
Where to find the latest updates for windows xp. How to update Windows XP after official system support ends. How to update Windows XP drivers

Windows 7 is actually the most popular and demanded operating system today, and even the overwhelming majority of users of the legendary XP are seriously thinking about how to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7. Unfortunately, they will have to be upset right away, since they are directly updated and switched from XP to "Seven" will fail. It is recommended to make a clean installation of Windows 7, since this is the most expedient of all the few methods, since updating, for example, phased through Windows Vista is a long and laborious process. You should also remember about the architecture of the system, since you need to take into account that you cannot migrate from 32 bit OS to 64 bit.

Step by step instructions

Stage 1: Find out the required bit depth operating system

The main advantage of 32 bit OS is its ability to work on all computers. The main advantage of 64 bit is the ability to work with a significant amount of memory, but not all PCs can function in it.

In order to determine the bit depth working version Windows XP on a computer requires the following simple steps:

Stage 2: Analysis of compliance of all PC components for the "Seven"

The algorithm of actions for performing the required analysis is as follows:

Note: the saved report, if available, will indicate the predicted difficulties in the computer hardware and installed applications that complicate the installation, update and subsequent operation of Windows 7. Also, the user in this report will have access to specific proposals for taking appropriate measures.

Stage 3: creating a backup copy of all data from the system disk with Windows XP

In order not to lose and completely ensure the preservation of all data stored by Windows XP on system disk it is necessary to use a freeware program that will save all the parameters Windows data by transferring them, for example, to an external media with an appropriate amount of memory, and after switching to Windows 7 will allow you to transfer them back to new system after update.

To complete the task, you need to take several sequential steps:

Stage 3: Installation of Windows 7

You need to do the following:

Ready! The update with the transition from XP to the "Seven" is completed.

Note: This guide allows you to migrate (update) to a new operating system without losing the old settings and files, but everything earlier installed applications will need to be reinstalled on Windows 7.

More than 2 years have passed since Microsoft stopped releasing updates for the legendary version of the Windows XP operating system. However, to this day, many office workers and owners of weaker PCs use it. And everything would be fine, but these users are deprived of the opportunity to receive fixes for flaws, improve the performance and security of the system.

However, as it turned out, Microsoft will release updates for Windows XP even before 2019. However, only government agencies, banks and other services can receive these updates. They have Windows XP installed Service Pack 3 and the necessary changes are set in the registry editor. How to update Windows XP for free and improve the performance of your own PC?

Updating Windows XP Service Pack 3

You can update Windows XP only if you have Service Pack 3 and a 32-bit operating system installed. You can check this data by right-clicking on the "My Computer" icon and selecting "Properties".

A window with information about the Windows XP system will open.

If your system meets the above requirements, it is worth following these steps. Open Notepad and copy the following text into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“Installed” = dword: 00000001

We save the file with any name, the main thing is that its extension is reg. Set the file type to "All files".

After that, we launch the file and agree to make changes to the registry. Reboot your PC. Operating room Windows system XP will start receiving updates. However, it is worth warning that the operations with the registry editor are quite complex, therefore, before performing these actions, it is worth doing backup systems.

Yes, I know it's already 2016. But I needed a Windows virtual machine. The host is weak, so I decided to install Windows XP, not Windows 7. The installation went without problems, but it was not possible to update the freshly installed Windows XP right away.

Clicked on the shortcut Windows Update in the start menu, launched Internet Explorer... IE started to swear at root certificates, this is understandable, all basic certificates have already expired. I solved this problem by manually installing root certificates, downloaded them here. But Windows problem Update did not solve this, now IE threw on the KB2497281 page and showed just an exclamation mark.

I found the cause of this problem on the Microsoft website - You cannot access the Windows Update website on a computer that is running Windows XP.

The bottom line is that the Windows Update site is not available for operating systems that are no longer supported by Microsoft. And support for Winows XP ended on April 8, 2014. This article also contains instructions on how to update Windows XP:

1. Download Windows Update Agent 3.0 for Windows XP SP3: WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe - http://download.windowsupdate.com/WindowsUpdate/redist/standalone/7.4.7600.226/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe "rel =" noindex, nofollow »> Http://download.windowsupdate.com/WindowsUpdate/redist/standalone/7.4.7600.226/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe (

2. Install it with the / wuforce key:

WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe / wuforce

3. After installation, click on the shortcut again Windows Update... The site is now starting Microsoft Update, where the selection of updates to install is already taking place.

Support for Windows XP ended in April 2014, however, many users are still actively using this version of the operating system. It may be needed for test launches of applications and games, or just out of human habit. In order for such a relatively old system to run all modern games and applications, you need to update it in a timely manner. In this article, you will learn what to do to update Windows XP, for which support has long been discontinued.

How to configure automatic updates for Windows XP

As it turned out, Windows XP continues its life to this day in a special version of the OS called "Windows OS Embedded POS Ready 2009". it software for terminals and some devices. Its support continues to this day, so you can go for a little trick and trick the system by installing updates for another version of the OS.

To start customizing, you need to create a blank text file in a specific format.

Go to the Start panel and find Notepad in a convenient way. It is located in the "Service" section, or is searched for through the search bar.

Save the current document immediately, do not write or change anything in it.

On the second line, change the file type to “All Files”. Click “Save” to finish creating your document.

Now find the created file in the folder where you saved it. Right-click on it and select "Change".

Now you need to paste the code into this file. Please note that you must first save a blank document, only then write lines of code into it, otherwise the operation may not start.

Make the following edits to the document:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Installed" = dword: 00000001

You just need to copy and paste them.

Save all changes. Double click on this executable file with the mouse. The computer can restart itself. If he didn't, then reboot.

Your system will now update as a working version of Windows XP.

To configure updates, go to Start again and select the “Control Panel” line.

This is where you need the Center Windows updates... Click on the title to enter.

If at the moment you have updates waiting to be installed, it will be displayed as a button “Install updates”. By clicking on it, the update process will begin, followed by a reboot. Windows XP will now perform these updates on a schedule.

If you want to change this, then go to the "Parameter settings" panel, which is located on the left side of the window. In this section, you can adjust the frequency of updates, or choose a completely manual mode. Customize all parameters for your personal comfort.

You don't need to do anything else, such Windows support XP will last until 2019, after which it will also no longer be supported.

How to manually download Windows XP updates

If you do not want to install yourself a whole package of automatic updates for modifications, you can download the updates directly from the Microsoft website, however, you need to know the name of the update in advance in order to download it.

Go to the site https://www.microsoft.com and enter the name in the special field in the middle of the site. Click "Download" and full package will be loaded immediately.

This method is longer, but does not require any tricks from the user: you just need to download the file and run it.

Windows Service Pack is a large collection of patches and tools to improve the reliability of the operating system. In the case of Windows, there are 3 versions: sp1, sp2 and sp3. It is highly recommended to use the latest one - it is the most stable and secure, it supports many even modern applications. If you still have sp2 or sp1, you can download any necessary updates for Windows XP to get sp3.

How to find out the current version

First, users need to know which version of the operating Windows systems XP is installed at the moment. This can be done using the computer properties panel:

If sp2 or sp1 is installed, follow the further instructions.

Windows XP update

The easiest way - automatic update... The computer will automatically download all the necessary packages and install them in the background without interfering with your work. If auto-update was active, Windows XP would already have installed sp3. Since this did not happen, it is necessary this function enable (at least temporarily):

Now you just have to wait while all the necessary packages are downloaded from the Microsoft server and installed on your PC. In case you have any problems and nothing worked, try Alternative option described below.

Download the service pack from Microsoft

You can also download all necessary files from Microsoft servers and install them in manual mode... Despite the fact that support for Windows XP has already ended, all the necessary packages are available on the official website for free access:

After these steps the sp3 package will be downloaded to your personal computer.

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