
What is Windows and who created it. The history of the creation of Windows. - Operating system MS-DOS

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems today. Now it is a familiar and convenient work environment for many people. But how it all began and how the world's most famous operating system was improved Microsoft Windows? We invite you on a journey into the past!

Windows 1.0

November 1985

At the time of the first release, Windows was far from the full-fledged operating system that we are familiar with today. It used to be just an "operating environment" for MS-DOS. And it was almost called Interface Manager.

Despite its simplicity, the first version of Windows already contained many innovative tools: graphics editor Windows Paint, word processor Windows Write, and of course the legendary board game Reversi.

Windows 2.X

December 1987

The next major release of Windows introduced the famous Excel and Word - two more cornerstones in history. software... But not less important role Windows' success was played by Aldus PageMaker, which was previously only available to Macintosh users. It was this application that made Windows very popular in 1987.

Approx. transl. It should be noted that the Aldus PageMaker application was released in version 1.0, but it was in version 2.0 that it gained its fame on the Microsoft Windows platform.

However, Windows has now been cast a shadow by rising tensions: Apple, which has patented many UI elements and ideas, felt that Microsoft had used too much of its original design in Windows.

Windows 3.X

May 1990

Improving multitasking, implementation virtual memory and a design update finally allowed the Windows user interface to compete with the Macintosh interface.

Together with Windows 3.1, the concept of "Multimedia PC" also appeared: CD-ROM drive and sound cards became all the rage in the 1990s.

With 10 million copies sold, version 3.0 has become not only a major source of revenue for Microsoft, but also a huge success in the IT world.

Windows NT

July 1992

Microsoft has teamed up with IBM to develop a successor to DOS. However, the collaboration did not last long, and what was called OS / 2 became new windows NT. Windows 3.11 and NT were developed in parallel (together) until they were merged into Windows XP.

With improved networking support in Windows NT and the new NTFS file system, Microsoft has caught up with Novell to become a major player in the server market.

Windows 95

August 1995

Microsoft has brought ideas since the release of NT, code-named Chicago, to life (for example, a 32-bit system and improved memory management).

However, the need for backward compatibility and the fact that not all of the code was changed to 32-bit eventually led to crashes: Windows 95 ran into major performance and stability issues.

Later versions of Windows 95 introduced the famous browser Internet Explorer and the USB support we are familiar with today.

Windows 98

June 1998

In Windows 98, codenamed Memphis, Microsoft has significantly improved USB support. After all, Windows 95 never provided a stable implementation.

Although FAT32 was first introduced in an update for Windows 95, it remained young. file system and has become even more popular than before. Thanks to this, disk partitions as small as two gigabytes have become more common.

1998 was also the year of the "United States vs. Microsoft" legal showdown: the question concerned the legitimacy of the delivery of the pre-installed Internet browser Explorer in every copy of Windows.

Windows 2000

February 2000

The next version of Windows NT introduced a new service - Active Directory.

Although this version was aimed at the business market, Windows 2000 also came with an improved DirectX API. This marked the first time that many modern games were run on NT computers.

In one aspect, however, Windows 2000 was the latest of its kind: its successor versions introduced a new (and controversial) product activation mechanism.

Windows ME

September 2000

The ME version focused on multimedia, with Microsoft introducing Windows Movie Maker and updating the platform's standard multimedia application, Windows Media Player, to version 7.

In addition, the System Restore utility has appeared - a simple system recovery tool. Apple's Time Machine certainly doesn't compare to new utility Microsoft, but nevertheless, it did not appear for several years.

Windows XP

2001 August

Windows XP marked a special reunion: it finally merged Windows 95/98 / ME and NT / 2000 in one.

At first, the new XP had several painful flaws, which were primarily related to security. They were the ones who forced Microsoft to publish as many as three service packs during the XP support period.

However, this did not stop Windows XP from becoming the flagship among operating systems and remaining them for another 6 years - longer than any other version of Microsoft Windows.

Windows Vista

January 2007

Microsoft introduced Windows Vista in a completely new design with Windows Aero, a suite of technical graphical user interface solutions. There were many small changes in it, such as replacing the familiar Start button with an icon with the Windows logo.

In addition, Vista introduced a redesigned and (compared to Windows XP) stricter permission system called User Account Control.

In terms of new applications, Vista debuted Windows Calendar, Windows DVD Maker, and several new games.

Approx. transl. It should be noted that Windows Vista was presented back in November 2006, but as a corporate version.

Windows 7

October 2009

Windows 7 is an improved platform in many areas: it loaded faster, supported multi-touch, improved windowing, and more.

In other areas, the system has backtracked: Vista's new User Account Control is less intrusive, and the newly introduced side panel(along with several apps) has been completely removed.

Windows 8

October 2012

Windows 8 is the most extensive visual update in recent versions. Windows 8 introduces not only a new look at the OS in general, but also a completely new UI and UX. She adopted the popular Flat style and introduced it into the trend full screen mode window.

Additionally, Windows 8 provided USB 3.0 support and launched Windows Store.

Windows 10

July 2015

Microsoft decided to name its Last update Windows 10, skipping version 9. One of the reasons may be the scale and importance of the project: Windows 10 provides a common platform for many devices, from smartphones to personal computers.

Windows was originally designed as a graphical add-on to the MS-DOS operating system. The first personal computers from IBM were controlled by the MS-DOS operating system developed by Microsoft. This system was a fairly effective tool for managing a computer, but difficult to learn, requiring certain knowledge, and therefore needed to be simplified.

When IBM ordered software from Microsoft for the first personal computer, Gates went for a trick - he bought an off-the-shelf QDOS system for $ 50,000, renamed it MS-DOS, and sold it to IBM.

This was well understood at Microsoft, which set itself a global task - to provide any user with a convenient personal computer. Therefore, in the period from 1981 to 1983. the company was actively working on the creation of the first version of the operating system, which was innovative at that time, which was codenamed Interface Manager.

Windows 1.0

Officially, the emergence of a new platform, which in the final version became called windows (windows), was announced in 1983. Many skeptics did not appreciate the convenience and far-reaching prospects of the new operating system and called it a “bloated software product”. As you know, the further history of the product development showed that the criticism was completely in vain. These statements did not seriously affect the plans of Microsoft, which, two years after the official presentation of Windows to the general public, released its new software called Windows 1.0.

The new operating system relieved users of the mandatory MS-DOS attribute - entering commands through which control was carried out. Windows 1.0 was controlled by simple mouse movements and clicks on the right parts of the screen. In addition, Microsoft contained many innovative features for that period of time. Scroll bars, drop-down menus, icons, dialog boxes, the ability to switch between programs without restarting each one, all of these user-friendly features have been equipped new platform... Windows 1.0 also included several additional programs to help the user in their daily activities. The emergence of a system with a user-friendly graphical control interface has become a real breakthrough in the development of software for personal computers.

Windows 98 has become latest version systems based on MS ‑ DOS.

Windows 1.0 was a graphical add-on to the MS-DOS operating system, but it was it that became the platform on which an independent system was subsequently developed, which received exactly the same name.

Including the computer, many load an operating system called Microsoft Windows. It doesn't matter if it's Windows 2000, XP, Vista. Or maybe it is - Windows Server 2003, but it's still a Windows NT clone system. I will ask a trivial, at first glance, question: "Who is its chief architect?" I am sure that most of you will not give an entirely accurate answer. You name the person who acted as the chief administrative architect. And I would like to get an answer who was its chief technical architect.

Interest in this issue is fueled by frequently encountered arguments about the OS, when they are limited only to arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of the external interface. As if the question of its choice is determined solely by the form of the button we get on the screen. The user interface is undoubtedly important, but I believe the OS is based primarily on its internal mechanisms.

So who was the main architect of modern versions of Windows?

This man's name is Dave Cutler. He was born on March 13, 1943 in Michigan. Today he is 66 years old. His position at Microsoft is referred to as a Senior Technical fellow. He continues to work there to this day. His main responsibilities today are kernel development for Windows Azure.

The story of this man confirms once again that nothing appears from scratch, nothing is created from scratch. Unfortunately, recently we often hear the opposite. They say that students gathered, without previous experience, and not just invented, but created such a system that no one could have guessed before! So, "from scratch" they came and created! Just like at the "Star Factory" or in numerous "Ice Shows". A couple of months have passed, and you are already a world star. Personally, I do not believe in such tales about "Cinderella". Moreover, I consider them absolutely harmful, because people who believe them will face great disappointment in the future, at least when they try to rise above their current position.

However, similar reasoning is often heard about Windows. Like, they came up with a graphical interface and ... Windows appeared. Not certainly in that way! First, Windows 1.0 - 3.1, a pseudo newcomer, grew out of DOS, and its main "trump card" was the graphical shell. Then it gradually acquired more powerful internal mechanisms. But all of these were more "crutches", where new lotions were hung on the old relics. Microsoft has been fooling everyone's head for a long time, adding external and internal tweaks. And this continued until Windows 98 SE / ME.

The story is real new system Windows, despite the coincidence of the name with its parallel predecessor, takes from the creation of the Windows NT architecture. This is exactly the direction Dave Cutler was involved in. But let's start in order.

Dave Cutler's career in systems programming began at DIGITAL, where in 1975 he was part of the development team on a project codenamed Starlet. Their goal was to develop a completely new operating system to run on Star processor-based systems. The advantage of their development in comparison with their predecessors was the creation of new technologies for memory management and the implementation of tasks for planning and executing computational processes. As a result of the work carried out, the DEC VAX 11/780 computer and the VAX / VMS operating system were created. (By the way, these names, I think, say something to those who are familiar with what systems were used in those days in the Soviet Union, which then had no official ability to access Western IT technologies).

It was at the turn of 1979-80. It was then that the release of the IBM-PC was announced. And the DEC company at that time was engaged in the release of desktop (Desktop) systems under the RSTS project. It was a multi-user, multitasking OS that many felt was robust and robust. Moreover, already in those days it provided for a special, virtual operating mode, on the basis of which it was possible to emulate the launch of other operating systems. They were RSX-11M and RT11. (So ​​the current development of virtualization systems is not a recent invention, its roots were laid long ago).

“But how did Dave end up at Microsoft?” You ask.

Very simple! Remember Bill Gates's catchphrase: "My dream is to have a computer on everyone's desk!" It seems like nothing, but from the point of view of the developer, we are talking about a qualitatively new approach to the development architecture, to the principles of launching and using programs, working with memory. Stationary minicomputer systems are built according to different canons, and desktop PCs use a very different paradigm.

Cutler left Digital and joined Microsoft in 1988 where he led the development of the new Windows NT operating system. He is often referred to as the "father of the Windows NT kernel".

Then there were the creation of funds Windows support NT for 64-bit Digital Alpha, working on Windows 2000, Windows support tools for running on 64-bit AMD AMD64 architecture, developing 64-bit versions of Windows XP Pro and Windows Server 2003 SP1, working on Windows Vista, Microsoft Live platform Platform. Now this is work on Windows Azure.

I hope that now I have dispelled the preconceptions, if you had them until now, that "Microsoft wanted and made Windows NT / XP / Vista from scratch". As you can see, the roots of this system also lie in Dec, VAX / VMS. If it were not for people, if not for their previous experience, then it is unlikely, I think, the current Windows would appear. Nothing is born from scratch!

To summarize, when we start talking about creating new systems, let's first assess the baggage of those who will become their main architects. I do not argue, there are outstanding personalities with a gift from God. But even Pushkin could hardly write poetry of the level as they are known all over the world, if he had been born in a different family, if he had not studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum ... No, he probably would have written something, of course. But these would be completely different verses.

Today, many people use the operating system from Microsoft and do not really think about how this interesting product was invented. In fact, there are many interesting things in the history of the emergence of the most popular OS. It is only worth mentioning that the history of Windows goes back several decades. During this time, the OS has gone through a number of metamorphoses: from an inconvenient graphical shell for MS-DOS to a full-fledged and very convenient operating system. Everyone knows that Bill Gates came up with Windows, but few people know how he did it. Let's try to consider all the stages of development of Windows. For the history of the Windows operating system is very interesting and fascinating.


The history of Windows began in 1985, when Bill Gates, a young and unknown student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, created a graphical environment for the operating system of the time. He called his brainchild Windows 1.0. However, this version did not catch on, as it contained serious errors. But version 1.01 was already devoid of flaws. However, many computer technology gurus saw Windows as a useless add-on with no future. They felt they were distracting users from learning MS-DOS. And who was right?

Windows 95

In 1995, Microsoft released an operating system called Windows 95. It was the first full-fledged operating system. Both the graphical interface and data protection were all up to the mark for that time. However, the system did not live long, because a critical vulnerability was discovered in its code. Still under Windows control 95 at that time 80% of personal computers were working. The history of Windows development dates back to 1995.

Around the same time, the first versions of the software suite appeared. Microsoft Office, which provides work with documents. From this point on, Windows becomes full-fledged and universal system... They begin to use it for all tasks. And this is the first sign of the popularity of the operating system. However, version 95 did not become a truly "popular" system. The reason for this is a lot of mistakes. That is why Microsoft decided to radically change the structure of Windows.

Windows 98

This is a revised 1995 version. Win 98 has already taken into account and fixed all the errors of the previous version. It was she who became "popular". Now the company started talking about Microsoft as the geniuses of the computer world. The system combined simplicity of control, high reliability and almost complete absence of freezes. After unsuccessful "miscarriages" in the face of previous versions, the company managed to release something really good and efficient. All versions of the 90s can only work with 32-bit processors.

The 98th version of Windows has made a real revolution in the world of operating systems. Now work on the computer has become available to everyone. And not like at the dawn of technology, when only a select few could work with a PC. In any case, the history of Windows does not end there. A lot of interesting and incredible awaits us ahead.

Windows 2000

This is the first system based on the NT engine. This system opened a new milestone in the development of Windows. Version 2000 was positioned as a system for home and office. Among its innovations were very interesting features... For example, support for multimedia functions out of the box. This option has since become the hallmark of any OS from Microsoft.

Windows 2000 also incorporates the latest advances in computer security. The system has become very popular with both ordinary users and those who are engaged in business. Because security coupled with functionality is what is needed for this area. The professional version has been adopted by many organizations.

Windows ME

Perhaps the most disastrous version of Windows after Vista. It was released as an update to version 2000. Multimedia capabilities have been enhanced. But the stability of the system left much to be desired. Constant freezes and reboots did not add popularity to the OS. As a result, Microsoft decided to close the project and not embarrass itself. Well, a very reasonable decision.

The most interesting thing is that ME was also based on NT. But something went wrong. And it turned out that ME is the most unpopular version of Windows. The history of the NT-based system does not end there, but only begins. For after the failed version, the developers managed to release a real masterpiece. It was a generous gift to users. Probably for their patience.

Windows XP

The legendary "pig" is still considered the most successful operating system from Microsoft. And it's not even about the beautiful interface. Much more valuable, the system has amazing multimedia capabilities, stability and security. And after the release of all three Service Packs, it became very pleasant to work with it. No glitches, freezes or sudden reboots, plus support for text anti-aliasing for a more comfortable work - this is the recipe for an ideal operating system. Until now, many "oldfags" categorically do not want to change XP for something new.

The legendary OS managed to become such thanks to the successful combination of an updated interface, stability and security. But it would be wrong not to mention that the era of the convenient Internet begins with XP. Sitting online with XP turned out to be far more comfortable than with the 2000 version. And all the games were launched with a bang. Despite the fact that Microsoft has not supported XP for three years now, few dare to move to something new. Since the XP version, the history of Windows takes a new round and gives us access to new technologies.

Windows Vista

The most disastrous OS from Microsoft. Moreover, both users and serious critics think so. The fact is that there were many flaws in Vista. it the main reason failure. The secondary reason is that the world was not ready for such an OS. Too many graphical bells and whistles. Not all computers of that time were able to provide smooth operation on Vista. This is another reason for its unpopularity.

The rest of the punctures should be attributed frankly no stability and a problem with the drivers. Manufacturers did not really try to release drivers for this OS, because they did not believe in its success. And they were right. Another infamous page on the Redmond company track record. By the way, the "micro-soft" tried to fix this "jamb" as soon as possible. The history of Windows operating systems continues.

Windows 7

Perhaps the most popular operating system at the moment. It represents what, according to the ideas of the developers, "Vista" was supposed to be. The seventh version became a kind of work on errors. And programmers from Microsoft succeeded quite well. It turned out quite sane Windows 7. The history of its creation is simple. New technologies required a new system. And the developers had nothing else to do.

The system improvements include deep optimization in working with computer hardware. "Seven" works with the processor and RAM many times better than the legendary XP. And she looks several times better than "piggy". However, there is a problem that scared off users at the initial stage - gluttony. It was problematic to run the "seven" on old PCs. This is due to the graphical interface. However, everything settled down, and now the majority of users use Windows 7. History has surprised us once again.

Windows 8 and 8.1

The advent of the tablet era forced Microsoft to urgently do something in order not to lose the leadership in the operating system market. Technical features new devices did not allow the use of a desktop OS. This is how a new version of Windows appeared. It is based on the same properties of the NT engine, but since then the OS has been adapted for devices with a touchscreen display. This is how Windows 8 appeared. The history of its popularity (or unpopularity) is ambiguous and requires some explanation.

The first thing that shocked users who had "moved" from the "seven" was the welcome screen with an incomprehensible Metro tiled interface. It was a shock. Undoubtedly, the interface is very touch-friendly. But he throws the average PC user into a panic. Even more alarmism was caused by the absence of the familiar "Start" button. That is, the button itself is there, but it opens the same tiled interface. Everything became very strange. This is the reason for the failure of the G8 at the initial stage.

Windows 10. Latest OS

Yes, that's exactly what Microsoft said. There will no longer be a serial number for operating systems. All innovations will be introduced in the process planned renovation"tens". The controversy over the latter system has not subsided to this day. Some admire its unrivaled optimizations and DirectX version 12. Others in every way scold the spy "tricks" of the new system. And they are absolutely right. A controversial thing - Windows 10. Its history is just beginning. So it is impossible to say anything objectively yet.

It is worth noting what sets this version apart from all previous Windows. The history of files is hidden in it so deeply that it is very difficult to find it. According to the official statement, this is due to the best privacy policy. What kind of confidentiality, if "ten" regularly sends all data about users to Microsoft? And that, in turn, provides this information to the NSA and the FBI upon request. Even text entered from the keyboard is intercepted.

But the clear advantages of the new OS should not be denied. So, we can note the reduced loading time, better job with iron and power saving mode. The latter option is only relevant for laptops, but that doesn't make it unnecessary. It's easy to see the history of Windows in version 10 - this is also a plus. In addition, it supports all the innovations in the world of IT technologies. Including virtual reality helmets.

Mobile segment

Together with desktop operating systems, Microsoft also developed a mobile platform. For these purposes, the company even bought out the legendary Finnish brand Nokia. But Bill Gates' brainchild did not achieve much success in this field. History Windows Mobile full of tragic mistakes. Whatever version of the system is a failure. Why is that? Perhaps this is because everyone should mind their own business and not climb where he does not understand anything? Be that as it may, Microsoft's mobile segment failed.

Mobile versions of "Windows" are extremely buggy and unstable. They do not know how to work normally with the hardware of a smartphone, and the Windows Store (analogue of "Market" on "Android") cannot boast of a wide range of applications and games. Developers are in no hurry to create versions for the Windows platform. This is due to the fact that the share of devices on this platform is negligible. So it makes no sense for developers to be diffused.


Microsoft's Windows operating system has had it all: ups and downs, successes and failures. But hardly anyone would undertake to deny that Windows is the most popular OS in the world. Yes, Linux-like systems are gaining momentum now. And Mac OS has also increased its market share. But they can't get to Microsoft's level in the operating system market. At least for now. Windows is truly a "folk" system. Most manufacturers support this particular OS. Others have a form of disgrace with the presence of device drivers. Be that as it may, if you want a fast, efficient and stable system - buy Windows. So far nothing has been invented better than her.

There are, of course, security problems, but this is the specificity of a particular OS. Linux is, of course, much safer, but very inconvenient. Therefore, feel free to put "Vidovs" - and you will be happy. Just don't forget that from pirated version there will be little sense. It is better to spend a certain amount of rubles and forget about all the problems associated with pirated software and operating systems.

Operating system Microsoft's Windows has undoubtedly become a milestone in the development not only of the information industry, but of all mankind. Largely thanks to Windows, personal computers and laptops are installed on the tables of hundreds of millions of people around the world. In parallel with the operating system for home computers, Microsoft developed a server room Windows version designed for companies and corporations. This version was named Windows NT, and then Windows Server. This family of operating systems has gained significant popularity and seriously supplanted the former king of servers - the UNIX operating system.

The history of Windows is reminiscent of the victorious march that began back in 1985, when the first Windows 1.01 was released. However, the history of Microsoft begins even earlier, as early as 1975, when a young student Bill Gates created a version of the BASIC programming language for one of the first personal computers, the Altair 8800 model.

Contrary to popular belief, the first version of Windows was not at all a stand-alone operating system. In reality, Windows was a graphical "add-on" to the DOS operating system and was intended to make it easier to work with a dark and gloomy command line. Many DOS users did not understand this innovation.

The history of Windows begins in November 1985, when the first version of Windows 1.0 appeared. It was a set of programs that extend the capabilities of existing operating systems for greater ease of use. A few years later, the second version (Windows 2.0) was released, but did not gain much popularity.

Time passed, and in 1990 the next version was released - Windows 3.0, which began to be used on many personal computers.

The popularity of the new version of Windows was due to several reasons. The graphical interface made it possible to work with data not using commands entered into command line, but with the help of visual and understandable actions on graphical objects denoting this data. The ability to work simultaneously with several programs has also significantly increased the convenience and efficiency of work. In 1995, the famous Windows 95 appeared, which became a new stage in the history of Windows and personal computers in general. Compared to Windows 3.1, the interface has changed significantly, the speed of programs has increased. The new operating system made it possible to automatically configure additional computer devices to eliminate conflicts in the interaction between them. In addition, Windows 95 took the first steps to support the then nascent Internet.

The Windows 95 interface became the main one for the entire Windows family, and in 1996 a revised version of the Windows NT 4.0 server operating system appeared, having the same interface as Windows 95.

In 1998, Windows 98 appeared with a significantly redesigned structure compared to Windows 95. In the new version, a lot of attention was paid to working with the Internet and modern protocols.

The next stage in the development of Windows was the emergence of Windows 2000 and Windows Me (Millenium Edition). Windows 2000 was developed on the basis of Windows NT and inherited from it high reliability and information security from outside interference. Two versions were released: Windows 2000 Server for servers and Windows 2000 Professional for workstations, which many have installed on home computers.

Operating room Windows system Me has become, in essence, an enhanced version of Windows 98 with improved multimedia support. It is believed that Windows Me has become one of the most unsuccessful versions of Windows, characterized by unstable work, often "freezes" and crashes.

As a result, just a year after its release, the new Windows XP operating system appeared. It happened in 2001.

The Windows XP operating system was based on the Windows NT kernel and was therefore extremely stable and efficient compared to previous versions Windows. The graphical interface has also been seriously redesigned, support for new functions and programs has been introduced.

In 2003, a new version of Windows Server 2003 was released, replacing Windows 2000. After a while, an update was released, called Windows Server 2003 R2. The Windows Server 2003 operating system set a new standard in reliability and performance, becoming one of the most successful Microsoft server systems.

Even before the release of Windows XP, Microsoft was actively developing new version operating system, codenamed Windows Longhorn. Then the name was changed to Windows Vista.

The new operating system Windows Vista appeared in 2007. It was based on the Windows Server 2003 kernel.

In 2009, another version was released - the notable Windows 7. What made it different? Let's start with the fact that in this operating system, key Windows errors Vista. As a result, the "seven" turned out to be very fast, reliable and efficient. In fact, she became what was expected from Vista from the very beginning.

With the release of the first service package, its position in the market has only strengthened. And after a while, the seven pushed the one who had lingered on Windows computers XP. Seven has become essentially a replacement for XP, a system that supports everything and works relatively quickly.

But, Microsoft was not enough. Losing the race in the tablet and smartphone markets, the company desperately needed a new product that would bring all devices - smartphones, laptops, desktops and tablets - together in a single Metro interface. It was required to create a kind of hybrid of the operating system.

And the result is the Windows 8 operating system, which was released in October 2012. For the first time, Microsoft decided on a drastic change in the interface, which shocked much more than the changes in Vista. Instead of the usual desktop, the user was greeted with strange tiles, and the Start button was completely absent. The interface intrigued some, frightened others away.

By technical capabilities Windows 8 is an optimized version of Windows 7. The new system boots up much faster, however, again there are some problems with drivers and launching games - but this is clearly a temporary situation.

In 2013, the process of market acceptance of a new system goes full swing. It is too early to say how successful it has become - time will tell. We can only say unequivocally that the fate of Windows 8 will not be easy. Some experts predict the fate of Windows Vista - a system that never recovered from its negative image.

After the "eight" came version 8.1, and not the expected "nine". At the same time, 8.1 did not bring with it any fundamental changes; Microsoft Corporation simply tried to make adjustments to Windows 8, as numerous negative reviews and bugs demanded immediate solutions. The developers took into account the shortcomings and wishes of the user audience, but the innovations in 8.1 turned out to be a weak reason for buying a license for the updated product.

Meanwhile, in the fall of 2014, a beta version of Windows 9 will be released. As promised by Microsoft, this version will be available for download to all users, but the official release of the new operating system is scheduled for spring 2015, which the developers believe is sufficient to complete the release.

For us, as ordinary users, it remains to follow the innovations from the giant of the software industry Microsoft, and look forward to the next version of the beloved product in the face of Windows.

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