
How do I uninstall my themes in windows 7. How do I uninstall third-party themes (skin packs) in Windows? How to update Direct X: improvements for gamers

Windows 7 is an operating system whose visual style can be changed beyond recognition. There are tons of third-party themes available for free download. Gamers can design the system in the style of their favorite game: Stalker, World of Tanks, Dota, Diablo, Skyrim, Call of Duty, etc. Fans of simple, compact themes pay attention to minimalism. There are themes for every taste:

  • the games mentioned;
  • films;
  • anime;
  • music;
  • minimalism.

The most popular are skins in the style operating system Mac OS. No computer from Apple - now it doesn't matter.

There are many sites on the web with themes for every taste. Below is a list of trusted resources. You are guaranteed to download the theme you like without registration and will not drag viruses or adware onto your computer.

Comparison of sites

SiteDescriptionNumber of topicsSort by categories (games, movies, etc.)
7Themes.su7Themes. A site that hosts more than 650 themes only for Windows 7. 7Themes' big plus: categorizationMore than 650Yes
Oformi.netThe site is similar to the previous one. But the number of topics is half as much - 300 pieces. Download is free, there is clear instructions on installing themes. A nice feature of the site is the ability to sort topics by date of addition, popularity, number of comments and alphabetMore than 300No
All4os.ruAll4os.ru rounds out the top 3 sites with free themes. There are over 230 of them here. As in the previous resources, there is the possibility of sorting, detailed description each theme and screenshotsMore than 230No

How to install Windows 7 theme

After choosing a suitable skin - Windows preparation to support third-party themes. The task is simple and will take no more than 10 minutes. Although Windows 7 supports full style conversion, it may not work properly. Therefore, we recommend that you create a restore point before the installation procedure. If the OS malfunctions, you can "roll back" it to the previous level. The instruction consists of two parts: installing patches and directly adding the theme itself.

How to patch system files

Now it remains to place the downloaded theme in the desired directory in Windows.

How to add a theme in Windows 7

Step 1. Download the theme you like. Click "Details".

A separate topic page will open. There is a Download button on the right.

Note! If you cannot download the theme using the first button, try Yandex. Disk"

The downloaded archive is opened using WinRar.

Then open "C:" - "Windows" - "Resources" - "Themes" and move the theme files to this folder.

Step 2. Examination. We go to "Personalization". Click on the desktop with the right mouse button, select the lowest item "Personalization".

If you follow the instructions and follow the steps correctly, you will get the result - the installed theme will be displayed in the window.

Step 3. We click on the topic. We are waiting for a few seconds. Ready! The photo shows an example of the installed theme "Mac White".

How to change the start button in Windows 7

If you want to radically transform the Windows interface, you can customize the "Start".

"Start" is tied to the explorer file (explorer.exe). Therefore, to transform the skin, you will need the rights to the file. The Takeownershipex utility helps to solve the problem.

Method 1. Download the program. Go to the site 7themes.su. In the menu, select the item "Miscellaneous", then - "Start Buttons".

Then we press the button "Installation instructions".

It will help us get access rights to the explorer.exe file.

Method 2. Download Windows 7 Start Button Changer. It is designed to change the skin of the button. You can download it from the "Installation Instructions" page described in method 1.

It remains to select the line "Select & Change Start Button" in the program.

In the explorer that opens after clicking, we are looking for the downloaded skin.

Ready-made skins are available on the sites described in the article.

Where are the installed Windows 7 themes located?

All themes are located in the folder "C:" - "Windows" - "Resources" - "Themes". "C:" is the name of the drive where your system is installed. It may be different. The main thing is to find the folder with "Windows".

Where are the default themes in Windows 7?

In the same folder as those installed by you personally: "C:" - "Windows" - "Resources" - "Themes".

How do I delete themes?

Just delete the theme files from the "Resources" - "Themes" folder.

"Installing the Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter theme." Unfortunately, these editions of operating systems do not have a Personalization item. By right-clicking on the desktop, you will not see it. But the problem can be solved. The Personalization Panel utility comes in handy.

  1. We load the program. We go to the Oformi.net website. In the menu we find "Miscellaneous", in the drop-down list, select "Programs".

  2. Then we click on the item "Sort by popularity".

  3. Scroll a little below and find the desired program.

  4. We launch the utility. We select the item "Typical installation". Click "Next".

  5. Examination. We go to "Personalization". Right-click on the desktop and select the bottom line of the menu.

  6. A window with themes opens.

How to update Direct X: improvements for gamers

It is recommended to update DirectX regularly to keep the system supporting skins and smooth operation of games. This is done in three steps.

Step 1. Finding out the current version of DirectX. Open the "Start" menu, select "Run". Or we use hotkeys (simultaneously press the Ctrl + R keys).

In the program that opens, we drive the command "dxdiag.exe" into the text field.

Click "OK" and an informational summary about the system appears. Find the line "DirectX Version".

Step 2. Download the program from the official Microsoft portal: https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/confirmation.aspx?id=35

Step 3. We will install the program by simply following the instructions during installation.

Note! Uncheck Install Bing Bar if you don't need this add-on in your browser.

We are glad if our article helped you beautify Windows and make your system irresistible. Thanks for reading!

Video - How to install a theme on Windows 7

There are situations when the OS service needs not only to be disabled, but to be completely removed from the computer. For example, such a situation may arise if this element is part of some already uninstalled software or malware... Let's figure out how to do the above procedure on a PC with Windows 7.

It should be noted right away that, unlike disabling services, deletion is an irreversible process. Therefore, before proceeding further, we recommend creating an OS restore point or its backup. In addition, you need to clearly understand which element you are deleting and what it is responsible for. In no case should you eliminate services that are associated with system processes. This will lead to incorrect work PC or to a complete system crash. In Windows 7, the task set in this article can be performed in two ways: through Command line or "Registry Editor".

Determining the service name

But before proceeding to the description of the direct removal of the service, you need to find out the system name of this element.

  1. Click "Start"... Go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to "System and safety".
  3. Go to "Administration".
  4. In the list of objects open "Services".

    Another option is available to run the required tool. Dial Win + R... In the displayed field, enter:

    Click "OK".

  5. The shell is activated Service Manager... Here in the list you will need to find the element that you are going to delete. To make your search easier, build the list alphabetically by clicking on the column name "Name"... Having found the desired name, right-click on it ( PKM). Select item "Properties".
  6. In the properties window opposite the parameter "Service name" there will be just that service name of this element, which you will need to remember or write down for further manipulations. But it's better to copy it to "Notebook"... To do this, select the name and click on the selected area PKM... Select from the menu "Copy".
  7. After that you can close the properties window and "Dispatcher"... Next click "Start", press "All programs".
  8. Go to directory "Standard".
  9. Find the name "Notebook" and launch the corresponding application with a double click.
  10. In the opened shell text editor click on the sheet PKM and select "Insert".
  11. Do not close "Notebook" until you do complete removal service.

Method 1: "Command line"

Now let's move on to looking directly at ways to remove services. First, consider an algorithm for solving this problem by using "Command line".

Method 2: "Registry Editor"

You can also delete the specified element using "Registry Editor".

  1. Dial Win + R... In the window enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. Interface "Registry Editor" launched. Move to section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"... This can be done on the left side of the window.
  3. Now click on the object "SYSTEM".
  4. Then enter the folder "CurrentControlSet".
  5. Finally, open the directory "Services".
  6. This will open a very long list of folders in alphabetical order. Among them, you need to find the directory that corresponds to the name we copied earlier in "Notebook" from the service properties window. You need to click on this section PKM and choose an option "Delete".
  7. Then a dialog box will be displayed warning about the consequences of deleting the registry key, where you need to confirm the actions. If you are completely sure of what you are doing, then click "Yes".
  8. The section will be deleted. Now you need to close "Registry Editor" and restart the PC. To do this, press again "Start" and then click on the small triangle to the right of the item Completion of work... Select from the pop-up menu.
  9. The computer will restart and the service will be removed.

From this article, it is clear that you can completely remove a service from the system using two methods - using Command line and "Registry Editor"... Moreover, the first method is considered safer. But it is also worth noting that in no case should you remove those elements that were in the original configuration of the system. If you think that one of these services is not needed, then you need to disable it, but not delete it. You can only remove objects that were installed together with third party programs and only if you are completely sure of the consequences of your actions.

Each time Microsoft releases new version their operating system, people are faced with the fact that it is significantly different from previous version... By the way! All the latest licensed versions of operating systems from Microsoft you can.

If on a laptop or personal computer If there is a licensed version of the operating system, then it can be updated automatically. This happens without formatting the old system, the new one is installed automatically over the old one, with all data saved. Thus, the old system remains on the computer. Suppose that on your Windows computer 7 was installed automatically in this way. How exactly to roll back the operating system to the previous version?

How to remove Windows 7 from your computer safely

What to do next after a reboot

If your previous operating system was installed on a different disk, then you will want to format the disk on which Windows 7 was located. If they were installed on the same disk or you are not sure exactly which disks they were on, then clear the system from unnecessary files you will need to manually. Just delete all folders that are related to the Windows 7 operating system and empty the Trash. There is no need to store unnecessary system files that will no longer be used by you. This can significantly degrade system performance and adversely affect the performance of your computer.

If you have a need to delete a theme in Windows 10, don't be intimidated this action, since this procedure does not take much time and it is completely safe for the operating system. The main advantage of removing themes from the OS is that you will no longer have what you do not need and that you will no longer think about the fact that some topic is just an insurmountable barrier for you. Based on all of the above, we decided to offer you four completely different ways, each of which is ideal in any situation, if you need to remove something - change it in your Win 10 OS.

Method number 1

V this way we will be using the Settings app, and therefore you need to open the Settings -> go to the Personalization section -> open the Themes category. If you are looking for "third party themes", they will most likely be located on the right side of the window. It remains only to click with the RMB on the theme icon you do not need and select the "Delete" item from the context menu. Please note that provided that the theme is "active" - ​​it is currently in use, it will not be possible to delete it, and therefore, you need to change the theme to another and delete it again.

Method number 2

In this method, we will use the "classic control panel", and therefore, you need to use the "control" command to open the "classic control panel" -> launch the "Personalization" applet -> right-click on the icon with the theme that you want to delete and from the context menu, select the item "Delete topic".

Please note that using this method, you can easily delete a theme in Windows 10, which is currently "active" and used by the operating system.

Method number 3

In this method, "Explorer" will be used, and therefore, you will have to first go along the path:% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Themes -> select the folder with the same name of the theme that you want to delete and right-click on it, which will open the context menu and select the "Delete" item in it.

Provided that the topic you are deleting is active, you still need to “Delete” it in order for it to fall into the “unsaved” category, then select another topic and re-delete the unsaved topic from the “unsaved” category.

Method number 4

In this method, we will try to remove the built-in theme, since for some of you, it seems that before installed themes Windows 10 is completely impossible to remove, although anything is possible! Initially, you need to go to the following path in Explorer:% WINDIR% \ Resources \ Themes -> once in the Themes folder, you will find 3 different files in it: aero.theme, theme1.theme and theme2.theme. aero.theme - default theme, blue and with a Windows logo; theme1.theme - a dynamic theme called "beach / diver"; theme2.theme is a dynamic theme called flowers.

From all of the above, it follows that in order for you to be able to delete the "standard theme", you must first delete its file, but here you should understand that simple deletion will not be enough, and you will have to replace it in the properties of its owner from "Trustedlnstaller" to the user or local administrator. It doesn't matter who you are replacing with, since after replacing you will be able to fully delete the theme in Windows 10.


Instructions: How to enable or disable the dark theme in Windows 10 through the registry?

With Windows 8, Microsoft began to actively promote the Metro interface in its operating system, which provides for a flat design. Minimum unnecessary objects on the screen and maximally bright elements- these are the postulates that were adhered to by the developers of not only Windows 8, but also a more modern operating system Windows systems 10. It is interesting to design the system is quite difficult, and maximum customization Windows tools- this is the choice of color for the decoration of menu items. At the same time, the dark theme of Windows 10 is embedded directly in the operating system itself, which cannot be enabled through the standard settings, but it can be activated in the registry editor.

How to enable dark theme in Windows 10

Activating the dark theme in Windows 10 causes all system applications to change their interface. Fonts and other menu items are displayed, instead of the usual white background, on black. Due to this, you can achieve an interesting effect and slightly diversify the Windows 10 interface.

With the instruction below, the black background can only be set in system applications Windows 10 as released by Microsoft. In particular, these applications include: Windows store Store, calculator, settings menu and some others. You shouldn't expect drastic changes after activating the Windows 10 dark theme, but the system will look, at least, unusual.

To enable the black theme in Windows 10, you need to:

  1. Press the key combination Windows + R on the keyboard and register the Regedit command, confirming its execution with the Enter button to enter the registry editor.
  2. The registry tree will be displayed on the left. In it you need to go to the address:

Attention: Even if you have a 64-bit Windows 10 system, you still need to create a DWORD 32-bit key.

  1. It is important that the value "0" is automatically assigned to the new key upon creation. When installing the Windows 10 dark theme, it is he who should be registered in the parameter values, so nothing needs to be changed.
  2. The next step is to find another folder in the registry tree at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize.

The result of performing the above actions will be the activation of the dark theme in Windows 10. To return the usual White background in system applications, it is necessary to set the value "1" instead of 0 in the AppsUseLightTheme keys, which were changed (created) during the instruction.


How to uninstall a program in Windows 10 completely from a computer?

When using a computer, the user is faced with the need to remove one or another program. V old version operating system, for this you need to go to the Control Panel and, having selected the necessary software, uninstall it. In Windows 10, several methods are available at once to uninstall unnecessary software from a device.

Manual removal

You can manually uninstall software in Windows 10 in one of four ways.

On the start menu

Removing software through the Start menu is the easiest, fastest and most in an accessible way.

Start menu -> All applications -> right-clicking (RMB) on unnecessary software -> Uninstall

In the Settings app

The Parameters contain functions duplicating with the Control Panel. This is because this application is designed to replace the outdated interface and is intended to replace the functions available in the Control Panel. Therefore, the software can be uninstalled via the Parameters.

Settings -> System -> Applications and features -> right-click on unnecessary software -> Uninstall

Healthy! The list that opens indicates the date of installation of the software and its size. This is important to know if you are freeing up space. hard disk and remove unnecessary or malicious software.

In Control Panel

Start menu -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> RMB clicking on unnecessary software -> Uninstall

Important! You can get to the "Programs and Features" section through the "This PC" window menu, in which select "Computer" and in the list that opens, click "Uninstall or change a program".

To remove built-in Windows applications 10 use the PowerShell utility. In the search bar, run "PowerShell" as Administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

where "PackageFullName" is the fully qualified name of the application.

After that, it will appear full list established standard applications.

To remove them, enter the command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage

With the help of special programs

To save time and easily remove software on your computer, use specially designed programs.

Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller removes unnecessary software, its additional files and Registry entries from your computer in a few clicks. This allows you to get rid of the "tails" left after the uninstallation process.

To uninstall using Revo Uninstaller, select the unnecessary software in the active window, and then click "Uninstall".

In the window that opens, select the uninstallation method:

    • built-in;
    • safe;
    • moderate;
    • advanced.


Latest Versions CCleaner programs remove built-in Windows 10 apps. Start CCleaner and go:

Service -> Remove Programs

In the list that opens, select the unnecessary software and click "Uninstall".


The video describes in detail how to uninstall programs in Windows 10 using the indicated methods, including using other special software.


On a Windows 10 computer, you can uninstall both installed and built-in programs and applications. Better to do it with special programs that clean up the "tails". You can also uninstall manually using the Settings application or from the Start menu in the general list.


How do I uninstall third party themes (skin packs) on Windows?

skin packs or third-party themes are software kits VE settings, cursors, Sound packs, backgrounds si screen Links (Login screen, loading screen) Etc that allow users to change everything appearance Windows systems.The vast majority of skin packs are designed to transform the appearance of an operating system so that it gives the impression of a different operating system (for example, transforming the external windows view XP in Windows 7 or Windows 8, or rotate Windows system layout in Mac OSX or Linux).

Third-party themes si transform packs for Windows are not part of the official Microsoft theme But they have been created and run by regular amateur developers And sometimes, although they do their best, fix bugs or bugs Users may encounter a variety of Post-installation problems, For example, server cannot boot, cumbersome operation them, or it just happens that the final appearance of Windows, after the conversion, does not please users. In such cases, only solve the problems of Complete Uninstallation Topics or Package Conversion.

How can we completely remove skin packages on Windows systems?

1. System Restore

Whenever we want to bring updates to Windows It is recommended that you create a restore point firstSo if you want problems or System back to default settings, We can undo the changes through a system restore, Although most skin package sites automatically create a restore point before changing system files It is recommended that they have been handcrafted by users for added security. And if you want to remove a third-party theme that is installed incorrectly or whose appearance is not happy, then you can use the System Restore utility integrated into Windows to restore the system to its previous state and get it back to its default appearance.

To create a restore point, go to Control Panel> System and Security> System> Protection System.Then in the window that opens, click the Create next Create a restore point ...

To give System Restore running a Windows operating system, go to All Control Panel Products> Recovery and click on the Recovery button open system(Or write System Restore in Site Search from Start Menu and let enter).

then select restore points and click on desired next.

2. Uninstaller Software included in the Skin Package

If you have not yet created a restore point before installing the skin package, you have the option to use the Uninstaller software included in it. Removing the Skin Pack option can be found in Add / Remove Programs or Programs and Features> Remove a program.

Also uninstaller software for it can be found in the installation folder from Program Files or Start Menu.

3. Order Sfc / Scannow

System files can be quickly recovered using the tool hints Checker system files and the DOS Sfc / Scannow command, System File Checker is a utility built into Windows OS with which users can check the integrity file system, it identifies corrupted base files or changes and restores it to its default settings.

To use this new utility, open Command line cu administrator privileges (Type: CMD in Start Menu SearchThen right click and select the displayed result Run as administrator) And type SFC / SCANNOW.

Scanning system files will take several minutes, files being damaged or modified are automatically recovered (It is recommended to keep a CD / DVD for installing Windows conveniently just in case). After the scan and repair is complete, let the system reboot.

4. Disc Setup Windows

If none of the above methods work, not only have to use the CD / DVD to install Windows, boot the Disc Setup window then select Repair Windows / Computer (all personal archive si installed applications will remain intact).

STEALTH SETTINGS - How to remove third-party skins (skin packaging) in Windows

Create Restore Point, Remove Transformation Packages for Windows, Repair Windows, Restore System Files in Windows, Skin Uninstaller Package, System File Checker, System Restore, Uninstall a Program, Remove Third Party Themes, Skin Packages Removing Windows. Use SFC / SCANNOW, Windows OS Recovery Next: How can we display the taskbar in Windows Start Screen 8 "" Old: "" Windows 8 7 Auto Coloring for Windows and Windows Vista IT-tips - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and mobile - How to remove third party themes (skin packs) in Windows?

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How to prevent users from changing theme in Windows 10

If you change the theme in Windows, the desktop background, sounds, colors, screen saver and mouse pointer change immediately. Earlier, we looked at how to prevent users from changing their desktop background. In today's article, we'll take a look at how to prevent users from changing or saving a theme.

Prevent users from changing (saving) theme in Local Group Policy Editor

This method works in Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education, if you have a dozen home versions - go to the second method. If you want to prevent other users of this computer from changing the theme, first follow the instructions "How to configure group policies for specific users. "If you want to prevent all users from changing the theme, including yourself, do everything described below.

1. Open Group Policy: in the search bar or in the Run menu (run by pressing Win + R), type gpedit.msc and press Enter.

2. Open "User Configuration" => Administrative Templates => Control Panel => Personalization => in the right column, open "Prevent changing theme".

3. Place a full stop in the Enabled box and click OK. Close the Local Group Policy Editor.

Prevent users from changing (saving) the theme in the registry editor

This method works in all editions of Windows 10 (home, pro, education, enterprise). It is recommended that you create a system restore point before editing the registry.

1. Open the registry editor: in the search bar or in the run menu (run by pressing the Win + R keys), enter the regedit command and press the Enter key.

2. In the left column, go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer. Right-click the Explorer section and select New => DWORD (32-bit) Value.

3. Name the parameter NoThemesTab.

4. Open the NoThemesTab parameter, put 1 in the "Value" field and click "OK".

You can close the registry editor if you want to allow changing the theme in the future - delete the NoThemesTab parameter or open it and set the value to 0 instead of 1.

That's all for today, if you have add-ons or you know other ways - write comments! Good luck 🙂

skin packs or third party themes are sets of software VE settings, cursors, Sound packages, backgrounds si Links screen (Login screen, loading screen) Etc that allow users to change everything The emergence of Windows systems.The vast majority of skin packs are designed for transform appearance operating system so that it gives the impression of another operating system (for example, by transforming the appearance Windows XP in Windows 7 or Windows 8 Or rotate the system layout Windows in Mac OSX or Linux).

Third party themes si transform packs for Windows not part of the official topic Microsoft But they created and ran the usual amateur developers And sometimes, even though they do their best, eliminate mistakes or mistakes Users can meet a variety of Problems after installation, For example, inability to load the server, bulky operation them, or it just happens that the final appearance of Windows, after the conversion, does not please users. In such cases, only solve problems Complete themes uninstall or Converting packages.

How can we completely remove skin packages on Windows systems?

1. System Restore

Whenever we want to bring Windows updates Recommended first create a restore point So if you want problems or System return to default settings, We can cancel changes through System Restore Although most skin packages sites automatically create a restore point prior to the change system files It is recommended that they be Handcrafted users for more safety. And if you want remove third party theme is installed incorrectly or whose appearance is not pleasing, then you can use System Restore Utility integrated into Windows to restore the system to a previous state and get back default appearance his.

To create a restore point, go Control Panel> System and Security> System> Protection.Then in the window that opens, click the button. create next Creating a restore point ...

To give System Restore running a Windows operating system, go All Control Panel Items> Recovery and click on the button Recovering an open system(Or write System Restore in Site search from Start Menu and give enter).

then select restore points and click on the desired Next.

2. Uninstaller Software included in the Skin Package

If you haven't created a restore point yet before installing the skin package, you have the option to use Uninstaller software included in him. Removing an option Pack leather can be found in Add / remove programs or Programs and features> Uninstall a program.

Also the uninstaller software for it can be found in installation folder from Program files or Start Menu.

3. Order Sfc / Scannow

System files can be recovering quickly using the hint tool System File Checker and the DOS command Sfc / Scannow The System File Checker tool is The utility is built into the Windows OS with which users can check file system integrity, it identifies corrupted core files or changes and Restoring default settings his.

To use this new utility, open Command line cu administrator privileges(Type of: CMD in Start Menu search Then right click and select the displayed result Run as administrator) And enter the command SFC / SCANNOW.

Scanning system files will take several minutes, files being damaged or modified automatically recovers(It is recommended to keep it conveniently just in case). Once the scan and restore is complete, give reboot the system.

4. Disc Setup Windows

If none of the above methods work, not only have to use CD / DVD for Windows installation, boot Disc Setup Windows then select Repair Windows / Computer(all personal archive si installed applications will remain intact).

- How to remove third-party skins (skin packaging) in Windows

How do I uninstall third party themes (skin packs) on Windows?

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