
How to make full screen mode in the game. Force applications to full screen How to enable full screen mode in

Microsoft Edge the default browser on Windows 10. It is a universal (UWP) app that supports extensions, has a fast rendering engine, and a lightweight user interface... One of the new features of the browser is full screen mode, which you can switch to using hotkey or by using a special menu command. Let's see how you can do this.

Edge has received many changes with the latest releases of Windows 10, the browser can now work with extensions, there is support for EPUB, built-in PDF viewer, the ability to export favorites and passwords, and also has a number of others. useful functions. New feature which was so lacking, appeared in the assembly Fall creators Update allows the user to go to full screen mode with a single keystroke.

Mainstream browsers like Firefox, Opera or Google chrome can also switch to full screen mode by pressing the F11 key.

Even Windows explorer 10 can go to full mode by pressing F11.

Full screen mode in the Edge browser.

To enable full screen mode in Edge, launch your browser and open any page and press F11 to enable full screen mode.

You can also do this using the Edge menu, press the three dots menu button on the right upper corner browser windows. Now, click on the full screen icon next to the caption Scale... This is the last character in the line.

Edge Enable full screen Windows 10

To return to windowed mode, you can press the F11 key again to switch between full screen and default windowed modes.

Alternatively, move your mouse to the upper right corner of the screen. You will see three buttons, Minimize, Full Screen and a Close button. Click on the middle button with two arrows to restore the window.

Today we will be interested in full-screen mode in Internet browsers. What it is? How can I activate and deactivate it? We will have to understand all these issues further. In fact, even a novice user will be able to cope with the task at hand. Although, as practice shows, the "full window" mode is not used very often in browsers.


What is Full Screen Mode? Not every modern user knows about this function.

The "full window" option allows you to hide all program / browser elements and displays the main field of the utility. In our case, the active site will be displayed on the entire monitor. This is very convenient, for example, when reading books and manuals in electronic form.

Activation through settings

How do I enable full screen mode? This is not difficult to do. Especially if you know how to behave correctly. The first scenario is to use the Internet browser settings. The instructions for activating the full screen mode will look like this:

  1. Open a browser.
  2. Click on the button responsible for opening the functional menu. It is usually located in the upper right corner. This is a button with three dots, or horizontal lines.
  3. Click on the frame image. This button is usually located near the "Scale" line.

It is done. After the performed manipulations, the user will open the Internet browser in the "full window" mode. The reception does not require any special skills and knowledge.

In the "Opera"

Full screen mode in the Opera browser is activated differently. But in general, the algorithm of actions will not require anything special.

The guide for launching the option under study is as follows:

  1. Start Opera.
  2. Right click anywhere in the browser.
  3. Select the line labeled "Full screen".

That's all. Full screen mode will be activated. To exit it, just press the Esc button on your keyboard.

Keyboard to help

How to make full-screen mode differently? There is another scenario for the development of events. It is used in real life much more often, especially by advanced computer users. It is about using "hot keys". They help users to activate different commands in programs. And browsers are no exception.

To make a full-screen web browser page, you will have to:

  1. Launch the browser. You must wait until the application is fully loaded.
  2. Go to the page that you want to display on the entire PC display.
  3. Press the F11 button.

After the performed actions, the user activates the "full window" mode in the browser. To exit it, you can click on Esc or press F11 again.

Important: the presented algorithm of actions is suitable for most browsers. He definitely works at Yandex, Chrome and Mozilla.

On the Mac

We figured out how to make browser full screen. But these are not all tips that will help you achieve the desired result. They are suitable for Windows owners. Today some people use Apple branded products. This company offers operating systems iOS and macOS. You must be able to work with them. And not everyone knows how to do it.

Full screen mode on MacOS is turned on in the browser in much the same way as on Windows. MacBook keyboard will help to bring the idea to life. To make a full-screen Internet browser on MacOS, you need:

  1. Go to the browser and open the desired page.
  2. Hold down the Shift, Command and F buttons on the keyboard at the same time.
  3. Release the listed keys.

The case is over. Full screen mode will start. To get out of it, you will have to repeat the previously described algorithm of actions. This technique works for most modern Internet browsers. Otherwise, the previously proposed options for solving the problem will help the user.

When launching a game program or during gameplay, it may be difficult to display the game window in full screen mode. This problem is of a hardware-software nature and occurs under the following circumstances:

  • hardware damage video adapter (overheating, deformation);
  • programmatic error Companion applications (video driver failure, incorrect display or game configurations).

In the event of a hardware failure, contact service center for technical analysis. In case of a software failure, you can try to make the game in full screen yourself.

Using hotkeys to display the game in full screen format

In systems of the Windows family, there are two variations with the output of the program window in full-format mode, which will allow you to expand the window to full screen using the keyboard shortcuts:

  • Win + D- the combination restores minimized dialog and program windows. Used if the program has been minimized;
  • Alt + Enter- this combination is valid when the configuration built-in ability to display the game in full screen. It is typed while the program is running.

The presented keyboard shortcuts are used to simultaneously fix the application window in the required format.

Configuring game launch options using a program shortcut

When the program is fully installed, a shortcut with a corporate logo will appear on the desktop, and a corresponding tab in the Start menu. Using this shortcut, just like using a tab, you can adjust the position of the process window at startup. To expand the game to full screen:

  • click on the shortcut(tab) with the right mouse button;
  • in the window that opens, on the " Label"In the category" Window»Select position« Expanded in full screen»;
  • at the bottom of the tab, click the " Apply"And then" Ok ".

When the actions are performed sequentially, the program will run in full screen mode.

Configuring the graphics card to run the game in full format

The software process may not start in full screen mode for reasons related to the video adapter:

  • graphics card does not fit for the requests of the game program;
  • not suitable software(driver) for a specific game.
  • with using a disk that comes with the video card;
  • Download file drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

Important! It is undesirable to download the driver file from third-party Internet resources. This can lead to incorrect work the component to be updated.

You can install the driver by running the downloaded file or by opening the disk with the executable file (file with the .exe extension). In these cases, the driver will be installed automatically.

Game settings

To turn on the visual row of the program process in full screen mode, sometimes it is enough to produce in-game configuration setting... Depending on the program, the interface may differ, but general idea following:

  • when entering the main menu, select the item " Settings»;
  • go to the sub-item " Image settings"(Possibly" Screen settings ");
  • select " Running the game in full screen mode"And press the button" OK"(At the bottom of the screen);
  • restart the game.

On a new launch, the game will automatically be released in full format.

Setting up the monitor (screen)

When installing the program, it is necessary to study in detail both hardware and software requirements. A possible condition for making the screen to fill the entire monitor in a widescreen form can be a certain resolution.

As an example, the requirement of the game: 1024 x 768, at the current resolution 2560 x 1600. Accordingly, you need to change the resolution to the required one. The order of execution may not differ significantly depending on the operating system of the Windows family, the general steps are as follows:

Game settings on laptop

In laptops equipped with a hardware and software complex from Intel, the problem of starting the process in full screen is solved through special application- Intel graphics and media control panel. To expand the window to full screen you need:

  • go to the program interface (via the menu " Control Panel»);
  • select the item " basic settings»;
  • point out certain resolution, and also set the required scale;
  • click " Apply", Then" Ok ";
  • when completing actions, the computer needs reload.

The next time the processes are launched, they will be output in the required format.

Today, the question often arises of how to make a game in full screen. For this there are different ways... It is quite simple to remember them, the main thing is to learn some rules.

How do I set up the game?

To make the game full screen, special settings will help. They are easy to find in every application. In case the game is only half the desktop, you can take certain actions to expand it to full screen. When using this method, you need to go to the screen settings. There is "Resolution" and the following display modes:

- window;
- full screen.

When using the English interface, you must press fullscreen. Then you need to confirm your own actions. Usually the problem is solved in this way, but not always.

If applications open on social networks and there is a need to make them full screen, you can take literally a few seconds to achieve what you want. Usually new games contain special tutorials that cover most of the features and settings. It must be used during the installation process of the application. In the training section, as a rule, there is a quest that will prompt the user to deploy the game. After reading the assignment, it is imperative that you find the corresponding button located on the settings panel.

In the case of using a game that has not been opened for a long time, you will have to work a little. Especially if the application has confusing settings. As a rule, in this situation there is only one way - to go to the appropriate section. After that, you can try to find the "Full Screen" button. After finding it, you need to click on it. Games from social networks expand to full screen in the same way as in an ordinary computer toy, using the settings. If you remember this, there should be no more questions. It is possible that for some, this will seem difficult.

Using the keyboard

As you know, all programs, and even more so games, do not do without hot keys, the combination of which makes it possible to control the gameplay or other applications. However, Windows operating systems have universal solution, allowing you to quickly figure out how to expand the game to full screen. And not only her, but in general any active window.

To do this, after activating it, you just need to press alt + enter. After completing these simple steps, any application will be deployed. This is a fairly old, but still working method of expanding. As a rule, it always works. Sometimes, however, this combination and the settings provided in the game do not help. In this case, the question arises, make the application full screen in operating system Windows. This problem also needs to be addressed.

Permission on the computer

It happens that the source of the problem lies in the screen resolution settings of a particular operating system. In other words, "square" screens allow many games to unfold, while "rectangular" ones do not always provide this opportunity. Thus, the way out of this situation is to change the monitor screen settings. To make sure the game starts in full screen mode, set the resolution slider to 800x600. This will enlarge all the icons on the desktop, as well as the font.

If there are many shortcuts, it is advisable to pre-place them in one folder in order to prevent them from "running away". After that, you can safely launch the game and enjoy its process. In addition, it is also worth checking if the app does not open with certain screen settings. To do this, click on the icon with the right mouse button, go to "Properties" and look at the "Object" field. If there is an inscription "windowed", this command must be removed and click "OK", confirming your actions.

If the game is played in windowed mode, there is some advice that will be useful when a question arises, how to make an application full screen in any of the operating systems. When it is possible to move the mouse pointer beyond the boundaries of the game area at the time of the process itself, it is worth trying to grab the corners of the window and stretch them across the entire screen. This will open the app in full screen. Often enough this way used for online games. In this case, you can use both windowed and full-screen modes.

It is worth noting that there are many solutions to the game in full screen. It's easy enough to master them. Therefore, you can experiment for your own pleasure and find the most suitable way for yourself, representing the maximum convenience.

"Full screen" is a mode of operation of an application in which there are no attributes of its window - frames along the edges, scroll bars, service menus, etc. Most often, this method of displaying window contents is used in games, video players, and other applications that aim to create the most immersive experience possible within the monitor.

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If an application (for example, a game) is launched using a shortcut on the desktop, then in order to force it to start in full screen mode, first click on this shortcut with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select the "Properties" item. If you launch the application through the main menu on the Start button, then right-clicking on this menu bar will find the exact same item. It opens a properties window on the Shortcut tab, where you need a drop-down list next to the "Window" label - by default, it is set to "Normal window size". Expand the list and click the line "Expand to full screen", and then click the "OK" button to save your changes.

The full-screen setting is organized differently in different video players. For example, in The KMPlaer application, to select one of the full-screen display options, open the context menu by right-clicking on the screen. The "Display" section of this menu contains a variety of screen format settings, among which three adjust it in full screen mode. These items are assigned hotkeys that you can use to toggle full screen options while browsing.

Use the corresponding item in the menu if you need to switch to full-screen mode of displaying pages in the browser. This item can be named in different ways. For example, in Opera it is the line "Full screen" in the "Page" section; in Internet Explorer it is named the same, but placed in the "View" section; in Mozilla Firefox - also in the "View" section, but called "Full Screen Mode"; and in the Google Chrome menu, there is only an untitled icon placed on the page zoom bar. You can also use the F11 hotkey - it performs the operation of transferring to full-screen display mode in almost all types of browsers. Press this key again to return to normal windowed mode.

How simple

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The Windows operating system is a complex multi-component structure, which not all "advanced" PC and laptop users know about all the options. These are all kinds of "Easter eggs", jokes from the creators and, of course, hotkeys. The latter is probably the most useful and most mysterious. Even programmers do not know all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to control the entire operating system without using a mouse. However, in order to learn all the combinations, you need to train for more than one month, because there are a lot of them. It should be noted right away that this is a long and difficult matter. Not everyone has the patience to learn all the keys. Therefore, a very limited circle of the most stubborn is known about the hidden capabilities of this operating system.

We'll take a look at the most useful keyboard shortcuts that can come in handy in your day-to-day work. Having learned them, you can amaze even experienced programmers with your speed of work.

Why do you need to know this?

First of all, you need it yourself. This knowledge will broaden your horizons and help you work faster and more productively on your computer. After all, many key combinations lead to functions that are deeply hidden in the depths of the "Control Panel". Searching for them and clicking the mouse takes much longer than holding down a couple of keys. By the way, there is also a full screen key in Windows. And we will talk about it, since this question is of great interest to many users. In less than a month, you will feel that controlling a PC or laptop using hot keys is much more convenient than using a mouse. It is for this that you need to know their combinations.

The opinion of "experts" about hotkeys

Many computer "gurus" and pseudo programmers deny the effectiveness of this way of managing the operating system. But this is only because they are terribly afraid to admit their incompetence in this matter. However, those who are professionally involved in photo editing in Adobe Photoshop will not underestimate the effectiveness of hotkeys, because they increase productivity and speed up work.

Don't forget about those who love games. For them, playing in windowed mode is a torment. Therefore, it is vital for them to learn key combinations that allow them to turn on full-screen mode in the game without unnecessary "troubles". However, most advanced users simply ignore the hotkeys of the operating system and programs, considering them a useless addition. They are fundamentally wrong. It's worth studying them. And this is what we are going to do now.

Full screen keys in various applications

Each program has its own hotkeys. Including the keyboard shortcut to enter full screen mode. Needless to say, some programs do not support this very mode. For example, utilities such as Microsoft Office. They just don't need this mode. In Daum PotPlayer, the full screen key is Enter. In Mozilla Firefox browser - Alt plus F12 buttons. But not all applications have the same parameters. Therefore, you should study the documentation for a particular program. They will show you how to make full screen mode with keys.

It is worth noting that in some programs you can assign the desired combination to a particular action yourself. These utilities include audio and video players, graphics editors, file managers, specialized and video, and some other products. It is quite convenient. Therefore, the developers have provided users with this opportunity. For which honor and praise to them.

Full screen mode in games

Here hotkeys will not help to set full-screen mode. You will have to go to the graphics settings and mark the appropriate item there. Things are a little tricky here, since these settings are in different places in different games. Therefore, here you just have to search. However, the vast majority of games have a completely adequate Russian translation, so there shouldn't be any problems with that. However, some novice users cannot even cope with this task. Then you should try to simply expand the game window to full screen. Enough for the first time. How do I switch to full screen mode? The keyboard shortcut Alt plus F2 will expand the window to full screen. But this is not 100% full screen mode.

Full screen mode in Photoshop

This software product, designed for professional photo processing, has many interesting features. Including full screen mode. The keys in Windows 8 (and in any other OS) are Shift plus F. This will expand the program to a full screen with a menu bar on which the necessary tools will be located. However, the capabilities of this software product in this mode are very limited. In order to exit the full-screen mode, it will be enough to press the Esc button. In general, a separate article could be written about the keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. But this is not included in our plans now.

When working in Photoshop without hotkeys, nowhere. All professionals working in this field are well aware of this. Keyboard shortcuts dramatically improve productivity. Indeed, it is easier to press Ctrl-Alt-Z to undo the changes made than to look for the "Back" tool. Other combinations are also effective. Although those who have specially studied the techniques of working in "Photoshop" are already well aware of the wonderful properties of hotkeys.

Full screen mode in Google Chrome browser

This internet browser is considered one of the best in terms of speed and performance. It is used by millions of people. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the huge number of requests on the topic of how to make full-screen mode with keys in "Chrome". People can be understood. Constantly going into the browser settings in order to simply switch the view is sheer torment. So, in order to expand "Chrome" to full screen, just press the F11 button. Then the browser will appear before you in all its glory. In order to exit the full screen mode, you need to press the same key again. Then the browser window will return to its normal appearance.

In general, "Chrome" has a huge number of hotkeys. It's just that not everyone knows about them. For example, you can go to the previous page using the Backspace button. To enable this or that add-on, you need to press the Alt key and some number. Any add-on will be launched. The main thing is to remember later on which number that is. Etc. Hotkeys unlock the full potential of this internet browser. So it's definitely worth studying them.

What if I have a laptop?

There may be some nuances here, because the laptop keyboard has a special function key that includes the hotkeys provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, the keyboard shortcuts for notebook computers may differ from those used on personal computers. However, keyboard shortcuts for laptops can be determined by eye. The fact is that on each function button there is an inscription or an image in a color different from the main one. That is, the image shows what happens if you press this key in combination with a function key.

Thus, laptops look much more convenient in this regard, since they already have their own hotkey system. The user only needs to carefully study the keyboard of the device and practice a little. After that, controlling the laptop using hotkeys will seem as simple as using the mouse. You just need to make sure that these commands do not conflict with the standard keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Otherwise, none of the commands (neither "laptop" nor "system") will work.


So, we understood what full-screen mode key is in the Windows operating system itself and in various software products. If everything is more or less clear with the system and there is at least some stability, then with utilities everything is not so simple. Each program has its own set of hotkeys. Therefore, the key combinations that include full screen mode can be completely different. There is only one way out: study the documentation that comes with software product... You can, of course, try the "scientific poke method", but nothing good will come of it. So stock up on the right literature and patience.

You can customize the look and feel of Windows in full screen mode.

To open full screen settings :

Selecting full screen mode

By default, when you switch Windows to full screen mode, OS X's internal full screen mode is enabled. This means Windows is placed in a separate Spaces area, and when you hover the cursor over the top or bottom of the screen, the OS X menu bar or Dock appears, respectively.

Uncheck Use fullscreen Mac mode OS X... In this case, Windows will run in Parallels full screen mode. This mode does not highlight a separate Spaces area for Windows, and when you hover over the top or bottom of the screen, the OS X menu bar and Dock do not appear.

Selecting actions for screen corners

Parallels display hot corners allow you to exit full screen mode and enable the display of the Mac OS X menu bar and Dock.

When Windows is running in Parallels full screen mode, Parallels' active corners are automatically enabled. If you prefer OS X's internal full screen mode but want to use Parallels' active corners instead of the similar OS X feature, select the Active screen corners.

To assign an action to a corner of the screen, select the appropriate option from the corresponding drop-down list:

  • : Hover over a corner (the corner should bend back) and select an option Exit full screen mode will switch the VM to Window mode.
  • Show menu bar... When you hover over a corner, the Mac OS X menu bar appears.
  • Show Dock: When you hover over a corner, the Dock appears.

Note. If you are using Mac OS X Snow Leopard and have already assigned actions to the corners of the screen, these settings will take effect instead of the active corners settings in full screen mode. To prevent this from happening, you must turn off hot corners in Mac OS X. For more information, see the Mac OS X Help.

Scaling the virtual machine window

Using the menu Scaling you can choose how Windows is displayed when working in full screen mode:

  • Off If you have Parallels Tools installed Parallels Tools are not installed, the Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will display with a black background. If more, scroll bars will appear in the Windows window.
  • Automatically. If you have Parallels Tools installed, the Windows resolution will match the Mac resolution. If Parallels Tools are not installed, Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will display with a black background. If more - Windows will be displayed completely and without scroll bars.
  • Maintain proportions: Regardless of the presence of Parallels Tools, the Windows resolution will be unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will display with a black background. If more - Windows will be displayed completely and without scroll bars.
  • Stretch: Regardless of whether Parallels Tools are installed, the Windows resolution will be unchanged, but the Windows window will be stretched to full screen.

Adjusting the image on multiple monitors

If you have a second monitor connected to your Mac, by default, when you turn on full screen mode, Windows is shown on the main monitor, and Mac OS X - on the secondary.

You can choose which monitor Windows should be displayed on by moving its window to the desired monitor and clicking on the full screen icon.

To display Windows on all connected monitors, select the option Use all monitors.

How to let Windows change the display gamma

If you are using Windows to play video games, then Windows may need to temporarily change your Mac's display gamma settings in order to display the various visuals correctly. To allow Windows to change gamma settings, select Allow Windows to change display gamma.

Note. To prevent changing the full-screen mode settings, click on the lock icon at the bottom of the window. After that, to make changes, you will need to specify the administrator password.

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