about security: webmasters receive a percentage of the cost of each click, and it happens that unscrupulous referrals organize “clicks” on ads posted on thematic sites - the budget is wasted. You can either disable ad impressions on referral sites (when setting up a campaign), or permanently filter out (using web analytics tools) resources that provide inappropriate traffic.
  • Using Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics services, test and select the most effective keywords, headlines and texts, disable ads with a low CTR (below 0.5%) or ads that do not lead to conversions. Thus, you can increase the impact of a contextual campaign while reducing the cost of its implementation.

Display advertising traffic

If the targeting is correctly set up, and the banner is professionally executed and clearly visible on the site, advertising will be deposited in people's subconscious. And if at the moment they have not clicked on the banner, then on occasion they will most likely remember and choose the memorable company and its offer.

Who suits

Companies who want:

  • quickly and visually convey information to users;
  • promptly attract an audience at a certain moment (with pronounced seasonality of goods/services);
  • increase company/brand awareness.


  • The advertising message is supported by visual and/or emotional perception. Images or animations that attract attention, inducing clicks.
  • Getting fast results. A properly designed banner campaign can dramatically increase website traffic in a short time. But at the same time, it is necessary to have resources already prepared: the site must be ready for a large and sharp influx of visitors.
  • Completeness of statistics of all impressions and transitions. If at the campaign planning stage all banners were marked, then you can quickly identify inefficient sites and, by disabling banner display on them, transfer the budget to more successful ones.


  • Running an ad campaign requires a substantial budget, as display ads tend to be paid per 1,000 impressions, with most sites having a lower threshold for a minimum number of impressions. In addition, the costs for the production of the banner itself are necessary: ​​the creative and professional execution of a banner that will be remembered for a long time is not cheap.
  • A strong advertising effect can be both a plus and a minus. At its core, media advertising is close to offline advertising (TV, print), to which many users have developed a negative reaction or indifference. In this, banner advertising loses to search promotion - when receiving search results, the user is sure that he found the information himself.

You can organize a media-banner advertising campaign in 3 ways:

  1. Direct: you yourself choose advertising platforms, negotiate with their owners, develop a banner and strategy (time, place, duration of the display), control the course of the campaign. As a result, you get the right sites, a fairly high cost of the campaign and the need for constant personal control over its implementation.
  2. Through banner networks: you act through the advertising network, providing the administrator with promotional materials and campaign conditions. This method is an order of magnitude cheaper than the previous one, however, you cannot rely on quality sites and the best places for your banners with absolute certainty.
  3. Through a digital agency: you trust the advertising campaign to professionals who can create advertising banners, develop a strategy for their placement, reduce your costs by applying optimal audience targeting and placing ads on high-quality sites.
  • web campaigns (display advertising on websites in various formats: banners, teasers, videos, etc.);
  • mobile campaigns (display advertising for mobile versions of websites);
  • placement in social media (display advertising in social networks);
  • mix of advertising types, web and mobile channels.

Get the best results

  • When choosing a site for placement, you should study its quality. If you are running a campaign on your own, you should ask site owners for statistics:
    • number of visitors: place banners on the resources with the highest traffic (large city, regional, news portals, popular thematic sites that correspond to the interests of your potential customers);
    • average time spent by the user on the site for 1 visit;
    • browsing depth (how many pages a user views in 1 visit).
  • On your own, you can find out another important point: the frequency of updating materials, the behavior of the audience on the site (the average number of comments on posts, likes, reposts in social networks). A serious criterion in the evaluation can be considered the amount of search traffic on the site - it indicates the visibility of the resource in search engines in its subject.
  • By analyzing and comparing the parameters of several sites, you can choose the most suitable ones that will bring the desired traffic.
  • The golden mean in terms of price / effectiveness when placing a banner on a resource is places next to the main content (if the site you have chosen is really popular, readable). At the same time, the page should not be overloaded with other media advertising.
  • If the goal of attracting traffic from banner ads is to convert visitors into buyers, it would be reasonable to limit the frequency of showing a banner to a unique user to 3-5 times to avoid an excessive advertising effect (see "Disadvantages"). If advertising works primarily for the image, the frequency of impressions can be increased up to 7-10 times.
  • Responsibly approach the creation of a banner:
    • it must be done professionally, creatively;
    • place calls to action in the advertising text, for example: “press”, “click”, “find out now”;
    • make sure that when placing a banner on the site, the Alt attribute is specified for it - the description of the banner in the page code. This text will appear on the screen instead of the image if the user views a page with images disabled.
  • Adjust banner display targeting: this way only the target audience will see your ad.

Traffic from social networks

Social media marketing (SMM) is a wide range of marketing tools for interacting with the audience of social media (networks, forums). Driving traffic to your site is just one of the tasks that can be solved with the help of a well-planned and executed SMM campaign.

Using social media, you can effectively:

  • increase the recognition of the company, its services among potential customers;
  • to form and maintain the reputation or image of the brand/company;
  • increase the loyalty of potential customers to the company, products;
  • quickly notify the audience about new products, promotions and other events of the company;
  • generate demand for new goods or services; ^ increase brand community traffic.

Who suits

  • Social media marketing is especially useful for large service companies (telecommunications, tourism, hospitality or restaurant business) whose potential customers are active users of social networks.
  • Medium and small businesses - those who need to communicate with the audience, build their reputation, and provide customer support.


  • People will distribute high-quality, interesting, useful content through social networks on their own, without the participation of the organizer (or with minimal effort).
  • SMM is based on the value of public opinion - messages transmitted through social networks inspire more trust among potential consumers.
  • You can precisely influence the target audience by choosing only those platforms where this audience is more represented, and use the most appropriate methods of communication with it.
  • disadvantages

    • SMM is not a direct sales tool. It is aimed at increasing a loyal audience, keeping it in social communities. SMM is communication with users, a long-term process that requires certain resources and constant attention. If a company is not ready for long-term communication with its audience, social media marketing will be ineffective.

    SMM includes many ways of working (we talked about them in the book "SMM Tutorial"). As the most effective and popular methods for attracting traffic, it is worth highlighting:

    • building brand communities: accumulation of the target audience in them and its subsequent “overflow” to the site;
    • working with the blogosphere: placing advertising materials with popular bloggers, maintaining discussions, interest in posts in the comments;
    • reputation management: communication with the audience, leveling the negative, prompt response and solving problems related to the services / products of your company, works not so much to attract traffic, but to retain visitors, contributes to their return to the resource.

    Get the best results

    • Turn to professionals - find out how to choose a competent SMM campaign performer.
    • Use experience: The West has long understood how powerful a weapon SMM can be, including for attracting traffic. We have selected for you the most striking examples of the work of foreign and Russian companies in social media.
    • NIKE has found its greatness

      During the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Nike did a great job on social media, which allowed the brand to “butcher” competitors in the face of the official sponsor of the games - Adidas. Not being a sponsor of the Olympics, Nike launched an advertising campaign (including on social networks) under the slogan Find your greatness. Her heroes were non-professional athletes living in places called London, but outside the UK, for example, in the USA or Nigeria.

      According to data from CheerMeter, Nike gained 166,718 new Facebook followers during this period, while Adidas gained 80,761 in total.

      "Prometheus". Tweet louder!

      In May 2012, 20th Century Fox decided to use viral advertising to promote Ridley Scott's Prometheus.

      A three-minute trailer for the film was shown simultaneously online, on Channel 4 and on social TV app Zeebox. Viewers were invited to tweet about the film using the hashtag #areyouseeingthis. During the next commercial break, Channel 4 aired a 40-second video that included tweets from users who used the hashtag. In a relatively short period of time, the surge in activity reached 4,000 tweets with a potential reach of 15 million users.

      old spice. Music for the masses

      After watching a short video of Crews playing musical instruments with his muscles, users were asked to play their own tune using the keyboard.

      With such an extraordinary approach, the brand managed to hook the audience: the number of video views on Vimeo alone exceeded 8 million.

      Heinz. Get your name beans!

      FMCG brand Heinz often uses social media to generate buzz around their products. Among these activities, a campaign stood out in support of the new Five Beanz product - Your Name On a Bean (“Bob with your name”). Users were asked to launch a social app and take a test to find out which type of bean best suits their personality.

      Every hour, five lucky people received a bean with their name on it as a gift. All users who invited 10 friends to take the test were given bags. In addition, coupons were offered to community subscribers to try the product. The campaign lasted 2 weeks and brought tangible results:

      • 22,143 people took part in testing;
      • more than 10 thousand users shared the application with friends;
      • the community has increased by 30 thousand new subscribers.

      Russian SMM-technologies, corresponding to the peculiarities of our market, are still at the stage of development. Domestic Social Media Marketing is adopting the experience of Western colleagues: the results are already there, although not so impressive.

      TNK Pulsar. Refueled? Share with others!

      From domestic experience, one can note the campaign of TNK to promote the new brand of TNK Pulsar. The secret of success is in the communication tool. Moderators and the most active characters of automotive forums - opinion leaders - were invited to refuel for free at TNK-BP stations, as well as to carry out vehicle diagnostics and share feedback on the forums based on test results.

      As a result of the action:

      • the number of users who are ready to refuel only with TNK Pulsar gasoline has grown from 26 to 70%,
      • more than 1200 forum participants became loyal to the brand (the plan was to attract 100 users).

      "Lenta.ru". Informally about important

      The VKontakte page of the online news publication Lentami deserves special attention.

      Sometimes it seems that this is a parody community or a hooligan trick of editors: news is presented informally, sometimes on the verge of a foul, each post is accompanied by meme pictures, a large amount of Internet slang is used, but all this makes the Lenta community attractive and incredibly popular among users.

      The official page was launched on August 19, 2011. As a result, in a little over two years of operation, the public gained 388,678 subscribers.

      Now the Lenta.ru project is losing only to RIA Novosti (554,326 VKontakte subscribers). For comparison: Slon.ru currently has 183,950 subscribers, while RBC has 133,741 subscribers.

      We determine the effectiveness of an advertising tool

      We talked about the main, most effective ways to attract targeted traffic to the site. The highest result can be achieved by competently combining these methods, analyzing their work, and refusing inefficient ones.

      Of course, questions arise: how effective is this or that tool in each specific case, how to evaluate them, how to find the optimal combination?

      Web analytics data and one little formula, ingenious in its simplicity, will help you find answers.

      Eff-t \u003d R 2 / B,

      P - result (traffic or targeted user actions),
      B - spent budget,
      Eff-th - an indicator of the conditional effectiveness of the advertising tool; the higher its value, the more effective the advertising tool/channel: you get the maximum result for the minimum investment.


      Since not all traffic is equally useful, you will get the most accurate estimate of the effectiveness of the channel by taking as the result (P) not the total number of visitors from a particular source, but the number of targeted actions - orders, downloads, views or registrations made by users.

      How it works

      By dividing the budget (B) by the result (R), we get the average cost of 1 target action - the lower it is, the better.

      B / P \u003d Avg.st-t 1 CD

      If we take the inverse value - we divide the result by the budget, then we will find out how many targeted actions we will receive from visitors from channel N for 1 unit of invested funds. Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the better.

      R/B = channel payback

      Suppose, with a different number of applications and a different budget, the payback of several channels is the same. Then the one that gives more applications will be more profitable, that is, with the same payback, it works more efficiently.

      R x P / B \u003d R 2 / B \u003d Efficiency


      Let's say channel X brings 10 applications with an investment of 200 rubles.

      200/10 = 20 rubles - the cost of 1 application from the channel, then 10/200 = 0.05 - the channel's payback indicator.

      Channel Y brings 15 applications with an investment of 300 rubles.

      300/15 = 20 rubles - the cost of 1 application from the channel, then 15/300 = 0.05 - the channel's payback indicator.

      In both cases, for each ruble invested, we receive 0.05 applications.

      However, the conditional efficiency indicator is not the same: 102/200=0.5 (channel X), and 152/300=0.75 (channel Y).

      Therefore, the Y channel is more profitable than the X channel, as it works with a greater return.

      If only two or three channels are involved, of course, you can compare their effectiveness without the help of this formula. But what if there are 100 such channels? Or did you break one campaign into segments to track their impact?


      As you can see, there is a wide variety of sources that can bring the target audience to your site. We hope that now you will be able to choose the traffic channels that are most suitable for your purposes and use them effectively.

      • Use various traffic sources in a complex.
      • Plan your advertising campaign carefully.
      • Analyze the results: be sure to use web analytics services, compare the results, draw conclusions.
      • Improve your resource and customer service: advertising brings visitors - your site and managers should make them customers.
      • Do not be afraid to turn to professionals: this will save you time, effort and money.

We continue to conduct our “ABC of Internet Marketing”, in which we reveal the basic concepts in simple words, without abstruse terms and complex examples. Read, join - everything is simple and clear with us! In this article, we will tell you what site traffic is, what types of it are, and how to find out site traffic.

What is internet traffic?

To best imagine this, let's move from the virtual world to the offline world and analyze the concept of traffic using a specific example. Each of us has a shop near the house, where we run to buy bread, milk or something for dinner. A saleswoman Aunt Masha, whom you know very well, works there. In addition to you, people who live or work nearby enter the store every day. Imagine that the store is a website, Aunt Masha is its owner, and the people who go there are website visitors. So all the people who went to the store today are traffic.

The same thing happens in the online world. Traffic is the number of people who visit the site per unit of time - a day, a month, etc. 150 uniques - unique visitors).

It is clear that the more traffic to the site, the better, because those people who visit the site are your potential customers, your consumers. They visit the site for a reason - they are interested in your offer, goods, services.

So, Internet traffic is the number of people who visit the site per unit of time - day, month or year.

Sources of traffic to the site

Now let's look at how visitors get to the site. We are again transported to the offline world and stand at the door of the store. All these people who enter it - how did they find out about the existence of this store, why did they come here? One, for example, saw an advertisement in the elevator: “Wow, there is milk for 39 rubles - you have to go!”. The second was given a leaflet on the street. The third heard the advertisement on the radio, the fourth was told by a neighbor. These are the channels through which visitors come.

The online world also has its own sources of traffic:

  1. Search output. You are looking for information in a search engine - it gives out sites for your request. You follow links, become a visitor and increase website traffic. We will tell you more about search results in the next issues of our “ABCs of Internet Marketing”.
  2. Contextual advertising. You again enter a query into a search engine, and the topmost ads are contextual advertising. Companies buy these places and pay for clicks.
  3. Advertising in social networks. Have you seen ad blocks on the side on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki? By clicking on them, you again get to the site.
  4. Direct entries. People learn about the site not only from the Internet - someone is advised by acquaintances, someone hears advertising on the radio or TV.

So, there are several types of traffic, thanks to which a person gets to the site. If you are the owner of the resource, it is in your interest to use all these sources. The bigger, the better!

How to know website traffic?

In the good old real world, website traffic analysis is a piece of cake. You can put a stern guard with a notebook at the entrance to the store so that he manually counts the number of visitors. You can install counters at the entrance, which automatically respond to each visitor and send a report to the store manager.

Last week. In it, we will talk about very basic concepts: what is traffic arbitrage, what are the pros and cons of arbitrage, and what is the difference between arbitrage and affiliate marketing.

Text transcript | Presentation

The next lesson will be out tomorrow. It will focus on the participants in the arbitrage market. The release schedule for all lessons is available on the Mobio School website. You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our VKontakte group.

Let's start with the fact that there are several ways to make money on the Internet:

  • eCommerce,
  • advertising on your own content: publics in social networks, blogs,
  • infobusiness,
  • affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, traffic arbitrage
Despite the variety of ways to earn money, the earnings model is the same:

(Product + People who can buy it) & Tell these people about this product = $

This formula also works in traffic arbitrage. Listing the ways to earn money, we have highlighted the terms affiliate marketing (Affiliate Marketing) and traffic arbitrage under one paragraph, but it is important not to confuse these concepts.

The difference between affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage

Affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage are two different concepts. Let's look at them in more detail.

affiliate marketing(Affiliate Marketing) - a way to earn money through a commission on the sale of someone else's product. In this case, it is not necessary to have your own product, you need to help sell someone else's product. As an example, any store that sells Pepsi is affiliate marketing.

CPA marketing- a special case of any affiliate marketing. The only difference is that in CPA marketing we get paid for a specific action, lead or application.

Affiliate marketing requires traffic or users. At this point, there is a need to attract traffic. Traffic arbitrage is a way to attract paid users to the application. You can also attract traffic for free, for example, launch your own video blog, collect subscribers and then attract them to the application.

If we look at the concept of "arbitrage" in a broader sense of the word, in economics this term refers to a type of transaction in which we sell the same product in different markets and earn interest on the difference from the sale. Let's take currency as an example: we bought dollars yesterday in order to sell them in a day and earn on the difference.

Equivalent arbitrage is another arbitrage method in which we earn on the difference in the components. Any wholesale sales are an example of equivalent arbitrage. We buy goods in bulk and sell them at retail: we earn on the same product by buying it in different combinations. As an example, we assemble a computer by parts and sell it as a complete computer.

In our case, mobile arbitrage is equivalent arbitrage. We buy impressions and clicks and we sell actions and installs.

Ways to sell paid advertising on the Internet

There are several models for selling paid advertising on the Internet. Let's look at what methods exist:

SRT(Cost Per Time) - we buy out a fixed time of posting on the site.
CPM(Cost per mille) - we buy a thousand impressions.
CPC(Cost Per Click) - we buy clicks.
CPA(Cost per Action), CPI(Cost per Install) or CPI(Cost per lead) - we pay for actions, installs, leads.

In mobile arbitrage, we buy impressions (CPM) and clicks (CPC) from traffic sources, and then we sell actions, installs or leads (CPA, CPI, CPL) to advertisers. Accordingly, we earn on the difference between buying and selling.

Why is arbitrage good?

Let's analyze how attracting traffic is useful for business, and what are the advantages of being an arbitrator.

For business:

  • It is easy to scale your business: if you have a product and you offer a decent reward to partners, they will easily scale up sales and start selling your product in different markets.

For referee:

  • There are no production and logistics costs.
  • You are responsible for only one task: to attract traffic.
  • Don't think about Customer Service: no need to communicate with customers or suppliers.
  • Low entry threshold: anyone with no experience can start attracting traffic, it's quite simple at the start.

What is wrong with arbitrage

There are also negative aspects in arbitration both for business and for the arbitrator himself.

For business:

  • Partners bear less responsibility for the goods.
  • It is difficult to control the methods and methods of promotion that partners use.
  • Affiliates can potentially damage their image and reputation through dishonest promotion methods.
For referee:
  • Instability of earnings, which directly depends on the situation on the market.
  • High dependence on changes in the rules of advertising platforms, requirements and KPIs of advertisers.
  • A constant level of stress: the market is highly competitive, working campaigns that worked and converted into profit are constantly dying, you need to come up with new approaches.


So, we have considered the concepts of affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage, formulated the pros and cons of attracting traffic both for the business as a whole and for the arbitrage specialist himself. In the second lesson, we will analyze which participants are present in the traffic arbitrage market.

You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our

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