
Mobile phones with buttons are new models. Rating of push-button phones

The popularity of modern mobile phones is increasing every day. Smartphones are considered the best devices However, such cell phones are not as easy to use as the good old push-button models with powerful batteries. Today we will help you choose the perfect device, the top 10 of the best will be presented in this article.

Which push-button phone to choose?

Simple but stylish mobile phones will always remain relevant, because they have a number of advantages over advanced touchscreen models.

Ordinary cell phones are much more reliable than modern devices running on new operating systems, their battery lasts for a longer time of use. Best push buttons mobile phones compact, easy to operate and convenient. Another advantage of simple devices is their consistently low cost.

Below you will find the best push-button mobile phones different manufacturers... Some of which will definitely suit you!

Stylish Nokia 6700 Classic Illuval

This device is rightfully ranked first in our ranking called "Best Mobile Phones". "Nokia" produces push-button models that have many advantages. The cost of this cell phone at the time of entering the market did not exceed 15 thousand rubles. Nokia 6700 is equipped with all the necessary functions, works without bugs, and has one SIM card slot.

Advantages of Nokia 6700:

  • high-quality display with a resolution of 16 million colors;
  • excellent 5 megapixel camera with flash and other add-ons, thanks to which you can take the most intense photos;
  • sufficiently durable battery - the phone will work for 4 days from the moment of the last charge;
  • durable body made of high quality aluminum;
  • stylish design;
  • powerful processor that guarantees fast work all modules.

The owners of devices of this model claim that the device has no flaws. Basically, Nokia mobile phones are push-button products that have several drawbacks and a lot of advantages. However, this cell beats them.

If you want a high-quality, feature-rich, bug-free mobile with buttons, the Nokia 6700 Classic Illuval was created just for you!

Nokia 515 is the best phone with the best camera

This is a rather stylish model with a wonderful 5 megapixel camera, flash and automatic face recognition. The screen of the device is only 2.4 inches, the resolution is 320 by 240 pixels, but this is more than enough for such a device.

The presence of a slot for a memory card (up to 32 gigabytes), as well as an MP3 player makes this phone even better. Stylish and durable body of the model will give you and your image seriousness. Thanks to the loud external speaker, you can hear an incoming call anywhere.

Nokia 515 is equipped with a good battery, which will allow you to regularly use the device for 2-3 days from the last charge. The small capacity of the contact book is the only drawback.

Nokia 515 is an almost perfect push-button mobile phone for 2 SIM cards for self-confident people.

Samsung B310 is the best cheap device ever

Samsung specializes in the production of inexpensive but high quality devices. One of the best cell phones is the B310.

Nobody will regret buying this device, because the buyer is presented with a really high-quality model of a mobile phone with a durable and stylish body, good processor, excellent speaker and many additional functions.

The device can work without recharging from a day to a week. A simple menu is another advantage of this cell phone.

As you know, there are no phones without flaws. Among the disadvantages of this model are the following:

  • small screen;
  • low brightness of the built-in flashlight.

Nokia 225 is the best big screen phone

The display of this push-button device is 2.8 inches, which, of course, is incomparable with new smartphones, but, you see, it's also not bad.

The device is equipped with a good 2-megapixel camera and Bluetooth 3.0 function, due to which it is possible to connect a wireless headset.

Nokia 225 is a stylish inexpensive mobile phone with a matte plastic casing. Equipped with a slot for a memory card, the maximum capacity of which is 32 gigabytes, and a connector for connecting to a personal computer.

Lexand Mini LPH1 - the best metal case

Metal push-button mobile phones have become very popular over the past few years because they are comfortable and easy to use, have a stylish design and, most importantly, the case, made of reliable material, protects the device from minor confirmations. This device is simply impossible to break, it fits comfortably in the hand, and the buttons are ideally located.

The weight of this mobile phone is only 75 grams, it is equipped with a 0.3 megapixel camera without flash, a memory card slot, and a Bluetoth function.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro SK17i with Wi-Fi

All Android devices are equipped with the wireless internet, and Xperia Mini The Pro SK17i is no exception.

The main 5-megapixel and 0.3-megapixel will not leave the buyer indifferent.

The advantages include a high-quality 1-core processor with a power of 1 GHz and 512 megabytes of RAM. Installed last operating system Android 2.3. The device is equipped with a Micro-SD slot.

BlackBerry Q10 - stylish and powerful device

The estimated cost of this mobile device is 7 thousand Russian rubles. Among the main advantages of the model are the presence of an 8-megapixel camera, Wi-Fi module, Bluetooth 4.0, flash, 3G and 4G connectivity.

Unique design, ease of use, many add-on modules, and an improved keyboard make this phone almost perfect. You can safely buy this device. Believe me, everyone will like it!

Fly DS131 - ultra-thin push-button device

It is indeed a very slim mobile phone with many advanced features. The cost of this device does not exceed 3 thousand rubles.

The presence of a 2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth function, Mp3 player, radio and some other parameters and modules proves the versatility of a mobile phone.

Stylish design, ease of use and comfortable keys are the qualities that were lacking in many devices that appeared on the market before this model. Everyone will like Fly DS131!

Samsung C3592 - the best female push-button device

Samsung mobile phones are push-button and touch-sensitive devices that are the most popular all over the world.

Samsung C3592 is considered an ideal cell phone for a girl, especially if she prefers phones with buttons.

The device is equipped with sufficient large screen 2.4 inches, has buttons big size, the ability to install two SIM cards.

Among the advantages: the presence of Bluetooth, radio and a good 2 megapixel camera.

If you want to make a nice present for your beloved for the coming holidays, be sure to pay attention to this device. Believe me, any lady will like it!

Nokia 6700 Classic

The cost of this phone model does not exceed 8 thousand rubles. Stylish steel body, 5 megapixel camera and many additional features are the main advantages of the device.

The battery is capable of maintaining the full operation of the device for several days. The diagonal of the screen is 2.2 inches, and the weight is only 117 grams. Agree, these are impressive parameters.

In general, this model is quite good, easy to use and easy to operate. Ideal for serious and confident people.


The best push-button mobile phones have been presented to you. With a powerful battery, additional functions and modules of the above models, there will be no problems.

If you are a serious and busy person, you need a stylish phone with several slots for SIM cards, the ability to connect to the network anywhere and additional modules, then, in fact, any of the above models will suit you.

We hope you have found the perfect device for yourself at an affordable price.

Mobile phones have evolved relatively quickly from bulky bricks to thin plates. Now at the peak of popularity, advanced touch smartphones, about the possibilities of which 10 years ago they were afraid to dream. Push-button telephones are practically out of use, but they are still present in the assortment of many companies.
In 2017, only the best push-button phones are in demand. An additional advantage of these devices is the budget cost. The price of devices rarely exceeds 10,000 rubles.

The best push-button phones 2017

Mobile devices with buttons are great for kids. Parents will not have to guess about the location of the child, and very few people will want to steal such a device. Plus, losing a push-button phone won't cause much regret or a hole in your wallet.
Push-button phones are in demand among older people who, due to their age, find it difficult to understand the modern smartphone interface. Also these devices are preferred by business people. For them, battery life, speaker quality and a convenient menu are important.

Top 10 push-button phones 2017

The choice of any mobile phone requires a careful approach, information search, assortment analysis. For the convenience of users, a rating of push-button mobile phones of 2017 has been created.

Opens the MaxVI P11 list. The classic design and compact size create a pleasant impression. The gadget will be relevant for businessmen due to its versatility. In addition, there is a slot for three SIM cards at once, which is irreplaceable in work.

Of the pleasant little things, one can single out the ability of the radio to sound without a headset. Good battery provides 2-3 days of continuous conversations or correspondence.


  1. 1.30 MP camera;
  2. battery 3100 mAh.
  • powerbanka function;
  • keeps a charge for a long time;
  • good communication reception.
  • there is no time synchronization with a SIM card;
  • thickish.

The ninth line of the top goes to the budget Micromax X2400. It is an excellent dialer with MP3 quality sound and a 0.3MP camera. Photos look decent on their small screen, the main elements are clearly visible.

Internet access is closed, but at this price, it is not needed. The battery is designed for a long time of activity - the charge lasts for 10-12 days.


  1. support for two SIM-cards;
  2. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  3. 0.30 MP camera;
  4. memory card slot;
  5. battery 2800 mAh.
  • holds a charge for a long time;
  • large screen;
  • loud noise.
  • camera horror;
  • inconvenient.

Nokia 515

The stylish Nokia 515 button is in eighth place. Framed in an aluminum casing, it looks expensive and respectable. Such a copy is not a shame to get it among the crowded public.

The buttons are large, which makes it convenient to use the device for people with poor eyesight. They take up about 40% of the body space, the rest is reserved for the display. Nokia 515 is equipped with 3G network, web surfing speed is above average.


  1. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  2. 5 MP camera;
  3. memory card slot;
  4. the amount of RAM is 64 MB;
  5. battery 1200 mAh.
  • no wi-fi;
  • bad sound.

BQ BQM 2408 Mexico has a 7 rating. This ergonomic gadget has a unique function - it supports 4 SIM cards at the same time. This technology is not even found in modern smartphones. The quality of the connection is excellent, the signal catches instantly.

The battery could be put more powerful - 800 mAh keep charging for less than a day. The camera takes standard shots for 0.3 megapixels. The small TFT screen is bright, but the color gain is too high.


  1. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  2. 0.30 MP camera;
  3. memory 32 MB, memory card slot;
  4. the amount of RAM is 32 MB;
  5. battery 800 mAh.
  • loud;
  • four sim cards;
  • adequate price.
  • weak battery;
  • poor polyphony.

The modest Fly TS112 is in the sixth position. The manufacturing company cannot boast of the durability of its products, but this unit is designed with dignity. The sturdy case is capable of withstanding a drop, which is not typical of inexpensive push-button phones.

In addition, the device is equipped with a power-hungry battery, the power of which is often found in smartphones. The display, which is large for a push button, is covered with plexiglass, but has an air gap.


  1. support for three SIM-cards;
  2. 1.30 MP camera;
  3. screen 2.8 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  4. memory 32 MB, memory card slot;
  5. battery 1400 mAh.
  • high-quality assembly;
  • Lantern;
  • stylish design.
  • restrictions on the format of SIM cards;
  • the lock does not protect the screen from turning on when you press other buttons.

The central, fifth place belongs to the DEXP Larus M8 model. The monolithic body is assembled reliably, there are no creaks, every detail of the device is firmly held. A powerful 3-amp battery is installed here, so the mobile phone is heavy by weight. Enhanced use mode discharges the battery in 8-10 hours.

The device supports both two SIM cards and a microSD memory card up to 16 GB. Built-in memory 32 MB - enough space for music, video clips.


  1. support for two SIM-cards;
  2. camera;
  3. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  4. memory 32 MB, memory card slot;
  5. battery 3000 mAh.
  • keeps the battery well;
  • easy to use.
  • it is impossible to put a personalized call and a photo on a contact;
  • camera.

Another representative of the Finnish brand was included in the rating of the best push-button telephones 2017 and took the fourth step. And this is not surprising - since the distant 2000s, the company was listed as a leading manufacturer of high-quality cellular phones.

Nokia 216 is an enchanting return of the branded push-button phone. It has a design familiar to everyone, an ideal price-quality ratio and practical technical characteristics.
The display is perfectly designed for color reproduction, the white balance is comfortably adjusted, and the photos are juicy and bright. There is even a front camera, albeit a low resolution.


  1. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  2. 0.30 MP camera;
  3. memory card slot;
  4. the amount of RAM is 16 MB;
  5. battery 1020 mAh.
  • enough shockproof case, it will be very difficult to kill the phone;
  • good audibility and communication;
  • fits well in the hand, does not slip.
  • weak battery;
  • glossy, very dirty screen.

The top three push-button phones of 2017 are opened by Nokia's most constant competitor - Samsung Metro B350E. The main feature of Metro B350E is its impressively customized screen. Perfectly matched format provides detailed images and does not highlight pixels.

The interface of the gadget is thought out to the smallest detail, there are even original menu icons.


  1. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  2. camera 2 MP;
  3. memory 32 MB, memory card slot;
  4. battery 1200 mAh;
  5. WxHxT 51.30 × 117.50 × 11.90 mm.
  • lightweight, fits comfortably in the hand;
  • good audibility;
  • battery - the first charge was enough for 5 days.
  • inability to remove SIM cards from the screen;
  • very slow unlocking and see below.

Top silver and second place went to Philips Xenium E181. The phone has embodied the best qualities that are only possible for this type of device - a capacious battery, an excellent camera, a smooth menu, a user-friendly interface.
Time autonomous work the gadget is a record number of days - almost 5 months. A portable charger is included for recharging.

The camera takes realistic pictures in VGA format. The screen is equipped with an IPS-matrix, which is responsible for the balanced image calibration.


  1. screen 2.4 ″, resolution 320 × 240;
  2. 0.30 MP camera;
  3. battery 3100 mAh;
  4. weight 123 g, WxHxT 52 × 120.50 × 16.50 mm;
  5. MP3 player, radio.
  • ringer volume;
  • battery;
  • Lantern.
  • get very hot as for a dialer.

BlackBerry, a popular brand specializing in the production of QWERTY phones, becomes the absolute leader and winner of the first place. The Q10 proves once again that push-button phones are worthy of attention.

The familiar 4-row keyboard allows you to quickly and accurately use the device both for work and for entertainment. The buttons are wide enough for typing and not at all bulky.
The internal filling of the device provides smooth menu operation, high gaming performance, and the ability to install applications.
Taking into account the technical characteristics of the BlackBerry Q10, you can safely call it the best push-button phone of 2017.


  1. QWERTY keyboard;
  2. screen 3.1 ″, resolution 720 × 720;
  3. 8 MP camera;
  4. memory 16 GB, memory card slot;
  5. the amount of RAM 2 GB;
  6. 3G, 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS;
  7. weight 139 g;
  8. battery 2100 mAh.
  • sturdy body;
  • fast OS;
  • cool sound;
  • the keyboard is perfectly executed;
  • screen from Gorilla glass.
  • not all android apps work as expected.

Cell phones and cell phones with buttons are outdated models, but they are still in demand by many consumers. With the help of the presented rating, you will be able to choose the best push-button phone of 2017.

V modern world people choose their gadgets carefully. The technology market is oversaturated, and anyone is able to find a device for their own needs. In the selection below, we have compiled something like rating of the best push-button mobile phones of 2017 which are on free sale in Russia. We did not break the rating into models with cameras or two SIM cards, because all the models presented here are worthy of attention and meet all modern requirements.

Push-button phones can be searched for several reasons, for example, for retirees. Older people find it difficult to use the touchscreen, and most of the touchscreen phone options are useless. The buttons are handy for people with vision problems, our list includes models designed specifically for visually impaired people. The low price makes them popular with parents who do not want to lose contact with their child, but are not yet ready to buy him a smartphone, otherwise their child, instead of lessons, will constantly hang out on the Internet and correspond with friends. The low price makes push-button phones affordable and in demand. Some of these models, I would love to buy myself. Let's move on to our impromptu ranking and take a look at all the models presented. All models are listed in order, from the most expensive to the cheapest.

  • Price: RUB 7,990
  • Diagonal (inch): 2
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 2
  • Built-in memory (MB): 1024
  • RAM (MB): 512
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 1
  • Battery (mAh): 1500
  • Talk time (h): 11
  • Weight (g): 134

This push-button telephone is suitable for travel lovers or security service. It has a built-in walkie-talkie function that allows you to communicate even in the absence cellular signal and at a distance of up to 5 kilometers. He will be helpful and help out in an emergency. The exotic look will appeal to men. Massive sides, powerful and brutal design attracts attention. The case is shockproof and waterproof. Another proof that you can safely take it on a hike and travel. This is the best push-button phone from a series of available ones, even the price of 7,990 rubles will not alienate potential buyers. The case is in a military design, it sits nicely in the hand, the ribbed sides with a rubberized pad will not allow the tube to slip out of the hand. The color display is clear and the text is large and easy to read.

User reviews confirm the technical characteristics and the manufacturer's declared data. The battery lasts for 12 days, if dropped into dirt or stained, then it can simply be washed under the tap. Not afraid of blows, a small child threw it all over the apartment. After three weeks of work, there are no scratches or problems with work. Negative side. During a conversation, it starts to flicker, extraneous noise is clearly audible, but it does not affect the clarity of the conversation, it just distracts a little. It is better to use the navigator only when absolutely necessary, since the terrain in the city and in the forest is not displayed, you can easily get lost. The internal memory is not enough, you don't need to rely on the phone as a player.

All reviews of the Ginzzu R6 Ultimate Military say it is truly the best push-button phone for travelers. Reliable performance and sturdy body will not leave you in trouble.

  • Price: 3 990 rub.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 0.3
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 1800
  • Talk time (h): 10
  • Weight (g): 145

The SENSEIT P101 phone is suitable for those who often find themselves in extreme situations, or whose work involves the risk of causing damage. For example, firefighters, rescuers or the same travelers. The peculiarity of SENSEIT P101 lies in the increased strength of the case and shock resistance. Even if it falls from the third floor, the tube will not be damaged. Besides being durable, it has a striking design with a textured style. The ascetic elements of the case are pleasing to the eye, they sit nicely in the hand. The camera, of course, is weak, but it is enough to take an important shot and analyze the shot.

The SENSEIT P101 is considered the best push-button telephone for several more reasons. The battery lasts for several days. Going with friends on a hike for a week, you will not worry that your mobile phone will accidentally sit down. Reviews show that the battery matches the stated data. Big screen, loud sound, bright illumination - all these are the advantages of the device. The disadvantages include a bad camera and a lack of standard memory. The phone has two slots for a standard SIM card. If you are tired of charging your touch phone lasts for a few hours maximum, the SENSEIT P101 is a great alternative to keep you connected. The low price makes it affordable. I would buy this mobile phone for a child and not be afraid that he will break it or lose it. The phone is an excellent example of ideal value for money. He easily copes with his main function, always stay in touch. Sturdy and water resistant, so you don't have to worry about getting damaged. To damage it, you need to make no small efforts.

  • Price: 3 790 rub.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 2
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 800
  • Talk time (h): 20
  • Weight (g): 79

Classic mobile phones evoke so much affection and pleasant memories. This is now all smartphones with a standard design, big screen on the entire surface of the case. And before, we bragged to each other about our tube design, screen size and clarity. They sent SMS and transferred the picture via the infrared port. Times change, but classics don't go out of style. In the ranking of the best push-button phones, there is a representative of the legendary brand, Nokia 222 Dual SIM. A device for two SIM cards, a modern operating system and capabilities. The manufacturer decided that cheap phone should not have any restrictions, so the handset is able to access the Internet, exchange photos and video communication with friends via Skype. You can post messages from this device to social networks Twitter and Facebook. It even has its own messenger, through which you can communicate with friends.

Internet access occurs through mobile browser Opera mini. To quickly search for information, just select the corresponding icon on the screen. But Nokia 222 Dual SIM has a significant disadvantage, you cannot install additional programs on it. You will only have to use the plugins that are already installed on your phone.

The beautiful design of the case is pleasing to the eye, the glossy black and white finish will appeal to both boys and girls. Nokia 222 Dual SIM is the best push-button phone also because it is made with high quality, despite its affordable price. The buttons are pressed smoothly and do not loosen over time. According to the reviews, I concluded that the mobile phone has a minus that can alienate buyers among young people. Since you cannot install additional programs on it, you cannot install Whatsapp and other third-party messenger on it.

  • Price: 3 690 rubles.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 0.3
  • Built-in memory (MB): 64
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 800
  • Weight (g): 86

Not only is the Qumo Push 243 Clamshell the best push-button phone, it also lets you remember yourself in the early 2000s. It was then that "clamshells" came into fashion and for a very long time were considered the most fashionable mobile phones. Dual screen allows you to see message notifications, information about incoming call, as well as control the time without turning on the display backlight. Nostalgia is the most powerful motivator to make a stupid purchase. Silly because technical specifications and opportunities, Qumo Push 243 Clamshell loses to its competitors. But the fact that the manufacturer made it as a "clamshell" has been stimulating sales of the tube all over the world for several years.

With this best push-button phone, you will have fun and remember what it is to answer a call quickly. Qumo Push 243 Clamshell. The cover is configured to ring, you can answer in two ways, open the cover and press the green tube, or, by setting options, answer the call by simply opening the cover. There is nothing useful in this, but it's cool, you immediately remember how at school you answered on such a phone and pretended to be important.

Nice plastic case with patterns, looks nice. High-quality assembly is immediately noticeable, there are no unnecessary gaps, the buttons do not loosen. For that kind of money, you can buy a handset to entertain your friends or remember for yourself how the era of mobile phones began and how we coped without the Internet and without gigabytes of built-in memory.

  • Price: 3090 rub.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 0.3
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 1100
  • Talk time (h): 20
  • Weight (g): 78.6

Your iPhone is not able to last a day, leaving you in touch with the outside world, then you will definitely like the classic Nokia 215 Dual SIM mobile phone, which can work in standby mode for more than a week and talk time for up to 20 hours. That is why it is the best push-button telephone in the range of affordable and long-lasting devices. The classic look combines a glossy surface, in white, black and green colors, comfortable buttons and a wide screen. It is suitable both for a business person who constantly needs to stay in touch, and for a child who does not deserve an expensive smartphone, but he must constantly be in touch with his parents.

Of the clear advantages of Nokia 215 Dual SIM: a solid case can withstand falls on the asphalt, a built-in flashlight will illuminate the road at night, a long-lasting battery that works in a talk time of up to 20 hours. In addition to two SIM cards, the phone has Internet access, there are Facebook, Twitter applications, its own messenger, Opera Mini browser, the ability to connect an external speaker. The best push-button phone combines affordable price and the lightweight capabilities of a modern smartphone. The camera is good enough to capture an important moment. According to the owners, it is clear that the push-button mobile phone is preferred by managers, it allows you to constantly stay in touch, the durable case is resistant to scratches and light shocks.

  • Price: 2 990 rub.
  • GSM bands: 900, 1800
  • Bluetooth: 3.0
  • Display type: TFT
  • Display diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Display resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Touch display: no
  • Memory card support: MicroSD
  • Max. memory card capacity: 8 GB
  • Audio player: yes
  • Video player: yes
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 1

In the ranking of the best push-button phones, Qumo Push 231 takes the honorable sixth place. One of the reasons for such a low position is its purposeful creation. The manufacturer focuses the mobile phone at the elderly or visually impaired. Simply put, for those for whom a telephone is a means of communication and nothing more. Overall dimensions, the rounded shape of the case fits nicely in the hand. The huge rubberized buttons are easy to press, the color display is narrow, but it displays all the information in a wide font. The perfect gift for mom or grandmother to always stay in touch with them.

What experts say about Qumo Push 231. The phone is able to help out the elderly and people who cannot boast of sharp eyesight. The fact that the mobile phone is intended for retirees is indicated by an additional SOS button, which can be programmed to call an ambulance or to the number of a loved one who can come to the rescue. In the modern rhythm of life, we do not always find time to visit our loved ones, but we can take care of our grandparents with the help of modern devices. Qumo Push 231 is such a useful device. It is rightfully the best push-button telephone for seniors, in terms of its design and functionality.

  • Price: 2 750 rub.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.2
  • Resolution (pix): 220x176
  • Camera (Mp): 0.3
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 1000
  • Weight (g): 92

The Ginzzu R4 DUAL cell phone was created on the same principle, to release a reliable mobile phone on the market, which is difficult to spoil, and which even a pensioner can use. The combination of black and white in the body makes it stylish. The rounded shape allows you to comfortably hold the tube, the buttons are soft and pleasant to the touch, there are no unnecessary gaps, the level of build quality is the highest. The best push-button telephone should meet several criteria. Quality, inexpensive price, clear and modern interface, durability, reliability. Ginzzu R4 DUAL meets all these qualities. The body is built of special dirt-repellent materials, it is not afraid of water. This is not an accidental hit of rain, but a serious impact. According to the manufacturer, the mobile phone continues to work for another 30 minutes when immersed in water to a depth of one meter.

The optional FM radio lets you listen to your favorite radio station wherever you go. I think the Ginzzu R4 DUAL is a great gift for parents or grandparents, as well as for someone who already has modern smartphone, but he needs a reliable machine to stay connected at all times. With such a design, an inexpensive phone is not ashamed to be put on the table or shown in business negotiations. Look carefully at the photo, because this is a really good offer for affordable money.

  • Price: 2 690 rubles.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 0.1
  • Built-in memory (MB): 32
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 800
  • Weight (g): 63

Lightweight, stylish, compact Qumo Push 246 Clamshell phone is another clamshell phone in our rating. Unlike the model presented above, it does not have external display, but will delight the FM radio and the ability to play MP3 and MP4 files. True, the built-in memory is not enough to download an album of your favorite artist, but there is an opportunity to listen to a couple of songs. The best push-button phone, the Qumo Push 246 Clamshell, exhibits a glossy finish with a neat camera on the top. Powerful speaker gives good sound... A powerful battery will allow you to forget about charging the handset for two weeks.

Pros: good value for money, stylish design, bright display and clear interface. Cons: lack of modern functionality. You can buy such a device only for practical reasons. For example, in order to be constantly in touch or for parents. I would buy the Qumo Push 246 Clamshell for a child, in particular a girl. She will be able to listen to the radio on it, correspond with friends and at the same time will not be distracted by games or the Internet. Even if the child loses the phone, then it's okay, the price of 2 690 rubles will not allow you to be very upset. From the reviews, I realized that I shouldn't look for something ultra-modern in Qumo Push 246 Clamshell. It perfectly copes with the main task of the phone, large buttons are easy to press.

  • Price: 2 390 rubles.
  • Diagonal (inch): 1.8
  • Resolution (pix): 160x128
  • Camera (Mp): 0.3
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 950
  • Talk time (h): 13.8
  • Weight (g): 69.9

The Nokia 108 isn't just the best push-button phone of 2017, it is another of the few classic cell phones that is aimed at a younger audience. As a rule, such mobile phones are aimed at elderly people who need not a stylish gadget, but the most regular phone... Nokia 108 was able to do the impossible. For the price of 2,390 rubles, you get a full-fledged player with FM radio. A powerful battery will allow the mobile phone to work in standby mode up to 27 days and talk time up to 14 hours. Expandable memory up to 32GB, allows you to download hundreds of your favorite songs.

The design of the case is simple, there are several colors to choose from, black, white and red. Large rubberized buttons are easy to press and don't wobble like on the cheapest models. From the point of view of functionality, there are claims, but they can hardly be called justified to the phone for 2,390 rubles. But the style of the case is solid, holding the tube in your hand or flashing it in business negotiations, you will not lose face. According to customer reviews, I concluded that this is a standard work phone, made a call or answered a call, the audibility is good, but the rest of the functionality is weak. Even the display in the sun glares in such a way that it is impossible to read anything.

  • Price: 2 290 rubles.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.2
  • Resolution (pix): 220x176
  • Camera (Mp): 2
  • Built-in memory (MB): 32
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 800

Qumo Push 220 QWERTY 1st available phone for professional use... The QWERTY keyboard makes it easy to type text messages and conduct business correspondence. The best push-button telephone for business people. If you have never used such a keyboard, then you will need some time to get used to the buttons, but then, you will easily type text messages. As a rule, it is used in a corporate environment and serves as an alternative to Blackberry, which is more expensive but more functional. The difference from other cheap devices is in a clear display and focus on messages.

All reviews put the Qumo Push 220 QWERTY at least four stars. The downside is the limited interface, poor camera and the fact that the phone has its own operating system. This means that you will not be able to install other applications and will only use those that are on the device. This significantly limits its functionality. On the other hand, you need to clearly understand that the price of 2,290 rubles warns in advance about all the restrictions. A pleasant stylish look pleases the eye, the buttons do not move and do not wear off over time. The dirt-repellent surface does not absorb dust, leaving the case looking presentable.

  • Price: 2 290 rubles.
  • Diagonal (inch): 2.4
  • Resolution (pix): 320x240
  • Camera (Mp): 2
  • Built-in memory (MB): 64
  • SIM card: regular
  • Number of SIM-cards: 2
  • Battery (mAh): 1000
  • Talk time (h): 3
  • Weight (g): 76

Micromax X2420 is the best push-button phone of 2017 for business negotiations. Why exactly for business negotiations, but because it has a built-in function for recording a telephone conversation. You will be able to listen to all the dialogues and take notes on them. The case is stylish, the two-color painting in black and gold looks beautiful. The phone sits comfortably in the hand and looks good lying on the conference table.

Having relatively small screen, the phone allows you to watch movies and videos. You can keep yourself busy while traveling and have an interesting time. The camera is weak, but 2MP is enough to capture important points from life. The battery lasts for several days, talk time up to 10 hours. According to consumer reviews, an ambiguous picture is emerging. Many praise it for its compactness and functionality, but criticize it for inconsistency with technical data. For example, the battery lasts for a maximum of a day, and the phone has to be charged frequently.

Our rating of the best push-button phones in 2017 is very conditional and you should not be guided by it as the ultimate truth. But we have made for you an interesting selection of devices that you should pay attention to.

Today, almost all people have touch-sensitive smartphones. The inhabitants of the planet began to forget about the first push-button telephones, they were very reliable. Of course, now a push-button telephone can not be seen in everyone, they are found more in elderly people, for whom design and multimedia capabilities are not important, but the presence of a loud speaker and support for communication with family and friends. We bring to your attention a rating of the best push-button phones for 2017, in which we have collected only the most reliable and time-tested phones.

This beautiful push-button telephone in a classic case, designed for 2 SIM-cards, is presented in blue, blue and black colors. Removable battery with a capacity of 1020 mAh, which lasts for 18 hours of talk time, 456 hours of standby time, 47 hours of music listening. 2.4-inch color screen with a resolution of 320 * 240 and 167 pixels per inch. This model equipped with two cameras, main and front. Main camera 0.3 million pixels, with LED flash and video recording function in MP4, MPEG-4 format at 15 frames / second, with a maximum resolution of 320 * 240. Front camera 0.3 million pixels The amount of RAM is 16 MB, the built-in memory can be expanded up to 32 GB thanks to the memory card slot. Button Nokia phone 216 Dual sim has the function of access to internet GPRS, Bluetooth data transmission function. Additional features include a flashlight and A2DP profile.


  • Stylish appearance;
  • Good flashlight;
  • Loud speakers;
  • Bright screen;
  • Price-quality ratio.


Minimum of functions.

A wonderful, compact, inexpensive but good push-button telephone with an interesting design and excellent characteristics. This model is fully consistent with the price-quality ratio. We advise you to buy!

The best and most reliable push-button telephone, which has an IP67 protection level, weatherproof, water and dust resistant. The classic case is entirely made of plastic and is available in yellow and black. SENSEIT P300 model with two SIM cards. The capacity of 2500 mA * h of the Li-Ion battery lasts for 7 hours of talk time and 200 hours of standby time. Color IPS screen with a diagonal of 2.4 inches with an image size of 400 * 360 and the number of pixels per inch 224. The camera 2 million pixels, with LED flash allows you to take images with a resolution of up to 1600 * 1200. Audio can be listened to in MP3, AAC, WAV formats, and the mobile push-button telephone supports FM radio, memory cards up to 16 GB. One processor core with clock frequency 350 MHz provides relatively high performance. The phone has access to the Internet using GPRS, data transfer via Bluetooth 3.0 and USB. Additional features include a flashlight and built-in radio.


  • Large battery;
  • Protected from water, dust and mechanical damage;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Price-quality ratio.


When a call comes in, you cannot see which SIM the call is going to - only the subscriber's number.

An excellent push-button telephone will become your friend. Waterproof, shockproof and dustproof, that's what you need!

Nice push-button telephone with good sound... The classic metal and plastic case is available in brown, blue and black. Color screen with a diagonal of 2.8 inches with a resolution of 320 * 240 with PPI 143. The volume of built-in memory is 32 MB, RAM is 32 MB, thanks to the slot for a memory card, it can be expanded up to 8 GB. Battery capacity 800 mAh. The phone is designed for 2 SIM cards. It has a small feature, there is a bottle opener on the back.


  • Design;
  • Large screen with vivid color reproduction;
  • Loud speaker sound.


Inconvenient typing of messages on the keyboard.

BQ Mobile BQM-2803 Munich is a very good push-button model that will interest the buyer with its zest.

LEXAND A4 Big is an inexpensive but good push-button telephone in a classic plastic case of only black color, designed for 2 SIM-cards in an alternating mode of operation. 2.8 inches TFT color screen with 320 * 240 resolution. There is Internet access thanks to the support of WAP, GPRS and EDGE. The capacity of the Li-polymer battery is 800 mAh, it allows you to work in a talk mode - 4 hours, in a standby mode - 100 hours without recharging. The volume of the built-in memory of a push-button telephone is 32 MB equal to the amount of RAM, with the help of the memory card slot the built-in memory can be increased up to 32 GB. This model has a camera.


  • Nice design;
  • Nice screen.


  • Fragile assembly;
  • Quiet sound.

An excellent push-button phone with a good design is quite affordable.

SENSEIT L208 - good model push-button telephone, thanks large battery Li-Ion with a capacity of 4000 mA * h, which provides talk time for 50 hours, standby time for 2100 hours. The classic case is made of black plastic. The gadget is designed for 2 SIM cards in an alternating mode of operation. The color TFT screen is capable of transmitting 65.54 thousand colors, the screen diagonal is 2.4 inches with a resolution of 320 * 240 and the number of pixels per inch is 167. There is no Internet access, like cameras, but data transfer is possible using Bluetooth 3.0 and USB. Audio can be listened to in the forms of MP3, AAC, WAV, there is an FM radio. The volume of the built-in memory is equal to the operative one: 32 MB, but the built-in memory can be expanded with a memory card up to 32 GB. An excellent push-button phone, which is far from the last place in our ranking of the best push-button phones for 2017.


  • Powerful battery;
  • Good build;
  • Price-quality ratio.


There are no special drawbacks.

Thanks to the powerful battery, the push-button telephone can serve you without recharging for 3 months.

The classic model is made of black plastic and is designed for 3 SIM cards with alternating operating modes. 2.8-inch color screen with 320 * 240 resolution. A removable Li-Ion battery with a capacity of 1400 mA * h with micro-USB charging allows using a push-button telephone in a talk mode for 6 hours, in a standby mode for 300 hours, in a mode of listening to music for 35 hours. Camera 1.3 million pixels, equipped with the function of recording movies with a maximum resolution of 320 * 240 in MP4, 3GP formats. This model supports audio in MP3, AAC, WAV and FM radio formats. There is an Internet connection using WAP and GPRS. The amount of built-in memory and RAM is the same - 32 MB, the built-in memory can be increased thanks to a memory card slot up to 16 GB. Additional features of this push-button telephone include airplane mode and the ability to use it as a USB storage device.


  • Eye-pleasing design;
  • Big screen.


  • Small font;
  • Bad camera;
  • Discharges quickly.

Button Fly phone TS112 for 3 SIM-cards will be an excellent assistant for you.

The classic push-button telephone made of plastic with navigation key control is presented in black and white. The mobile phone works with 2 SIM cards in alternating mode. The Internet access does not work. Li-Ion 800 mAh battery. Color screen with a diagonal of 2.4 inches with a resolution of 320 * 240 and 167 pixels per inch. Multimedia capabilities are presented by a 1.3 million pixel camera with flash, with the function of recording videos in MP4 format, support for audio in MP3 format, playing FM radio. Data transfer is carried out using Bluetooth version 2.1. The push-button telephone also has a slot for a memory card.


  • Nice appearance;
  • Conversation recording capability;
  • Loud speaker.


  • Poor quality photos in artificial lighting;
  • Weak vibration when calling.

This model is perfect for those who need a dialer.

Button cellular telephone made of plastic. This model is designed for 2 SIM-cards with alternating mode of operation. The phone is controlled by the navigation key. 2.2-inch color screen. Camera 0.3 million pixels allows you to take images with a resolution of 640 * 480, it is equipped with the function of recording videos in AVI, H263 formats. Video playback is possible in MP4, H263, 3GP, AVI formats, support for MP3 audio files, it is also worth noting the presence of a voice recorder and an analog TV tuner. There is no access to the world Internet. Li-lon 800 mAh battery. The push-button telephone is equipped with an A2DP profile and a slot for memory cards up to 8 GB.


  • Conversation recording capability;
  • Price-quality ratio;
  • Nice camera.


  • Weak battery;
  • Small font.

An excellent push-button phone in terms of price-quality ratio.

The push-button telephone is made in a classic plastic case in blue and blue colors. The model is equipped with a navigation control key. Samsung SM-B310E is provided for 2 SIM-cards in an alternating mode of operation. Color TFT screen with a diagonal of 2 inches with a resolution of 160 * 128 and a number of pixels per inch 102 is capable of transmitting 65.54 thousand colors. A removable 800 mAh battery lasts 11 hours of talk time. One processor core with a clock frequency of 208 MHz, there is also a slot for a memory card up to 16 GB. Audio files can be listened to in MP3, WAV and FM radio format.


  • Loud speaker;
  • Nice appearance.


  • Fragile assembly;
  • No bluetooth function.

An excellent push-button telephone for people who need a quality device to communicate with the pleasant function of an MP3 player.

The push-button telephone is presented in a classic black casing with support for 2 SIM-cards. The 2.4-inch color screen allows you to view 320 * 240 images with a PPI of 167. The push-button mobile phone is equipped with a main and front cameras with video recording function. Main 2 million pixels, with LED flash, front camera - 0.3 million pixels. Video clips are played in 3GP, MP4, AVI formats, audio support in MP3, also FM radio. Cellular supports Internet access using a WAP connection. Data transfer is possible thanks to Bluetooth and USB. A removable Li-Ion 1000 mAh battery allows you to use a push-button telephone for 3.5 hours of talk time or 284 hours of standby time.

Modern life is hard to imagine without the presence mobile devices, which have firmly entered the life of a modern person. The first gadgets to hit the market were push-button telephones. They were replaced by more modern ones, who gradually pushed their predecessors to the periphery. But despite this, push-button devices are still in demand.

The list describes best push-button phones of 2015, ranking which are presented below.

Opens the rating of the best push-button phones. This is one of the most inexpensive models with a fairly large screen. The gadget has a pretty decent internal memory, designed to store information of 32 megabytes. The device has enough powerful battery, which can work up to 7 days without recharging. It is also one of the most reliable push-button devices around. Weak side The F280 is a camera: images are of poor quality.

Samsung C 3322 is an excellent budget and most reliable option. First of all it is worth noting metal case which protects the device in the event of a fall. The model is designed to use 2 SIM cards, which is an important plus, which speaks in favor of the C 3322. The device has good clear sound and does not need to be recharged for 5-7 days. The weak point of the gadget, as in the previous model, is the camera. In this case, you cannot count on good quality images.

LG A 399 Dual Sim- one of the most popular models among push-button telephones. A good screen, a good camera with a resolution of 2 megapixels are some of the many advantages of this device. The gadget has a bluetooth function that allows you to exchange photos and your favorite music between devices. By the way, the phone itself has a media player and a radio receiver, which allow the owner of the A 399 Dual Sim to enjoy the high-quality sound of songs. Inner memory device is 40 megabytes and can be expanded with a memory card for which a slot is provided. In addition, the model has a fairly powerful accumulator battery and a fairly reliable case.

Samsung S 5611- one of the best push-button models among the representatives of this brand. With this device, you can take pictures of excellent quality, thanks to a camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels. The gadget has a fairly wide screen with a diagonal of 2.4 inches. The phone's native storage is quite small, but it can be expanded up to 16 GB using a memory card. Also, the Samsung S 5611 has a rather powerful battery that does not require recharging for a long time. It's a great budget option for taking snapshots and making calls.

Sigma mobile X —treme DZ 67 Travel- the most reliable and durable model of all phones. The gadget is designed for use in extreme conditions. This shockproof device is not afraid of water and dust and has a number of high characteristics. Wide screen and good RAM allow you to comfortably use the Internet. As in many phones, there is also a memory card slot for storing more information. In addition to all the listed characteristics, the peculiarity of the Sigma mobile X —treme DZ 67 Travel is the ability to use it as a walkie-talkie in the presence of a similar model. Another undoubted advantage of the device is slots for 2 SIM cards.

Alcatel One Touch 1009X- one of the most budgetary devices with a low cost. There is nothing superfluous in the model, and it is designed exclusively for making calls. The phone has a good, loud sound and fairly large characters on the buttons, which makes the Alcatel One Touch 1009X ideal for the elderly. The gadget is quite reliable, has a good charging battery and can last for many years.

NOKIA 225 Dual Sim Is one of the best push-button devices with a wide screen with a diagonal of 2.8 inches. It is suitable not only for calls, but also for photos, which are quite good quality. The NOKIA brand has established itself on the good side, therefore it is in great demand among lovers of push-button phones. This model is also suitable for listening to radio and music in a media player. Thanks to the slot for a memory card, you can store a fairly large amount of information. This is one of the most reliable and budgetary options.

LG A 390- one of the best and most popular push-button models from this brand. The device is designed to use 2 SIM cards, which will be appreciated by fans of several telecom operators. The phone has a fairly wide screen and a solid body. The battery charge holds up well and the LG A 390 can last for several days. This is a pretty cheap gadget that works flawlessly.

NOKIA 515 Is one of the most stylish push-button phones of 2015. The model is in fairly good demand, thanks not only to its external characteristics, but also to its reliability. Quite wide screen with a diagonal of 2.4 inches gives a very good picture. The phone has 64 megabytes of RAM, which allows you to speed up the process of working with the device. The camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels allows you to take pictures that are not professional, but of quite excellent quality. The phone is designed to support 2 SIM cards, and there is also a slot for a memory card. In addition, there is the possibility of Internet access. All of the above characteristics indicate that the gadget can be used not only for making calls. This is one of the most reliable multifunctional push-button devices.

NOKIA 6700 CLASSIC becomes the leader in the ranking of the best push-button phones of 2015. It has a stylish and elegant design and also has a high-strength metal body. This model has a very wide user-friendly screen, as well as a 5 megapixel camera that allows you to take good quality pictures. You can also access the Internet with this device. The device has a memory card, which usually comes with the device. It should also be noted that the battery is quite powerful, capable of maintaining a charge for 5 days. The model provides all the most important and necessary, while the cost of NOKIA 6700 CLASSIC is quite low. The gadget has been working flawlessly for many years. This is undoubtedly one of the most successful push-button models that outperforms the competition.

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