
How to register on YouTube to earn money. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - a complete guide. How people make money on YouTube effortlessly

Surely there will not be a person among us who at least once did not go to the popular all over the world video hosting YouTube and did not watch the video. And also, many have already heard that this is not just a platform for watching and posting videos, but also a way to make money on the Internet, which, by the way, is gaining quite high popularity. But not everything is as simple as it would seem, because in order to obtain high and stable profits, you need to make some efforts, and for a beginner, it is sometimes quite difficult to navigate and correctly create a certain scheme of earnings. Consider a few questions, namely, how to get money from YouTube for views and where you should actually start.

About the site

It is worth talking a little about what YouTube is and how it appeared on the Internet in general. This site was organized by three Americans in 2005, who, by the way, at that time were former employees of PayPal. A already in 2006, YouTube was bought by Google as a promising and dynamically developing project.

YouTube, translated from English, is a TV.

Today it is a giant international project where everyone, regardless of age and other factors, can find a video to their liking. On this site, users can post and view videos, rate and comment on them. After going through a simple registration procedure, you can open your own channel and post your videos, collect views and subscribers. Only every day it becomes more and more difficult to do this, for the reason that the number of users is growing rapidly every day, but it is still worth trying.

What money is paid for on YouTube

How much money is given on YouTube for views is a rather difficult question. This largely depends on the traffic of the channel and the number of views, but these are not all the determining factors, first of all, which way of earning will be chosen by the user. By the way, you shouldn't count on the channel to start making profit immediately, it can take quite a lot of time, and how much depends directly on the perseverance and efforts of the user. Consider all the variations of making money on video hosting.

Adsense contextual advertising

This is the most simple and affordable way make money on your channel available to every beginner. To use this way you just need to activate the "video monetization" option in your account settings, by the way, do not forget to link your profile to your Adsense account.

What is the earnings: when watching your video in front of it, the user must watch a short ad that cannot be missed, and ads can also occur in the middle of the video, which can be skipped after 5 seconds. Another type of contextual advertising is a banner to the right of the video and at the bottom of the screen. Actually, the profit, albeit small, is accrued to the user for viewing contextual advertising.

Direct or affiliate advertising

The point here is pretty simple - your task is to provide an overview of a product or service. Here you have two options: direct and affiliate advertising. Direct advertising consists in leaving a link to the advertiser's partner resource under the video. For example, if you are talking about travel on your blog, then you can leave a link to the hotels or tour operator under the video.

Direct advertising is as follows in the video you need to review the partner's product or service in a positive way, and the advertiser, that is, the direct partner pays for it. It is rather difficult to answer the question of how much you can earn, because the price for this type of service is strictly individual. Here it is only important to find an employer, and this can be done on one of the exchanges, for example, prolog.yt.

Own advertising

Currently, business owners are successfully using the Internet as a way to promote goods and services. So, if you have your own business, and you want to attract an audience, then you can use your own website, groups in social networks and of course a YouTube channel. The essence of earning is that with the help of your own videos or blogs, you can tell potential customers about your product or service, thereby attracting new customers.

How much is paid for views

For beginners, an exciting question: how many views do you get money for on YouTube? But there is no clear answer here, because everything here depends on several factors, and, of course, on views. Just do not count on the fact that in a short time a beginner can promote his channel and make a profit, but several tens of thousands of dollars per month. Firstly, there are only a few such "expensive" channels throughout the site. Secondly, this is real hard work that requires a lot of investment of time, effort and imagination.

Let's start with what they get paid for on YouTube? From various sources on the Internet, many potential users of the site assume that they will receive passive income simply from watching his video, but this is a big misconception. To begin with, it should be said that the authors do not profit from watching his video, but the advertisers pay directly.

Please note that you will not be charged for watching videos on YouTube.

So, you can only make money on advertising, and it is impossible to name exactly its cost. The easiest way to make money, as mentioned earlier, is to activate monetization, then ads will appear on your videos, for which you will actually be charged.

How is payment made:

  • the advertiser orders advertising from YouTube, and accordingly sets his own price;
  • the program places it on the video, for which the author of the channel receives a profit of 68% of the cost, the rest is the commission of the site.

But, advertisers only pay for viewing ads or clicks on a banner. In simple words, if your user has viewed the entire ad before your video, then you will be charged a certain fee. And since this video can be skipped after five seconds by pressing a button, then most of them do just that, respectively, the author remains without profit. If a banner with an advertisement is placed on the video, then payment is charged for clicking on it and going to the advertiser's website, that is, if a channel visitor went to the advertiser's website and stayed there for a while, then the author of the video also receives payment, otherwise he does not.

To summarize, in order to receive money on the site, you first need to open your channel, post a video, gain a certain number of real views and acquire subscribers, then connect the monetization option and receive income from viewing ads or clicks. The cost for a full view can range from one cent to several dollars. But according to statistics, out of one thousand views, only 2% of users view ads, respectively, for 1 million views on YouTube, they give from $ 100 to several thousand. But here the problem is that such a number of views can be collected for quite a long time, and, in principle, not.

As for direct and affiliate advertising, this is a rather complicated process, because advertisers on the exchange have strict requirements for the number of subscribers, views, topics of videos, and much more. Payment, by the way, also depends on the conditions of advertisers.

How to open a channel

So, if you have already realized that making money on roller skates is a rather complicated process and getting a stable income is not so easy, but still decided to try, then consider the fact that you need to create an interesting and original channel. Let's consider how to open a YouTube channel and get paid.

First of all, you need to decide on the topic of the channel, namely, what exactly you want to show and tell your potential subscribers. Only when choosing, rely primarily on your knowledge and talents, because the video should be useful for the viewer. As for the subject matter, here you should not rely on statistics, for each video there is a viewer who will be interested in your video.

Currently, there are several topics of interest to the viewer, namely game reviews and computer programs, humor and stand-up, training and master classes, news.

But, in fact, you can choose any topic, there are many examples, for example, if you love to cook, you can conduct cooking master classes. By the way, videos for children and about children or pets are very popular. Do not be afraid to experiment and show your imagination, exclusive and original videos will surely quickly "overgrow" views, and the channel will acquire subscribers.

Briefly how to open your channel:

  • register an account with Googl, for this go to the website of the search engine and go through the registration procedure;
  • go to the YouTube website on the main page;
  • in the upper right corner, find the "Login" button, which should be clicked;
  • then login via googl;
  • then click on the gear-shaped icon - these are settings;
  • then press the button "Create channel" and use the prompts of the system.

After registering, you need to upload the video to your channel. There are also some factors to consider here. First, keep in mind that your video must fully correspond to the topic and be as useful as possible, that is, it must receive some information. Secondly, the length of the video should vary within 5-10 minutes, according to statistics, users try to watch shorter and more meaningful videos.

By the way, come up with titles for your videos, it should not only correspond to the subject of the video, but also fit the search query as much as possible. In addition, the title must be fully consistent with the content. Also, don't forget to add new videos regularly to help you get followers.

How to promote a channel

The task of every user who decided to make money through his YouTube channel is to attract as many subscribers and views as possible. Of course, the more interesting and popular the topic, the more visitors your channel will have. But there are some tips for a beginner:

  1. The number of views depends directly on the title of the video, you should not come up with too complicated titles. To come up with a title as accurately as possible, put yourself in the shoes of a visitor and think about what search query you would use to find a video on your topic.
  2. Make a short annotation for the video, the number of characters is from 100 to 150, it should be used several times keywords.
  3. At the end of each video, ask the viewer to rate and comment on the video, as well as subscribe to the channel.
  4. In the comments, users often leave questions, they cannot be ignored, answer your viewers.
  5. Last but not least, the more often you add new videos, the better your chances of success.

Please note that you can order paid services video views on sites AddMeFast, Redsurf, Seo sprint.

Thus, making money on the largest video hosting is not the easiest way to make money, as you can see, you will have to come up with a lot of efforts. After all, quite a few users who organized their channel were left with income altogether, this is because for some the earnings seemed too small, others could not correctly attract the required number of subscribers. By the way, it is worth mentioning that the video should be copyrighted, although you can post someone else's video, but it is unlikely to bring success and, most importantly, profit.

How to make money from YouTube views? More than 4 billion videos are viewed on the site in just 1 day. Over the past year, the media holding earned about $ 12 billion from advertising. And every year the profit only grows. Why don't we try to pinch off a small piece of the multi-billion dollar money circulating there. Create a channel, upload videos and make money. Moreover, the income is almost constant - the video is posted and forgotten. The money will continue to drip into the account on its own without your further participation. Someone has more, someone less.

How much do you earn on YouTube?

Top videos with hundreds of millions of views bring them to their owners hundreds of thousands of dollars... This is usually a professionally filmed commercial video. But this is not our level.

Top video bloggers make tens of thousands of dollars a month. We are still far from this, so we will consider the usual prospects for earning a regular channel.

Channel classification according to their profitability.

1. altruists. They run their channel and upload videos exclusively as a hobby. You can draw a parallel with social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook). People just like it and, accordingly, does not bring any income.

2. minimalists. Earning is not their main goal (see item 1), but they do not mind earning a small penny. Average income 10-50 $ per month.

3. Hard workers. They try to earn as much as possible. They shoot a video, maybe even upload someone else's on their channel. But there is no mass popularity. Average income 100 — 300$.

4. Average people. They do the same thing as people from the 3rd group, but more successfully. They have more interesting (and popular) videos, a lot of subscribers. They are seriously engaged in promoting their channel. As a result, the income level is already an order of magnitude higher - about 500 — 1000$ and even higher.

5. Famous video bloggers. They are promoting the channel more professionally, regularly uploading new interesting videos. The number of subscribers starts from the sum with five zeros and is constantly growing. Their income is also growing. Income starts from several thousand dollars.

6. Elite. Multimillion views and fame in your country (or even around the world). Even simple videos are gaining immense popularity due to the name. Add to that advertising contracts and invitations to various shows. Money flows into their pocket like a river, the flow begins from 50 thousand dollars per month.

Of course, it is very difficult (but still possible) to reach the last 2 steps of popularity (and, accordingly, the level of income). But let's face it, all of this will require a significant investment in both time and money.

Your goal: go from the first level (or even zero if you don't have a channel yet) to 3-4.

It is quite possible for everyone to reach an income of $ 50-100 per month. There is nothing complicated about it. To reach this level, you will need 2-3 months.

To estimate how much your channel can generate profit, you need to understand

what makes up earnings on YouTube

  • viewing ads... Money is credited only if the user has watched the ad to the end. Ads are usually shown at the beginning of the video (less often in the middle). You can skip the ad by clicking the appropriate link, or you can force the ad to be watched to the end. I advise you to be careful using the second method. So you may not get a lot of views, some (including me) immediately go away.
  • pay per clicks... If the user clicks on the ad, then you are rewarded. As a rule, if certain conditions are met. Let's say the user followed the link and immediately left, don't expect money. Particularly "meticulous" advertisers set a number of strict conditions: spend at least 30 seconds on the advertised site, view at least 3-4 pages of the site, etc. CPC can also vary. It all depends on the subject matter and on the competition. Let's say advertising in the field of finance and real estate is very high, there are a lot of advertisers and in order to place their advertising they are ready to pay at the highest "tariff". On the other hand, take toys for children, for example. There are not so many advertisers in this area, so there is practically no competition among them. And the cost per click will be minimal.

All these actions together determine your earnings.

For those who want to hear more specific numbers, there is a simplified formula to estimate your YouTube income.

On average, the error of this formula is plus or minus 20%. But nevertheless, she shows an approximate income.

So still,

How much can you earn by watching YouTube videos?

If you take an ordinary person who created a channel and does not have any special skills in the field of creating special effects, editing voice acting, etc. minimum income level around $ 80 - $ 100 and higher. You can try to make money on other people's videos. Of course, this is not entirely legal from the point of view of copyright, but everyone does it, and more than one year. And no one was punished. In extreme cases, I will block your channel for six months - this is the maximum punishment.

Let's calculate with an example how much you can earn

Let's say you have posted 30 videos, on average, each of them is viewed by 30 people a day (not so many, in fact). We get 30 videos x 30 views x 30 days a month = 27,000 views a month.

Approximately this 30 dollars... It seems to be a little. But …… for a year it is already 360 dollars. Work done at a time. And if there are 10 times more views, or you post not 30, but 100 videos. Your income will immediately increase many times (at least 5-10 times). And these are completely different numbers.

To earn a month 100 dollars enough to collect 100,000 views collectively for all your videos. If you are actively communicating on social networks, this will be a piece of cake for you. Like your videos, and then a chain reaction will begin, some of your friends will watch (some of them will also like), then friends of friends, and so on. Yes, one interesting video can collect so many views, not to mention several dozen.

Everyone knows what YouTube (Youtube) is the largest free video hosting service that allows its users to watch, download and comment on various videos.

But how can you make money on youtube, to make a source out of it, and without leaving home - not many people know!

This is a gorgeous example of making money on the Internet, without any material investments - you just need to turn on your brains and sweat a little!

If you are a fan of creating various interesting videos - you shoot videos about animals, nature, extreme sports, create short films that make you think about being - you have a great chance make money on youtube with using google Adsense!

But I immediately warn you that a decent income will come to you only when your video will be viewed by hundreds of thousands of users, and even better by millions.

When your channel gains such frenzied popularity, advertisers themselves will find you, who, in addition, will offer you money for inserting their ad for a couple of seconds at the beginning of your own video.

Well, if you are determined to seriously promote your channel, and you already see how your video will very easily surpass the sensational video "Gangnam Style", then there is no point in reading this article further, it simply will not be useful to you! 🙂

We mentally pat you on the shoulder and say, “Keep it up! May God grant you a healthy man and prosperity for your YouTube channel! "

How do you turn video views on YouTube into money?

Follow these tips.

How to make money on YouTube?

    Initially, you need to shoot your own video (the main thing is that it is interesting, exciting, useful - put yourself in the place of the viewer and think carefully about what can surprise you and cause stunning emotions.

    The video can be filmed both with a professional camera and with a mobile phone.

    Then you register on YouTube, create a personal channel and upload your fresh video there.

    The video will be available in a few minutes.

    Want make money on youtube?

    Then you need to place on the page along with your video advertising from Google, which will generate income - this is Google Adsense. If you hear about it for the first time and even have no idea what kind of miracle it is and what it is eaten with, then stomp on home page Google and check out its rules.

    What did you want?

    At first, not everything is so easy, but then you will reap the benefits while sitting on the couch! 😉

    If you also have a great desire to earn income for watching a video, you will need to place links of your own video on special video exchanges: ZipRar.ru or Metakafe.com - you will be credited with money for every thousand views.

    A huge plus of the first exchange (ZipRar.ru): it is Russian-speaking, you can easily withdraw electronic money starting from one dollar.

    A huge plus of the second exchange (Metakafe.com): this exchange will pay $ 5 per 1000 impressions.

  1. But you can withdraw money only when your video is viewed by 20,000 people, and you also need to understand at least a little English.

To make money on YouTube, you need to properly advertise on your personal video!

    First, create your own Google Adsense account.

    This is the simplest task.

    You only need to CORRECTLY enter your coordinates in English letters (checks are already in the past, now payments are already going to the attached card).

    When you start registering yourself with Google Adsense, you will be prompted for a personal site!

    Don't panic!

    If you don't have your own site - it's even easier!

    You are redirected to the Blogger.com site with a bold gait: register your Google account there and open your personal blog on Blogger.com.

    When you are on Blogger - don't panic!

    You can immediately drop your fears in the sense that you do not understand anything about all this and have not done anything similar - Google will help you.

    It will offer you templates for your blog as well as helpful books on managing them.

  • When you create a personal blog, you will need to upload 2-3 unique articles to it and you can immediately go and register yourself in Google Adsense.
  • Now you can safely connect to Adsense for commercials (videos).

    Then you register your personal YouTube channel, enter it through your Google account.

    And now - start catching your first money.

It is interesting that everything that I have written for you will take no more than 30 minutes in time.

I warn you right away - you will get access to Google Adsense from two days to two weeks - so you will have to wait a bit!

But only then, as soon as you upload your personal video to Youtube and put a tick with the request: "Allow Adsense ads for this video" - you will automatically have Google ads placed at the beginning of your video and it will make a profit.

My advice - don't postpone the idea for later!

After all, if you do not start doing it today, then tomorrow your friend will do it for you, and you will remain sitting at a broken trough.

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Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about making money on YouTube. In order for the article to be as informative as possible for you, I talked with top YouTube bloggers. So, the recommendations below are not tips taken from the ceiling, but proven in practice by many successful video bloggers.

Step by step about making money on YouTube

The scheme for making money on your channel is as follows:

  1. We are looking for an idea;
  2. Recording a video (interesting for people) and experimenting with captions with previews;
  3. We advertise our channel in the promoted channels;
  4. We register in the affiliate program;
  5. We continue to develop the channel and make money.

But that is not all! Below will be step-by-step instruction of how to make money on YouTube and a number of recommendations for creating, maintaining and making money on your channel. I have been looking for all these recommendations from Youtubers on the Internet for a long time and put them together.

Basics of work and monetization

To make money on YouTube, you need to start working on video hosting by registering your account on the youtube website. It is free for all users and does not pose any particular difficulties. The main condition is that you must be over 14 years old (but how this information is checked by the hosting management is not known for certain).

  • Go to YouTube and click in the upper right corner "To come in".
  • On the page that opens, you will be asked enter address Email ... If you have a Google account, then just sign in.
  • If not, then under the mail line, click " Create an account". I will not describe the complete registration process, it's as easy as shelling pears.

The next stage is working on a new channel, filming and uploading original videos. To do this, click in the same place in the right upper corner button " Add a video". Select a video on your computer, it is loaded, and then write its title, preview (description), keywords (tags) etc.

Users submit their ratings using “like” or “dislike” signs. Interesting and informative stories get people to subscribe to your channel, building a loyal audience. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality and content of videos, their musical accompaniment and design.

The last preparatory stage is monetization, which is the basis for generating income on YouTube. For some countries, it is closed, so the user needs to change his place of residence in the settings to the United States. Participation in the video hosting affiliate program, which significantly increases the percentage of profits, is possible only after recruiting a certain number of subscribers and views.

How to make a preview, title and tags

Many YouTubers don't pay attention to tags, but pay a lot of attention to the title and preview.

The title should contain the key phrase by which you want to promote the video. In the description (preview), this phrase should also be. But besides the phrase itself, the preview should have a description that will attract the user to view. Someone may notice that cool YouTubers do not have this description, only a title or an advertising link instead of a description. Yes, there is such a thing. But these people are already promoting due to the fact that they have a lot of subscribers. Their video will rapidly gain thousands of views, because their own active audience will promote the channel. In the meantime, while you're still young and full of optimism, add a preview and do it with your main key phrase.

For example, you made a test drive video Mitsubishi outlander XL:

The title will be “ Test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL", But you can dilute it to make it more interesting "The most honest test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL".

The preview must also contain the phrase Mitsubishi Outlander XL Test Drive but in context. In the preview, you can also add where the test drive was carried out, by what parameters, etc. But do not stretch its description too much.

Example in the screenshot:

Search for key phrases

Now we will look at where to get key phrases to compose titles, previews and tags. After all, you need to know what phrases to promote in order for your video to be searched and viewed. If your key phrases have a small number of views, then such video will be watched little, if it is not viral. There are 2 options here.

First option - Google AdWords Keyword Planner. We pass, we enter under our Google account which you have already registered.

Click on " Search for keywords by phrase»

Then, in the opened window, insert in our case "Mitsubishi Outlander XL", select the country or city that we are targeting and click " Get options«.

And here you see the keywords and the number of their requests per month. These are the ones that you can use to compose titles, previews and tags.

The second way is to look for keywords from competitors;)

Everything is simple here. Browse related videos through a browser Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox... And on the video page, right-click and select “ View page code" or " Source code of the page«.

And in the opened tab with the code, press "Ctrl + F" and in the line that appears, enter "keyword" (without quotes). And you will see this picture with keywords.

Now you know where to look for keywords and phrases for video optimization. If you do everything right, you can quickly start making money on your YouTube channel. Let's move on to another step.

How to promote your YouTube channel from scratch

According to many YouTubers, best advertisement- This is advertising in promoted channels. Therefore, add at least 10-15 videos and start looking for promoted advertising channels. Negotiate with admins and buy advertising. You can buy a link under the video in the description, you can get the author to recommend your channel in the video, etc. Each author has their own ad formats.

Many users looking to generate income from their video views should be aware that the YouTube affiliate program only works on popular channels. To monetize videos, the number of views must start from 1000 per day. This means that you will have to promote your channel and attract visitors. different ways... Here are some of these ways to promote your YouTube channel:

  1. Use annotations... Small buttons with a call to "subscribe to the channel" appear at the final stage of viewing. An effective and simple method can be customized in a dedicated section and used on all video content.
  2. Using the call in the video itself. Call-to-action phrases can be added to the body copy and subtly invite viewers to subscribe to your channel.
  3. Mutual advertising... Many aspiring video bloggers negotiate (or buy) hidden ads from well-known and reputable authors. They will invite their loyal users to pay attention to your channel.
  4. Comments are invitations. Leaving an interesting and non-trivial comment under other people's videos can be an effective way to increase page traffic. This could be a tip, remark, or a short video response.
  5. Personal invitations to sign up. This feature is provided by YouTube. It is limited to 40-50 invitations that you can send to users. Given the limited number, you need to first study the audience, identify potential subscribers by analyzing channels with similar topics.
  6. Use other languages... YouTube has no borders, so viewers from other countries can watch interesting and bright videos. This is a promising sector where the cost per click is slightly higher. You can translate your videos in different ways, or add titles at the bottom.

By constantly developing the channel, you yourself will find the most optimal options that will help you constantly increase your audience and profit.

Getting started monetizing your YouTube channel

Now let's move on to how to make money on YouTube. Active video bloggers have brought out several options for generating income through advertising on their YouTube channels. The most popular and affordable are:

  1. Placement of links to your customer's website in the description of the video. The main condition is the coincidence of the subject matter of the plot and the advertised object, product or service. This can be not only a direct or referral link, but also a "gratitude" to the sponsor for help in creating the video.
  2. The presence of contextual advertising(a special text message that appears at the bottom of the screen when a video is shown). But for this you need to allow it to be displayed in your Google Adsense account, which we will mention separately.
  3. Placement of small commercials before and after showing the main video... Clicks from such ads are quite expensive, but they are paid only if they are viewed for at least 20-30 seconds.
  4. Placing special banner ads on the channel page itself... Here payment can be for one visit to the site or 1000 views of the video itself.
  5. Attracting start-up capital or orders for a specific product. If you have a unique commercial proposal or development, you can shoot several advertising or informational items. Such self-promotion will help to profitably offer the product to potential buyers and receive the first prepaid orders from the channel subscribers.
  6. Join the YouTube Partner Program, which will significantly increase the total amount of income. Such a special program is available for many countries, but requires some effort and effort from the owner of the channel. I will tell you more about this later.

As you can see, you can mainly make money on YouTube for views. YouTube is a unique online resource that provides many opportunities for creative and adventurous people.

Our Mad Joker (interview with whom you will find below) began to monetize the channel with an affiliate program after 300 subscribers. You can start as well or with more. To start channel monetization, the minimum requirements are:

  • At least 50 subscribers;
  • More than 3000 views per month;
  • More than 10 videos on the channel.
  • And also all the rules of the YouTube service itself.

The affiliate program itself is called VSP Group.

With the help of it, you will earn money on your channel. Why VSP Group and not directly from YouTube?

There are many reasons!

  • VSP Group has more loyal requirements;
  • No need to wait for 1000 subscribers;
  • Fast and constant technical support;
  • It is a YouTube Certified Partner;
  • You have all the features of a YouTube premium account;
  • Online statistics for your YouTube channel, including ad revenue data;
  • Education, participation in webinars and trainings;
  • Copyright statement and complete protection of your copyright video content from plagiarism;
  • Channel optimization recommendations
  • And much more.

How much will the affiliate program pay you:

  • 70% of income - up to 500,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month;
  • 75% of income - from 500,000 to 1,000,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month;
  • 80% of income - from 1,000,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month.

Payments will come to you monthly to:

  • Your bank card;
  • Yandex money;
  • WebMoney;
  • PayPal.

To register, go to the affiliate website, submit an application and within 72 hours you will receive an answer by mail. If you have completed all of the above points, then the answer will be yes and you can start making money on your channel.

When your channel has a large following, you will be approached by direct advertisers to advertise on your videos. By that time, you will already be a well-known video blogger and know the price of such an ad. This revenue can account for half or more than half of the total channel revenue.

How to connect Google Adsense to YouTube

All bloggers and channel owners who want to make a good and stable income from their videos must have a Google Adsense account. This is the company's official service for contextual advertising, which works on many applications and sites. It is the only system on the Internet that gives webmasters and video bloggers over 65% of its ad revenue.

Signing up for Google Adsense is straightforward, but it can be tricky:

  1. All data and coordinates are entered only in Latin letters. Especially carefully you need to register the numbers of the cards to which the funds will come.
  2. When registering in the system, you must indicate your site, which not all users have. Alternatively, you can quickly open your blog on blogger.com. If you are a "pioneer" and have no experience, simple and understandable templates, special articles and literature are offered to help.
  3. After solving this problem, you can immediately proceed to registering with Google Adsense. You can get full access and start managing contextual advertising only after checking your account. It can take anywhere from two days to two weeks.

There are other systems that can be used to monetize. But only this official service from Google offers optimal working conditions and security when making payments.

What does earnings on YouTube video hosting depend on?

How do bloggers make money on YouTube? How much can you make on youtube? Many of you are concerned about these questions. If you want to turn your YouTube channel into a profitable business venture, you need to study the factors that affect your income level.

Cash niches

This factor must be taken into account long before creating your channel. From the right choice the level of income depends. The most popular are monetary niches on the topic of finance and business projects, various ways of earning money, lessons in construction and repair work. The female audience prefers master classes in embroidery or knitting, interesting video recipes or the peculiarities of growing indoor plants. Recent topics rarely generate real income. The following are considered relevant:

  • video gameplay of popular games;
  • detailed reviews of new gadgets;
  • various master classes;
  • videos with a comedy plot.

Many future video bloggers try to choose a niche that they know professionally. But income depends entirely on advertising, not on the author's culinary skills. The most expensive advertising is in attractive financial niches, so clicks here can be several times more expensive. If the purpose of the discovery own channel- this is making a profit, you need to carefully study the market requirements and the interest of potential subscribers.

Quality and content of videos

YouTube users are becoming more demanding about the quality of videos and reviews. They choose not only an interesting plot, but also a bright clear picture. Therefore, in creating videos, you should follow the rule of "less, but better".

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the recording of each new video clip or master class:

  • make a plan and think about a clear structure;
  • to think over and work out the text, musical accompaniment;
  • make sure that the recording equipment is in good working order.

This will significantly increase the number of views on your channel. Video hosting statistics and numerous user polls indicate that it is not the quantity that wins, but the quality of clips and reviews.

Selection of SEO keys

The goal of any author is to increase the number of subscribers and return users to the channel. In just one minute, dozens of videos with a total duration of up to 100 minutes are uploaded to YouTube. To keep your videos from getting lost among the new products, you should remember about the relevance.

The video hosting search algorithm uses keywords in the title and description of the video. Well-written tags and SEO keys will help viewers get to your channel. Great importance also matches for users: if the title and content in the video do not match, they are unlikely to become regular viewers.

Regularity of adding clips

When searching for information and new stories, users pay attention to the date the content was added to the channel, giving preference to fresh news. It is the regular and systematic publication of videos that shows that you are actively developing the channel and take care of your subscribers. Do not upload 10 new videos of dubious quality at the same time.

The best option would be to publish the material evenly at intervals of 2-3 times a week in compliance with High Quality pictures and content. Observance of the measure helps the viewers not to get tired of your stories, heats up interest in the next ones.

Total views

This is the most understandable and obvious factor and is easy to measure. It is the number of views that helps to predict the possible profit. An analysis of the videos that aroused the greatest interest will help you navigate future publications and understand the needs of subscribers.

The number of views and the amount of your income are in direct proportion: the more views a video has, the more expensive it becomes contextual advertising to them. When publishing a high-quality and interesting video, you will be able to observe how quickly the number of subscribers is growing, and with it profits.

Ways to monetize content

Monetizing a video means that the creator will receive a certain amount of funds for his views. To do this, you must first connect to Google system Adsense. There are many ways to make a profit on YouTube, some of which we have discussed above. To make a good income, you need to combine different options, constantly analyze the impact of the video and change tactics if necessary.

Advertising quality

You will not be able to influence the contextual advertising that accompanies the video on YouTube channel if you allow it to be shown in the settings. Participation in affiliate programs is of great importance for monetization. This type of advertising involves the inclusion of references to a specific product or service in the show itself. It depends on the author how beautifully and ethically it will be embodied.


YouTube earnings also vary by season and time of year. CPC can differ at the beginning and middle of the year, decreasing at the end of the period. This is due to the devastation of the budget of many advertisers, summing up the results of the companies for the year.

How much can you earn on YouTube?

Everyone wants to make money by uploading videos to YouTube. The question is how much? What numbers are we talking about? Next, I will tell you about this.

The audience of the video hosting YouTube has more than a billion people around the world and brings the creators of the project a huge profit from advertising. If you want to try your hand at video blogging or create unique master classes, you need to know simple mathematics in the distribution of income.

To start making money on YouTube, you need to have an idea of ​​some numbers. For example, the cost of a click on an advertising link costs $ 0.4. If the newly uploaded video has been viewed by 10,000 subscribers and 10 of them clicked on the link, it is easy to calculate the total profit of $ 4, half of which is taken by YouTube. This means that 1,000,000 views can bring you $ 400 in net income. The video works during the entire time of being on the channel and does not require additional investments.

Cost per click starts at $ 0.1 and has no cap. Most video hosting bloggers make in the $ 500-1000 monthly range. Good sums collect videos with millions of views, so you need to be attentive to the content, look for vivid stories.

YouTube as an additional source of income

If you have your own business project on the Internet, you can use YouTube as an effective way to convey the necessary information to your potential clients. Video hosting has a huge audience and that's it more brands, large and small manufacturers use it to find customers. The main effective ways additional earnings I can be:

  1. Attracting traffic to your website using videos... This option is suitable for the promotion and popularization of online stores, travel agencies and even creative projects. You should not shoot a video with a frank and intrusive advertising of a product. Useful product reviews will become more attractive to users, which can help them choose and encourage them to make a purchase. The analysis shows an increase in the level of trust in brands that post a lot of free and open information.
  2. Promotion of a new product or service. An excellent advertising method is suitable for almost any field of activity. Creative individuals can offer excerpts from their performances, present new works, trying to intrigue admirers of talent. An interesting video or master class should unobtrusively invite viewers to purchase full version, take advantage of the novelty or attend a course.
  3. Offer of goods through an affiliate program. This simple method does not require additional investment in goods. You can shoot interesting reviews of the proposed new products in cosmetics, gadgets, or share your impressions of attending trainings. Acting as a third-party expert, you steadily increase your rating, gain popularity and a significant percentage of the sales of the advertised product.
  4. Creation of a show or entertainment channel. Humor and positivity are highly appreciated by video hosting users. If you want to establish yourself as a creative person with potential, you can create your own show. The theme of extreme sports, sports or a healthy lifestyle is used. There are many examples of successful careers after gaining popularity on YouTube. Russian rapper Bakhti, American star Justin Bieber or actor Darren Chris began with their channel.

What content is best to work with?

Using an author's video is a long promotion, but a low percentage of the channel getting banned. It's easy to connect to monetization through Adsense. When working with other people's videos, you can start a project faster due to a well-known name, but there is always a risk of getting banned. In the second option, make a profit using official system Adsense will not be possible. A news channel can become profitable and legal, where videos can be taken from official sources that allow placement.

The most promising niches for work

Analysis of 2015 showed an increased interest in news and humorous channels, gags and video reviews. V recent times the theme of sports is gaining popularity and various sets of exercises, master classes related to construction and repair. If you want to make a high-quality and long-lasting project, it is better to choose the area in which you have great skills and can offer users useful information.

What to do in case of a ban or strikes?

If the ban was illegal, you can safely write to the support service, explaining the situation in detail. Many owners of channels on video hosting believe that no one considers such requests, especially in Russian. YouTube works with many countries, so an answer with an explanation will definitely come.

If the strikes were from a plaintiff who does not have legal rights to the video, a counter-notice should be filed and challenged. In case of a collision of interests with the legal owner of the video, the right option would be to try to negotiate with him and resolve the conflict mutually beneficial.

What mistakes do newbies make when promoting a channel?

In most cases - the irregular addition of videos, unwillingness to correct shortcomings in time, refusal to constantly monitor and analyze your audience. For successful work, every little thing must be thought out: from design to image quality.

Can i click on my video?

This absolutely must not be done, otherwise you risk getting banned from your work account in Google Adsense. This will lead to the blocking of all accumulated income that cannot be withdrawn.

You shouldn't try to cheat the system and try to monetize someone else's content. This threatens with an eternal ban. All new stories added for affiliate programs are checked for authorship and compliance with hosting requirements.

How to develop your channel?

In addition to high-quality video, you need to regularly monitor all statistics, research links and carefully read the comments of subscribers. This will help you navigate which sites bring new viewers to you, which stories are gaining more "likes", and will help to adjust further actions.

And further:

  • Make yourself a video release schedule and stick to it. At least one video per week!
  • Make the entire video and the channel itself a brand. You must have a memorable channel and video. Each video must be copyright in the form of a logo in the corner or a link.
  • Publish only author videos. YouTube doesn't like plagiarism. Moreover, you can be banned from the affiliate program if your videos are stolen.
  • Make your videos interesting and useful. If your videos are useful or just interesting, then the view count will constantly increase.
  • Make your channel a hobby. If your channel is your hobby, then you will have more optimism, your videos will be more lively, etc.
  • Communicate with your subscribers on a regular basis. Respond to comments on your videos. This creates more confidence in you.
  • Use Vkontakte and other social networks. Post your videos and channel links to social media. This gives an even greater impetus to its development.
  • Experiment constantly! This is an important tip. Try different headlines, different advertising methods, talk about your channel to EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE, work on the channel, put your soul into it and the return will not be long in coming.

Interview with the Mad Joker

- Daniel, hello! Tell me something about yourself.

Hey! YouTuber, unemployed.

- Tell us about your channel. How long ago did it appear? What is he talking about? Why did he become so interesting to people?

My channel " Mad Joker"Was created in June this year. The main topic of the channel is Interesting Facts and various TOPs. People are always attracted to something unknown, most likely this has hooked the viewers in my channel, since I often talk about very interesting things.

- How did you come up with the idea to create your own channel and why exactly this topic?

I started watching YouTube almost from its inception, when Russian-speaking video bloggers could be counted on one hand. Since then, I had a dream to create my own channel, which will be watched and which will be interesting to people. Years passed, YouTube changed, many new channels appeared, I stubbornly followed all the trends and Youtubers, gained experience. As a result, my personal channel was created this summer 🙂

- How fast is your channel growing? What is the key to its success?

My channel is growing fast enough, at the moment about 20,000 new subscribers per month. The key to success, I think, is in the videos themselves.

- How do you generally choose topics for your videos?

Choosing a theme is one of the longest process of creating a video, along with editing and dubbing. Since there are a lot of channels like mine on YouTube lately, there are a lot of them, respectively, and so it becomes less and less every day: I can spend hours looking for information for videos, searching various Internet resources, because my main task is not just something then take it off and put it out, but make a really interesting release.

- Do you make money on your channel? If not a secret, how much? And what tools do you use to make money? Is it realistic for a beginner to make money on YouTube?

Yes, the YouTube channel brings its own pretty penny, unfortunately I can't give exact numbers, since every month the income is different. But, for about 1,000,000 views, a person can get about $ 250. This is income from the so-called " YouTube affiliate programs". However, depending on the season, this figure floats. In some months, for a million views, you can get $ 100 from the force. The main ways to make money on YouTube are monetizing videos and external advertising, which the channel's author himself inserts into the video.

Everyone can make money on youtube!

- How do you get more income: from an affiliate program or from advertising in video (direct advertisers)?

Every month is different. Sometimes evenly, sometimes, like this month, more is paid from the affiliate program.

- After how many subscribers did you start to monetize the channel?

At the time of the start of monetization, my channel had about 300 subscribers.

- How did you get so many subscribers? Many people cannot even dial a few thousand, but you already have more than 80,000.

I have quite viral content that is watched by a large number of people. I think this is the case.

- How to promote a YouTube channel in general? What promotion tools do you use?

In the initial stages, I only used ads from others. major channels... In general, a YouTube channel can be promoted in many ways, but the most honest and effective ones are buying ads from large video bloggers and, if you have a lot of money, buying ads on YouTube itself. For those who have no money - optimization of the channel, video titles, previews, etc. However, this method requires a lot of time and experimentation.

- How to correctly spell key phrases / words, headings, etc.? They say that a lot depends on this.

Yes, they say a lot depends on it. But from personal experience I was convinced that keywords are far from being important role in promoting the video.

- How strongly does the title and description of a video affect the number of views?

The description has practically no effect. About 30-50% of a video's success depends on the name.

- How do you feel about promoting videos in social networks, does it benefit? And which social network in your opinion is better?

Any promotion is already good, but in social. networks, especially in large sizes - a huge plus for the development of the channel. The most suitable platform for this is social. a network where a large number of Russian-speaking audience is concentrated. As many have already guessed - this is VK.

- How do you feel about cheating? Did you use it yourself in the initial stages or to this day? And do I even need to use it at the initial stages, while there are no subscribers yet.

I treat cheating rather badly than well. I did not use it myself, but in the first stages it can bring good results. However, this is still prohibited by YouTube itself, and a good promotion will cost you a pretty penny. It is better to buy real advertising with this money.

- What should be the channel for it to become interesting for the advertiser? What are the most important metrics?

In fact, there are some very strange advertisers on Russian YouTube. Sometimes it seems that they themselves do not understand what and how it works here. Some people mistakenly look at the number of subscribers, not realizing that just “digital” will bring nothing. The main factor is the activity of the channel, that is, the ratio of views and subscribers, the number of likes, comments, reposts in social networks, etc.

- Is there any regularity in earnings from the growth of subscribers? Or can a channel with 80,000 subscribers earn as a channel with 200,000 subscribers? What does earnings depend on?

Earnings do not depend on the number of subscribers at all. YouTube pays exclusively for views. Accordingly, a channel with 80,000 subscribers can earn tens of times more than a channel with 200,000.

- What set of programs for recording and editing do you use? What equipment is needed?

Of all the instruments I have, these are a microphone, a pop filter, and a computer. Programs that I use: adobe premiere for editing and adobe photoshop for processing pictures.

- Do you think it is possible for a beginner to create a channel and promote it from scratch? Or experience, money, specials is important here. knowledge, etc.?

All major channel owners were once newbies. It is quite possible to promote a channel from scratch and even without advertising, the main thing is to understand: how YouTube works, which videos are watched, which are not, etc. This can only be done on personal experience or from advanced YouTubers. But, as a rule, it is unrealistic to describe all the nuances. Over time, understanding should come by itself.

- How can a beginner choose the topic of his channel? Chasing trends or does the theme come from the heart?

This is all individual. In my case, it was all together: I wanted to shoot something informative, and just at this time, interesting facts began to gain popularity.

- How to choose the most popular and most paid destination?

The most paid destination is where the majority of the audience is adults. The most popular is something entertaining and not particularly stressful.

- What prospects do you see in front of you in the development of your channel? Are you going to expand it or are you planning more channels?

YouTube is a constantly boiling mess that changes and moves up every day, so designing your future is quite problematic. In any case - I will adjust to the situation and try to stay afloat. There are also plans to open new channels with completely different topics.

- And finally, by tradition, give some advice to those who want to create and swing their channel and make money on it.

Advice is, of course, everything is good, but without practice you will never budge. Therefore, if you have a desire to create your own channel - do it, experiment, develop your content and you will succeed 🙂

This interview turned out to be so interesting! The conclusion can be drawn as follows.

So that is all! Now you know how to make money on YouTube. Thank you for the attention. I look forward to your comments.

Millions of users watch YouTube videos every day. And naturally, this becomes an excellent motivation for many companies to place their ads on the service. And where there is advertising, you can always make money. Start and you will receive a steady income from your own YouTube channel! Do not think that only experienced Internet users can do this - even a beginner can take his "niche" here. There are many examples proving that it is quite possible to get good funds here. How to make money on YouTube from scratch for a beginner?

YouTube is a site where Internet users can post and watch videos. There are a lot of "private" video channels of various directions - their owners share reviews and opinions, post interesting videos from their lives. The site, just a couple of years after its appearance on the Internet, has become a place where you can make quick money.

There are quite a few ways to make money on YouTube. Choose the one that suits you - read the opinions and reviews of already experienced video bloggers, weigh your capabilities. Today even a schoolchild can “make” a popular channel on this site. Almost all options are reduced to interactions with advertisers - this method has become "universal".

How to start making money?

The work of the service is not difficult - it's not for nothing that YouTube is so popular to track Internet users. Intuitive interface, "non-annoying" design, comfortable work with the search for materials - this is why the site is so valued. So what should a newbie do?

The goal that you need to set for yourself is to make the channel on YouTube popular. The more loyal "fans" you attract to your blog, the more profit you will receive in the future. It can take quite a long time to develop a video channel.

If you don't have your own video hosting channel yet, register an account. Registration on the site will not cause any difficulties - enter your email address (you need a mail on Google), the name of the video blog, information about yourself. Now you can start working.

To make money on YouTube on your channel, you first need to choose the direction to which you will devote your "brainchild". The topic of the video blog is of great importance - only in-demand niches will attract a large audience to the channel, which is what is required to make further profit! Can't decide? "Look" the idea from successful bloggers - if their stories are watched by millions of users, then the topic of the audience is very interesting. But it is better to choose niches that are well known to you - it will be much easier to work, and most importantly, more interesting. Let's designate popular topics that will help you make money through YouTube by posting videos:

  • Reviews. You can browse any purchases, games and films - this is one of the most popular topics among users. No wonder - before buying something or watching a new movie, people often look for useful information on the Internet. Videos dedicated to reviews of technology and electronics are well "diverged" - a great way to make money with YouTube! But the channel owner may have difficulties here - you cannot buy yourself a new gadget or phone every month in order to regularly upload interesting reviews. In this regard, the promoted bloggers have no problems - manufacturers themselves offer them goods for qualitative review... But it is possible for beginners to work on YouTube in this direction - review games or films, books.
  • Master classes. Many "professional" needlewomen or craftsmen have their own video blog, where they talk about the subtleties of making certain things, about various technologies (construction, repair). If you also consider yourself a pro in any business, share your knowledge with other Internet users - great money on YouTube videos! As practice shows, this niche will require more painstaking work on the blog - only a small number of users subscribe to such channels, while the majority comes from search engines.
  • Lettersplays. This is a video walkthrough of the games. A very popular segment - choose this direction if you often play computer games... Users on your channel will find solutions in the intricate plots of games, and you can make good money on the Internet on YouTube.
  • Entertaining videos. Not everyone comes to Youtube in search of educational and review videos - many here just "relax" watching funny mini-films. If you know how to "cut" video, making up funny stories, be sure to try yourself in this direction. You cannot even imagine how many "likes" a funny video with animals or babies can get - there are many cases when regular user who posted a short video became a “millionaire” in a couple of weeks.

How to create a YouTube channel and earn money? When your personal video blog is created and its theme is chosen, take care of its design. The service offers many different backgrounds for accounts, but you can use your own designs as well. Make sure that your channel attracts users not only with video content, but also with a pleasant interface.

Now you can start posting thematic videos on your blog. Remember the main rule - no matter what methods of making money on YouTube you choose, you will gain more subscribers only on condition of high-quality content! Moreover, it must be unique - taken with your own hand. And even without a camera, you can shoot a video - use your smartphone or webcam from a computer or laptop. In the future, if your channel becomes really popular, you can purchase more serious equipment - this way you can shoot high-quality videos.

To make money on the Internet on YouTube higher due to more views, before posting content on the site, process the video in special programs- edit, add sound or special effects, add text. Here you can use the following tools - Adobe Premiere Pro, SonyVegas, Camtasia Studio... Be sure to rate your work - users should like the "picture". Please note that the audio files used, as well as the video itself, should not violate copyright - use the music that is hosted in the free Youtube music library.

To post video content to your personal blog, click at the top of the page "Add video". Here you need to specify the name of the video and its description, prescribe keywords (phrases for which users will search for the desired story), insert an image for the preview.

Making money on YouTube with Google Adsense is the most effective way. In this case, the service itself pays you money. The “technology” of making a profit is simple - you enable the monetization function in your personal account, and thematic contextual advertising from the search engine will be displayed on your videos.

The opportunity to monetize your video blog appears only after a certain number of video views has been set. How many YouTube subscribers do you need to make money with Google Adsense? More than 500 readers. Then the system will pay you $ 1-5 for every thousand views of the video. If you have a lot of followers following updates, you will receive consistently high income.

In this way, it is very easy to make money on advertising on YouTube. But you will receive good income only with a large number of views, since the system pays money only for clicks on advertising. Do not expect that there will be a lot of these clicks - especially when you consider that many of them have anti-advertising permissions installed on their computers.

Earnings with affiliate programs

You can make money on YouTube on your videos by starting a "partnership" with Google certified affiliate programs. The main advantage of this option for generating income is the lower cost of user clicks (aggregators take more than half of the profits for themselves). But there is also one important advantage - you can start monetizing the site with 200 views of a video.

Many programs for making money on YouTube from scratch allow you to start earning stable income - the most popular among users are YouPartnerWSP and VSP Group services.

The instructions for making money are simple - you register in an affiliate program and thematic advertising from companies that also cooperate with this aggregator will be reflected on your videos.

Considering that partnership programs They "take" themselves a significant percentage of the commission, working with them with a large number of subscribers will be completely unprofitable - it is better then to make money on advertising with Google Adsense.

Earnings on direct advertising

Direct advertisers can also pay money for watching videos on YouTube. This is a great way to earn money for those video bloggers who maintain narrowly focused pages on the service. In this way, mostly bloggers with a population of one million make money - large companies themselves go to them to "ask" them to advertise their goods or services or place a link to a specific site in the video. There is another option for mutually beneficial cooperation between the owner of a popular account and the advertiser - the company gives that product for free (it can even be a large Appliances) so that a full-fledged video review appears on the product.

Is it realistic to start making money on YouTube without investments in this case? It is unlikely - in order to promote an account to the "state" when large customers will contact you, you will certainly have to first invest in its promotion.

Earnings on paid subscriptions

Do channel owners make money on YouTube by offering their readers paid video content? You can also enable this function on the website. But our people are not accustomed to pay for getting even high-quality videos - a big profit is definitely not necessary for a common man in the street! This option is often chosen by private companies that offer users valuable video materials (usually of educational nature).

But in the English-speaking segment, the way to make money on the registration of paid video subscriptions is quite popular. Perhaps it will take root in Russia someday.

Earnings on simple tasks

Is it possible for a student to earn money on YouTube? Yes, there is one good option - to perform simple tasks on third-party sites. They are designed to work on many social networks, including video hosting. You register in the system and perform simple tasks for which money is credited to your account.

You won't be able to make much money by watching YouTube videos, subscribing to channels, reposts and "likes"! It is better to spend a little time promoting your account and start earning income through advertising.

How to make more money on Youtube?

Considering how small the earnings are from watching videos on YouTube, make every effort to promote your own video channel! The more subscribers and video views you have, the more more money you will get paid for placing ads in your account.

Earnings on the YouTube site for viewing videos by users from channel owners vary. For bloggers-millionaire their "brainchild" becomes a constant source of income. On ad placement, taking into account the cost of clicks on commercial links, they receive at least $ 10,000 monthly.

It can take a long time to promote a channel. But it is quite possible to recoup all labor costs and financial investments with high profits in the future. How do you make money on YouTube for watching videos on the channel? Let's outline some small tricks that will help to attract users to the video channel:

  • Attract subscribers from search engines - if they like your stories, they will stay on the page longer and subscribe to updates. To do this, sharpen the name for specific videos for key queries - analyze Yandex statistics and
  • You won't be able to make money on YouTube on other people's videos! Post only unique videos that will be of interest to a specific circle of users.
  • “Copy” videos posted on your channel to personal pages in social networks - your friends and friends of friends will repost interesting video content to their pages. It is likely that a particular story will thus spread all over the Internet, adding to the number of views. For these purposes, you can use not only social media accounts, but also personal blogs and websites. The main thing here is that the video should be “on the topic”.
  • In each video, encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. This simple "technique" works great! But given that not everyone watches the video to the end, it is better to place this call somewhere at the beginning of the plot.
  • Send personal invitations to subscribe to video hosting users. This method is rather boring, but, as practice shows, it allows attracting over 300 subscribers to the channel in a month. According to the rules of the service, you can send no more than 50 such invitations per day - do not overdo it in this matter.
  • You can get subscribers using special services - you pay for the fact that users become subscribers to updates. By the way, this is how schoolchildren have the opportunity to make money on likes on YouTube.
  • Do not forget about mutual advertising - find channels similar in topic and agree with their owners on mutually beneficial cooperation (he advertises you, and you advertises him). You don't have to invest money here.
  • Many bloggers in order to increase the number of views come up with their own "enticements" - arrange contests or take "orders" to shoot reviews of certain goods. For example, Katya Klep (a well-known video blogger) on her channel once performed an online “task” from her fans - she ate marshmallows, saying some words with her mouth full.

Making money on YouTube by watching videos is futile. Therefore, all your efforts should be thrown into the promotion of your channel if you decide to devote yourself to filming thematic videos. Constantly develop your account by regularly adding interesting video content. If the channel is profitable enough, do not skimp on the purchase of quality equipment for filming new scenes. It does not hurt to thoroughly study the programs for video editing - this way you will make your work truly high-quality.

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