
Far Manager is a free file manager for Windows. Far Manager - file manager Where to download headlights

I'm sure that many people use some kind of file manager, and most probably use one of the most popular - Total Commander. For those who do not know what it is file manager I'll tell you in a nutshell. The file manager is a program that provides a convenient and multifunctional interface for working with the entire file system and the files themselves, respectively. Basically, file managers are created in order to speed up work with the following frequently performed actions: create, edit, delete, search for files, rename, copy, move, open / play / view, change attributes and properties, assign rights, etc. Others In other words, file managers are not only convenient in daily work, but also significantly save costs for unnecessary mouse clicks. There are file managers in which a large number of additional functions, which are not always needed by every user. Therefore, I was looking for myself so that by default there was the very minimum of functionality, but at the same time I needed the ability to add additional modules (plugins) with which you can increase functionality... And the most basic search criterion was a simple and minimal interface that would not distract from work, but contained all the essentials and frequently used ones. Of course, almost all file managers met similar criteria, and most of them contain a number of settings with which you can customize both the interface and functionality. There are both paid and free, the choice is still quite large. I chose for myself Far Manager, which, in fact, will be discussed today.

Far Manager Is a free console file manager for Windows.

Have Far Manager there is a fairly large abundance of plugins, using which you can firstly increase the capabilities of the program, and secondly, make this file manager more convenient for yourself.

As I said just above, there are a large number of file managers with quite different interfaces. But the most convenient in my opinion is the file manager made in the form of two columns, which allows you to carry out various operations with files much faster. Accordingly chosen by me Far Manager contains two columns in its interface.

Of course team Windows string weak enough compared to UNIX systems, but still there. And the file manager Far Manager supports work with command line, which allows you not to switch between two windows, but to interact with working with files and with the command line. I mainly use the command line on Windows when developing some kind of software and I had to use very often Far not only as a file manager, but also as a convenient tool for working with the command line. But now I found for myself, which has a very convenient tool for working with the command line, and Far Manager now I use it exclusively in working with directories, files and archives.

V Far there is quite good support for working with FTP... But for some reason I got so accustomed to my work that the support FTP in Far Manager I practically do not use it, although everything is done quite conveniently and simply.

You can endlessly describe the capabilities of the FAR file manager, since there are a number of plugins that significantly increase the capabilities of the program. I just talked about some of the program functions that I often use, everything else can be added as needed, and the fact that it comes by default with the basic functions of the file manager is a big plus, since each user will collect from Far Manager such as he needs.

Installing FAR Manager

In order to install the file manager, you need to download it from the official website, where several versions are available for download. Far Manager, namely:

  • for x86 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)
  • for x64 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)

In my case, I will download the version v2.0 for x86 installer msi file ... In order to download exactly the version that you need, you need to go to the following link - http://www.farmanager.com/download.php. I downloaded Far Manager from the following link - http://www.farmanager.com/files/Far20b1807.x86.20110203.msi.
Now I need to run the downloaded file, I have the file name http://www.farmanager.com/files/Far20b1807.x86.20110203.msi.
After starting the installation file, a welcome window will appear, in which you need to click the button Next to continue.

The next window prompts you to read the license text, in which you need to check the box I accept the terms in the License Agreement(I accept the terms license agreement) if you agree with all the terms of the license. Then you need to press Next to continue.

The next window offers installation for both the current user and all users of the system:

  • Install just for you (Admin)(Install for current user only)
    Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-user folder and be available just for your user account. You do not need local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed in the current user folder and will be available only for account this user. You do not need to have administrator rights.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Documents and Settings, namely in the user's folder.
  • Install for all users of this machine(Install for all users of this computer)
    Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-machine folder by default and be available for all users. You can change the default installation folder. You must have local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed for all users of the system. You can change the default installation folder. You must have administrator privileges.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Program Files.

Then you need to press Next to continue.

In the next window, you can change the installation location of the program Far Manager... Then you need to press Next to continue.

In the next window, you can select various add-ons and settings that will be installed along with Far Manager. If you have marked some additions and then want to return all the default values, then you need to click the button Reset... I decided to select all the items for testing.

For each element, an additional menu is available, in which you can select each element separately ( Will be installed on locale hard drive- Will be installed on HDD) and a whole group ( Entire feature? Will be installed on locale hard drive- The whole component will be installed on the hard drive), and the third item ( Entire feature? Will be unavailable- The component will not be installed on the hard drive).

Then you need to press Next to continue. And the next window will appear where you can choose Install for installation or Back to go back.

After pressing the button Install the following window will appear, where the installation process will take place Far Manager and all selected components. Installation will take no more than two minutes.

In the last window, you can check the box Launch Far Manager 2 new(Run Far Manager 2). Then you need to press the button Finish to complete the installation.

This is the setting Far Manager finished, after pressing the button Finish the main menu of the program will appear.

Registering an earlier version of Far Manager

Earlier Far Manager it was necessary to register in order for all the functionality of the program to be available. And if you have installed old version Far Manager, then following instructions just for you:
I will quote item 2 the contents of the file “ License.xUSSR.txt«:

2. Citizens of the countries of the former USSR have the right to use this version of FAR for non-commercial purposes free of charge.

I will say that this file manager is absolutely free, reading the same file it becomes clear how to register FAR, namely, point 3:

3. To unlock the functions of the registered version of the specified
categories of persons when registering after starting ‘far -r’ must be entered in
as username:
xUSSR registration
in this case, the registration code must be entered in small
in Russian letters the current day of the week.

And so what and from this we should do:
launch FAR we write - far -r, after which the window will be checked out, and as shown in the lower screenshot, enter:

Registration name - xUSSR registration
Registration code - Tuesday(here we write the current day of the week)
Well, that's all the registration of the file manager is over, successful use!
If you have downloaded one of the latest versions file manager Far, then you do not need to register it.

Russification Far Manager

By default, the program will speak to us on English language... Everything is much simpler here than with the Russification of most programs. If you did everything according to the above instructions, then the Russian language is already installed in the Far Manager program, you just need to enable it, and for this you need to do the following:

  • v open window programs press the button F9(start the main menu Far)
  • go to the menu Options
  • click on the menu sub-item Languages

After that, a window will open in which you can select a language for the Menu, and there is a choice of several languages, namely:

  • Chez (Czech)
  • English (English)
  • German (German)
  • Hugarion (Hungarian)
  • Polish
  • Russian (Russian)
  • Spanish (Spanish)

We choose the one that you need, in my case it is Russian (Russian).

After selecting the Menu language, the following window will appear in which you need to select the Help language, there are a little fewer languages ​​here, namely:

  • English (English)
  • Hugarion (Hungarian)
  • Russian (Russian)

But the one that I need is still on the list - Russian (Russian).

After all these steps, you must have a file manager installed on your computer. Far Manager speaking Russian.

Using FAR Manager

By default, the program window contains two panels in which you can open different directories and files. In each of the panels, you can use both the keyboard and the mouse, but file managers, in my opinion, are created in order to speed up the process of working with directories and files from the keyboard. Of course, here not only the work process is accelerated, but also the convenience increases significantly.
In order to sort files in any of the panels, you need to hold down the key Ctrl on the keyboard, after which a menu will be displayed at the bottom in which each item corresponds to the keys F1 to F10 to F12 in full screen mode:

  • F1- show / hide the left panel
  • F2- show / hide right panel
  • F3- sort by file name
  • F4- sort by extension
  • F5- sort by recording time
  • F6- sort by size
  • F7- do not sort
  • F8- sort by creation time
  • F9- sort by access time
  • F10- sort by description
  • F11- sort by file owner
  • F12- start sorting menu

Alt, which is mainly intended for working with files and directories, namely:

  • F1- open the current disk in the left pane
  • F2- open the current disk in the right pane
  • F3- here you can open the file for viewing both in an external program and in the file manager itself
  • F4- here you can open a file for editing both in an external program and in the file manager itself
  • F5- printing files
  • F6- here you can create a link (shortcut) to a file or folder
  • F7- file search
  • F8- display command history
  • F9- resizing the program window
  • F10- folder search
  • F11- display browsing and editing history
  • F12- display folder history

You can also open an additional menu by holding down the button Shift, which is mainly intended for working with files and archives, namely:

  • F1- add files to archive
  • F2- extract files from archive
  • F3- execute archive management commands
  • F4- edit new file
  • F5- copy the file under the cursor
  • F6- rename or move the file under the cursor
  • F7- absent
  • F8- delete the file under the cursor
  • F9- save configuration
  • F10- select the last executed menu item
  • F11- use sorting about groups
  • F12- show marked files first

The next menu is launched by pressing the key F9 on keyboard. It contains the following items:

  • Left- basic operations that refer to the left panel
  • Files- basic file operations
  • Commands- various teams
  • Options- here are the basic settings for the program
  • Right- basic operations that relate to the right panel

I tried to reveal some of the small features of the program, but the most important assistant in the study of this file manager is one of the items in the bottom menu, namely - Help, which can be started by pressing the key F1 on keyboard.
As I said earlier, a large number of additional plugins are available in Far Manager, but at the moment I use only one plugin - Noisy player... I recently wrote about this useful and interesting plugin, namely: which allows you to play music files on your computer.
All other plugins can be downloaded from the official website of the program.


  • http://www.farmanager.com/ - the official website of the program
  • http://plugring.farmanager.com/ - plugins directory

Happy use!

Among many other file managers, one cannot fail to highlight the FAR Manager program, developed on the basis of the cult program Norton Commander and for some time serving worthy competitor... Despite the rather simple console interface, the functionality of the PHAR Manager is quite large, which favors the popularity of this application in a certain circle of users. At the same time, some of them, despite the intuitive interface of this file manager, do not know some of the nuances of working with it. In this article, we will give the most detailed answer to the question of how to work in the program in question.

Let's consider the main scenarios for using this popular analogue. "Explorer".

Installation of the Russian-language interface

Before starting work in the FAR Manager program, it will be rational for a domestic user to install the Russian interface language.

Navigating the file system

Folder names are white, hidden folders- dull white, and files can be marked with different colors depending on the extension.

Actions on files and folders

Various actions with files can be performed using the buttons on the bottom panel of the program. But for experienced users it is much more convenient to use keyboard shortcuts.

Program interface management

There are also additional features for managing the FAR Manager program interface.

To return appearance panels in the default state, you just need to repeat the commands entered.

Work with text

FAR Manager supports viewing text files using the built-in viewer.

In order to select all the text, you need to press the keyboard shortcut Shift + A, and copying text to the clipboard occurs as usual - using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C.


A set of plugins available "out of the box" allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the FAR Manager program.

  1. In order to open the list of installed plugins and run the required one, press the button "Plugin" in the bottom bar of the program or the key F11 on keyboard.
  2. As you can see, a list of plugins preinstalled in the program opens.
  3. The most important ones are represented by the following positions:

As you can see, despite the rather powerful functionality of the FAR Manager program, enhanced by plugins, it is quite easy to work with it. It is thanks to the convenience and intuitive interface that it attracts many users.

Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in operating system Windows. In a simple way - a file manager. It works in text (i.e. console) mode and, due to this, provides a very simple and intuitive interface for performing a number of basic operations: viewing files and directories, editing, copying, renaming and moving files, and much more.

Far Manager has a multilingual and highly customizable interface. Navigating through file system very simple, not least thanks to the use of color lighting and sorting into groups. Far Manager functionality can be significantly expanded by using external DLL modules, so called plugins. The use of plugins is possible thanks to a special set of interfaces - API for plugins. For example, the following plugins come with the program right away: archive support, FTP client, temporary panel and web browser. The program is constantly evolving and supported, and has millions of fans and dozens of communities around the world. Versions are available for both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

What's new in this release?

3.0 Build 5300 (08.11.2018)

  • reduced the lifetime of transactions for internal databases in the HierarchicalConfigDb;
  • The program crash when trying to rename a file or directory has been fixed;
  • fixed the problem with displaying objects that occurred when they were moved between groups in selected files;
  • improved color selection dialog.

Quote: rudim2000

There would be no price to make this manager similar to Total Commander. Not enough shortcuts for quick launch programs, viewing pictures, etc.

Quote: Brat1

Quote: Timax 1336
These programmers, except for Khryusha and Fara, do not seem to know anything or do not want to know
And who needs this BAYAN.

You certainly don't.
FAR is simple, convenient and pleasant to work with.

When you have to read comments like data Timax 1336 and rudim2000 I feel funny and at the same time sad.

It's funny because to speak badly about Fare, consider it outdated, not meeting modern requirements, firstly, only a person who does not know him at all can, and it would be better for him to be silent in that case, not to advertise what turned out to be beyond his understanding.
Secondly - being guided by their worldview, then I can, with complete confidence and just as rudely, easily and confidently say - Total Commmander is complete bullshit. It was originally created with a focus on dummies, Yes, there was a need at that time - the number of computers increased much faster than the qualifications of users to whom these computers became available. Total Commmander has fully inherited all the Properties and disadvantages of the Windows interface, and I claim that I will be right in some way - who is the interface focused on Windows Microsoft never hid it.

It is sad because people trying to master Far, standing in the first step from comprehending it, cannot take this last step.
Not grasping the logic of the program and its essence, fully influenced by the logic of the Windows interface- they immediately begin to pour mud on the program. Understand - it's not Far, but you. This is not Far can not - Far can do anything, you could not ...

The point here, it seems to me, is the need for something else. way of thinking, and it is just Windows that reduces (and for some it completely reduced) to nothing. Users who started their work with a computer since the days of MSDOS, on the contrary, are not susceptible to this disease. For example, it is not difficult for me to use both Far and Total Commanderom with equal success, but I will always prefer Far for a very simple reason - it is more convenient and in many cases, much faster, without unnecessary gestures, to achieve the desired goal. I don't know what I couldn't do more conveniently and quickly in Fare, what I can do in Total Commander, but on the contrary - yes.

Returning to the way of thinking, I want to say that the point here is not at all that there were few computers in those days, from which it automatically followed that the most advanced, most intelligent specialists got access to them - it was just that the program interface was really different and the program should have been comprehended more meaningful, and not like what Windows offers now - tyk, tyk ... s-s-s, s-s-s ... many have already forgotten how to speak their language - just poke your finger at what you need, like child, and demand, without any comprehension, all that you need.
No wonder they say - the language (interface) determines the way of thinking, the Chinese and Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans think differently than we do.
Hence the conclusion - you cannot think otherwise - learn to think or keep your opinion to yourself.

Far is a completely modern program and to say about her that she is bad is like saying about the most beautiful woman in the world that her neck is too long ...

Regarding "To make this manager similar to Total Commander - there would be no price for it. There are not enough shortcuts for quickly launching programs, viewing pictures, etc." - it should be recalled that Far, in its standard delivery, is equipped with a very modest set of plugins - it is impossible to guess which functions are preferable in advance, therefore Roshal came up with and practically implemented the API - the ability to connect to your program small external modules developed by third-party developers aimed at solving those or other specific tasks. The whole direction in programming immediately disappeared - there was no need to develop more and more file managers "from scratch", each of which owed its origin to someone who came up with some great idea of ​​implementing a particular function that was absent in previously developed managers. The number of managers and their collection for each of the users grew while mushrooms after the rain.

The idea of ​​the API was accepted by the community "with a bang", the functionality of Far began to "roll over all conceivable horizons", something that Rashal himself probably never dreamed of. The available number and variety of plugins is huge - tens of thousands, all of them cannot be included in the delivery, and thank God this is not required - everyone can easily find and just as easily install themselves only those plugins whose functionality they need.
Total Commander did not fail to take advantage of this idea and also created an API for itself, but from the point of view of an ordinary user, connecting the plugin to Total Commander is not as easy as in Fare.
For those who are interested in Far, to help them take their first steps into the world of Far, I can recommend reading my, now very old, comment

and for those who want to seriously learn Far is ready to provide assistance at any time of the day, write, ask me your questions in a personal, I will try to answer them immediately.

Far Manager is a console-type file manager adapted for use in the Windows operating system from Microsoft. Various early versions of the program had a paid license, but now far manager can be downloaded for free and can be successfully used not only at home, but also in the work of large companies and corporations absolutely officially.

The Far Manager file program can function equally effectively in both the economical windowed and full screen mode... The functionality of FAR Manager is quite wide: from supporting multi-character names to working with NTFS with different file attributes, as well as any encoding of their contents. A multilingual, intuitive interface with the ability to quickly and easily configure, as well as the far manager help system in Russian, turn its use into a simple and comfortable action.

Far Manager provides the ability to view, independently edit, rename, move and copy files and directories of any format. Accessible navigation, high-contrast highlighting and grouping when sorting are convenient and save time when processing information.

The increase in the scope of functions of the Far Manager program became possible due to the connection of external DLL-modules in the format of ordinary plug-ins. This feature is implemented using a set of special built-in interfaces. The standard package also includes plug-ins for working with archives and an FTP client.

Features of the FAR Manager program:

  • definition of network and local printers;
  • group renaming of files by masks;
  • transcoding of texts;
  • decoding UUE files;
  • editing descriptions of MP3 files;
  • launching auxiliary utilities for text processing in Far;
  • detection of spelling errors in the editor Far.

The most convenient and multifunctional FAR Manager will be especially pleasant and useful for users who are nostalgic for the operating room. DOS system 6.22 and disrespectful to Windows Explorer with its rather modest file viewing and editing capabilities different types and their attributes.

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