
Cracked smartphone what to do. How to remove scratches from a smartphone screen. What to do if your phone screen is cracked

New technologies require a new approach to handling and troubleshooting problems. So, a common problem for users of modern gadgets is the removal of scratches from the touch screen. There are many ways, everyone chooses his own.

The simplest, but not common, is to contact a service center. Its big drawback is its high cost. Self-removal is much cheaper, but more time consuming. The main options for fighting, proven by many, are described below.

Scratch Removal Methods

In general, there are many options to give the device a "new" look. But it is worth noting that they all have their drawbacks.

Let's consider the most popular ones, many of them are ineffective, some are harmful.

Attention! All methods are carried out with the device turned off.


This method is very popular and effective. But it is relatively expensive, and it is difficult to find special pasta in small towns. Is that ordering through online stores.

Attention! There is a high probability that the screen will be damaged until it is replaced.

There are two suitable types of abrasives:

  • Special paste from DISPLEX. It is sold in mobile accessory stores. Its cost is about $ 7;

Principle and procedure of action:

  1. in order to protect the case from damage, take masking tape and glue it over;
  2. prepare a paste and apply it to the front surface;
  3. using a soft cloth, rub the paste in a circular motion until visible damage disappears;
  4. wipe off the product and use the "new" gadget.

Many furum residents speak negatively about this method. At best, a smoother surface is noted. Rather suitable for removing abrasion rather than damage.

Video: Glass replacement

Chemical mixtures

There is an opinion that using chemical liquids can get rid of scratches. In fact, such an opinion is justified, when the owner sees turbidity, slight roughness or non-functioning of the device, then no one will remember about the scratch. That is, if nothing changes as a result, this is the best thing that could happen.

However, suitable remedies:

  • acetone;
  • dichloroethane;
  • nail polish remover.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. turn off the gadget;
  2. apply a little of the product to a soft cloth;
  3. rub the place of damage;
  4. dry;
  5. turn on the device.

Important! The material of the touch screens is different for each model, so the result may be different.

Car polish

All the tools that are used to remove scratches in a car can be used for a gadget as well.

The most popular among them are car polish. They can minimize surface damage.

Photo: car scratch remover

Algorithm of actions:

  1. purchase car polish;
  2. apply the product to a napkin or soft cloth;
  3. rub damage;
  4. it sometimes takes more than 30 minutes for the effect to take place.

Attention! When polishing, do not press hard on the screen, it may be damaged. All movements should be light.

The opinion of the members of the forum:

  • removes only very light damage;
  • car polish should not be chosen from cheap manufacturers.


A risky, unexpected, but cheap way. It is necessary to act very lightly, gently and carefully.

The sandpaper should be the finest you can find.


  1. take sandpaper;
  2. rub the uneven place with light movements;
  3. take a soft cloth and wipe the fine dust formed as a result of work.

Attention! For added safety, it is better to use a tough fabric such as an overcoat.

Due to the high risk, it is better to practice on the old model, which is not a pity.

Baking soda

The most popular method due to its availability. It is better to choose the smallest soda.

Here's how to use this method:

  1. mix a little soda with water in a 2: 1 ratio;
  2. stir until a thick, uniform paste is formed;
  3. glue the edges of the gadget with adhesive tape;
  4. apply the paste to a soft napkin or cloth;
  5. wipe in a circular motion until the scratch disappears;
  6. remove the remnants of the paste with a clean napkin;
  7. remove the adhesive tape.

Similarly, you can use baby powder instead of baking soda. The effect is approximately the same, more like polishing.

Vegetable oil

It can be used to solve minor temporary problems related to screen wear. It is better to choose refined oil, as clear as possible.


  1. take one drop of oil;
  2. drip onto a soft cloth;
  3. Polish your monitor dry.

Protective film

Ideally, a protective film is best used before damage. Then it will be enough just to change the film and that's it. But if you stick the film after, it will be able to smooth out the unevenness.

And if you apply it after polishing the screen in a safe way, then the effect will be quite high.

Do the following:

  1. wipe the front surface with a soft cloth and polish;
  2. dry the surface with a clean and dry cloth;
  3. slowly glue the film, paying special attention to the positioning of the protective element on irregularities;
  4. in the cracks, you need to literally rub the film in to eliminate the appearance of an air bubble there.

This method is quite effective and is gaining popularity among adequate and reasonable people.

How to remove scratches from a touchscreen with toothpaste

Many owners with a damaged screen are running to try this method. He is the most controversial and at the same time popular. Therefore, we took it out separately.

To begin with, we note that it is rational to apply this method only for minor defects. Removing scratches from the touch screen, if they are deep, can only worsen the result. There is a high probability of aggravation of damage, up to the loss of the performance of the functions of the gadget.

Note! The toothpaste should be baby or clear. Do not use bleach as it contains a lot of abrasive substances.

You will need:

  1. damaged device;
  2. Toothpaste;
  3. cotton swabs;
  4. masking tape;
  5. napkins.


The damage should disappear or become less noticeable. Do not think that the harder you press and rub, the better the effect will be. Applying too much pressure can completely damage the device.

Replacing the touch panel

To get an absolutely smooth touchscreen surface, it is optimal to take it to a service center to replace the "glass". This option is not cheap, and not every city has such repairmen.

You can pick up a touch panel on the Internet and replace it yourself.

Choose a touchscreen carefully, not only according to the model of your gadget. Check that the diagonal and the inscription on the train match. This is due to the difference between Chinese manufacturers.

What you need:


If you are in doubt that you will succeed, then it is still better to turn to specialists. In terms of time, the whole procedure takes an hour or two, but beginners need much more time.

All methods of dealing with scratches do not guarantee their complete disappearance. However, the individuality of the situation matters.

The best option is still to contact a service center, there are appropriate tools and more experience.

When fighting on your own, remember that all movements must be accurate and it is very easy to damage the matrix.

After removing the damage or replacing the sensor, we highly recommend installing a protective film and using covers so that you do not have to suffer more.

Let your gadgets do their best.

The undoubted convenience of a tablet computer or a modern smartphone lies in the touch display - it is very easy to work with it. But this is overshadowed by ugly cracks on its surface. You can prevent damage by sticking a special protective film on the device immediately after purchase, but it has a detrimental effect on the sensitivity of the touch cover. It is worth taking a closer look at how to get rid of scratches on the screen of a phone, tablet or any other touch device.

Professional remedies

Pastes and liquids specially formulated to remove damage from glass surfaces contain aggressive ingredients that help to achieve good results, without damaging the device itself.

Often, to use professional-grade products, you need a special napkin or cotton pad, which will make it much easier to apply the composition. Sometimes these devices come with the drug. With funds from the stores, you can properly polish both the iPhone and any other devices.

Paste GOI

The choice of display polish is in direct proportion to the depth and intensity of damage. Some people, trying to find a way to remove scratches from the phone, immediately remember the well-known GOI paste. In it, the role of an abrasive is assigned to a special powder based on chromium oxide, and the paste itself is of several varieties. To remove scratches from the sensor of a smartphone, an option with a minimum abrasive effect is suitable. Before processing, it is necessary to protect the sides of the device with adhesive tape so that the composition does not penetrate into holes and crevices. The paste can be produced in different forms, which are determined by the method of use:

Displex paste

This tool is more effective and modern. Displex paste was created specifically for touch screens.

It is produced in the form of small tubes, with which it is very convenient to apply the mixture to the surface due to the presence of a pointed nose.

To get rid of scratches, you need a light-colored and soft enough cloth. Color is important because polishing will make the fabric darker, which will provide control over the result.

After finishing the procedure, thoroughly dry the glass surface with a cloth and check its condition.

Using this method, you can also clean the glass of the built-in camera to take the best possible photos.

The cost of special formulations

When there are scratches on a mobile gadget, users turn their attention not only to the effectiveness of the drug, but also to its price. You can hide defects and improve the appearance of your favorite device at an affordable price. For example, GOI paste can be bought for 70 rubles for a 45-gram container. This volume should be enough for a long time. A foreign composition is somewhat more expensive - at a cost of 200-400 rubles, you will get a small tube of 4-6 grams. Special drugs can also be purchased on the Internet, but it is advisable to first study the reviews about them and the delivery conditions.

Folk remedies

When thinking about how to get rid of scratches on your phone with home remedies, you need to understand the risks. Owners of mobile devices who decide to polish scratches on them often encounter insufficient effectiveness of the home remedy they use.

Various methods are being tried to improve the condition of the touch glass, for example, by making a mixture of water and baby powder. The effect of such tricks is in direct proportion to the depth of the defects.

Before how to remove a crack from the screen phone with folk remedies, the device needs to be prepared:

  1. Turn off the gadget.
  2. Cover all external holes and connectors with duct tape or double tape. They will not allow the product and water to penetrate inside.
  3. Please be patient, as some blemishes will be very difficult to remove. This may take not even minutes, but hours of careful processing.


To remove scratches with this available tool, you can use the following algorithm:

Baking soda

At home, the methods that have been known since childhood are especially noteworthy. For example, you can lighten the dishes with ordinary baking soda.

Step by step guide:

Car polishes

To cope with scratches, drugs that are intended for the treatment of road transport also help. For example, car polish will effectively cope with this task.

However, extreme care should be taken as these formulations are not intended for mobile displays.

It should be noted that there are also special polishes designed for mobile screens.

Vegetable oil

It must be said right away that the oily structure is not able to get rid of serious defects, but it can significantly improve the appearance of a phone or tablet computer.

The procedure is as follows:

All the methods mentioned above are generally available and allow you to quickly and efficiently remove minor scratches from your mobile device.

Attention, only TODAY!

It is hard for a modern person to imagine life without a mobile phone. Without this device, we do not leave the house, it accompanies us everywhere and is exposed to various risks. Very often, with careless use of smartphones, cracks appear on the front panel, since this is a very fragile part. The glass on the smartphone cracked - what if the sensor works while doing this? Is it possible to fix it? The screen is dripping, how to remove the smudges and repair, glue, change the cracked screen? These are the first questions that each of us has in case of trouble. We will answer them in the article below.

Why is my smartphone screen not working?

The most famous reason for this is mechanical damage (crashed, broken, burst). What is not done with mobile phones - they are dropped, they sit on them, step on them, put heavy objects, throw them against the wall. And if the owner carries his phone in the back pocket of his pants, then the probability of damaging the screen increases significantly. The only way out when you break the screen is to replace the display.

Filling a gadget with liquid is a very common problem. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only a competent master, after drying and diagnostics, will answer the question of whether it can be repaired.

Important! The problem of drowned gadgets is discussed in more detail by our experts in a separate article.

Not all cases are the owner's fault. There are a number of problems with touchscreen phone displays that are independent of the owner, namely:

  • The phone displays only a white screen. In this case, there may be such problems as a faulty controller on the board, the loop is damaged, the program has failed, or the display needs to be replaced.
  • The display glows blue - this is a problem either with the controller or the screen itself.
  • Ripples appear on the screen - the controller is faulty or the screen needs to be replaced.
  • The picture is distorted, the image appears and disappears - the loop is faulty.
  • The picture is poorly visible, but the screen works at the same time - in most cases this indicates a malfunction of the backlight circuit.

Important! Do not postpone a trip to the service center if you notice any malfunctions in the operation of the screen of your gadget. The faster you do this, the easier it will be to restore your phone to work. If, according to the results of the diagnostics, it turned out that the repair would be unprofitable, we suggest that you immediately look at the optimal model for the purchase. Our reviews will help you with this:

Temporary solutions

If the cracks on the screen are not very large, you can try to fix the situation yourself. The options proposed below are suitable only if the functionality of the gadget is not broken, that is, the sensor is working:

  • Try to carefully polish the crack with a special product such as or with very fine sandpaper.
  • As a temporary solution - or, which will “grab” the screen in its current state and will not allow the crack to grow in size.

Replacing the touch screen

Touchscreen phones have become very popular as they are easy to use. The touchscreen or touchscreen is the most vulnerable part of modern smartphones. It is usually made of fragile glass or plastic, which can be easily broken, poured, scratched. If the glass on the smartphone is cracked - what to do? Do not worry! Replacing the touchscreen is not so difficult, and it will take a little time.

Important! Touchscreens that are completely broken and do not work cannot be repaired! Be extremely careful with them.

Replacement of the touch glass is required:

  • It has cracks on it.
  • The touchscreen does not respond to touch or does whatever it wants.
  • Smartphone freezes when pressed.

Important! The sensor is made of several active layers - if one of them is damaged, the touchscreen will not work. Very often, if the screen does not respond to touch, the glass needs to be replaced, not the screen. In most cases, this will cost significantly less.

If the image becomes blurry, is not completely displayed, blackouts appear, or the picture is not visible at all, you need to change the entire screen.

Do not try to fix the phone yourself - if the glass on your smartphone is cracked, use the services of specialists. When replacing the glass, original parts should be supplied, and not Chinese ones, since the latter very often break, after which it is almost impossible to repair the phone. Also, the service center will provide you with a guarantee for the part that was supplied to you and the work performed by them.

Should I change the screen myself?

If you're a jack of all trades, you can try replacing the screen yourself. To do this, you will need: a new display and special screwdrivers.

To get started, turn off your mobile device and remove the battery and SIM cards from it, pick up the screwdrivers suitable for your phone. Next, use the step-by-step instructions that are appropriate for your phone model, since different models have different nuances - you can find them on the Internet.

Important! Be very careful, fold the screws so as not to lose, write down which screws are from which hole so as not to confuse.

According to statistics, cracks that appear on the screen as a result of not too careful handling of mobile gadgets are the most frequent reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because the display is the notorious Achilles' heel for any, even the most expensive and eminent mobile phone. What to do if the screen is cracked on the touchscreen phone, let's figure it out together.

What to do if the phone screen is cracked?

So, there is a problem - after the fall, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they both for the phone itself and for its owner? It all depends on the degree of damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere with the normal operation of the mobile gadget, it is quite possible to do with half measures - stick a protective film or glass over the screen. In this form, the phone will be able to work for a long time, and dust and moisture will not be able to get into it through the cracks. But if the screen is covered with craquelure from the smallest cracks, then you cannot do without a visit to the repair shop. The touch screen can be fully restored only if it is replaced using special equipment. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that replacing a cracked screen can result in expenses equivalent to half the cost of a new mobile phone. Therefore, in some cases, it makes sense to think about replacing a broken gadget with a new one.

Is a cracked phone screen harmful?

Mobile technologies appeared not so long ago, but immediately overgrown with many myths and speculations regarding the harmful effects on the human body. In particular, you can often hear the opinion that a cracked screen turns the phone into a time bomb. But in fact, the only harm it can hypothetically cause is to scratch the wearer's skin during a conversation.

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