
A file sharing service that pays for each download. Ways to make money on file hosting: step-by-step instructions for beginners. Additional projects for making money on files

Today, the largest file hosting services bring in serious money. This way of business, in my opinion, is developing successfully. And there are a number of reasons for this:

1. Internet resources are a space in which people search for the information they need. It will be like this all the time. Consequently, downloading files from file hosting services containing the necessary information, as a kind of network activity, is unlikely to stop.

2. From the side of making a profit, making money on the Internet using file sharing services does not require any special knowledge. It is accessible to any beginner, and therefore attractive.

3.K affiliate programs the most significant file hosting services have attracted a lot of webmasters who consistently receive large earnings, while bringing significant income to file sharing systems.

Check out the top webmasters from Depositfiles. You can see the money they have earned during the last month. The top shows the status to date:

The user with the nickname burtonfly deserves special attention. This is a webmaster in the first position of the top. About three years ago, earning money on the Internet on file hosting was in the circle of my interests, and I also registered on Depositfiles. And the nickname burtonfly, I remember very well. And if my memory is correct, then his earnings for that period were approximately $ 400-500 per month. Since then, as you can see, there have been many changes. I didn't just talk about this user. Burtonfly has not left the top 3 positions for several years.

It happens that users write that these earnings are just window dressing, but I completely disagree with these statements, because I myself saw how these numbers grew in stages, not at one moment. It can be seen that a person gradually increased his turnover, and working on the Internet using file sharing was his main occupation. The Depositfiles administration does not just put the first numbers that come across.

File sharing services are ordinary network resources. Their main task is to preserve and disseminate all kinds of information. Income on the Internet using file sharing works according to the following scheme: you are looking for an interesting file. For example, this is some kind of music or film. Then you download this movie or music to your account on one of the major file sharing services.

After that, you create announcements of this file on all kinds of sites, forums or message boards (among other things, anywhere) and leave a link to download this movie or music from a file hosting service. You will receive the link on the file hosting service when you upload your file to it. The more people download the file from the link you received, the more earnings you will have.

The diagram below will help you more easily understand how to generate income on file hosting. I know from my own experience that when you first hear about this type of earnings, it seems rather confusing and complicated.

In my opinion, the most significant file hosting services are Letitbit, Depositfiles, Vip-File and Turbobit. Others are not as popular. There is, however, also Rapida, but it lacks a Russian-language interface, and there are difficulties for beginners who are just trying themselves in this business, so I will not cover this service in detail.

However, the income on the Internet with the help of file hosting can rely not only on adding news on other people's sites. It makes sense to create your own website directly for making money on file hosting services. This site needs to be filled with news and attract a thematic audience. I talked about creating your own website in the article How to create your own blog and make money on it. A step-by-step instruction for beginners, it does not hurt to read it if you approach this issue thoroughly.

To make money on file hosting, you need to comprehensively analyze this market. It is important to understand who is in the lead. The information received will determine how we proceed further.

In this regard, it will be useful to highlight the question of how earnings on the Internet are formed on file sharing.

The entire array of people who make money on the Internet on file sharing, as well as people who make these incomes possible, can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

First group

It includes those users who do not even know about making money on the Internet on file hosting. They are engaged in solving their problems: searching the information you need on the net, and, as is usually done with us, they are trying to find everything for free. There is no doubt that these users do not care deeply how this commercial information could get onto the Internet. The main thing for them is to satisfy their needs, to find the desired file.
It is this type of users that will become the basic category on which your earnings on file hosting will be built. And taking into account the fact that every day the number of Internet users increases by about 200 thousand, then you and I, that is, people who earn on file sharing, will not be without income.

Second group

Posters or uploaders. This is exactly the group of people who directly make money on file hosting. They are engaged in placing on the network, files laid out for free access, so that anyone who wants to can get it. Occasionally, such materials are paid, but even in this case, the cost will be a hundred times lower than the objective market price of the product. The main motivation for the entire activity of a poster making money on file sharing is to achieve that his materials are downloaded as many times as possible.

Third group

These are the services themselves that allow posters to save the files they collect on their servers. This activity is carried out completely free of charge. Information posted by posters on file hosting services is available to any network user around the clock. In addition, the amount of disk space allocated for the files being placed, as well as the duration of their storage on file sharing services, is unlimited.
But the main thing is that for each downloaded file posted by a poster on a file hosting service, real money is transferred to it. And you can believe me that the daily amounts earned by the best posters are numbers with many zeros.

Fourth group

And finally, the last division of the participants in the business we are discussing, without which income for young posters would definitely be unattainable - these are warez sites. It happens that they are also defined as news sites, information portals etc. Yes, this is not so important. The main thing is that the main purpose of these sites is to advertise the information that was posted on this resource as a poster. We can say that varezniki are some kind of huge advertising board.

How is the process going?

Initially, the poster studies the market. He looks at which topics are most popular and which are not. And, based on the information received, he is determined with which thematic industry he will work. Then he searches for the files he needs and uploads them to the file hosting service, as a result of which he gets a link to the posted file.

Next, the poster is moved to the warez site and uploads information about its file. He reports that there is such and such a file, the free download of which is possible after clicking on the link below. This action completes the chain. All participants in the process got what they wanted. And the news posted on the website will generate income for as long as it remains popular and interesting to the mass user.

An important point in the whole process is that all groups involved in the process are interested in clear and well-coordinated work of each of them. The task of a poster making money on file sharing services is quite simple - he needs to place maximum amount information on file hosting and convey this information to the widest possible audience of users. The user's goal is to find the information they want. The task of the warez site is to get the necessary material for your resource from the poster. Well, file hosting services should receive downloading information from their servers.

And due to the fact that the goals and desires of all these groups are mutually resolved, this type of business has been actively developing for many years and it is unlikely that it will ever collapse at all.

How to make money on file hosting. Instructions for the journalist

Anyone who starts building their own business with file sharing must first plan how you will start working. My instructions will tell you about this.

Before you start uploading files to a file hosting service and printing news on warezniki, perform the following step-by-step actions:

1. Select the category you are going to work with. There are quite a lot of these categories: software, games, wallpapers, movies, erotica, music, porn, etc. You should not try to make money on file hosting on the basis of the principle: "I will post a little bit from each subject." Believe me, specialization is as important for a poster as it is for a SEO blogger.

2. Next, you need to develop a database of sites where you can post your news. There are quite a few of these sites, so your task is to select only the most popular and promising ones as income.

3. Be sure to create yourself WebMoney wallet, since the lion's share of Russian file hosting services, not excluding such a giant as Letitbit.net, make payments to the wallets of this famous electronic payment system in Russia.

4. And finally, you need to decide with which of the file sharing services you will cooperate. Having decided on the choice of file hosting services, you need to register for them. This is the end of the first stage of how to make money from file hosting. Moving on.

We post news on varezniki:

1. We are looking for an attractive file on the network, or a group of files (for example, wallpaper) and upload them to our account on the file hosting server. But before you do this, think, but would you personally need this file if you were faced with a choice: download it or choose something else?

2. Next, create a picture (screenshot) for the posted news. The standard size of the picture on most of the sites that make it possible to receive income from cooperation with file hosting services must be no more than 500 px in any direction. Well, the smallest size is usually 250 px. The most important thing is that the picture should be conspicuous and attract the user's attention. If the picture is marked with the logo of another site, do not be too lazy to look for another, but if you really want to upload this particular image, then work with photoshop and clean up the background. But still, it is not recommended to do so.

3. The final stage of how to make money on file hosting is to write a draft template for your news in any text editor... And, despite the fact that the MS Office Word editor is one of my favorites, but despite this, I do not recommend it to you, since it contains a formatting function that is guaranteed to replace your entire template

How do I:

1. I already have a developed base of sites-varezniki, with which I have been cooperating for a long time, and on which I have accounts. I already know how to make money on file hosting, so I discard sites with low traffic. So - I enter the site on which I have a registration.

2. I create a news with a design that meets the requirements of this site. Requirements are most often standard everywhere. There are, however, several large sites with special requirements for the design of news. I always change the text of the news based on my taste: add something, subtract something. By acting in this way, you increase your authority before the administration of these resources, because you will post unique texts, and not copied from other portals.

3. The news, drawn up in accordance with the rules, is copied by me into a notebook

4. I visit other sites and transfer my text from the notebook to the form for adding news on the resource. At the same time, it is advisable to use the preview option of the added news, so as not to make irreparable mistakes.

5. I repeat this process for all warezniks on my list.

6. Now that you know how to make money on file hosting, I want to give a couple of additions on this issue, just in case:

If you want your news to be NOT approved by the administration and to never be published, adhere to the following rules:

1. Brevity is the sister of talent. We don't need long names - 5 letters, here best size! Do I need to write more by overloading my fingers?

2. Pictures for news are a relic of the past. The user must swing into the blind and enjoy the languor of the unknown and the resulting surprise.

3. Ignore stupid standards - your screenshot, uploaded to the service (radikal.ru), must be less than 250 pixels in size, or more than 500 pixels.

4. Always leave in the picture that you insert into your news, a well-visible logo of another resource. Administrations of different sites are simply obliged to rejoice at the extra opportunity to advertise a competitor for free.

5. No need to waste time reading the rules for formatting the news of each separate website. If these rules differ, then this is not your problem. And if some resources want a 300 px picture, while others require you to upload files only to specific file hosting services (for example, exclusively to Letitbit and Depositfiles), do not pay attention to this, do as you like - the client is always right, period!

6. No need to post materials relevant to users. So if you took up the topic "software", then you need to dig out antique programs, not released no later than the beginning of the 90s. And be sure to make sure that they only work with Windows 98. Antiques are always in price - the more ancient a thing, the more active the demand for it.

7. To waste your precious time with beautiful news design, this is an idea for a madman. Why do you need this headache? A strange picture of mysterious content and a link to a jump next to it is the path to success. Let the user figure out what he has pumped up there, because surprises and surprises are always more pleasant (see rule number 2).

8. No need to place the file on some file hosting services. Let it only be stored in one. And then, with the stubbornness of a boy raised by woodpeckers, annoy the stupid admins of the sites-varezniks with the question: why do you not like my news?

9. It is not even worth checking if the site has a similar news to yours, because users of these resources will experience the exquisite pleasure of choosing among a dozen identical news.

10. And the final: no need to look at all these rules of news formatting published on all these resources! You already know how to cut money on file sharing, and all this heap of rules appeared only because the work of administrators is too easy, so they are engaged in poor fellows out of the hopeless boredom of all sorts of garbage.

A few words about statistics, relationships with admins and the related popularity of files

Today, a poster that makes money on file sharing wants to work less and get more money from the download.

This desire is natural and quite understandable, but in order to still earn money, you need to adhere to some rules.
And the very first rule, which professionals who create videos on how to make money on file sharing do not get tired of talking about, is a constant arsenal of unique files that must be in your "store". Please note that this is not about some kind of wallpaper, which is elementary to find on any resource that has dropped out in Yandex search, but truly unique and in-demand files. These files are your solid foundation for building a stable income from file hosting.

In addition, you must remember about the need to record the attendance of the resource on which you were going to announce your news. For this, it is necessary to analyze the site statistics. I usually pay attention to the icon for the LiveInternet statistics service, which shows the number of visitors. Although I can say from my own experience that the more advanced the site, the more spoiled and demanding its administration is to posters. Often on such a resource, there are strict requirements for grammar and vocabulary; in short, they cling to every little thing.

Making money on downloading files is a profitable business, in this regard, the administrators of the varezniks occasionally allow themselves unforgivable actions. Personally, I have repeatedly stretched the process of news moderation.

Then I came to the conclusion: there is no need to assume that the light has converged like a wedge on one single site. Do not agree with the administration of this site, you will agree with others. But in any case, if you have any questions about the moderation of your news, write a letter to the site administrator.

Once I once asked the administrator of one of the warezniks to put me in the journalistic category. We started a very long conversation. The administrator taught me how to arrange news, etc. That is, he communicated as if besides his website there were no others on the Internet, and there never will be. And this is despite the rather low traffic to this site. Naturally, I pretended that I understood and took note of everything, but after that I just quietly left this vareznik. Therefore, if you want to know how to make money on file hosting, you must definitely understand how to communicate with admins and resolve current issues that arise.
I am personally convinced that making money on file sharing is a business no different from an offline business, where you need to create authority for your name. And this means that when you contact the administrator of a vareznik, it is very nice to show your professionally designed news from other resources so that the administrator has an understanding of who he is dealing with. Well, and, of course, not only news, but also letters sent to the administrator must be checked for errors.

I am sure that if you follow the instructions I have given, when composing the correct message to the administrator, then in most situations they will definitely meet you halfway.

There is a successful method that I myself use all the time to understand what category the administrator of the site that interests me belongs to: can I work with him or not. We pass authorization on the site, then go to the "Statistics" section. Most of the resources have this section.

As the screenshot shows, in this case the section is titled "General Statistics". It happens that there are other names as well. For those readers who still poorly understand how to make money on file sharing, I can say - look for standard names. I want to say that the more floridly the item "Statistics" was named, the more unbridled the imagination of the administrator of this resource. Well, count yourself, why disguise this section with all sorts of intricate names? Is it really impossible what to call it "Statistics", without the quirks of word-creation? Apparently difficult for some.

And this is the page opened with the "Statistics" link. It is on it that the whole essence of the work of the administrator of this resource is displayed. First of all, we are interested here - this is the line "Awaiting moderation". In this example, even an inexperienced viewer can see that the news here was collected not in one few weeks, but possibly in a couple of months. It becomes completely unclear how long you will have to wait for moderation after adding your news. And we must not forget that news can be different, and if it is, for example, keys for Kaspersky, cinema or music, then it is very likely that while my addition is being moderated, it will cease to be relevant. I think it is clear that the meaning of working with such a site is very vague. Throwing such resources out of your collection, you will be able to increase your earnings from downloading files and transfer it to another, higher level.

The next example is positive. If you are new to making money on file sharing, then for you I say that the statistics shown in the next screenshot show only one thing - it is worth working with this resource. Such statistics are a real example of decency and an indicator that the resource is under constant supervision.

It's time to talk about the relevance of the files we upload to file hosting services. I hope no one will question the fact that before uploading a file, carefully select it and objectively assess its popularity.

Where to get files for uploading?

The topic is so extensive that you can create a separate post to disclose it, but I will not do this, because the sources of content for file hosting are dynamically changing. An example is the recently closed torrents.ru. But, all the same, today there are many available sources in which you can get very high-quality files to make money on file hosting.

The easiest way to find these sources is to use the Yandex search engine.

And now I will reveal a little secret to all journalists. Optimizers, of course, have known about this for a long time, but those of you who are just learning to make money on file sharing will undoubtedly find this information useful. In order for your files to be downloaded as often as possible, they need to be very popular. You can assess the degree of their popularity by examining the statistics of search queries from Google or Yandex. Let's consider now an example Wordstat.Yandex. We enter the area indicated in the screenshot. There we will see the following:

Now write the word you are interested in in the "Keywords" window. For example: "download a movie." We are shown the following results. I deliberately flipped through a couple of pages to see the titles of specific films. You can see for yourself that the most popular are, say, "Twilight 3" or "Alice". The same operation can be done to find out the popularity of wallpaper, software, or music. You just prescribe keyword"Wallpaper free" or "download music". Then analyze what kind of music the results showed. And already relying on the received data, find popular files on the network, upload them to file hosting services and start distributing your link. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Sometimes, I have come across such tips about making money by downloading files, that, they say, these words are keys, like those that you can see above, to write in the descriptions of the news not a letter changing their appearance, that is, in the form as they are search engine and shows. For example, “download the free Twilight 3 movie”, not “download the free Twilight 3 movie”.

Supposedly, this is required in order for the news you added to be able to climb to the top of the top in the Yandex search engine for this key phrase. It means that if you wrote in your news the phrase “download a free movie we are from the future 2”, then someone typing in Yandex the phrase “download a free movie we are from the future 2”, then your page where this key is located a phrase that can be returned from a Yandex search result. However, do not flatter yourself, your news will never be shown there unambiguously. From what? Take a look at the number of requests for this key phrase in a month - 15295.

Therefore, this suggests that this phrase has too many competitors and in order for someone to see your page in the first positions of the Yandex search results, you need to conduct a number of additional complex measures so that your page is in the first positions. What does this additional set of measures mean? It means advertising. In short, additional waste. Now I do not intend to go deep into the question of the basics of search engine optimization, because everything that I describe here is precisely this optimization. There is one main thing you need to understand. The service mentioned above - Wordstat.Yandex, you need to use only in order to understand what is in greatest demand on the Internet now. In addition, there is another service that is useful for determining which news is currently the most popular - this is the Yandex option - hot requests.

Methods for recruiting referrals on file hosting services

Most of the people who make money on file hosting are slowly beginning to figure out what is what and naturally begin to be interested in how they could further increase their income from file hosting.

One of possible solutions- this is the involvement of new people in the work of the system, in other words, referrals.

Who is the referral? A referral is a user who has registered on a file sharing service using your referral link. In the future, you will receive a certain income - which is a percentage of your referral's earnings. Do not be afraid to become a referral. This does not mean at all that being someone's referral you will have to share your income. Just everything network systems, including file hosting services, are directly interested in attracting new members. The more users who earn on file hosting, the more income of the file hosting service. That is why such a stimulating system is practiced.

This was a small introduction to the course of the matter, for those who did not know about making money on file sharing, and for the first time hears about the referral system.

So I myself first got acquainted with the idea of ​​making money on file hosting. Even now I remember in what bright colors it was painted about the possibility of making money on the Internet using file hosting services. I read it straight. And the most important thing is that at the end of the text it was typed in bold - “You need to register HERE”. Why does this method work well? Give specific example... In the text of my article - FAQ about making money on file hosting among SEO comments Dilettante wrote that she had been downloading files for a long time, but that it was quite easy to make money on file hosting, she had no idea.

Also, a huge number of users of network resources also download files, and they do not even know about the possibility of making money on this. All your referral links will fall into your hands target audience... Those who download files from file hosting services themselves can quite easily become intrigued by the opportunity to earn money after reading your letter. And in the future, they will easily replenish the number of your referrals.

Walk through friends

You probably have many acquaintances, both online and in real life. You do not live on a desert island. Be sure to communicate with someone. And now, during the crisis, in general, many people are sitting at home without money. Therefore, the possibility that your acquaintances will be interested in this information is quite high. The most important thing is not to fool people with fantastic numbers. Tell me honestly how much you yourself were able to earn on file sharing, etc. Give your friends objective and comprehensive information so that they can understand what they will face. And, of course, at the end of the conversation, leave them your referral link

Forums, blogs, sites and message boards

Are you a newbie? Then read carefully, the following information may be difficult for you, but, nevertheless, it is important. Moreover, you still need to start sometime, in general, be careful. If you use the services of sites to advertise your referral link, then it is best to use the CAP (active advertising system) like Wmmail.

Now I will not climb into the jungle. Just go around the site and consider everything, there is an opportunity to buy advertising - to place your text ad (referral link in mind) on other resources. Regarding forums, it is quite possible to buy links in the signatures of the most active forum participants, it is best that the forum be a webmaster.

An example is the forum forum.searchengines.ru. Find out who is active in communication on the forum, and get in touch with him (e-mail, personal, icq, etc.) and offer to buy a link in his signature.

Regarding the use of blogs - you need to find blogs on topics related to your activity. Start commenting on them, and where appropriate, leave your referral link. There is nothing complicated with message boards. You need to find the person who saddles your run of your link on different message boards. That is, it will place your information on thousands of boards. Such a specialist can be found by request in the search engine "run on bulletin boards", but it is possible through communication on the forum. Although everything is on the previously mentioned forum.searchengines.ru.

Maintaining own blog attracting referrals

I consider this method to be the best, for the person who does not understand where to recruit referrals. By starting now to list all the benefits of blogging, I run the risk of overstepping the scope of this page. You can look at this issue from any side, but it is still beneficial. Your personal blog, created specifically for file hosting services, will be beneficial to you not only as a source for attracting referrals, but also as a springboard for placing your files, which will be downloaded from file hosting services through your blog.

In addition, if you manage to promote your blog, then in the future you will receive income from the placement of someone else's advertising, and from the sale of links, and through the sale of partner goods, and not only from this.

Sergey Kolychev

Today we will talk about earnings on file hosting... It is also called making money by downloading files. Both of these concepts can be used.

This type of earnings is notable for the fact that you do not need to have your own website, any special skills or abilities. Everything is very simple and understandable for everyone. In this article, I described everything in detail, but the note turned out to be decent in volume. Therefore, be patient and be sure to read everything to the end. Then, in your head, the whole scheme of how people earn on FO (FO - short for file sharing) will take shape.

File sharing, what is it.

So, you can make money on this. You kill two birds with one stone: you can share files and earn money on the file sharing service. Yes, the FOs will pay money for the number of downloads.

Scheme of making money on file hosting.

As I said above, file hosting services pay to download your files. That is, in fact, for every download, you will receive a monetary reward. The scheme is insanely simple, you upload files to the file hosting service, give links to your friends, they download them, and you get money. This is, of course, simplified, in fact, there are some tricks here, which complicate the scheme a little. But they also allow you to earn more money.

What am I talking about? But about what, FOs do not pay for a separate download of the file, but for every 1000 downloads. For these 1k downloads, they pay from 5 to 15 (and more) bucks. Think about how many acquaintances you need to make at least one thousand downloads ... A lot, not everyone has so many acquaintances. Yes, even if there is, the amount will still turn out to be quite small, on average ten dollars. This is where you need some secret of making money on file hosting. We will talk a little below about how to ensure a large number of downloads without attracting acquaintances.

Why do file hosting companies pay us?

So that you would have a complete picture of what is happening in your head, I will say a few words about why FOs actually pay us money. After all, they are spent on the maintenance of their resource, they give us unlimited space for storing files. And they also pay money for their ride! In fact, everything is very simple. File hosting services make money on advertising themselves, as well as on the sale of premium accounts. They get decent money for this, and they share with us for the fact that we bring them traffic (visitors).

Advantages of FOs for website owners.

The undoubted advantage of file sharing is the ability to make money without your own website. But for site owners, there are also pluses. Firstly, you can make money by placing your files for download not on the site, but on the FD. And secondly, you can save money on hosting. Since we upload large files to file storage, we will need less disk space on the hosting. And accordingly you can choose tariff plan cheaper. Or place more sites on one hosting.

For site owners, generating income from file hosting can be called passive income. You don't need any gestures, costs and knowledge. I uploaded the files to the FO and that's it.

How to make big money by downloading files.

Let's move on to the most interesting part of the story - how to make money by downloading files as a decent source of money. The scheme, I think, you have already figured out. If there is a website where people download different files (music, videos, etc.), then we upload them to the file hosting service and get income. But if the site traffic is small, then the income will be tiny. And if you don't have your own website? Here we come to the point. I warn you right away, there is no freebie, you have to work hard and make some effort. But it's worth it, believe me. Let's move on to what needs to be done.

So, what we need to make money:

1) files to be posted on the FO which will be downloaded by people;
2) sites where we will post links to these files;
3) people who will actually download.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. We are looking for interesting files on the Internet, these are the files that are needed (interesting) by a large number of people. We download them to our PC, then we upload these files to the Federal District, we get special links to them. Then we look for entertainment sites with high traffic (as a rule, warezniks or news sites) and place links to our files there. Visitors to these sites see our links and download files for themselves. And we get income from file hosting.

The scheme as a whole is not complicated, but each stage has its own nuances. Let's take a closer look at each step.

Where to get interesting files for FO.

To make really good money on File Sharing, you have to work hard. First of all, you need to find relevant files that thousands and tens of thousands of people want to download. It can be any kind of data, everything that people download from the Internet. This category of files includes: a new video or song by a famous artist, a trailer for a new film and the film itself, music, codes for games, photo wallpapers, pictures for adults, programs for PCs, etc. You can't count everything. The more demanded the file, the more it will be downloaded and the more money you will get for it.

There are two ways to search for such files. The first one is on the same varezniki. Many of them show statistics on downloading a particular file. You can see what is being pumped more often and borrow it for yourself. You can also find the demanded file on torrents.

But the second way to find files is more interesting and productive. I'll tell you how I myself look for them. I go to Yandex statistics (wordstat.yandex.ru) and look for popular queries. I select different keys with the "download" prefix and select the most frequent ones. For example, at the moment the request "download mod tanks" has more than 100 thousand views! We are looking for the required file (information) in the same Yandex, download and upload to the Federal District. And then, looking ahead, we place a link to this file on the visited vareznik.

You can also search for queries not only in Wordstat, but also in search hints Yandex, where it shows the most popular queries, although it does not show their frequency. So, try to find as many such files as possible, do not be lazy, income will directly depend on this. More files, more money.

How to upload (upload, download) files to a file hosting service.

To describe the process of uploading files to a file hosting service, the slang "upload" and "upload" is also used. They mean the same thing - uploading a file. So, the first thing you need to do is register on the FO. It is advisable to create accounts for yourself not on one file hosting service, but on several. And here it is not only about increasing earnings. The fact is that many warezniki, where you will post links to your files, require that the file can be downloaded from different sources... Those. from different file storages.

Uploading a file to a file hosting service is very simple. Let's take a look at depositfiles as an example. The first thing we do is register on the site, log into the system, look for the link “download the file”, then “select the file” - specify the path to the file on the PC and click “download”. After your file is uploaded to the file hosting service, you will receive a special link to it.

Where to place links, we are looking for high-traffic products.

I am sure that you have come across such a concept as a wareznik or a warez site (from the English Warez). These are sites that illegally distribute various software, cracks, and other files. Typically, these sites are entirely composed of some news and links. As a rule, all news are divided into separate sections: programs, videos, music, etc. Some of the warezniks are very popular. These include sites with a daily audience of thousands of people. These are the high-traffic warehouses that we need. I think it's understandable, more visits - more people will see your links and download more.

Usually, the cooler the vareznik, the stricter there is moderation for adding links. Therefore, do not be lazy and be sure to read the site rules before adding links. Otherwise, they will all be deleted, and you will be banned.

You can search for warehouses with high traffic through search engines or popular ratings. In the search engines, you can search for the queries "list of warezniks", and various thematic queries with the prefix "download". For example, "download music", "download a program ...", etc. You can also search in popular ratings of RamblerTOP100, LiveInternet, mail.ru statistics.

At the first stage of work, you can download my list of warezniki. Just don't stop there, look for other sites with large audiences. Download the list.

The procedure for working with FO

To summarize all of the above, what will be your procedure for making money by downloading files.

1) Registration in FOs that pay money.
2) We select the types of files that you will work with, we are looking for sources where to get these files.
3) We are looking for varezniki, where we will post links to files, add them to bookmarks for convenience. Be sure to read the rules for adding links and news.
4) We register on warez sites, post links to our files.
5) We control the addition of our links, some varezniki (their moderators) may not miss your links. Perhaps you did something wrong. If everything was done according to the rules of the site, and the news was still not missed, then we no longer work with this vareznik.
6) Create news templates with links for quick posting.
7) We continue to post links to all found warezniki. We are gaining experience, we do not stop there.
8) After you have a good understanding of the process and want to increase the volume, we are looking for software that can automatically post news to warezniks. There is such software, it is paid, you will find it in Google.
9) We enjoy the results of labor, we make a profit.

The best file hosting services

There are a lot of file sharing services in the Russian Internet now. But not everyone is worth working with. For work, you need to choose only the best file hosting services. These are the ones who pay regularly and do not abandon their partners and referrals. Usually, according to the rules of a vareznik, you cannot post a link to a file on only one FD, but you need to have 2-3 pieces. Therefore, it is necessary to work with several FOs at once. I bring to your attention the best file hosting services with which I myself work.

How much can you earn on file hosting

I hope you have mastered the entire article, and now you understand that in order to get good earnings, you have to work a little. The more you put in your efforts and efforts, the more you will receive income. Moreover, the income will not appear immediately on the first day of work. The specifics are such that the first cents will begin to drip a few days after the start of work. But then there will be a gradual fading effect, i.e. quitting your job, you will still receive profit from the uploaded files for some time. So how much can you earn on file hosting? Let's count.

For example, you will spend 2-3 hours a day on all the work. During this time, you can find and fill 4-5 good files on the FD and post links to these files on 30-40 pages. Consider that this will be approximately 1000 links per week, and 30 thousand links per month. If varezniks are more or less visited, you can count on 5-10 downloads per day from one vareznik of one file. If the file is very popular there can be hundreds of downloads! So consider how much people earn on foil exchangers. It is quite possible to start earning $ 300-500 per month.

Hello, dear visitors to my Internet resource about making money on the Internet! Many users are looking for new, interesting and profitable ones. If you also want to diversify your activities and find a good source of additional income, then this article is for you. I will tell you how to start making money on file hosting services, what these resources are and on what basis the payment will be charged. You will receive step-by-step instructions on how to work, get acquainted with the most reliable and popular file hosting services and understand how much profit you can count on here. Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of such a part-time job described in this article, as well as having received valuable recommendations, you will be able to organize your activities more correctly and get the first profit faster.

What are file hosting services?

Surely, you have already used, or at least heard about file sharing (in other words - FO). These are specialized services on which you can host private and public files... Such services allow you to upload, store and download a wide variety of materials, including audio, video, documents, photos, software, etc.

Such platforms allow not only providing various materials for downloading to a wide audience of users, but also provide an opportunity to make good money on this. File hosting services themselves make money by showing ads, and also sell premium accounts, with which you can speed up downloads and get many other privileges.

Users who download files are rewarded for each download. To get a decent income, it will not be enough for you just to find interesting materials and upload them to the Federal District. You will also need to spend a little time attracting people who will follow your link and download the proposed materials.

Instructions for making money on file hosting

First, you need to choose a reliable service. I will provide you with a list of in-demand resources below. Having familiarized yourself with their conditions and features, you can choose the best option. Then your actions will be as follows:

  1. Registration on the selected file hosting. This is a standard procedure, during which you will need to provide the address of your Email and some personal data.
  2. Selection of the category and subject of the files that you are going to upload. As mentioned above, these can be films or series, high-quality pictures, audio tracks, programs, etc. It is important that the materials you offer are interesting for a wide audience of users.
  3. Search for a source. It is important that the materials you choose are of good quality. Therefore, special attention should be paid to finding a service from which you will take them.
  4. Archiving. Almost all file hosting services require uploading materials in archives. To do this, you can use special program- WinRAR or any other. This procedure will take you literally a few seconds.
  5. Downloading the archive to the selected FD. When you download the materials, you will be provided with a personal download link. You will need to copy it and post it on various online resources so that other people can use it to go to the file hosting service and download the materials, and you can get your earnings.
  6. Search for sites to post links. These can be both thematic groups on social networks, and various forums or news sites. In other words, all resources are suitable where you can recommend users to follow the link and download the information they need (document, program, video or audio, etc.).

Important! Some sites may require registration to be able to post comments. Go through the registration immediately, save all the login information (logins, passwords, etc.).

  1. Composing messages and placing them on selected resources. Your task will not only be to post a link, but also to provide users with an interesting description of the file you are offering, the benefits of downloading, and more.

Then you just have to wait until your file starts downloading. Keep in mind that this may not happen as quickly as you would like. Some linking resources check all comments. Moderation can take from one to several days.

Make good use of your free time - keep looking for new forums or other Internet resources and post your messages on them with links to the file hosting service. As you already understood, the more people download your files, the more income you can expect. Therefore, it is advisable not only to regularly publish links, but also to continue to upload new materials. Also, it will not be superfluous to analyze what is being downloaded by users more actively, and in the future focus on similar topics.

List of the best projects for cooperation

I bring to your attention a list of proven file hosting services, with the help of which anyone can earn:

Depositfiles- one of the oldest and most well-known file sharing services, which offers fairly favorable terms of cooperation. The level of remuneration here depends on the size of the uploaded file (the more the document weighs, the more payment is offered for it).

Turbobit- a reliable FO that consistently pays money even for incomplete downloads. The interface of the site is quite simple, payments are made every three days. By registering on this site, you will be able to upload files and receive monetary rewards for downloading them.

Gigapeta- an interesting resource that pays not for a certain number of downloads, but for the amount of traffic sent. That is, the more MB or GB users download, the more reward you will receive. It makes sense to upload larger files and get users to download them.

Filefactory- a file hosting service where you can upload various materials and get paid for every 1000 unique downloads. Payment here is charged in dollars, the minimum withdrawal amount is $ 100.

Mydisk- a little-known, but very profitable file hosting service offering earnings of 5 rubles for each download. This service has a limit on the amount of downloadable materials. So, one file should weigh no more than 100 MB.

Pay Per Install- an Internet resource that allows you to upload, store and download various information (photo and video, audio, documents, software, etc.). For each download you are entitled to 3.5 rubles. Withdrawing money is possible to popular payment systems, including WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex Money, etc.

Uploaded Is an online resource that has been operating since 2012 and offers everyone who wants to make good money by downloading files. Your responsibilities will include downloading the files and posting links to them on third party sites.

As you can see, there are quite a few platforms that offer good additional income. Study in more detail the terms of cooperation with them and the specifics of calculating payment, choose the most optimal option and start earning!

What income should you expect?

As for the possible level of profit, it will depend on several factors. First, your income will be directly influenced by what files you download and how popular they are. Secondly, the more times you post a link on the web, the greater your reward will be. Thirdly, the number of files you place will also affect the level of profit.

That is, the more time you devote to work, the more money you can earn. And even though they make money on file hosting, rather, in a passive way, you will have to seriously approach the search for sources to publish links, search for materials to download and analyze the work done.

If you are interested in specific amounts, then they differ on different file hosting services. On average, for 1000 downloads of a file, the size of which is 1-50 MB, you can get from 3 to 25 dollars... Materials from 1000 MB can bring you up to $ 50... If you download many of these files, you can earn passive income from them over time.

However, do not forget that in this area, as in any other, there is a lot of competition. Therefore, you will have to post links on the network every day, attract even more users, download even more high-quality files, analyze how popular they are, etc.

Active users earn on average from 300 to 700 dollars per month... This means that for the right approach such employment may well be a good source of basic income for you.

The advantages and disadvantages of such a side job

This type of earnings has its pros and cons. Before starting work, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them. So, the main advantages of making money on file hosting the following can be considered:

  1. Anyone can work, regardless of gender, age, education, etc. All that is required of you is basic computer and browser skills, and the ability to use the Internet.
  2. With the right approach, you can see your first profit in a few days. And after a month, your income will become more tangible. In this case, no investment is required from you, except for time.
  3. You will need to spend 2 to 5 hours a day on work. This is enough time to find suitable files, download them and post links to them on the network.
  4. You don't need to create your own website to make good money online.

In addition, you can do such work at any convenient time - in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. This means that you can successfully combine this activity with any other (for example, with your main job, study, raising children, etc.).

As for the disadvantages, then there are much fewer of them. First, you will need to ensure that your comments are moderated. To do this, you will need to study the rules of the forum or resource on which you publish the link, to make your messages look unobtrusive and do not look like spam.

Secondly, on almost all services where you will post links, you will have to register. And on some you will even need to develop an account to a certain level to be able to post with links.

Thirdly, you can only make good money if you regularly upload some materials to the Federal District. It's easy to guess that you won't get a good income from one or two files.

If you are ready for difficulties and have a desire to make money in your free time, then cooperation with file hosting services is quite suitable for you.

So, if you are a beginner and are just looking for a suitable type of activity for yourself, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some recommendations:

  1. Post links to files only on suitable resources in relevant topics. For example, advising you to download educational materials on some forum for young mothers, you are unlikely to get the desired result. Analyze the various sites and place your announcements only on those that correspond to the category of your file.
  2. Before starting cooperation with a particular project, familiarize yourself in more detail with the conditions and rules that it offers. If everything suits you, feel free to register on the site and start downloading various materials. To increase profits, it is advisable to cooperate with several file hosting services.
  3. Write interesting announcements. If you offer a link to a program, attach screenshots from it and make a good description. Your task is not only to provide a description of the file, but also to make this description for the seller, i.e. motivate the user to follow the link and download it. But it’s important not to overdo it so that your messages do not look intrusive.
  4. Attract referrals to the file hosting service with which you cooperate. Offer the opportunity to earn extra money to your friends, acquaintances and simply to netizens who are looking for additional income. Under the terms of the referral program, you will receive income as a percentage of the earnings of your referrals. It is also worth noting that many FOs allow you to earn money on the fact that users attracted by you will buy premium accounts, etc.

I hope that you have learned something interesting and useful for yourself from this article. Follow the tips above, take your responsibilities seriously, and you will definitely reach your desired income level. I wish you success in this!

Earnings on file hosting services in 2018 are still relevant. Best suited for webmasters. But even a person without a website can earn income through file sharing.

The essence of making money is as follows: you place your files on a file hosting service and share links to them. When someone downloads your file, you get a reward. More downloads, more money.

This method is great for webmasters. After all, having started making money on file hosting, everyone can double their income or even more. The main thing is the right approach.

Anyone who thinks that earnings on file sharing comes directly from downloads are very mistaken. These resources force the user to watch ads before jumping. In this situation, the file and its owner are a kind of traffic source for the file hosting service. Their task is to display ads in order to earn money, and yours is to bring a person and make him download the document.

There are also paid downloads, where you will need to pay to download the file. Or premium packages, which will remove ads and increase the capabilities of a member who buys a premium.

It is important to choose a quality file sharing service. You can even sacrifice profitability. After all, if the download is slow (for example: the real Internet speed is 10Mb / sec, and the download is happening at 100Kb / sec), then users will remember this site as "slow" and as soon as they see it, they will immediately close it.

After selection quality service you can start developing a plan. You have the right to choose any way to promote your link and you can even cheat a little in order to earn more. But more on that later.

Making money downloading files also requires vigilance. After all, some file hosting services download additional software along with the file. Mostly harmless, even useful. But do not forget that by doing this you yourself add garbage to the computer for those people who download this file. There are also unscrupulous projects that infect with viruses. Therefore, before you start making money, be sure to check the quality of the project for download speed and the presence of viruses.

Who is this income suitable for?

Making money uploading files suits everyone. It is enough to register on the site and find someone who is ready to download your file. Thus, even a schoolchild can earn money just by sharing an essay with his class.

The best file hosting services for making money


An excellent file hosting service. Up to 4.5 rubles per download. Good loyalty program, referral program + interesting conditions!

The loyalty program is as follows:

At the initial stages, your earnings will be small, but the above "career ladder" stimulates you to work to increase your activity and income, respectively.

File Seven

A young and very promising file hosting service. Unlike its competitors, it has a flat download rate. High profitability, attractive conditions and a team of young professionals are confidently leading File7 to success.

No ads are shown on the download page. Moreover, this page can now be customized. The owner of the file has the opportunity to choose the most suitable design or simply "disguise" as Yandex Disk or one of the popular sites.

File Seven pays 4 rubles for each unique download. The team is constantly updating the filtering system and bravely fighting all cheating attempts. So you won't be able to download the file 10 times and get 40 rubles.

If no one downloads the file within 30 days, it will be deleted. These limitations are common in many projects. Each download increases the storage of the file by 30 days (the lifespan does not accumulate, that is, if the file is not downloaded for more than 30 days, it will be deleted)

Cost action

This service unites 3 internet projects:

  • Turbobit.net
  • Hitfile.net
  • Wayupload.com

One of best services. High speed, the ability to upload files up to 4GB and even more. They pay roughly $ 30 per 1,000 downloads. All methods of earning money are combined on these services: advertising, sales of premium accounts, an affiliate program ... But what else do you need?

How to increase your income

To increase income, you need to better promote your material / link. Advertising is the engine of the process. Post links in thematic forums, come up with enticing titles and intriguing descriptions. Try to do your best to get the person to download the file.

How to increase income with a little trick?

This method requires a minimum investment (10-20r), while it will pay for itself immediately after payment. This quick way is not entirely honest and is considered a type of cheat. But at the same time, everything is fair. The file is downloaded by real people who might also be interested in it. The bottom line is simple - pay people to download, but less than what you get.

This is done with the help of CAP (Active Advertising Systems (they are also boxes)).

An example is WMRFast. There are thousands of such projects on the network. This is a kind of freelance exchange. We register on the site, then enter the account. There are dozens of types of advertising for advertisers, but we are interested in assignments.

  • go to "Tasks", which are on the left side of the site

  • set the specified search settings

  • check out current offers

  • replenish the advertising account and go to job management

  • We create a competitive job based on relevant offers from other advertisers. Set up favorable conditions for both parties (remember that the more attractive your offer, the more people will fulfill it)
  • we replenish the task and expect executions. You can wait either 5 minutes or 2 days. If no one completes your task within 2-3 days, you should raise it (cost 1 rub)

It is important not to deceive the performers and pay for each performance. Also, do not forget to check the performer for honesty. Pictures are best for such tasks. Small size and great opportunity to check if the task has been completed.

Evgeny Malyar


# Online business

Where and how much can you earn?

For example, Turbobit pays $ 30 for 1000 downloads of your file. Find out the tariffs and conditions of other services presented in the article right now.

Navigating the article

  • How to make money on file hosting
  • Where does the money come from
  • What can be downloaded
  • Content and copyright
  • Beginning of work
  • Promotion
  • Earnings
  • The best file hosting services for making money in 2020
  • Domestic and foreign file hosting services, TOP-5

It's hard to find someone who has never downloaded anything on the Internet. Movies and other videos, books, photographs, games, some programs and other products are usually available free of charge. But few have thought about why anyone would upload files for public use.

By uploading interesting content to file hosting, users provide themselves with the opportunity to receive passive income... How to implement this method of earning will be discussed further.

How to make money on file hosting

There are many ways to generate income on the Internet, and file sharing is one of them.

At its core, a file hosting service is a site that provides storage of large amounts of information and two-way access to them. This means that files can be downloaded and uploaded.

By posting this or that information on such a site, the user seeks to earn money. Profit-making schemes are not always clear to a beginner, and, to be honest, they are not of general interest to everyone. At the same time, people tend to strive to understand the processes in which they participate, and therefore this issue requires clarification.

Where does the money come from

There are only three sources of income for file hosting: download fees, sale of "premium packages" and earnings on advertising, traditional for all popular Internet resources.

Paid downloads

The scheme works very simply: the user has to pay a certain amount for the file. From the point of view of the owner of the material, this order seems to be the most logical.

In a general store that sells books, discs, or software, it is difficult to imagine a situation when the buyer demands to give him the goods for free. Free files are available on torrents.

Premium packages

A way that is obvious to everyone who has ever tried to download a movie or music album to their own computer. It consists in a proposal to do it very quickly. The visitor is given a choice between the increased speed at which information will come from the resource in just a few seconds (or minutes, depending on the size) and the usual channel, through which the same will sometimes last for hours.

For the time saved, you will have to pay some rather modest amount. The preferential treatment "premium" is purchased not forever, but for a certain period or in relation to a specific file, and not everyone is attracted. The reason is simple: why pay for what you can get for free? Cases of extreme and urgent need for information are quite rare, and the uploading process does not interfere with other activities at all. But there are objectively premium users and they bring their share of the income to file hosting.


This income is self-explanatory. Any platform that gathers a large number of visitors can serve as a means of promoting commercial products. It hosts affiliate links, announcements, banners. There is also a practice of mandatory waiting for the download to start, accompanied by a commercial.

So, how a typical file hosting site makes money is clear. Now it's time to move on to ways of filling it with content, without which the existence of a resource loses all meaning. Visitors come here to download something. They are looking for different information, and the wider the choice, the higher the probability of success.

What can be downloaded

Making money on files presupposes their presence. A legitimate question arises about the sources of information serving as content or capable of acting in its role, and different advisers answer it in different ways.

Exploitation of someone else's material

The simplest, and therefore the most common method of finding "hot" materials is to determine their popularity. The wordstat.yandex service will help with this, which will show how many searches in the search engine were made for a particular product. All that remains is to seize the desired file and move it to a file hosting service, but on your own behalf. The method is good and effective, if only because of its low labor intensity, but it has a number of disadvantages, especially in the aspect of copyright compliance (more on this later).

Own content

In fact, we are not talking about writing a literary work that is amazing in its artistic merit (although, of course, this approach can only be welcomed), but more often about using materials that are unique for some reason.

For example, a user owns a collection of acetate discs that he inherited from his great-grandfather. These vintage records can be digitized and made available to lovers of history and similar music. Another case - there is a filing of the magazine "Niva" for 1904 or "Workers" half a century ago, which remains only to scan. There are many options, but when implementing them, you should objectively assess the degree of likely popularity of such specific content.

Content and copyright

Any materials for which the copyright has already expired can be used as files.

In practice, this rule is often violated due to the problematic nature of control and the massive nature of the phenomenon. However, everyone who was looking for some music or movies on the Internet is familiar with the inscription on the screen, notifying of the deletion of the file at the request of the copyright holder. It should be borne in mind that file-hosting sites are not required to check information for compliance with intellectual property rights - all responsibility rests with the release. But these consequences do not frighten many at all - the worst thing that can happen is that the file will have to be deleted.

Beginning of work

Now that the main theoretical points are clear, it is time to move on to the practical points. Earnings from downloading, like any other, requires adherence to technological stages.

The sequence of actions in cooperation with file-sharing sites looks like this:

  1. Choose a thematic focus. An "omnivorous" release, focusing only on the popularity of certain materials, is practically doomed to failure in the same way as a copywriter who willingly undertakes any task, regardless of knowledge in one area or another. Those who are versed in the laid out material have the advantage.
  2. Register on the file hosting site;
  3. Create an electronic wallet (WebMoney is recommended as the most popular payment system);
  4. Upload content;
  5. Provide information support;
  6. Get income.

This scheme, of course, is described in general terms and needs clarification, especially in the part of the penultimate paragraph. Any, even the most high-quality and in-demand materials will not be downloaded in sufficient quantities for a normal income, if potential consumers do not know about their existence and location.


The advantage of making money on downloading is that the release does not sell anything, and therefore the rules that apply to almost all resources regarding advertising do not apply to his actions. You can use any channels to post links, including social networks, forums and other resources available. If you have your own site and it is popular enough, then nothing better can be thought of.

The most important channel for notifying the audience about the appearance of new content available for download is reasonably considered to be warez sites, the task of which is to advertise information, in particular news. They are a kind of virtual bulletin board where everyone can find something interesting for themselves.

The rules used by the releaser in the process of promoting the material posted by him, in general terms, correspond to the methods of marketing any other products, including with respect to:

  • selection of the target audience;
  • the brevity and capacity of the information provided in the accompanying text;
  • expressiveness of design means;
  • promises of positive impact.


Any commercial initiative begins with finding out how much you can earn on this or that activity, and cooperation with file hosting services is no exception. As in all similar cases, no one ever names a specific amount, and the possible “fork” of income is so wide that there is no point in specifying it.

The process of calculating earnings is made on the basis of one thousand downloads and on different resources ranges from three to 45 dollars, depending on the size of the uploaded file. Main criterion the amount of income - the number of downloads of your file.

You should not be discounted and the opportunity to earn money using referral links, attracting new users and getting a percentage of their income.

The best file hosting services for making money in 2020

All sites for making money for the uploaded files can be conditionally divided into Russian and foreign. They also differ in the amount available free of charge for filling by each of the releasers.

Some of the listed file-sharing sites pay for the installation of adware, which simultaneously relieves the user of annoying banners and ads. You can read about these and other additional conditions on the registration page.

Domestic and foreign file hosting services, TOP-5

The top of the best file hosting services that pay for downloading have been compiled according to various criteria. In 2020, it looks like this.

maccase.ru - Android. Brands. Iron. news