
Installing the mail agent. What is a mail ru agent, why users need it. Problems logging into the Agent

In ancient times, when mammoths still walked the earth, there were two main messengers - ICQ and Agent.mail.ru. It's a joke - the agent appeared much earlier than the mammoths. In short, you understand that this program was at the origins of the modern culture of sending electronic messages. Having appeared much earlier, or, Mile Agent still remains popular among a wide variety of people. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to download Mail.ru Agent on a Windows 7 computer for free - now the program has the official name Video Chat in Agent. The emphasis on video chat was not established by chance - this function is in great demand at the moment. Installation instructions are provided at the end of this article.

About the app.

A modern messaging application is bound to provide a lot of functionality by default. It is already difficult to do without the ability to create group chats, send photos and videos, use stickers and organize video calls. All this is in Mile Agent ru. The developers have not stood still all the years that the service has existed, so they are well versed in the needs of their audience.

Therefore, you can easily find everything you need in the agent - and the corresponding functions are located in the places where you expect to find them. This is due to the developer's rich experience in creating such applications - after all, ICQ is also owned by this company at the moment. By the way, if you like ICQ more, then you can use it through an agent - the corresponding feature was added long ago by the authors. In a word, the multifunctionality and thoughtfulness of the application is amazing - let's take a closer look at all this splendor.

Interface and functionality.

To enter the agent, you must have an account - it is linked to a mobile number. If you have not created an account yet, then you will have to indicate your mobile number. At the same time, the ability to select a code for any country is available - you can register using the number of any state. This shows the focus of developers on the global, and not just the Russian market.

After entering, you will need to wait for the receipt of an SMS with a confirmation code, which must be entered in the appropriate field. You can also request an incoming call - then the code will be dictated to you by the autoinformer. Once entered, you will be logged in automatically. By the way, the procedure for registering and logging into the Mail agent can be carried out from a PC, which we did while preparing this review.

Then you just have to indicate your first name and last name in order to start using the program fully. You can also take data from Facebook - the ability to synchronize with this social network is present by default. All other data - such as date of birth, photo and just information about yourself, you can specify at any time by going to the profile settings. However, this is not required at all.

The program interface is very simple and will be understandable to any user. At the bottom, you will see a panel with four main tabs. These are calls, channels, chats and settings. All the rich functionality of the messenger is contained in these four pages.

However, initially they will all be empty - after all, you have not yet made any calls and participated in correspondence. It's very simple to start them - you just need to click on the button with the pencil and select the interlocutor from the address book. You can add it there in advance using the appropriate function - it is located in the upper right corner of the application window.

Extra features.

An important feature of a modern messenger is the presence of channels to which you can subscribe to receive this or that information. Users have long been accustomed to reading news in social networks, without going beyond their limits to profile sites - and now it's the turn of messaging programs. It is very convenient to read the information you are interested in right there, having access to it in two clicks. And this opportunity is also available in the Agent.

Popular publications and original creations of users are presented here. If you wish, you can create your own channel to share with users your works, poems, paintings or just thoughts. At the same time, the channel can be both public - any users can get into it - or closed. In the second case, applications for membership will be considered by the administrator.

Naturally, you will be able to fully manage your channel - for example, moderate posts and membership. Even in an open channel, you can ban an unwanted person - sometimes this is the only way out.

Over time, you will have many different correspondences and channels added. To get quick access to what you need at the moment, you just need to use the convenient search bar - it always hangs at the top of the window. Just enter your username, channel, or any other keyword to quickly get to relevant results.

Installing Mail.ru Agent on a PC.

  1. Start the selected emulator.
  2. If you have Bluestacks, then when you log in, you will need to immediately log into your Google account. This is necessary to be able to download applications from the Google Play store. If you do not have an account yet, click on the “Create a new account” inscription in the emulator interface.
  3. Nox will also require authorization, but only after clicking on the app store icon - it is located on the desktop of this program in a folder called “Google”.
  4. Once logged in, you can use all the features of the store. To search for the required application, type its name in the search bar and click on the magnifying glass icon or the Enter key.
  5. A window with search results or the page of the desired program will open immediately. You just have to click on the install button and wait while the file is downloaded.

What is Mile Ru Agent? This article will talk about this communication tool. Let's consider what it is for, how to install it on a computer and phone. We will also use the settings of the Agent's Mail for work.

What is Mile Ru Agent? What tasks does it solve

Hello, friends! There are many different messengers on the Internet that help people communicate with each other. Today, we will talk about one of them - Mile ru Agent.

So what is Mile Ru Agent? This is a special program (or application for your phone) with which you can send instant messages to other users over the Internet. However, communicate with people through voice and video calls.

The first launch of Mail.ru agent on the Internet happened in 2003. It was developed by the well-known company - Mail.ru, and it still maintains the functionality of this program. Mile ru Agent can be used for free on a computer, phone, tablet and other gadgets.

What tasks does this messenger solve? Let's take a quick look at a few of them:

  1. Sends messages quickly. Of course, at the very beginning of using the Agent's Mail, you will not have contacts. Over time, when they appear on your list, you can send text, video, pictures and other files to users.
  2. Creation of new groups and channels. This messenger has special settings that will not only help you add contacts, but also create groups and channels in it on different topics.
  3. Voice and video calls. These communication tools work in this program in the same way as in Skype. The main thing is that you have it.
  4. Has the ability to quickly find contacts. The messenger has a built-in search through which you can find the added contacts of people.

These are the main tasks that Mailru Agent solves. Next, we will install this program and analyze its settings in practice.

How to install Agent Mail ru on a computer

Agent Mile ru is installed on your computer quickly. To enter it, you need and use the data to enter this messenger.

Now, let's move on to installing it on your computer. Open Mail.ru search in your browser. Next, click at the top of the site sections panel - "All projects" and from the "Other projects" section select the item - "Mail.Ru Agent" (Screen 1).

This site will immediately open - "agent.mail.ru/windows". It will offer several types of messenger installation:

  • on Windows;
  • MAC OS;
  • Android;
  • WEB (installation in a browser on a computer).

In our case, select the first installation option and press the button - "Download Agent" (Screen 2).

After that, the installation file of the Agent Mail will start downloading to your computer. Next, go to the "Downloads" section and right-click on the downloaded file. Then, select the menu section - "Run as administrator" (Screen 3).

Then the installation wizard of the Agent Mail program will open for you (Screen 4).

Click "Install" to start installing it. And confirm with the button "I agree (a)" the rules of the messenger.

Installation does not take long, about 1–2 minutes. After its completion, a program file will appear on your computer desktop that you can run.

In the program login window, write Email from Mile ru and the password that you specified during registration on this mail (Screen 5).

Installing Agent Mail.ru in the browser

To quickly launch the program - Agent Mail.ru, you can use the download option through the browser. To do this, we open the site of this messenger and select the section of the download file - "Web" (Screen 6).

Before entering this program, you will be prompted to enter data from your mail to Mile ru, and only after that you will be able to use it.

How to install the program on the phone

You can also install Agent Mail ru on your phone. This is done as follows. Go to the official website of this agent - "agent.mail.ru". Next, click on the "Android" section. After that, Google Play will be opened with this program (Screen 8).

Click on the "Install" button and Mail.ru Agent will be installed on your Android phone. You can also enter it using the data from your Mail account.

Briefly about the settings of Agent Mail ru

So, we learned what Mailru Agent is and how to install it on a computer and phone. Now, let's briefly talk about the settings of the Agent Mail. Let's open them first. Press the button “Settings” at the bottom of the messenger (Screen 9).

Then, we will be able to see a list of different settings that we can use to work with the Mail Agent (Screen 10).

Let's list its main settings to understand how they work:

  1. Section of the main settings. In it, you can configure the application to launch, show it on the taskbar or in the tray.
  2. The next settings are "Notifications". In them you can configure sound notifications for outgoing messages and notifications that come to Mail ru.
  3. Using privacy. The "Privacy" setting will help you ensure anonymity in this messenger and add unnecessary contacts to the ignored list.
  4. Setting "Appearance". In this setting, you can change the background of chats, font size and themes of the Mail.ru Agent.
  5. Settings item "Stickers". There are various pictures in the form of stickers that can be sent to users along with the text of the message.
  6. Voice and video. These settings allow you to configure your microphone and camera for voice or video communication.
  7. Setting up hotkeys. For convenient control of this messenger, you can use the hot keys that are registered in its settings.
  8. Language setting. In this section, you can select any language and change it. For example, into Russian, English, Ukrainian, French, Portuguese and so on.

There is also a section "Write to us" through which any user of this messenger can send messages to technical support. Thus, asking them various questions about any technical problem that has arisen.

At the very bottom of Agent Mail.ru there is a section "About the program". It provides brief information about this product.


In the article, we considered the question of what Mile ru Agent is, and why users need it. Of course, any person will decide for himself which messenger he needs to communicate and work via the Internet. When downloading the messenger to your computer, pay attention to the fact that it is downloaded from the official website. This will help you keep your computer safe.

Also Mile ru Agent is convenient to use, it is suitable for every person and those who first start working on a computer and on the Internet. Thank you and all the best!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

P. SYou can also use other messengers for communication.

The program for communication both by video communication and simply by voice, with sending messages to other users of mail ru is completely free. This is a very convenient program and at the moment is considered one of the most advanced, along with Skype, it continues to develop and update, making it even easier for its users.

Mile ru agent free download

You can download the mail.ru agent absolutely free of charge from the official website at this link. There you can also choose the version of the agent, either the latest for windows, or for mobile or for Mac OS. Read the agent's capabilities and other interesting information.

Set mail ru agent

It is very easy to install the agent on your computer, after you have downloaded it, left-click the file 2 times and click install as in the picture below. The program will prompt you to install an agent, you can read their security policy if you are interested.

Wait until the installation of the agent is complete and a new window will open in which you will need to enter your username and password from. You can also enter by phone number, if it is more convenient for you, by clicking on the corresponding inscription below, as in the picture. Uncheck the box if you want the program to remember you and you would not enter your username and password every time you log into the agent, or leave it as it is.

After you have entered all the data, you will finally appear in the agent itself, where you can start adding your friends, relatives and colleagues to your contacts. Chat with them and make video calls, mail ru support will already be in your contacts by default.

How to delete mail ru agent

If for some reason you are tired of the agent's mail and you want to delete it, not just to the trash, but completely all files under a clean one, then this is very easy to do! Go to "my computer" and select "Uninstall or change a program"

If you have any other questions about the agent, write in the comments, do not hesitate! Good luck and good mood to everyone.

If you have a mailbox on the mail.ru server, this means that you can also use the Mail.Ru Agent application, and the online version of this convenient and simple program is already available to you. After all web Agent Mile Ru built into the postal service.

How to use the web version of the Agent

As soon as you are logged into your mailbox, the online version of this program is launched. To find its window, you need to scroll the browser to the very bottom - there will be a small Agent panel.

That's what it is Mile Agent online, in which you can use the following functions:

Advantages of mail ru Online agent

The online version of the Agent is very easy to manage and does not require either computer space or installation time. It is enough to log in and just go to your mail, where you can open the Agent online.

Most of the features of this application are also available in the web version. Here you can quickly add to contacts everyone with whom you corresponded by mail, or find a person using his last name and first name, icq or e-mail number.


Mail.Ru Agent has become an excellent continuation of the ICQ that has lost its popularity, and the version mail ru Agent online successfully combines lightness and simplicity of computer resources with a large selection of available functions for communicating with friends.

Clients are beginning to be created, which can significantly increase the comfort of their use. Before the appearance of clients, communication took place exclusively through browsers, which significantly reduced functionality. An example is Mail.ru Agent Online, which can be installed on various types of devices.

In general, we can say that you can install the application on almost any device in order to use the service in question. At the same time, the functionality on all devices will be almost the same.

Where can I download the app?

You should install the application only from trusted sources. Recently, viruses and Trojans have been spreading quite often under popular applications.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the likelihood of damage to the operating system of the device, it is recommended to download the installation file from official stores or from the portal itself.

Launch Mail.Ru Web Agent

In conclusion, we note that the Mail.ru Webnich Agent is not inferior to other messengers. It has a wide range of functions, for example, sending stickers and animated cards. It is possible to create group chats in which several dozen system users can communicate.

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