
Out of Vodafone package? Connect a new one yourself. How to find out your tariff for vodafone quickly and for free Vodafone how to find out your tariff plan

Vodafone red S tariffs.

Subscription fee - 30 UAH. per month. For this payment, the client receives a set of such services: Local calls - completely unlimited Mobile 3G web - tariff 500 Mb Calls to all networks in Ukraine and European countries where Vodafone operates - 30 minutes per month SMS, MMS - 30 units per month. Red S - perfect for those who mobile web not so often needed.

How to find out your MTS tariff

For social users Facebook networks, Twitter, Instagram and messengers Viber, WhatsApp, the indicated tariff will be just the right choice, because web traffic is not taken into account (funds are not charged from the balance) when using these mobile applications. Direct your attention - the Vkontakte network was excluded from the list of resources. Every month you need to pay 50 UAH. for the Red M tariff. Not counting the unlimited calls within the Vodafone network, the following services will be available to subscribers:

Mobile 3G web - 2 GB Calls to all networks of Ukraine and European countries where Vodafone operates - 50 minutes per month SMS, MMS - 50 units per month.

Tariff Red L (Red L)

The most overhead tariff in the Vodafone tariff line. For a month you need to pay 90 UAH. But with all this, the volume of prepaid web traffic will be 5 GB. Calls from within the network are fully unlimited. Calling outside the Vodafone network, however, is very profitable. To do this, you will have only 90 minutes. This is more, if in 2 cheaper tariffs of the Vodafone Red line. But in terms of daily spending, 3 minutes a day is not enough.

Another tradition is laid in the Red tariffs from Vodafon, which is the following. If the month of using the tariff is over, and there are not enough funds on the account, then the nice conditions will not work. Instead of them, Vodafone offers packages of services for just 1 day. And these tariffs will be automatically connected for you and will be released for you in terms of 1 month (UAH 90, UAH 150 and UAH 270) much more expensive.

Red S for a day - 3 UAH with a set of services: unlimited calls within the MTS Ukraine network, 100 Mb web, 3 min. calls to all networks of Ukraine and 3 pcs. SMS / MMS.

Red M for a day - 5 UAH with a slightly huge range of services: unlimited calls within the network MTS Ukraine, 200 Mb web, 5 min. calls to all networks of Ukraine and 5 pcs. SMS / MMS.

Red L for a day - 9 UAH: unlimited calls inside MTS Ukraine network, 500 Mb web, 9 min. calls to all networks of Ukraine and 9 pcs. SMS / MMS.

When the package volume of services is exhausted, whether per month or per day, the following prices will apply in Red tariffs: every 500 MB -10 UAH, a minute of calls to operators in Ukraine and to 62 countries of the world - 0.50 UAH. per minute, sending an SMS message - 0.50 UAH. a piece.

How to connect to one of the Vodafone Red tariffs.

Purchase a new starter pack. According to the deflot, the Red S tariff will operate on it. To switch to a more expensive tariff, you need to pay the difference between the price of tariffs. For tariffs Red M - 20 UAH, but for Red L - 50 UAH. It may be possible to switch from any MTS Ukraine tariff to Red by typing a combination of ID numbers on your mobile phone:

When switching from MTS to Vodafone, no fee is charged, but for the tariff to start operating, you need to deposit UAH 30, UAH 50 on the account. or 90 UAH depending on your choice. The operator says that the transition is free, but there is no sense in playing on words. Spend the funds anyway.


Tell me how to find out your own tariff on vodafone, otherwise. Edgar_Note asks: Tell me how to find out your own on vodafone rate, otherwise I can not find the information. Vodafone Ukraine. Detailed information: 111 - no kostel from mobile Vodafone in Ukraine 0800 400 111. Upfront payment. Private Clients. For Business. How to find out which one is mine tariff plan and the term. How to know what is mine with MTS Ukraine Vodafone you can find out your own tariff the contract... Contract: Tariffs: Private clients: Vodafone. Vodafone Red XL Contract - use it now How to get Vodafone Red XL tariff: Learn more :. USSD teams of Kyivstar, MTS (Vodafone) and lifecell (life. How to know mine rate from Kyivstar, MTS, Life for 10. The easiest and fastest ways to find out your tariff from Kyivstar, MTS or Life using. Important information | Kyivstar. how to find out your tariff contract. All over 110; You can find out your tariff in several. USSD commands from the operator Vodafone Ukraine. Required commands to manage your number with the operator Vodafone tariff Like. How to quickly check the balance on Vodafone. Check the account and other services with the operator Vodafone sim in your own, not vodafone as. Tariffs Vodafone Red S M L - 2015. Reviews and general. If you have not replenished your tariff on time and find out the reason for blocking and how Vodafone is.

Most users don't know their data plan for a variety of reasons. Among which the most common are:

  • long duration of its use;
  • the package of services was offered by the manager of the communication salon.

The subscriber is satisfied with the services, pays for them, and does not care much about the name of his tariff plan from Vodafone.

But as soon as the time comes, the tariff plan must be changed by your own decision or a notification from the operator about the termination of the tariff product. To organize an effective transition to a new one, you will need to know your current tariff. How to find out the tariff from Vodafone promptly and for free - we will tell you.

Service center services

All Vodafone subscribers know the short number 111, which is a voice menu through which you can instantly get the most important information... This method is a priority, since you can use it with the simplest mobile phone, without 3g internet and without a mobile application.

How to find out your current tariff from your mobile:

  1. Dial 111.
  2. Press the call button.
  3. In tone mode, press key 1 and hear information about the tariff plan installed on this telephone set.
  4. By pressing key 1 again, you can get information on the terms of the current tariff plan.

Tariff archive

Each tariff plan has a specific validity period, after which the products are included in the tariff archive. Such a fate befell very popular products, such as:

  • Vodafone,;

The status of the archived tariff does not allow for its transition, but allows it to be fully used by those who installed it earlier. For users with an archive tariff, the method will be relevant -. Since in system 111 you can not only navigate through the menu items, but also, by pressing the 0 key, wait for a response from a live operator.

My Vodafone System

Owners of new generation phones, smartphones, which are pocket computer having installed once, they can multiple times in one click:

  • find out the current tariff and change it to a new one;
  • top up your account without commissions;
  • check the balance for service packages.

Application fee and mobile traffic No vodafone will be charged. The only condition is Internet access.

The easiest way

The fastest way is to send a USSD command, which allows you to instantly receive a pop-up message on the phone screen with the name of the Vodafone tariff. All that is required is to remember the combination of the USSD code:

  • * 101 # - for clients of Vodafone Ukraine Prepayment;
  • * 110 * 21 # - for Vodafone Ukraine Contract clients.

The service is provided free of charge.

Knowing how to check the tariff plan, you can always get necessary information and make a decision:

  • stay with the usual package of services;
  • go to a more progressive one.

The mobile operator Vodafone, operating in Ukraine, has launched a loyalty program that attracts many subscribers. Vodafone Bonus is a special promotion that allows you to exchange the accumulated Vodafone bonuses for valuable prizes, large discounts, codes for online games and much more. The client of Vodafone gets access to a kind of cashback: he spends money from his account, and in return receives points for a profitable exchange. Learn how to check bonuses for Vodafone Ukraine, as well as to use them correctly, from this material.

Loyalty program

The essence of the Vodafone Bonus loyalty program is, in principle, standard: the subscriber spends more money, using the services of the operator Vodafone, and receives a certain number of points for this. Points are accumulated, and subsequently the client exchanges them for valuable gifts.

Connection and use of bonuses

In order to take part in the Vodafone Bonus loyalty program and be able to independently choose the gifts available to receive, the company's client must send an SMS message containing the corresponding request to number 820. The number 5 is written in the request sent to the operator.

You can use points after accumulating the required amount on the bonus balance. Their number is easy to check, and the procedure for checking bonuses for Vodafone Ukraine itself is divided into two categories: for customers connected on a prepaid basis and those who are served on a contract basis.

To select the desired gift, go to the list of offers, which can be found at the link www.bonus.vodafone.ua. Here it remains only to choose the option you like and enter your telephone number, to which an SMS containing a promotional code will be sent.

The exchange is made in one of the following categories:

  • clothes;
  • cosmetic products;
  • food delivery;
  • trips;
  • concert tickets;
  • SMS packages and much more.

For example, if a subscriber who is a member of the Vodafone Bonus stops at the item "SMS packages", he will be presented with a full list of relevant services. One hundred bonuses accumulated on the Vodafone account are exchanged for ten text messages, and for eight hundred points the client can get one hundred SMS.

Important! On the bonus.vodafon.ju portal, you can find both recommended reward options and a complete list.

If you sort gifts by groups, offers from the desired category will be displayed. Both one tab and several at once are marked.

The procedure for awarding points:

  • one point is equal to one hryvnia spent by the Vodafone client on cellular communication and mobile internet;
  • calculating with bank cards or accounts in electronic payment systems, the subscriber will receive one point for five spent hryvnia;
  • for the connected Internet, five points per day come to the bonus balance by default.

How to check bonuses on Vodafone

In order to find out how many Vodafone Bonuses have accumulated on the subscriber's account, you must use one of the following verification methods:

  • prepaid basis: sending a USSD request * 777 * 1 # or sending a free SMS message to 20172 .;
  • contractual basis: sending a USSD request * 110 * 14 #.

Can bonuses be exchanged for cash?

Changing the accumulated Vodafone Bonuses is possible only by sending a USSD command. In return you can get extra minutes communication, top up the phone balance, as well as purchase certificates that allow you to make purchases in online stores, supermarkets and other services.

For example, a Vodafone subscriber who has accumulated a sufficient number of bonuses is entitled to a discount in the following stores:

  • supermarket "Rozetka" for two hundred points provides a 10% discount on the purchase of phones and accessories for them, goods for animals, household chemicals, food and so on. To do this, the subscriber must send the command * 777 * 2 * 529 #;
  • the presence of six hundred bonuses allows you to purchase natural cosmetics in the beyond.com.ua store with a 20% discount by sending a request * 777 * 2 * 514 #;
  • the accumulated eight hundred Vodafone bonuses give the right to receive a discount of one hundred hryvnia for the purchase of children's clothes in the greenmama.com store. The required USSD request is * 777 * 2 * 519 #.

You cannot exchange the collected bonuses on Vodafone for money, but they will be useful to people who value the opportunity to study and read new books:

  • three hundred Vodafone bonuses - this is a 10% discount when purchasing the books "Vidavnitstva Old Lion". To do this, send the command * 777 * 2 * 111 #;
  • four hundred points - a 10% discount on a subscription to all journals on the journals.ua website. The required combination is * 777 * 2 * 523 #;
  • to receive a 25% discount on training at EShKO, you need to send a request * 777 * 2 * 522 #.


All Vodafone subscribers wishing to donate some amount to charity can send five Vodafone Bonuses for this. For more than five years, the Vodafone operator has been helping children from poor families and those with serious illnesses and need surgery.

More information about the charity event can be found on the official website of the company.

Transfer of five points from a subscriber account to a charitable foundation is carried out by sending a request * 777 * 2 * 05 #.

So, after studying this article, we can conclude that participation in the Vodafone Bonus loyalty program really brings tangible benefits to the subscriber, especially if he knows how to check the number of accumulated points and successfully exchange them for the necessary gifts.

Found in the vastness of Vodafone Ukraine a cool option available to a limited number of tariffs. As luck would have it, do not remember the name and now looking for a way to find out your Vodafone tariff? You are at the right place, we will tell you about 4 verification methods for prepaid subscribers and options for a contract form of service.

Method 1. The easiest and fastest way is to use special short USSD commands, the processing of which takes a few seconds for the operator. Combine business with pleasure - find out the balance and the current tariff plan with one request.

You will also find useful USSD requests to clarify the remaining package of services for the tariff, call and content management.

How to check the Vodafone tariff by calling the service center

Method 2... If you have enough time or need to listen to the information on the tariff, please contact directly to the voice menu by number 111 ... The answering machine will ask you to find out information about the number and the tariff - press the button 1. The name of the current tariff plan will be announced immediately.

  • Point one ( key 1) will give a detailed description of it;
  • Number pressed 2 will expand information about the tariffs available for the transition;
  • 3 will tell you about the changes in the tariffication of services;
  • 4 will allow you to check the account;
  • 5 - top up, and after clicking 6 you will be told about all the expenses you have made recently;
  • Select the appropriate item, and if you decide to chat with the operator, click 0 .

With the help of "My Vodafone"

Method 3. You can enter the "My Vodafone" system from the official Vodafone website or through mobile app... In the corresponding item "Menu" you can check which tariff plan is installed and, if you wish, change it. The only thing that is needed for this is the Internet.

Method 4. You can find out the tariff by the phone number on the website in one more way. Write to the chat, indicating the number of the tariff plan of which you are interested. The collapsed helper is in the lower-right corner of any resource page. Click and it will unfold so that you can ask questions of interest.

Checking the tariff for contract clients

In addition to subscribers who receive prepaid communication services, Vodafone serves users of the "Contract". All of the above methods are also relevant for them, the only difference is in the USSD request code required to check the balance.

To check the Vodafone tariff on a contract basis, enter the following query: *110*21# .

Thanks to one of the methods described in the article, you know about the current tariff plan, you can change or optimize it at your discretion. Good luck!

Ukrainian MTS operator Vodafone is widespread in the country, in view of which the question of how to check the account balance arises often. Consider detailed instructions, how to find out the balance on Vodafone independently or with the help of company employees.

The most convenient, affordable and fast way checking account balance for Vodafone subscribers is checking via USSD request. This can be done as follows:

  1. dial from the phone whose account you are interested in * 101 #;
  2. press the call button;
  3. wait until the information of interest appears on the screen.

With a USSD request, the display will show information about:

  • the validity period of the specified number;
  • information on the tariff;
  • remainder Money on balance.

Checking the balance through the Service Center

If for some reason the subscriber is unable to make a USSD request, or it is necessary to check the balance on his own account, and the SIM card is not connected, always contact the Vodafone Contact Center for help.
Also, often due to network failures or poor communication signal, USSD requests may not be completed or take too long.

You can call the operator's Contact Center at 111 (for calls from mobile phones) or by number 0 800 400 111 (for calls from landline telephones).
When the above number is dialed, the answering machine is first turned on, following the instructions of which you can go to the desired menu item. In addition to checking the balance on the balance, the Contact Center allows you to find out the details of your tariff, connect or disconnect services, familiarize yourself with the list of existing services.

If you are interested in how to find out the balance on Vodafone through an operator, then you can connect to it as follows:

  • call 111;
  • wait until the answering machine is connected;
  • press "0";
  • wait for the operator;
  • ask a question of interest.

If the operator does not connect for several minutes, then the subscriber can choose either to continue waiting (unfortunately, with loads, it will not be possible to say exactly how long it will take), or to connect to a paid line, which provides a quick response. The cost of the paid line of the Vodafone Contact Center is 50 kopecks per minute.

Important! If possible, it is better to call from landline phone by the above number. As a rule, the waiting time is reduced in this case.

How to find out the balance on Vodafon online

Many users prefer to find out the balance and receive other information on their tariff using the Internet. This can be done through the Ukrainian version of the MTS website - MTS.ua.

After entering the address bar of mts.ua, you must select the transition to the Online-chat in the lower right part of the screen.
To connect to a consultant, you will have to enter your phone number. Please note that you can get information regarding the balance on the balance, connected or disconnected services, performed transactions, etc. you can exclusively for your phone number. To confirm the identity, the operator can ask questions, as well as ask for personal data.

By connecting to the chat, you can both find out the balance on Vodafon, and change the tariff, etc.

With the help of these 3 methods, Vodafon subscribers will be able to clarify at any time how much money, free minutes and SMS are left in their account.

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